
Her legs began to carry her from the bench, until Mr. Thompson's voice called out. "You aren't special, you are extraordinary! I really am sorry Shannon...I'm so sorry for all of this."

As if the sky was watching their stories and feeling their pain, it started to weep down upon them, drenching them in frozen tears, as both teacher and student faced each other.

Mr. Thompson hated the look of hurt in her eyes, it was more heart breakingly beautiful than he was ready for.

The rain poured in sheets, wetting her thick hair, so that it clung to her shoulders, drops mixing with her own tears and yet she still looked breathtaking.

Shannon tried to stop crying, she didn't want him to see it. She was done with crying, done with feeling guilty, but mostly, she was done trying to ignore how her heart pounded when she saw the way the water made his black shirt cling to his muscles. He was like a model clipped out from a magazine and made real for her.

"How can I stay away from you, when you are all I think about?" She breathed, as his body moved against his will, arms extending to her.

Shannon felt something inside her snap and suddenly she was running towards him, boots slushing in the mud.

She leapt into his arms, lips finding his. The rain poured down on them both, hiding them from any who might see, but even if they could, it didn't matter. They weren't in control anymore.

"Shannon. My Shannon." He whispered, as her lips found his once more.

They stumbled a few steps, before he slipped on the grass, causing both of them to fall into the sloshing mud, but it didn't stop their constant grabbing, pulling, kissing.

Shannon gasped at the heat which radiated between them, versus the cold from the constantly pouring rain, her senses flaring into overdrive.

Suddenly every part of her was on fire, more sensitive than she thought possible. When those artistic hands slid up and down her waist, she had to bite back a pleased yelp, her body moving of its own accord.

"Chris, don't stop. Don't ever stop." She spoke in a husky voice, which didn't even sound like her own.

Mr. Thompson abandoned his glasses, since the rain had created a curtain of raindrops and he refused to have anything blocking his view of the radiant creature before him.

Her fingers gripped his shirt so hard it started to rip in certain places and Chris growled, grabbing her hand and pulling her to a place of privacy.

Shannon's head was swimming. She barely realized they were walking, until Mr. Thompson pulled open a door for what looked like toolshed.

They escaped inside, slamming the door behind them, until all they heard was the rain pounding on the roof and their hearts beating in rhythm with each other.

Mr. Thompson grabbed her arms and pulled her close, panting, as she reached up and gripped his shirt once more.

With hardly any effort, she pulled the piece of fabric off, revealing the toned muscles she knew he'd have. Mr. Thompson wasn't a bodybuilder, he was wonderfully lean and toned, as a man should have been.

Her heart pounded, when he reached to the buttons of her shirt and masterfully undid them so that her blouse slid off much too easily, considering it was caked with mud.

Shannon gasped, when his hands went to the delicate clasp holding her bra shut, his electric eyes meeting hers. "Is this, all right?"

Her throat felt too dry to answer and she wasn't sure she even could if she tried. So, all she did was nod and that was enough for him to undo it and peel the clothing away, revealing his prize.

The look in his eyes made her knees shake, he seemed intoxicated by the sight of her body alone and he pulled close so that her breasts pressed against his naked chest, his lips finding her ear. "You are exquisite."

Between the warmth of his breath and the words he spoke, Shannon felt as if her entire body would melt into the warmth of the angel before her. Her blessed angel of music, so handsome, it was almost painful not to have his arms around her, his lips on her skin.

She closed her eyes, as he kissed down her neck, sucking and licking her collarbones with small, tantalizing strokes, each sending a wave of electricity through her veins, straight into the sensual warmth of her lower stomach.

Her nails dug into his back, creating a blissful pain he thoroughly enjoyed and he let out a pleased moan, as her warm scent filled his senses and his body reacted in the way any man would. "Shannon, I want you."