Stay Away

Her words struck him through the chest, as if she had punched the air out of him. "Shannon."

"Shut up and kiss me." She leapt from the door frame into his arms.

He felt her body press against his and even though she was dirty, wet and cold, Mr. Thompson wasn't sure if he'd ever seen her look more beautiful, than she did in that moment.

Her lips found his and her kiss was a fiery whip of passion, coursing through his veins. He picked her up by her hips; her young, toned legs wrapping around his waist, as he kicked the door closed leaving them in the darkness.

The rain pounded outside, casting dark shadows into the room.

Mr. Thompson walked Shannon deeper in, both of them falling down into the soft bed with a thump. Neither letting go of each other, as she kissed a soft trail up and down his collar bone.

He nibbled and licked the curve of her neck, perking up pleased goosebumps, all the way down to her feet.

He smelt like he'd just stepped out of the shower; fresh, clean, his dark hair wet and dripping enticing water drops onto her chest, which only seemed to heighten her pleasure.

She let go of his shoulders and moved her hands down to her jeans, where the clasp begged to be released.

Chris stopped kissing her, his eyes appearing intoxicated by her as her breathed. "What are you doing?"

She felt a warm blush spread across her already heated skin. "I've made up my mind, Chris. I want you to be my first."

There was silence as the couple stared each other down in the dimly lit room; rain drops casting shadows against both of their faces.

Shannon's chest was heaving up and down with suppressed excitement. This was what she wanted, what she secretly dreamed of since the moment she first laid eyes on the impossibly handsome face above her.

He was so easy to love; unmistakable manliness mixed with artistic beauty and all-consuming passion, that leaked from everything within him.

When she thought about how no man had made her heart pound with such intensity as Chris, it was impossible not to already know that she would be here.

Chris heard her statement resonate through his mind and her words alone were enough to send him off the edge.

Yes, he wanted her, there was no way to describe how much he wanted her.

He ran his fingers through her flaming hair, which sprawled so fully on the white pillows, almost like it was strategically placed to captivate him.

Her emerald eyes shone even in almost complete darkness, though maybe that was the passion dripping within them.

He caressed her face and became lost in those eyes, which showed him what kind of woman she was; sweet, warm, undeniably innocent, but possessing that hidden wilderness which ensnared him like an animal.

"Be my first Chris. I want this. I want you. I love you." Those words meant so much and Chris wouldn't deny how much his heart desired to hear her say them.

Unknowingly, his hands traveled down her swan like neck and caressed her slender waist, which so called to the man in him.

He wanted to taste her, feel her body move with his, smell her essence in its fullness.

He'd dreamed of her, desired her, needed her, but just as his lips were about to suck at her firm breasts, he hesitated. "You need to get out of here, Shannon."

Her eyes shot open and turned to the man, who was still straddling her though struggling not to look at her. "Chris? What's wrong?"

His entire body shook, as he tried desperately to rein in the growing area of his manhood.

He couldn't do this, not to her, he couldn't ruin her like this with his darkness.

If he didn't look at her, see the desire in her eyes, then he could stay strong.

Shannon perched up on her elbows. "I don't understand. Don't you want this, too? I thought you did. You told me that you wouldn't push me to do anything I didn't want to, but I want this. I want you."

Chris clenched his eyes shut, as she gently trailed her nails up his arms and down his bare chest, where sweat was forming.

She wasn't making this easy.


His words sounded pathetic even to himself.

He didn't want her to stop, he wanted her to kiss and moan and writhe beneath him. He wanted to share that moment of complete bliss and hear her scream his name. But mostly he just wanted her to love him, as much as he loved her.

Shannon sat up slightly and hooked her arms around his neck, breathing softly into his ear, sending warm shivers down his body. "Take me Chris. Make love to me."

This sensation caused him to gasp involuntarily, as his body visibly shook with effort. "Damn it, Shannon."

She nibbled on his ear, taking in his flesh with her tongue, causing him to moan with pleasure. "Don't you want me?"

It was in that moment, he summoned up every last ounce of strength he had and broke away from her, pushing out and sending her against the pillows once more.

Chris stood up and paced back and forth across the small dorm room, his heart and manhood pounding.

Shannon looked to him with tears in her eyes. "I don't understand. What did I do wrong?"

He ran his fingers through his dark hair, swearing under his breath. His hands found his shirt and he slid it back on. "It's not just you. We can't do this. I won't do this."

Shannon curled her legs up and stared at him. "What are you doing?"

He finally stopped pacing and turned away from her, clutching his hands against the wall. "What I should have done from the beginning. The second we return home, I'm going to turn in my resignation. I'm leaving Myrtle Shores and with God as my witness, I will never look back."

His words struck Shannon like poison dipped daggers. "Wh... what?"

She sat up fully and felt her heart ache. "Why are you saying these things? What changed from a few hours ago when you wanted to take me for me? Is it because I gave in?"


"Is it because the chase is over?"

He began to pant. "No."

"Because I finally decided to have sex with you? No more challenge, right? Is that all I am to you?! A school girl fantasy come to life?!"

Chris whipped around. "NO!"

"Then what Chris? What is it that will make you choose to go back to someone who degrades you over me who adores you? What sudden thing has made her so unbearably attractive, that you are finished with your little romance?! What has she done that I..."

"She's pregnant Shannon! Julie is pregnant. I'm going to be a father."

Shannon's eyes widened.

His words circled around her with deathly sincerity.

She pictured his wife, with her cold gaze and model like face, holding an infant, with Chris's arms around them both. They looked like they belonged in a magazine for Stepford Wives.

It was too perfect, too plastic and shiny; it made her stomach turn.

Chris's hands shook as he watched her process the information. "So, you see? I never knew my father. He left when I was a baby and I refuse to do the same to my own child. If I'm not strong enough be the best husband in the world, then I damn well will be the best father.

I'm sorry Shannon, I'm so sorry, but I mean it this time. It's over. It was a beautiful dream and I can't begin to imagine what my selfishness has done to you, but if you respect me at all, then you will stay away. Do you understand?"

Shannon wanted to run, anything to escape the frigid look in his once exciting eyes, but her legs felt numb, her body freezing with the painful sting of rejection.

Her fingers grasped and released the sheets rhythmically, her eyes searching the room for everything and nothing at the same time. Was it all just a dream, was that how he saw it? Could he really just go on like she didn't exist?

"Shannon?" He asked, his voice unsure.

She stayed staring at the floor when the question, that sounded just as broken as she felt, escaped without her permission. It was from a song she loved to play, but never fully understood it until now.

Her eyes caught him, as she asked, with two betraying tears rolling down her face. "Did I make it that easy to walk in and out of my life?"

All he wanted was to touch her, to reach out and tell her how much he loved her, but Chris knew that if he did then he would never let go. It was time to be cruel to be kind.

He'd tried before, but this time he meant what he said, even if it killed him to do it. "You need to leave. We will finish out the concert and return home. Please try to rein in your emotions, so as not to arouse suspicion. That way we can both go on living our lives like this never happened."

Shannon swallowed the sob which threatened to escape her aching heart. "Chris, don't you love me anymore?"

This was it; he knew exactly what to say.

It felt bitter on his tongue and he knew that this final blow would break her, but it would save her as well.

He did love her, he loved her more than he loved anything else in his life and that was exactly why he needed to say the words, that burned like embers in his throat. "I never did."