The Final Coda

Later that night, all four girls dressed in their robes, music sheets in hand, waiting for the order to proceed onto the stage.

Though Shannon still felt as if her body was infused with anesthetic, she managed to place one foot in front of the other and follow the girl in front of her to her spot.

When the clapping stopped, a single note cut through the air like a bell, signaling to the rest of the choir to start.

With one combined breath, they inhaled and produced the hard-pressed harmonies, they had practiced relentlessly.

Shannon kept to her part, when her eyes scanned the crowd of enchanted faces all staring at the choir of about fifteen with true wonder.

They did sound impeccable and if it weren't for the ice in her soul, Shannon would have probably been swept away in the sound herself.

When the melody reached its climax, Shannon's eyes connected with the gaze of the man sitting in the teacher's section. He looked as tired as she felt and the question of whether either of them slept, seemed moot.

She tried not to hold his gaze, instead choosing to look away at the last moment, the barest flicker of emotion clutching her heart once more.

When the concert ended, her conductor received a lovely bouquet of roses, which she accepted with the first smile Shannon had ever seen breech her stone appearance.

The audience roared with applause and Shannon was surprised how long it lasted. This must be what a rock star felt and she wished she were in the right frame of mind to enjoy it.

The next day, all four girls packed up their bags and found themselves on the rickety bus once more.

Shannon chose a seat in the back, with Iris resting quietly on her shoulder. Maya tapped out a beat with her finger tips, hidden beneath a gray hoodie. Alexia flipped through a book she should have read a few weeks ago for English, but knowing her, she would probably ace the test without trying.

Shannon tried not to look, begged her eyes to just be cooperative for once, but without her permission they would drift over to the man who stared out the window.

His glasses caught the light when they traveled down the coast, his artistic fingers flexing and relaxing every now and again, but not once did he draw his eyes away from the outside world.

So that's how it would be between them?

Shannon felt her heart pinch and turned her eyes to the opposite window.



The rest of the school year went by in a blur, the days blending together, until Shannon found herself standing in the wall length mirror, adjusting her graduation cap.

Beneath it, her hair was curled into soft ringlets and sprayed to death by the fussing hands of her mother.

She took another look at herself, trying to find the best angle, before a deep voice stated. "You look lovely. It's hard to believe you've grown up so quickly."

"Thanks Dad." She said, as the cap fell into her face again.

He smiled and brushed a calloused hand down her face. "We're so proud of you and college is just around the corner. I don't know what we'll do without our angel girl in the house."

Shannon shrugged and nuzzled into his palm. "I'm sure you and Mom will do fine without me. You've got Leo and who knows? Maybe Mom will finally crack and let you have that RV, you've always wanted?"

She turned to pick up her purse and fiddled around for her keys.

"Hey Shannon? There's something I need to ask you." Her father's normally uplifting voice sounded more serious than she was used to hearing.

Her jade eyes scanned his, as he placed his hands on her shoulders, his expression somehow older than he seemed. "Are you happy, baby?"

Shannon's mind raced with all the possibility of what he was asking. She'd worked so hard on hiding her secret, but it was wearing with each passing day.

Though it took a fraction of a second longer than it should, Shannon assumed the carefree expression, she'd created whenever somebody asked her that.

An easy smile came to her face. "Yes Daddy. I'm very happy."

He watched her for a few more seconds, trying to understand why she didn't feel like his little girl anymore.

There was a coldness in her eyes.

"You know your old dad is always here for you, right? Just a phone call away. No matter what it is."

She slid her arms around the back of his neck and hugged him, inhaling the scent of leather and security. "I know."

He patted her back. "Well, you better get going. We'll celebrate tonight, okay?"

"Sounds great."

Shannon slid out the door and into her car, trying to hold back the desire to run back inside and spill her guts to her father. This wasn't the day for such conversations, she just wanted them to be proud and smiling. She'd handle the rest.

The wind was uncommonly warm for the small coastal town and Shannon welcomed the salt air in through her window. It cleared her thoughts and focused her steps, as she pulled into the school parking lot.

Had it really been three months since the concert? It seemed as if her life was rushing forward and she was chasing behind it, desperate to catch up.

Nothing felt right anymore.

The dressing room thundered with excited voices and the scent of fifteen different types of perfume wafted out the door, like a toxic cloud.

Shannon waved a hand in front of her face to try and deter it from infecting her nose, before walking to her gym locker, to put away her purse. It still stuck at the lock and that made her feel nostalgic.

Funny how badly she wanted to escape this place, but now, with the realization she was leaving, it drifted around her like a friendly ghost.

A sharp cheer broke her thoughts, when the small pixie pounced and held tightly to her waist, almost knocking her over. "Shaaannoooooon!"

"Iris! Air would be nice."

Iris bounced up and down a few times. "I am so excited! We are leaving this place, you and me! I am getting my diploma after all!"

Shannon nuzzled her purse into her locker. "Was there any question, you wouldn't?"

Iris released her waist and took on her best stuffy voice. "Ms. Edwards if you don't stop with your shenanigans, I will be forced to strip you of your diploma, how does that sound young lady?"

She smiled at the not-too-far-off-impression of the superintendent's voice.

Iris assumed her regular tone. "But I chose to remind them that if they did that, then I would legally be held back and that means they would have to deal with me for a whole 'nother year! That seemed to change their tune."

With a trill of giggles, Iris adjusted her cap, decorated with a skull and cross bones, and left to mingle.

The ceremony went by without a hitch, Shannon begging herself not to trip over her gown when she received her diploma.

Iris managed to get the entire gym into an uproar, when she did a cartwheel with her diploma in hand, forgetting she was wearing a skirt underneath her gown.

They definitely wouldn't be inviting her back, any time soon.

One by one, her classmates were called and graduated, faces she'd known and watched grow from tots to teens, starting their new lives.

Even though she said she wouldn't miss them, a part of her knew she would.

Graduation was a funny thing.

Shannon's parents looked so proud, as she stood for the series of pictures and greeted her teachers with buckets of praise.

Through all of it, there was one face missing from the faculty and Shannon was surprised how much it pained her, that he didn't even show up.

When the ceremony ended, all the girls chatted away in the dressing room about after-graduation parties happening that night.

Their chatter called to mind, the image of clucking hens, worked up for a rooster.

Shannon took off her gown and smoothed down her dress. The thought of spending the night in a booze and sex-riddled party just didn't appeal to her.

She snuck out the back door and rested her head against the outside wall, with a sigh.

The orange sun set over the blue horizon, sending hues of purple, blue and deep red through the sky. She inhaled the scent of salt, the feeling of the warm wind against her skin.

These were the things of home, something that couldn't be found anywhere else.

Her life was a blessed one. No doubt about it.

"Congratulations, Shannon."

The voice sent a wave of tingles down her spine. She hadn't heard it say her name in three months.

Turning her head to the side, she laid eyes on the man in the black suit, with stylish glasses and eyes that made her melt and freeze at the same time.

Mr. Thompson stood straight, the setting sun casting a fiery hue around him. Whether that was Heaven's light or Hell fire, remained to be seen.

Shannon tried to keep her calm tone, brushing back one of her ringlets behind her ear. "Thank you."

He slid a hand into his pocket, the other rubbing the back of his neck. Shannon swallowed the feeling of anxiety deep down into her stomach.

Neither knew how to break the silence.

Shannon decided to try. "I didn't know you were here. I didn't see you in the teacher's section."

He nodded, flexing his hands a few times. "I've been busy packing, I came a little late. Julie and I will be gone the day after tomorrow, so there was a lot of work to do, but I wanted to come see the graduation and to say goodbye."

Shannon shifted from one foot to another, her high heels feeling very heavy. "Goodbye to who? I thought you and I said all we needed at the concert."

He sighed and pushed up his glasses. "I know it seems unfair and crazy, but you and I will never work. I seriously debated not coming, just fading away like a ghost, but there was something I wanted you to know."

Her eyes caught his.

The fiery light didn't help in making him seem less attractive, he looked divine; like a dark angel sent to tempt her. Shannon cursed herself for focusing on that, but she wanted to remember him this way.

This strikingly handsome, wonderfully tragic man, who stole her heart and set it ablaze.

He brushed a hand through her hair. "I know I hurt you and nothing I say will atone for my actions, but I want you to live your life with no regrets. You're worth more than any man will deserve and the one who finally holds your heart, will be the luckiest guy in the world."

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

His thumb trailed along the sensitive skin of her cheek. "Though I regret my actions, I have not for a single moment regretted meeting you Shannon O' Ryan. You made my world ignite with a passion I thought was long forgotten and for that, I thank you. But it's time for me to let you go. Go seize your future and take the world by storm. It's what you deserve, not the chaos that's my life."

Shannon felt her heart threatening to shatter, as she fought to regain her control. "This is the last time I'll ever see you, isn't it?"

His electric blue eyes scanned her face. "Yes, there's nothing left to see. I know this is selfish of me, but If it's all the same to you, do you think you could smile for me? I want to remember the way you look right now, so I can memorize it by heart."

Though smiling was the last thing on her mind, Shannon did. She gave him her joy, her peace and he framed it with his hands. "There. Perfect."

That made her smile for real, a soft, breathy chuckle escaping her lips.

Chis sighed at the beauty of her expression. "Is there anything you want me to do? So you can remember me?"

Shannon stepped forward and ran her fingers through his dark hair. "No, I already know you by heart."

He slipped his arms around her and held her close for the last time, savoring the way she felt in them.

In that moment he was no longer a teacher and she wasn't a student. They were just two people, who were saying a final good-bye and nothing more.

Shannon clutched his back and hid her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of his aftershave, the warmth of his arms.

Chis kissed the top of her head. "Someone is waiting for you."

She looked up at his face and followed his eyes behind her.

Brandon was walking up to the girl's locker room, no doubt waiting for her to come out, so he could speak with her.

Shannon smiled at his nervous stance and looked back at Chris, who caressed her face, one last time. "Goodbye, Shannon."

And with those final, heartbreaking words, he nodded to her and turned to walk away.

Shannon stood, clutching her hands to her chest, where her heart cracked, like the frozen river within.

Her eyes memorized his posture; his strong shoulders, his easy stride, as the man who had been her fantasy, brought to life, turned the corner and walked out of her life.


When a wave of horrified screams sounded from the locker room, Shannon jumped and found Brandon being pushed out the back door.

She ran over to him, black heels clicking with each step. "What are you doing?!"

His chocolate eyes shone with mischief. "Trying to catch a peek?"

She smacked him in the arm, causing his black cap to slide forward.

He held his bicep and laughed. "I'm just kidding! Jeez, good arm, Rock Star. I was looking for you because I wanted to give you something before the ceremony started, but I was a little late. Remember this?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the shell, they found on the beach, so many months ago.

He'd smoothed the blue-and-white-swirled-shell down, until it was a in the shape of a perfect heart and polished it, so it glowed in the setting sunlight.

He also drilled a tiny hole and slipped a chain through it, before presenting it to her.

Shannon took it in her hands, marveling at the craftsmanship, he put into it. "Oh Brandon, it's beautiful."

He smiled sheepishly. "That's not all, look on the back."

Her green eyes scanned the smooth surface, where he'd carved in the back of the heart. "Remember where your heart belongs"

She glanced up to him and an image of Chris walking away flashed before her eyes. "I don't even know where that is anymore."

Brandon's sunshine smile faded into an uncommonly serious expression.

He stepped forward and took her hand. "It belongs with the people who love you."

Shannon looked from the heart into his eyes and found herself marveling at how deep they were.

His tan skin smelled like the forest after a fresh rain and yet still held the warmth of a beach day.

His familiar arms wrapped around her. "I want to see you happy again, Shannon. I want you to laugh and sing and scold me when I don't do my homework. I don't know what happened at that concert, but you haven't been the same since. I want to see you smile, because when you do, it's like electricity runs through my veins and I can't get enough. I... I love you Shannon, I always have."

His words hit her with such force, that she felt like she was ice and he was a burst of light, straight into her soul.

With Brandon, she wasn't dirty or hidden away in the darkness. She wasn't his secret.

She was free to smile, to laugh, to shout to the world if she wanted.

She was free to be who she wanted to be in his arms, and they held her tightly to himself, as if he were worried she'd fade away.

"I don't know if you still want to love me, Brandon. I feel like I'm broken." The words weren't what she wanted to tell him, but she felt he should know.

She was so tired of keeping secrets, tired of hiding in the shadows; it was time she stepped into the light.

Brandon looked down at her, running a gentle hand down her face. "I can fix it, if you'll let me?"

Shannon felt her heart pound, as fresh tears melted down her face, at the sweetness of his words.

Without her permission and quicker than she intended, Shannon's arms locked around the back of his neck, when her lips rose up to meet the one, who had always been there for her.

As she kissed him, she felt warmth like a summer sun burst through her, melting the ice that was her existence and filling her up with the happiness, she hadn't felt for months.

When they stopped, Brandon whooped, reaching down to pick her up and spin her about a few times, laughing his big laugh.

For the first time, since she could remember, she laughed right along with him.

The End.