Luciela of the South(18+)

Naruto stood by the bed Jean lie within. The soon-to-be mother of his child was still unconscious as he petted her forehead lovingly.

Eliza stared at her sleeping captain with concern. "Is she going to be alright?" she asked the blond. They needed her awake to lead them in the next battle.

"Yeah," Naruto sighed. "She's just suffering from a bit of shock… To be fair, it's not too surprising, considering what I told her."

Natalie looked at him with narrowed eyes. "And what did you tell her?"

Naruto chuckled, unable to keep the satisfaction off his face. "She's pregnant… with my child."

None of the four women could believe what they'd just heard.

"I-impossible!" Natalie shrieked. "The procedure to make us hybrids leaves us sterile!"

Apparently, Jean didn't know that…

"Healing her stigma was impossible," Naruto pointed out. "That didn't stop me, either… I guess I unknowingly fixed that, too, in the process?" He shrugged. "I dunno…"

"...You healed her stigma, too?" Diana asked with wide eyes.

"Well, yeah. What? You think I only healed Rafaela's?" he chuckled when he saw the looks they were giving him. "I came here to check on her and Clare for a reason… and clobbered that bug-looking asshole for a few more."

Eliza, Emelia, Natalie and Diana exchanged looks. They huddled together and began to discuss something that Naruto could not discern. A minute later they separated and looked at him.

"Is that offer on healing our stigma still there?" Diana asked nervously.

"It is." Naruto nodded. "But you'll have to be out of your armour and bodysuit; again, I have to be able to see what I'm doing to effectively heal it."

Emelia, Natalie and Diana looked at each other, then they looked at Eliza before they grabbed her by the arms and shoved her out in front of them as a tribute. The poor second-in-command yelped, before giving them a glare in betrayal, before sighing.

She then looked at Naruto and blushed, before making to take off her vambraces.

Naruto placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I don't want you to feel forced into this."

Eliza flinched, thoroughly taken aback as she stared at him and blinked a few times. Then she gave him a determined look, before proceeding to strip down with more confidence. Her vambraces came off, following her cape, sword, spaulders and the slot for her sword, then her fauld and finally her sabatons; leaving the young attractive woman in her two-piece bodysuit.

"Huh. Kinda makes me wonder if all you so-called 'silver-eyed witches' are this attractive?" Naruto muttered to himself with a light blush.

All four women turned beet red at that. Then Eliza took a deep breath before reaching down to her top and pulling it up and off of her, allowing her moderate size bosom to bounce free from their cloth prison. Then she reached down, pulled down her trousers, and kicked them aside once they were off her ankles. Now naked as the day she was born, the young, attractive woman suddenly started feeling self-conscious. Eliza stared at the blond, blushing as she waited for him to get on with it.

Taking that as his cue Naruto brought up his hand and he and Eliza watched as it was enveloped by his red, bubbling yoki. The woman gasped and flinched at the feel, the instant he made contact.

It felt weird, but... oddly nice?

"I'm going to need you to hold still," he chuckled. Then, Naruto tried again, gently placing two fingers at the top of her stigma.

Eliza bit on her lip and barely kept herself from moaning when she felt his yoki spread all over her body as he moved his fingers down. As she closed her eyes, she couldn't help but let out a pitiful whimper as he passed the valley of her breasts. She instinctively leaned closer to him, to get more of this warm feeling spreading throughout her figure.

Eliza shuddered as she felt his fingers slowly travel down her abdomen. So full of pleasant feelings she didn't realise Naruto's yoki was corroding away the stitching that was keeping her stigma closed. Then when he reached her mons veneris the poor woman felt her knees buckle from the pleasure spreading through her body, and would have fallen on her knees if Naruto hadn't caught her before that could happen.

"You okay?" Naruto asked her in genuine concern. He tried to ignore the feel of the naked woman's body pressing up against his and was doing a good job at it too. The blond made sure to not allow his eyes to linger below her collarbones.

"Y-yes," she muttered shyly. "I just didn't expect it to feel like… that."

Naruto chuckled, again. "Well, at least it's feeling good for someone." he allowed Eliza to brace herself on him while ignoring the questioning stares he could feel from her teammates.

"What do you mean by that?" Natalie asked him.

Naruto looked at her and tried to describe it to them the best way he can. "Stage 1 feels a lot differently for me - warm, but kinda weird. Like a - a tingle that sends these weird pins and needles all over your body." he paused, to think on how he should explain the next bit. "Stage 2, the four tailed, the fox-looking thing you all saw a little bit ago?" he waited for them all to nod, then he continued. "That hurts me so much, every time I use it. The longer I'm in that form… the faster I die. Needless to say, I try to use my yoki pretty sparingly."

Eliza started looking concerned. "Yet you used it to heal me?"

Naruto smiled at her. "I don't mind. Seeing that scar on you feels worse. Makes me wanna find whoever gave it to you and kick his ass." he chuckled before reminding her. "Besides, I said stage 2 slowly kills me. Not stage 1, which is what I used to heal you."

That last part made her feel much better, though she couldn't help but blush at the rest.

Natalie gave in to her curiosity after hearing what Naruto said to her team's second-in-command. "You said you had other transformations. Are they just as life-threatening to you?"

'One is and another can be, but not the others," the blond replied.

"What are these two transformations?" Emelia questioned, finally speaking up.

"Remember the four tails? The next stage would be six tails." he told them and seeing their terrified faces he quickly added, "I won't be using that one anytime soon, though, since I'm pretty sure you would die from terror. That's the worst-case scenario though." then Naruto began to trail off from the main point of their discussion but the girls were too scared to stop him from continuing. "Then there are the eight tails - but that form, for some reason, doesn't hurt me or shorten my lifespan. But in that form, I'm a mountain-sized eight-tailed fox without any fur. Then there's the nine final where I become a mountain-sized, nine-tailed fox with actual fur."

Eliza's left and right eyes, twitched as she slowly looked to her teammates. They. Pushed her. To him!?

Said teammates fidgeted, trying and failing to look innocent.

Eliza gave them a flat smile. "Diana! Thank you for volunteering to be next!"

Said woman fidgeted nervously, while certainly intimidated by this man, she distinctly recalled how loving Riful of the motherfucking West acted towards him. If he could win an Abyssal One over so thoroughly, he couldn't be too scary, right? With that thought in mind, Diana took in a deep breath and stepped forward.

Eliza now confident that she's able to stand by herself stopped leaning against Naruto, albeit just a bit reluctantly, and watched as the Number 44 stripped herself down. The short-haired girl then blushed heavily as she came up to the blond and fidgeted nervously.

Naruto gave her a chuckle, unable to keep the sad smile off his face. "You're reminding me so much of a very close girlfriend I once had."

Diana blushed harder. "S-so… what happened to her?"

"Story for another time," Naruto sighed. Then, he plastered on a cheerful grin and said, "now, let's get that scar of yours healed up, shall we?"

"Sorry," she whispered, able to tell she'd hit a nerve.

"Not your fault," he replied, his smile becoming more sincere. Then, his hand became coated in yoki once more.

Diana whimpered at the feel, as a warm tingle sent shivers up her spine. It was unlike her yoki where it gave her addictive pleasure; his yoki just felt warm. Comforting, even. She bit on her bottom hip as Naruto moved his digits down her throat and between her breasts, trying so hard to keep herself still as to not disturb his progress.

It wasn't easy, but she somehow managed.

Naruto chuckled at how Diana reacted to her touch, unable to keep himself from teasing her. "You're so cute."

The poor girl turned beet red at that. Eliza didn't know why, but she bristled, barely managing to catch herself before anyone noticed. Ever the stoic one, Emelia cheerfully hid her jealousy, while Natalie averted her gaze in mild irritation.

No one noticed Jean giving an irritated twitch from where she lay on the bed.

Naruto moved his fingers between the valley of her breasts next and despite herself, Eliza couldn't help but watch his yoki go to work. She saw unblemished skin in the place of Diana's stigma; and what's more, the crude stitches that were meant to hold it together was gone! There was no trace of it!

As for Diana, herself, she visibly struggled not to squirm at Naruto's touch. Then, she shuddered in relief as he passed by her chest and approached her stomach. Once he was past that, though, she couldn't help but fidget as the blond's hand got closer to her groin. Once he did the blond quickly pulled his hand away, much to her relief and well-hidden dismay.

Unlike Eliza though, Diana did not have to lean on Naruto to keep herself balanced. Nor were her knees buckling, which showed she was in more control of her body than initially thought. She did still fidget, though, as she backed off, bowing respectfully. "Thank you."

Naruto raised his hand at her. "No need to bow. I'm not one for formality." he chuckled, with a charming smile.

Poor Diana could feel the heat coming off her cheeks. No wonder Jean fucked him! She was sorely tempted to do so, herself, right now! The short-haired girl took a calming breath and smiled back. "I'll try and keep that in mind."

"That's all I can ask." he then looked to Natalie and Emelia, the Numbers 37 and 27 respectively. "So, which of you two are going to volunteer next?"

Emelia stepped forward without a word and started stripping, much to Natalie's hell-hidden irritation. Once that was out of the way, Naruto shrugged and went straight to business.

The woman didn't make any sound. Nor did she move as he slowly moved his hand down her neck. The fluttering of her eyes was telling, however.

As Naruto's hand reached her cleavage, he couldn't help but take note that her breasts were the largest ones he'd seen up close since he got here - a healthy upper D cup. Very nice, though he skillfully hid his appreciation.

Then Emelia suddenly held him by the arm in a loose, but firm grip. Startled Naruto stopped what he was doing and looked at the woman in the eyes, worried that he somehow managed to hurt her. Her subtle, sly grin made it clear that she'd noticed him checking her out, though she seemed to appreciate it, interestingly enough.

Naruto couldn't help but give a lighthearted chuckle, continuing to heal her scar.

While he did that Emelia went on to caress his arm; running her hands up and down the length of the limb, much like a lover would. It was distracting but Naruto managed to ignore it for the most part as he moved his fingers down to the valley of her breasts.

The others… not so much. They were showing some degree of jealousy. Some more than others… Natalie, however, was especially so. She was outright glaring at Emelia; and Diana, someone who was nervous around the blond was looking between the caressing Emelia and Naruto with jealousy. Eliza was less so, but still couldn't help but bristle.

When Naruto got past her stomach and notably close to her loins, Emilia bit her lips and let out a pleasured moan. The blond healing her couldn't help but smile in amusement. Once he was done, though, he withdrew - much to the stoic, but naughty woman's mild disappointment.

Upon seeing the look he gave her, Naruto smiled again and caressed her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. "I'll deal with you later," he chuckled. Then, he turned to Natalie.

Said woman was visibly fuming, but took this as her cue to strip down and march on up to him. Naruto was initially bewildered by this, but again he took it in stride.

"You. Heal. Now!" she grabbed his yoki covered hand and pulled it towards her neck.

Thanks to his negative emotion-sensing Naruto could feel the jealousy coming off this one in waves, but ignored it as he obliged.

Natalie gasped on contact, surprised by the warm tingle coursing through her veins. She closed her eyes and moaned while basking in the warmth going through her body. It felt so much better than expected!

'Well, that's not distracting,' Naruto thought sarcastically in an odd blend of amusement and mild exasperation. This girl was so thirsty! He could practically smell it.

Eliza was not amused in the fucking slightest. Was this chick trying to throw herself at the… admittedly attractive blond?! Emilia was in a similar boat, taking a mental note to… discuss what Naruto meant, earlier. As for Diana, she stared on in utter shock at how utterly blatant her colleague was being.

Then, Naruto passed down her cleavage and Natalie moaned like a whore, her knees trembling. This… didn't help. Naruto blushed, feeling an awkward boner starting to form, as he went further down - inching closer and closer to her loins. The hungry blonde braced herself against Naruto. The sensations she felt left her unable to stand on her own.

Once he healed the last of her scar, the young man could see her reaction coming from a mile away.

Natalie yelped in pleasure, jerking her hips at the feel, and sending Naruto's hand a bit farther down than he'd intended to go. He reflexively yanked his hand away upon feeling himself brush against her neatly trimmed, golden curls. It didn't stop there, though.

The now-panting woman started slowly sinking downwards, looking him in the eye and not breaking contact for a second, as she kneeled before him and started undoing his pants.

"N-Natalie," Eliza barked, "he's spoken for!"

"I don't mind," Jean's whole unit visibly jumped at the sound of her voice. She sat up and noted that she felt… overdressed, given the situation. "I'm not his only lover, after all."

Eliza gaped, unable to believe what she'd just heard.

Taking that as her cue to join in, Emilia placed a hand on Naruto's cheek and gave him a deep, loving kiss. Meanwhile, Natalie let out a startled yelp.

All the women present then found their attention immediately drawn to the one-eyed beast the woman had just unleashed as a result. Holy… fucking… SHIT!

No matter how many times she'd seen it, Jean couldn't help but blush at the sight, smiling proudly at how big her man was. Diana just… stared, her cheeks inventing a new shade of red. Eliza clenched her thighs together, a pang of ravenous lust wracking her to the core, though she desperately tried and failed to hide it. Emilia shamelessly ogled the impressive tool before her. Even she didn't know they could get that big! As for the girl who'd released it, Natalie was momentarily paralyzed by the shock of seeing the... behemoth of a cock before her.

But then, she steeled herself and tried something the blonde had always wanted to do if she ever got by any slim chance in hell. Up until this point, she thought it would be impossible to find a man, but by the Twin Goddesses, Natalie could still dream, damn it! Now, she didn't have to…

Naruto groaned happily at the feel of the aggressive one's lips upon his lower head. At first, Natalie experimentally kissed and licked the bulbous tip, but quickly got into it. Soon enough, she was bobbing her head and cheerfully sucking him off, using one hand to jerk off what she couldn't fit into her mouth...which she felt both delighted and frustrated to note was most of it.

The blond she pleasured simply couldn't sit still. This was her first time, but she was learning fast as he bucked his hips with her motions. Naruto then pulled her hair back and held it in one hand as he lovingly petted her with the other.

"Try licking him, just below the tip," Emilia coaxed, drawing a look of utter shock from her second-in-command.

Natalie took her advice and did just that, sending a shiver up Naruto's spine. She giggled at the strangled groan she ripped from him and started bobbing her head faster. Then, she started turning her head and licking his shaft as it entered her mouth.

Jean giggled at how naughty Natalie and Emilia were being and decided to join in. She quickly stripped down and crouched next to the one sucking her man off, rubbing her back and whispering dirty things into her ear.

Meanwhile, Eliza's trembling knees buckled at the sight of her captain encouraging Natalie, while Emila made out with Naruto. She then heard a series of pleasured moans coming from her left and found herself staring at Diana, who'd just started shamelessly jerking off to the spectacle before them. Come to think of it, that didn't sound like a bad… NO! She was the second-in-command of her squad, damn it! If her captain wasn't going to be the responsible one, someone had to!

That didn't mean it would be easy, though… especially with the longing building up within her. Goddamn it, what should she do!? She knew... she just knew if she tried breaking this… lewdness up then she'd have everyone angry at her. But the Awakened Being army - or as Naruto likes to call it, platoon - could attack them at any minute. They had to be ready! They had to be… not doing this!

But on the other hand… she could join in with them. Obtain pleasure she had dreamed of upon hitting puberty… Hell, ever since she was a little girl, Eliza wanted to be a mother but felt her hopes dashed upon becoming a warrior of the Organization. But now - now she had a chance to fulfil her hopes again.

Not to mention, it would be glorious to feel that studly prick of his stretching out her insides, filling her to the brim. Yes… that was a more viable solution…

Eliza looked at Diana, then at Jean and Natalie. There are two other places around that cock that are vacant… She licked her lips before going to Diana and pulling her along over to Jean and Natalie, where they gleefully took position around his front.

Jean smiled upon seeing Eliza and Diana taking the left and right sides of Naruto's thick cock. "Nice to see you two finally joining us." she purred.

Both women blushed, but ignored her, focusing on licking Naruto's mighty shaft and balls. Then, they withdrew upon feeling it twitch violently, as their man let out a grunt into Emilia's mouth.

Natalie yelped again as she felt something salty and bitter splash into her gob, but held firm and forced herself to swallow Naruto's thick, viscous, massive load.

"Good girl," Jean whispered. "Take it all. Don't waste a single drop."

Natalie did so. She closed her eyes and focused on swallowing the loads that kept spraying into her mouth. Only pulling back and off when it became too much. Jean was quick to wrap her lips around his bulbous head and took the remaining loads before it could touch the floor.

Eliza and Diana whined when they didn't get a fresh batch of cum. Something Jean found devilishly amusing. They had no idea Naruto was far from finished. Something they're going to realise in a moment.

"Come here," Jean said, beckoning Eliza towards her after swallowing Naruto's cum.

The woman in question blushed but did so. Her captain then urged her to scoot back and she felt the still hard shaft poke at her. When Jean looked up and nodded, Eliza then, felt a hand on her rear and then the bulbous head rubbing against her vulva. Was he about to…

Her answer came in the form of Naruto poking his head into her folds, ripping a gasp from Jean's second-in-command. Then, he started slowly sinking in. Eliza trembled and moaned like a whore at the feel of his massive dick parting her womanly folds, stuffing her virgin cootch to capacity.

"Oh, wow!" Diana gasped.

"How does it feel?" Natalie asked.

Her answer came only in the form of a strangled, pleasured groan, as Eliza's tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled back. Then, her arms buckled as his balls pressed against her clit, leaving her nought but a panting heap before him.

"I'd say that means she loves it." Jean chuckled. "Oh, the things he's capable of… When he took my virginity, he left me and three other women out cold from sheer pleasure. Then, he rode Clare for hours, even after she passed out. His stamina's that ridiculous!"

Naruto grunted as he felt Eliza's inner walls clench. Hearing such a claim made the woman shudder and whimper longingly. "Fuck me," she whispered, unable to take it anymore. "Fuck me like a common whore, please!"

Not one to disappoint, Naruto ripped a pleasured squeal from his newest mate with a mighty thrust.

"Deeper," Eliza begged, "HARDER, PLEASE!"

Naruto obliged with gusto, quickly pounding her cootch without a shred of mercy. It didn't take long for the pressure in Eliza's loins to start building up. This was her first time, after all… then, he just had to reach down and rub her clit in precisely the right way...


The Organization's Number Six, "Phantom" Miria ventured down the hall, looking to check on Jean. It wouldn't be long until the Awakened Beings finally arrived, and she needed to make sure the woman was up and ready for action as soon as possible. She paused a moment, spotting a very flustered, very pissed off Rafaela standing in the hall, glaring at the door to Jean's room.

The one-eyed woman in question trembled in barely-contained rage and jealousy as she sensed that pervert going at it, again. How dare he? HOW FUCKING DARE HE?! That girl was nothing compared to… wait… DAMN IT! How was he doing this to her?!

Miria just… stared… what could have possibly gotten into Rafaela for her to be acting like this?! She slowly approached the livid woman and was just about to ask what was wrong when a frantic voice cried out from the other side of the door.


Miria's eye twitched. Then, she started hearing a rapid slapping noise and froze in place. Was someone doing what she thought they were in there?!


The commander's eyes nearly popped out of her skull and could feel the heat coming off her cheeks. Then, without a second thought, she immediately turned on her heel, walked away with a "nope", and repeated the word with every step.

Needless to say, she wasn't touching that door with a ten-foot pole…


Jean looked towards the door. Strange… she thought there was someone on the other side for a moment there. The woman shrugged; must've been her imagination.

Had she used her yoki to "feel" around, she would have noticed Rafaela outside and a rapidly vacating Miria.

Of course, she was a bit too distracted to think about it, and was therefore left in the dark. Then, her attention was brought back to Eliza as the woman squealed in pleasure.

The woman in question writhed and wailed as she was wracked to the core by her first orgasm. Holy shit, it felt like she was about to die from pleasure! How was it possible to feel so good?!

Despite having just been sucked off, despite his otherwise absurd stamina, Naruto didn't stand a chance. The feel of this girl's virgin pussy squeezing him like a vice... the demands she just screamed at him… the thought of meeting them while surrounded by so many beautiful, naked women… it all just added up too quickly.

He met those demands with a mighty roar, Shoving his dick as far as it would go, penetrating her cervix, and stuffing her cootch with a titanic, fresh, potent load. Eliza went crosseyed and writhed, nearly passing out on the spot. Every fibre of her being was lit ablaze as she felt his essence flood her womb. Naruto grunted with every thrust, feeling the hungry folds practically suck the seed out of him. With each thrust came another spurt, eliciting a gasp from the woman, and each gasp made him thrust again, pouring his semen as far within as he could possibly reach.

Natalie, Emilia and Diana all stared in awe as the witnessed their second-in-command being inseminated by this... stud of a blond. Jean merely giggled, enjoying the thought of her man quite possibly producing another child. As for Eliza, her world was spinning. She couldn't move… The only thing she could feel was the wet heat flooding her loins, bringing her to a second orgasm.

"Good girl," Jean whispered sexily into her ear. "Take it all in. Let him plant his seed deep inside you! Give Naruto the baby you so desperately want!"

A third orgasm immediately followed the last upon hearing that. Eliza passed out right there with nought but a pathetic whimper. She simply hadn't the energy to do anything else.

Naruto groaned at the feel of her hungry cunt squeezing him anew. Damn, she was thirsty! Only Riful had ever been more desperate for his cum. And damn, that girl was so insatiable she tried milking him of his cum for nearly an entire week! She was easily the best lay he ever had by far. No matter what, that little minx kept on going, and even went through the night... twice.

But this girl was a damn close contender. He was eager to see if any of the other three were like her. With a pained grunt, he pulled out, letting the nice ass slide to the ground, before getting pulled down into one of the hungriest kisses he'd ever felt by Diana.

The short-haired girl couldn't take it! She needed him so badly! That display aroused her to no end! She needed to feel what her captain and second-in-command had experienced!

Naruto was all-too-happy to grant her wishes. He wrapped his arms around her and slid into the Number 44's tight snatch with practised ease. Diana wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hooked one leg around his thigh; she moved her hips in time with Naruto's thrusts, moaning and mewling into his mouth with every slap of their hips colliding. She rubbed her chest against him and enjoyed the friction around her nipples from the cloth of Naruto's tunic.

Grunting into her mouth Naruto reached down and grabbed Diana by her ass; she squealed as he caressed and roughly kneaded the ass flesh like it was made of clay. This was something that should have felt discomforting, but for the highly aroused woman, it was simply euphoric.

With an ease that came naturally to him by now, Naruto started slamming his cock into Diana. Reshaping her vagina to match his prick and only his. No one else would ever fit! Diana was all too happy for this to happen; she was his and only his, the instant she pulled him into that first kiss.

Both blonds pulled away to get some air into their lungs. They groaned and moaned aloud, Diana blushing as they locked eyes.

"I… I didn't know how much I needed this~" she mewled, sexily. "P-please don't stop~!"

"I don't intend to," Naruto whispered lovingly, making her inner walls clench around him. "I will keep going for as long as you can take it. I won't stop until you tell me to or pass out. Just let me know if you want me to pull out, okay?"

Diana blushed harder. Was she ready to be a mother? She smiled, opting to learn the hard way, against her better judgment. "Don't pull out… I want it all inside me. I don't care what happens; I'm yours!"

"Alright…" she gasped when he started kissing at her neck, to mark her as his. "Then, get ready. Because by the time I'm done with you, you're going to be walking with a limp," he promised her. Then, his pace doubled as he started pounding her.

Natalie and Emilia shuddered lustfully at their comrade's wails and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Jean, on the other hand, was looking at the fucking couple with a massive, perverted grin that simply didn't belong on her face.

An expression that would be a cause for worry to those who knew her… except for those who knew the woman very intimately. Like Naruto did.

Then, Diana squealed in pleasure, wracked like Eliza, to her very core for the first time in her life. Her vision went white, her toes curled, and her tongue lolled out as her juices splashed all over Naruto's crotch. Said man grunted at the feel of her folds milking him for every drop he had.

Being a male with a very healthy libido, it was no surprise Naruto came inside of his newest mate moments after she did. When he did, the blond did so with a roar as he held the woman close to him while simultaneously driving himself as deeply into her as he could. Smashing through her cervix as his fresh, potent load painted her womb.

Diana mewled as she felt his seed flush into her womb, and lovingly buried her face into the crook of his neck. She stayed like that for several long moments, before she unhooked her leg and stood with shaky legs. She gasped as he withdrew and moaned softly when she was lowered down on her ass.

She'd be walking with a limp alright… for quite some time, regeneration is damned.

Once Naruto stood up and took a calming breath, Emelia decided it was her turn. She pulled Naruto into a kiss by his tunic, hooked her left leg around his waist and started grinding against his wet cock immediately.

"Once you're done with her, Natalie is the only one that's left." Jean told him, "So do your best."

Naruto grunted in the affirmative, before grabbing Emelia by her thighs and pulled her up off her feet. She reflexively hooked her remaining leg around his waist with a startled yelp. At the same time, she did the same with her arms around his shoulders. True to form, the blond rubbed the underside of his cock against her snatch. He pulled his hips back, looking down between their bodies so he could get the correct angle.

Emelia closed her eyes when she felt the tip of her new mate's cock slightly part her second set of lips. Then, he slowly slid his dick inside her, drawing a deep, lewd moan from the woman he deflowered.

Once he bottomed out in her Naruto had to keep himself from pounding the woman. Geez, she's so fucking tight! He's fucked over five women on this continent, alone - one of them being a loli; he should be used to the tight cunts of virgins. But he wasn't. Nor did he want to be! The feel of stretching them out to fit the shape of his prick, to fuck them to his heart's content just feels damn good.

Of course, while he was enjoying the feel of a tight cunt around his cock, Emelia was pent up and raring to go. She let out a hungry whimper, rolling her hips and urging her man to fuck her.

She even went as far as to tighten and loosen her velvet walls around his cock, just to bring his attention back to her. It worked as Naruto looked at her with a devilish grin.

"You want me to fuck you?" he asked her.

Emelia nodded frantically, squeezing him, again.

Naruto chuckled. "You're gonna have to tell me." he teased.

The blonde whimpered. "P-please!" she whispered. "I need it!"

Her man bucked his hips, eliciting a yelp from the desperate woman. "I can't hear you," he teased again.

"F-fuck me!"

"Louder!" He thrust into her again.


Without another word, Naruto slammed into her cootch with a wide grin and started rapidly pounding her like a bent nail.

Emelia wailed in pleasure, clinging on for dear life as her man fucked her into oblivion. Not even three thrusts in, her eyes rolled back and her juices gushed forth. Every cell in her body was lit ablaze from the shockwave of pleasure coursing through her. Then, immediately after the first, a second orgasm wracked her being, then another and another.

A puddle of her nectar formed between Naruto's feet as he kept pounding her, muscling through her thoroughly as she constantly squeezed him, milking his cock for the baby batters her cootch so desperately craved.

Everyone else, apart from Jean, watched in stunned awe as Naruto reduced the normally stoic Emelia to a mewling, whimpering mess. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping skin and the lewd, wet noises of Emelia's sopping cunt. Then, Naruto nipped and suckled at her neck, marking her as his, before grunting into her collarbone as he reached his limit.

All four women saw in mesmerised astonishment as Naruto slammed into Emelia, his balls visibly contracting and his shaft twitching with every thrust. The poor girl went completely limp the instant she felt her man… her mate… her master fills her womb with his molten jizz.

Naruto gently placed the unconscious form of his newest addition to the family down, before pulling out of her with a pained grunt. Damn… it practically took everything he had not to just stay inside her and bask in the woman's warmth for as long as he could.

Upon seeing his massive, still-hard cock leave Emelia's folds, Natalie found herself both elated and… intimidated. No wonder Jean didn't mind sharing; if one woman tried keeping him all to herself, she'd probably get fucked to death! With many a dirty thought in mind, the last virgin left in the room crawled on up to Naruto - much like a cat on the prowl.

Having fucked three other women, it was not surprising Naruto was struggling to stay up on his own two feet. He CAN keep going, but the blond's legs were feeling really stiff from standing too long, while and after getting off four damn times. Completely unaware of Natalie crawling to him Naruto slowly sat down on the floor to rest his legs.

He was made aware of the final virgin in the room when she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down on his back as she straddled him. The blond chuckled, amused by her eagerness, as he wrapped his arms around her and dragged Natalie down into a deep, loving kiss.

Then, his hand trailed down and gave her a playful slap on the ass, eliciting a yelp from the girl, before guiding his dick to her dripping folds. Natalie's eyes fluttered as she slowly sank on his prick, her breathing becoming heavy and short.

God… he's stretching her out so wide~! It was incredible! When she finally felt her thighs touching his, when she finally felt the bulbous head kissing her cervix, it was the best thing she ever felt. This… this was better than the pleasure she got when using yoki! This was more addicting! More fulfilling!

Naruto groaned at her tightness. Damn, this felt so good! He decided to take it a bit slowly with his one, making out with her as he rubbed her back lovingly and thrust deep into her.

Natalie blushed heavily at how romantic this felt. She moved her hips with his, meeting him mid-thrust, and deepened the kiss. She licked his lips, begging for entry, and moaned happily as he opened up. Their tongues met halfway and a mock battle of dominance raged between the two blonds.

It was a battle that went back and forth, like a tug-of-war, with neither side besting one or the other. But it was one the two of them enjoyed very much.

Looking Naruto in the eye, Natalie felt… uncertain. Was she falling in love with this man? Was it possible for her to do so this quickly?! They barely even knew each other, yet, it somehow felt like he'd go to hell and back just to please her… She'd put these thoughts aside for later, opting to just enjoy the moment.

Already, the pressure in her loins was building. Despite the slow pace, Naruto was hitting her in all the right places, thrusting hard and deep. With a low moan, Natalie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rolled her hips this way and that, in time with his slow thrusts. Naruto appreciated it very, very much and moved his right hand to her back, where he started moving it in a circular, massaging motion. With the other, he held her thigh and lightly massaged her to ease her into fucking him faster and faster.

This was something she easily got into. The blonde picked up the pace moaning like a common whore as she quickly found herself fucking her man with everything she had.

Natalie's breath became ragged, her movements more strained. She was close… so deliciously close! She gasped when her man grabbed her ass with both hands and started slamming into her, just like he did with the others! Natalie was unable to help herself; she couldn't prevent the outright slutty moans coming out of her mouth.

Jean giggled at the spectacle. Damn, that girl was enjoying herself! The eyebrow-less woman looked to the rest of her team and giggled again at the expressions they were sporting.

Despite being fucked by him already, Diana, Eliza and Emelia couldn't help but watch as Natalie was reduced to a mewling mess. She was almost unrecognisable!

Then, the most recently deflowered blonde suddenly grabbed Naruto by the whiskered cheeks and kissed him with all her might as she wailed into his mouth. Naruto grunted in exertion as he felt her become impossibly tight. He hugged her close and kept pounding her as she rode out her orgasm, and she loved every second of it!


Rafaela glared daggers into the door as she shuffled about uncomfortably. She could feel her juices trickling down her legs as Naruto fucked the fourth girl in a row. How the fuck was he capable of such a feat, she didn't want to know.

Not far down the hall, a young-looking girl with her hair in low pigtails draped over her shoulders cautiously approached…

Ever the kindhearted one, Cynthia decided to track down the location of Jean's room to visit her and see what was wrong. As of late, the captain in question had been conspicuously absent, after all. She hoped it wasn't serious, but suspected that it was.

Then, like Miria before her, the Organization's Number 14 spotted a very flustered and irate Rafaela standing outside the door. Also, like Miria before her, Cynthia was just about to ask what was wrong… only to be interrupted as she heard something… lewd coming from the other side of the door.

Her cheeks turned beet red upon the realization of what she heard. On the other side of the door, someone was… having… a certain kind of fun. Cynthia fidgeted, too damn shy to even think the word, let alone say it. But, it was unmistakable. The moans, the sound of flesh pounding flesh… the occasional pleasured squeal… She'd heard many a rumour that Jean had found herself a lover, but didn't believe a word of it until recently. For one of their kind to find a man was nigh unheard of!

But, there it was… the sound of… that, coming from the other side of the door!


Cynthia blushed harder, thoroughly embarrassed to be here, but she was still able to note that the voice sounded a bit off. She reached out with her senses, only to feel the heat coming off her cheeks. There, right in the centre of the room, Cynthia could sense Natalie riding Naruto like a pony and having the time of her life as the rest of her team watched in awe. The exception was Jean, who seemed… amused?!

Cynthia looked to the irritated, one-eyed woman. "H-How long has this been going on for??" she asked her in a whisper.

"More than a week," Rafaela growled. "First, Riful, then Jean, then Galatea, then Clare… Then, Riful, again… for four-fucking-days straight, no less! Then, he bagged Ophelia, and now that pervert is doing this!" she conveniently left out the heavy petting she'd received a few days ago.

With each name, Cynthia's face turned redder and redder. Not only did this man manage to tame one of the Abyssals, but he was… was... fornicating with eight other women?! All the more inconceivable was the fact that Jean enjoyed watching him do it with another woman!

There was another wait of pleasure and a distinctly male grunt, leaving the poor Number 14 stiff as a board as she watched… or rather sensed in utter shock as Natalie was wracked with unimaginable pleasure. Cynthia swallowed hard, clenching her thighs together. Dare she… dare she even think about it?!

Rafaela's eye visibly twitched as she felt the unadulterated lust washing off of Cynthia in waves. Oh, for fuck's sake!


It was like she had died and gone to heaven… It was simply indescribable what she had felt at that moment. Natalie tried to recount what happened; she was… riding her lover as fast as she could, she then had the biggest orgasm ever! And then when her loins were assaulted by a rush of thick, sticky, liquid heat, everything just… blanked out.

The next thing she knew she was on her back, staring up at the ceiling with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She was… empty. She could feel a warm fluid dripping out of her cunt but the fullness was no longer there.

She missed it…

"My, my… seems you railed her pretty good," Natalie heard her captain say.

She heard her lover replied. "I aim to please." there was a pause. "As much as I would love to continue we should get ready. I'm sure the other captains are wondering what happened to you."

Natalie softly groaned as she sat up, all the while listening to her captain say in return. "I'll tell them I was fatigued. Clare and I did walk all the way here with little to no break after all."

Naruto chuckled as he saw his newest lover return to the land of the living. "Oh, you're finally up!"

The blonde in question blushed, shyly averting her gaze.

Jean giggled. "She wasn't out for that long."

The man smiled in response but said nothing. Then, he got up and lent Natalie a hand. The girl blushed harder but accepted it. Once that was out of the way, he made himself look presentable, before heading to the door. "Guess I'll let your five get…"

Naruto was interrupted by the sight that greeted him upon opening the door. Now timidly staring back at him with shy, uncontrollable lust as she fidgeted adorably was Cynthia. Right next to her was a newly-arrived Veronica. The latter immediately turned beet red as she saw Naruto's… reaction to seeing her second-in-command.

To be fair, he simply couldn't be blamed; the girl just reminded him so much of Hinata!

Still, the awkward boner didn't help at all. Yeah, this was going to be a long-ass morning…


As he sat cross-legged on the roof of a building overlooking the walled-off town, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. There was still 24 Awakened Beings out there, waiting to strike at any time. He can sense them thanks to his negative emotion sensing. But they were holding back; it looks like going Four Tails did its job in scaring them off.

But how long will that last until they get their nerves back?

There was still the plan on sharing his cloak with the others. But Miria the acting captain hadn't agreed to it yet… said she's still thinking on it. Oddly enough, she was looking at him weirdly now.

Veronica was giving him the stink eye thanks to his reaction toward her second-in-command. Again! Totally not his fault! And said second-in-command, Cynthia, well she's acting a little in the manner as Riful did in the beginning. It was cute, to be honest…

Naruto rapidly shook his head. No! He can't get distracted!

Right, getting back on track - he decided to get out of everyone's hair for a bit. Act as a lookout for them; that sort of thing. Then a thought came to him…

"What happens to the people of this town if the women are unable to defend it?" he asked himself aloud.

He wasn't expecting to get an answer on this pondering question. But he got one anyway.

"They die."

The nonchalant reply came from Riful. She sat behind him, cutely swinging her legs off the edge of the roof.

Naruto sighed. "Fair enough," he muttered. "Let's see if we can do something about that."

"You can always make clones of yourself." Riful pointed out to him, "Get them to escort the populace out of here before the second attack."

Naruto inclined his head. "I could. But there's the possibility the enemy could be in here, right now, observing them." he countered her.

"I would be able to tell if any Awakened Beings are in here. It's hard to suppress that much yoki." Riful countered him as well. "Even now I can sense yours, heavily suppressed as it is. While the Platoon on the outside is nothing compared to yours, even they can't hide from someone with a high amount of yoki perception."

Well, at least that was good to know…

"Hmm… gotta wonder what's going on in their minds though." Naruto mused.


"The Awakened Beings." the blond clarified to the Abyssal One. "I get this 'Silver King' is stronger than them - but I have to wonder, why the hell they're even agreeing to do this. There has to be some reason."

The loli tapped the corner of her lip. "Rumour has it that Isley fought against the One-Horned Monster and won. If I had to guess, Isley got this army assembled because he wants to do something for her. And the rumours have stated his consort is almost as strong as he is."

"Hmm… you think he managed to get this army because they were afraid of fighting not one, but two Abyssals?"

"Yes. I am certain."

"That's food for thought."

Naruto was about to ask another question when he heard his name being called. When he peered down from the roof, the blond found Miria looking for him. She didn't think of looking up though. Oh, the amount of trolling he can do here… Naruto got a devious idea and with an equally devious grin he got up.

"You called?"

Phantom Miria wasn't easily startled, but when the blond she sought plopped down on his knee in front of her out of nowhere, seemingly falling from the sky, she fell in her ass with an undignified squawk.

Naruto gave her an amused look as he straightened up. "What? It's like you never have seen a guy jumping from a roof before." seeing as she wasn't saying anything, merely giving him that disbelieving wide-eyed look the blond shrugged. Then offered her his hand. "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" he asked her.

Miria scowled lightly but decided to get straight to business. Straightening herself up and brushing herself off, the blonde said, "I wanted to ask you about that… Kibi Cloak?"

"Kyuubi," Naruto corrected politely. "Need to know something, before you make your decision?"

Miria nodded. "What are the benefits of it?"

Naruto stroked his chin. "Hmm… quite a lot. But to give you an example: regeneration. If you have anyone that can heal quickly, then my cloak would boost it drastically." he looked at Miria expectantly. "Do you know anyone who can heal fast?"

She nodded. "Deneve. She can regrow entire limbs in a minute or two. There are a few others who can also regenerate relatively quickly, but not nearly as fast as her."

"Alright, then in Deneve's case she will be able to heal instantaneously instead of a few seconds," he answered her. "And as for the others, they're likely to heal as fast as she is normally. Any other questions?"

Miria just… stared. If that was true, then their chances of survival would be boosted to the point of possibly even being capable of actually succeeding in this "mission" they'd been given!

"What about attacks? What can this… cloak of yours does in regards for them?" because if it can boost their combat abilities to such a degree…

"Hmm… tough question," Naruto replied. "I'd need an example. What's that buff chick capable of?"

Miria blinked. "Undine? I haven't known her for long, but she's said to be the strongest of us all." She certainly looked the part… "From what I've heard, she could shatter boulders twice as big as her with a headbutt."

The young man couldn't help but be amused by that mental image. "Well, assuming that's true, she could make 30-foot craters with her fists alone, if she was enhanced by my cloak."

The acting commander took a deep breath and thought it for just one more moment. "Any adverse side effects?"

Naruto shrugged. "None that I've ever seen," he said. "If Zelda's anything to go by, we have nothing to worry about. There is one thing, though: if I'm not there to actively maintain it, the cloak will fuel itself. Simply put: the more you use its effects, the quicker it'll deplete, depending on how much of a beating you take."

Miria frowned. That was something to be careful about… Still, the benefits outweighed the drawbacks." Very well, then."

"Brat," Kurama butted in. "We have company. It would seem Luciela's coming this way."Naruto scowled, resulting in Miria looking at him with concern. "Luciela of the South is coming this way," he said.

The commander was not happy to hear that. "WHAT?!"

The blond waved it off to her dismay. "I'll deal with her," he said. Then, he felt a one-eyed glare burning a hole in the back of his head. "I'll just scare her off, Rafaela; I won't touch her. That good enough for you?"

Said woman scowled. "I'm coming with, just in case."

"Fair enough." Naruto nodded. Then, he readdressed Miria. "One more thing: we're gonna need to evacuate the village while we still have the chance. I'm thinking Jean's unit and Ophelia should be enough."

"We were about to deal with that," Miria replied. "You sure she's stable enough for that?"

He nodded, knowing she was referring to Ophi. "She'll behave."

The acting captain sighed. "Very well, then."

"If you want the Kyuubi cloak you're going to have to get everyone here, right now before I leave. If Luciela is here to cause trouble…"

Miria scowled but nodded, needing no further motivation. She left to get the others.

While she did that Naruto looked at Rafaela. "...Got any idea why your sister would be up here? Riful did say she's quite territorial." and from the way the loli said it, the cat-like Abyssal wouldn't leave her territory for anything.

Rafaela gave him a look, before sighing. "I haven't seen or talked to my sister ever since she awakened. How would I know?"

Naruto scowled. That didn't help at all…


A few moments later, the 24 warriors assembled before Naruto, Riful, and Ophelia.

23 of them had his crimson, bubbling red cloak around them. And Naruto had finished transferring a small portion of Kurama's chakra, or yoki as everyone here is calling it, to the last woman. Pamela No. 35 looked at her hands as she clenched and unclenched them.

With that done he turned to address Miria.

"I need to get going before Luciela gets here. Think you can hold out until I get back?" he asked.

"It shouldn't be too much of an issue with the help you've provided," she replied.

"I'll leave Riful here, just in case. She should be more than enough backup, and if shit goes south, she has that seal Jean used to call me over here."

Miria nodded. Riful sighed, none too happy, but did the same.

"I'll make it up to you," he told the loli. Then, Naruto looked at the assembled women. "Speaking of Jean," he said, "I want you and your team to help with the evacuation."

Said woman blinked but nodded as well.

That out of the way, Naruto then addressed Ophelia. "If any bandits pop up, eat them."

"WHAT?!" The undignified shout came from Miria, though many others were not pleased to hear that order.

"What?" Naruto rebutted, "If they do pop up, it's not like anyone else here could do anything about them." He raised one hand. "Sit idly by and watch the bandits **** the women, kill the men and enslave the children…" He raised the other. "Or, sit idly by and watch the bandits get eaten by a 30-foot-long, bat-shit crazy snake lady." He hiked a thumb at Ophelia who was grinning cheerfully at the thought of being able to eat bandits. Then, Naruto addressed Jean and asked. "Which would you prefer?"

Said captain's eye twitched as she replied. "Uh… fair enough."

"Aside from that," he told the "snake lady" mentioned earlier, "you be on your best behaviour."

Ophelia smiled playfully as she cutely replied with a salute. "Aye-aye, sir!"

Readdressing a still-irate Miria, Naruto pointed out, "Sometimes, you just gotta choose the lesser of two evils. Trust me when I say there are humans out there, that are far worse than Awakened Beings, Tomas or Abyssal Ones. As a former mercenary, I've seen the best and worst humanity has to offer."

Miria continued to scowl but knew she couldn't argue with that.

Meanwhile, several women present were suddenly more wary of Ophelia, thanks to the implication that she had awakened. While some had their suspicions, they'd been legitimately hoping that wasn't the case…


"You sound as if you're talking from experience," Undine said.

Naruto looked at her. "Remember that enemy I mentioned that could have perfectly mimicked Riful? He ate people and was also made by a human."

Cynthia, in particular, felt sick to her stomach after hearing that… she just couldn't imagine such a thing; hell, she didn't want to!

"Anyway," Naruto addressed the women once more. "When I'm gone, be sure to be on full alert. I'm pretty sure the reason why you haven't been attacked again is that I'm here. So when I leave…"

"They'll attack." Miria breathed.

"Yeah." the blond looked at his one-eyed companion. "You ready to meet your sister?"

Rafaela sighed. "As I'll ever be…"

"Alright. Stay alive you lot. I'll be back as quickly as I can." with that said, Naruto beckoned Rafaela to follow him before he turned and headed outside of town.


Fifteen hours away from Pieta…

Luciela came to a running stop. Seems the male she's on the prowl for is on the move. So he sensed her even though she's 30 miles away? Impressive. Very impressive. She grinned upon discovering how fast he's moving. If he keeps it up at that speed… he'd reach her in 8 hours.

Well, no need for her to appear threatening to him once they finally meet face to face. She'll make herself more presentable. Shame she doesn't have her dress…

Oh, well… If nothing else, this would make it easier to fuck him, no? Hungrily licking her set of mouths, Luciela started to shrink. Her titanic cat-like form slowly changed, becoming less feline and more human. The tails and jagged, bony plates retracted, and her fur disappeared, save for a long, wild mane of crimson locks. Finally, her face changed from a two-mouthed cat to that of a beautiful, young maiden in her twenties.

A mildly slanted pair olden eyes with long lashes then scanned her surroundings, looking for a comfy place to curl up and wait for her mate-to-be to arrive. The Abyssal One of the South found a tree for her to rest on.

That's a purrfect place for her to wait.

She made her way over and climbed up the bark until she reached the thick tree branch. There she laid on her belly, resting her chin on her hands, and waited.


A few hours later, back in Pieta, the 24 warriors - plus Riful and Ophelia - gathered in the town hall.

Fortunately, or unfortunately for Ophelia, the evacuation went by without a hitch, as the populace that wasn't killed in the surprise attack fucked off to a nearby village. Jean's unit and their Awakened escort returned within the hour upon making sure everyone was situated.

Now, it was time for Miria to reveal her plan for what was bound to be the final assault. She took a calming breath and placed a yoki suppression tablet she'd smuggled from the Organization's main storehouse, back in the East, before her and cutting it in half with her greatsword. How the little ball didn't just roll off to the side instead was anyone's guess…

"We'll all take one of these before the fight," she explained.

This got their attention, piquing the curiosity of many a warrior.

"Half a suppression tablet?" Cynthia asked.

"Indeed," the commander confirmed. "Due to the smaller dosage, we won't have to worry about our yoki being sealed off, just yet. We'll be able to fight as normal. But, should we lose consciousness, the medicine will kick in, resulting in our signature being hidden."

"Thereby allowing you to play dead," Riful added, raising an eyebrow. "Interesting…"

Miria let out a dejected sigh. "I… I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything better, but as Naruto pointed out, this is clearly a suicide mission. The organization put us here as a bulwark to buy time. Even if Naruto's cloak does tip the scale in our favour, there's simply no way to guarantee that we'll get out of this alive."

"Don't sell yourself short," Helen said. "This is better than anything most of us could come up with, I'm sure."

Even Riful couldn't help but agree. It was clever.

"The plan is completely fair," Undine pointed out. "Be you strong or weak, you have an equal chance of surviving. This does bring up the question of the cloaks, though… Has Naruto told you all the benefits? I'd rather know everything I have to work with."

Miria smiled at that. "Well… Naruto's yoki cloak is rather ridiculous. It enhances everything you can do by a large margin. I'm sure you've noticed some of them, by now: strength, stamina, senses, even regeneration and yoki perception are all increased. It also provides a protective layer, greatly increasing durability."

Yuma, still feeling a bit apprehensive, asked, "can you give us some examples? Just how much are they increased?"

"Naruto gave two," the commander pointed out. "Deneve is… abnormally good at regeneration. Capable of regrowing entire limbs in a minute or two." She looked at the woman in question. "Because of that, you'll be able to do so instantly, while everyone else will be able to do so at about the same speed as your default."

Deneve blinked owlishly. While not dumb enough to try and test that, she certainly wouldn't mind having such an advantage.

Then, Miria looked at Undine. "He also said that assuming the claims of you being able to shatter boulders twice your size with a headbutt are true, you should be capable of creating 30-foot craters with your fists."

The warrior in question chuckled at the claims of her strength. While they were just a bit exaggerated, the rumours of her being capable of such a feat weren't too far off.

"If nothing else," Riful added, "I could knock out anyone who's in trouble, myself. On top of that, Clare and I also have the seal Jean used to call him over here. That seal is what he uses as an anchor point to teleport across long distances so either one of us could just call him over if we start struggling."

Miria blinked. That was… one hell of a relief, actually.

"Jean and Clare might want to avoid taking the tablet, though." the Abyssal loli pointed out. "We have no idea what it might do to Naruto's children, and I'm sure he'd rather not learn the hard way."

Clare started looking a bit nervous at that. She knew Jean was pregnant, but…

"Children?" Miria questioned, visibly shocked.

"Apparently restoring one's fertility is a side-effect of what he does to heal the stigma," Riful explained. "Furthermore, the Organization knows he'd taken them on as lovers, so it'd raise fewer questions if he just plucked them and any 'survivors' out of the fight when everything goes south." She used air quotes at the word "survivors".

While she was still speaking many a woman's eyes shined at the information of being able to have children. One in particular, though, turned white as a sheet, which did not go unnoticed…

"Someone's been a bit busier than I thought he was," Jean observed.

"Really, Helen?" Miria asked, not amused in the slightest.

Said woman chuckled sheepishly.

"In all fairness," Deneve pointed out, "This is Helen we're talking about…"

Said woman scoffed at her friend's remark. "Like you're one to talk, in this situation?"

Deneve shrugged. That wasn't an unfair rebuttal. Simply put: they did everything together, so they did him together… and potentially got themselves knocked up together. Though, in their defence, they didn't think they could get pregnant, even after their stigmas were healed.

Still, no shortage of their colleagues was shocked at the revelation. Some were amused, some appalled, and a few others couldn't tell which one they should be.

Riful simply giggled, thoroughly entertained by both the discovery and the reactions it got. There was a pang of jealousy at the possibility of these two also becoming pregnant before she did, but she set that aside for now - not letting it spoil her fun.

Poor Miria, on the other hand, just… didn't know what to think. She then took a calming breath. "This awkwardness aside, I believe it's a good time to return to the subject at hand."

This got the warriors' attention as they looked to her expectantly.

"The cloaks Naruto provided us is self-maintaining." the commander continued. "In other words, the more you get hurt, the quicker it'll dissipate, so don't let yourselves get reckless. Judging by the speed they've been maintaining, the Awakened Beings should be here in four hours. Be prepared."


29 miles away from Pieta...

Naruto was running with a very red-faced Rafaela being carried piggyback style. Naruto saw how tired she was getting after running non-stop for the past three hours. So, at even faster speeds, and to lessen the amount of time away from the other women, he got the one-eyed woman on his back and booked it.

Rafaela was shocked when Naruto started running at a pace even she would have been hard-pressed to keep up with.

But as the distance between the pair and their target lessened more and more by the minute, the blond took note of something.

"Your sister hasn't moved at all ever since we left Pieta," Naruto said to his one-eyed companion. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "Think she could be waiting for us?"

Rafaela scowled. "Most likely. I'm guessing you're the one she wants." Oh, if only she knew in what way that was true…

"Hmm… well… if she's aggressive I'll scare her off. If she's not and is merely curious… we'll talk." he looked at his companion again. "Do you want to have a chance to talk to your sister again? If you're there, she might just calm down enough to be rational."

"I… suppose." In all her years since that day, Rafaela never thought something like this would ever happen. All she ever wanted to do was make amends for her mistake and put Luciela down, but now… here she was defending the monster that was her sister from a man who would undoubtedly do unspeakable things to said Awakened.

It was… quite odd.

"You obviously still love your sister, even if she did become an Abyssal One. The way you're adamant on keeping me away from her is proof of that." Naruto pointed out to her. "Something, though, tells me you need closure. Not sure what for, but you do…"

"I'll… think on what you told me." she did want to see her sister again. To talk to her like she used to… To be a family, again…

Naruto scowled at the grief he could feel welling up in his companion. Yeah, she needed this… definitely needed this.

He looked ahead. Looks like they were closing in on her position now. "We're close now - 5 to 10 minutes tops." he didn't need to tell her, the woman sensed her sister as well.

"P-put me down. Let's walk the rest of the way," she told him.

Naruto looked at her oddly. "You sure?" nevertheless he came to a stop and allowed the woman to hop down.

The one-eyed woman cleared her throat. "Y-yes. This will give me enough time to… collect my thoughts."

Naruto gave her a look of concern. "...Alright. Let's do that then."

If this will help her out then he'll do it. She may not be his woman yet and was still slightly antagonistic towards him, but that didn't mean he'd be inconsiderate.

Though she didn't voice it, the now-more-flustered Rafaela greatly appreciated his choice to let her have some time to think. Though a shameless, perverted womanizer he may have been, he was still… rather sweet - something she was both grateful for and irritated by.

On one hand, it was cute and made him hard to hate… on the other, she fucking wanted to hate him so damn bad! Ugh…

Rafaela too a soothing breath and calmed her nerves a bit.

A short distance away, Luciela perked up as she sensed the male she'd been seeking out finally arrive. What she didn't expect, though was the sight of a woman that made her eyes well up.


Rafaela flinched at the longing cry. She and Naruto both stopped walking and looked around, only to find no sight of the woman.

Then Naruto looked up and froze. Oh…

There, atop a particularly thick tree branch lay an… admittedly sexy ginger with long, flowing locks and tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at Rafaela. Then, Luciela hopped off and leapt forth, scooping her long-lost little sister into a tight hug and balling her eyes out into the woman's shoulder.

Naruto blushed, trying to ignore the woman's nudity… and the fact that her and Rafaela's breasts were squishing up against each other. It wasn't easy, to say the least.

Now at a complete loss, the one-eyed woman could only wrap her arms around her crying sister, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I-I've missed you so much!" Luciela whimpered.

"I… missed you too…" Rafaela whispered with a trembling lip. This was… a lot harder than she thought it would be. Despite her being a monster now… despite her no longer being human, she's still the same Luciela she remembers!

Naruto… couldn't help but feel happy and a bit jealous of this. Family. Something he doesn't have but always wanted. Luciela may no longer be human, but… she's still human in a sense. This proves the Abyssal One isn't as bad as she was made out to be. The bonds of family were stronger than most people thought.

"Well… this turned out a lot better than I thought." Naruto softly mused to himself.

Hearing Naruto quietly talk to himself caused Luciela to remember where she was and why she was here in the first place. The ginger withdrew, wiping her eyes as she looked at the man before her. He wasn't that bad looking… in fact, she found him rather cute. Luciela grinned. "So, what brings a good-looking guy like you down here, I wonder?"

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "A sexy-looking woman like you, actually," he answered. He made sure to not look at the unamused glare Rafaela sent him. "I was a bit farther up North when I sensed you coming. So, what brings you so deep into the Silver King's territory?"

Luciela giggled. "You do, silly! I saw what you did back there." she gestured towards the direction from whence she came. Then, she added hungrily, "I just had to meet the man behind it!"

Rafaela tensed, grabbing her sister protectively and eliciting a surprised yelp from Luciela, as she glared at Naruto. "You don't want to know him, Luciela," the one-eyed woman assured. "He's a shameless pervert who's been juggling no less than nine other women!" the one-eyed woman conveniently left out the fact that she took part in it, herself, and despite enjoying it, didn't go all the way.

"You make it sound like I've been cheating on them," Naruto pointed out with an amused chuckle. "I will have you know they've been dogpiling me in groups and well aware of each other since the start."

Luciela blushed at that, before giving him a downright evil grin. She could tell they weren't lying. "Oh, really?"

Rafaela's eye twitched. This isn't going where she wanted it to - not by a long shot.

Naruto nodded. "In fact, most of those encounters weren't even my fault. The first four I fucked came onto me… outta nowhere, no less! One minute I was killing this big lug for giving a few lovely ladies a bit of trouble. The next, a scary, little danger loli was practically humping my leg. By the time I ploughed Riful into unconsciousness, one thing led to another and by the end of it, I was surrounded by a small harem of very satisfied women. Helen and Deneve also came onto me, later on, and so did Jean's companions. Hell, the only one I can take credit for is Ophelia!" He finished his admittedly absurd claim with a hearty chuckle.

Luciela ravenously licked her lips, much to Rafaela's dismay. "Riful, you say? As in Riful of the West? I can hardly believe you tamed her of all people!"

Naruto grinned - half sheepishly, half proudly. "I've been getting that a lot, recently."

Seeing the look in her sister's eyes, Rafaela possessively hugged Luciela's arm between her bosom. "You're not having my sister!" she hissed at him.

Naruto placatingly held his hands up. "I never said I was!" Then, he chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, I couldn't help but brag."

"What if your sister wants to have a little fun?" Luciela grinned at her devilishly. "I can tell you do, too; you're jealous!"

Naruto blinked owlishly. "...Wait, she is?" he looked between the two. "She does?!"

Poor Rafaela had never blushed so hard in her life. "I… uh…"

Luciela giggled. "You always did like passing yourself off as the tough, stoic one," she pointed out. "Never showing it when something gets to you, never asking when you need help, never admitting how much you longed for something only a man could provide…"

The one-eyed sister averted her gaze.

Naruto looked at Rafaela in surprise. "Wait, really?" He'd suspected that the one-eyed woman was putting on an act, but this was legitimately unexpected.

Said woman bit her lip nervously. "I'm… I… Uh... " she muttered incoherently. "I-it's not… I… I just wanted... to protect you from him."

"You're lying," Luciela bluntly pointed out. "You like him but don't want to admit it."

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck; well that explained a lot. "So you did want to fuck me a while ago. I wouldn't have minded." not to mention he was really disappointed when he didn't go all the way with her.

Rafaela finally buckled. "FINE! I wanted to have sex with you… I've wanted it for quite some time, now! I just… I… I just couldn't bring myself to admit it… even to myself."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of," Naruto assured. "It's completely natural. Hell, we'd probably have gone extinct a long time ago if it wasn't."

Luciela grabbed her sister by the arm and as she leaned in, she stuck her tongue out and licked Rafaela's cheek, much like a cat would. Said woman groaned at the contact, releasing her grip on the ginger - which Luciela took full advantage of, dragging her little sister closer to Naruto, before tossing her into his arms.

Rafaela yelped and blushed anew as she felt the blond's arms around her.

"Go on," Luciela urged. "Fuck him; we both heard your confession!"

"What about you?" Naruto asked the Abyssal One of the South. "Are you going to watch or join in?"

The ginger giggled. "A little bit of both," she said playfully. "Rafaela saw you first, though; it's her turn."

"She did give me a very enthusiastic blowjob a day-and-a-half ago." Naruto deviously revealed.

The said woman blushed harder and glared at the man. "I was offering myself to keep you away from my sister! I just... w-wanted to protect what dignity she had left after she nearly destroyed the Organization!"

"You're still lying," Luciela pointed out.

Naruto placed a hand on Rafaela's cheek. "I told you there's no reason to be embarrassed." said woman almost whined when he stroked her cheek with his thumb. "When I healed your stigma, I was just as eager to fuck you too. But I held back because you didn't want to."

Rafaela glared at him halfheartedly. Why did he always insist on making it so hard to hate him?! After a brief pause and with a frustrated yell, she tossed Naruto to the ground and straddled him. Said blond yelped and then groaned as he felt the one-eyed woman start to grind against him.

"I want to hate you with all of my beings!" Rafaela growled as she ground her crotch roughly against his rapidly-growing erection, "You have no idea how damn much I would love to despise you! But you're too damn nice!"

As for Luciela, she was in shock… shock that the male straight up said he healed something that was un-healable… shock that he'd coaxed such a reaction out of her sister… shock that Rafaela had such a hate-boner for the man both sisters lusted over. "The stigma's incurable!" the ginger declared. "How the hell is that possible?! Such a claim demands evidence!"

Rafaela blushed, again. Then, she pulled out her sword, tossed it aside, and started to strip. Once hr armour was off on top, she stood up, unfastened her boots, kicked them off, and pulled down her trousers, before crossing her arms and pulling her top off.

Luciela gasped upon seeing the complete lack of crude stitching. Nothing was there - no scar, no gaping wound, not even any proof of its existence! Just unblemished skin!

Wasting no time, Rafaela undid Naruto's pants and freed his massive, throbbing dick, before guiding it to her already-dripping folds and impaled herself upon it. The one-eyed blonde yelped in both pain and pleasure, blood trickling down the shaft as her virginity was finally lost, once and for all. She panted, taking a bit to adjust to the size and sudden penetration. In hindsight, she should have done that far more slowly…

Naruto saw the discomfort she was in and allowed the woman time to adjust to his size. To ease the pain, the blond held her thighs and rubbed them. Essentially massaging her. Then he rubbed his hands up and down the length of her thighs in an attempt to loosen her up.

Rafaela blushed. If nothing else that was sweet of him. She leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips in gratitude. The throbbing took a bit to go away, but it did. As soon as it became even remotely bearable, she slowly started rolling her hips to get a feel for this odd, new sensation. It was weird… but pleasant. The way his massive dick rubbed against all the right places sent shivers up her spine. No wonder all those hussies loved it so much!

Along with the building pleasure, something else welled up inside her, but she was afraid to let it out. Rafaela bit her lip, forcing the moans back down, but then, Naruto started thrusting. The one-eyed woman groaned in unadulterated pleasure, before placing a hand on her mouth, trying again to force the noises back.

"No need to be embarrassed," Naruto chuckled. "Let the world know how much you love it!"

With that, he thrusts deeper into her, causing Rafaela to yelp in pleasure. She whimpered, slowly but surely obliging, despite how much she wanted to do otherwise. Soon enough, she was crying out to the heavens and the Twin Goddesses of Love, themselves in both humiliation and immeasurable bliss.

Luciela watched the coupling two in such... hunger that she'd never felt before. She wanted to join in; to feel that slab of meat pounding away at her. To feel his hot seed pouring deep into her folds. But, she waited. Rafaela needed this… Words could not describe how lonely the one-eyed woman had been over the years and Luciela knew it. She'd get her turn, but didn't want to interrupt… not in that way, at least. She licked her lips, a devilish idea coming to mind.

So engrossed in her coupling Rafaela never noticed her sister crawling over to her and her lover. Much like a cat stalking its prey. Then, the one-eyed woman yelped a the feel of a small, soft pair of hands on her tits.

She looked over her shoulder as she felt a pair of breasts pressed against her face, and was met with the face of her sister smirking slyly at her.

"Luciel-AH!" Rafaela squealed, feeling her sister's fingers tweaking her nipples.

"You didn't think I would simply watch by the sidelines, did you?" said ginger whispered, licking her sister's cheek. "I can't help myself… You two look so cute together! Oh, you should get married! I wanna see what you look like in a wedding dress!"

Poor Rafaela turned beet red at that. Once again, she'd never blushed so hard in her life.

"Did he make you able to have babies, as well, when he healed your stigma?" Luciela continued. "Wanna find out the fun way? To know what it feels like when he blows his hot load inside you?" Oh, this was so fun! She could practically see steam rising from her sister's head from all the teasing.

Said sister moaned when she felt the shaft currently pounding against her cervix throb. That made her move her thighs faster; she knew the possibility of having his children were there. Naruto had confirmed as much when he knocked Jean up. The thought of being knocked up too… the thought of having his children... was oh-so-tempting!

...Screw it! She's gonna have his babies if it's the last thing she'll do! If anything she can rub it in that Abyssal lolita hussie's face when she does for all the suffering that pint-sized bitch put her through!

"Narutooo" Rafaela moaned pleadingly. "Put a baby in me! I know you can! Please!"

Said blond cried out as he slammed into the one-eyed woman riding him, poking past her cervix and blasting his hot, potent jizz deep into her ovulating womb.

She came on the spot, wailing in pleasure as she felt the wet heat gushing into her darkest depths. Oh, she would get pregnant from this, she just knew it! Every fibre of her being cried out in joy as Naruto fed her hungry cootch. Nothing would stop her from having his child; not the Organization, not the Abyssal Ones, not even the Gods themselves would stand in her way!

Luciela giggled, admittedly surprised by the confirmation as she rubbed her sister's belly. "I can't wait to see you swell up with my niece or nephew… maybe both?" She smiled devilishly as she could tell that Rafaela came again at the very thought.

Naruto grunted in pleasure and exertion at the feel of his newest woman squeezing the life out of him. No matter how many times he felt it, he'll never be used to it. And, honestly, he didn't even want to be used to it.

He groaned when a breathless Rafaela pulled up upon finally calming down, easing her cootch off his slick cock before sitting on the ground beside him. Then, he felt something rough and wet sliding against his still-hard shaft. The blond looked down to see a purring Luciela licking his dick clean. Naruto chuckled, scratching the ginger behind the ear, just to see what would happen.

The effect was immediate. She instinctively leaned into his hand, purring twice as loudly. Naruto arched a brow at that; because of Riful he knew she has the awakened form of a giant two-tailed cat - similar, but very, very different to Matatabi; but he didn't think she would actually act like one…

Does that mean she has other cat-like attributes?

If she does then what would happen if he were to say… pet her scalp? Or scratch her under the chin? So many possibilities…

Then she looked at him from the corner of her now-yellow, slanted eye. He wasn't sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him, but from his angle, it almost looked like there was a soft orange-like glow coming from her suddenly-feline eyes.

Naruto chuckled and started petting Luciela as he inched his way around and behind her, before gently scratching a trail down the ginger's back. The woman loved every second of it. Then, she let out a pleasured yelp and raised her nice ass as he scratched her tailbone. The blond kept at it, rubbing his bulbous head against her dripping pussy.

"Tell me…" he started probing her wet folds, always parting them but never going as far as inserting his cock. "...what was your intention for coming this far North?" he asked her.

Luciela whimpered. "T-to makes you my consort," she moaned. "I… I wanted to claim you a-as mine the instant I caught a whiff of your e-enticing… manly scent. Ooh! P-please! Put it in, already!"

"I'll put it in… if you agree to be my consort instead." he bargained. "You will share with the other girls and let me have my way with you whenever I want it."

Luciela whimpered. Her pride told her no, but her cootch told her yes, yes, YES!

Seeing as she was indecisive, Rafaela decided to tell her sister about one of Naruto's many abilities.

"He can make solid copies of himself, Luciela. Imagine getting fucked in your mouth, ass and pussy at the same time!"

Said ginger shuddered happily at the thought as her lower lips twitched hungrily. She clawed the earth beneath her and yowled in lust "Please! I… I'll do it! I'll be your consort, your bitch, anything! Just put it inside, I beg you!"

With that Naruto gave her ass a harsh spank before slamming his cock inside of her dripping wet cootch. Then, he put his hands on her hips and started ploughing her from behind.

Luciela's eyes rolled back into her skull and her face hit the dirt as she let out a long, strangled moan at the feel of being so thoroughly filled… so thoroughly fucked… so thoroughly dominated. Oh, by the Twin Goddesses above, how did it feel so good?!

This was so worth becoming his consort! So, so worth it! Every thrust set her insides ablaze with pleasure; every withdrawal sent shivers up her spine in anticipation; every second, she grew closer and closer to release as the pressure in her loins started to build. Her walls tightly clamped around his shaft, attempting and failing to keep the male organ within her. Her juices spilt onto the earth below, her hips rocked in tangent with her newest lover.

Luciela downright loved- no, she adored the way her ass would slap against his pelvis repeatedly.

Naruto shared a similar feeling; he just loved how her ass felt when it clapped against his pelvis. He enjoyed the feel of her vaginal walls tightly gripping his cock as he moved in and out of her cootch.

The blond leaned forward, slid his arm under her belly, and pulled her flush against his body. Luciela gasped upon being pulled off the ground and being stood up on her knees. With a moan she allowed her head to lean back against her lover's shoulder. Then, he slid his other hand down and brushed against her clit drawing a pleasured yelp from the ginger. Spurred on, Naruto rubbed and caressed the little nub as he doubled his pace.

Luciela came immediately, throwing her head back and wailing to the heavens as her juices gushed forth and her inner walls clamped down upon him like a vice.

Naruto went cross-eyed and groaned into the crook of her neck as he unleashed a torrent of his seed into her uterus. He held the woman to her, thrusting his hips reflexively with every spray of his seed rushing through his balls, to his cock and out and into his new consorts snatch.

Rafaela shuddered happily as she watched Naruto's dick visibly throb and twitch, shooting load after a load of his thick, hot, potent cum into her sister in spectacular fashion. And yet, she had been trying so long to prevent this?! What the hell was she thinking?!

And to think… she had been intending to kill her too. If she hadn't met him… if she hadn't been assigned to watch and follow him, she would have gone through with it as well. Rafaela gave Naruto a teary-eyed, loving gaze, as her lip trembled. She owed him so much… if it wasn't for this man, what was left of her family would be forever broken.

"...Consort. I'll be your consort if you keep on giving me this." Luciela gave Naruto a loving gaze. "You will keep giving me this feeling, this pleasure, won't you?"

"I will give you more than just that," Naruto whispered into her ear. "I will give you everything your heart desires… love, pleasure, children… everything."

Luciela shuddered. "I will gladly bear your children! As many as your heart desires!"

"As will I," Rafaela whimpered. "I… I can't thank you enough for giving me so much! I'll do anything you want! Just name it!"

"Anything huh… I'll think about it. Now..." both he and Luciela groaned when the former pulled out of the latter. "...I think we should prepare for our eventual return to Pieta. Luciela…" said woman perked up and turned her head to look at him completely without going off his shoulder. " you want to come with us? It'll be a great help if we had another Abyssal One backing us up."

'Of course," Luciela chuckled, giving him a loving smile. "Your enemies are mine. Point me in their direction, and I will devour them without question. The only reminder of their existence will be but a smear upon the earth."

Naruto looked at her for a long minute. "...Hot." he eventually said.

She giggled and blushed at the compliment, kissing him on the cheek. Naruto smiled and kissed her back while he lovingly rubbed her tummy.

As much as he'd love to just stay here forever and snuggle, Naruto needed to get back. With great reluctance, he unwrapped his arms around his newest lover and stood up. He helped the ginger-haired woman and her sister up too.

Naruto looked at Rafaela. "Let's get dressed," he told her; when she nodded and went to get her uniform back on, the blond turned to the older sibling. "Do you have anything to wear at all?"

"I came to fuck," Luciela giggled. "So, no; my awakened form is a twenty-foot-long cat woman, so it's not like I'd be able to fit in anything while on my way here, anyways."

"Fair enough," Naruto chuckled.