Like Mother Like Daughter(18+)


The next thing Naruto saw, is the flat white plain he encountered Teresa. Hearing a feminine grunt beside him the blond looked and found Clare staggering forward a couple of steps.

"Been a long time since I was last here," Naruto commented.

"I've missed you, too," silk, female voice teased from behind him. This was followed by a pair of arms going around his shoulders and a pair of generous breasts pressing against his back.

Naruto looked behind him and awkwardly stared at the woman that had her arms around him. "Hey, Teresa, long time no see. Sorry for not visiting you for a year."

The woman looked as he remembered, long, curly golden tresses spilling over her shoulders; piercing silver eyes; a slender hourglass figure with a nice ass and one hell of a rack. She even wore the same clothing he last saw her in, minus the cloth cape, greatsword, and most of her armour. Only her knee-length sabatons and large vambraces were worn.

"So, what brings you here?" Teresa asked with a faint smile.

"I'm training Clare and the others in the use of chakra - an energy source the warriors from my homeland are capable of using. I want to know if you want to join in?" he told her.

Teresa unwrapped her arms from around him and as she stepped back, regarded him curiously. "What is this 'chakra' capable of doing?" she tried to sound aloof, but he had her attention and curiosity.

Instead of him answering it was Clare. "From what I found out yesterday: being able to walk or run over almost any surface. Including water. It's also the energy source of that little spiralling ball technique he likes using."

Naruto chuckled and said. "That 'little' spiralling ball technique is what my Rasenshuriken looks like when it's incomplete. It's called Rasengan. Chakra's also the energy I use for my Kage Bunshin, substitution, transformation, and fuuinjutsu." he crossed his arms. "But in this case, I only want to see how good Clare is in hand to hand. No chakra techniques, no dirty tricks, just good old fashioned hand to hand."

The corners of Teresa's lips quirked slightly upwards, giving the woman her namesake as she smiled faintly. "It doesn't sound all that interesting; but, I AM curious... I may partake in this 'training' of yours." the woman said as she crossed her arms.

Naruto nodded approvingly and put a respectable distance between himself, Teresa and Clare. Clare briefly looked at the older blonde, before bringing her full attention to Naruto; the page-boy haired woman saw him stretching his muscles, in preparation for the more serious mock fight.

The blond then looked at Teresa. "You mind coaching her if she needs it?"

"I'm not all that good at hand to hand myself, to be honest. I never had to resort to it." The former Number 1 admitted with a shrug. "It can't hurt to try though."

Naruto nodded. It was understandable, for the most part.

"Alright, then you can join in at any time you want. Or you can sit and watch on the sidelines." He told her; then Naruto looked to Clare and cracked his wrists. "This time, Clare, you're going to be on the offensive and I'll be on the defensive."

Clare understood why he did that almost immediately; with her being on the offence, it would allow her to vent her frustrations. She nodded in approval and got in an awkward boxing stance. Naruto took a more defensive stance, his legs spread out his weight evenly in the middle and his left and right hands were raised in front of him. One hand was slightly above the other, protecting his face while the other was slightly down and protecting his torso.

"Come on, Clare! Show me what you got!" he challenged her.

Clare dashed toward him as her eyes changed from chronic silver to demonic gold with feline-like pupils. Naruto immediately intercepted her first punch, deflecting it with a swipe of his left hand and blocked the other with the forearm of his right arm. He retaliated by lightly jabbing her on the abdomen, it struck home and she staggered back. Undeterred, however, Clare tried to fake him out, going for a left hook before switching to a straight jab with her other hand at the last second.

Naruto did not have enough time to react and grunted when she got a direct hit on him. Clare did not let up; she took advantage of his opening and went for another attack. A jab that was deflected, a left hook that was blocked, a right hook that was redirected and an uppercut that was dodged. Clare was attacking him in a frenzy, using wild and sometimes unpredictable angles in combination with her using her speed and strength to her advantage. And she was slowly forcing him to back away just so he could have enough space to move his arms to intercept her better.

In all honesty, Naruto was impressed by her relentlessness. "Keep it up," he goaded encouragingly. "Try adding a few kicks in there. The less predictable you are the more likely you're to catch me off guard and beat me."

Clare took his advice to heart and genuinely took him by surprise from switching her jab into a grapple. Once she had her grip on his wrist, she lashed out with her leg, side kicking him in the waist thrice before pulling the blond in, to knee him in the stomach.

Naruto gasped in both pain and surprise; and staggered back, with one hand supporting his abdomen and waist when she let him go. Both he and his wife panted heavily, though Naruto's panting was more strained and out of breath, due to the savageness of her attacks that managed to connect; that and she was using her yoki in her attacks as well. So when her punches and kicks managed to hit, they hurt. The closest he can compare it to is Sakura's punches.

Clare, in particular, was getting tired. She wasn't used to swinging her fists like this, as her greatsword's blade generally did all the work. Still, this felt good. She needed it so badly!

Taking a deep breath, Naruto rolled his shoulders and got back in a defensive stance. Clare, seeing this went back on the offensive. Her using 10 per cent of her demonic energy had made her attacks faster and stronger. For Naruto he could easily intercept them, it wouldn't be much of a problem to intercept them before she could even land a hit. But she was so aggressive, that Clare did manage to land some hits with both hands and feet.

With a grunt, Naruto decided to block her kicks and knees, by using his legs to counter hers. Then they grabbed each other's hands and tried to overpower one another.

"Very good, Clare! You're a lot better at this than I thought you were!" Naruto complimented, groaning as he put all his weight into overwhelming her.

"It's not as hard as I thought it would be. It's really tiring, though," she admitted, groaning as she tried to overwhelm him. The silver-eyed blonde was inwardly gleeful to see that she was winning in this little tug-of-war.

The two then disengaged and circled each other. Naruto was taking long, steady breaths, while Clare was taking short breaths. Then with a loud war cry, the latter went on the attack again. Naruto crossed his forearms and took the first several punches that sent pins and needles up his arms. He retaliated by putting Clare on the defensive, throwing his arms out when one of her punches hit his arms and throwing undercuts one after the other to her solar plexus. Both were either blocked or redirected. He sent a savage a right hook to her face, it connected with her cheek, causing his wife to grunt in pained surprise and stagger back from the impact. Naruto didn't stop there however, he kept on attacking, kept on pushing Clare back before she could get a chance to recover.

He sent another right hook that she managed to deflect, a karate kick that was firmly grabbed and shoved aside in a second, a leaping double fist punch that he tried to bring down on her head was gracefully dodged; it was fairly easy to do so as well, it was slow and not to mention ineffective. Clare retaliated by side kicking him on the hip as he landed, and when her foot connected Naruto went with it rather than against it, throwing himself to the ground on his side, and rolled across the unseen surface before getting back up again to face his wife.

Just in time to see her rushing at him with a determined glare.

The former Number. 47 draped an arm over his stomach as she put an ankle behind his, and sent him slamming to the ground.

"Ack!" Naruto yelped upon having his head smashed against the floor.

He slowly made to get up, but Clare straddled him and pushed him back down. He looked up to the wild-eyed, panting woman atop him and saw that she was slowly calming down. Be it from exhaustion or legitimately feeling better, neither one was quite sure. Sure enough her eyes turned back to their normal chromic silver.

"You feel better now?" he asked her.

Clare blushed, averting her gaze. "Give me a moment," she said, "I haven't decided, yet." In truth, she did; the blonde was just acting petty - she didn't want to admit it out loud, but Clare needed this.

Naruto looked disappointed, upset you can almost say.

"Heh, the hybrid is lying." Clare jumped in fright at the deep, growling voice, before sending its owner a halfhearted glare.

The woman looked as the Nine-tailed fox faded into view like he was emerging from a fog. Her silver eyes grew wide at how utterly big he was. Naruto wasn't lying when he said the fox was bigger than Riful's awakened form. He had to be at least a thousand feet tall!

Clare licked her suddenly dry lips. "Kurama, I presume?"

Kurama grinned toothily down at her as he sat on his hind legs. "You presume correctly, hybrid."

Teresa crossed her arms, instinctively putting herself between Clare and the fox. She knew he was friendly, but her maternal impulses demanded she grabs Clare and runs. She hid her wariness well, though under a faint smile.

"Hey, Kurama." Naruto waved at his friend with a smile, now more upbeat. Clare got off of her husband and stood behind him as he got up to his feet. "What brings you here, buddy?" he asked.

"I'm bored! None of the other tailed beasts is around to talk to! The ingrates…" the fox childishly ranted.

Naruto gave Kurama a dull look and asked in an equally dull tone, "...Have you been mocking them for their less amount of tails again?"

"" Teresa and Clare were bewildered with how sheepish the demon fox is being. He was acting like a little kid with his hand caught in a cookie jar.

"Right…" Naruto drawled out in an unbelieving tone. "So if I were to go and ask them right now… they would say the same thing?" he asked, with a look that told the fox to try and lie to him.

"Um… Probably?" the Nine-tailed fox weakly offered.

"Uh-huh…" Naruto dampened his lip before looking back to Teresa and Clare. "Give me a moment would you?" when they slowly nodded the blond turned back to his tenant and suddenly, without warning they were gone. There was no special effects, no poof of smoke, no noise; they were just gone.

"Huh. I never thought I would see a demon acting like that." Teresa said in bemusement. "He must really trust the boy to act like that in front of us."

"Indeed," Clare concurred.

Teresa then looked to her adoptive daughter with a smile. "Go easy on him, eh? You have every reason to be mad at him, true, but it's not something to lose your relationship over. I'd hate to see how that adorable daughter you had with him loses her daddy."

Clare blushed brightly, averting her gaze. "I know. As I told him, I just…"

"...need time to adjust, I know." Teresa patted Clare on the head. "You're a mother already, and still such a kid, at times." the older woman chuckled. "But he does have a point as well: the Organization has to be taken down. The longer they're around, the more misery they'll cause. Getting as many allies as possible, even if they are an enemy or someone you hate, is reasonable."

"I know…" Clare pouted childishly. As the woman in their relationship, she was supposed to be right, not Naruto! She sighed. "I'll do my best."

"That's all anyone can ask." Teresa chuckled warmly. "Besides, thanks to him, we're able to talk and see each other any time we want now. And you have no idea how much I owe him for that… if only there was a way for me to get out of here though. I would love to repay him!"

"Teresa!" Clare whined in embarrassment and the older woman chuckled. "I'm basically listening to my mother ogle my husband, here…"

"Can you blame me?" Teresa teased. "He fucked me that one time, while he made love to you multiple times. Even gave me an adorable granddaughter."

Only said the child was allowed to call her a grandmother, though, lest the wrath of a former Number 1 is brought down upon some hapless fucker's head.

Suddenly the two women heard Naruto let out an undignified shout, "KURAMA, LEMME GO! RIGHT NOW!" but they didn't see the whiskered blond or his tailed beast friend.

"But I'm, BO-ORED!"


"Not to mention he keeps things interesting." a giggling Teresa added as if nothing was happening.

"He does." Clare concurred as she giggled along with her. "There's been a lot of… excitement, ever since I met him."

Then Teresa looked to Clare's right arm and reached out to touch it. "I still can't believe a certain oaf gave you her arm," she said, fondly remembering Irene.

Clare brought said arm up in front of her and smiled. "I owe her a lot. I wouldn't have gotten this far without it."

Then they looked behind them as an irritated Naruto reappeared with his back to them; the blond was massaging his temples. "Stupid furball…" he sighed in irritation.

Then Teresa got an idea and sent Clare a look; when her adopted daughter stared at her, Teresa pointed at herself and her, then gestured at Naruto before making a circle with her thumb and forefinger and running a finger through it.

Clare grew wide-eyed and nodded with a smile and leered at her man. Without him knowing of their thoughts they walked over to him.

"Uninvited guest irritating you?" Teresa cooed, wrapping her arms around the blond and pressing her breasts against his back.

"Just a little," Naruto chuckled, putting his hand on one of Teresa's arms. "Nothing to worry about." he craned his head up and looked at her, "So, what do you and Clare want to do now?"

He looked ahead when Clare wrapped her arms around him and pressed her breasts against his front. Then, he jumped in startlement when his wife fondled his crotch with a sickly sweet grin that spelt all sorts of trouble.

"I want you to make up for railing that purple hussy by giving me another daughter." she cooed, grinning with all the deviousness of a lewd girl.

Teresa giggled, undoing his pants and reaching inside to fondle his dick directly. "You've been a naughty boy and need to be punished~!" she licked his ear and lightly bit down on his earlobe.

Poor Naruto was taken aback for once. "R-really? But I thought yo-" He suddenly yelped as Teresa pinched him on the ass.

"It's rude to look a gift horse in the mouth," she scolded impishly. "Clare and I are going to punish you; you're going to sit there, you're going to take it, and you're going to like it~!"

She growled that word like a hungry wolf as Clare dropped to her knees, pulled her hair behind her ear and took his dick into her mouth. Naruto groaned pitifully as his wife started bobbing her head up and down on his cock; at the same time, Teresa was busy stroking what wasn't in the mouth of her adopted daughter.

She chuckled throatily as the sound of Clare's succulent suckling filled the infinite caverns of her daughter's mindscape, accompanied by Naruto's moans. Shuddering at the tingling building up in his groin, the blond reached down to caress Clare's scalp with one hand and leaned back against Teresa's shoulder. And with the other, he reached behind and started palming at Teresa's cunt.

"Oh, god that feels good." he groaned; Teresa mewled as she moved her hips against his fingers. She moved her tits up and down his back, even as she caressed and rubbed at his chest. Naruto could feel Clare's tongue lashing against his very tip from behind her lips, every time she pulled back, before trailing that wet organ along the underbelly of his one-eyed beast on the way down. It was incredible!

But, where was their so-called 'punishment'?

"If this is my 'punishment' then it's a poor one," he said with a groan.

Teresa chortled as she grinned a devious grin. "Do you really want us to punish you?" she purred impishly, "Because if you say 'yes', you're going to regret it, I assure you," she warned him; there was no malice, just a genuine, and friendly warning. "And this won't be like the last time you were here," she added.

Naruto shuddered when Clare gave the bulbous head a particularly hard suck; if he didn't know any better, the blond would've thought she did it to show she was agreeing with the woman.

Naruto didn't say anything, short of turning and kissing Teresa full on the mouth. The woman squealed into his mouth when Naruto got his hand under the flap of her pants and top and slid down until he reached her vagina and started rubbing her vulva and clit.

"Well, this is punishment enough." the blond said after he pulled away from her mouth. "I should get Clare to learn the Kage Bunshin."

"Oh? And why is that?" Teresa asked since Clare was a little… preoccupied at the moment.

"Copies," Naruto explained. "And if you two do share a soul link, she could potentially let you out for some fresh air as that clone."

That got Clare to pull away and look at him with wide eyes. "WHAT?! REALLY?!" she shouted in shock.

Naruto chuckled and patted his wife on the head. "Really," he promised. "I'll see what I can do about convincing Beth or Rafaela to help you learn the technique." he gave Teresa a peck on the lips again."So, what does this punishment entail? Because I'm enjoying it so far."

"You're having it~" Teresa gave Clare a wink; which was the signal for her to go wild. With Teresa holding his erection in place Naruto wasn't expecting for Clare to unhinge her jaw like a snake and to swallow the cock like one too.

"SHIT!" Naruto let out a loud curse as Clare rammed her head up and down on his cock like a piston. His body moved on its own as he placed his hands on her head and started bucking into her. Teresa cupped his cheeks and forced him to look at her, whereas she shoved her mouth against his and slithered her tongue into his mouth where she began to explore the moist cavern.

All the while she made sure he felt her breasts rubbing against his back, all of her curves, and finally her hands caressing his chest. With the two hot-ass women ganging upon him, the younger one giving him a particularly vigorous blowjob, Naruto was helpless against them. He came into Clare's mouth with a loud roar, and because Naruto had Teresa's mouth on his, his roar of pleasure ended up muffled.


Ejected from Clare's mindscape by his orgasm, Naruto fell on his back, blinking in bewilderment as he found himself back in the barracks/armoury. Clare blinked owlishly, realizing that Naruto was no longer in her head. Then, she flinched at Teresa's voice yelling, "oh, for fuck's sake!?" in frustration.

"I'll get straight to learning that Kage Whatchyamathing as soon as possible," the young woman promised her adoptive mother.

"You'd better," Teresa grumbled.

Clare looked towards a still-disoriented Naruto and grinned impishly. Reaching under her skirt and slipping her panties off, before dropping to her hands and knees and crawling on up to the man before her. Now, then… they had another baby to make.

Naruto moaned in his wife's mouth when she pressed her lips to his and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "So, are we good, then?" he asked; the blond didn't want her angry at him anymore.

Clare flashed him a predatory grin. "Did you forget?" She giggled menacingly. "As I said earlier, you're going to make it up to me by giving me another daughter."

Naruto let out a sheepish chortle. "Heh, right, I sorta did." he pulled her into another kiss and put all of his love and fondness into it. "But, I can do that." he groaned into her mouth; Clare sat down on his waist and mewled into her man's mouth as she ground her cunny against his crotch.

"Yes~" Clare hissed; oh, this was definitely the perfect way to make up to her for breaking his promise. "Yes, you can."

Naruto moved one hand down to cup her ass. "As for Teresa… does she want to join in?"

"Yes, of course, I do!" Teresa yelled straight into Clare's head.

"Enthusiastically," the young blonde giggled.

"Damn straight!"

"Alright," Naruto closed his eyes and focused. While Clare may not be able to do anything on her end, he can certainly do something on his, say… making a mental copy of himself show up in Clare's mindscape.

They are still connected chakra wise. It'll be a piece of cake to do.

"There, that should do it." the blond said as he opened his eyes once more. With that out of the way, he went right back to kissing his wife, that quickly escalated to French kissing.


Back in Clare's mindscape, Teresa had a confused frown as she crossed her arms under her generous bosom.

"What should do it?" she asked, aloud. Then, she yelped as a pair of strong, male hands hugged her from behind. "Oh~!" Teresa looked behind her and grinned when she saw the slyly smiling face of Naruto hugging her.

"Clare is 'punishing' me outside, and I'm not going to take away your opportunity to 'punish' me," he said, grinning with his eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

The woman smiled faintly as she said, "Well, aren't you considerate?"

The bodacious blonde turned partially around to wrap her arm over his shoulder. At the same time, she pressed her buttocks against his groin and ground against him as she brought him in for a kiss.

Both young man and the mature, bodacious woman moaned into each other's mouths as they ground against one another. And when Naruto grasped her breasts and kneaded them, Teresa mewled pleasurably into his mouth and leaned slightly forward so her ass was pressed further against him.

Naruto chuckled into her lips. "You were neglected for an entire year. I think you should be able to cut loose as well and get rid of your pent up frustrations at the same time." he slid one hand down her chest and abdomen to her groin, where he started rubbing her through her pants.

Closing her eyes, Teresa mewled and whimpered longingly at his touch. She needed this so badly. The kneading of her breast and the rubbing of her vagina felt good, but she wanted more. Reaching back, she started undoing Naruto's trousers and fished out her prize. He wanted her to cut loose, and get rid of her aroused frustrations? Very well, then...

Her eyes snapped open, and Naruto watched as a purple aura like energy formed around the woman when her eyes changed, going from chromic silver to demonic gold with slanted pupils. With one hand Teresa pushed her fellow blond down on his back, or more accurately she sent him flying for several yards where he landed on his back.

Grunting, Naruto quickly sat up, and when he looked at Teresa the blond instinctively shrank back; the glowing purple aura around her, the glowing, feline-like golden eyes, the way she was hidden behind a shadow; it gave off a real menacing appearance. She went down on all fours and slowly skulked up to him like a hungry beast, licking her chops as she came closer and closer to her prey as the shadow slowly eased away from her to reveal the look of absolute hunger on her face. Nothing was going to stop her, this time!

Upon reaching the object of her desires, Teresa gently urged Naruto to lie back down and started to teasingly strip before him. Starting with what remained of armour, such as her vambraces and sabatons. Little by little, she slowly and seductively removed the bits of armour. Then once they were removed, the woman went for her two-piece cloth bodysuit; starting with the top.

She crossed her arms in front of her torso and slowly, but smoothly removed it in a single motion, letting her generous tits bounce free of their confines. She cooed when Naruto reached up and grasped them, kneading her tit flesh gently and lovingly. Teresa smiled down at the young man and giggled. "Eager, aren't we?"

"I have a downright, beautiful woman stripping for me," he replied with a lopsided grin. "How can I not be eager?" the blond nevertheless let her go and allowed her to continue.

Teresa smiled. But, this one wasn't faint, as her moniker would imply - it was a clearly visible, genuine, flattered grin. Then, her smile turned naughty, as she slid her thumbs into her leggings and sexily wiggled her nice ass out of them. She stood up slowly, letting the garment slide down to her ankles before stepping out with one foot and kicking them off with the other.

Naruto was in awe as he stared up at Teresa from his position on the ground. The first time, he didn't look at the woman and take in her appearance. And he realised he should have after she got her stigma healed. He now regrets not taking in her beauty back then.

The woman before him was nothing short of gorgeous! Lean but well-built, Teresa had a perfect hourglass figure and wide, flaring hips, perfect for childbearing. Her large breasts left nothing to be desired in conjunction with her immaculate figure. The woman's long, pale blonde, curly locks flowed down like a waterfall, reaching down to her waistline, with the chin-length bangs framing her face rather nicely. Her skin was also amazingly smooth, bearing no blemishes, with nary a speck of body hair, save for a cute, little, well-trimmed bush upon her mound.

"You are absolutely beautiful," Naruto said with an appreciative grin.

Teresa smiled back, legitimately flattered, as she sauntered on up with quite the sway to her hips. Naruto's attention was easily caught by them as she approached; she had ensnared him with her allure and when she got to his feet, she eased herself back down on her hands and knees and crawled the rest of the way up like a cat on the prowl. Her still golden slanted eyes just gave off that feeling even more.

Teresa narrowed her eyes slightly, took hold of his tunic and undershirt, and tore them clean off his body with a single, but powerful yank before tossing the shredded remains in her hand aside. Naruto yelped in surprise and chuckled at her enthusiasm. Then, she looked down at his remaining garment and frowned. That simply would not do… Deciding to level the playing field, Teresa reached down to the waistband of his trousers and pulled them down to and off his ankles in much the same fashion. The man beneath her now just as naked as she, Teresa licked her lips, again and went down upon her daughter's man with a passionate kiss.

Both man and woman moaned into each other's mouths as the former pulled the latter down into a tight hug. The two enjoyed the feel of their naked bodies pressed together - but none more than Teresa, who'd been craving such attention again for the past year.

Why didn't she just ask Clare to bring him here? Simple: despite how much she enjoyed her first time upon consenting, she didn't want to admit it. Now he was here and he was all hers.


Outside in the real world, within the armoury/barracks, Naruto groaned as his wife rode him like a pony. The two of them were still clothed; well, for the most part… Clare was still in her usual outfit and merely had her panties taken off - followed by her apron-like skirt. Naruto had his trousers and boxers down to his ankles, and his tunic opened and undershirt pulled up.

The two of them were fucking like rabbits, as Clare tried to get herself impregnated with a second child. The sound of flesh pounding flesh echoed throughout the chamber and much of the outer hall, alongside Clair's lewd moans and the obscene squelching of her sopping, hungry cunt.

The two of them had their arms outstretched, holding hands in the middle as they balanced themselves on one another.

"I - oh god - I love you," Naruto grunted with genuine fondness; his woman rode him with everything she had, and he kept himself from reaching his limit, to prolong her pleasure as much as he possibly could. This was his 'punishment', and he was going to make sure he was 'punished' by putting her joy before his.

"I k-know," Clare whimpered, biting her bottom lip to try and muffle her joyous squeals. "I l-love you too." she mewled, before closing her eyes and throwing her head back in a silent scream when Naruto began thrusting up into her with renewed energy. She allowed him to take his hand away, not wondering where he was going to put it next due to the deep dicking she's receiving.

She yelped in pleasure as her man then thumbed her clit and her walls clenched around his dick when he doubled his pace, slamming into the entrance of her womb with every thrust. She yelped again, this time out of surprise when Naruto stopped his thrusting and pulled her down on top of him. Pecking her multiple times on the lips, jawline and neck, Naruto grabbed her thighs, bent his knees and raised his legs and pressed his mouth to hers.

Then he pounded her with everything he had; no longer was he fucking her at double, or triple the pace, he was having sex with his pace having quadrupled. His chakra reinforcing his legs, his thighs, in particular, had allowed him to achieve this. Clare wailed like a common whore; she couldn't take it; not even three thrusts in, she was brought to a mind-numbing orgasm as her eyes rolled back, her tongue lolled out, and her inner walls fluttered - milking Naruto, her man, her lover and husband. for that seed, she so craved.

Naruto grit his teeth as he tried to resist the temptation to cum, but by god was it a challenge! Her expression made it all the more difficult! She just looked so damn cute! No, not yet. He wanted to make her adore him again. He ploughed through the need to release his seed, pressing on to make her cum again. The blond kept using the same pace, the same strength as he sent Clare straight back to cloud nine.

This time, his wife squealed as yet another release washed over her. Thank god the building wasn't being used by anyone else, otherwise, she would've been heard. As for Naruto, he groaned as he closed his eyes tight, trying to keep himself once again from cumming.


Meanwhile, back in Clare's mindscape, yet another Naruto was being mounted by an equally thirsty blonde.

Teresa groaned hungrily as her folds were pummeled by the man's mighty dick. Naruto kneaded and groped her nice ass while slamming into her with just as much force as Clare was receiving in that very moment. Every fibre of her ethereal being cried out in pleasure with each thrust.

While he was railing his woman to the best of his ability, Naruto stared, entranced at her heaving chest. The way her big tits bounced up and down was downright hypnotic.

Then, an evil thought came to mind as Naruto decided that he would fuck both her and Clare stupid. Slowly, his crimson aura bubbled into existence, enveloping both him and Teresa in its embrace. Then, just like the last time it happened, Teresa felt a tidal wave of pleasure wash over her; her golden eyes rolled to the back of her skull, her tongue lolled out and she let out a pleasure-filled scream as she came hard around his cock. Both her own and Clare's orgasm washed over her as she writhed and spasmed upon him. It felt as if she was riding him… no… she was riding him - but there was something else. She felt… somewhat, looser?

How? The only other person who could be loose is Clare- oh… so, that is who that was.

Pulling her tongue back into her mouth, Teresa looked down at him with wide, glaring eyes and a faint smile and found there was a bubbling red aura around them both. So that's what he used to make her feel her daughters pleasure?

Suddenly, she got a devilish flash of inspiration.

With squinted eyes, the aura she used when using her yoki came back and cast her in shadow. Naruto grew wide-eyed at this before her cunt clamped very, very tight around his cock as if she were trying to strangle it of life.


Outside, Clare was nigh-catatonic. When Naruto started using his yoki to pleasure her, she felt as if she was being fucked in two separate bodies. Unlike last time where it felt like she was getting pounded into the ground, it felt like she was riding him through another body. One that was tighter... he was doing the same thing as before, wasn't he? Clare wailed in pleasure as yet another orgasm wracked her frame. It was just too much for her to handle!

And like the past two to three orgasms, her cunt was left empty of the seed it craved.


Teresa staggered Clare's orgasm washing over her, as well. She bit her lip and shifted her position. Now, she was squatting over Naruto hands on her knees, she glared at him with a toothy grin. Time to make him suffer for that in the best damn way possible.

She steeled herself and started bouncing on his dick, squeezing him on the way up every time, as she rapidly picked up the pace. By the time she found a steady pace, Teresa was pounding into him so fast it looked like three women were bouncing upon his dick at the same damn time!

If it were any other person she was doing this to, they would have had their pelvis broken, or cracked from the speed and force. Naruto just laid there and took her punishment like a man. From where he laid, Teresa looked like an angel of vengeance; he could almost see the two sets of white, feathery angelic wings sprouting from her back. Two large and two small.

Teresa wailed in both pleasure and frustration as she felt Clare's next orgasm crash into her. Instead of giving in and basking in it, the woman powered through and kept fucking herself on his cock. She was going to fucking make him regret connecting her senses with Clare's, by the time she got done with him!

She just needed to… damn it!

Yet another orgasm slammed into her, just after the last one subsided! Poor Clare was sent over the edge once more, and Teresa was nearly overwhelmed. Just as she tried to force herself to muscle through it again, she staggered. Yet another one hit her from Clare's side of the two-plane romp, and it was driving the older woman insane!

"D-dammit!" Teresa scowled down at him in frustration; she slammed down on him one last time and leaned down until she was face to face with him. "Why aren't you coming yet?!" she demanded.

Naruto had the most impressive poker face Teresa had ever seen. So impressive it was, she genuinely thought he was nonchalant. The blond shrugged, "Maybe because you're not going at your best?" he answered with a smile.

Theresa gave Naruto a scathing, hungry glare. Oh, really? She was going to show him… Her pace tripled on the spot, the sound of her squelching cunt echoing throughout Clare's mindscape. Unfortunately for the said girl, the sudden spike in lewd sensations sent her over the edge once more. And that, in turn, sent a new wave of sensations through Teresa's senses as well.

She almost lost it there, but stubbornly held on.

Naruto's composure cracked a little. His left eye twitched as both of them rolled to the back of his skull. Shit… he was getting so close. It was almost unbearable! The only way he could see this getting 'worse' is her lying down on top of him and fucking him with just her hips moving. Or she rode him reverse cowgirl. Or literally unleash hell upon him, by using the full potential of her 10 percent usage of yoki.

Given how frenzied she looks, Naruto guessed the last one is the most likely outcome. And in all honesty… he can't wait to see what this sexy woman will do. But first…

"That's it, like that." Naruto groaned with a pleased smile. "C'mon, you can do better than that can't you?" he reached up and managed to grab her fast bouncing tits. "Go nuts Teresa. I'm letting you let out your pent up lusts, so go. Fucking. Nuts!" to punctuate his statement, Naruto slammed into her half-way in the middle as she descended.

Teresa wailed, cumming on the spot, the world started to spin as her eyes rolled back and her inner walls squeezed the life out of her daughter's man, but she didn't let up; she couldn't let up!

While Teresa staggered, she powered through her orgasm and started fucking Naruto with all her might.


Back outside, Clare wailed at the feel of Teresa's orgasm slamming into her. The poor girl nearly fainted right then and there. She fell on top of her man, gasping and shaking as the sensation of Teresa going nuts overwhelmed her. She couldn't move, she could barely even breathe, but damn, did it feel good!

Naruto wrapped his arms around her back and waist, hugging his wife to him as she tried and failed miserably, to ignore the pleasant sensations pounding away at her mind. Naruto, himself, wasn't fairing much better. He was linked to the clone in her mind like Clare was to Teresa. He was doing better in the sense he hadn't cum yet, but the sensation of being fucked by one woman while ploughing the other at the same time was so taxing on his willpower, the blond had no idea how much longer he can hold out for.

If Clare and Teresa were to work together, somehow find a way to coordinate their movements, then they may be able to turn this around in their favour. He wouldn't bet on it though.

He kissed Clare on the lips, moaning shudderingly into her mouth as her vaginal walls tried to milk all the cum from his balls. Damn, he was tempted to just let loose! Just a little more! He needed to hold it in for just a bit longer!

"I - oh god - I love you, Clare!" he groaned, going cross-eyed when she started to move her hips automatically. "So, very much." He trailed a hand down to her rear and gave her a nice, firm smack.

The effect was instant.

Within her, Teresa wailed as she was sent over the edge once more, followed immediately by Clare, milking both Naruto and his mental clone for all they were worth. It all proved too damn much for them.

Both inside and out, Naruto roared grabbing his woman's hips and slamming into her as a massive gush of semen crashed into Clare and Teresa's wombs. Both blonds bucked their hips with each spurt, burying their face into the crooks of Clare and Teresa's necks.

Clare mewled as her womb got flooded with several spurts of cum and hugged her husband to him with a massive, drooling grin as she bucked her hips against his. Her cunt continuously tried to milk his cock and was getting the cum she so desperately needed.


Back in the mindscape, Naruto and Teresa were making out heavily, swapping spit as their hands explored each others body. Her eyes were no longer golden; her hips bucked against her lover's cock, that was still spurting cum into her snatch, and she enjoyed the feel of his hands roaming her body. Grabbing her ass, thigh and breasts whenever he could.

"Was that a good enough 'punishment' for me, Teresa?" Naruto asked the woman on top of him after pulling away. A cocky grin was on his face as he fondled her ass. Then, he grunted as her inner walls clenched around his dick.

"No one likes a smartass," Teresa muttered, barely conscious, but still aware enough to retort.

"True enough." he chuckled moving his other hand to lovingly thread his hands through her hair. "I wouldn't mind fucking you some more if you're up for it later. Heck, once you find a way to get out, let's have a celebration fuck!"

"Hmmm...." the woman sighed dreamily, "sounds like a plan. Let's stay like this for now."

"Alright." Naruto hugged her tight, rubbing her back. He chuckled, "You have a rocking body - are all you hybrids like this?" he grunted again when Teresa clenched her inner walls around his cock.

"Hush you, I'm resting."

"Doesn't mean we can't flirt or lightly make out. Or just talk." he pointed out. "But sure, resting sounds good."


Back outside with Clare and Naruto, the latter was deep in thought as he traced his fingers up and down his wife's back. Now that Clare was pacified he has Ophelia to take care of. Given how… utterly nuts she can be on a bad day, he could tell that encounter was going to suck and probably hurt a lot.

Priscilla is most likely going to be there too, now that he thought about it.

If worst comes to worst, he can just offer the same thing he did with Clare - spar, with him on the defence and let her let out all her pent up anger.

"-give you." he heard Clare mutter under her breath.

Naruto looked down, an eyebrow arched. "Hmm?"

"I, forgive you," Clare repeated, loud enough for him to hear.

Naruto smiled in relief and hugged his woman, snuggling against her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and back. Yeah, now he has just Ophelia to worry about.


3 days later

In the Elemental Nations, Rubel and his entourage had finally arrived at their destination. Konohagakure no Sato, or the Village Hidden by Leaves. It was an impressive city, the bald man had to admit; large walls surrounded the city, though the men could see buildings being erected that towered over the walls itself.

Now, where was this Administrative division he heard about? As he and his escort walked through the city gates, Rubel looked around. There was a lot of people walking around, quite a few wore those strange headbands, though there was a different symbol etched onto the metal. Did it resemble a leaf, with a swirl? How odd.

With a sigh, Rubel went and asked someone for directions, and after he was pointed in the tower's general direction, the bald man gave the kindly villager a nod of thanks and continued on his way.


Hatake Kakashi was not a happy camper. Now more than ever, he knew why Tsunade drank so damn much. This job of being Hokage was stressful! And his sensei's son wanted to have this job?!

...speaking of his sensei's son…

The partially masked faced man looked at the remnants of Team Gai and Team Asuma. Both of whom were unhappy at their lack of progress. "Still no word on Naruto-san, or Tsunade-sama yet?" he asked them.

The young, black-haired man with a flaring ponytail answered with a sigh. "None, whatsoever. It's like they both disappeared off the face of the earth. If anyone would have any chance at knowing their whereabouts, it's Sasuke, but he's in Suna, last I heard. Talk about troublesome blonds..."

Kakashi scowled behind his mask. Ever since the hunter-nin fiasco, two years ago, the Kazekage has cut all ties with Konoha and forbidden any active-duty leaf ninja from crossing his borders under penalty of death, so going there was out of the question. The only ones who were allowed entry into Suna's borders were Sasuke and Naruto, since the former was on the search for him, with non-threatening intentions - the Uchiha was worried about his friend - and the latter was the redheads best friend.

Anko was technically not an exception, as she had gone rogue and hadn't left Suna since the absolute fuckup that became known as 'The Suna Incident' happened. What the absolute fuck was the hunter-nins thinking antagonising Naruto?! The ones who blackmailed Anko into leading that mission were taken care of, permanently, but Kakashi feared that relations with their old ally were simply beyond repair, now.

And don't get him started on Naruto himself. His wayward student went berserk after Hinata died. If the reports he got were accurate, he went six tails after Hinata took the killing blow meant for him, and absolutely butchered the hunter-nins.

Anko was the only one who was spared - partially because she and Naruto had become good friends, and partially because she didn't want to be there in the first place. She was also the only one who didn't try and kill them - instead, she went for non-lethal takedowns.

Kakashi was taken away from his train of thought when Shikamaru spoke again. "We simply don't have the manpower or resources to keep searching for them, Hokage-sama. Judging by Konoha's recovery rate, we should wait for a year or two before continuing the search. Just shy of a decade, give or take a few months, if we want to put our full commitment into this search for the long term."

Yeah, the Sixth Hokage, Hatake Kakashi was definitely not a happy camper… not at all.

There was a knock on the door as Emi, Kakashi's secretary timidly entered. She was garbed in a particularly scandalous business suit, making her stick out like a sore thumb in this situation, but that was neither here nor there. "Hokage-sama? We seem to have a client with an… unorthodox request."

That caught Kakashi's attention, though he hid it well. The way she said that was code for S-Rank mission. Such things tended to be covert opps, so anyone below the rank of Jounin didn't need to know about them - save for the obvious exception, of course.

Kakashi looked at Team Gai and Team Asuma before looking at Emi once more. "Send the client in, Emi." the Sixth Hokage told the woman. A client with an S-Rank, there hasn't been one of those since before the Fourth Shinobi World War. This outta be interesting.

Many eyes within the room gazed upon the doorway, as Rubel entered with his entourage. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the men's appearance, wondering where they were from, but decided to withhold questioning it for now.

The bald man smiled and gave an elaborate, but a respectful bow, as he addressed Kakashi. "I take it you're this Hokake we've heard so much about."

Kakashi didn't know why, but he only saw this guy for like, five seconds, and already he wants to punch him in the face. There was something… off about him. He gave him bad vibes. However, the silver-haired Hokage expertly hid his thoughts and gave the man in black his iconic eye smile.

"That would be me."

Rubel smiled. "I understand that your… the village, is it? Does mercenary work?"

"It depends on the job we're hired for, but yes," Kakashi confirmed.

"My organization has been having trouble with a certain someone. You see, we run a sort of… extermination business, I suppose you would say. Where we're from, there are these creatures called yoma - terrible beasts, they are. They, for lack of a more elegant way to put it, eat people, so our organization have come up with a way to use these creatures' power against them by creating hybrid soldiers to combat them. But, this certain someone has been inciting rebellion amongst these soldiers and must be stopped, before he causes more damage than he already has."

Almost immediately, Shikamaru asked the man, "what are his capabilities? What does he look like?"

"I think you might be quite familiar with him, actually," Rubel said. "Spiky blond hair, blue eyes, whiskers on his cheeks?"

Kakashi's eyes nearly popped out of his skull at that. The others also reacted rather drastically, Rubel noted. It wasn't surprising, but he could do without the tension in the air. One could cut it with a knife.

"Rest assured, we only want him extracted from our land," he said with a shrug. "He can even keep the little harem he's amassed, if he so wishes, we just want him out of our way."

That calmed them down, but not by much. Naruto wasn't the type to start something for no reason. And as much as they want him to come back, they didn't have the resources or manpower to spare. They needed to rebuild their forces and economy after such a costly war with Akatsuki. Furthermore, Naruto's not likely to just come back willingly, after all, is said and done.

"Harem, you say?" Kakashi asked sceptically. "That doesn't sound like Naruto."

"Indeed," Shikamaru concurred. "This sounds suspiciously like a cheesy porno."

Rubel shrugged. "The whole situation does thoroughly resemble a shameless smut novel, to be fair. Our reports indicate that he was dogpiled by four women, about two weeks after landing on our shores. Now, he's surrounded by no less than 20. The locals have even come to call him the Ladykiller."

'I don't know whether to be jealous or proud,' Kakashi thought in exasperation. In all fairness, Naruto was a bit of an attention whore in his youth, so this was starting to sound a bit more feasible, especially if those rumours surrounding the sire of Koyuki's daughter were to be believed. The fact that Haru no Kuni was openly hostile towards Konoha now had only served to add further credence to them…

It was seriously a little ridiculous, but feasible. The late Jiraiya-sama would be so proud of his last student, and godson if he were still alive today. Kakashi sighed, a thoughtful look in his eye.

Ino gave her leader a worried glance. "You're not seriously suggesting we go after him, are you Hokage-sama? He'll wreck us, and not in a good way."

"Furthermore, Kumo, Haru, and Suna would likely declare war on us, the second they get back to full strength, if we so much as imply hostility towards him," Shikamaru pointed out. "There's also the risk of inciting rebellion, here in Konoha. Many people are were quite fond of Naruto and see him as a hero. 'The Suna Incident' nearly crippled our village, as it is."

"And don't forget about the tailed beasts." a worried Tenten added, "They adore him. And I'd rather not find myself on the receiving end of a Bijuudama, after what I've seen."

Kakashi laced his fingers, contemplating his options. They needed the income and if all goes well, Konoha could gain a valuable ally. "Emi, prepare some messenger hawks. I wish to send word to Haru no Kuni, Sunagakure, and Kumogakure. If we can handle this matter peacefully, then we'll see about urging Naruto to relocate. Preferably to Suna. He has more friends there." When his secretary nodded and scurried off, the Hokage readdressed Rubel. "Seeing as how innocent lives are on the line, I'm sure we can get some sympathy. But I can't guarantee that the other parties will cooperate. I assume you can pay for our services if they do?"

The bald man grinned once more. "Of course." Then, he gestured to one of his colleagues and the man dropped a hefty sack of beras before the Hokage. The others followed suit. "Solid gold; your currency is not the same as ours, but I assume they have some value, yes?"

Kakashi couldn't believe his eyes. That amount of gold would help them out immensely. "I see…"