Elemental Training(18+)

Three days later

Yuma panted her hands on her knees. Alongside the other lightning users, she had been given a chakra-sensitive knife and assigned to push it through a wall that Naruto had erected with an earth technique. Despite having made remarkable progress over the past three days, she and Diana were invariably the first ones to get tired, due to their smaller chakra pools.

Miria, Beth and Renee were in the same state. They were all exhausted and the most either of them managed to do was get a few inches in. The fact that they could push metal into solid stone in and of itself was impressive, but neither of them had been able to pierce the wall, as was their goal.

Still, cutting through solid stone was nothing new to them - they're capable of such a feat with their claymores. However, the one they're trying to cut through is made from chakra, which made it a whole lot more resilient; durable; and they were assigned to do it with knives, no less.

Hell, the tiny-ass things barely deserved to be called knives. They were more like glorified shivs - better suited for a dinner table than the field of battle, by their standards, but that was beside the point.

Naruto circled the women, eyeballing their handiwork. He walked to their individual walls and pressed his fingers against them to see how deep they managed to go.

"Hmm… Yuma, yours is two inches deep. Not bad for three days of training." he praised her, before moving on to Miria's, "Miria your one is four. That's pretty good, all things considering." Beth's one was next, "Your one is seven inches deep, Beth. That's damn impressive." Beth practically beamed at the praise and Naruto chuckled before going to Renee's. "Your one is three inches deep, Renee. Not bad for three days of training. Keep it up and you'll be able to pierce through the wall soon enough." then the blond finally reached Diana's. "Your one's two inches deep Diana, the same as Yuma's. Not bad all things considered."

After that was done he turned to them and gave the women encouraging smiles. And when he saw Yuma and Diana looking dejected because they didn't get as far as Renee, Miria and Beth his smile grew wider.

"Don't worry about it, you two," Naruto said with a pat on each woman's back. "You're doing well. Don't forget that the others here are single-digits, so beating ourselves up over not performing as well as they are is just gonna cause a bunch of unnecessary stress. On top of that, lightning is the most difficult element to learn for me, because I'm a wind type, so I'm still learning how to use it myself - let alone how to teach you."

That made them feel a little better, though Diana couldn't help but point out, "But you have clones to shorten the amount of time you need to do training for."

"Still takes time," Naruto said. "What you achieved in three days would have taken me about a week or two without clones. Which is why I said you're doing well. Back home, you and Yuma would be considered prodigies since you got this down so quickly. A few more days of this, and I think you would be able to get through the entire wall. Given enough time and you could use your affinity for some crazy stuff."

Yuma blushed heavily, averting her gaze with a timid smile at being called a prodigy.

Naruto chuckled warmly at her and gave Yuma a peck on the cheek. The poor girl's eyes nearly popped out of her skull on contact and her knees instantly buckled. "Woah, there," he said, catching the shy blonde before she could fall. He couldn't help but chuckle again as he brought her in for a hug. "You're so cute." The whiskered blond let a hand trail down, giving her ass a firm squeeze. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to resist bending you over right here," he whispered into her ear. "The only thing stopping me is the fact that you haven't shown me that you want it."

The former Number 40 was red as a beetroot, thoroughly reduced to a sputtering mess. Miria's eye twitches at the blatant display before her, Beth jealously glared at Yuma as she wanted him to do that to her instead.

Renee haughtily looked away, crossing her arms with a huff. That stupid, perverted man-whore needed to learn the meaning of decency and restraint! Said blond looked at her from the corner of his eye and grinned mischievously. So she's like Rafaela is she…?

Deciding to pacify Beth before she blows a gasket, Naruto went over to her, cupped her face and pulled the woman down into a heated liplock. He caught the former Number 2 as her knees buckled and hugged her tight. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and moaned into his mouth, mewling when the blonde felt his hand trail down and grab her ass through her skirt.

"Feel better?" Naruto asked.

Beth blushed, nodding timidly. Then, she yelped and giggled as the blond gave her a playful swat on the rear.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle. Passing by Miria, he then placed a finger under her chin and gave his 'secretary' a peck on the lips. "You five are free to go for the day. I'm going to go and check on Veronica. She's due any day, now."

"Okay, Naruto-sama'," Miria teased, "I shall see you later."

Naruto chuckled and playfully spanked her as he walked passed, and Miria moaned at the feel of his palm on her ass. Renee looked at his back from the corner of her eye, and lightly bit down on her lip; by the twin goddesses of love, why did she want him to do that to her?

She found Yuma skulking after him and, after a moment of thinking to herself, Renee followed after her. J-just to make sure that perverted son of a bitch didn't violate her! She wasn't curious o-or anything!

Not at all!

With that specific denial out of the way, the younger former Number 6 followed after the former Number 40.


Several hours later

Poor Veronica lay in bed, sprawled on her back and groaning as she did her best impersonation of a beached whale. "Stop kicking me!"

The damn brat within her felt like he was dancing a little jig on her liver, and she was not enjoying his performance, damn it! It was quite embarrassing, really - the former Number 13 of the Organization, defeated by a child still in the womb…

She turned to glare at a chuckling Naruto who was sitting on her bedside and pointed at him seethingly. "Yooooooou!" she hissed, much like a cat. "Yooooooou did this to me!"

"You told me to," Naruto pointed out with a chuckle. He offered her his hand, and Veronica grasped and squeezed the offered limb with all her pain and irritation. Naruto grunted at the tight grip and hunched over as he tried to keep himself from whimpering, suddenly glad Undine wasn't in her place. Damn chick would have crushed every last bone into powder.

"Feel my pain!" Veronica hissed with a maddening grin. "Feel it, you bastard!!!"

"I'm really feeling it!" the blond told her with a yelp, he gave his pregnant woman a pleading stare. "Please let up, honey. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"I want chocolate… and snuggles," Veronica demanded. "...and kisses too," she added as a last-second addition.

"Okay, I can do all three," Naruto told her, "please let go, honey…"

Veronica gave him a narrow-eyed look before she loosened her grip enough for him to pull away. Then he laid down beside her and gave the pregnant woman her snuggles and kisses.

"Guess this means no more sex, huh?"

Veronica elbowed him in the gut. "Don't ruin the mood."

Naruto groaned and laughed. "Sorry, honey."

"Now, gimme more snuggles," she ordered.


"I'm sure you're aware of how dangerous this man is, yes?"

Back in the Organization's headquarters, Rimuto addressed his peers.

"Indeed," Dae replied. "Quite the troublesome one, that Naruto. What do you propose we do if Rubel fails?"

As he tried to think on how they could… 'solve' this problem they're having, Rimuto interlaced his fingers as he leaned up against the table. Then he looked at Dae, "In case Rubel does not achieve in getting aid, I 'propose' we make use of that… collection of yours."

"Oh?" Dae chuckled. "You want me to figure out how to revive them, I take it?"

"I know you've been planning to do just that for… less useful reasons," Rimuto said with a dirty look. "I merely feel the need to change the objective of their revival."

Dae frowned thoughtfully. Reviving them for the purpose he'd originally intended would have required significantly less effort. Nice pairs of tits didn't need yoki… or cognitive thought, if he was to be technical. Bringing them back as warriors ready for battle was going to be quite the challenge. Oh well… if nothing else, he liked a good challenge, so there was a silver lining, at least.

"I can do that." the two-face reject said, with a scowl. "It will take me quite a few years, but, it is doable. How many do you want to be revived? One? Two?"

"Given that we have lost Alicia and Beth, I feel it is best to revive all of them," Rimuto said cryptically.


A very content Veronica left in his wake, a short time later, Naruto couldn't help but find it cute as she nibbled away at the box of chocolate he'd had a clone fetch for her. Smiling warmly at the woman, he left to check on this other women.

He barely made it five steps down the hall before he was grabbed by the shoulder and turned around. Then, a pair of trembling, feminine hands grabbed his tunic and pulled him into one the most heated kissed he'd experienced in his life.

Naruto found it was Yuma of all people that was kissing him. Well, he certainly didn't mind. If this little minx is being brave enough to do this, then he'll reward her.

Said blonde squealed happily into his lips and she was pulled into a hug. Then she giggled at the feel of his hands trailing down and cupping her rear. Never in her life had Yuma blushed so hard! Her hands immediately darted to his trousers as she bent her knees and urged Naruto to the ground.

"This is rather brave of you, Yuma, doing this just outside of Veronica's room." he teased, though he resisted getting down on his back. He wanted to see just how far she was going to take this.

"Fuck me," she whispered heatedly. Too gone was she to give a shit. The former Number 40 wanted him so badly and she wanted him now! Seeing as he wasn't getting down on his back Yuma growled and decided to make due. If she wasn't going to fuck him with her on top, then she'll fuck him standing then!

With that thought in mind, Yuma pulled his trousers and boxers down and squealed in surprise when she was uppercut by Naruto's cock that sprang free from its confinements. His musky scent filled her nostrils and her mouth began to water. Yuma had no idea what came over her…

The instant her silver eyes feasted upon the beast before her, something within Yuma… snapped.

Naruto yelped and chuckled as he suddenly found himself on the ground, a now-golden-eyed blonde straddling him and she practically devoured his face. She kissed a trail down his cheek and neck to his collarbone, before nipping and suckling at the crook of his neck as she went to work shedding her leggings and boots. Naruto was all too happy to help with that.

Once she was naked from the waist down, Yuma straddled the object of her affection and slipped her form-fitting, long sleeve top right off. As her breasts bounced free from their confines, the former Number 40 tossed the garment aside and grinned menacingly. She was going to enjoy this.

Naruto chuckled and held Yuma by the thighs and eased her down on his shaft. The former Number 40 bit down on her bottom lip as her vaginal walls parted, and a feeling, unlike anything she had ever felt completely overtook her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her skull; was this what everyone else felt when they first did it?

Why the hell did she take so long?! Curse her self-depreciation! If she knew this was what it would feel like, she would have done it when Tabitha offered her to join in!

Naruto groaned loudly at the feel of her hot, tight folds squeezing his shaft. Damn, this feeling never got old! And when Yuma finally felt the bulbous head of his cock pressing against her cervix, she gasped and slowly grew wide-eyed as the feeling of being absolutely full overtook her. She instinctively looked down and was shocked to see there was still more of him that wasn't inside.

She's a tight fit, and as much as he liked a tight cunt, he was not used to it when a girl was unable to take him in all the way. That was the case with Yuma. There were 5 inches left… and Naruto was pretty sure he can fit the rest of his 15 inches into her cunt. He rubbed her back and thighs, even thumbing her clit on occasion, to loosen her up, while gently pulling Yuma down.

Yuma groaned as her eyes rolled to the back of her skull. He was trying to force his way through her cervix; it hurt so well! Her jaw dropped, her tongue lolled out, and her toes curled. How the hell something so painful felt so good boggled her mind. How did Riful of all people manage to get this thing to fit?!

She gained a lewd grin as a growl erupted from the back of her throat. Oh, god, it just hurts so well! She wanted- no she needed more! Then with a sharp intake of breath, she slammed herself down on him, outright forcing his bulbous head through her cervix. Yuma threw her head back and wailed in pleasure. Her cries echoed throughout the castle, prompting many women therein to roll their eyes, a few others to turn beet red, and the rest to crack a knowing smile.

Renee's knees buckled as she peeked at Yuma mounting Naruto from around the corner. This time it wasn't him who initiated this coupling, it was Yuma! As the former Number 40 started bouncing on Naruto's lap, Renee slowly eased herself down on her knees, and after taking a quick look around, she looked back at Yuma and Naruto and slipped her hand under her new, silken shorts to rub and paw at her cootch.

A girl has needs, too, damn it!

The former 'Eye' bit her lip and shamefully leered at the fornicating couple, rubbing at her clit. She couldn't take her eyes away from the massive shaft disappearing inside of Yuma; it was just so... delectable. The braided woman wanted to go over there and- No! She shook her head; she'll stay right here. Out of sight. Out of mind. There was no need to… interrupt their fun. Yes… she needed a way to fantasise after all - and what better way than imagining it was her in Yuma's place?

Speaking of Yuma, said the woman was in utter bliss as she was pounded within an inch of her life. Never before had she imagined it possible to feel so good. Her juices allowed him to slick in and out of her wet cunt easily and with less friction. Soft mewls left her mouth as she leaned back, pressing her hands against his knees to roll her thighs against his cock better. Just a little more… she was already so close!

Renee stiffened and shuddered at Yuma's orgasmic wail. Slapping a hand on her mouth to muffle her screams, the former Number 6 refused to let Naruto know she was getting off to him fucking that girl. Or, was it the other way around…? Yuma was the one who started it after all.

Suddenly Naruto sat up, causing a surprised Yuma to squawk cutely and wag her arms to keep herself steady. Then the blond wrapped his arms around her waist and back and pressed her front to his broad chest. Yuma blinked owlishly as she looked him in the eyes.

Naruto grinned a mischievous grin, "What? You didn't think I would stay on the floor did you?" he rhetorically told her. Yuma mewled when she felt his cock throb in her cootch. Then she let out a surprised yelp when he moved his hands to her thighs, and quickly stood up; Yuma wrapped her legs behind his back and locked her ankles together.

"Now, the real sex begins," he promised, his voice in a low growl.

Yuma grew wide-eyed and threw back her head with a loud squeal. When Naruto bent his knees and spread his legs, she had no idea what hit her. Then, he finally started moving. His thrusts were hard, fast and deep. There was no warning and it was unlike anything she had felt before; not even being on top and in control felt like this. He was using her like a… like a sex toy! And what's more, she was enjoying it!

Renee squealed again into her hand as the relentless, rapid pounding of flesh on flesh filled her ears. Her legs felt like jelly, her mind was all foggy. But every time she came, she felt a pang of longing. She needed more she needed… NO! Damn it!

The room started to move and then Yuma nearly passed out on the spot as she felt Naruto slamming into her. Now, she was on the ground, her ankles behind her ears and her man pounding her even deeper. He was hitting her soooo good~!

"Y-yes!" she screamed, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Use me, dammit!"

This angle, this position, it just felt so damn good! How did it feel so good?! Yuma's eyes rolled back and her inner walls squeezed Naruto for everything he was worth as her body was wracked with yet another earth-shattering orgasm. Naruto groaned as her walls clamped around his schlong like a vice, he closed his eyes, grit his teeth and bared it. He was, in no way finished with her yet. The blond dumped his lip, drew his hips back before fucking the long-haired blonde underneath him like a piston, reducing her to a moaning, mewling mess in a matter of seconds as another orgasm washed over her seconds after her last one.

She was no Priscilla or Teresa, but she felt just as good and just as tight as either of them. Though the former was the tightest he ever had.

With a low groan, Naruto let go of her ankles and allowed her legs to wrap around his waist and lock behind his back. Yuma moaned into his mouth when he lovingly pressed his lips to hers, and she pulled him into a tight hug as he did the same.

She could feel him twitching inside her and knew he was getting close. The pulled back from the kiss and her demonic, golden eyes met his deep blue ones as she gave him a pleading look. "I want you… I… I… w-want you to pour every last drop inside me. P-please!"

Naruto held her cheek as he gave the young woman a loving smile; how could he say no to that?

"Alright," he whispered.

And then he started fucking her as fast as he could, giving her a steaming kiss before reaching his end. Yuma howled into his mouth in immeasurable pleasure as he slammed his throbbing cock in her snatch, the tip of his cock was pounding away at her womb as he got ready to release his seed into her. Then he slammed into her one last time, and his seed spurt inside of her cootch at long last. Both Naruto and Yuma screamed in pleasure, the former because her vaginal walls were clamped around his cock like a very tight vice, and the latter because she could feel his seed marking her womb as his.

Renee collapsed with an unceremonious thud as she was wracked with the most powerful orgasm yet. The sight of Naruto's throbbing dick visibly pumping his seed into Yuma's snatch proved too much for the young virgin. She couldn't take it, anymore; she wanted it so bad it hurt!

When he went to pull out nearly a minute later, Naruto was surprised when Yuma kept him in place whining, "N-no! Stay inside me! I want to keep feeling this…" She begged. "I… I want to…" now feeling shy once more, Yuma averted her gaze. She couldn't say it. Even now, it was too embarrassing.

Naruto made a guess, "to cuddle?" he finished for her.

Yuma turned beet red. "Y-yes." Granted, this was an odd place to do so, but she simply didn't care.

Naruto chuckled. "I don't mind; a bed, or somewhere more comfortable, would be a better place to do it though." he leaned down and gave her a loving kiss on the cheek. "But if you want to cuddle in the corridor... where everyone else can see you… then why the hell not." then he proceeded to do just that, after rolling around so Yuma was the one on top of him.

She squawked at the sudden motion, then looked away with a heavy blush. She just couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye, but she snuggled up to him, nonetheless.

"You're just too cute," he said with a grin and a hearty chuckle, rubbing at her back, "acting all sexy and dominating like at first, now you're back to being a cutie."

Poor Yuma was too flustered to respond. 'H-he thinks I'm cute~!' she mentally squealed. She could barely even breathe, as a wave of joy washed over her. She clung onto him, whimpering pathetically, as her inner walls clamped around his still-hard cock.

Naruto chuckled again and hugged her back. "You are just overwhelmingly cute~! A sexy, little cutie with a nice personality, as well." He couldn't help but chuckle as Yuma went limp, fainting from both joy and embarrassment. Damn, she was so much like Hinata it was almost scary!

He leaned his head up and looked around. Renee quickly hid behind the edge of the wall she was peeking at them from. Luckily she wasn't spotted. She wouldn't be able to take the embarrassment if he were to catch her peeking on them like a pervert!

As for Naruto, he laid his head back down on the ground. "...this is gonna be uncomfortable in the morning." he chuckled.


Two days later

In a rented house in Wave country, was Team Samui. As she sat on the edge of her bed, Samui bore a thoughtful look as she read the orders Ei had sent. This was far from unexpected, really. Hell, she was expecting it for nearly two weeks, now.

Kaui and Omoi were waiting patiently and expectantly as the busty blonde read the sheet of paper. Were his orders what they'd all thought?

"What's it say, Samui?" Karui asked; she simply could not wait any longer. She just had to know what their orders were. Was it about Naruto? Were they being reassigned? What was it?!

The blonde addressed her teammates while crossing her arms under her generous bosom. "Ei-sama wants us to summon Naruto for an audience with him," she said.

The siblings exchanged a glance.

"He will be sending another team to relieve us," Samui continued. "They should arrive in about a day or so."

"So… should we call him here? Let him know?" Omoi suggested.

"That would be a good idea," Samui replied with a nod.

Karui whipped out the scroll her team had been entrusted with. "Well, what are we waiting for? I have the scroll here." She unfurled it and saw that the seal it bore was different than what she'd expected - more complex. "Huh… looks like a traditional summoning seal," she noted. "I was expecting the Hiraishin seal or something." In hindsight, it made sense - no need to risk his father's technique getting into the wrong hands if they lost the scroll.

The ginger whipped out a kunai and pricked her thumb for the blood offering, performed the necessary hand seals and slammed her hand down on the array. Immediately, there was a poof of smoke and a clone of Naruto appeared before them.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing bad," Samui said, "just that Ei-sama wants to summon you for an audience."

The clone smiled and crossed his arms. "I take, this is because you told him about the half-demon girls and the Organization that made them?"

"Precisely," Samui said with a nod. "He wants to provide aid to you and these girls."

The clone arched a brow as he uncrossed his arms, "Really? Do you have the orders with you still? Can I take a look?" he was asking to be on the safe side. These are his girls they're talking about, he was in Kumogakure for a month and had plenty of time to learn Ei's handwriting - if someone altered it in any way, he'll know. A person's handwriting can be forged, but, almost to the degree, it's hard to know what is fake and what is real. But he has a unique method to find out. A technique that lights up the ink on the paper - green for legitimate and red for forgery.

In other words, if the ink is different or altered in any way, then it'll glow red. Upon being given the paper, the clone blazed through a few hand seals and cast the technique immediately. The ink glowed green. It was legit.

"Better to be paranoid than reckless," Naruto muttered. "You never know what Konoha might be up to, and intercepting messenger hawks was one of their specialities, back in the Third Great War. It checks out, though." He quickly read it and handed the paper back to a bewildered Samui. "I'll let the boss know. Knowing him, he'll wanna bring Riful or Miria… probably both."

"Who are they?" Karui asked.

"One's is a half-demon girl the boss mentioned. The other's… complicated." he replied. "Both of them are highly intelligent, but one serves as the boss's secretary. The other… she's smart; hell, smarter than all four of us. It's kinda scary. Both girls serve as his advisors though."

"They're… friendly, right?" Omoi asked, "Because… if they're not, and one of them happens to be an actual demon, then, you'll help us? Right? Because, what if one of them is waiting to come here because her feeding ground is getting too small, and wants a new place as her hunting ground? She could be faking it, luring you in with fake promises before stabbing you in the back- GAH!" Omoi was speaking normally at the beginning, then halfway through, he spiralled into a mess of panicked sputtering, before receiving a whack to the head from Karui AND Samui.

"Please excuse my brother," the redhead said with a bow. "He's an idiot."

"Omoi tends to get ahead of himself," Samui added, bowing as well. "He's just trying to look out for us."

The clone shrugged. "Can't say I blame him for being paranoid," he said. "Anything else?"

The team shook their heads, no.

Naruto smiled. "He'll pop up as soon as he's ready, then. See ya, soon!" With that, the blond went up in a poof of smoke.


Back with the original Naruto, the blond was in a large spartan-like room, with a single round table with a map of their island on it. He perked up when he received the memories of his clone. So Ei wants to meet with him? Alright, then… he could use the help, actually. So damn many women and children had a high demand for resources, after all, and he didn't exactly have infinite funds.

Mind you, exterminating yoma at one-tenth the price demanded by the organization did provide one hell of an income, as well as the various chores and the like he was able to perform in the Nile, thanks to that teleportation seal he had at Natalie's grave. But, he and his girls could only do so much while also keeping an eye out for the Organization and their lackeys. Furthermore, he might be able to mooch someone with actual training experience off the old man.

His girls were in the room with him all of them were looking at the map of the island that was the Organization's sick, twisted experiment. The former Number 6 looked at him and noticed the expression on his face; she recognised it, as she saw it plenty of times.

"Did you make clones today?" she asked him.

Naruto nodded. "Yes. But I also have a seal that can summon a shadow clone of mine; I gave it to someone nearly two weeks ago back home. And it's been used." he told her; then the blond "turns out one of the Kages from the Elemental Nations wants to meet me. So, I gotta ask: who wants to come when I'm finally summoned there?"

Literally, all the girls looked curious to one degree or another. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I might wanna keep the group small, though," he said. "Makes them easier to keep track of. Not to mention, the Kage and his people will be a lot calmer if there isn't a large group." He looked to Miria. "Since you and Riful are my advisors, you two are the obvious choices. Might want to leave Jean, Veronica and Galatea for good measure, though. I don't want to put any unnecessary strain on them,"

"Makes sense," Miria said with admittance. "What about Luciela and Rafaela? Rafaela is the oldest warrior still alive, her strength and knowledge will be useful. Luciela has been alive for just as long."

"I'd advise you leave them here to lead in your absence, actually," Riful butted in. "There is no telling what might happen while we're gone." Thinking about it for a second, she added. "the team captains seem like a good addition to our group, though - with Jean and Veronica's second-in-command serving as their substitutes, of course."

Cynthia perked up at that. She liked the idea of going with, very much.

Meanwhile, Luciela scowled. As much as she wanted to go with, she had to admit the shrimp had a point.

"You have a point. Luciela is a former Number 1, outside of yourself and Alicia she is the strongest." he paused a moment. "...wait, add Priscilla in there too. She pretty much beats all three of you in the yoki department by miles. Out of everyone - excluding Riful - Luciela is better suited as a leader due to her longevity, especially with Rafaela's help."

Said ginger beamed at the praise. "Aw, thank you!"

Naruto grinned right back at her. "You're welcome."

"Do you know who this Ka-gie is?" Priscilla asked and unintentionally butchered the word 'Kage'.

"It's 'Ka-gay'," Naruto corrected politely, "and yes, I know who he is. His name's Ei - a lightning user, who was known as the fastest man in the world, thanks to his lightning armour technique." That piqued the interest of many a woman in the room - Renee, especially. "I'm friends with his brother, and he's been keeping an eye on some family I have back home for me." Then, he readdressed Riful. "I think I'll go with your idea. It seems pretty solid."

Said loli giggled.

"Cynthia, Flora, and Eliza," Naruto called out. "Get ready for a long trip. Luciela and Rafaela are in charge while we're gone, but if anything comes up, don't hesitate to call. I'll be here in a flash if you do, okay?" Naruto blinked owlishly when he found a familiar pair of twins clinging onto his arms, looking at him pleadingly.

"Ugh…" Riful sighed; she can't believe she's doing this, as the twins were giving Naruto the puppy dog eyes - how they even learned to do that is a damn mystery. Her husband was trying so very hard to resist, and doing so quite impressively, but leaving them behind would be more trouble than it's worth, the Abyssal loli realized. "they can come if you want them to."

Naruto sighed as well, before giving Alicia and Beth a hearty chuckle. "Promise me that you'll stay out of trouble and you can go, too."

The two grinned cheerfully and nodded happily. "We promise, Naruto-sama!" Alicia and Beth said at the same time.

"We'll be heading out in about three hours," Naruto said. "That should give you girls plenty of time to prepare. Everyone else should prepare for their next training session. I'll leave some clones behind to help with that."

"Okay." Miria can agree with that. Then she asked, "What should we expect when we're over there?" her question had gotten everyone else to look at him in curiosity.

"The best advice I can give you is to expect the unexpected," he replied. "In the Elemental Nations, the rules are different. People - shinobi like myself - tend to use large and flashy techniques. Not to mention they're really paranoid if you want to have a wander don't stray too far." Then, the blond thought to himself for a moment, before adding, "You might see Matatabi though. Maybe Chomei as well, she tends to visit her siblings at this time of the month."

"Um, Ma-ta-ta-bi? Cho-mei?" Cynthia asked. She never heard of those names before.

"Other Tailed Beasts." Naruto clarified, "like Kurama. Matatabi's the two-tailed demon cat, Chomei's the seven-tailed beetle… How wings can qualify as tails is anyone's guess, but that's what they're being called, I guess." he added with a nonchalant shrug.

"We might see two more of these… 'tailed beasts'?" Miria mused aloud. "If that's the case, I wonder how smart they are. It would be an interesting conversation if nothing else."

"They've been around for 2000 years, give or take," Naruto said. "On average, they're smarter than most people, almost by that, alone. They're pretty friendly, though, so long as you're polite. Just don't provoke them. Even Shukaku, the weakest one among them, could give Rafaela a run for her money."

Given how powerful said woman was, no one felt inclined to test how true that was - not even Ophelia, and she was bat shit crazy.

"Does anyone need anything taken care of, before we leave?" Naruto asked. The girls exchanged looks, before shaking their head in a single, unified 'No'.

"Alright," then he turned to address two particularly hot-headed people in his harem. "Clare and Ophelia, please, for the love of the Twin goddesses of love, do not try and pick a fight with Priscilla."

The two sighed but nodded in agreement. Well, there's that idea out of the bag. With that, they all left the room and prepared for the day - a certain blond unknowingly being followed out of the room.

About five minutes later, Naruto stopped in his tracks, and turned to look partially over his shoulder, "Something you need, Renee?"

Said blonde took a deep breath. "I need your help with something." She averted her gaze and added shyly, "in p-private."

Naruto turned to give her a once-over. The damn girl was so horny, he could smell it.

"I-it's not like that!" she cried out indignantly, seeing the look he was giving her for what it was. "I… I just need help with something, n-nothing more, nothing less!"

Chuckling, the blond walked over to her and put an arm around Renee's shoulder. She nearly jumped out of the skin on contact. "Hey, don't worry about it," Naruto said. "If you need help with something, well, I can't exactly turn down a beautiful woman in need, now can I? And I do have three hours to kill after all."

Renee turned beet red at the compliment. He was just saying that to spread her legs, wasn't he? If he was, it's working - not that she would ever tell him so.

"So," he gestured with his free hand, "lead the way, Renee."

The former Number 6 nodded timidly and grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the mess hall, as it was relatively out of the way and had plenty of storage rooms for them to hide in. Thankfully, Helen wasn't there, as she was preparing for elemental training.

"I may say this a lot to my girls, but, you have a nice figure," Naruto admitted with genuine compliments. "All the curves are in the right place, there's not an ounce of unnecessary fat on you. You're fit and well-toned. Even your hair suits you well, and I love the outfit you got for yourself."

Said outfit was a black, skimpy halter top and a pair of matching micro shorts. A pair of knee-high leather boots finished off the look.

Her excuse for wearing such scandalous attire was to keep herself from overheating when running long distances, but none of the other girls believed a word of it, as the more informed among them were quick to point out that such clothing was specifically favoured by prostitutes in Berl - which was easily confirmed to be her hometown. As the former Number 6 of the Organization, Renee was good at many things - lying was not among them.

Furthermore, the sheer amount of exposure was nothing short of excessive. A light tunic or sundress would have sufficed. Hell, in some parts of the continent, some undergarments covered more than most of her outfit, combined!

"S-shut up and save it for the bedroom," she muttered, feeling the heat coming off her cheeks. The poor girl had turned a deep crimson from her collarbone to the roots of her hair. Even her ears were red!

"Oh? Most girls enjoy having their best features complimented." he leaned in and nibbled her ear, before whispering in a low, guttural growl. "And I have to say, you are one. Fine. Woman."

Renee's knees trembled at his words and the poor girl apparently forgot how to breathe for a brief moment. She mewled and whimpered in barely contained lust. Then he grabbed her ass; she would have ravished him right then and there if he had not been moving her along.

When they finally reached their destination, Renee couldn't hold herself back and shoved Naruto against the wall and started snogging him. Naruto blinked owlishly as she tried to shove her tongue down his throat with a lustful growl; he chuckled into her mouth and went with the flow. If she wants to do it here, then who's he to deny her?

He held the back of her head in a loving caress with one hand, and with the other, he kneaded and caressed her backside. Renee shivered lustfully, her hands going straight to Naruto's trousers and fished out his rapidly hardening dick. Said blond moaned lustfully as he felt Renee gently stroking him.

"Oh~ how long were you waiting for that I wonder?" he teased. Murmuring against her mouth as she pulled away to get a breather.

"I j-just want to give you something as thanks for putting a roof over my head," Renee muttered shyly. "Don't read too much into it…"

"You didn't have to go this far you know." the blond pointed out to her with a charming grin, "And as for reading too much into it…? It's kinda hard to not do that with such a beauty stroking me off, not that I'm complaining." He cupped her cheek and gave Renee a deep, loving kiss before she could voice her protest.

The amount of affection he put into it simply took the former 'Eye' by surprise, her eyes fluttered shut and her ministrations sped up. Once more, she felt weak in the knees as her mind went numb. It took every fibre of her being not to slam Naruto onto the ground and fuck him right there.

"And… wearing clothes like yours?" the blond continued after pulling away from her lips; he grinned and pulled the young woman to him. She let out a cute, little squeak at the action. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me. Not the other way around."

Renee rapidly shook her head. "D-don't be ridiculous!" she quickly denied. "I'm not attracted to you in- in any way! I'm only doing this- this because I want to thank you!"

She meeped when he grabbed her ass with both hands. "Hell of a way to show your thanks. I'm certainly not protesting it though." He then gave her another kiss. When he withdrew, Renee's blush deepened upon the realization that she had leaned forward.

She shook her dead vigorously, averting her gaze as she kept stroking him. Her wrist was getting tired, and after switching hands, she brought it to her nose and sniffed; only to shudder when his musky scent filled her nostrils. She… she had to get more. He smelt so good… and. And.

Blinking rapidly, and with heavy breathing, Renee slowly eased herself down on her haunches. Now looking the fifteen-inch beast in the eye, the poor girl had no idea what came over her. She had intended to just jack him off but now… Renee swallowed the lump in her throat. Her tasting his shaft a long time ago came to mind for the first time in a year; she wanted to have that feeling again, having her gullet filled, to have her tongue coiling around his thick cock.

She opened her mouth wide and took him into her gob with a ravishingly audible 'Nom!'. She mewled at his taste. How the hell it was so delicious, she had no idea. Then she began sucking and slurping around him as her head moved up and down on his prick. Her hands were braced on his thighs to help steady herself.

Naruto moaned throatily, placing a hand on her head and rubbing her scalp in appreciation. She mewled at his touch and started sucking more vigorously. While she would never do so out loud, she mentally thanked Dietrich for her advice from last time.

"Oh, that's it~" he groaned, "just like that; suck that cock!"

Renee shuddered and proceeded to do just that; the former Number 6 closed her eyes, inhaled through her nose and started thrusting up and down on his prick. She gagged when the top touched the back of her throat, but the former 'Eye' suppressed her gag reflex and tried to take him into her throat.

Keyword 'tried', she barely managed to take in six inches, let alone all fifteen. She looked up at with wide innocent eyes, silently pleading for his help in taking this monster of a cock into her gullet. How did anyone manage to take this beast into their throats without any trouble is beyond her?

Naruto chuckled at her quiet, and pleading look; he gently put his hands on the sides of her scalp and slowly pulled her off, until only the very tip remained in her mouth.

"Get ready," he warned, then he slammed his hips forward and brought her head to his groin at the same time. Renee's eyes grew insanely wide as her lips touched the base of his cock; she gagged and violently choked around his cock as her tongue tried to shove the intruder out of her mouth, to no avail.

Then he pulled back until the very tip was left inside, before pushing back in. He repeated this several times, increasing in pace with each pass until he was outright fucking her throat. Renee was left gagging and choking on the thick slab of meat pummeling her throat; she should have hated this. She should have wanted to getaway. But she loved it; not that she would ever tell anyone she enjoyed getting her throat reshaped to fit his… delicious cock. Soon the former Number 6 was sucking and slurping on Naruto's dick as best she could.

Never before had she been so drenched! She wanted him between her legs so badly! She never noticed Naruto had taken his hands off her head a little while ago. She was willingly fucking him with her own throat, and she didn't even notice.

Besides, even if she didn't get him in between her legs, she can easily seek out one of those clones of his to pick up the slack.

Naruto, on the other hand, was cross-eyed and groaning in pleasure. He could feel his end approach, the more Renee was using her throat like a pussy. She slipped his trousers down and tried fondling his nutsack. The poor man didn't stand a chance. Renee's cheeks bloated as her mouth was blasted with shots of cum. She swallowed each spurt; it was an automatic response. And just like the last time, she disliked the bitter taste. She chugged as much of them down as she could though, but a few had managed to get past her lips and onto the ground between her legs.

Eventually, though, she had to breathe. Renee withdrew with a gasp, groaning as several more shots of pearly white-coated her cheek and breasts. The smell was so pungent, so… overpowering. It drove her batty.

Naruto nearly jumped out of his skin as she looked at him with wild, golden eyes, thoroughly startled. Then, he was thrown to the ground and straddled. He looked at Renee as she mounted him and her micro shorts were inexplicably missing; this seemed… awfully familiar.

Without a single word, the sex-crazed blonde lifted herself, guided Naruto's dick to her sopping cunt, and slammed herself down upon him. She threw her head back and wailed in pain and pleasure at the sensation of being impaled by Naruto's mighty cock.

Said man groaned at the sudden feel of an incredibly tight woman squeezing his dick for all it was worth. Holy shit, this felt so damn good!

Renee panted, not even having the patience to let the pain subside as she planted her hands on Naruto's chest and started bouncing on his lap.

"Oh, fuck!" Naruto groaned, "so much for you not trying to seduce me." he said with a hearty chuckle. "You look downright gorgeous, Renee. I guess you're officially a part of this family, now, huh?"

Said blonde shuddered longingly at his words. She doubled her pace, milking his mighty bitch-tamer for everything it had. She was going to know what it feels like to be filled with his hot, potent jizz, consequences are damned!

She would undoubtedly hate herself in the morning… and for several months thereafter, but she was presently just too far gone to care…

Naruto's hands slipped behind her back and undid the bows that kept her top in place. As the garment fell, he tossed it aside and gave Renee a good, long look.

This woman was gorgeous, indeed. She had a toned and powerful, but sexy physique. Thick, powerful legs muscles, wide hips, a nice rack, lean but well-toned arms, a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a cute, button nose. It all complimented her quite well.

"You and I will make beautiful children," he said with a genuinely appreciative grin, before grabbing her hips, bending her legs, and pounding Renee within an inch of her life. "Don't you... think so... too?" he asked pantingly, as he fucked the former 'Eye' with all his might.

Renee threw her head back and wailed as the most powerful orgasm of her life washed over her like a tidal wave. Her juices gushed forth, coating Naruto's lap; her inner walls fluttered and contracted - squeezing him, milking him for his seed; everything faded to white as her eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out. She was dead to the world.

Naruto grunted in exertion. "I'll take that as a 'yes'… GAH!" He simply couldn't contain himself. Nothing and no one was stopping him from inseminating this woman, from breeding with this strong, young female with whom he was mating. The look of utter bliss upon her face, the feel of her trying to suck his cum out like a bitch in heat, it was just too much for him.

The former Number 6 stiffened at the sensation of Naruto's wet heat splashing into her so hard it hit the very back of her womb. Poor Renee swore she could hear an audible thud with every spurt! Her hips twitched with every shot of seed that went in her womb, and her inner walls squeezed him in unison with every deposit. It felt so hot, so… good! How the hell had she gone this long, without this feeling in her life!? If this was what everyone else had felt… then it's no wonder everyone kept going to him! To get more of this feeling.

Renee couldn't breathe. The world was spinning; she went numb towards everything but this sensation as yet another orgasm crashed into her… and then, everything went black.

Naruto grunted as his newest woman fell limp, slamming onto him with an undignified thud. His arms wrapped around her pulling Renee into a tight, caring embrace. A loving hug. With a genuine smile of unadulterated love, Naruto rubbed her back and threaded his fingers through her braided locks.

Then he began to hum into her ear. He's got around two hours left; the blond can easily do this for that amount of time. Hopefully, anyway.

"I'm going to miss you while I'm gone," he whispered into her ear, chuckling as he felt her inner walls clench, again.

Renee whimpered in her sleep. Though she'd die before admitting it, the former 'Eye' felt the same. When she felt his lips on hers in a chaste kiss, the former 'Eye' mewled cutely into his mouth, as she instinctively returned it.

Naruto pulled away and sighed. Yeah, he was going to miss her and everyone else that wasn't coming with him.


Two hours later.

A thoroughly satisfied Naruto stood in the great hall, now cleaned up and fully clothed. Having just gotten done gently placing Renee in her bed and tucking her in with a loving kiss on the forehead, he waited for the women he intended to take home with him to arrive. Eventually, all eight of them came one by one. All of them, excluding Riful, had their claymores in their possession.

Also, there was Jean. While she had no intention of going, she simply couldn't let her man leave without saying goodbye. She ran up to him and gave Naruto a tight, loving hug, mewling as he returned it. "Come back," she whispered demandingly.

Naruto chuckled warmly, rubbing her back. "I will," he said, planting a chaste, but loving kiss on her lips. "You have my word." Then he addressed the other women. "Alright. Remember everyone, stay close and be on your best behaviour. The people of my land are… jumpy, to say the least. As long as you're with me, though, they won't question your presence... Well, not too much, anyway."

Everyone nodded solemnly. They knew this was no laughing matter.

"Alright," he said, "This technique requires everyone to be in contact with each other for me to teleport us all, so everyone hold hands."

As Jean scurried off to her side, Riful was quick to grab one of Naruto's hands, while Alicia grabbed the other. Beth grabbed her sister's hand and all the other women quickly formed a circle. Once that was done, their man closed his eyes in concentration and they all vanished in a bright flash of yellow.

The former Number 9 marvelled at the sight. Then, she sighed longingly. "You'd better return to me… I have no idea what I'd do, otherwise." With that, she turned on her heel and went to bed. She just… felt so lonely, all of a sudden that the poor woman simply couldn't bring herself to do anything else.

The castle wouldn't feel the same without him here for so long, clones or no clones.