Reunion with Tsunade Part 2(18+)

They reached the Citadel thirty minutes later and when they entered the fortified structure, Tsunade and Shizune both were impressed with the decor. There was a lot of furniture fit for a Daimyo, including stained glass windows. The two kunoichis did notice that despite the grandness of the complex it was very primitive; but both women had four years to get used to this continent's lack of technology and to adapt to their culture.

The stampede of little feet alerted both women of the kids running about to find some manner of trouble to get into, as Naruto chuckled and summoned a few clones to keep an eye on his children.

"Since some of the others are out shopping right now, we won't be seeing all of them at once. But, I can sense there are 12 others here." Naruto told his former superior and her apprentice.

"Alright," Tsunade said. "Lead the way."

With a shrug and an easygoing smile, Naruto said back, "Alright."

The blond led his wives and guests further into the citadel, passing many rooms that were left empty of people; these ranged from sleeping quarters to storage rooms. There was also an armory or two along the way. Including a library that was at the moment devoid of books… for now. Karui and Dietrich were looking to rectify that, soon enough. And a large room that had a massive rectangular table slap dang in the middle with a map of the continent on it. But they went past that before either kunoichi could see anything else.

Eventually, they were led to the dining hall where all twelve women were at. Luciela, Rafaela, Irene, Ophelia, Cynthia, Yuma, Clare, Tabitha, Queenie, Diana, and finally Helen and Deneve. None of them noticed them enter the dining hall, yet, as they were talking amongst each other.

Luciela and Rafaela had cooked up a storm for the other women, presenting them with a small feast. Luciela due to being an awakened being, didn't find enough substance in eating the food she and her sister had cooked up, but she was eating the dishes they had made anyway. On the table was a roast pig right smack in the middle, with two chickens, a meatloaf, several bowls of fruits and vegetables and a massive pot of stew.

Since it was a small feast, and they didn't have to eat all that much, they were eating a small plate full of the food. Only Helen had a near full plate and was gleefully stuffing her face… not that the others minded. He ate more than they all did, combined, and the sisters enjoyed her appreciation of their cooking.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He took a look at Tsunade and Shizune to see their expression, and found they were a little surprised. And a bit bewildered. Nevertheless, now would be a good time to introduce the two of them to the others.

"So, I see you two made another nice dinner," Naruto said, addressing Luciela and Rafaela.

Luciela giggled. "I was hoping you'd notice soon," she said, before turning to the new arrivals. "Oh! New lovers, I take it? My, my, you work fast, Naruto-Sama~!"

Rafaela, Clare, Ophelia, Queenie, Cynthia, Yuma and Tabitha scowled at that. They gave Tsunade and Shizune one look and they immediately knew they were foreigners. They so did not want another foreigner in this family Naruto's making. Let alone two!

"They're not lovers, Lucy." he chuckled, politely correcting her before the others could become annoyed. "They're some old friends of mine from the Elemental Nations."

So… they were not part of this harem then? At the admission from their lover, and in some cases husband, Rafaela, Clare, Queenie, Cynthia, Yuma, Tabitha and Ophelia visibly relaxed.

Helen, Deneve and Irene were looking at the new comers with interest now.

"Oh? Then who are they?" Irene asked, eyeballing Shizune, in particular.

Naruto exchanged looks with Tsunade and Shizune for a moment, before looking back to his girls. "This is Shizune… and her mentor, Tsunade; the former Fifth Hokage." he said, gesturing to said people.

Cynthia scowled. "She's the one who revoked your shinobi license, no?"

"Yep." her husband confirmed; then he blinked and looked to Tsunade. "What ever happened to the people that got that order passed, anyway? I remember you saying you personally killed the elders, after you got the news Hinata was killed by the hunter-nin they sent after me. Were they the ones who got my license revoked too?"

"They were the most influential ones," Tsunade confirmed, crossing her arms under her sizeable bosom. She then turned to the pigtailed blonde and said, "for the record, I had nothing to do with the bill being passed. Hell, I was training him to be Hokage, at the time. I was just the bearer of bad news. One month after Naruto left, I did, too… once I was done personally beating those elders to death for the suffering they caused… needless to say, going back would be a bad idea."

"At least you got rid of them." Naruto pointed out to her, "And I heard Kakashi was cleaning house too." then he walked over to Cynthia and sat down beside her. "She's here to help, Cyn. No need to hold a grudge against her on my behalf."

"If you say so…" Cynthia muttered with a sigh.

"I do say so~." he grinned mischievously and slid his hand in between her thighs to rub her groin; at the same time he kissed her full on the lips. Cynthia mewled into his mouth the second she felt his hand rubbing her through her leotard, and instinctively spread her legs to give him better access.

"Oh, get a room, lovebirds," Luciela teased.

Naruto saw Tsunade's eye twitching at the blatant, perverted display and knew she was trying so very hard to keep herself from punching his lights out. So he stopped feeling Cynthia up, much to her mewling disappointment, and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, Granny-Tsunade… I forgot, myself." he apologised.

"No~!" Cynthia whined as she gave her husband a pathetic look. "Keep going, please…?" she pleaded him, taking his hand and bringing it back in between her thighs.

Naruto chuckled, kissing her on the cheek. "I'll make it up to you, love~!"

"You'd better," Cynthia groaned. "You're giving me another baby for that, mister!"

An irritated, Tsunade cleared her throat and Cynthia snapped her head to the woman and outright growled and snarled at her; her silver eyes were now a demonic gold with narrow vertical slits. She was really fed up with this woman taking away HER Naruto time!

Naruto grabbed the very irritated, pigtailed blonde before she could get any ideas and plopped her into his lap, hugging her close as he whispered into her ear. "I'll give you two~!"

Thankfully that seemed to calm her down a bit as she took a deep, calming breath and her eyes returned to their normal, yet unnatural silver with the pupils being round once more.

With a sigh and a fond chuckle, Naruto turned to address the former Kage. "You'd might as well get used to this kind of affection, Granny-Tsunade. Cynthia, here, is quite the kinky girl… and she's one of the more forgiving members of my new family. Priscilla and Ophelia would have likely tried to eat you, by now."

"And the former is a streaker, so you're more likely to see her naked than clothed." Miria added.

"She's also a glomper since she likes to glomp me out of nowhere at times when naked." Naruto added on as well, giving said brunette a knowing grin and a wink to go with it.

Tsunade groaned, wondering what the hell she'd just gotten herself into. Shizune looked completely out of her element, but felt the need to just… back off, rather than intervene. Really, he was 22-years-old now, Naruto can clearly make his own decisions. Though she was a little concerned as to why he still looked the same as he did when he was 17.

Maybe it's the result of his Uzumaki genes combined with Kurama? She opted to give him a check up, later… just in case.

Helen was still munching away at her food, completely oblivious to the whole exchange. Seeing this Deneve shook her head in exasperation; typical Helen, but she wouldn't have her any other way.

As for Clare, she decided now was as good a time as any to get introductions out of the way. "I'm Naruto's fourth wife, Clare Uzumaki. Jean Uzumaki is his first wife. Cynthia Uzumaki is his second wife. Riful Uzumaki is his third. I hope you enjoy your time here."

"Give me a stiff drink and that'll be much easier," Tsunade muttered. Shizune gave the blonde an elbow to the ribs for her trouble.

"Tsunade is an alcoholic, just to let you know." Naruto told them, then he looked to the former Kage and said, "We got some strong wine around here somewhere. Never tried it though."

"Helen did. Said it gave her a little buzz, but that was pretty much it. Since she's not a hybrid like us it should give her a bigger buzz." Deneve said. "There should still be a bottle in the winery."

"Alright." Naruto formed a one handed cross seal and a Kage Bunshin appeared in a poof of smoke. The sitting Uzumaki looked at his clone and said, "You know what to do."

The clone saluted and said, "You got it boss," then he turned to the former Kage and said, "c'mon Granny-Tsunade. Let's get you a bottle of wine."

Feeling that would probably be the best idea at the moment, the blonde obliged.

Then, the instant Tsunade was out of sight, Naruto buried his hand in Cynthia's crotch once again.

"Oh, yeees~!" Cynthia immediately cried out, spreading her legs open and leaning her head against his shoulder; Naruto leaned down and buried his face into the crook of her neck, as the pigtailed blonde mewled wantingly and hungrily; grinding her thighs against his moving fingers.

Poor Shizune was beet red at the display, but did her best to try and ignore it as she introduced herself. "Uh… r-right, I am Kato Shizune," she said, introducing herself with a polite bow, "apprentice of Tsunade, and a good friend of Naruto's. I'm glad to see that he found himself a nice family, here."

The others that were with Naruto sat down at the table with their colleagues to get some food. Priscilla took a large slice of raw meat, since it was the closest she was going to get to human innards.

Miria on the other hand was staring at Naruto, feeling up Cynthia with thin lips and a twitching eye. She wanted to be the one to get felt up by him!

"It's nice to meet you." Luciela said with a polite nod. "I am Luciela Uzumaki, the tenth wife of Naruto, and better known as Luciela of the South." she then gestured to the one-eye'd blonde to her right. "This is my sister and his ninth wife, Rafaela Uzumaki."

"My name's Deneve," the former Number 15 said. Then, she looked towards her friend and said, "and this is Helen."

Said blonde waived to Shizune, still munching away.

Shizune giggled at that, thoroughly reminded of her uncle. She swore the man ate a horse's weight in food a day.


Later that day…

A near empty bottle of wine in hand Tsunade and her apprentice, were introduced to every person in the castle one by one. To make things easier and have the meeting process go by quicker and with less of a hassle, Miria had everyone go to their teams.

Team Miria consisted of Miria, Queenie, Tabitha and Yuma whom Tsunade and Shizune already met. So they didn't have to reintroduce themselves to them.

Team Jean, consisted of Jean, Eliza, Emelia, Diana, and Clare. Out of everyone Shizune and Tsunade were only introduced to Jean, Diana and Clare; so they introduced themselves to Emelia and Diana - their reception could have been warmer, but it most definitely could have been worse.

Team Flora, which has Flora, Undine, Deneve and Zelda out of everyone here Tsunade and Shizune have only met Flora and Deneve; seeing that they introduced themselves to Undine, and Zelda with the former being suspicious towards them. Though they could hardly blame them.

Team Veronica had Veronica, Cynthia, Helen and Pamela; out of everyone here, Shizune and Tsunade haven't met with Pamela yet and they got that out of the way as soon as they came to Team Veronica.

And then came Team Awakened as coined by Riful of the West; this team had Riful herself, Priscilla, Luciela, Rafaela and Ophelia. Out of everyone here they weren't introduced to Ophelia… and Tsunade found, while she didn't outright hate the woman, she didn't like her either. Though there was just something… off about her. It honestly reminded her a little of the way Gaara was said to be like, before he had been defeated by Naruto.

Then there was Team Black, Alicia and Beth; since they were introduced to each other already Tsunade and her former apprentice did not have to do anything.

Then, finally, came Team Galatea, who had Galatea herself, Dietrich and Renee. They introduced themselves to the final three; and while Galatea was welcoming, Dietrich and Renee were more suspicious of them.

Irene was standing off to the side - having been in solitude for many years made her feel... awkward to be in gatherings as big as this. She can and will interact if dragged into conversation, but for now, the elf eared woman opted for standing on the sidelines and keep a very close eye on the former Kage.

Suffice to say, their reception could have been worse and could have been better. Though when Naruto took the time to explain some things - as in, how Tsunade had personally beat the two most influential people in his birth city to death for how much they fucked him over, they became a bit more welcoming than before.

By the time they got the introductions out of the way, the bottle was emptied of its precious fluid. The former Kage made a mental note to see if any of the village's new inhabitants had some liquor for sale, she certainly had the currency after literally punching the heads off of several bandits who thought she would be an easy prey; but, that would have to be at a later time.

Taking a deep breath and cleansing the alcohol from her bloodstream with a flare of medical-chakra to make herself sober, Tsunade gave Naruto a flat look. "You certainly got around fast didn't you? So… tell me, how many do you have sexual relations with?"

Tsunade had a feeling she knew what he was going to say next.

"...Um, all of them?" Naruto chuckled nervously as he saw a couple veins popping out of her forehead. "To be fair, most of them came onto me… and I have a clan I want to rebuild."

Taking a deep breath, the blonde forced herself to calm down, and settled for a flat glare. "You're… old enough to make your own choices now. So, as long as you treat them right, and they treat you right, then I have no… complaints."

"I give them as much caring and love as I possibly can." Naruto answered proudly. "It's tiring as all hell, but worth it, and they have no issues with my clones."

"Tch, I'm impressed he managed to dote on us for this long." Undine said, crossing her arms over her frail figure with a cocky grin. "I thought he would have given in by now."

"Give up?" Naruto asked teasingly in mock confusion, "I don't know the meaning of the phrase." He then pulled her into a one-armed hug and kissed Undine on the cheek.

The former Number 11 couldn't keep the grin off her face if her life depended on it. "How the hell do you think I fell in love with you?"

Naruto grinned right back at her "Good question. I would like to think it was because of my charming personality, but I don't think it's that."

"Had to start somewhere, y'know," Undine countered, kissing him on the forehead. "When I saw that you weren't all talk, I just kept finding more and more reasons to like you~!"

Naruto was so very tempted to caress her breast through her halter top, or to reach inside of her pants and rub at her cunt. He kept himself from committing since he knows how Tsunade feels about anything perverted being done in front of her. And, well, he didn't want to push his luck. So he did the next best thing: cupping Undine's face with his free hand and kissing his woman full on the lips.

Undine's knees buckled as she restrained herself from jumping him on the spot. Ever since that time he took her virginity two years ago, she still didn't know how the hell he did this to her. But, damn, she wanted him!

"Well… he certainly has a healthy love life." Shizune tried to sound optimistic - and she did a damn good job of it too. The dark haired woman looked to her master/auntie and asked, "I'm happy for him."

"...I'm happy for him, as well." Tsunade admitted. Then, she gave Naruto a flat look. "Just... try to keep it down when you're pounding them."

Naruto withdrew from Undine's lips and looked at his fellow blond, "No promises, there Granny-Tsunade. Quite a lot of them are screamers, but, I'll try to keep it down."

"With your thick cock fucking our asses into our mattresses, and leaving us so pleasantly ruined for any other man, can you blame us~?" Galatea naughtily asked.

Poor Tsunade twitched so violently she looked like she was having a seizure. "Please, don't… just, don't."

Quite a few of Naruto's girls grinned impishly.

"Oh, shit…"


A few hours and several accounts of Naruto's… achievements by his more mischievous women later, said whiskered blond had some ladies to 'punish' for being so mean to one of their guests.

From her quarters, a naked Naruto heard Cynthia wailing like a common whore as she was held aloft and sandwiched by a pair of clones. He could also hear Riful groaning as she just now regained consciousness from the sensory overload, and took pride in dominating the Abyssal loli from behind after giving her a little spanking.

On his bed, Naruto saw a naked Ophelia was still out cold from a 'punishment' of her own, as were Luciela and Galatea. Each woman had an excessive amount of cum seeping from their cunts and anus, and they all had a silly, but pleased grin on their faces as they basked in the afterglow of the pussy-pounding they endured. He was going to be expecting a few more kids when all was said and done, wasn't he?

Naruto chuckled, as he certainly didn't mind.

That just left Priscilla, Miria, Tabitha, and Clare. While the Awakened brunette had a bit of a rebellious side, but the other three were quite a surprise.

Miria proved a bit spiteful towards Tsunade at first, so Naruto figured he should have suspected she'd do something like that… Tabitha - being her lover as well as his - predictably joined in. Clare, however, simply didn't seem like the type.

Then again… he may be wrong - Clare was pretty adamant in killing Priscilla before the brunette joined his harem. She was also sent on that suicide mission in Pieta for being a 'problem' case. Perhaps Clare had a rebel streak that he'd simply not noticed, yet? Teresa was effectively her mother, so that made sense.

Seeing how utterly fucked stupid, Ophelia, Galatea and Luciela were and just how viciously he pounded them, Miria was understandably nervous and gave him a nervously, yet hungry, look with her hands clasped in front of her. "N-Naruto, h-honey, we were just messing around. We didn't mean it. Please don't do this."

A deaf man could hear the half hearted tone with which she spoke. She wanted it and they all knew it.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at her. "You embarrassed me in front of a former Kage. Someone who can literally make earthquakes, and uproot the earth with a single punch." the blond told the light-haired brunette, "You need to be punished. And I have the perfect way to punish you little sluts. Now… Sit down on the edge of the bed. Now!" He commanded the remaining women with authority in his voice.

Priscilla was on the bed before he could even blink, clearly looking forward to the pounding she was about to receive. It visibly took every fiber of his being for Naruto not to chuckle at that.

Tabitha sat next to the awakened being with her eyes glued to her husband. She had her legs spread enticingly in an attempt to make him choose to fuck her first. The former Number 31 adored him, not to the degree of her loyalty to Miria, but she downright adored the blond. She was looking forward to this the most.

Clare was next, while Miria timidly followed. While the latter was nervous and thoroughly embarrassed, she knew how much her man liked a little roleplay, and being on top. Roleplaying was not something she had done before, but, as the saying does: there is a first time for everything.

Naruto paced about like a hungry beast eyeballing his meal as he approached the four women. Seeing how eager two of them were in particular, he decided that tending to them first would be best. Seeing as she was on the mattress before everyone else, the Uzumaki Clan Patriarch went for Priscilla first and surprised the brunette by pulling her dress up and off her, revealing her naked petite, and nubile body for all to see.

Priscilla blinked in bewilderment as she was unclothed, but that was pretty much all she did. Until Naruto shoved her down on her back and forced her legs to spread apart that is. She let out a squeal and a giggle, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Then her giggle turned into a lung-full scream when her husband shoved the entirety of his 15 inch cock into her snatch without warning.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and her nails dug into Naruto's back as he immediately started to move. Priscilla grunted with every thrust as he slammed into her at an increasingly fast pace. Naruto chuckled menacingly. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week~!"

Then, he started fucking her ass into the mattress at a blistering pace. Priscilla howled in pleasure when she felt the pace of his fucking double in an instant. He didn't wait for her to get used to his size; the second the blond inserted himself, he made the former Number 2 his bitch. Naruto did not allow her to gain any ground, to regain her footing, her thoughts; from the get go he made his intention clear, even Miria who was watching him reduce the feared One Horned Monster into a mewling, screaming slut, had an inkling of an idea on what he was planning to do.

What he did to Ophelia, Galatea and Luciela clued all of them. But now it was too late to do anything, and Miria knew they were going to end up as Priscilla: a mindless whore.

Not even half a minute later, Priscilla let loose an orgasmic wail as every damn nerve in her body was set ablaze with pleasure. Her tight as fuck cunt clamped down on the pummelling shaft, in an attempt to milk it of its precious seed. Naruto scowled and started plowing his way through her orgasm and attempting to keep himself from cumming prematurely.

It wasn't easy, but he managed.

Priscilla's wails echoed throughout Naruto's bedchamber and a large chunk of the castle as she writhed beneath him in utter bliss. Then, just as the first of many orgasms abated, the next one immediately washed over her. She tried to fight back, to try and take control, but her pleasure addled body simply would not respond to her commands. Instead her limbs tightened around his shoulders and waist, and her hips started to automatically move with his, as he fucked her to the heavens and back.

Tabitha's cunt twitched in anticipation. Something told her she was next and she wanted it, so badly!

"Stupid slut!" Naruto growled at Priscilla, "Pouncing on me naked, and rubbing your body against me; enticing me to fuck you silly whenever you could! If you want it so bad, then from now on I want you naked. In bed. Acting as my personal bedwarmer! Whenever I get an erection, no matter where we are, I want you to drop to your knees suck it until it goes away. Do you understand, slut?"

Priscilla didn't respond; she was too delirious, and addle brained to even formulate one! Unsatisfied he gave her a little slap on the cheek to get her attention. "I said: Do you understand, slut!?"

"YEEEES!" the brunette wailed as yet another orgasm slammed into her with paralyzing force. Naruto grit his teeth as he felt her inner walls clamp down on him once more, and like before he resisted the temptation to fill her to the brim with his cum. He wasn't done with her; not by a long shot.

With that, the blond sat up, grabbed her ankles and pressed her legs to her chest. He laid back down on top of her, in the missionary position, spreading his legs out before allowing Priscilla's to fall down where they seemingly hooked around his thighs. Now in the 'Mating Press' position, Naruto tripled his pace without missing a beat.

Miria shuddered longingly, unable to believe that she literally just came from watching her husband pounding another woman. He wasn't even treating the brunette like she was his wife! To him, Priscilla was an ordinary person - a nobody. And that excited her, she was excited to see if he was going to treat them the same or differently.

Tabitha was sitting in a puddle of her own juices as she watched something she thought would never happen: seeing Naruto turn the most powerful awakened being in the world into a mere toy; a plaything; a trough to use in order to dispense his seed into. She should have been appalled, no- not appalled, she should be terrified of this. But she wasn't; Priscilla looked like she was having the time of her life. The maddening grin of pleasure and euphoria on the brunette's face was making her... anticipate her turn.

It made her want him…

Clare wasn't in much better condition. Not only was she horny beyond reason just from watching the spectacle before her, but…

"That's it, Naruto! Show Priscilla who is in charge! Fuck that little brat the way she deserves to be!"

...Teresa cheering him on in her head wasn't helping, damn it!

As he kept fucking Priscilla's ass into the mattress at the same tripled pace, Naruto glared down at the brunette with narrowed eyes. "Who owns you?!" he fiercely demanded.

"Y-you do!" Priscilla wailed. "P-please! G-give it to me! I beg you, my love!"

Naruto growled as he kept going at the same brisk pace; the springs in his mattress squeaked in protest as they were abused over and over again. "You're going to have to be more specific than that, slut!" he barked, slapping at her tits. "What do you want!?"

"I… I w-want… you to fill me! To give me a baby! I'll be good, I promise!"

Suddenly he stopped when he buried all 15 inches into her cunt. Priscilla took advantage by wrapping her legs around his waist and mewled pathetically as she tried to fuck herself on his dick.

"You no longer own me, Priscilla. I am not yours." he leaned down until their noses were touching. "I own you, Priscilla; you belong to me. You're my newest consort; understand?"

"Y-yes, sir!" She whimpered. Then, the brunette gave him the most pathetic look she could muster. "P-please!"

Naruto's balls ached at the look she gave him, every fiber of his being screaming at him to breed with this woman, but he knew she wasn't being genuine. Really, her acting skills were superb; if he didn't have Kurama's Negative sensing, he would have thought she was telling the truth there now.

"You're lying," he said with a grin. "We both know you fancy yourself the top dog in this relationship."

Priscilla's facade dropped so quickly it legitimately startled the other women. "Well, of course I do," she said with a cocky grin. "Even Kurama's scared of me~!" Naruto winced, grunting painfully when he felt his bones groan from the amount of pressure she suddenly put in her arms and legs wrapped around him.

"Brat, did you forget she is stronger than she's letting on?" Kurama asked in exasperation, speaking when he felt the slight strain of stress on his ward. However, the fox knew he was not going to get an answer so he didn't bother sticking around for one.

Chuckling Naruto lovingly caressed Priscilla's face, "Well, this is a side of you I really like. So what about those times you glomped me? Or you saying you want my kids - were you lying then too?"

"Who else to be my submissive breeding stock than the second-strongest being in the land?" Priscilla asked haughtily. "The first one was a reward for bringing me back to my senses. Now, with you, I will produce a horde of superpowered offspring and take over the world! With my trophy ever by my side, I will become a goddess~!"

Naruto looked unimpressed by her declaration, before drawing a pathetic, adorable squeak from her with a single powerful thrust. "I fought a goddess, and one you are not." he told her. "An arrogant, terrifyingly powerful and downright sexy teenage girl? Yes. But, a goddess? No."

"P-prove me wrong, you bastard!" she grinned menacingly, her eyes had an underglow of power in them. If it were any other person they would have been intimidated or even frightened of the look she was giving them.

But not him; Naruto chuckled; her attempt to intimidate him was honestly adorable. "Alright. But first, let me go."

Priscilla quirked an eyebrow, grinning with grim amusement; but out of curiosity and to see what he intends to do, she did what was asked and unwrapped her arms and legs from his waist and shoulders.

Naruto pulled out of the brunette - and got a disappointed moan out of her in the process - and got off from the bed where he stretched his arms and legs.

Throughout all of this Miria, Clare and Tabitha were quiet. Even Teresa was silent - and for Clare that meant a very bad thing. Neither of them were willing to move, let alone make a nose, less they bring the One Horned Monster's attention to them.

Then Naruto went and got a scroll - unfurled it and set it straight on the ground. Then he put a bit of his chakra and yoki both into it; the surface of the entire room lit up slightly, as the ink on the strange glyph glowed.

Priscilla sat up and looked around with interest. "Strange. What did you do?" she demanded, looking at the blond with narrowed eyes.

Naruto stood back up and rolled his shoulders. "I put up a barrier that keeps yoki and chakra within. In other words, no one outside of this room will know if one of us were to use chakra or yoki." he told her.

"Oh? And why did you put that up?"

"So I could make you my bitch in your awakened form," Naruto answered with a menacing grin. "Are you up for the challenge? Or… are you going to be a little bitch and back out?"

Priscilla grinned evilly, tackling Naruto to the ground as she started to change. As her yoki spiked her brown irises turned to a demonic gold, with the pupils becoming narrow, vertical slits. Her skin turned purple, her hair turned white, and a horn started to form upon her forehead. Four wings sprouted from her back and she grew to a larger height.

When Priscilla finished transforming, she had small, metal plates upon her legs and torso, her build was visibly more muscular, though still lean and had a sexy, little sixpack. Her ears were now pointed, spikes formed upon her forearms, curved back like blades, and her fingers pointed into wicked claws.

"I am going to take up your challenge and make you mine!" she hissed evilly; if she could defeat him here, if she could make him hers, then not only will she have the second most powerful being on this continent as her trophy, she'll get direct access to more powerful offspring from him.

He could fuck all those other harlots to death for all she cared, so long as she had him whenever she wanted him.

Naruto grinned up at her, running his hand along her six pack and her metal plates on on her ribcage, before cupping her breasts. His grin widened as she moaned happily at his touch. Her eyes were closed as she basked in the feeling of pleasure he was providing her. With a lick of his lips, Naruto looked down and took note that her cootch was directly above his dick. With a quick glance at the awakened being on top of him, Naruto quickly reached down to hold his dick steady and thrust his hips up off the ground and buried himself inside of Priscilla's cunt to the hilt all in one go.

Not letting up, the blond immediately started pounding her at twice the pace from before. The rapid sound of flesh in flesh echoed throughout the bedchamber as he railed her like a champ.

Clare flinched at Priscilla's pleasured squeal. The sound of her man pounding the awakened woman atop him into oblivion sent shivers up her spine as the former Number 47 stared in drooling, hungry awe, from both mouths. Her cunt twitched needfully in anticipation for her turn.

"Yes!" Teresa cried from within her head. "Clare, you have got to give him another kid for that. I'd do it myself, if I could!"

Oh, she'll be getting another kid out of him alright. One way or another. She shuddered as Priscilla seemingly collapsed on top of her husband and moved her hips in tangent with Naruto's.

The ten feet tall 'One Horned Monster' wailed, another orgasm crashing into her as the other three women stared in complete and utter awe. Naruto grabbed the purple skinned demon girl by her hips and fucking quadrupled his pace; the last time, he was pounding her ass into the mattress with his hips moving at triple the pace. Now he was fucking up and into the awakened bitch at four times the speed.

And an interesting fact: because Priscilla had turned into her demonic form that constantly uses yoki to maintain - a wild, untamed and uncontrollable energy source that gives the user a sensation that is akin to orgasmic pleasure, the former Number 2 was very affected by the brutal pace Naruto was using to fuck her cunt. It certainly did not help that she had a fuck ton of the stuff actively coursing through her body.

Because of that, Priscilla is more likely to get broken by him in this form, instead of her human form. She hugged him close and whimpered, driven half-mad by the sheer power of yet another orgasm coursing through her.

Tabitha shuddered in excitement, longing for her turn far more than she thought possible. She needed her man inside her so badly!

Priscila whimpered as she felt her man finally twitching within her and gave Naruto a pleading look. The one horned monster was no longer cocky or arrogant; she wanted it, she wanted him; she needed his seed inside her so badly it was driving her crazy!

"Here it comes," Naruto growled sexily. "Be a good bitch and take it all; don't waste a single drop!" He roared that last word as the urge to impregnate the strong, but seemingly-submissive female riding him finally proved too much.

Once again, her facade dropped and she cockily smirked down at him as her cunt milked him for all he had. She moaned, licking her lips hungrily at the feel of his hot jizz splashing against the very back of her womb.

Tabitha's mouth watered as she stared at the contracting nutsack visibly pumping Naruto's baby batter into the awakened Priscilla's womb. A hot shiver ran up the former Number 31's spine at how long it took to finally stop. Oh, that bitch was going to have his kid for sure, and Tabitha longed for that treatment, herself~!

Priscilla plopped down on Naruto, panting and hugging him tight as the blond returned her embrace. While he didn't manage to 'break' her, the brunette turned white-haired woman's consort made her cum so many more times than he did. It was quite deliciously impressive~!

Perhaps he was her equal? She grinned, kissing him on the lips. "I'll stop tormenting the old lady," she promised. She lifted herself up with a grunt, her legs feeling like jelly. Yup… definitely her equal. "I believe Tabitha wants your attention," she whispered into his ear. "I can smell her arousal from here."

Naruto gave her a hearty chuckle. "Noted," he whispered back. Then, he stood back up and started looming over the other girls. The instant he approached, Tabitha got up, turned around, and bent over the edge of the bed, shaking her booty enticingly as she looked back at him from over the shoulder with a pleading look. The whiskered blond couldn't help but chuckle, giving her a playful swat on the rear.

"I can't help but wonder if you're trying to emulate Miria, or, you admire her so much that you like to show off your devotion to her by having similar clothes." he said as he kneaded and caressed her buttocks through her short skirt.

"A little bit of both," she admitted, blushing heavily and trying so very hard to keep herself from mewling and swooning at his touch. "P-please… I want you inside me, Naruto-Sama~!" She lifted her skirt to show that she was wearing nothing underneath.

"I see…" then, Tabitha gasped pleasantly when he squeezed her ass. "...then strip naked. I want to see you in your most natural state." he looked at Clare and Miria and added, "All of you."

Tabitha obliged without even the slightest hesitation. Miria and Clare followed suit soon after, shedding their tops first as Tabitha's garments rapidly hit the ground one by one. First with her black sleeveless leather and cloth tunic, then her long leather armlets, followed by her skirt. Tabitha's garters, thigh high leggings and boots were the last to fall.

Likewise, when they shed their tops and allowing their breasts to bounce free from their cloth and leather prison, they took off their long, leather armlets and gloves; armlets for Clare, and gloves for Miria; their skirts followed shortly after. Miria's garters, thigh highs leggings and boots were the last to be removed; and lastly Clare took off her boots and thigh high leggings.

Naruto looked at their physiques admiringly. Despite the fact that each one had a kid, they all were drop-dead gorgeous. Almost nothing was out of place on their bodies. Hell, one probably couldn't even tell that they were mothers, were it not for their still-engorged breasts. They had no stretch marks either - them being hybrids had more benefits they didn't know they had.

Unlike Priscilla, whom Naruto started fucking like a cheap whore, when he went to Tabitha he brought her into a loving kiss with his arms wrapped around her nude, nubile body. He enjoyed the feel of her engorged breasts against his chest, and how she was rubbing her entire physique against him in an attempt to entice him.

Tabitha giggled at the feel of his dick poking against her leg and reached down to rub it against her dripping cootch invitingly. She gave him a pleading look and a peck on the lips. He returned the kiss before trailing his hands up to her shoulders before shoving her down on the bed behind her. The second her back touched the mattress, Tabitha immediately scooted back until she was strewn down completely on it and spread her legs for him invitingly.

With a grin Naruto got on the mattress and crawled to his wife on his hands and knees. Settled between her thighs, the blond aligned his cock to her snatch and slowly parted her labia as he pushed his way in.

Tabitha's eyes crossed as she felt her pussy being deliciously stretched to the fucking brim. When he was three inches in, Naruto took Tabitha by surprise, wrapping his arms around her, and slammed the rest of his dick into her cunt. The instant he bottomed out, Naruto then started railing her like a cheap whore.

Poor Tabitha didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell, cumming almost immediately as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. She pulled her man into a smoldering kiss, shoving her tongue into his mouth as she wailed.

Naruto moaned pleasurably at the feel of Tabitha's cunt squeezing him, her juices splashing against his lap. He powered through it like a champ and sent the helpless former Number 31 over the edge once more almost instantly.

Naruto grunted into her mouth and quickened his pace by doubling it, powering his way through the tight vice like grip, the interior of her walls had on him. He held himself from cumming as he didn't want this to end so soon - not until he had this fucking slut begging for more of his dick like a good woman should be.

Deciding to come to her lover's aid, Miria prowled on up to Naruto with a giggle and a hungry look. "You know so well how to show us our place, Naruto-Sama~!" she whispered into his ear. "Please, give my girlfriend what she wants. I'll do everything you could possibly want and more~!"

Sitting up but not slowing his pace at all, Naruto looked at his wife, bemused. "I thought you didn't like calling me 'Sama', Miria?" then he grinned. "I like that. You should say it more often."

The sandy brown-haired woman giggled, blushing heavily. "It's a little embarrassing, but I'll try." She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Say it when you're comfortable - or if we're doing this~" he compromised with her.

"Understood, Naruto-Sama~!" Miria replied with a mock bow. "As your secretary, your wish is my command~!" Damn, this was embarrassing, but for some reason, the former Number 6 found it to be quite fun. "I only ask that you give me and Tabitha plenty of babies to spoil rotten~!"

"Lots and lots of babies, Naruto-Sama~!" Tabitha mewled with a silly grin. She then clenched her muscles, squeezing his dick enticingly.

Naruto groaned strainfully as he forced himself to not cum. He took a deep breath looking down at the mewling bitch beneath him and gave her tits a slap. "Don't presume to tell me what to do; I'll decide if you're worthy of having more of my children, and so far I am not convinced…"

"P-please, Naruto-Sama~!' she breathed. "I'll be a good girl~!"

"I'll bend over and take it anywhere you want, Naruto-Sama!" Miria exclaimed, hugging his arm to her breasts and licked and sucked at his neck. "I'm yours to do with as you please! All I ask is for you to use us as your breeding stock, like you did the others~!"

Tabitha squeaked at the feel of Naruto's dick throbbing within her. He was close… so deliciously close~!

Naruto quirked an eyebrow; while they may be roleplaying, he wanted to know just how far his sexy wife will take this. "Oh? Then if I want you to share my bed, with two of my personal bed warmers, butt ass naked, you'd do it?" he was referring to Alicia and Beth and Miria knew it.

"That and more," Miria said. Then, she bit her lip, unable to believe what she was about to tell him. "Hell, if you... want me to drop my panties and b-bend over right in front of the town square and take it from behind like a good bitch, I... I will~!"

Priscilla and Clare narrowed their eyes at that; with the latter inwardly scowling when their man was actually thinking about it!

As Naruto's dick twitched more violently within her, Tabitha clenched her muscles, again, and added, "so shall I. I'll even fuck Miria right in front of you myself, just to get you in the mood, if you so please~!" Tabitha yelped that last word as yet another orgasm washed over her. She just couldn't even say that without getting more aroused than she already was!

The mental image of Tabitha fingering Miria in town square, giving him a pleading, inviting look while bringing her girlfriend to orgasm - in combination with the feel of her tight cootch milking him once more - proved too much for the blond.

With a loud roar that took the women by surprise, Naruto laid down on top of Tabitha and the pace of his thrusts quadrupled as he allowed himself to reach the climax of his pleasure. Tabitha threw her head back and let out a scream as she climaxed for a third time; she gasped and screamed as her lover kept fucking her cunt into mush, even as he came inside of her womb.

How their screams didn't wake up Ophelia, Galatea and Luciela who are already strewn out on his bed was a question that would go unanswered. Since the ones who were still awake are still focusing on Naruto turning Tabitha into his personal trough to dispense his seed. Then with one, final strangled roar, Naruto buried himself balls keep in Tabitha and dispensed the last of his seed into her womb.

Tabitha's eyes rolled back as she blacked out. The feel of her man's wet heat pouring deep within her unsafe, unprotected folds left her so thoroughly drained. Panting heavily, she slowly drifted off to join the other three in La-La Land.

Naruto wasn't done with her, however, as he just kept fucking her, even after his orgasm abated, looking to make damn sure this bitch would have his child. The sound of him pounding her girlfriend's squelching cunt was music to Miria's ears as she licked her lips hungrily.

Clare watched on with wide eyes, even as she heard Teresa say in a tone full of absolute lust. "Oh my… Clare, when it's your turn, make a reinforced Kage Bunshin and let. Me. Out. I want to fuck him while he's riled up like this!"

"Wha- but what about Priscilla?!"

Teresa giggled mischievously, "Something tells me Naruto will stop her before she does something stupid~."

Naruto roared again, bottoming out in her as he depositing yet another massive load deep within Tabitha's hungry cootch. He almost fell on top of her, at the end of it, but managed to stop himself at the last second. With deep, heavy breaths the blond eased his way out of Tabitha's vagina that tried to suck him back in and fell on his back beside the unconscious woman.

Miria crawled on up to him, leaning down and licking the mixture of juices from his dick. "Please, let me show you how grateful I am to you, Naruto-Sama~!"

With a tired chuckle, Naruto reached down and ran his hands through Miria's sandy-brown hair. "Can I have a small break first?"

Miria smiled at him and nodded, before going down to snuggle against his chest as she slowly caressed his still-hard dick.

With another tired chuckle, Naruto leaned up to look at Clare and the still transformed Priscilla. "Priscilla, Clare, you both can join in too you know. I wouldn't mind having three babes to cuddle with."

Clare giggled, crawling around, carefully doing her best not to disturb the now-four unconscious women upon Naruto's bed, and hugging her husband's arm. Meanwhile, Priscilla shifted back to her human form and crawled on top of the bed to lie down on top of him. To help keep him fully erect, she made sure her labia was pressed down against the underside of his dick and would switch between lightly and roughly grinding against it.

This forced Miria to pull her hand away and light heartedly glared at the brunette as her 'toy' was taken from her. She settled for hugging Naruto's other arm.

"Ah, this is the best…" Naruto said, groaning with a small grin as he looked at all three of his girls one by one. He closed his eyes and focused on listening to the lewd mewls and moans of the other women that were being mean spirited towards Tsunade.

Off in the distance, he heard Cynthia wail at the overwhelming sexual release she endured the two Naruto clones simultaneously pounding her cunt and ass depositing their fifth respective loads within her. "YES, PLEASE, MASTER~!" She cried, "I'LL BE A GOOD BITCH! I'M YOURS! PLEASE, USE ME MORE~!"

Next the blond heard Riful wailing like a little whore as she yet had another clone treat her like a sex toy. Seriously, that girl already got two others to dispel from sheer exhaustion! Now, the little nymph was going at it again, for the thirteenth time!

He could hear several other women wailing in overwhelming sexual pleasure: Alicia and Beth - because they simply wanted their Naruto-time, not because they were being rude; Queenie, who decided to join in on the teasing, yet graphical detailing of his sexual exploits with them; she was being railed like a whore and vocalising her approval and even goading her clone to fuck her harder and faster!

Yuma, the most surprising one being punished by a long shot, was the loudest of all. The damn shy girl was almost as insatiable as Riful when she got in the mood! She was already on her eleventh romp! And what was impressive is that she is still going strong!

Undine, being the headstrong gal she is, was unsurprisingly the one who antagonised Tsunade by bringing up their forest romp, and went into all sorts of juicy details that were too explicit to even mention. Even though a lot of the stuff she said didn't happen. It did not stop her from spicing their copulation up, and making it sound grander than it actually was. Such as her taking on five Kage Bunshin when it was only just the one, and how she dominated each and every one of them with her bare hands.

Long story short, Undine had five clones fucking her silly as 'punishment'.

"Hmm… seems my clones are making short work on the punished ones." Naruto said with a tired laugh, then he kissed Clare, Miria and Priscilla one by one full on the lips, lingering with each one for a moment before moving off to the next one. Once he was done he asked them, "Did you girls enjoy your day so far?"

Clare giggled and nodded. Miria, however, gave him a happy and hungry look, saying, "I can't wait to have another baby! Hilda and Minato could use some more company.~!"

"Normally I would be against having another baby, since, y'know, everyone keeps threatening to either kill me, castrate me or just beat me up." Miria and Clare all had sheepish looks on their faces when their husband brought that up; Priscilla frowned a little since she was more… graphical in what she wanted to do to him while in labor. "But making you all happy is worth taking the 'abuse', I'll be glad to fill your bellies up with another baby."

Miria, Clare and Priscilla all smiled at that.

Then he grinned mischievously. "That being said: if I ever get an erection, I want you kinky sluts to drop to your knees and suck it until it goes away. Okay?"

"Can we bend over and let you have your way with us, instead~?" Miria asked, a perverted twinkle in her eye. "Much easier to have a baby when you… empty yourself inside us whenever you can."

"How about both?" He compromised, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "That way we're both happy."

"Gladly," Clare answered, hugging his arm tight. Miria seemed to agree, as did Priscilla.

If he could Naruto would have cuddled them right then and there. But Miria and Clare had his arms hugged to them. So he settled for the next best thing and gave all three of his wives a tongue filled kiss.

Then, Priscilla got up on her hands and knees and said, "I believe you have a slut to fill," leering at Miria.

As Priscilla crawled away, Naruto smiled at her in thanks for keeping his erection at full mast. Then he looked to Miria with a leer and said, "Well, you heard her. I have a slut to fill. So, get on top of me."

Miria giggled and after unwrapping herself from his arm, she straddled her husband and ground her wet cunt against the underside of his dick; much like Priscilla had been doing moments before. Once she deemed him sufficiently lubricated enough, the sandy-haired brunette raised her hips, reached down between her thighs and held her man's impressive meatstick in place.

With a lick of her lips Miria eased herself down on him and moaned throatily as her cunny was deliciously stretched out to accommodate his girth. She kept going and going and going, until she felt her ass lightly clap against his groin. Naruto let loose a moan of his own as his hands went straight to her hips to hold her steady. Both husband and wife moaned happily at the feel of their union, loving how every nook and cranny of their loins were lit ablaze with pleasure.

Taking a shuddering breath, Naruto looked up at his wife and ran his hands up and down along her thighs. "You want to ride me, or should I fuck your nice cunt raw instead?"

Miria shuddered happily at the second suggestion. "Please, Naruto-Sama, give it to me without mercy~!"

The second those words left her mouth Naruto bent his knees and abruptly started thrusting up and into her. The sound of skin slapping skin, and the wet sounds of her crotch sucking in his dick with every descent filled the room. Miria's eyes grew as wide as saucers as her groin was lit aflame with pleasure she oh so enjoyed, and she let out a squeal as she was bounced on his lap.

The sandy brunette's hands planted themselves upon his shoulders and her nails dug into his skin as she came almost immediately. Naruto didn't let up. He laughed and gave her ass and tits a rough slap. Her cunt tightly clamped around his dick almost immediately from the two impacts - the blond powered through though, and treated the sandy brunette like a little slut as he had his way with her. He took particular enjoyment in the way her engorged tits bounced up and down with every thrust.

He couldn't help but stare, before latching onto one and giving the nipple a firm suck. Miria's arms nearly buckled on the spot as she felt her husband drinking from her tit. The former Number 6 wrapped her arms around his head, thankful that her girlfriend had a fetish for erotic lactation.

Speaking of which…

Tabitha mewled as her eyes fluttered open. Damn, she was sore! Blinking her eyes into focus, the former Number 31 found her girlfriend riding their mutual husband like a champ as he pounded her with everything he had.

Then she sat up and jumped when a pair of hands found their way on her shoulders. "Look who decided to wake up~." Priscilla whispered into her ear, pressing herself against Tabitha's back.

The former Number 31 eyeballed her unsurely. "Yeah… Naruto's having fun with Miria, isn't he?"

"Oh yes; he most definitely is~" Tabitha gasped when the brunette slipped her hands down to her front and took hold of her breasts. "Watch him fuck that bitch within an inch of her life~!"

Miria howled as Naruto's hips started to blur as he went double the pace. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as the suction around her breast increased, and Naruto swallowed the sweet taste of her milk with every spurt of the fluid entering his mouth.

Then, yet another wave of pleasure washed over her as Miria came again. She squealed her enjoyment as Naruto's lap was drenched with her juices. Then he pulled away, taking the nub with him as he gave it one last, hard suck, getting another mouthful of her milk before the nub plopped out completely.

Forcing himself not to cum, Naruto powered through her fluttering walls and kept on pounding Miria's cootch with everything he had as he latched onto her other tit and gave that one a hard suck, too. He moaned into her tit as his mouth was filled with the fluid of Miria's breast milk; he sucked and swallowed every last drop she had to offer.

"Oh, Naruto-Sama~!" Miria wailed. "I… K-keep pounding me, please~! I can take everything you've got!"

Chuckling Naruto pulled away from her second breast, and kneaded her bosom as he looked the moaning woman in the eyes. "Make it interesting for me, Miria. The barrier is still up."

Taking the hint, Miria unleashed her yoki and started bouncing upon his dick of her own accord. She instantly matched his pace and exceeded it as her whole body became a blur. Then, she started rapidly clenching her muscles, attempting to drain her man's own variety of milk out of his balls.

Naruto went cross-eyed immediately, caught by surprise from his wife's assault. She was moving so fast Naruto was unable to hold her hips, less he impede her. He enjoyed yoki enhanced sex; it was amazing! He can't get enough of it!

Unfortunately for Miria, she was not quite able to withstand the sensation of her man going in and out of her cootch anymore than he was. With a roar and literal squeal, the husband and wife duo slammed their crotches into each other and reveled in their simultaneous orgasms.

Miria fell upon her man as her release hit the woman like a ton of bricks. The delicious, paralyzing force set her whole body ablaze with pleasure and she gasped at the feel of each and every spurt.

Naruto hugged her close, thrusting with every deposit, ensuring that he pours it all as deep within his woman's hungry cootch as humanly possible. Cupping her face, Naruto brought his wife in for a heated, loving kiss.

Miria closed her eyes and loving returned it. She mewled at the passion in it and wrapped her arms around Naruto's shoulders. Her hips bucked against Naruto's with every spurt she felt being released inside.

Clare was left wide eyed and was openly drooling from the rough fucking her husband was giving to Miria. "It's going to be your turn Clare~." the young woman heard Teresa say singingly, "Make a Kage Bunshin. I want a piece of the action too~!"

"B-but what about Priscilla?"

"Come now, Clare." Teresa said and the young woman had a feeling her adoptive mum had a massive perverted grin on her face. "Have some faith in him. If there is anyone that can stop her from going nuts, it will be him."

"I-I'll… wait for them to finish up..."

"Phooey, spoilsport~." Teresa teased.

While Teresa and Clare were having their mental conversation, Naruto and Miria finally pulled away; each were taking several lung fulls of fresh air as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"I'm so jealous~" They heard Priscilla mockingly say. Tabitha turned beet red upon feeling the gazes of her two lovers upon her.

Naruto and Miria both turned to look at the brunette and found her sitting behind the braided blonde, with the former holding and squeezing Tabitha's tits with a cruel, and mocking grin.

"It makes me want to fuck you again, Naruto…" the brunette said with a lustful lick of her lips.

Said blond chuckled warmly. "I certainly have enough in me to go around and then some~."

Priscilla cooed at that. "Tempting~!" She flashed him a menacing grin. "Perhaps I'll take you up on that offer after you fuck the brat."

"I certainly hope you do, Priscilla. And I want to fuck you in your awakened form again; only this time I want you to be straddling me with your back facing me. I want to see your nice ass bounce~!"

The brunette giggled. "Why not~?"

With a low groan, Miria slowly eased herself off of her husband once his spurts ceased. When her ass touched the mattress Miria fell down on her back, and just laid there, basking in the afterglow of their mating.

"Clare, lemme out. Now."

"What?! Right now?"

"Yes. Right now. That stud is going to fuck you as soon as he recovers - and due to his... 'stamina', I reckon it will take around a minute for him, to recover enough to keep going." the woman replied.

Clare closed her eyes, taking a deep, calming breath, before placing her hands in the cross-seal. Priscilla's attention snapped to her as the brunette wondered what she was doing upon hearing the poof. Before her very eyes, the brunette saw two close-eyed Clare's sitting cross legged on the mattress.

Then, before Priscilla's eyes, one of them started to change.

Clare started growing just a bit taller, as her size changed, becoming a lovely, slender hourglass figure with a nice ass and one hell of a rack; her hair lengthened into long, curly, golden tresses spilling over her shoulders, reaching down to her rack, that was parted down the middle. Finally, her face changed, becoming more heart-shaped and mature.

When everything was said and done, the former Number 1, the strongest of all Claymore's, Teresa of the Faint Smile was sitting beside in the place of the first Clare.

Seeing Clare turn into someone else, turn into someone they didn't recognise, had taken Miria and Tabitha by complete and utter surprise. They were frozen in complete and utter shock as her yoki washed over them. They began to sweat.

Miria narrowed her eyes at the new comer, and true to her character, she was able to deduce just who is here in Clare's place. "S-such potent yoki! Is- is this the power of the strongest warrior, Teresa of the Faint Smile?" Then her gaze went to the other Clare, "Clare… you had Rafaela and Beth teach you the soul link; was it for this reason? To bring her out whenever you wanted…?"

"W-what is this?! Her yoki is so big, but… calm; serene, even!" Tabitha mentally said, staring at the faintly smiling close-eyed woman with wide eyes. "I feel feel she is holding back… that there is more to her power than she is letting on…"

As for Priscilla herself she had stopped fondling Tabitha's breasts when she felt the familiar yoki belonging to the woman from her nightmares emerge from the transformed Clare. She was shaking uncontrollably and was understandably terrified of her.

"T-T-Teresa…!" The now-pale faced brunette whimpered; she hid herself behind a bewildered Tabitha and used her as a shield between her and Teresa.

Said woman opened her eyes and looked in Priscilla's general direction. The brunette was quivering when she saw the curly-haired woman give her that dreaded Faint Smile. A bewildered Tabitha looked at Priscilla from over her shoulder and was taken aback at how… childish she was being. She was now off the bed and sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth as she hugged her legs and herself. She was looking at Teresa from her place on the ground with her eyes as wide as saucers.

As for Teresa herself, she was smiling in amusement at the reaction she received from the brunette. Even after all this time, she's still got it! She looked at Naruto, licked her lips and threw herself at him with a hungry growl. Priscilla, Miria and Tabitha were taken by surprise, with the latter two yelping when they were bounced on the bed thanks to Naruto and Teresa's combined weight sending a small shockwave through the springs. The curly haired woman moaned wantingly, as she mashed her lips against his and figuratively tried to suck out his tonsils while she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her nice rack against his chest and let out a whorish moan as she ground her mound against the underside of Naruto's dick enticing him while keeping him at full mast at the same time.

Priscilla, however was having none of that. Muscling past her terror, the brunette forced herself back up and marched on over to Teresa. Balling her hands into fists, the brunette then grabbed the woman by the shoulders, yanked her off of him and off the bed itself - getting a startled yelp out of the room in the process - and quickly took her place while holding Naruto to her bosom possessively with a growl.

While said blond certainly didn't mind having his face buried in Priscilla's cleavage, it quickly started getting hard to breathe. He held his wife by the arms and pushed her away enough for him to get some air in his lungs.

Then Priscilla shoved him down on his back and gave him the most nasty glare he had ever seen. "When were you going to tell me she was back!?" she snarled with wide maddened eyes. The brunette jumped and looked over her shoulder when she heard Teresa getting back up; her fear of the woman getting the better of her, Priscilla turned around to face the woman while she wildly glanced around for an area of escape.

Or to find a weapon to fight her off with.

She calmed down a little when she felt her mate grab her shoulder. "I was going to ease you into it. That way I would be sure I could help you get over your fear of her and get the two of you to make up." then he proceeded to give the person responsible for ruining that plan a flat stare.

Clare immediately started looking rather sheepish, knowing that she'd jumped the gun.

Teresa stepped forward, defending her adoptive daughter. "I told her to," she said.

Priscilla glared daggers at the former Number 1.

"Priscilla, remember when I said there are no good or bad people, only those who make the right or wrong choices?" Naruto calmly asked her.

The brunette scowled, but nodded.

"Put things into a new perspective: you're a parent now; would you do anything to protect our daughter?"

"Of course!" she barked.

"Well, Clare was the closest thing to a daughter Teresa could have at the time." Naruto explained. "Those bandits she killed burned down and pillaged the town Clare was staying in, and one of them was going to **** her. Wouldn't you have killed those bandits if they tried to do that to Samantha?"

Priscilla scowled deeply. She knew he was right. Every fiber of her being screamed in outrage, trying to say he wasn't, but the son of a bitch was right. She growled again, this time in frustration.

"I would… I would murder them a thousand times if they tried that, consequences be damned!"

Teresa crossed her arms, her expression dead serious as she added, "...which is precisely what I did, that day. That one-handed bastard in particular was unrecognizable, by the time I was done with him."

Priscilla glared at her, again, then at her man, then back at Teresa. All that pain and suffering… all that humiliation... The bitch still needed to be punished for it, as far as she was concerned… and she knew precisely how to do it in this situation.

Now, Teresa didn't scare easily, with good reason. But, when the awakened brunette suddenly gave her a sadistic grin, she couldn't help but… waver, just a bit. Priscilla then scooted to the side, until she was sitting on her knees beside her mate and leaned her head against him. Still grinning sadistically, she reached down, took hold of his dick and lightly stroked it.

Teresa blinked owlishly, wondering what the brunette was up to. She walked up to the edge of the bed and stared at the throbbing, damp prick with lidded eyes.

"You want my mate's dick?" Priscilla cooed deviously. Before she could stop herself, Teresa nodded absentmindedly. With her sadistic grin becoming wider, Priscilla said, "Then…" and all of a sudden, she stretched her right arm grabbing a thoroughly surprised Teresa by the scalp and pulled her towards them as the brunette shouted with maddening glee. "COME AND GET IT!"

The former Number 1 yelped, completely caught off guard, and found her face pressed up against Naruto's crotch. An equally caught of guard Naruto leaned up with a loud groan, when he felt the entirety of his dick suddenly inside of Teresa's throat and mouth.

Teresa gagged violently at the sudden intrusion and barely had any time to recover; the brunette held the sides of her head with both hands and laughed like a madwoman as she forced the former Number 1 to fuck his dick with her mouth and throat like a piston. Not that any of them knew what a piston was. Drool began to build up in her mouth as she slobbered his dick and ballsack with her saliva; with her eyes growing wide with indignation Teresa growled and pushed back against Priscilla.

Though she was careful to not bite down on her boy toy's dick.

Naruto was almost immediately reduced to a groaning, pleasured heap at the sensation of Teresa being forced to deepthroat him. He fell back down on the mattress and when he felt the woman trying to fight back, he, in his pleasure addled state, didn't want it to go. So he quickly put his hands over Priscilla's and forced her to take him all the way down to the base once more. At the same time he thrust his hips to meet her descent half-way; then he proceeded to treat her throat like it was a pussy.

Poor Clare would be unable to talk for a week after this…

"Oh, fuck yes!" Naruto bellowed, as he spread his thighs out to move them faster and faster. This felt so good! Why did this feel better instead of doing it with someone who was consensual? He would never know - but by god he was going to fucking milk it for as long as he possibly can!

Priscilla had a twisted grin. She was taking enjoyment out of this. As she and Naruto forced the woman up and down on his dick for several minutes, Priscilla suddenly overcome with curiosity, leaned down to look at Teresa's face. Her mouth, chin and cheeks were wet with her saliva; she was red faced and her silver eyes were rolled to the back of her skull. All in all she was seemingly unconscious. Priscilla scowled, she wasn't going to let this bitch who tormented her dreams, and humiliated her back when she was a hybrid get out of this that easily! Priscilla proceeded to drag Teresa's head off his dick. When the shiny head emerged from her mouth with a loud pop, Teresa began gasping and coughing, greedily gulping in the air she had been deprived of.

"Oh, Naruto-Sama~!" the brunette sang, forcing the gasping and coughing blonde to lie down. "It's time to breed a bitch~!" She knew Teresa - or rather, Clare - was ovulating. She could literally smell it, and turning the woman who tormented her so into her mate's breeding stock sounded like a wonderful way to get back at her.

Naruto's dick immediately went back to full mast at that. Try as he might, the blond couldn't help himself. Getting himself in between the woman's legs, Naruto wiped the drool off of Teresa's face with his thumb before leaning in to give her a smoldering kiss.

Teresa jumped at the sudden, passionate liplock but returned it enthusiastically. Then, she yelped at the feel of his mighty bitch breaker plunging deep within her hungry folds. Were it not for Priscilla holding them down at the wrists, Teresa would have wrapped her arms around the blond and held him close.

He drove himself down to the base and stayed there, basking in the feeling of her contracting muscles trying to milk him for all he's worth. She wrapped her ankles behind his waist, rolling her hips provokingly to get him moving. Instead, Naruto pulled away from her lips and grabbed one of her DD sized tits with a grin.

"Fast… or slow…?" he asked.

"Fast," she whispered longingly. "I want it fast. Give it to me~!"

Naruto nodded approvingly at that and gestured for her to go on. He wanted to hear how much she wanted him to ruin her for anyone else but him.

"I want it… badly. Come on, I can take it~! Give me your best shot!" she goaded, fluttering her eyes at him suggestively and wantingly.

"Priscilla… let her hands go." he looked at the brunette in question who was staring at him with narrowed eyes and a frown. He grinned at her, and got Teresa to mewl when she felt his prick throb in her snatch. "I have a bitch to break and enslave!"

The brunette smiled at him, legitimately and so very happy to hear that. She obliged without a second thought.

When Priscilla let her wrists go, Teresa's eyes glazed over for a moment - to quick to be noticed - and when they came back into focus, the woman smiled her iconic smile. That was the only warning Naruto had that something was wrong. Then the room spun and he found himself the one lying on the bed and Teresa on top of him.

Clare had an uneasy look on her face as she, Miria and Tabitha vacated the mattress with a still unconscious Ophelia, Galatea and Luciela lying on the floor minutes before. There was no way in hell she was coming between three of the strongest people on this island. Then their eyes grew wide when Teresa brought out ten percent of her yoki.

She was taking this very seriously...

Naruto looked up, bewildered and caught completely unaware when he felt her yoki spike. Even Priscilla was alarmed, and her self preservation kicked in and she quickly got off the mattress. And then he saw the challenging grin and the glowing, golden, feline like eyes. He returned the gesture with his eyes turning blood red and slit pupils of their own. "I'm going to have so much fun~!" he growled menacingly. Then, he grabbed Teresa's shoulders, flipped her around, and immediately started roughly pounding her into the mattress as fast and deep as he could.

The woman howled to the sky as the most pleasure she ever felt overwhelmed her. Her ankles locked behind his waist, her hips moved in time with his, and her bosom bounced in time with his thrusts. So good! So- so good! With a lustful growl Teresa grabbed Naruto's shoulders and flipped him around so she was back on top. The second she was above him again, the woman leaned down on top of him, pressed her lips against his in a smoldering kiss and started slamming down on his groin. The lewd sounds of skin slapping skin, and the grunting and moaning of the mating blonds filled the room.

Not one to take things lying down - quite literally, at that - Naruto, deciding to let Teresa be the one on top, spread his legs and bent his knees before he started wailing on the mature woman with the near equal force she was using on him.

Teresa's arms buckled instantly and she collapsed on top of him as she was instantly overcome by the resulting wave of pleasure. It hit her like a ton of bricks. When Naruto started pounding her, the former Number 1 came harder than she even thought possible.

Naruto grit his teeth when he felt Teresa's vaginal muscles tightly clamp down on his pistoning dick. The blond managed to keep himself from cumming, albit barely and powered through her orgasm. The woman wasn't putting up much of a fight - even Priscilla lasted longer than this. He was… disappointed to be honest.

Still, he has a woman to break and enslave. and he won't stop until he has her completely and utterly addicted to his cock! Grabbing the woman's fine ass, Naruto buried his face into the crook of Teresa's neck as he power-fucked her through her orgasm; his pace had doubled and the 22-year-old brought the woman into into another one as soon as her last had finished.

Her folds still sucking upon his dick, Naruto grit his teeth and pressed on once more. He was not going to give in to her! But he wanted a challenge damn it! He got that challenge.

Teresa roared in frustration and exertion as she pushed herself up and started bouncing on his dick on her own accord. She glared down at him with her golden, feline like eyes. "You think you can make me cum and get away with not pouring your hot seed into me?! Think again! Now, GIVE ME YOUR CUM!!!"

Naruto answered by bolding reaching up and smacking her tits and ass. "If you want it, bitch, then try and take it!" he spat back with a taunting grin.

Her only answer came in the form of her pace tripling as she clenched her muscles with each ascent, her inner wall sucking his dick all the way up, before she slammed back down with nigh-paralyzing force. The whole damn bed started bouncing with her as Teresa savagely fucked her boy toy with everything she had. She could feel the pressure building in her loins once more, but the former Number 1 forced it down with every ounce of her willpower. She wasn't going to cum, again - not yet… not until she felt that hot, potent seed being pumped into her womb, or rather Clare's.

"Yes~!" Naruto shouted with a massive, maniacal grin. "That's it you sexy bitch! That's what I was waiting for!" He bent his knees and matched her pace, putting his hands on her hips and pulling Teresa down into every thrust. He was getting dangerously close. He could feel it, but he forced it back down as well. She would have to try harder than that. And he wasn't going to cum inside of her womb until she - and in turn, Clare - fucking broke!

Teresa let out a loud roar as she threw her head back, bracing herself on Naruto's knees when he started to match her pace by pace, force by force. Her teeth bared, she looked down at her boy toy with maddening eyes. He just gave her a cocky grin and spanked her tauntingly.

Naruto grunted in exertion at the feel of her inner walls clamping down on him more tightly than ever as Teresa pressed on. She was giving him one hell of a run for his money, but the blond was not going down that easily! Once more, he forced the impending orgasm back down and spanked Teresa, again.

She shuddered in pleasure as her orgasm quickly approached; with a groan, she forced that urge down with all her might. Not. Fucking. Yet! She still had some fight left in her as she expertly kept pace with the little fucker. She was going to win this… she was going… to… FUCK!

Teresa threw her head back and let loose an earth-shattering, orgasmic wail, as the euphoric tidal wave of her release washed over the former Number 1 with a vengeance. She fell on top of him, or that was what would have happened had she not braced herself just in time. She let out a groan of frustration and desperation when he still refused to cum inside her womb.

Why…? Why was he being like this? Wasn't she good? Didn't he get any enjoyment out of their copulating? She yelped when she felt Naruto pull her down in a possessive embrace.

"Beg for it," he growled sexily into her ear. "Beg for me to fill your womb with your own granddaughter and I will give you the ride of your life~!"

Oh, she was so tempted to just give in. But... "N-never~!" she scowled at him; she still had some fight left in her.

"Oh-ho, you're a stubborn one," Naruto chuckled, giving Teresa a menacing grin that sent a shiver up her spine. "I like that~! It makes it better when I break you!"

Then, without warning, he quadrupled his pace.

Teresa's arms buckled as she tried so desperately to keep herself from cumming right there. She wanted so badly to give in, to beg him like he wanted, but her pride simply would not let her.

"He's amazing…" Tabitha breathed in complete and utter awe as she observed Naruto and Teresa fucking like rabbits. Neither side seemed to be giving in - but it's only a matter of time before one croaks.

Miria concurred wholeheartedly, her eyes drifting off as she whispered dreamily, "it makes me want to just... bend over in front of him when he's done with her, and let him have his way with me~!"

"I wonder how he would handle an army of Number 1's?" Clare mused to herself; if he could keep up and outpace Teresa of all people, when how would he fair against… three? No… eight, or maybe, ten of them? The former Number 47 licked her lips, she wondered how her husband would fair against an army of them. She really wanted to know, but knew the chances of that happening was impossible. No one can revive the dead after all.

...Well, no one here that is. And besides, who would be crazy enough to try and revive the most powerful warriors of their respective generations?

Clare's train of thought came to a crashing halt as a sudden thud right next to her nearly caused the former Number 47 to jump out of her skin. Apparently, the spectacle left Tabitha feeling… needy, as she had tacked Miria to the ground and immediately started making out with her.

Priscilla scoffed and rolled her eyes as the two female lovers/wives of Naruto started making out. Humph, forget offering her own body to him; her man married them so he could ogle the two having hot lesbian sex, didn't he? Well, to be fair, she couldn't exactly blame him if that was the case. As far as women were concerned, the two were attractive.

Seeing she was being stubborn, Naruto decided to take a new approach to breaking her and stopped fucking the woman on top of him, altogether. She was strong willed he'll give her that; so he's going to have to take… unconventional means to beating her.

Blinking owlishly when he stopped moving, a panting Teresa looked down at her toy boy and furrowed her brow. "Wha…? Why'd you stop?"

"Beg," he answered, "I want you to beg for it. When you do, I will make you forget how not to smile~!"

It took every ounce of willpower for Teresa not to flinch when he said when and not if. The whiskered fucker knew he was going to win. She narrowed her eyes defiantly, fine, if he wasn't going to move then she will! Just as she was about to do just that, Naruto grabbed the woman by the hips and pulled her off his dick.

"N-NO!" Teresa raged. "PUT IT BACK IN!" she demanded; the woman tried to force herself back down but Naruto effortlessly moved her to the side. He got up from the mattress and stretched his arms and legs.

"Then, beg!" Naruto commanded.

"Never. I'll never beg!" Teresa replied defiantly. She would not give in!

Naruto reached in and gave her a firm swat on the rear and reiterated his command. "Beg," he barked authoritatively.

Miria, Tabitha, and Clare flinched, a pang of longing wracking all three of them at the tone he gave. All three of them wanted so badly to bend over and have his babies right then and there.

Even Priscilla wavered at his authoritative tone, shuddering longingly as she watched her mate manhandle the woman who'd tormented her nightmares so. Her youma instincts told her to submit and present herself to this… wonderful... studly... alpha. Only her pride kept her from taking his attention away from that unworthy harlot in front of him, and pleasuring Naruto like he so deserved.

Teresa shook her head defiantly. "N-no. I won't degrade myself." she will not submit, nor will she degrade herself! Nothing he can say will change-

"Beg for my cock, or I will force you to watch as I give everyone in this room but you the pleasure we both know you want~!" Naruto hissed sadistically.

Teresa felt her loins twitch at that. Out the corner of her eye, she could see Priscilla blatantly drooling, just barely containing herself.

The brunette wanted to reward her mate for that so badly~! She was literally just about to go over there, turn Naruto around and fuck him like a bitch in heat when the former Number 1 finally broke.

"GIMME YOUR DICK!" she roared, leaping off the bed and tackling her boy toy to the floor. Straddling him, Naruto saw the mad look in her eyes as she screamed at the top of her voice. "I WANT YOUR DICK! I WANT TO FEEL YOU FUCKING ME TO AN INCH OF MY LIFE! I WANT YOUR HOT SEED INSIDE ME! SO GIMME YOUR FUCKING DICK, OR SO HELP ME, I WILL FUCK YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!!!"

She let out a yelp when Naruto flipped them over so that he was on top, and then wailed in pleasure when he slammed every last inch into her dripping cunt. He fucked his bitch the way she wanted him too: fast and hard. He had no mercy to spare, because, he was just as pent up as she was and he had so much cum to unload after holding back three or more orgasms one by one.

Naruto leaned his upper body up as he quintuple his pace; his hips were an absolute blur as he showed absolutely no fucking mercy for the blonde. Teresa's legs hung in the air, rocking back and forth as she had her ass pounded into the ground. Her tits bounced up and down violently, drool seeped out from the corner of her mouth, her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled to the back of her skull as she was overwhelmed with pleasure.

Because he was already at the edge already, it did not take Naruto long to reach his end. Unlike the last time however, the blond did not bother to hold his climax back and instead unleashed several massive spurts into Teresa's fertile, unprotected womb with a savage roar.

Teresa herself mewled with joy and a silly, fucked stupid grin on her face as she finally got what she wanted: Naruto's hot potent jizz filling her cunt.

Then, the blonde went limp, her features receding as she slowly turned back into an unconscious, blissful Clare. The other Clare beside Priscilla, Tabitha and Miria dispelled herself now that the Original was back, albeit in a sexual coma.

With a groan Naruto slowly eased his way out of his wife's cunny and fell back on his ass. His dick was still painfully erect despite the loads he unleashed. Speaking of loads he saw his seed seeping out of Clare's vagina now that there was nothing keeping it in. How the hell did he put so much in her?! Even Naruto couldn't help but wonder where he'd been keeping it all.

He looked around and saw Galatea, Ophelia and Luciela were on the floor. He was amused because they were still in a sexual coma.

"Wow~..." Priscilla got down on her hands and knees and sensually crawled over to her mate on all fours. Her ass swayed from side to side as her eyes locked on his massive rod. "I'm impressed~!"

Naruto chuckled tiredly. "I aim to please," he replied.

"Yes you do~." the brunette giggled. She sat up and leaned against him, trailing her hand up and down his abdomen. "It would be a shame if you were to go unrewarded for such marvelous efforts. I simply couldn't imagine letting that happen on my watch~!" Then, she leaned down and gave him a deep, loving kiss.

Chuckling Naruto reached behind her head and gave her a deep, loving kiss of his own. And with his free hand he roamed her body. Rubbing and caressing her wherever his hand went. As he focused his hearing, Naruto realised no one else was around. Cynthia was quiet; Riful was quiet; Alicia and Beth were quiet also; as well as Undine and Yuma. It seems they're the only ones left awake now.

Wait… correction - apart from them, there is one other person that is still awake. And they're heading to this very room. His senses told him that it was Irene… and that she was both horny and irritated.

Hmm… he could maybe use this to his advantage. He still has an erection after all, and having a horny woman like Irene work on getting it flaccid was too tempting~.

Priscilla pulled away from his mouth and looked towards the door with a devious glint in her eyes. It would seem that her man had another bitch to break before the night was through. And it was the former Number 3, no less! How deliciously… ironic. If only Noel and Sophia were still here then the set would be complete.

Not a moment later, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Come in," Naruto called out.

The door opened, revealing a dishevelled and very irritated Irene on the other side. She could hear the wails of pleasure from the other side of the damn castle, and no matter how many times she got off and tried to go to sleep, the poor woman was woken back up by someone literally screaming for more.

Her irritated expression went from shock, to arousal, and finally to indifference when she saw what was on the other side of the door. Beside the bed was Naruto, flat on his ass and being loved on by a thoroughly amused and… dripping Priscilla. No less than four thoroughly satisfied and unconscious women were strewn about the room, with Miria and Tabitha being the only women - excluding the awakened brunette, of course - conscious out of them all… and literally each and every one of them had copious amounts of semen still leaking from their pleasured folds.

Not a shred of clothing was on anyone in the bedchamber but her.

It was quite the… impressive sight. Irene would be lying if she were to say otherwise.

As for Naruto, when he saw the elf-eared woman open the door to his bedchamber, his still painfully hard dick throbbed when he saw what she was wearing. The garment in question was a sheet, deep purple nightie that didn't even reach all the way down to mid-thigh. It hugged her curves quite nicely and was semi-transparent in the chest. It also showed off a lot of cleavage. The semi-transparent portion upon the chest was decorated with flowery lace, and she quite visibly wore nothing else.

It was obvious she got the nightdress from the Elemental Nations. While she never set foot there personally, shinobi and kunoichi from Kumogakure had came and gone - partially to get a monthly report from Team Samui, but also to see if he or his girls wanted anything from the Elemental Nations. It was why there had been a Med-nin from Kumo that helped deliver Yuma's son after all. And he also got someone from Kumo to get Irene some things. Like a bed. And that nightdress she's wearing.

Though, she never did quite replace the outfit he found her wearing all those months ago. It turned out she had several of them; apparently, she had a thing for leather straps and the like. He had to admit the woman looked damn sexy in her sleeveless, brown leotard with boiled leather reinforcement and metal plating; combine them with the garters and knee-high boots and you have a gorgeous woman in a damn right sexy outfit.

Naruto grinned as he took Irene's appearance in. The outfit was surprisingly cute on her - almost uncharacteristically so.

He wolf-whistled her, "You look good in that, Irene." he complimented.

Said woman blushed heavily at that. This new relationship of hers still required some getting used to. She remembered what she was here for and forced her blush down, in order to glare at him.

With a tired groan Irene rubbed her eyes and gave the blond and his lovers that were still conscious a tired glare. "I'm trying to get to sleep. It's late at night and you're keeping me awake with your… activities." she told them.

"Oh." was all Naruto said, to her irritation. Then in an authoritative tone that sent a shiver up her spine, the blond said, "Get in here and close the door behind you."

Irene had no idea what came over her, but she did just that before she even knew what happened. Upon seeing this, Priscilla cooed, eyeballing her man with a delighted grin and stroking his dick.

Naruto groaned happily, leering at the brunette as she said, "I like it when a man knows how to assert his authority~!"

"Again, I aim to please~!" said man replied.

Irene honestly had no idea how to respond. She was privy - or rather pervy - enough to know where this was bound to lead and the poor woman had… an itch to scratch. "You wouldn't mind if I… joined in, would you?" she asked shyly.

Naruto and Priscilla both grinned at her. They were all going to enjoy what was to come next, that was for certain...