Double Agent(18+)

The next day

Today was a little interesting for Naruto. He was minding his own business, walking around Bailey's battlements and just enjoying the view of the entire town below them and then some when Lars came up and asked him for advice.

"How does this shape manipulation work?" the awakened being asked.

"It's really hard for me to explain," Naruto replied, he tore his eyes away from the view to look at one of the newest residents of Morris, "but shape manipulation is the highest form of chakra control there is. It's very hard to do." to give the man an example, Naruto held out his right hand and showed him the Rasengan in its most basic form. "This is the Rasengan, a technique that belonged to my father. It's purely made out of chakra and this is the best representation of shape manipulation taken to its highest level. If I remember it right… shape manipulation can determine how big your technique is going to be, its range and its purpose."

Lars studied the Rasengan with interest. "I see," he looked at the Uzumaki Patriarch and asked, "how did you achieve it?"

"It's a three-step process. Something that I will not be able to help replicate… unless I were to find the right materials." Naruto replied with shrug and allowing the Rasengan to dissipate. "If you're making a technique of your own, then your best bet would be to look at the scrolls provided by Team Samui. Or you can ask them for pointers since they are helping me teach others. There is also Tsunade, since she has perfect chakra control herself, so she may be able to give you a few pointers. But if you want to use my method, I'll see what I can do."

He just needs an abundance of water balloons and rubber balls is all. He just needs to find them, or something similar to them. Maybe he could order some from Kumo or Suna? He certainly had the money to buy hundreds of them.

Lars shrugged nonchalantly; he wasn't all that broken up about not learning anything from him. Naruto did say he wasn't good at teaching. But after seeing the Rasengan, he had a semblance of an idea of what he should do to make his technique.

Naruto wasn't going to let Lars go without giving him some advice, though. "Here is a pointer for you: the basics of any technique can be made through observation. The Rasengan was made after my dad saw a Bijudama being used - which was what I used to destroy Pieta. Since you saw what the Rasengan looks like, you can base a technique off of that - or if you want, you can make your own variation of it."

Lars nodded. "I'll see what I can do," he said.

Naruto added on before Lars could leave. "Making your technique is one of the hardest things you can ever do. It took my dad three years to create the Rasengan through trial and error, and when he was alive my dad had plans to make it even stronger. It took my dad's mentor one year to learn it. For me, it took me around a month or two - because I cheated on the last step."

Lars quirked an eyebrow. "Cheated?"

"Kage Bunshin," Naruto answered with a sheepish smile. "I didn't have the chakra control to pull off the third step at the time... so I used Kage Bunshin to help out with that one."

"I see…" Lars mused; so he made a copy of himself to help out with a technique he had trouble with. That left open so many possibilities. With that thought in mind, the awakened being left Naruto to himself and depart the battlements.


Meanwhile, back in Staff, Cassandra was practising her Dust Eater in the new armour and was pleasantly surprised that the cuirass she is wearing didn't hinder her movements in the slightest.

This was because it ended right where her back pivoted, so while it left her belly still a bit vulnerable, she was able to move about freely enough that her technique wasn't interfered with. She just needed to get used to the weight and mind the still-present weaknesses of her new gear. On the sidelines, the others marvelled at her technique and skill, much to her embarrassment. She still didn't like using this technique while others were present, despite Miranda's reassurances. Especially when it was one of the main causes of turning the rest of her generation against her when she died trying to avenge her friend. But, she pushed that aside.

If they were to prepare for the worst and teach each other their techniques, then the others needed to see what that entailed. On note of showing them said technique, at least she wasn't getting dust on her face-

"You got dust on your face!" Roxanne called out.

"Ack!" Cassandra abruptly stopped performing her technique and fell on her face. Then she sat up and started to frantically rub at her cheeks with the back of her hands, much like a cat.

"Oh, stop teasing her!" Miranda growled scoldingly at the plaited wavy-haired blonde beside her.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." Roxanne giggled sheepishly. She tried so hard. She really did. But, old habits die hard.

"Teasing aside…" Licht glared at Roxanne from the corner of her eye, "that technique of yours is impressive, Cassandra. I am certain if you were to use it on me in a real fight, I would be handily defeated."

As she stood up, poor Cassandra turned beet red and started sputtering, not used to the praise. "Uh… thanks."

"I can see why you were brought back." Chloe praised, with Lutecia nodding concurringly. "That technique alone makes you a force to be reckoned with. It gives you a full 360 degrees of attack, allowing you to fight multiple attackers at once and to strike at unexpected angles."

"I find it hard to believe you learned to do that just by dancing," Hilda said, with an impressed tone.

"There was a little more to it than that, admittedly," a still-flustered Cassandra said, "though being a good dancer certainly gave me an advantage. It took me nearly 30 years to perfect it."

"We don't have 30 years though." Roxanne pointed out.

"It took 30 me years to invent it," Cassandra rebutted. "It'll take far less time to teach."

"Ah," Roxanne rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Fair enough. When you said it took you 30 years to perfect, I thought you were implying it would take us that amount of time to do as well. Good to see I was wrong, even if I am learning it last."

Cassandra frowned. Damn bitch was being too civil. She was clearly up to something but decided to file those thoughts away for later. "Indeed, you will be the last one I'm teaching it to," she muttered spitefully.

"Now, now," Neideen giggled. "No need to be mean to each other. Save it for after we deal with the Ladykiller, eh?"

Roxanne frowned, sincerely hoping they'd lose to him, regardless, now. At least she would still be alive then - even if she'd be relegated to his bed warmer in that scenario… who knows, maybe he will be completely civil and avoid fighting them altogether? The chances of that happening are near abysmal, but a girl can hope!

"So, where do we begin when it comes to learning your cool technique?" Miranda asked, and Cassandra was embarrassed to see that her best friend was practically gushing.

It was so adorable! And embarrassing... But, adorable!

"Uh… r-right." Cassandra cleared her throat, "First, we start with flexibility and balance," she explained. "To get my technique to be as effective as possible, you need a lot of legs and upper body strength." to give her audience an example she performed her technique slowly. She held her claymore in one hand, and swayed around in a circle in one place, putting all her body weight on her right leg and as she moved she skillfully put her weight on the left. She did not lean backwards or bend her back as she showed them. Then she stopped and addressed them.

"This is the easiest method when using my technique. Did you see how much weight I was putting on my legs as I moved?" the wavy-pixie paired blonde questioned them.

Noel nodded with analytic eyes, "Yeah when you moved, you put all your weight on your legs."

Cassandra nodded, and then she gave them another example doing the same thing, only she leaned backwards and had to spread her legs out to evenly distribute the weight and pressure her body was feeling. "The lower you go when performing this technique, the more pressure you put on your legs and back." she stopped and addressed them again. "That is where your flexibility and leg strength comes in. since the lower you go the more difficult, it becomes to perform the Dust Eater."

"And you can bend so far back, your head and back are almost touching the ground. Yet, you have enough leg and body strength to keep moving." Rosemary said with an impressed look on her face.

"That is impressive, I have to admit," Hilda said with a smile. "I can see why Naruto would have trouble against you in particular, Cassandra. With you being able to lean and bend back so low to the ground, you can come at him from directions he will not be expecting."

Now even more flustered, Cassandra could only nod. "I-I'll does my best to teach it to all of you," she eventually said. "I think the best place to start would be callisthenics to build up muscle strength and get used to moving your body like that."

"This can easily tie into my technique," Noel pointed out. "Since my technique is sort of similar, you just need to be able to do armless cartwheels, which requires a lot of upper bodies and leg strength to perform. It would be like two birds with one stone - but we can get your one out of the way first since this is your lesson."

"I actually like your idea better," Cassandra replied.

"Better idea or not, we'll start with yours first, since your one is harder to do. If we get the hardest out of the way then we can move on to mine." Noel told her and explained at the same time.

"Fair enough," the elf-eared blonde replied before looking to the other girls. "My recommendation would be to start with lunges and squats to build up strength in your legs. Afterwards, we'll start doing stretches to improve flexibility, before doing some balance exercises."

Out of everyone in the room, only Miranda was the most enthusiastic. Cassandra quirked a brow at that and the corners of her lips twitched upwards. Her friend did idolise her a lot; thought the world of her too. She didn't like her Dust Eater, but she was touched that her best friend was so eager to be able to use it.

The other women followed suit, even Raftela though the woman was more steady and slow about it. Probably to make sure her muscles would burn when she does her squats and lunges.

"How long should we do this?" Elizabeth asked.

"Until your legs feel loose.." the woman replied. "Once that happens, take a five-minute break before starting up again. You are also compensating for the new armour, so that will make things more difficult than it would normally be."

"Alright," Elizabeth said.

Five minutes later, Cassandra was nodding approvingly when they finished doing their lunges and squats. She exhaled and rolled her shoulders; now it was time for the next part.


Later that day, back in Morris, Miria was none too happy to see Nalani limping on by. She knew damn well what had caused the redhead to still be walking funny!

Taking in a deep, calming breath and sighing heavily, the possessive, suddenly-grumpy former Number 6 carried on. Naruto wanted her to check on Camilla, while he was making preparations for the upcoming wedding. Speaking of her husband, the blond pulled her into a comforting, one-armed hug and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"You want some extra attention, again?" he asked with a warm smile.

"I'm fine…" Miria muttered. "I've just been a bit moody, as of late."

"Oh?" he blinked, "Is it something you want to talk about?" Naruto asked her, honestly curious and feeling a bit concerned for her.

"No… Again, I'm fine," she replied with a smile, legitimately flattered. She'd snagged herself one hell of a man. "I just… can't help but be jealous of the newcomers," she admitted sheepishly. "You know how possessive I am. I might take you up on that offer later, though."

"Yes, I do know how possessive you are. And I think it's your most endearing trait. Apart from the mind-blowing sex, we have~."

"Oh, stop it," she giggled. "If anyone's mind gets blown when we do it, it's mine. I honestly think I've become addicted to you~!"

"I know I'm addicted to you." Out of everyone, Miria was the among the ones that showed the most affection. Riful may have been the first, but it's Miria who always keeps him company. Alicia and Beth only go with him - sometimes - when he's venturing out of Morris, and are always with him when he's in bed. Clare and Galatea were among the first too, but Miria had the two of them beat in sheer passion. Only Jean, Priscilla, and Cynthia rivalled her in that regard, with Flora, Ophelia, and Luciela on their heels. "You're beside me so much, I'm honestly beginning to think you can't stand being away from me," Naruto told her with a massive grin.

"Not for very long," Miria admitted, her cheeks burning brightly. "Partially because of an irrational fear that some hussy will snatch you up and I'll never see you again. It's silly, I know-"

"It's not silly at all." Naruto butted in, "Being alone for my entire childhood, I have that fear too. I'm afraid that, if I don't show you girls enough love and attention, you'll get sick of it and you would eventually leave me. That's one of the reasons why I always have clones and the seals."

Miria smiled brightly. Never in her life had she thought a man with so many wives would care so much for them until she met Naruto. "I love you so much," she whispered.

Naruto smiled at her. "I love you, too. I really, really do." he gave her a loving kiss on the cheek.

With that, the two lovebirds slipped into a comfortable silence as they ventured forth to the town. Only Naruto took notice of a tagalong trailing a fair ways behind them, though he didn't show it. Soon, Naruto waved Miria off as she went to the Bearded Clam, while he went to the temple to talk to Father Isaac.

He walked past the lewd statue of St. Nymphetemina with a chuckle and entered the temple. The tagalong that was following him didn't venture inside or delve any closer to the place of worship. They just stayed outside. All the better for him, since he can put all his attention on finding the priest.

Naruto took a deep breath, let out a sigh and went about his search for the man. He needed to set up that wedding for himself and Clarice.


Meanwhile, in the Bearded Clam at around the same time, as Miria entered the establishment she actively searched out for the secretly defected Number 20. It didn't take long for her to find the woman. Near the back of the establishment was Camilla; she was by herself for once, drinking an alcoholic beverage of some kind. Megan was behind the counter, looking bored out of her mind as she scrubbed the surface.

Miria sighed and went over to Camilla and asked as she sat down on the chair beside her, "so, how's it been going?"

The Number 20 pulled the jug away from her mouth and smiled. "Still 'gathering' information," Camilla answered, bending her fingers with a look of sarcasm. "my handler, Ingmar will be arriving in a few weeks for my monthly report. I just to get some credible information on Naruto and mix it in with some huge amount of bullshit to throw those bastards in the wrong direction."

Miria nodded approvingly that is something she can get behind; anything to throw those bastards in the wrong direction will be a boon for the rebellion. "Good, tell me what you have on him so far and let's see what we can add on to it."

"One of the things I've 'learned' is that he can make copies of himself, but I didn't get much else since the citadel is heavily occupied." the woman replied.

"Hmm... " Miria immediately began to think of how they can use this to spread misinformation to the Organization. "...let's say if you're asked, that you managed to find several copies of Naruto running about during the night."

Camilla nodded, "Alright, that I can do."

"You should have something else to tell them as well..." but what she can tell her handler is something that Miria wondered.

"What about something they would already know?" Camilla suggested.

The woman looked at her with interest. "What do you have in mind?" Miria asked.

"Naruto's exploits in Pieta had reached the Organization because they overheard eavesdroppers talking about him. If they know of his ability to turn into a giant fox, then it may be possible that they could have discovered his other feats."

The sandy-brunette looked thoughtful for a moment. "Naruto did show us his 'Kyuubi cloak' and shared it with us before he went off to deal with Luciela. You can use that."

"Sounds like a plan," Camilla said with a nod. "What can you tell me about it? If the handlers and Elder already know about it, then they're going to want to know details on it. Just give me some, not all."

Miria closed her eyes and leaned against the table in thought. "...let's go with the basics then: the cloak can increase all of our abilities. That means our regeneration, strength, speed, durability, reflexes, and techniques. How much they're going to be increased will be purposely vague; we should tell a partial truth."

"Noted," Camilla replied with a nod.

"The truth: when we have the cloak, we were able to briefly go toe to toe with Rigardo who was the Number 2 in Isley of the North's generation." Miria paused and thought about what the lie should be. "The lie… it is extremely tiring to maintain. The cloak is parasitic, leeching off our yoki. The more damage we take or use the cloak, the more of our yoki it takes."

"Alright," the Number 20 replied, taking note that this being a lie implied that these cloaks either were self-sustaining or they revitalized their bearers. Very interesting… "Anything else?"

Miria rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Let's give them another truth: Naruto has another source of energy that is vastly different from yoki. The lie: you have no idea what it is capable of."

"What if they ask how I know he has another source of energy?" Camilla immediately asked.

Miria had a solution to that little problem, "Simple: you saw him use such a technique while he was out removing some yoma that ventured close by. He showed us a technique during one of our training sessions, that is shape manipulation taken to its highest form. He calls it Rasengan, and it is a weaker, incomplete version of the technique he used to kill Riful's consort."

"Alright," Camilla replied with a nod. She was so curious as to what this second energy was capable of. If she recalled correctly, he used it to make a copy of himself, but what else could he do, she wondered.

"I think that's enough 'information' gathering to keep those bastards in the Organization satisfied," Miria said.

Camilla hummed thoughtfully before shrugged. "Very well," then she gave Miria a naughty leer and asked, "so… what is Naruto like in bed~?"

Miria turned beet red, glaring at the hussy beside her. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Well, of course, I would~!" the Number 20 giggled, before sighing dreamily, "I'm so jealous of you and the others, to have someone so kind and caring looking after you. And giving you as much sex as you want~." if only her stigma was healed… "And even kids… Not sure I'm ready to have one, mind you, but having the option would be nice."

Miria sighed. "He's so much better than I could have ever imagined when I met him," she admitted under her breath. "I'm honestly addicted to him. He just feels so… good, when he's pounding me into the mattress." she suddenly looked at Camilla from the corner of her eye and felt her brow twitch irritatedly upon seeing the woman beside her drooling with a perverted open-mouthed grin on her face; her expression was distant as if she were in an entirely different place.

Miria had a very good idea just what she was thinking. Thinning her lips the sandy-brunette drove her elbow into Camilla's side and took her out of her daydreaming.

"Ouch!" Camilla rubbed her side and shot Miria an irritated look, "You didn't have to do that you know." she also noticed the drool running the side of her mouth and wiped it away with the sleeve of her bodysuit.

"You were thinking of fucking my husband weren't you," Miria stated with a flat tone.

Camilla blinked once, then twice, before closing her eyes and crossing her arms. "I am not going to confirm or deny that I was." she blonde replied looking away with an air of smugness around her.


When Naruto entered the chapel, the blond was entirely aware someone was following him and Miria. He didn't know who that person was, but from the amount of yoki they possessed, it had to have been a single digit.

Outside, leaning casually against the statue of Saint Nymphetemina, was a well-built brunette with long, bristly tresses and wearing a simple brown dress. Nox the former Number 4 of Rosemary's generation was the one stalking Naruto and Miria; she didn't care for the latter, it was the former she was more interested in.

Honestly, for someone so powerful, Nox would have thought him to be a strict, no-nonsense type. Boy was she surprised to see that Naruto was understanding, lenient, and most importantly treats awakened beings as if they were human and not monsters as a lot of people think them to be. And he's completely aware of their diet and is working on getting them innards to eat and what is more, he doesn't mind that they have to eat human innards. In fact, he is trying to find a way to grow the food to eat; if that arm of his is fake like he says it is, then having an unlimited supply of innards grown for them will be a reality that is closer than they think.

She was excited for this and Nox rarely gets excited. Honestly, she hoped she wouldn't have to go out and stalk her prey again at any time in the future. While that was her MO, it didn't mean she had to like it.

The fact that he was feeding her so she wouldn't have to made her want to… show her appreciation. She grinned. She had the perfect way to show her appreciation; she would follow him for several minutes and when he is in a secluded place, she'll drag him into an alleyway, get down on her knees and give him the most mindblowing blowjob she can possibly muster.

She wasn't very experienced in the skill, but she was going to do her damnedest, regardless.

"What are you doing?"


Poor Nox nearly jumped out of her skin upon hearing Octavia's voice come from behind her. The brunette turned and found the blonde standing directly behind her; Agatha was by her side, as well. Both women were garbed in the dresses they came with: an elegant, pink and yellow dress for Octavia, and a black and red halter dress for Agatha.

"N-nothing!" she hastily sputtered.

"You seemed rather excited to be doing nothing," the blonde pointed out with a giggle. "You were planning to do something naughty with Lord Naruto, weren't you~?"

"N-no! I wasn't planning to give him a blowjob or anything!" Nox denied, only for her eyes to widen when she realised what just came from her mouth. She gave the two woman a narrow-eyed glare, "You. Didn't. Hear. Any of this."

"Our lips are sealed… if you do one thing for us." Octavia said with a devious smile.

Nox scowled. "That depends on what this 'one thing' is."

"We want to join in," Agatha told the brunette with a flat stare. "Having heard how good he is from several warriors, and other women like us, I'm curious if he is as good as they say he is."

Nox blushed, averting her gaze. "F-fine… Now that you mention it, I may need the help if he is." if the rumour of him fucking Riful for seven days straight is true, then she'll need all the help she can get.

"Excellent!" Octavia chirped with a pleasant smile. "I take it he is in the chapel?"

"Yes." Nox answered as she looked back at the building in question. "He has been in there for nearly 10 minutes now. Rumour has it, he's planning on adding the mud head to his little collection of wives… either her or the ginger he rescued from that bandit camp, recently. Possibly both? Several theories are floating about the grapevine."

"That weakling? Why would he be interested in the mud head?" Agatha asked; had she had eyebrows they would have been raised in surprise.

"Maybe he wants more of a pet?" Nox shrugged.

"Actually, I heard Lord Naruto was the weakest of his generation and was treated as bad as the Mud Head was when he was a warrior. He might see himself in her." Octavia said,

"That makes sense," Nox said with a nod. "He seems the type."

"I'm also the type that doesn't judge a book by its cover," Naruto said, appearing behind Octavia and Agatha from the corner of the statue they were standing beside. Poor Nox jumped a good two feet in the air with a squawk, startled out of her wits.

Agatha and Octavia were just as startled, as they jumped a foot in the air with a squawk of their own. Naruto easily caught Agatha in a bridal carry and grinned at the awakened beings with amusement.

Nox looked at the chapel, then back to Naruto, then at the chapel again, before looking back to Naruto. "How did you- but you were- how!?"

The blond chuckled as he set an embarrassed Agatha on her feet, "You girls really need to work on your awareness. I came out of the chapel a few minutes ago actually."

"That can't be, your yoki is still in the chap-" Nox started, only to pause momentarily upon feeling the yoki signature belonging to Naruto vanish. "...Shadow Clones." the brunette deadpanned in realisation. She refused to say his techniques in his language - to her, it sounded a lot better in English than… whatever language it is he is speaking in.

"Yep. Shadow Clones; Kage Bunshin, whatever it is you want to call it." then he gave Octavia and Agatha a playful spank. "So, what are you three babes doing out here?" he asked flirtingly.

Both women yelped and giggled on contact, while Nox shyly averted her gaze. "We… wanted to thank you for everything."

"Well, your thanks has been received." Naruto chuckled; then he grinned impishly and gave Nox a playful spank as well, causing her to yelp on contact and giggle. He could feel her jealousy when he spanked Octavia and Agatha, so he felt the need to include her as well. "I have to ask: are you women always naked under your dresses?"

Octavia gave him a playful jab. "Oh, save it for when we find somewhere private, will you?"

He chuckled and rubbed at the place she playfully hit him, "What? I'm not allowed to ask 'innocent' questions?" his question was anything but innocent and he knew it.

"Let's just say that we wear the bare minimum," the blonde told him with a dangerously playful smile.

"I certainly wouldn't mind giving you an eyeful in the alley," Agatha added with a lewd grin.

Naruto gave the redhead an interested smile, "I see…" then he looked at Nox who was quiet and stoic face. "And what about you, pretty woman?"

She smiled shyly and said, "I wouldn't mind doing the same~."

The blond let out a hearty chuckle at that. "I see, then I think a place where you can give me that eyeful is needed."

"I would love to have that," Octavia giggled, "But where, oh where, can we find such a place?"

Chuckling Naruto grabbed Octavia and Agatha by their posteriors and squeezed their nice asses. "Let me lead the way and I'll take you there."

"Oh, please do~" Octavia giggled impishly.

"Alright, let's duck into an area away from prying eyes, so we don't startle the locals," with that, he gestured from the women to follow and they slunk off into a nearby alleyway. "Alright, you three; hold on to me."

Agatha and Octavia did so wrapping an arm around his own. Nox, on the other hand, grabbed hold of Naruto is a more… unethical manner… by pressing her front against his back and sliding her hand under his trousers and pants to grab his dick.

"Oh~!" Nox was pleasantly surprised to find how big he was flaccid. He was massive! "Well, well, aren't you a big boy~?" she said with a downright hungry look on her face. She wiggled her breasts against his back and dampened her lips in anticipation; she was definitely going to tame that monster in his pants!

Naruto chuckled warmly. "You'd be surprised," he whispered. "Hold on tight, you three, what I'm about to do has been known to give my girls a bit of vertigo."

With that, Naruto and the girls suddenly appeared in Raby Castle's royal bedchamber. True to his word, Agatha, Nox and Octavia felt a bit dizzy, for a moment, but it was mercifully brief.

"Welcome to Raby Castle!" Naruto stated proudly, "The first castle we inhabited shortly after Pieta. Now..." the blond gave the awakened women a leering look as he gave them all a look over, "now that we're alone, maybe now you can answer one of my previous questions: are you women always naked under your dresses?"

Since she saw him first, Nox was all too eager to show him first, sauntering around as she slightly lifted her dress and bent over at the hip to present herself to him unabashedly. The brunette leered at him over her shoulder and giggled, shaking her booty enticingly.

"Oh, very nice~!" Naruto said with a grin. He reached forward to grab at her posterior and firmly kneaded and massaged her. "Very nice, indeed. You have a nice ass." then he looked to Agatha and Octavia, "And what about the two of you?"

Agatha wasted no time, undoing the bow that held the upper portion of her halter dress in place. As gravity kicked in, the cloth flopped down to expose her nice, round tits. She had a very nice physique, Naruto noted; Agatha was well-toned and had rounded hips, and she was cleanly shaven too.

Octavia was next, she pulled the strap holding her dress up, down her shoulders and the dress flopped down to expose her nice, round tits. Naruto noticed that she was a lot bigger than Agatha in the chest area; the blonde had to be a cup bigger than the redhead! And like Agatha, Octavia was well-toned and had rounded hips. Unlike Agatha, she had a neat trim of hair on her pelvis - and the carpet matched the drapes.

"All three of you are gorgeous~!" Naruto praised. "But… something is missing…" then he looked at Nox who was the only one of the three awakened beings that was still clothed. "Oh yeah, you're still dressed, Nox. Get naked, now!" he ordered commandingly.

A hot, pleasant shiver ran up her spine as the brunette complied without a second thought. There was a plop as her dress was swiftly shed. Then, she dropped to her hands and knees. Nox grinned at him lewdly, presenting herself once more.

"That's better," Naruto said with an approving grin. Being the only one of this foursome still overdressed for the occasion, Naruto took off his clothes as well and tossed each fabric of cloth aside.

That was when Octavia, Agatha and Nox saw his dick for the first time. Fully erect. And unsurprisingly, they were fucking shocked at how long it was. All three of them felt an agonizing pang of lust the instant they saw it. Their most primal of instincts took that time to rear its head; they needed to mate with this stud!

"J-just get over here and fuck me, please!" Nox pleaded longingly. "Have your way with me to your heart's content~!"

Never in her life had she felt so… cowed. There was no way in hell she was going to tame that beast of a cock! But, at the same time… she would certainly not mind letting it tame her!

Naruto came up to the brunette, hugging her to him as he growled into her ear. "From now on, whenever we're alone, you are to call me Naruto-Sama. You also have to be naked at all times, with guests at the castle being the only time you are allowed to wear clothes. Understand?"

"As you wish," she cooed, grinding her crotch against his. "I am yours to use as you please~!"

Naruto guided his monster dick to her cunt and rubbed at her dripping wet vulva. Then, he poked his head into her, eliciting a gasp from the well-built brunette. She collapsed in longing and pleasure before him, her ass enticingly raised in the air before him as Naruto placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her prone form towards him and pushed into the depths of her sopping wet cunt.

Naruto bared his grit teeth as Nox's cootch squeezed down on him as he delved further and further into her. She was practically sucking him in, and the sheer tightness of her cunt made him think she was actively trying to keep him from pulling out. Well, he can't have that stop him, now can he?

"I hope you're ready, Nox, because I'm going to fucking own your ass!" After that, Naruto moved his hands to her firm ass and started moving her back and forth as he immediately started fucking her like the stud he was.

Poor Nox wailed, brought to orgasm almost instantly. She didn't have a chance to properly adjust to his dick before he started pounding her, and now she was completely at the mercy of this man within her… of this stud who would ruin her for any other male… of this bitch-breaker claiming her body and what little innocence she'd previously had as his erotic trophy to do with as he pleased~!

Octavia shuddered in lust as she and Agatha bore witness to this powerful stud claiming another woman. Oh, she wondered how that massive schlong of his felt - to have it touching the farthest depths of her folds and tapping her cervix. To have him reshape her pussy so only he can give her pleasure!

The blonde rubbed her thighs together and started squeezing her breasts with one hand to try and quench the burning desire in her loins. She would have her turn soon, she just needed to be patient is all…

As for Agatha, the redhead was watching the mating couple copulate with great intensity… or rather, she was watching the fifteen-inch, monster cock, disappear within Nox's vagina, inch by delicious inch with barely restrained lust. She was so tempted to crawl over there and get a piece of that cock herself, but she managed to restrain herself. After all, rewards go to those that wait. And the reward she's going to get was that slab of dick fucking her brain's to mush~!

Nox, on the other hand, was feeling the full brunt of Naruto's assault. And she was vocalising her enjoyment of it. "Yes~! More! By Teresa and Clare, keep fucking me like that, I beg you~!"

Naruto came down upon the prone awakened, slipping his hand underneath and playing with her clit as he suddenly doubled his pace. Nox howled in pleasure as another orgasm, so soon after the first, was coaxed out of her. He was so good~! The Uzumaki Patriarch was just so good at this!

He was everything those other women said he was and more!

Naruto grit his teeth and growled as he powered through her orgasm, wanting to make this last tor the brunette, just a little longer, before succumbing to the urge to spill his hot, potent seed within her. Nox wailed once more, as yet another wave of pleasure crashed into her as Naruto pounded the brunette without mercy.

"Do - oh fuck yeah - d-do you want to take over for a bit, Nox?" Naruto asked groaning as he felt the entirety of brunette's cunt milking his prick. The awakened being was practically begging for his seed. But he wasn't done yet and he wants to see if Nox wants to take the lead and try to get him to fill her up with his baby batter.

With a roar of exertion, the woman in question pushed herself up and back, before sitting up and Naruto laid back and held her steady. Nox then spread her legs and started bouncing on her mate's mighty shaft, clenching her muscles and doing her damnedest to milk the seed straight out of his balls.

"Oh fuck!" Naruto groaned, his toes curled up in pleasure as the awakened being now fucking him did her best to get him to cum. "That's it! That's what I'm talking about, you sexy bitch!! Keep that fine ass moving!"

Nox doubled her pace, fucking Naruto with all her might as she howled in utter bliss. Suddenly the world around her became a blur as Nox felt herself get lift off the ground. The next thing she knew, she was on the queen-sized bed, but still on top of her mate. She looked back at him from over the shoulder and squint her eyes as a dangerous grin spread across her lips.

Then her eyes changed to the infamous demonic golden eyes of the yoma, and her pace fucking tripled as she fucked her man into the mattress.

THAT finally triggered Naruto's release; his eyes crossed, his toes curled once again, and his balls churned as his prick throbbed in preparation for his release. Then Naruto slammed up and into her while she came back down, and held her in place as he bellowed his release.

Nox's eyes went wide and she wailed in pleasure as she felt Naruto's hot seed being planted within her, shooting as deep as humanly possible and splashing against the very back of her uterus. The feel of his wet heat splashing within her, of being marked as his mate once and for all, of her man's essence filling every nook and cranny of her innermost chamber with the intent of conceiving a crossbred child proved too much for the awakened brunette. Her eyes returned to normal, before rolling back into her skull as she fell back upon Naruto with an undignified thud, having fainted on the spot.

Naruto grunted at the added weight and chuckled as he held her to him. Then he reached up and cupped her tits, massaging them as he waited for his potent spurts to die down. After a minute Naruto finally pulled out of Nox's cunt and gently laid her beside him, then he gave her a loving kiss on the lips that lasted for several seconds.

When he pulled away the blond felt the mattress shift, and when he looked Naruto found the culprit. Octavia was crawling up to him like a cat stalking its prey. She had a frightening Cheshire grin on her face as her eyes were slanted and golden instead of their normal colour. He could smell the arousal on her too. She was practically dripping wet for him and his seed.

Naruto was still as hard as a brick, and his dick became almost painfully hard at the sight of this blonde crawling up to him on her hands and knees.

"Well well," Naruto chuckled with a grin, "I wonder what you're going to do~?" he had an inkling, but he'll let her surprise him.

Octavia's Cheshire grin got even wider if that was possible. She then climbed up and wasted no time, taking his dick into her mouth with a cute, little 'nom' the instant her face was within reach. Then she lavished his dick with her tongue and started sucking any leftover cum out of his dick.

"Oh… fuck yes!" Naruto's head fell back on the pillow as Octavia sucked him off. He reached down and caressed the blonde's scalp, as thanks; then he looked at Agatha, who hadn't moved from her spot. He reached out to her and asked, "You wanna cuddle while you wait for your turn, Aga?"

The redhead giggled and scurried on up to his bed without a second thought. She certainly enjoyed that thought. As Agatha hugged Naruto's arm and snuggled up to him, Octavia moaned happily at the taste of his dick. She gave him a particularly hard suck before pulling back; the tip left her mouth with an audible 'pop' and she smacked her chops as the taste of Naruto's seed in her mouth.

Once that was done she sat up and as she straddled her fellow blond, Octavia took hold of his now clean dick and guided it to her dripping wet folds. She had her eyes on the prize and she was going straight for it!

The blonde let loose a guttural moan as she impaled herself upon Naruto's mighty prick, sliding down slowly as she revelled in the feel of the man's tool parted and stretched her folds to capacity.

She wasn't a virgin by any means, she did have needs after all and she was alive for a long time too. But this was the first time she felt this god damn full. It was… oddly satisfying. She wondered how anyone was able to take a dick this big all the way through. She barely got half in by the time she felt the top touching her cervix. Suddenly finding herself needing time to adjust, much to her chagrin, Octavia took a deep, calming breath and slowly tried to fit in more. Luckily for her, she wasn't human, even if Naruto liked to treat her otherwise, she can partially awaken any part of her body to make things easier on her; like being able to turn herself into tendrils to avoid attacks or stretch certain parts of her body.

Granted she'd never needed to use the latter in such a way, as she never needed to do so, but for this big-dicked stud, she was most certainly willing to try~! So she focused her yoki to a specific part of her body - her cunt - and willed it to stretch so it could accommodate the fifteen-inch cock of the young man she is about to fuck.

Naruto was pleasantly surprised when he felt her cervix suddenly move away from him, while Octavia eased herself down on him even more with less resistance. He could feel her yoki focused on her abdomen, womb and vagina; he had no idea what the woman was doing but whatever it was, it's allowing her to take the entirety of his cock.

Naruto went crosseyed and shuddered pleasurably when he felt Octavia's posterior pressing against his pelvis. He groaned when she wiggled her butt on his dick, and shifted around to get herself more comfortable.

"Ooooh…" he breathed, "...that… is the first time someone has ever managed to get all of my dick inside of them without having to transform completely, or me having to force my way through..." he told Octavia. Naruto then put a hand on her hip - since Agatha still had the other trapped between her tits - and gave her a light massage. "I'm… honestly impressed."

Octavia giggled at the praise. She then leaned down and hugged him close, burying his face in her cleavage as she started to bounce. As the blonde awakened bounced on his dick, Naruto moved his hand from her hip to her backside and began to knead and massage her rump while meeting her with a thrust on each descent.

Naruto pulled his face out of Octavia's cleavage to breath, then he looked up at the woman mounting him. "I wonder if you two have nicknames of your own?"

"Wild Horse," Octavia giggled, suddenly doubling her pace. "Fitting, no?"

Naruto let out a strained but hearty chuckle at that.

"Mine's Fresh Blood Agatha," the redhead answered with a dark grin. "Not quite as sexy as hers, but I like it, I'll let you guess why I earned that nickname."

"I'm…" Naruto grunted when Octavia started rolling her hips around on his dick, "I'm going to g-guess it's because you end up being covered in the blood of yoma when you were a h-hybrid…" he groaned again when the woman atop him rocked her hips back and forth and rolled around on his shaft. "...and wh-when you became an Awakened B-being you like to cover yourself in the blood of your victims as you devour their innards… how close am I?"

Agatha blinked owlishly in surprise, "That's… a rather accurate guess, actually." she said, her tone being an exact match for her expression. "I'm surprised you're not put off by that."

Naruto groaned once more in pleasure as Octavia sped up. "I fought against a guy w-who practically eats h-humans; a man who had nine hearts that was alive for about a century and an immortal that can stab himself and inflict that wound on you after he ingests your blood. Trust me when I say, I'm used to it."

"Huh… Fair enough," Agatha muttered, then, she went back to cuddling as she waited for her turn.

"Wild Horse, huh…" Naruto said as he finally brought his attention to the blonde awakened being fucking herself on him. He gave her an impish smile and said, "I think that nickname just got a whole new meaning~"

Octavia giggled as she sat upon his dick and started rolling her hips. "Maaaybe~!" she cooed, before bouncing more vigorously, squeezing his cock on the way up as she did.

Naruto chuckled and gave the woman a playful but harsh slap on the butt, "C'mon, you sexy woman; ride me like a Horse and show me how Wild you are!" he goaded her with a challenging, wide grin.

Octavia shuddered happily at the challenge and gave him a devilish look. "You asked for it~!" she sang, before suddenly leaning down with her hands on his shoulders and quadrupling her pace, fucking him with everything she had.

Naruto grunted in exertion and went cross-eyed, nearly cumming right then and there from the sudden change in pace. Holy shit, that felt good! This was right up there with Luciela, Glissa, and Alicia when they fucked him in their awakened forms!

Glissa would likely be proud to know that she had this chick beat in sheer passion, but Octavia blew her out of the water in sheer skill.

"Oh shit!" Naruto wheezed, unable to keep himself from wanting to thrust back; he spread his legs, bent his knees and met her thrusts with his own. "Fucking hell, you're just as good as Luciela, Glissa and Alicia are! That's it you big-titted bitch, fuck me as you mean it!" he goaded, now actively trying to fuck her back.

Agatha squealed in surprise when she felt Naruto's fingers rubbing at her folds before they were spread and a single finger was inserted into her vagina. Naruto didn't want her to feel left out, so he tried to get her off while she waited for her turn.

As for Octavia herself, despite feeling so fucking good as she was being fucked, while fucking him, she kept going at the same pace as before. Then she stopped all of a sudden, only to adjust herself so she was now squatting on top of him. Then she took his hand from her ass and moved it to her tit, all the while giving him that wide smiled grin with demonic golden slant eyes before abruptly starting fucking him again at the same fucking pace as before. Only she slammed down on his pelvis and thighs with greater force due to the new benefits her new position granted her.

Naruto groaned, bending his knees and slamming into the blonde as he did his damnedest to match her pace. Because of how long she was alive for, Octavia had plenty of experience in the art of sex; she has been with many a man and even woman in the past when she wasn't trying to devour their innards. It was no surprise that Naruto found himself outmatched when it came to her frolicking.

He didn't mind it, either, to be honest. While he loved his girls and showing women the world of sex and debauchery, he did find that having sex with an experienced woman offered a whole new experience. And Octavia was that person giving him that experience. The way she managed to skillfully take his entire dick into her snatch was a dead giveaway that she had taken someone whose dick was beyond the average size.

"I think, you're more experienced than you're letting on, Ava," Naruto told her, then he groaned and went cross-eyed when the blonde bouncing on him started squeezing his dick. Her muscles clamped down tight on him like she was trying to squeeze his seed out of his balls much like a person would do with toothpaste.

She giggled at his expression. "I've been around for quite a long time~! And I do have… needs that only men can handle, after all." she giggled again and put her hand on his and made him squeeze her breast. "C'mon, big boy, fill me up~!"

Naruto narrowed his eyes; baring his teeth he growled and gave Octavia a particularly hard pelvic thrust that caused her to fall down on top of him with a startled squawk. Taking his hand away from Agatha's snatch and the other away from the blonde's tit, Naruto held Octavia's hips in a firm grip before doubling the pace he was originally going at. If this sexy awakened being wants him to fill her to the brim with his seed, then by the Sage, he will fill her to the fucking brim!

Octavia threw her head back and wailed in pleasure as her inner walls clamped down on him hard, and her juices gushed forth. Never before had she been so manhandled, but damn, she loved it!

Naruto grunted at the feel of her cunt milking him, but readily powered through her orgasm. He wasn't ready to cum just yet; first, he wanted to ruin this gorgeous blonde for any other man. A feat that will be difficult to do, due to her stretching her abdomen and cunt to accommodate his shaft. But, he was up for the challenge!

With a low, predatory growl, Naruto spread his legs out, even more, to give himself better motion when he would pound up and into the blonde awakened. Then he froze… wait, a minute… why the hell was he on the bottom? Wouldn't his self-appointed objective of ruining her be a lot easier to achieve if he was on top…?

He blinked. Octavia blinked down at him too, horribly confused. Why'd he stopped fucking her? Then the blond beneath her grinned viciously. Octavia let out a yelp and giggle as Naruto suddenly flipped them over, hugging her close as he immediately started pounding her like a jackrabbit as he tried to implant the shape of her ass into the mattress. She wrapped her arms and legs around Naruto, locking her ankles behind him as she writhed and moaned beneath him.

"I don't know what it is you did, that made you able to take all fifteen inches of my dick in you," Naruto growled into Octavia's ear in full arousal, "but I promise you this: you will be ruined for everyone else but me by the time I'm done with you!"

"Go ahead, you stud, make me yours !" Octavia wailed.

Not one to deny such a sexy woman what she wants, Naruto moved his hands from her hips to above her shoulders and started drilling into the woman as fast and hard as he possibly could. Agatha squawked and quickly sat up when the mattress began to fucking bounce from the amount of force Naruto was putting into pounding the woman into oblivion.

As for Octavia herself, she threw her head back and squealed pathetically as Naruto did his best in reshaping the awakened woman's pussy to the shape of his cock. Her toes curled back as the quick, fast pace quickly brought her back to the brink once more. If he kept that up, then she won't be able to keep her abdomen and vagina stretched to perfectly accommodate him!

But as the seconds turned to minutes and the pace of his thrusts picked up, Octavia found herself reaching her end faster than she expected. Then… the coil snapped, and the woman threw her head back, arched her back while bucking her hips against Naruto and howled her release.

That knocked her concentration on fitting Naruto's dick inside of her off, and everything shrunk down on him all at once, forcing his head through her cervix and touching the top of her womb and making her walls clamp so damn, deliciously tight around him. The sensation of sliding past her cervix and penetrating her so, the feel of her almost painfully tight grip around him, nearly drove Naruto mad.

Then, her inner walls started clenching even more tightly, her juices audibly splashing against his balls as she came. Then, a new sensation came that would enticingly haunt Octavia's dreams for the rest of her life as Naruto slammed into her with one last thrust and a mighty roar.

The delicious, wet heat of her mate's seed splashed against the very back of her womb and filled her to the brim, inflating her baby chamber like a water balloon as the scorching, thick, potent liquid gushed forth. Spurt after massive, delectable spurt flowed within her for what felt like a blissful eternity as Octavia's vision blurred. Then, it faded to black as she went utterly limp.

Chuckling Naruto leaned down and gave the now unconscious woman a loving peck on the lips. Then he slowly eased himself out of her with a wet plop.

With a sigh, he looked to an open-mouthed Agatha who was watching with wide, hungry eyes. He could feel fear coming off of her; probably because she saw him put Octavia into a sexual coma and was afraid he would do the same to her. But she was very aroused by what he did too.

"So, do you want to go next?" Naruto was asking her to make sure she wanted to go through with it. But he has a pretty good idea on what her answer is going to be.

The redhead's expression slowly shifted from shocked and ravenous to a maniacal grin. Then, Naruto let out a squawk as he was glomped without warning. Damn, this woman was fast!

"I may not have been alive as long as Octavia has, but, I did pick up a few things after I awakened," she growled ravenously. Suddenly Naruto looked at his wrists when he felt something coil around them. He blinked owlishly when he found Agatha's hair, shaped like a tendril in a way that was reminiscent to Riful's, wrapping themselves around his wrists and forearms, before they were yanked above his head.

"Woah!" he yelp; then Naruto felt her hair coil around his ankles before they were straightened. He could break out of her grip very easily if he wanted; hell he would have broken out of her grip if she had hostile intent. She didn't though and so he allowed it. Also, he found it hot when a woman tried to have her way with him.

Naruto looked at his wrists and flexed them experimentally. Her hair was smooth to still feel like hair, but it was hard enough for it to feel otherwise. All in all… "...This is similar to how Riful manipulates her hair… only yours still feels like hair even though it's as hard as metal." he looked at Agatha with a grin and added conclusively, "Sexy and resourceful - that just makes me want to fuck you even more."

"Oh, the both of us are going to enjoy this~!" the redhead cooed.

Naruto grinned as the redhead atop him ground her dripping cunny against the underside of his dick. "You're the one on top, so you're the one who's gonna be doing all the work."

Agatha's grin widened as she skipped straight to the point. Guiding his monster dong to her dripping cootch, the redhead let loose a throaty, lewd groan at the feel of his dick parting her folds as she slowly slid downward.

Naruto shuddered as he felt her ease down on him. Like Octavia before her, Agatha easily slid down on him, effortlessly taking inch after inch of his schlong into her cunt. Then after what felt like an eternity for Naruto, he finally felt her touch his thighs as the redheaded woman squatted on top of him.

Agatha leaned back and casually jutted her bust out in a sensual display. At the same time, she expertly clenched and unclenched her vaginal muscles around his dick, getting him in the mood and raring to go all without doing anything.

Then, she started to move; Agatha pulled up, sliding his dick out of her until she reached the halfway mark before easing herself back down again and repeating it all over again. And Agatha did it agonisingly slow as she watched his face contort in sexual agony. For Naruto, this was akin to sexual torture. This wasn't enough for him! She needed to go faster!!

Agatha knew this, and she revelled in it. She was doing it on purpose; to show the blond under her just who is in charge of this little copulating. And she didn't hesitate to gloat about it.

She gave him a twisted sadistic grin as a bit of her true nature slipped out at being the dominant force in this copulation. "You silly, simple man; did you really think I was going to be like those harlots? That I would just fuck you willy-nilly? I am not like them; and, we are going to do things my way." She giggled. "Beg for it and I might even be generous enough to let you cum~!"

Damn, he was starting to get some serious Anko vibes from this chick… and he had a feeling Agatha seriously had her beat in that department.

Naruto had no idea how right he was… she wasn't known as Fresh Blood Agatha because she likes to lick up the blood. She literally bathed in the blood of freshly killed humans that she had previously fucked. She had Anko beat in the creepiness factor by fucking miles!

Placing one hand on Naruto's broad chest, Agatha reached down with the other and started fiddling with her clit, using the prone blond as a living sex toy. Naruto was none too pleased to be so deprived of pleasure, but somehow, he couldn't help but find this hot as all hell.


"Pffff, you seriously think I'm going to beg?" the blond gave the squatting redhead a bewildered look that was bordering on mocking. "I can take this, hell, I dealt with Riful and Cynthia trying to fuck me to death for nearly a whole week. You doing the opposite? It's child's play. I wonder if you're going to be able to handle it, though."

He wasn't going to resort to begging; he didn't beg Riful, or Cynthia to stop when they were fucking him non-stop, and he won't beg now.

Agatha shuddered; his defiance was so… delicious~! If only he could take it a step farther… "Oh~? Big words for someone who's flat on his ass." She giggled, leering at him lewdly. "C'mon, big boy, put your Bera where your mouth is and show me what kind of bite you have to go with that bark!"

Naruto matched her sadistic grin with one of his own. "You asked for it~!"

Agatha was shocked when he moved his arms while they were bound by her hair almost effortlessly. Then he sat up, held the woman by her waist, and pushed her down on her back. Lying down on top of her, and enjoying the feel of her tits squashed against his chest, Naruto pressed his lips against hers and quickly found Agatha was no slouch in kissing. The second his lips touched hers, she let out a hungry moan and forced her tongue past his lips and into his mouth where his tongue had to battle with hers.

Then Naruto pulled away and she grinned in victory. Then what he said next wiped the grin right off her face.

"I think the nickname 'Cum Dispenser' Agatha has a nice ring to it, don't you?" the grin on his face told her he was more than willing to carry out that 'threat' of making her a dispenser for his seed.

Agatha's expression, however, told him that she was up to the challenge. "Go ahead, then, big boy; earn the right to call me that~!"

"As you wish!" With that last word, Naruto ripped a squeal from Agatha's throat as he immediately started pounding the redhead with twice the speed and force from before. She uncoiled her hair from Naruto's arms, wrists and ankles and allowed him free reign to do her however he wished.

And do her, he did. Naruto grabbed her tit with one hand and started massaging her while he tried his best to pound the shape of her posterior into the mattress. The lewd squelch of her sopping wet cunt trying so hard to keep him in, and Agatha moaning and mewling in pleasure from the deep pounding she was being given, filled the bedchamber.

As for the redhead herself, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hooked her legs behind his waist and locked her ankles in place, to keep him from pulling out completely. It also served to allow her to pull him into her nice and hard~.

"Yes~!" Agatha growled lustfully; the awakened being began to thrust back at him and timed her movements with his. "More, faster!"

Naruto smirked at her enjoyment, before leaning down to suck and nibble at the redhead's neck. Then his thrusting pace tripled as he tried to ruin the bitch for any other man but him. He wanted to make her unsatisfied when she is with someone other than him. Even if she can regenerate, he wanted to make sure she would never forget the kind of pounding he gave her.

And he was doing a damned good job of it too.

Agatha wailed and writhed beneath him as Naruto fucked her within an inch of her life. She clung on for dear life and then her eyes rolled back as she came harder than she'd ever thought possible. The world spun and she literally saw stars as her juices splashed forth and her cunt milked Naruto's dick for all its worth. She couldn't breathe… How was it possible for this brutal fucking, to feel so good?!

Naruto groaned pleasurably at the feel of her inner walls clenching around him and ploughed through her orgasm, triggering a second, even more, powerful one and pounded her pussy like an animal.

"'Cum dispenser Agatha'," he groaned into her ear and moved his hands to grasp onto Agatha's shoulders. "So, did I earn the right to call you that?"

"N-not yet," she panted. "There is n-no cum... in this d-dispenser~!"

Naruto grew wide-eyed for a moment and then he grinned viciously. She wants him to bust a nut in her? Then he'll bust a nut in her!

Agatha howled and writhed beneath him once more when Naruto's thrusting fucking quadrupled as he used her shoulders to pull her into him as he pounded her like a cheap whore. The mattress bounced and squeaked in protest from the force of the blond's pounding. Was she his… mate? His newest consort, now?

No… not yet. Not until she felt that delicious wet heat enter her loins!

As if reading her mind, Naruto's dick started twitching within the redhead, while the blond started panting. Then, with one last thrust and a pleasured howl, Naruto slammed into her and unleashed a massive, hot torrent within Agatha, stuffing her cootch to the brim with his baby batter.

The redhead wailed, flung over the edge once more at the feel of Naruto's hot, potent jizz flooding her womb, scorching her in all the right ways.

"N-now there's cum in you!" he panted, before collapsing on top of Agatha. "I own you now," the blond growled, hugging the redhead to him possessively as his hips reflexively buckled into her snatch with each potent spurt.

"And you… h-have earned the privilege of being... my… m-my mate," she panted, hugging Naruto back. "You can call me anything your heart desires. I'm yours~!" She held him tight, her arms and legs holding him in place. "Please… stay like this for a while. I want to make as sure as I can that your seed has a chance to take root~!"

"Kinky little slut, aren't you?" he growled, chuckling into her ear. His prick throbbed within her with approval and Naruto held her tight as well.

"Only for my mate," she whispered dreamily.

"Heh heh heh; alright, we can stay like this for a while." he laid down on top of her and sighed with content and relief. " you want to be on top?" he then asked after a few seconds; Agatha did seem the type who liked to be on top after all.

"Not yet…" she said. "I'm too sore. Besides, I don't want your seed to leak out, just yet."


A few hours later, back in the citadel overlooking Morris.

While everyone was either in town talking to the townsfolk, working or milling about the keep, there was a small group was training with one of Naruto's clones in the bailey. Because this type of training was one that deserved to have its own wide-open space. Specifically in the more-spacious western part of the bailey, Team Black - made of just Alicia and Beth - were with Galatea and a clone of Naruto's.

They were having specialised training. Apart from learning how to use chakra and their element affinity, the twins were also honing their yoki power as well. Including the Soul Link. Before they defected, Beth was in the process of trying to move and fight while she was preoccupied with keeping her beloved sister's soul protected from the corruption that was her yoma side.

That much Beth has managed to achieve; now, she was practising the next step, which for her is the most difficult and dangerous: having her eyes open. It was the reason why Galatea was there, after all, on the sidelines.

It was more trouble than it was worth for the younger sibling. Not only was it harder for her to concentrate when her eyelids were open, but it also meant she is easier to distract now that Beth was able to see what was going on.

"You're doing good, Beth!" Naruto's clone complemented, all the while dodging the scythe-like blades belonging to a partially awakened Alicia. The clone retaliated by giving the partially awakened elder twin a vicious haymaker that sent her skidding back. "Keep your head focused, your mind clear, and trust in your sister. She's a big girl and can handle herself. Just like you're a big girl and can handle yourself."

Of course, the words of encouragement coming from her husband, even if he was a clone of him, was doing wonders in keeping Beth level headed. She concentrated well on keeping her sister in check as Alicia and Naruto continued to duke it out in their sparring match.

Then in a similar way back when they first met, the clone grabbed the scythes when Alicia tried to run him through. The blond's feet were dragged across the ground as the elder twin kept on running, even though the clone had chakra running into the soles of his shoes in an attempt to stick.

"Of course," he grunted, giving Alicia in front of him an approving once over. "I have to admit, seeing you in that outfit while in that form is just hot~."

Indeed, Alicia wore a very short, black skirt with a long slit up the left side, nearly splitting the garments in two, and a halter top with it and matching armlets and had some light armour to protect her exposed shoulders, consisting of a gorget and spaulders - reforged from her old armour. She also wore thigh-high stockings with her old sabatons and vambraces.

Combine that, with her awakened form: her skin now a metallic sheen, her hair changed to take on the form of multiple, razor-sharp blades. Her hands having shifted into massive scythes that were nearly as long as she was tall; plus many, smaller blades that were jutting out of the back of her lengthened neck, Alicia was a monstrous beauty of terrifying might.

Her eyes - turned from their chromatic silver to glowing, empty dark blue eye sockets - stared down at him blankly. Emotionlessly.

But Naruto found her attractive all the same.

Her cheeks took on a rusty sheen at the compliment, but she pressed on her assault, attempting to bite the clone in the shoulder with small, razor-sharp teeth. It would have worked, had the clone not lift her scythes first, spun around and thrown her away from him. She righted herself midair and landed flawlessly in a kneel a few meters away.

Then, she launched herself back towards her opponent. Naruto pulled his right foot back and took a defensive posture. Then Alicia suddenly darted to the right, venturing off track and startling him from the suddenness of it. A dust cloud was left in her wake before she suddenly reappeared behind the clone with her scythes held in a crisscross upon his neck.

She would have cut his head off had the clone not ducked the second she appeared behind him.

The clone leapt forward and rolled across the ground, putting himself at a distance, "Very good, Alicia!" he complimented, turning around as he sat up in a kneel "That was very unexpected! Had it been used on any other person that would have killed them! Keep up the good work!"

Alicia couldn't help but smile as she pressed her assault, slashing at him with her right scythe, then her left. The blond dodged both swings then, sidestepped the following thrust and hopped back to avoid two more swipes. Each of her movements flowed into the next like water as Alicia did her damnedest to pop the clone.

"How are you coping over there, Beth?" Naruto called out; he grunted as he side-flipped over another slash from Alicia. "Are you still able to continue?" he didn't want the younger sister to strain herself after all.

"I should be able to manage for a few more minutes without any trouble," she replied. "I am getting a little tired, though."

"Do you want a break?"

"I wouldn't mind," she chirped, smiling widely.

"Alright," then the clone leapt back and held his hand up to signify they were stopping. "Alicia we're taking a small break here."

The elder twin stopped fighting him almost immediately, swiftly changing back before clinging onto the clone's arm. Beth joined her, clinging onto the other before he'd even noticed her move.

The clone looked at her with squinted eyes, before saying, "...I have got to find out how you two are doing that…"

Both twins giggled as they playfully said, in unison, "That's our little secret~!"

Galatea let out a hearty chuckle at the sight. Those three were so cute together!

Naruto chuckled as well and reached down to grab Alicia and Beth's butts. "Let's sit down and rest, eh? Galatea you join us."

Said blonde smiled and nodded, quickly closing the gap, before burying Naruto's face in her cleavage with a hug. Naruto would have hugged her back, but the twins had his arms occupied.

Then the three lovely blondes slowly eased him down and sat beside - or in Galatea's case, on - their man. So tempted was the former eye to have a little fun with him, but this was quite nice.

Then after a minute, Naruto was able to pull his face out of Galatea's cleavage. Taking a deep breath, the whisker-marked blond looked at the twins for a few seconds then said in a proud tone. "Well, I can honestly say you girls have improved a lot." he addressed the younger one first. "Beth, you're now able to concentrate with your eyes open and you can move around while trying to keep your sister's mind intact. You can even fight now, which is a huge improvement from when we first met." he then looked to the elder. "You, Alicia, are becoming more and more of a force to be reckoned with; you're making me work to dodge you now, and you are steadily becoming more and more unpredictable. If you find a way to use your natural affinity in your awakened form, I just know you'll be able to take on even the strongest opponents. Just the thought of it makes me want to give you a nice, deep pussy pounding~!"

The former Number One giggled, blushing furiously. "We should do that again, some time~!"

"We most definitely should~! In your awakened form, too." he grinned; he had the most fun fucking his wife when she was in her awakened form. And honestly, he would love to have another go with her in that form! They hadn't done that in a while, now that he thought about it.

The twins stared oddly as they spotted the original Naruto returning to the bailey with a happily-snoozing Miria in his arms. The sandy brunette had clearly been fucked within an inch of her life and their husband had three suspiciously satisfied awakened beings in tow.

"It would seem that our family has expanded," Alicia observed.

"Commander Miria tends to get rather jealous when that's the case," Beth pointed out. "She seems to have been given some more hot, angry make-up sex, so that is rather likely."

The clone let out a chuckle. "Heh, Miria told the boss she acts jealous so she would get more attention from him. He doesn't mind since it means he gets to fuck her more and more." then he leered at the twins in his arms and added, "You both seem to like doing a similar thing as well since you both are always naked in my bed whenever you show up there."

The twins giggled giving him a peck on either cheek.

"I still find it almost surreal to see how differently they act around you," Galatea said with a giggle of her own. "You've done so much for them, among others. It's quite impressive~!"

"What can I say? I'm just that good," he chortled with a massive grin and gave the twins a playful spank. "Not to mention they're just plain adorable when they try to act all emotionless when they're around me."

The twins blushed heavily at that. They instinctively tried so hard to act as they were raised to, but Naruto brought them so much joy that they were literally incapable of hiding how much they loved him.

Then he grinned and reached under Alicia and Beth's skirts and grabbed at her posteriors directly. "You know what I know the boss would love for you two to do? Wake him up with a titfuck and a blowjob. He wakes up with such a raging hard-on its little wonder he doesn't fuck you two the second he sees you cuddling him."

Their eyes shined at that. It sounded like a wonderful idea~!