Growing Teresa Body(18+)

Later that day, the Crimson Guard was returned to the gravesite in the Nile and sent on their merry way to uphold the guise of still being on the Organization's side, until Naruto was truly ready to deal with the Organization. A groggy and unsatisfied Neideen pouted in the corner of their room in the inn for the whole night after that but looked forward to Naruto upholding his promise to make the wait worth it. Hopefully, he could have them ready before a certain few of them started to show. As for Priscilla, she decided to give Riful a little visit, flying off to Shatter Keep before Naruto even knew she was missing. The poor blond had been fucked within an inch of his life and was currently out cold after having been worn down by Sistina's evil scheme. That woman… was more cunning than any of them gave her credit for. Not only did she make sure they would all be alive when they finally meet him, but she also made sure they stray away from any of his lovers since, at the time, they were obligated to kill them. And had that happened, their deaths at his hand would have been set in stone. Honestly, they owed the Divine Oracle a lot. It also made her 'random trances' make a lot more sense, now that they really thought about it. As the woman herself explained, those trances were not at random; she forced herself into them and told them of what Naruto is capable of; she was also telling them - through her trances - they would have had no chance against him had they gone against him. Just before they were sent back though, seeing that Raftela had bought the books belonging to him and his late mentor Jiraiya, Naruto had given her his latest book that he was working on for a few years now.

His second book was titled, 'Child of Prophecy'. And Naruto himself said it didn't have any smut, something that had the woman's interest since all of his previous books, including conquest, had smut in them. So she started reading the book the second she got her hands on it and almost immediately she had all of her attention invested in the book since it was about Naruto himself. It was a thick book too and it even had pictures! Of course, since it was written by Naruto everyone else thought it was just another smut book with plot in it. Raftela was still reading it. Even on the road! Suffice to say even Sistina the Divine Oracle herself, someone who - when the circumstances are right - could see into the future at times, had gotten rather curious of the book's contents. The emotionless woman didn't show this much interest in any of the other books Naruto had written. Roxanne was also very curious after having heard that it was about Naruto, himself. Maybe she could use the information in that book to get a good idea of what he likes and dislikes? It was certainly worth looking into, though she was currently busy reading a translated copy of his autobiography, a little gift she had… taken for herself when the opportunity showed itself. Since Naruto was out cold by the time they were sent back on their merry way to the Nile before they left the Citadel Miria had given them - more specifically her best friend - Naruto's tri-pronged kunai. Since he wasn't in the condition to bring them back to the Nile, Miria thought of giving them the next best thing.

Ironically, Miria along with two other women, Tabitha and Pyrrha performed a technique that allowed Tsunade and the other four kages to teleport onto the battlefield back in the Fourth Great Shinobi War. It was apparently a more complex version of Naruto's teleportation technique, that requires three people to perform due to its sheer difficulty, but it got them back to the Nile. Tsunade, being the former Hokage, and her predecessor being Naruto's father, knew the technique and showed them how to perform it. Being a former kage had given Tsunade certain benefits when she was in office, seeing the scrolls of certain techniques and copying them, was one of the said benefits. So she had allowed Miria, Tabitha and Pyrrha to learn it and it served them well. A few others were also in the process of learning it.

Hysteria was particularly curious about the technique but knew she had to wait until the Organization was out of the way. She suspected that Tsunade would oppose her learning the technique as well, though, seeing as how she was literally brought back to life to kill Naruto. Maybe the wedding would alleviate that. The former Number One blushed, subconsciously putting a hand on her belly. If she found out that boy put a bastard in her, she was going to have a ring on her finger by sundown or heads would roll - his lower one being among them! Hysteria sighed and plopped back upon the bed she'd claimed. Was she even ready to be a mother? While Hysteria mulled over the pros and cons of parenthood, Cassandra was curled up on her bed, blushing up a storm as her mind repeated over and over what she had done with Naruto. Who knew that sex felt so… so good! She enjoyed being fucked, at having been taken so lewdly! The pointy-eared beauty admitted to herself - though she would die before telling any of the others - that she wanted more. That she wanted to feel his hot cock pounding away at her cootch, at having his spunk filling her womb and painting it a pearly white. To have it reshape her pussy so it would fit him and only him~!

"So, where to?" Rosemary asked no one in particular. She didn't expect an answer, seeing as how the two most likely to give her one was distracted but felt the need to ask, regardless.

"Our mission parameters have not changed for the most part," Raftela replied, briefly taking her eyes away from her book to look at the surprised woman. "We kill any yoma and awakened beings we encounter. The warriors and awakened beings on Naruto's side will be avoided for now, as we take a roundabout route to Morris. Once we're there, we shall meet up with Camilla. We shall see what happens from there."

"That's right," Licht said in realisation, "We are also tasked with killing yoma and awakened beings, even if it is a secondary objective."

"It is now our primary objective." Raftela corrected her, still emotionless as ever; then she returned her eyes to her new book. "We do not want to bring the wrath of the Ladykiller down upon on our heads." she paused momentarily before adding as an afterthought, "We shall rest up for a few days here in the Nile before moving on."

"Sounds like a plan." Chloe sighed; then she tutted in irritation. She still didn't get that fight with him.

"You'll have your spar with him in due time," Sistina pointed out. "According to my visions, Naruto wants to fight the strongest people. He finds it rather fun. Seeing as all of us are strong, he will want to fight us as a team, to see how well we work as a unit, much like he did with the warriors from Pieta."

"I think I remember you mentioning that," Roxanne said. "Something about him testing them?"

"Yes. Naruto used his most basic techniques and used rather perverse methods to make them slip up." Sistina said with a nod. "He lost, but the teams had sustained major 'casualties'. He managed to remove nearly every team, excluding Miria's by the end. There were a few stragglers from other teams as well, but the result was the same: Naruto managed to 'destroy' three other teams."

"And he used only basic techniques and… perverted methods?" Miranda asked, blushing a bright red as her mind went straight down the gutter at the last part.

"Nothing bad I assure you," Sistina replied, knowing what the former Number 35 was thinking. "The 'perverted' methods he used was spanking their behinds and grabbing their bosom. Stuff like that. Though he only did so when they left openings."

"I… I see…" Miranda subtly rubbed her thighs together. She wasn't there when Naruto healed them all, but she saw the aftermath… oh, did she see the aftermath! She had never seen anyone look so… fulfilled, so happy! Even her best friend looked so damn satisfied! There was also so much of that white stuff… Miranda blushed. Where the hell was he even keeping all of it?! There had to be gallons of his seed leaking all over the place!

And not to mention, everything that led up to that point was him healing their stigmas. Though to be fair, Miranda did learn that it was his wife, Miria that started the whole thing. Then it just… escalated from there. She wondered what it would feel like if he were to… to… oh, she couldn't bear the thought! As she looked at her friend from where she laid on her bed, a still blushing Cassandra tried her damnedest to hold in the chuckle as she saw steam rising from Miranda's cheeks. It was so cute! Meanwhile, Uranus lay upon her bed in quiet contemplation. Soon after meeting and catching up with her sister, the former Number 31 had nearly fainted from utter shock when Evianna revealed that she was three weeks pregnant. Uranus was still reeling from that! She… she was going to be an auntie and the poor thing still had no idea how to react. It made her nervous, that was for damn sure! She sighed heavily and tried for the fifth damn time tonight to roll over and fall asleep.

"The sex was good though," Roxanne said dreamily. "I can see why many are so into Naruto now. With a cock like that, he can tame even the mightiest woman… hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Twins, themselves, fell for him~!"

"They probably would," Neideen muttered with jealousy. She wanted some, too, damn it! "He's an unofficial champion of the Church, due to his accomplishments. If the stories are anything to go by, they'd like him… I just hope they'll let me have a ride or two."

"You'll have plenty," Sistina muttered. "You are Saint Nymphetamina, after all; and you are an official champion of the Church."

"Still waiting on those sixteen kids," Neideen muttered.

Sistina then let out an exasperated sigh, "It's twenty, now… these visions are always changing how many children were having. Altogether, we are now destined to have a total of 70, after all…" she blushed heavily, averting her gaze. "Possibly more or less, depending on future events."

"I... don't think I'll mind," Roxanne muttered. "The thought of having triplets is still intimidating as all hell, mind you, but as long as he treats me well, I don't think I'll mind."

"Knowing you, you'd try and kill him off once you learn everything he is capable of." Elizabeth scoffed.

Roxanne gave her one time friend a flat stare. "If I didn't know what he was capable of, I would have eventually tried something like that…" she grudgingly admitted, "But now, I am not eager to fight an army of him… or going up against a mountain-sized, three-headed, golden nine-tailed fox, that can potentially destroy this entire goddamn continent at full power, or several thousand miles when it's not."

"Um…" Hilda nervously spoke up, knowing what she was going to say next would get Neideen raring to go. "Before we left, my friend Miria had given me this… weird dagger. It can act as a beacon for Naruto when it's thrown. So we can call him any time we want."

"It is," Sistina confirmed. "I've seen it in action in my visions. He also uses the strange markings on it as an anchor point for his teleportation technique, Hirai… something or other. A weird name in the ancient tongue of the Sage of Six Paths and his people that literally means 'Flying Thunder God'."

That had gotten Neideen to perk right up and she gave Hilda a verrrry intense look. "Can you use it to call him to us now...?" They all knew the one-eyed 'saint' just wanted to call him so she could have a turn, though no one could blame her.

"I can…" Hilda dampened her lips, "...but the last time any of us saw him, he was… unconscious. The one that surpasses the power of the Abyssals had… fucked him into unconsciousness." she gave a now thoroughly amused Sistina a dry look. "Thanks to a certain Divine Oracle…"

"I knew she was on her way," Sistina replied with a giggle. "I just wanted a little quickie before she did that. She would have fucked him silly even if I hadn't because she could have literally smelled him pounding us from a mile away." she grinned impishly and added, "He can also recover quickly after a good rest. Seeing as it has been several hours already he will be raring to go in another hour." she gave Neideen and Miranda a sly look. "Since the two of you haven't had your stigmas healed, you both can see and feel how good it is when he does it~."

Neideen giggled perversely. "I would certainly not mind~!"

"Well, he certainly didn't mind the blowjob you gave him." Sistina giggled, "He likes you, and if my visions are anything to go by, he would love for you to do it again~."

"I'll bear that in mind, then," Neideen giggled. "Maybe I can give him inspiration for a new book~!"


Priscilla exhaled with self-irritation as she found herself in Shatter Keep courtesy of the new 'teleporter' Naruto had set up between said keep and Morris. The brunette originally was going to fly here, but then she remembered a mile out of town that her mate had set this up several months ago. Figuring out how to use it was a bit on the tricky side, as she had little patience for fuuinjutsu, but she was nothing if not persistent. She then ventured forth and sensed a clone of Naruto's with RIful and her offspring. She'd have to deal with him first. Upon meeting up with the Abyssal One of the West, the loli in question was rightfully surprised as all hell to see her.

Priscilla stepped forth to confront the loli and said, "we need to talk." She then looked at the shadow clone and added, "in private." With that, she flicked the doppelganger in the forehead. Seeing as how he wasn't reinforced, the 'Naruto' her mate had left behind was dispelled quite cheerfully.

"About what?" Riful asked suspiciously.

"Plans you have for the near future," Priscilla replied. "Sistina informed me of them." She then glanced at the kids who gave her a wary look.

"They're involved," Riful said cautiously. "Why would that woman tell you anything about me?"

Priscilla crossed her arms and leaned on one leg, "Because apparently, I share the same goal as you do."

"Oh?" Riful asked, raising an eyebrow. "You don't seem the type…"

"...that wants to take over the world with a horde of superpowered minions?" the brunette finished, quirking an eyebrow while giving the loli a cocky smirk. "...appearances can be deceiving."

"...fair enough," Riful replied with a nod. She then gave Priscilla a thoughtful look, noting a lack of malicious intent. "I take it you're not here to nip a potential rival in the bud, then?"

"You could say that," Priscilla grinned. "Why piss off my breeding stud when I can just make one of his mates my minion? I can only produce so many at a time, after all."

"And why would we want to become your minions?" Elspeth challenged.

That caught Priscilla by surprise. She raised an eyebrow at Riful. "Grooming them to help, I see… Every bit as devious as your reputation claims… I like it." She then turned to Elspeth and grinned. "How about we make a deal?"

Harja crossed her arms and stared at the brunette with narrow eyes. "And kind of deal are we talking about here?"

Suddenly Priscilla's yoki spiked, and her eyes changed from brown to demonic, feline-like gold; both Elspeth and Harja were alarmed as her yoki completely dwarfed Riful's. They immediately hid behind their mother, who out of the three was the only one calm, though her shaking arm and white knuckles betrayed her calmness. "You promise to help, and I promise to be nice," she chirped.

"Fair enough," Riful replied; centuries of experience on her side, she did not want to get on Priscilla's bad side. "I take it you want us as more than just broodmares, though? This doesn't seem like something requiring a house call."

Priscilla's yoki went back down and her eyes changed to normal. "Oh I want you three as broodmares, but it won't be just that alone," Priscilla replied with an evil grin. "You are going to help me expand our mate's territory by occupying the North. We control the South, thanks to us having Luciela on our side, only the East and North are not in our mate's grasp."

"How do we do that? Isley is stronger than I am." as much as she didn't want to admit it, Riful knows full well that Isley is stronger than her. But not by much. She is more defensive while Isley is more offensive. Male awakened beings are always stronger than their female counterparts, though that was mostly due to age.

"I said you'd help me," Priscilla scoffed dismissively. "I can take him on myself. You mop up anyone who may oppose us while securing our position. I'm sure your children could use the experience, so bring them if you wish. I'm perfectly fine with keeping an eye on them if needed."

Riful furrowed her brow; something about her statement on taking Isley on herself didn't seem right… "If I remember correctly, didn't Isley defeat you? Easily at that?" she asked.

The brunette scoffed again, this time with a look with amusement on her face. "No. He was almost dead when I fought him. I also had his second in command, Rigardo, dead to rights as well. I didn't kill that furball, only because Isley showed up to fight me. I only lost because I lost my memories, and he took me in, to further his agendas." Priscilla recounted with a shrug, "But with Naruto's training, Isley's days are numbered. There is no way he could possibly be prepared for me, let alone the two of us, invading his home."

Riful liked the sound of that. "I feel the need to serve as a backup for good measure," she replied. "Lutecia the Universal was stronger than him, but he still managed to kill her through sheer experience and tactics."

"I've had my own head severed from my shoulders and chopped to pieces by Isley, and it grew back." Priscilla rebutted. "But I suppose I wouldn't mind you making my job quicker. Just don't get in the way."

"I will not," Riful assured, letting a smile form on her face. "I will be happy to help you with your endeavours. I'll even assist in grooming any of your daughters who wish to join our cause. All I ask is that we all become goddesses, in the end, immortalized as a mighty pantheon~!"

Priscilla grinned widely at hearing that. "That was a part of my plan as well~!" She chirped. "I'm the head, of course."

"Of course," Riful replied with a much more cheerful grin. "When shall we start then… m'lady?"

Priscilla gave the Abyssal One of the West a pleasant smile; then Riful, Harja and Elspeth all squawked in surprise when their dressed were suddenly pulled up and off of them, leaving the mother and daughter trio in their birthday suits since neither of them liked to wear undergarments underneath. Then, Riful's legs buckled when Priscilla cupped her groin with a downright menacing grin, "We can start right, now~!" Oh, she was going to enjoy making these girls her bitches~!


Sometime later, Naruto moaned both tiredly and pleasantly as he was roused by quite the sensation stirring in his loins. His eyes fluttered to see both Miria and Evianna giving him quite the enthusiastic double-blowjob as thanks for the little reunion with their respective loved ones. He let out a chuckle and patted either woman on the head, massaging their scalps as he enjoyed their little show of affection.

"I… was hoping to rest." he yawned tiredly, then the blond gave his lovers a loving smile. "But I certainly don't mind waking up to this…"

Both women giggled as they alternated licking up and down his shaft. They kept eye contact with him and made sure they were staring with half-lidded eyes. His dick throbbed violently, already threatening to paint their faces a pearly white. They giggled once more, Miria fondling his nuts as they both pleasured their man. Naruto let his head fall back and closed his eyes, succumbing to their expert ministrations. He was already so close! With a grunt and an instinctive buck of the hips, Naruto blew his load, coating Miria and Evianna's faces with his hot seed. Both women squealed and giggled at the shower of white they were given. While the torrent was relatively tame after all the heated romps he's had, that was not saying much by a long shot. The two had their faces and parts of their hands lightly coated by spurt after spurt of Naruto's spunk, by the time his orgasm subsided. Giggling, both women gathered the jizz onto their hands and licked them clean until not even a speck of it remained. With a groan, Naruto put his dick away and just laid there. He really needed to rest. Priscilla literally rode him until he was unconscious; what's more, the brunette kept on going! He didn't know why he was still producing jizz, but he chalked it up to his Uzumaki heritage… or maybe Kurama. Either one was pretty feasible, now that he thought about it.

"You girls happy now?" He asked, looking at them with a tiny, but amused grin.

"Indeed," Evianna whispered dreamily.

Miria had a similar expression on her face as she giggled and snuggled on up to her man. "I love you so much, dear," she whispered. "I simply cannot describe how happy I am to have been reunited with Hilda."

"The same goes for me and Uranus," Evianna added as she followed suit.

Naruto chuckled as he hugged them close. "So, what did I miss?"

"Nothing much," Miria answered, "after Priscilla fucked you unconscious, the two that went with Tsunade came back and bore witness to the aftermath. Suffice to say, the one in the eye-patch was really unhappy that she missed out on it."

"I've never seen a woman so jealous," Evianna muttered in mild awe. "You might want to make it up to her."

"Oh?" Naruto asked. "Where is she now?"

"When all was said and done," Miria answered, "I felt that it would be best if this 'Crimson Guard' were to act as though they were still on the Organization's side until further notice. They have one of those Hiraishin dagger-looking things on them, as well." If she were, to be honest, those kunai were too small to possibly have any practical use in combat, but Naruto's war culture was vastly different from her own. "We sent them back to the Nile, where they have a reservation in one of the inns. They also seem to have avoided suspicion, according to Pyrrha's report."

Naruto blinked owlishly. "How long was I out?"

"About five hours or so…? Eviana answered uncertainty. "Possibly six."

Miria only shrugged. "I lost track, myself…"

"..Damn, Priscilla must've really worn me out!" Naruto said in exclamation; then he let out a tired laugh. "I blame that entirely on you Miria," he said, shooting said woman a knowing smirk.

"W-what do you mean by that!?" she sputtered.

"If you didn't act so jealous, it wouldn't have escalated that far." he pointed out with an impish grin kissing her on the forehead. "Not that I mind…"

"Of course, you wouldn't mind - you fucked almost every single one of them." Evianna teasingly pointed out. "Kinda disappointed that Uranus held back, though… I certainly wouldn't mind having a niece or nephew to spoil~!"

"I wonder how Tsunade reacted to me… well… being fucked unconscious again?" the blond mused; though he had an idea of how she reacted once learning what had happened to him.

"I missed it, so I'm not quite sure," Evianna muttered thoughtfully. "I do know that she's been in the winery for some time, though."

"She was pissed, shocked, appalled…" Miria said with an indifferent shrug. "Basically, it was as you'd probably expect, seeing as you know her best."

"Ah," Naruto nodded in understanding; Tsunade acted as much as he expected. Then the three of them looked towards the door to his bedchamber when they heard it squeak open. Two familiar faces peered into the room as the door opened completely; Yuma stood in the foreground, a surprisingly timid Pamela trailing behind her. The latter was beet red from the roots of her hair down to her collarbone, the poor thing. Both of them were clad in robes that concealed what they were wearing underneath. Naruto smiled and with a tired groan he sat up, "Yuma! Pamela! This is a pleasant surprise!" he said to them with a bright smile, "What brings the two of you here?" the blond looked between the two women, and pointedly ignored the irritated twitch from Miria.

"We… um… wanted to make sure you're okay…" Yuma shyly, and nervously answered with Pamela nodding rapidly in agreement.

"After we heard how... thoroughly... Priscilla and those warriors in red manhandled you," the short-haired blonde added, "we felt the need to at least see how well you've recovered."

"Just give me about ten more minutes and I'll be fine," Naruto replied with a chuckle. "I'm just not used to being dogpiled by that many women so quickly is all." then he pats the space in front of him and added, "If you ladies want to stay, you can. Just… don't do anything that will put a strain on me. I'm still resting after all." he chuckled once more, then the blond pulled Miria to him and kissed her lightly on the lips and did the same for Evianna.

When he withdrew Evianna looked at Yuma and Pamela and gave them a sly grin, "Of course, Miria and I had just finished giving him a double blowjob - and he coated our faces and hands with his seed~. So you can give him that." since giving him oral sex is a rather slow build-up, it wouldn't put a strain on him at all. Well… not much of a strain anyway.

"I see…" Yuma licked her lips, as her silver eyes locked onto Naruto's crotch. A now less-flustered Pamela leered at him with a giggle, licking her lips as well. Her cheeks were still a distinct shade of pink as she imagined all the naughty things she'd do with Naruto when he fully recovered.

Then, suddenly, Yuma opened her robe and shrugged it off, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Naruto grew wide-eyed and he felt his prick grow erect at the visual stimulation; then, Pamela followed suit with Yuma's example and showed she was also butting ass naked underneath her robe. Naruto groaned in mild discomfort when he felt his now erect cock strain against his pants. Then he squint at them, "Look what you two have done: I'm feeling very uncomfortable down there now," he directed his eyes meaningful at his crotch, and gave the two blondes an expectant look, "You two better take care of it, before my girls, here, do it for you."

Yuma and Pamela giggled and quickly hopped onto the bed, crawling on up to their man with a lustful gleam in their eyes.

"And what about me, mister?" Miria asked as she looked at her husband with a quirked eyebrow. "What am I to do?"

Naruto let out a relieved moan when he felt his dick being rubbed. Stimulating it even further. Then the blond grinned at his sandy-brunette haired wife and cupped her rear, drawing a surprised squeal out of her. "You can get your snuggles if you want. Or I can molest you while they have their way with me~." he offered with wagging eyebrows.

Evianna grinned impishly. "I certainly wouldn't mind~!"

Pamela expertly undid Naruto's trousers with her teeth alone and a giggle, thoroughly surprising the blond, as Yuma gave the 15-inch slab of meat that consequently sprang forth a long, slow lick from base to tip. Then Yuma opened her mouth when she reached the top and took in the bulbous head with a cute, audible 'nom!'; Naruto shuddered and allowed his head to drop back onto the bed as Yuma swirled her tongue around his glans. Pamela wasn't idle either, for that matter, as she started her own long, slow lick from the base to tip. Evianna giggled and caressed her man's torso, with Miria doing the same with his abdomen. And both of them started kissing and nibbling at his neck, jawline cheeks and lips. Naruto inhaled and exhaled through his nose and shut his eyes to enjoy their ministrations; his body would tremble and shudder whenever they found a sensitive spot, and the women would attack it without mercy.

He was going to be unconscious again by the end of this… wasn't he?


Turns out he was wrong. Which was a pleasant surprise? Pamela and Yuma only got him mildly winded as they made him cum once. Though he still was tired, they didn't help speed up his recovery. But still, Naruto wasn't complaining about it; he would have to be an utter idiot to complain about that! Thankfully, they left him alone after the first time and it didn't escalate beyond a blowjob. So thank the Twins for small mercies… he wondered if a God was watching over him, and if there was, why were they targeting him of all people with these… lewd situations?? At times he liked it better when he was alone; but when he is reminded of his girls snuggling up to him, he took back those thoughts and thanked whatever god or goddess was watching over him. The Twins especially, since, in this continents religion, they're the Twin Goddesses of Love. So him being surrounded with so many wives, all of which started with Riful - maybe Ophelia, since she was the first awakened being he had met here - had to have been because of them.

Naruto had no idea just how right he was… Sistina herself would have confirmed it for him right then and there had she been around. For a hint of normalcy, once he was rested enough, Naruto got up and went to Tsunade and Shizune, where he hung out with them for a bit. And, which is where he is now.

"I'm surprised you're working this late Granny-Tsunade," Naruto said as he watched the former Kage working her magic on something, it was a body he realised. He quickly dodged the sponge that was thrown at him with a chuckle. "So, what are you working on anyway?"

"I'm working on growing a body for Teresa." the busty blonde answered, "I got her flesh and blood from that one-eyed woman… she reminds me far too much of Jiraiya it's like he's reborn as a woman." she sighed reminding, then Tsunade shook her head and cleared her throat. "Anyway, before we get completely side-tracked, I got Teresa's flesh and blood and I am now in the process of growing her a new body. Teresa will look the same as she did when she was alive, so, there is no worry about her looking different."

"Will she be the same?" he asked, and upon seeing the questioning look on Tsunade's face Naruto elaborated. "Teresa was regarded as 'the strongest Number One of all generations when she was alive. Will Teresa be as strong as she originally was when she was alive the first time around?"

Tsunade shrugged. "It's possible that she will retain all of her power. It is also possible she'll be weaker, though I'm doubting the latter. It all depends on your capabilities and how well the transfer of her spirit goes."

Naruto nodded before letting out a sigh, "If she has the flesh and blood of a yoma in her new body, then, I may have to be on standby. So far, my yoki is the only thing capable of healing that horrible wound on them."

"That's something that has been puzzling me," Tsunade said.

Naruto cocked his head to the side. "What's puzzling you?"

"Why do they call the Kyuubi's chakra 'yoki'?"

"...apparently, yoki is what they call 'demonic energy' around here," Naruto replied with a shrug. "As you know, Kyuubi's chakra is… rather demonic, so the women call it yoki. I didn't bother correcting them. Eventually, I guess, I just got used to calling it that, myself?"

Tsunade hummed, "I see…" and she did. Honestly, the Bijuu, before the Fourth Shinobi War, were thought to be mindless demonic forces of nature that needed to be contained. Animals, that needed to be tamed. It wasn't until that war came about that everyone realised how… wrong their beliefs of the tailed beasts were. And she knew that one day, sometime in the far future, everyone will see them as mindless creatures that needed to be contained once more. Even these 'claymores' these hybrids, if they were to forget about Naruto and everything he had done for them, and something deep within the recesses of her mind, told her they would eventually forget, they would think the tailed beasts are awakened beings since their 'yoki' is potent enough to scare them shitless. Pushing those depressing thoughts aside, she looked down and saw that Teresa's heart had been fully reformed, her blood vessels were also starting to regrow. All that was left was the woman's muscles, eyes, and skin. It was a very gruesome process, watching a body regrow like this. Honestly, her old nausea at seeing blood almost kicked in again several times throughout the process, but it would be over soon, at least.

Yes… it'll be over soon. Naruto was quite happy to see see the progress, even if the spectacle itself was… not very flattering. Or not good to look at; he could see the blood vessels being grown! "So, uh… how… how long until you're done?" he asked, tearing his eyes away from the gruesome sight to look at the busty blonde.

"I'd say an hour or two," Tsunade replied. "Possibly sooner due to how fast the body is growing… Clarice is due to drop by and help once she puts Miata and Anabel to bed, so it depends on how well she's progressed."

Naruto grinned pridefully, knowing the brunette in question tended to shine when given the chance. She was a lot like him in that regard. Speak of the devil, Clarice cracked the door open, knocking to announce her arrival. "S-sorry that took so long," she said, blushing as she took note of her husband's presence. "I'm here!" she scurried on in and asked, "what can I do to help?"

"Perfect timing," Tsunade commented with a nod. "Get on the other side of this table. You'll be regrowing her muscles and skin while I focus on the blood vessels." She then turned to Naruto and said, "Go fetch Clare, will you? We may need her here sooner than expected."

Naruto nodded and left to do just that, but not before giving Clarice a peck on the cheek. He got a little preoccupied on his way there, courtesy of Jean, Flora, Cynthia and Alicia and Beth who walked into him while Naruto was on his way to collect Clare. There was quite a lot of kisses, hugs and reassurances on his part to calm them down when they walked into him. The blond had to put in a little more effort, when it came to a certain pair of twins, though, as it involved some butt swatting here, a few deep snog there, and some titty grabs as well. In the end, Naruto had moved on unmolested… for the most part. Several of his wives were worried sick, apparently, and after what had happened he couldn't really blame them. Even though it was rather ironic… and probably hypocritical. They didn't bat an eye when it was one of them that fucked him unconscious, but when it's someone outside of the Uzumaki family that does it, they get worried. Again, it was understandable but hypocritical.

As he moved down the hall in his thoughts, Naruto shrugged to himself. In their defence, though, the women knew each other well enough… and apart from Hilda, that was simply not the case for the warriors in red. With that thought aside, Naruto quickly found himself in front of the room Clare shared with her kids and Jean. He chuckled to himself, noting that those two and their children were inseparable. With a knock, there was the sound of pattering feet and giggles as Clare's daughter Teresa and Jean's son, William scampered to the door. He smiled when his second oldest child, little Teresa, who was now becoming not so little, opened the with a bright smile. Little Teresa now looked like she was entering her teenage years when she was actually seven years old. The same went for William, Hilda, Minato, Gideon, Alan, Minstrel, Fuyu and Hana and Susan.

Harja looked like she was 14 years old now. Honestly, he was baffled at how fast they were growing, a few more years and they will look as if they are in their late teens. Even Tsunade was baffled on how their growth spurt is possible. Not even her diagnostics revealed anything out of the ordinary with them. They were perfectly healthy children that just grew faster than anybody else. Naruto couldn't help but wonder what that last kid was up to when he saw her though. She seemed to inherit some of his love for mischief, and that combined with Riful's influence had the potential to be quite scary. He might have to keep an eye on her. Returning his attention to Teresa, Naruto smiled and ruffled her hair, resulting in the girl turning beet red on contact and giggling. It was so cute!

Clare approached soon after, smiling at the sight. "You need something, honey?"

"I came here to bring you over to the clinic," Naruto explained. "We're almost ready to separate you and a certain someone's grandmother."

"They already have my body ready?" Clare heard Teresa say in surprise. "That was quick."

Clare smiled and crossed her arms beneath her bosom. "Tsunade is reputed to be the most skilled medical expert on Naruto's continent; that, and, she managed to find a way to grow food for the awakened beings living here. So I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. But still… that is impressive."

"Indeed… I'd expected her to at least take a few days."

Clare nodded thoughtfully and smiled at her man. "Alright. I'll be right there. Are you able to leave a clone to keep an eye on the little ones or shall I fetch one of the others?"

"I'm fine," Naruto assured her with a chuckle. "I just needed some rest." With that, he put his hands in the cross seal and made a clone rather swiftly.

Upon seeing the doppelganger form, little Teresa leapt up and latched onto him with a squeal and giggle. Thankfully, Naruto knew his kids enough to reinforce it. The clone wrapped his arms around the flying munchkin with a chuckle, drawing smiles from both Naruto and Clare. With that out of the way, the original took his wife by the hand and they were off to the clinic. The clone, however, and Naruto by extension, was in for one hell of a surprise when he sat down as little Teresa gave him an impish grin and started grinding against him. To make matters more awkward for him, she was wearing a skirt! The outfit was innocent enough, mind you - a white, sleeveless, button-up top with a matching skirt. She was also wearing a pair of shorts underneath, but they were spats, both of which were from the Elemental Nations, so whether or not she was wearing anything under those was debatable!

Little Teresa stuck her tongue out cheekily, "Sooo… what inspired you to write that book about the girl with an 'unhealthy' attraction to her daddy~?" she asked with a giggle, prompting the lifeblood to drain from Naruto's face.

The clone swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, "U-uh… that book isn't for children, especially someone as young as you, Teresa." he coughed and looked nervously away, "And besides… that wasn't an original idea… I just took the guide from my old teacher and finished that book for him since he was unable to."

"Oh?" she cocked her head cutely. "I can't imagine that kind of passion being put into something you didn't enjoy writing~!"

"Admittedly, I made a… a couple of adjustments to it." the clone admitted, "I gave it an actual plot. All Pervy-Sage had at the time, was 'a daughter has an unhealthy fascination with her father. After seeing how many women are interested in him, the girl takes matters into her own hands'. It was a logline, but the notes I found for it was just… um… adult stuff."

"Interesting…" Teresa cooed. "So you did write most of it~!" She started grinding more aggressively, her eyes glowing a demonic gold with slit pupils as her grin became more… evil. She then leaned in so Naruto could feel her breath against his ear and whispered, "So, how much did you enjoy it~? I won't tell anyone if it's embarrassing, daddy, I promise!"

Naruto chuckled nervously, knowing he was in for an awkward time with this kid. "A-are you sure you should be doing this in front of your siblings? What would they think?"

"Oh, most of them are in bed sleeping, and Willie doesn't care," Teresa giggled. "He knows where I'm coming from~!"

The clone blinked with confusion for a moment, then realization slowly began to dawn on him. "He didn't read any of those books either did he?" he asked in a hushed whisper.

"I've read them all, actually," William replied, leaning in a corner with crossed arms. "Auntie Cyn's not hiding them as well as she thinks."

The clone began to sweat. "...Well, someone is going to die once they find out," he said in utter defeat. Once Jean and Clare find out that their son and daughter read the smut books belonging to him and his late mentor, they're going to kill him. And if they don't, then Teresa and Tsunade certainly will.

"I'll protect you, Daddy~!" Teresa chirped, sounding a little too much like a possessed doll in a horror flick for Naruto's liking as she ground against his crotch some more. "I'll protect you from anyone who would dare hurt you and be by your side forever, and ever, and eeever~!" She stole that line from the fucking book, and he bloody well knew it!


Oblivious to the plight of his doppelganger, Naruto leads Clare, and in turn, Teresa, to the clinic and both were pleasantly surprised to find that Teresa's body was almost done with the new body. Tsunade and Clarice were just finishing up with the skin and hair. No, rather, the skin had already been regrown; all that was left was the hair. And Naruto had to admit it to himself, Tsunade and Clarice did a good job regrowing the body from just a piece of flesh and a sample of blood. It looked just like Teresa herself; she even had the same bust! Naruto closed his eyes and concentrated and noticed there was an abundance of yoki welling up inside of that body. And it was massive. It was beyond that of an Abyssal One, easily. Priscilla was close behind her, but this massive yoki was beyond even hers! Unfortunately, there was that unhealable scar that had to be crudely stitched shut. Why that was there, Naruto didn't know, but he suspected it had to do with the way the body was regrown.

"We're here," Naruto announced, then he and Clare walked over and the former gave Teresa's new body a look over and decided to get the first paramount question out of the way, "How come this body has that stigma? No yoma flesh and blood was grafted into it, was it?"

"No." Tsunade sighed, "But your guess is as good as mine. If what you said was right then Teresa has been around for decades. Possibly more; it may be possible that because Teresa has been around for so long, the yoma flesh and blood had combined with hers." she shrugged, "it's a part of her body now. So when I took out a piece of her flesh from that… perverted woman, it is possible that the skin sample I got was infused with yoma blood. And that resulted in this."

"Well, okay, then…" Naruto muttered. "I'll patch it up, myself, then."

The former kage put her arm out in front of him, to stop the blond from doing just that. "Not yet," Tsunade told him, "Clarice and I are still in the process of regrowing parts of Teresa's body. We don't want to run a risk of it messing up, do we?"

Naruto blinked owlishly. "Oh, okay, then." It had honestly looked like they were done. "When can we begin?"

"In a few minutes," the woman replied. "We are almost done here, but I want to run some diagnostic tests first, to make sure everything is stable."

"I see," Clare said, then she blinked and tilted her head to the side as she listened to Teresa speak. She blinked again and looked at her husband. "Teresa says she wants to be in her new body first before you get rid of her stigma."

Naruto stared at her oddly and shrugged. "If she insists, I guess."

As Tsunade had promised, it only took a few minutes for her and Clarice to finish up. She had to admit that this brunette was impressive as all hell! In a year, and she was already near Shizune's level, even! One truly should never underestimate the underdog. When all that was done and over with, Naruto nodded and immediately went straight to his most powerful form. Now wreathed in golden flames and black markings, the Uzumaki Patriarch placed his hand on Clare's forehead and concentrated. He'd never done this before, but Naruto knew that he could. Clare, on the other hand, was in utter awe. His yoki- no, this wasn't yoki. It felt like it, but at the same time, it felt something else entirely. His power; it was warm, comforting, and soothing. It wrapped around her like a warm blanket.

"What… what is this?" She asked, staring at her husband with wide, awe-filled eyes.

"This is my Six Paths Sage Mode," he replied. "It's my most powerful transformation." then he smirked, knowing a question was on the very tip of her tongue. "And before you ask; yes, this is the same power the Sage of the Six Paths has." Clare nodded, not knowing how else to respond. Again, Naruto concentrated, focusing on Teresa's spirit and drawing it out. Then he pulled his hand away from Clare's forehead, and all of a sudden she felt drained as if something was being pulled from her very essence. It didn't hurt, it just felt weird. Then she saw it, Clare bore witness to Teresa's thoroughly startled spectral form as she was being pulled from her body. "Don't fight it, Teresa," Naruto told her as she thrashed about in his grasp, "if you fight it, and I let go, then you really will die. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel." being a victim of this technique himself, he knows just how… disturbing it is. That did not make her feel better, but the former Number One did her best to calm down. "Alright, there we go…" the transformed blond said as he fully removed Teresa from Clare's body. He looked at her with a comforting smile, "now for the easy part." He slipped his free hand under her legs and scooped her up, before carrying Teresa's spirit on over to the new body he'd had prepared for her. Lifting her slightly, he then eased her on down into it. When that was done, Naruto nodded to Tsunade while holding Teresa's spirit down and the former Kage jump-started her heart.

Teresa gasped as her eyes shot wide open, startling the hell out of poor Clarice. The blonde panted, looking around frantically, before calming down. That was one hell of an experience… Eventually, her breathing steadied as she let out a groan. It felt so weird! But then, a warm, pleasant feeling washed over her as Naruto started closing up her stigma and making sure her spirit was anchored down. Her eyes closed, as a low, guttural moan was pulled from her throat. That felt so damn good! Better than what she'd experienced when he healed her in Clare's mindscape, even! Her back arched, and she tried to press herself against his touch. It was very different from the yoki he used the last time around. The first time, in Clare's head, she felt a pleasant burning sensation where her stigma was. Now, there was no burning sensation - just a pleasant heat that spread across her body. And when he reached her pelvic region, she raised her hips off the slab with her thighs spread, as the woman wanted to feel more of this pleasure. Teresa shuddered at the sensations washing over her. She was so close… so deliciously close she could taste it! Then when he reached her groin he pulled away, the healing done.

Unfortunately, Teresa was not as all happy with that. Her eyes glowed as her yoki flooded the area, startling everyone in the citadel. She growled and told the women who'd given her a new body, "leave or join; I don't care which. I've frankly waited long enough!"

She was grateful for the new body, she really was, but Teresa of the Faint Smile only had so much patience. Tsunade took that as her cue to leave without another word. Loathe as she was to admit it, the former Kage knew exactly what Teresa was feeling. Those long waits for Dan to return from his missions, all those years ago, had left her similarly frustrated. Though she was admittedly tempted to stay, Shizune followed her mentor out. As Naruto's 'big sister', there were some lines the brunette was simply not about to cross, no matter how damn much that little devil on her shoulder and her angelic counterpart told Shizune to do otherwise. Clarice left as well, though not before giving her husband a quick peck on the lips. "Have fun," she called out, waving to him as she closed the door behind her. Now all that remained in the room was Clare, Naruto and a naked, horny Teresa.

Then Naruto swiftly turned around, going out of his Six Paths Sage Mode as he did so, and cupped Teresa's groin and started rubbing her folds. At the same time, he took hold of her massive tit and brought his mouth to her nipple, and sucked it like a newborn babe. The former Number One mewled and writhed, no longer pissed, but now twice as ravenous. Then Naruto withdrew from her breast, taking her nipple with him before allowing it to plop out audibly, before looking to Clare with a grin. "I hope you don't mind if I treat your adoptive mum as a slut, Clare. She clearly deserves it~!"

Little did he know this would not be the only Teresa that is staking her claim on him tonight.


Warning: Incest action!

Meanwhile, the clone Naruto had left with Jean and Clare's kids were sweating bullets, trying in vain to force down the awkward boner he had. "W-what if Jean or Clare come back?" he reasoned.

"Oh, Mommy's gonna be busy for a while," Teresa giggled, "That yoki flare we'd felt was Grandma Teresa. She wants you badly and so does Mommy." She grinned evilly. "As for Auntie Jean, she's heading over with the rest of her team to relieve Mr Chronos and his unit, remember~?"

"A-ah… I, uh, I see..." now he remembered, Jean had left a few minutes ago. William was no longer around, thankfully. He had seen the writing on the wall a while ago and decided to give his half-sister some privacy. How kind of him…

"I know what you're thinking," Teresa giggled once more. "Don't worry, Daddy, I won't tell~!" She slightly raised herself and lifted her skirt, showing her spats before lowering herself down onto his crotch to continue grinding away at him. "No one has to know, but you, me, and Willie," she assured. "I even put up a few privacy seals for good measure. We can be as loud as we want and no one will hear us~!"

Naruto had no idea whether to be impressed or horrified that his child could already do that, but when he looked around to confirm, he saw that she was telling the truth. How and when the hell were they erected without him noticing?! His traitorous cock throbbed within his trousers, now painfully hard as he felt his daughter's body heat warming it up. He was so conflicted; this was his bloody daughter! His flesh and blood! While many think he has an 'incest fetish', those were for roleplay purposes only! And Icha Icha Taboo? That was a book he wrote in memory of Pervy-Sage since it was his notes - plus a few things of his own - he had used to finish it. On the other hand, the lolicon fetish Riful and Europa had awakened within him screamed at Naruto to fuck the danger-loli, consequences be damned, just like the two he had ploughed in the past. He viciously forced that voice in his head to shut the fuck up, but the instant he did, Little Teresa had undone his trousers, her spats inexplicably missing as she rubbed herself against him once more. The hot, skin-on-skin contact made Naruto shudder. Her dripping folds sending pleasant shivers up his spine.

"T-Teresa, stop this right this instant… b-before I do something I'll regret later on." he pleaded, hoping she would listen to him.

"Oh, you won't regret it~!" she purred, her eyes still glowing a demonic gold as she placed one hand on his shoulder and rubbed the tip of his monster cock against her labia with the other. "I will even cover for you if I get pregnant. Who knows? Maybe it'll even be easier to make a baby with me than Mommy~!"

The clone of Naruto felt himself twitch; and just like that, something in him… snapped. With a growl, Naruto shoved little Teresa off of him and onto the floor and menacingly stood up. When the 12-year-old-looking loli sat up and turned around, her eyes grew wide and she gulped audibly when she found her Daddy's cock was standing up intimidatingly; like a stone pillar of doom. She squawked when the clone grabbed her dress and pulled the garments off of her. Now, she was left naked and vulnerable... and at the complete mercy of her Daddy. And from the looks of it… he had none to spare. It was scary and yet so arousing~! Naruto growled hungrily as he kneeled in front of her, grabbed two fistfuls of her curly, golden locks and shoved his dick into her mouth. Teresa squeaked and closed her eyes, submitting to her Daddy without hesitation. As he forced inch after pussy-breaking inch into his daughter's mouth, and down her throat, Naruto let out a relieved growl as he felt the loli swallowing around his dick. She was such a good girl! Then, once he was finally balls deep in her throat, Naruto began the slow, agonising process of withdrawing from her mouth… before slamming his cock all the way back inside and started fucking her face like it was a pussy.


Meanwhile, back with the original Teresa and Naruto, the latter was between her legs, giving her lower lips a long, slow lick. He quickly learned precisely where to make Teresa squeal and used that knowledge with brutal efficiency. Teresa writhed and panted as Clare hugged her hubby from behind and goaded him to please her mother. By the Twins above, Teresa was such a kinky slut, and so was Clare! Naruto flicked his tongue against her clit just right, before swirling his tongue around her labia, causing the former Number One to wail and writhe once more in pleasure. She was so close! Teresa grabbed two fistfuls of hair and pulled him towards her, desperately wanting to feel that glorious release teasing her. Chuckling at her enthusiasm, Naruto rapidly lapped her dripping folds.

The poor blonde stood no chance in hell as she was spectacularly flung over the edge like a baseball off a cliff. She wailed once more bucking her hips, her juices gushing forth as she arched her back in utter bliss.


Meanwhile with Little Teresa and Naruto's clone, said doppelganger roared as he let loose a flood of white down his daughter's throat and directly into her belly. She moaned longingly and pulled back so she could taste it, eagerly gulping down what Naruto had deposited into her little gob. As the clone of her father withdrew, Teresa swallows the last of his seed, savouring the taste as she licked her chops. Then, her eyes snapped open and the room appeared to be flooded in yoki as she pounced tackling Naruto to the ground and straddling him.


Before her father's doppelganger could recover, Teresa then raised herself up and started rubbing the tip of Naruto's dick against her sopping wet cunny.

She needed more!


Back with Naruto and his daughter's namesake, pulled Teresa on over to him and spread her legs. He then guided his cock to her still-fluttering cootch and rubbed the very tip against it. Unknown to either Naruto at the time, both Teresas threw their heads back and wailed as they were both simultaneously impaled by their respective Narutos' cocks. The original grunted as he slowly pushed forth into Teresa's writhing virgin folds, her inner walls squeezing the life out of him. As for his clone in Clare and Jean's room, he gurgled pitifully upon feeling Little Teresa slowly and deliberately sliding down his mighty meatstick. The original was going to have one hell of a surprise once the clone finally dispels, and if Little Teresa kept it up, that may happen sooner rather than later. Naruto leaned down upon his effective mother-in-law and scooped the writhing blonde into a tight, loving embrace and slowly started to move. Still oblivious to his doppelganger's plight, he started to fuck the woman as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

Teresa's eyes fluttered as a low, and lewd moan was pulled from her throat. "You have no fucking idea how much I needed this…" she groaned, her legs tightened their grip on him as the blonde rocked her hips in time with his thrusts. And with her arms, she pulled him down on top of her and squashed her breasts against his torso.

Hearing the lust-filled tone in her voice, Naruto was doing everything to stop himself from fucking this woman like his life depended on it. Her cunt was clamping down on his dick so tight, it was like she was trying to strangle the life out of him! Naruto licked his lips and closed his eyes to bask in the pleasant sensation in his lions; of being squeezed so deliciously tight; of feeling her muscles tightening and loosening around his cock like she was giving him a pleasurable massage; he wanted to savour this feeling for as long as possible. His slow, but consistent pace stoking the fire in her loins, Teresa pulled him in deeper with each thrust.


Back in her room, the smaller more frenzied Teresa shuddered at feeling her insides so impossibly stretched. This alone would ruin her for any other man and she knew it, but little Teresa didn't mind at all. Daddy was Daddy after all, and she wanted to act out one of the scenes in Icha Icha: Taboo; she knew this was wrong, but being in the presence of someone like Riful, Priscilla or Agatha - all of whom have little in the realm of common decency, or even common sense at times, - tends to… warp a person's world of view. Of course, Little Teresa was a little like her mother in that regard, and Naruto himself too; she was headstrong, hot-blooded and is stubborn to a fault. Placing her hands on Naruto's chest, she slowly started to move, bouncing on her daddy's massive cock, ripping a pleasured groan from Daddy's throat. She clenched her muscles with each ascent, squeezing his dick so deliciously light and driving him mad. His hands shot out to her hips as he started matching her pace. Thumbing his daughter's clit with one hand, he was lost to the utter bliss of his forbidden pleasure. His instincts and impulses took over as the clone gave in to his urges to fuck the danger-loli with the intent to bust a nut right inside her and no regard for the consequences.

Little Teresa yelped as the room spun, and the next thing she knew, the girl was on her back, legs spread wide and her Daddy fucking her vagina like it was a sleeve for his dick. The second oldest child squealed and mewled as Naruto ploughed her ass into the ground. And with gravity on his side, Naruto's thrusts were deep, hard and far-reaching. And he quickly sped his downward thrusts. The blond was growling and panting as his thighs clapped against his daughter's groin; Little Teresa's eyes rolled to the back of her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as her entire mind was overcome with pleasure. She couldn't move, let alone wrap her arms and legs around him! It felt sooo goooood~!

Her inner walls fluttered momentarily before they clamped around the pistoning shaft like a viper trying to squeeze its prey to death, and Little Teresa squealed her pleasured joy as her orgasm overtook her. Naruto groaned as her inner walls clamped down with nearly paralyzing force. How the hell did something so wrong feel so damn good?! Leaning down and wrapping his arms around his daughter in a full mating press, his instincts took over and his entire dick visibly twitched as his balls emptied their incestuous load deep within Little Teresa's womb. Said blonde gurgled pitifully at the feel of Daddy's wet heat flooding her loins, filling her farthest depths with his thick, potent seed. His orgasm triggered her second one as her legs instinctively wrapped around the clone of her father - her mate - and held him in place as he continued to plant his genes within her. The doppelganger shuddered as the most powerful orgasm in Naruto life finally abated, his still-throbbing dick slowly but surely going limp within Little Teresa's fluttering pussy. As her grip slackened he slipped out and plopped on down beside her only for the brat to roll over and start sucking his dick back to life. She wanted one more round for good measure. Naruto groaned, rubbing her scalp as he stood at full mast once more. Then, she giggled and turned around on hands and knees, shaking her booty at him so damn temptingly.

"C'mon, Papa, fill your naughty little girl up like nature intended~!" she cooed, looking over her shoulder with a naughty grin. Again, she stole that damn line from the book! Naruto growled hungrily and forced himself up, unable to resist her temptations. He kneeled behind the blonde, placing a hand on her rear and guiding himself to her still hungry folds with the other. Then, Naruto slipped back into his daughter's impossibly tight coochie with the intent to breed with her some more. Little Teresa let loose a guttural moan at the feel of being so thoroughly filled once more. Her bottom lip trembled and she looked over her shoulder at Naruto and wiggled her butt, while he was still inside her. Both blonds moaned at the unique feeling the stimulation provided. Then Naruto grabbed her hips and started ploughing away at her cum-filled snatch.

Little Teresa threw her head back and wailed in pleasure. "Yes, Daddy," She goaded, "p-please fill your naughty little girl right up with everything you've got~! I want it all; every… last drop~!"

The clone growled and snapped his eyes shut as he fucked the little slut, the way she wanted to be fucked. Right now, she wasn't his daughter; right now, Little Teresa was just another cunt for him to plough. For him to ruin. Said blonde wailed once more as yet another earth-shattering orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. She collapsed before him, her juices gushing forth, cleaning out her little cunt and prepping her to be filled with his seed once more so that Naruto's sperm would stand the best chance at surviving long enough to find and fertilize her egg. Naruto groaned once more, his still-tender dick twitching violently within Little Teresa's fluttering cunt. With the last bit of energy he had left, the clone slammed one more time into his daughter's hungry lower lips and poured what felt like a pint of semen within her. Spurt after mighty spurt of pearly white gushed forth, filling Little Teresa's young body with generous load, before slipping out, falling back and going up in a poof of smoke.

Little Teresa mewled, taking note that Naruto's seed had not dispelled with the clone…. Fuck! She hadn't known it would remain like that… Well, waste not, want not, as her mother often said. With a sigh and a grunt, she heaved herself up and gathered the remains of her clothes. Apparently, she was going to need to ask William a favour, though, if she was to get rid of the evidence in time.


Meanwhile, back with the original, Naruto faltered in his pace while giving the older Teresa a nice pounding. The memories of his clone, though he'd die before admitting it, turned his dick impossibly hard. Naruto groaned and shuddered, the things his daughter did, the things she's said, combined with the sensation of ploughing her namesake's virgin cunt proved too much as he slammed into Teresa of the Faint Smile and spilt his seed deep within her belly.

"Yeees~!" The older Teresa hissed; she had been waiting for the feel of his hot spunk painting her womb, her real womb, a pearly white with his seed. Her arms and legs tightened around him as he pussy practically sucked the sperm out of his balls. However, while Naruto may have cum, Teresa had not and she was still hungry for cock. His cock. Hence it came to nobody's surprise that Teresa of the Faint Smile kept him close, and inside of her snatch even as his orgasm abated. Seeing the look on his face Teresa gave him a rather disturbing chuckle, "Oh, I am not done with you, stud. Not even close." her legs tightened around his waist as she grinned menacingly. "You going to keep fucking me until I am satisfied. I have decades worth of frustration and you're going to state it."

Naruto chuckled nervously and swiftly created another clone. When Teresa gave him a questioning look upon seeing the doppelganger vanish in a swirl of leaves, Naruto explained. "Your namesake was a bit too rough when she was playing with the clone I'd left to babysit her. Figured I should make sure she stays out of trouble, seeing as how I'm going to be here for a while."

"I see," the older Teresa replied. Seeing as how he hadn't technically lied, neither she nor Clare sensed anything particularly off, though something told them to beware of the munchkin he was referring to.


The next day, Naruto let out a heavy sigh at the memories of last night. Apparently, he'd underestimated Little Teresa. The clever girl had somehow cleared up every speck of evidence that anything was amiss, by the time his second clone saw her. The little monster was even sitting in the room, wearing a second copy of the outfit she'd lost in the heat of the moment and looking at him all innocently as if nothing had ever happened. She'd make a frightening ninja if she ever wanted to. She's pretty devious and knew how to cover her tracks… how the heck did she learn how to make it seem as if nothing happened? Even the smell of sex was conspicuously absent! How the fuck, he didn't know, but it was nothing if not impressive.

Later on, Priscilla had returned to Morris, after her little conversation with Riful. She was really tight-lipped about what they had discussed over there but seeing as how he'd sensed no malice, the blond thought little of it. She was in her room, last he saw, tending to her kids. Now, he was back in the Nile, making a beeline for the inn where his new friends in red were staying. He had to say, these past two days were eventful as all hell. He made sure to keep his yoki suppressed, as to not startle them… or to alert any youma or awakened being that he was in the vicinity. He was able to find out where they were staying; they didn't make it difficult, to be honest; and amusingly enough it was the place he and the survivors of Pieta had stayed in, all those years ago. This was going to be one heck of a trip down memory lane. Naruto chuckled when he felt Neideen slinking on up to him. He had to admit: her yoki sensory was impressive as all hell! "Hello again, Saint. Nymphetamina," he said, looking over his shoulder at the one-eyed woman in question. He smirked, "So you got a change of clothes, huh? It looks good on you." She was decked out in the holy robes from the local church of the Twin Goddesses, a pair of armed guards flanking her as she addressed the blond. Apparently, she was getting quite used to being a holy figure quite nicely.

"Well, hello to you, too, mister Hero of Pieta," she giggled teasingly. "Fancy meeting you here, this far south from Morris."

Naruto shrugged sheepishly, "I was in the area." he looked at her armed escort and said, "I see people are becoming more aware of your return now. You have an armed escort and everything!"

"They simply couldn't bear to see little old me roaming the streets without some protection," Neideen replied with an exasperated smile. "It was a nice gesture, though. While I can take care of myself well enough, I was legitimately flattered, so I don't mind."

"Believe me, I know the feeling," Naruto replied with a chuckle. "For me, it did get a little tiresome, back home. But I didn't mind it." then he rolled his shoulders before asking Neideen, "So, where are the other 15 ladies that you're with? Are they still here, or, did they move on?"

"They're at the inn," Neideen replied with a shrug. "We were just about to leave after dealing with a… voracious eater a little to the east."

"I see…" Naruto mused aloud, then he gave Neideen a smile as an idea came to him. If she were to accept it, this would be the perfect excuse for him to meet up with the others! "Say, now that I'm here, may I join you? I have never walked alongside a living legend before!" which was technically not a lie; the legends of the shinobi world were dead, including his own father when he met them.

"I don't mind at all, cutie~!" she teased, drawing another chuckle from the blond.

"Alright," he gestured for Neideen to lead on. "Since you're in charge, I'll follow you."

Neideen giggled and nodded, leading the way with her entourage in tow. Naruto was perfectly content at walking behind her, but the one-eyed beauty was having none of that, and put an arm around his shoulder and got a startled yelp out of him when she dragged the blond to her side. "You have no idea how starved you left me when I woke up," she whispered into his ear. "You are healing my stigma and putting a baby in me the instant we have ourselves a little privacy~!"

Naruto chuckled nervously at that and nodded. "Alright," he replied, knowing damn well that she'd make him pay if he didn't. Apparently, Roxanne wasn't the only dangerous one among them. "Not sure about the baby part, but I was planning on getting rid of that disgusting wound on you. A babe like you should not be marred by such a thing."

"Good to know," she chirped. "I'll hold you to it, then, and we'll see what happens from there."

"I was hoping to get your wound healed as soon as possible actually." he revealed with a chuckle, "As well as the Cynthia-lookalike's one too. It's why I'm here in the first place." he would have been in the Nile a day earlier but… stuff happened. "And there's the spar Chloe wants to have. So I'm also here for that too."

"Noted," Neideen chuckled knowingly. "She's going to love that~!" seeing as Naruto himself was here, and that he was in the Nile for a long amount of time before moving on to where he was now the former Number 9 knew Naruto's exploits were well known in the town. So she turned to her armed escort and said, "I am going to be with the Lord of Morris from here on out; you're dismissed."

"Very well, milady," one guard replied, while the other gave a silent nod.

"May the Twins smile down upon you both," the second one said as the two of them took their leave.

Once they were out of earshot Neideen let out a relieved sigh. "They mean the best for me, but geez…! They didn't have to follow me around as if I were some treasure."

"Technically, you kinda are," Naruto replied with a chuckle. "Holy figures tend to get a lot of attention when they come back from the grave."

"Fair enough," Neideen relented. "So, how's life in Morris, out of curiosity? It must be hard to live with that many women."

"You have no idea," Naruto muttered, images of his encounter last night with Little Teresa immediately coming to mind. "I don't mind too much, though. They love me and I love them. It's hard at times, I'll admit, but worth the hassle."

"Well, at least you're not biting off more than you can chew," Neideen replied with a smile. Rather than her usual lewd grin, though, this was a kind, genuinely warm one. It was rather odd on her, Naruto noted, but it suited her quite well.

"It would take a lot more women for that to happen," Naruto said half-jokingly. "Kage Bunshin is a godsend, though, I'll tell you that!"

Neideen giggled at that. Oh, she couldn't wait to see what he could do with such a technique~! Naruto chuckled as well before he put his hands behind his head. He glanced at the one-eyed robed woman and asked, "So, tell me, what's it like being a Saint? Is there anyone expecting much out of you? Does anyone want you to 'bless' them? To give them sermons? Stuff like that?"

"It was mostly just a barrage of questions, at first," Neideen replied with a tired chuckle. She then gave Naruto an impish grin and added, "though I did see a few opportunities to help you out when they asked me about where I've been. I revealed that I had died nearly two centuries ago and was brought back by the Organization to do their dirty work. Claiming they did so through some foul means and that I sought them out to be cleansed. Needless to say, they were not a fan of the Organization, anymore… specifically the Handlers. Word is spreading pretty fast from the look of it, too."

"You'll have to be careful what you tell them, then," Naruto pointed out to her, "The Organization are the ones who make the yoma and male awakened beings after all. It's only a matter of time before they'll try and remove the rumours in one fell swoop…" then he scowled in disgust, "it's also the reason why I haven't left the West for the past few years. Once the Organization finds out I'm not there, they are likely going to send a small army of yoma and awakened beings to wipe Morris out again."

Neideen frowned as her one good eye narrowed "Yes… that is a problem. I'll be careful; don't worry about that." Deciding to lighten the mood, she changed the subject to something liable to get a rise out of the blond. "The church is also becoming rather fond of you, by the way, ~! I even heard they're considering having you… sanctify their nuns."

Naruto stumbled at that and looked at Neideen owlishly, "Wait, s-seriously?" seeing the grin and the rapid nod from the woman the blond's mouth slowly dropped open. "W-why me? I'm not even all that important!"

"Oh, I beg to differ," Neideen replied with a giggle. "The prophets have foreseen a man with a dick the length of a spear and an army of wives both divine and unholy bringing peace and prosperity to the world."

Naruto gave her an odd look. "...that's oddly specific. And greatly exaggerated, I'll bet." no one can have a dick the length of a spear, the damn thing would probably be torn off by its own weight or some shit… Also, literally dragging it around sounded like utter hell. And getting an erection would probably cause the guy to faint from the lack of blood flowing to the vital areas.

"Oh, they don't mean literally the length of a spear," she giggled with amusement in her voice. "Just that he was impressively endowed, and believe me, there are few people, within the church by now who don't know-how… gifted you are, mister Ladykilller~!" she leaned into his ear and said in a husky tone, "In fact, I want to… 'bless' your mighty endowment with my lips and make it a 'holy instrument'~"

A sputtering Naruto turned beet red at that, having some major Shion flashbacks. Who knew a priestess of all people could be as naughty as that blonde? Not to mention, Neideen said the words Shion did almost word for word. "I, uh… I see." he cleared his throat and tried to subtly adjust the erection that was rapidly forming his pants. "I'll bear that in mind for later. Right now, I'm focused on getting the Organization out of the way."

"Of course you are." the woman sighed, leaning away with a mild look of disappointment. She was hoping to get a rise out of him. Seems he was in more control of himself than she thought. Still, though, just a little talk like this was enough to make her satisfied… she could do with a little more flirting though. As they approached the inn, Naruto opened the door for Neideen, who smiled at him before entering. Many of the patrons were surprised to see Saint Nymphetamina, herself blessing them with her presence and the former Number Nine would be lying if she said their enthusiasm wasn't enjoyed. They were even more surprised when they saw the Lord of Morris entering the establishment with her, and quite a lot of them had recognised the blond from 6 years earlier since he had not changed much appearance-wise. His hair was a little shorter but just as spiked and untamed than they remembered. Of course, knowing how Saint Nymphetamina was. They knew how… lustful and ravenous... the woman of legend is, and if the rumours of the Lord of Morris were to be believed, he was the Chosen One of the Twins the man who was, one day, to become their consort and bring peace to the land. And who better to prepare him than Saint Nymphetamina herself! Of course, if Naruto knew about this rumour, he would have thought someone had too much time on their hands… either that or someone had to be taking the piss.

Seeing as people were looking at them, Neideen quickly got into the persona of her namesake. "Come along, Lord Naruto, I Saint Nymphetamina, champion of the Twin Goddesses and saviour of the church, must bless you for your future endeavours!" With that, she lead the way to her peers. "The warriors in red would also be pleased to meet you, I'm sure. It would seem that Teresa and Clare have smiled down upon you, as Sistina has foreseen many blessings in your future~!"

Naruto grinned in amusement at that and let out an amused chuckle. "And I'm going to guess that you gave me some of those blessings yourself?" he wasn't going to complain that there are no such things as blessings since he technically got one from his ancestor. And if Sistina, a real oracle said he was going to have many blessing down the road then who was he to argue with her?

"Only a few of them," she replied with a giggle. "About twenty, I hear… aside from the one, I intend to give you soon: a blessing of fertility. Some of your wives are… difficult to knock up, I hear. The Twin Goddesses wish to make it easier." She giggled once more and carried on to her colleagues with a sway to her hips.

Naruto blinked owlishly, though he couldn't help but gaze at those swaying hips of hers. "And… what makes you say that?" he asked, after taking his eyes away from her rear.

"The Goddesses, themselves," Neideen replied with a smirk. "I am their champion, remember~? Soon after I was cleansed by the church, they and I had a little chat."

"Wait, hold on a minute there," Naruto interrupted, "you're saying you actually talked to the Twin Goddesses of Love?" he was sceptical as all hell, but after seeing his dad twice, back from the dead and Kurama actually being split in half by a Death God he'll give her the benefit of doubt.

"It turns out they really are quite fond of you," she giggled. "Come, now! I'd rather not make them or my colleagues wait. You do have something to finish up, yourself, as well, no?"

"Oh yeah, healing you and…"

"Miranda," Neideen supplied.

"Miranda, thank you. I still need to heal you and Miranda of your stigmas and I need to have that spar with Chloe." he exhaled and slumped over, "And there's that 'blessing of fertility' you want to give me, as well. I got a few things to do here."

"Oh, don't worry," she assured. "It will be quick. You should be back home fairly soon." as long as nothing happens, of course, Neideen wanted to add on but decided to leave it out.

"Honestly, I won't mind if it takes a while. I gives me more time to get to know you and the other women I guess." then he swatted Neideen on her swaying rear before grabbing it. They were out of sight of the patrons when he did that, so no one saw him practically spank the Saint. "And I certainly would love to get to know you, you perverted woman~!"

"Ooh~!" Neideen cooed. "You naughty man~! I'm going to enjoy our time together." With that, they were off to meet up with the other members of the Crimson Guard. Though not before he made a single clone to go back out and set up the clearing he used to spar with the Pieta survivors, six years ago.


Back in Morris, Priscilla was quite pleased with herself, at the moment. Her plans were going quite well! Samantha was all for joining, and little Nyx was quickly developing a crush on Daddy - a spark for Mommy to fans. Now, she just needed to see if another Abyssal was up for the task she was planning to give. Said redhead did have quite the number of daughters to pledge, after all, and would doubtlessly be quite eager to take out Isley. She knocked on the door to Luciela's room, leaving said redhead wary of her, but the Abyssal One of the South decided not to keep her waiting. Cracking the door open, Luciela asked, "Can I help you?"

"I want to speak with you," Priscilla replied. Then, she gave the redhead of the South a polite, but expectant look, "may I come in?" she politely requested, complete with a sickly sweet smile.

Luciela frowned but nodded, opening the door for Priscilla to enter. As the brunette walked in, Luciela's daughter, little Chandra, grew wide-eyed with joy in seeing her.

"Auntie Priscilla!" she cheered, "What brings you here?"

Said brunette smiled and patted the freckled child on the head. "I'm just here to ask your mommy something." Priscilla looked to Luciela and asked, "Is there someplace we can talk in private?"

Chandra tilted her head curiously. "My room is empty, at the moment," she said. "What do you wanna talk about?" Her eyes then lit up as her imagination went wild. "Ooh! I bet it's an evil scheme of some kind! What is it? You can tell me! Do you plan on joining forces with Mommy and taking over the world!?"

Priscilla giggled. How precious! ...and scary. Chandra knew her plan even though she didn't tell anyone outside of Riful, Harja and Elspeth… and Naruto, but he didn't count, because he thought she was joking. "Can you keep a secret, little one?" She can tell the child, but she won't have her included… yet. Despite her maturity, she is still three years old. She has some morals after all; even if those morals are a little underdeveloped now, thanks to her being an awakened being. Maybe in a few years, though… if she's willing, of course.

"What kind of secret?" Lilianna asked poking her head around the corner with a devilish grin. "Big Sister's right, isn't she?" The girl in question had hair of a very dark red, as opposed to Chandra's brighter, more orange shade. She also bore a look of terrifying intelligence for her age - physical and otherwise. Lilianna was only a year old and already she had the smarts of an adult; her body was also that of a three-year-old. Her accelerated development combined with the intelligence of an adult - which, Priscilla suspected Luciela had something to do with - she was shaping up to be a frightening woman with genius intellect when she grew up. For someone to get this smart, this quick was simply staggering!

Priscilla grinned pressing a finger against her lips in a shushing gesture with a wink. "Is Lilith here, by chance?"

The child in question answered that herself by emerging from the hallway Lilianna had occupied. "I am. Why? Did you want something?"

The girl in question was a brown-eyed redhead like her younger sisters, though her locks were the darkest of them all and her irises seemed to have a slight, reddish tinge. She had freckles like Chandra, and her hair was arranged in a short, tomboyish mess, her bangs drooping down to slightly obscure her face. Despite only being six, she looked to be about thirteen or so and was decked out in a short, red and white dress. "I was just curious to see if you were listening in as well," the brunette replied with a shrug. "I could tell you were there though." She then looked over her shoulder to Luciela and said, "your little one, here guessed right, by the way."

Luciela blinked owlishly at that. "Wait, what?"

Priscilla grinned devilishly. "I am planning to take over this continent with Riful. And then the world." the brunette told her. "We already have two territories, since you're on our husband's side. All that is left is the North and East. I am planning on taking the North away from Isley with Riful's help, and I came here to see if you'd aid us in this venture."

The red-headed mother's eyes lit up at that, as did those of her daughters. "Go on…" Luciela urged. Though the Abyssal One of the South was feeling more inclined to stay here, at the moment, this sounded… promising.

Priscilla grinned, knowing she had the woman on the hook. Now she just had to sell it. "Well, to make a long story short: I want to kill Isley and get his territory under Naruto's control. I will be the one that fights him, while you and Riful will take care of anybody that man has under him. Of course… if you want too, you can help me fight him." she added on to sweeten the deal. She wanted this woman to help her, and if she had to make a promise to let her get a pound of flesh from him then she will do so. And, of course, she will have to show Luciela just who the alpha bitch in this harem is~. She can do that in Shatter Keep of course rather than here.

Luciela perked up at that last part. "I see…" She knew by now that the invasion of Pieta was meant to blaze a trail for Isley to invade her territory. The thought of having that man who dared to commit such an act, under her foot and at her complete mercy was an attractive one. "When do you plan on doing this?"

"As soon as possible actually." Priscilla revealed, "I am using Shatter Keep as a spearhead for the mission since it is closer to the border between the North and the West. So, are you in, or are you not?"

"Give me a minute to tell Rafaela that I'm going to be… busy," Luciela replied. "Someone has to keep an eye on my kids, after all - Chandra, especially. Turns out she has a fire affinity… and a slightly unhealthy fascination with it." Said child giggled menacingly at that. Priscilla chortled in amusement at the sight, but nodded nevertheless and allowed the ginger to go tell her sister that she was going to be away for a while. Thus leaving Priscilla amid her three impressionable, but intelligent, daughters. Oh, this was going to be fun… and potentially hilarious if she played her cards right.