Get Help From Konoha Part 2

Meanwhile, Agatha, Betty and Glinda were busy exploring Konoha as well. The beautiful but dangerous, human-eating monster women were taking their time, in taking in the sights. As this was the first time any of them had been on Naruto's homeland they were cheerfully comparing everything they saw here to back home. And in all honesty, it was simply overwhelming with how different things were.

What blew their fucking minds was that they could harness lightning to power things. Fucking. Lightning! Not to mention, lightning was used to power those black boxes that had moving pictures and sound coming out of them!

Naruto told them that when Agatha asked him questions. This was before they left to explore on their own of course. Upon seeing one for sale, Glinda just had to snatch up a portable 'teevee', as they were apparently called, with a slot for something called 'movies' to go into. They had no idea what 'movies' were, but they assumed it was for… well… moving. The shopkeep got a good chuckle out of that and explained to the clearly foreign women that movies were on this thing called a veeyatchess? A curious name… they appeared to be little, black rectangles with round bits on the back for some reason and a little flippy bit on top. If they put it into that slot on the 'teevee', it would show those moving pictures with sound.

They got one that was rather popular named Princess Gale for later. One of the most popular ones had the Princess going up against her tyrant of an uncle, that kidnapped her.

Now, they found themselves in a shop named Toad Sage Paradise. A rather funny name in their opinion. But they just had to see what this place had to offer!

"...Toad Sage Paradise?" Glinda said the name of the shop aloud. "That's a rather funny name… I'm going to check it out!" she said with a bright smile.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Agatha teased.

"Ask the birdie if she gives a shit," Glinda teased back before heading on in.

Agatha looked at Betty. "Do you want to see what this store has inside? It could be fun."

"I certainly don't mind," she replied.

The redhead shrugged and the two of them entered to see that Glinda had stopped dead in her tracks, stiff as a board and beet red from her collar bone on up. Both redhead and blonde stop behind her, and exchange looks for a brief moment. Then they turned back to the white-haired woman.

"...Glinda, is everything alright?" Betty asked.

"You're a little red-faced there. What? Did you see something embarrassing on your way in." Agatha teasingly asked.

The woman in question giggled and replied, "look around."

They did just that and immediately understood why their colleague was so flustered. Lining the wall was a large assortment of naughty doodahs and outfits from floggers to giant, rubber penises and sexy lingerie to kinky uniforms.

"Oh-ho my~!" Betty couldn't keep the amusement out of her voice as she took it all in. "Well… this is certainly interesting."

"Ah, welcome~!" a woman behind the counter called out. She had black hair and coal coloured eyes, appearing to be in her early thirties. "My name is Emi. How can I be of service?"

Glinda walked over to the counter and plastered on a polite smile. "Hi, we're just taking a look for something to… spice up our relationship with our man. Do you have any recommendations?" the white-haired awakened being had ryo on her, thanks to Naruto having the foresight to give everyone that went out exploring, and those who stayed in his old apartment two thousand ryo to use.

"' Our man', you say," Emi giggled. "My, my… if the three of you want to spice it up, he must be insatiable~!

"Indeed," Glinda replied with a giggle of her own. "He's got enough stamina to keep the three of us satisfied and then some. And he's so kind and considerate too. So, the three of us want to get something… sexy to really get his libido going, if you catch my meaning."

While Glinda and Emi were having themselves a lovely, little chat, Betty couldn't help but wander to the movies and immediately took notice of a cover bearing Naruto's likeness. She tilted her head curiously and noted that the movie was entitled Icha Icha: Conquest.

"Very interesting..." she muttered under her breath, then Betty turned to Emi, "Excuse me, but can you tell me what this is about?" she asked pointing to the movie in question. She knew it was titled after Naruto's third book, and the fact there is someone with her man's likeness on it, is to her, of no coincidence.

"Oh, that would be Icha Icha: Conquest, staring Kazahana Koyuki and the author, himself, Uzumaki Naruto," Emi replied. "It's heavily based on the book of the same title. A lot of men and women love watching it. It's one of the best-sellers within the Icha Icha franchise."

"Oooooh~!" Glinda got wide-eyed, "can we get a preview of it? I've read his book, but I never have seen the movie."

Emi smiled and pulled out a remote, pointing it to a blank screen to their left. The three women heard something click to live and looked in the direction to see a tv screen turning on. They were all entranced by the image of their man forcing himself upon… wait… was that Dietrich? No, no it wasn't. She sounded different. And this one had smaller knockers.

She cried out and struggled as Naruto pinned her arms behind her back with one hand, lifting her skirt and tearing her panties with the other. She was begging for him to stop, telling him that she was due to be married. What he whispered into her ear… the way he said it... sent shivers up their spines and a pang of longing through their loins.

"I know~!"

Then, their knees threatened to buckle as she wailed and the sound of flesh pounding flesh filled their ears.


Back in the apartment, the clone of Naruto was busy showing Octavia how the shower works for what felt like the fifth time when he felt it. A shiver running up along his spine. He had no idea why, but the clone had a feeling a couple of his girls found something that would have them for lack of a better word, 'rabid'. What that was he had no idea. But the clone had a feeling that something was a thing the boss had done years ago.

He had no idea how right he was.

"Is something wrong, Naruto?" the blonde asked once she noticed how distracted he looked.

"No. Nothing's wrong," he replied, then the clone cleared his throat. "Anyway, did you get all of that? Or do I need to run through it with you, again?"

Octavia hummed to herself thoughtfully before giving her man an impish smile, "Run it by me again." she answered, which got her an exasperated sigh from him.


Meanwhile, Naruto and Miria both felt a disturbance in the Force. Blinking the blond took hold of his wife and pulled her to him, as to ward off any unwanted women that might suddenly come out of the woodworks. This surprised the woman in question greatly and she looked at her husband with a flat look.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Miria asked.

The blond in question was wildly looking around. Almost expecting several rabid fans to come out of nowhere and carry him away. "Just… taking a precaution," he chuckled nervously.

"I see. Good boy." Miria nodded with approval.

"I don't know if I should ask or not," Konohamaru said with a chuckle. Udon looked equally nervous.

"You don't want to know. But, let's just say my love life is hectic."

"Duly noted," Moegi chirped.

Then Naruto looked to Miria, Alicia and Beth. "So do you girls want to buy some new clothes? I can lead you to a store or two." he leaned in and said in a pitch low enough for only them to hear, "You can even buy yourselves a pair of kinky underwear to show me if you want~." then he kissed the three of them on the lips one at a time.

The trio gave him a lewd giggle and enthusiastic nod, eliciting a chuckle from their man.

"Alright," Naruto said, giving the three women a smile. "I might join the three of you; I do need to get a change of clothes as well after all. In fact…" trailing off the blond looked ahead and around for a brief moment. "...if memory serves, there should be a store or two nearby." then he looked to Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi, "Think you three can show us? My memory isn't as good as it use to be."

Konohamaru grinned with enthusiasm. "Of course!" he began to lead the way, "I know a store that sells both shinobi and civilian clothes! It's a fairly new one that Tenten owns. So it's got some good stuff there."

The twins perked up at that and Naruto chuckled warmly, pulling them both into a hug. "Looks like we're going to that one, then. Whereabouts is it? Seeing as Tenten owns it, I take the building is close by?"

"Tenten opened the store right next door to the store her dad owns," Udon answered. "Dunno why she did it. But if I had to guess she wanted to support her dad." then he went ahead to follow Konohamaru. "If anything you can surprise her now that you're here. She's been less upbeat ever since the Suna Incident."

"I see. Well, if anything, it'll be nice to see how she's doing." Naruto said. "Let's get going then."

It didn't take long for them to get there as their destination was in the vicinity. It was a fairly conspicuous, light blue structure of wood, two stories tall and simply named The Haven. What surprised Naruto the most, was on the display window of The Haven. It was the Treasured Tools of the Sage of the Six Paths, that had the sign "Not for Sale" underneath it in kanji. Well, it seems her habit of collecting all kinds of ninja tools have gotten to the point of being ballsy if she's showing them off. How the Raikage didn't take them back made him wonder. But he didn't dwell on it. As Udon said, it was right next to the store Tenten's dad owns, which was a simple white-painted, one-story building that had a blacksmith's anvil with a kunai on top of it. The Hidden Leafs insignia, the swirling leaf, was engraved onto the anvil itself.

"This place brings back memories," Naruto chuckled. "It was one of the only two places that treated me fairly when damn near everyone still thought I was a demon in human skin or some crazy shit like that."

"Really?" Miria asked, frowning sympathetically.

"Humans fear what they don't understand," Naruto reminded her with a hapless shrug. "And the third Hokage let out that I was the Kyuubi's vessel. The fact that I was literally born the day he was hypnotized and made to attack the village didn't exactly help. I won them over eventually, though… or rather most of them. Those old assholes who got my license revoked never liked me because I couldn't be controlled."

"They won't be missed," Konohamaru said with a heavy sigh. "The village erupted into chaos and anarchy when the Suna Incident happened. If Tsunade-Sama hadn't gotten to those so-called 'esteemed elders' first, they would have been lynched on the spot."

"Really?" Naruto asked. "Wow…"

"Yeah, everyone was that pissed off," Moegi sighed. " Hell, if we were here at the time, we would have been part of the mob… It didn't help that you are famous throughout the Elemental Nations. So when the other Hidden Villages found out about that incident, they were on the warpath. The fact that we were such good friends with you at the time was literally the only reason we weren't kicked out of Haru." The fact that she had spitefully given Koyuki some delicious advice on how best to hurt Konoha was left unsaid. She was not proud of that course of action, even if she didn't regret it.

"I didn't know that." a very surprised Naruto said.

At that Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi gave him a look. "How can you not know that?" Udon asked, furrowing his brow in confusion. "You were wandering around the Elemental Nations for months after the Suna incident, weren't you? You couldn't have known?"

"That was actually a month," Naruto clarified. " Gaara probably had something to do with that misconception… He always had my back, ever since we became friends." A smile tugged on the corner of his mouth at the thought. "Anyway, after Hinata died I brought her body to Nami, giving her a proper burial. After that, I just… wandered around with no destination in mind. I avoided civilization so nobody could find me. After that, I went back to Nami and took the first ship across the sea. I found the continent where I met my wives around eleven months later, the rest is history."

Konohamaru and his friends now understood. All things concerned, he was likely in no mood to notice much. Alicia and Beth hugged his arms, frowning sympathetically.

"That depressing note aside," Naruto chirped, he turned his attention towards the twins, "let's go get you two some new clothes, shall we?"

"I'm still here too, you know," Miria grumbled.

Naruto chuckled, gently extracting himself from Alicia and beth's grasp, before turning towards her, cupping Miria's cheek and giving her the most smouldering kiss he could muster. When her knees buckled right then and there, Naruto scooped his wife into a bridal carry. Then, sensing the opportunity, he gave Moegi a charming grin and said, "you've grown up to be cute as all hell, by the way, ~!"

Moegi blushed at that.

"Hey!" Miria lightly whacked Naruto across the head. "No flirting."

"I seem to remember you saying I could as long as I gave you extra snuggles~!"

"Your type of flirting tends to get people in bed." Beth pointed out.

Moegi blushed even harder at that...

"And we all know how effective it is," Alicia added.

Then the twins gave their husband a flat look and said at the same time, "No flirting."

Naruto chuckled again. Well, he can't deny that. It does end up with getting girls in his bed. Even if he didn't really intend to. "Alright, fine. I'll make it up to you three and hold back for now."

Maybe when the Organization was dealt with he wouldn't mind, but for now, he'd stop. Meanwhile, Moegi couldn't help but be amused if her life depended on it. She was also legitimately flattered that Onii-Chan found her cute. Maybe when the mission was done, she could flirt back and see what happens?

"Good." Miria was certainly satisfied that she prevented a possible hussie from getting in their… rather large and complicated family. For the moment at least. "Now, carry me into that store!" she ordered, pointing at said building with an overly dramatic flare. Naruto let out a hearty chuckle at that and did her bidding without question. His wife has changed a lot ever since she found her best friend has come back to life. She was a lot happier. She still gets jealous though. The group of seven proceeded to enter the two-story building.

Immediately, a familiar face perked up. She was an athletic, brown-eyed brunette with braided muns in her hair. Her attire consisted of a white, sleeveless top and red hakama with tabi and felt slippers. "N-Naruto?!"

Said blond placed his wife down on her feet as he chuckled. "In the flesh," he replied. "I'm not here to stay, but I am giving Konoha a chance to redeem herself," Naruto explained to the bun-haired brunette. "An S-rank mission, so to speak that has a lot of pay involved. But in the meantime, I'm just showing my wives around… and getting them and myself some new clothes to buy while I'm at it."

"Oooh?" She looked at Miria, Alicia and Beth with a raised eyebrow. "Never thought you were into that kinda thing."

"Admittedly, I wasn't," Naruto chuckled. "It just… kinda happened. I certainly don't mind, though. They made my life a lot more bearable, and lively too."

Tenten chortled, "It would happen to you, wouldn't it? Well, I hope you and your girls find something to your liking, then. Let me know if you need anything."

"Alright, " Naruto replied. With that, he and his wives started browsing while Konohamaru and his friends followed their boss around, chatting it up with him and drawing a giggle from Tenten. Those three were always so fond of Naruto. It was rather cute. Seeing the four of them like this brought up a feeling of nostalgia for Tenten. It reminded her of the good times. Back when Naruto was young and mischievous…

"So, what's it like over at the place you're living now? It is anything like here?" Konohamaru asked.

"Actually it's a lot different over there than it is over here. They don't have electricity or anything like that," Naruto replied. "Even their weapons and armour are like they're from another world. Warriors wielding strange-looking, double-edged swords while completely encased in plate armour… the spears having axe heads… Even the way they punch is different. It was kinda like the way we use to fight before Kaguya came along, but with very different weapons and techniques."

That immediately got Tenten's attention. "Just how different are we talking? What do these swords look like?"

Naruto turned to Miria and the twins, "Girls, can you show them your unique swords?" since they sealed them away, it would just be a matter of applying chakra on their seals inked onto their hand.

The women in question shrugged and unsealed their Claymores, prompting Tenten to completely drop what she was doing to get a good look.

"Careful ladies; Tenten here is a bit of a weapon addict. She won't stop badgering you to let her touch them," joked Naruto.

"I'm not that bad!" said bun-haired brunette protested.

"I know how you got the Treasured Tools of the Sage of the Six Paths," Naruto countered with a chuckle. "I saw them in your display window. I don't know how you kept the Raikage from catching wind of them being in Konoha's possession, though, since they were considered national treasures. I'm impressed… And before that, you were collecting every single weapon you could get your hands on. If you could get the swords from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist, I would bet five million ryo you would do it in a heartbeat. Hell, I'd bet you tried."

"Uh… No comment," Tenten muttered, clearing her throat.

There was an awkward silence. " the Twins, you actually did!" a heavily amused Naruto said. He was doing everything he can to stop himself from laughing. It was honestly hilarious.

"I'm banned from Kiri as a result," Tenten admitted in embarrassment. THAT got Naruto to laugh. "It's funnier now, I'll admit, but I was legitimately scared for my life at the time. How I managed not to get lynched is a damn good question."

"You should have known not to try something like that." seeing as they were getting off-topic however, Naruto cleared his throat and brought them back to the original conversation at hand. "Anyway, their swords are unique because they're capable of withstanding a great amount of punishment." he looked to Miria and asked, "They're made from an unknown metal, right?"

Miria nodded, "Yes. The metal that is used to create our swords makes them absurdly durable."

"That I can believe." Naruto said, looking back to Tenten, "There's this group made to fight me that I turned over to my side of the conflict over there, and their armour is made from the same metal. Long story short, I went six tails while I was sparring with one of them and her plate armour wasn't even dented by the end of it. It's that durable." Chloe was scary if he was honest; she had the same freakish strength as Granny-Tsunade and was a bit of a fighting nut. He wouldn't mind sparring with her again sometime. There were little stars in Tenten's eyes as she gushed over the thought, drawing a chuckle from Naruto. "Lee is being considered for the mission," he pointed out. "Maybe we can snatch up a sword or two for your collection from their armoury if you join?"

"I am so in! What's the mission?"

"Well, that was quick," Miria said in amusement, as she and the twins sealed away their claymores into their palms again.

"It's a search and rescue mission," Alicia explained.

Miria then added with more detail, "the teams Naruto is taking will be infiltrating the headquarters of the enemy and extract trainees and any silver-eyed woman you see, clearing the way for Naruto to blast the Organization with a Bijuudama. Also, these trainees use swords like ours, but they're blunt. They also keep a sharp one or two handy in the event of an… unexpected graduation, though. It happens more often than one would expect."

"Oh, and another thing: this mission is an S-rank." Naruto chimed in with a grin. "I'm paying ten million ryo upfront, and another ten million for when the mission is done. So even if you don't get your hands on any new 'toys', you'll still be making a killing."

Naruto, his wives, and Team Konohamaru swore they heard a 'cha-ching' in the background as Tenten gave him a charming smile. "Just let me know when we're heading out, then~!"

"We're just collecting the teams. Kakashi is going to see if he can get Kiba, Lee and Shino. A portion of Jumogakure's Team Samui is already coming with and so is Team Ebisu and Team Asuma." He gestured towards Konohamaru and his friends as he mentioned them. "Samui and Omoi are going to be calling the shot, seeing as how they have experience with these kinds of missions."

"What happened to their third member?" Tenten asked out of curiosity.

"Naruto married her and knocked her up," Miria answered for him with an exasperated sigh. She wasn't bitter about him bringing her into the fold, anymore, but she was still admittedly jealous of the redhead for having another kid on the way. "She is having her second kid, now."

Tenten, Konohamaru, and his friends all looked very surprised to hear that.

Naruto let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I would have used more tact than that, but, yes. I married Karui and am now having a second kid with her."

"Huh… If anyone, I would have expected Temari or Kurotsuchi," Tenten muttered thoughtfully.

"Why Temari? Aren't she and Shikamaru a thing? No... more importantly, why Kurotsuchi? She thinks of me as nothing more than 'minion',"

"Because she's got a massive crush on you," Moegi pointed out. "I think that's just her way of showing affection…? You're literally the only one she calls that."

"She thought I was a messenger ninja when we first met because I was still a genin." Naruto deadpanned. "Of course she would call me that… I never did get promoted beyond genin, now that I think about it."

"Again, you're the only one she calls that…" Moegi repeated. "Most people suspect that she thought you were cute. Especially now..."

"Right... uh… um… okay." Naruto just gave up and shrugged. He honestly had no idea how to respond to that. "Tenten, got any clothes that closely resembles what I use to wear? I don't want there to be too much orange this time around, but I kinda miss what I used to wear."

"I'll see what I can dig up," she replied with a friendly smile.

"Alright!" then he turned to Miria and the twins, "Did you girls find anything you want to buy? Money is not an issue."

"I'll look around," Miria said with a smile of her own as Tenten scampered off. She then followed the bun-haired brunette, figuring she was heading off to the clothes.

"We will look around, as well," Alicia said after Miria, with her sister Beth nodding in agreement. The two of them followed after Miria as well. They might as well follow after someone they were more familiar with.

"Okay. Be on your best behaviour you two." Naruto called after them. Then he looked to Team Esibu and smiled. "So… Konohamaru, I heard you were trying to emulate me. Care to share some of your exploits?"

He and Moegi grinned widely, clearly proud of themselves. Udon, however, was more guiltily so.


Nina and Rafaela couldn't help but be amazed as they wandered the streets of Konoha. It was just so different from what they were used to. The former had heard the rumours that Naruto was from a different continent, and even though he himself confirmed those rumours were true, a big part of her doubted the legitimacy of his words. Not anymore. She believed him entirely now.

She never would have thought that she would see the lands beyond 'this world'. Or rather, her continent. But she did and she was astonished. Amazed. Taken aback. Everything was so very different, yet, at its core, everything was somehow the same.

"I never thought I'd see so many stores in one place!" Nina said in amazement. "This place is so huge, too! How the hell does anyone call it a village?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Rafaela said, taking in the sights with well-hidden awe. "He was not exaggerating about its size. It's easily five times the size of the Holy City"

Nina stopped, staring at one store in particular. The Toad Sage's Paradise? How curious... "Is it just me or do you sense Glinda's group in there?"

Rafaela brought her attention to the store in question. Then blinked. "Huh. 'The Toad Sage's Paradise'? Isn't Naruto a sage?" she asked, more to herself than to Nina.

"I… don't know?" Nina cocked her head to the side. A curious look was on her face as she regarded the store's name. "It was mentioned in his book that his mentor 'pervy-sage' was a Toad Sage. Though I have no idea what a toad sage is." Nina blinked and looked to her companion and asked, "Do you think that store has anything to do with Naruto or his late mentor?"

"Perhaps…? I'm immeasurably curious, now…" the eyepatch-wearing blonde replied. "Let us find out, then…" She then turned on her heel and unknowingly made her way to the shop that would rob her of what little innocence she had left. Nina followed after her, unknowingly about to share the same fate as the one-eyed woman.

The instant she entered, Rafaela swore her cheeks were lit ablaze as they invented a new shade of red. The things she saw boggled her still relatively pure mind as Glinda, Agatha and Betty giggled up a storm, filling up several bags with implements of sexual doom. Her one good eye blinked owlishly when she thought she saw an outfit or two among those… those things!

"Oh… my... " Rafaela heard Nina say beside her. The younger blonde felt weak in the knees, feeling a similar effect to poor Rafaela at the sight of all these lewd items hanging on display. "I never thought I'd see something like those in a store… except maybe in Nash... b-but, even then…" She trailed off. Several outfits also caught her eye - some stranger than others, but all of them were clearly for the bedroom. "...what kind of outfit has this kind of exposure? Aren't undergarments meant to keep your genitals hidden?"

"You've clearly not tried on a wedding dress," Rafaela muttered. Having been married in a church within her homeland, she was notably less surprised. But what she saw here was damaging to what was left of her innocence. She could feel it being chipped away the more she stared at the lewd tools being proudly displayed on the walls. But, despite how much she wanted to tear her eye away from them, Rafaela just couldn't.

Glinda giggled upon seeing the new arrivals and couldn't help herself. "Like what you see~?"

Rafaela turned even redder as she finally managed to tear her gaze from the wall and gave the white-haired awakened being the flattest look she could muster. "I am not going to dignify that with a response." she huffed and took a brief look around; and making damn sure her eyes did not lay on those… those things having on the walls. "What… is all of this, anyway?!" she asked, wildly gesturing to all the assortment of objects and clothes that are being displayed.

"Those would happen to be called 'sex toys'," Agatha answered. "Apparently you can use them in the bedroom, or on those lonely nights to alleviate your own sexual frustrations."

"And those would be clothes," Betty added, gesturing to the sexy lingerie and kinky uniforms. "The lingerie can be used to make yourself look more enticing. The other clothes are used for roleplaying. There's quite the assortment of clothes here."

"I noticed." an uncharacteristically amused Nina said. Then something caught her eye. It was purple, it was shaped like a dick, it was a metre long, and it is attached to a handle of a baseball bat. The absurdity of the thing almost made her bust a gut laughing. "W-w-w-wha-wha-what is that?!" Nina asked, pointing at the purple coloured thing while trying her damned best to keep herself from laughing her ass off.

From behind the counter, Emi looked at the object in question and smiled in amusement. "That is called 'The Penetrator' - it's a metre long dildo attached to a baseball bat. It's pretty absurd, I know, but there is just something so satisfying about whacking someone over the head with a metre long dildo…"

Nina blinked at that. So a dildo is what it's called? A weird name if one were to ask her.

"Are you planning on buying one?" Emi asked, looking back to the silver-haired woman with a quirked eyebrow.

Nina shook her head. "No. No, I'm not."

"Same here," Rafaela added. There was no way in hell she was going to touch the damn thing.

"Noted," Emi giggled. Clearly they had a case of nuns in a porn shop, here. These two were so puritanical it was almost comical. "Well, let me know if you need anything, then."

"We… uh… we will…?" Rafaela slowly eased out of the shop, lest she be corrupted even more by the sheer… lewdness of what was within this store. Thank the Twins her sister wasn't here. The woman can literally imagine Luciela pulling her back in and forcing her to look through the stuff!

Unfortunately for the one-eyed woman, Nina grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back into the store against her will. And to Rafaela's dismay, there was a glint in her eyes as she looked at the naughty clothes.

"Actually, there is something we can help us with." Nina looked at Emi with a devious grin. "We're looking for some rather… 'reactive' clothes, if you catch my meaning. Do you have any suggestions on what kind brings out our best assets?"

"Excuse me!?" Rafaela yelled at the ponytailed woman. Unfortunately, her little protest went ignored by everyone.

"How effective it is will ultimately depend on the guy you're trying to please," Emi replied with a giggle. "But, I'll see what we can do. As you can see, we have quite the selection to choose from~!"

"Indeed you do," Nina said as her devious grin grew wider. "The one we're trying to please is a little… kinky. He likes it when we're forward and honest with ourselves. And he also likes to roleplay. A lot."

"She's talking about the same guy as we were, by the way," Betty told the woman behind the counter. "As you said: he is pretty insatiable."

"He's also a lolicon, among other things," Glinda added with a giggle. "Forgot to mention that."

Emi raised her eyebrows at that. "A lolicon? He could get arrested if she's too young."

"The 'loli' in question is actually older than she looks." Rafaela pointed out in defence of her husband. "So, what is the age of consent here anyway?" she might as well get any potential misunderstandings out of the way before it gets out of hand.

"Thirteen," Emi replied looking at her oddly. "I take it you're not from around here. Most everyone knows that."

"They're with us, actually." Glinda said, "There is fifteen of us altogether. And like we mentioned before, we're foreigners. This is the first time we stepped inside of a Hidden Village."

"Even though said 'village' is roughly ten times the size of an actual village, and is more of a city. And the 'loli' as you like to call her, is over twenty years old and can change her appearance between looking like a thirteen-year-old, or an eighteen-year-old." Rafaela said; this was a partial lie. She wasn't going to tell this stranger that Riful is over five hundred years old, she had a feeling someone living that long wasn't common on this continent by a long shot. The only ones who did live that long were the Tailed Beasts, but they weren't human, or awakened being…? Well, they were demonic, so maybe they are?

"Oh, okay," Emi replied, assuming this ability was either a kekkei genkai or that transformation technique she'd seen the ninja here frequently using. "That makes sense."

"Come on, let's pick out an outfit or two to wear," Nina said, trying to bring Rafaela's attention back to why they are staying in this store in the first place.


Meanwhile, back with Naruto, in Tenten's shop, the blond in question chuckled as Alicia and Beth were busy showing off their new outfits. Both twins were now decked out in matching, black, shoulderless yukata, decorated in pink and silver. These outfits were about a size too small, and as a result, showed off a bit more of their thighs and bosoms than intended, but that only made them look even sexier. The silver brought out that of their eyes and the pink obi were tied in the back in a large bow, which Naruto found rather cute.

"Very nice, you two." Naruto complimented. "It's a bit small on you, but that just makes them hug you in all the right places~! It's a very good pick."

Alicia and Beth giggled at that, hugging their man. Naruto hugged them back and couldn't help but slip his hand underneath to squeeze their nice asses. He smiled, feeling nought but bare skin.

"Oh!" the blond chuckled. "You naughty girls~!"

"Only for you, Naruto-Sama~!" Alicia giggled mischievously.

"We picked these out for your viewing pleasure," Beth said with an impish grin. She then leaned in, whispering into his ear, "and easy access~!"

Naruto chuckled, unable to help but notice his pants getting tighter. He leaned in and whispered into their ears, "Well, I most certainly approve of that~." Then he withdrew and asked, "do you girls want to buy anything else? As much as I love seeing you in those, I would not be opposed to letting you check out some more. What about you Miria, dear? Did you see something you like?" he asked, calling out to his wife.

The woman in question blushed as she nodded with a smile, a little, red bundle hugged to her chest. "It's a surprise~!"

"Aw, and here I wanted to see what you bought for yourself." he teased her with a grin.

"Oh, you will~!"

The blond's imagination ran wild at her tone. But he composed himself before it could to wild. "If you want to buy some more, then go right on ahead. Money is not an issue." he told her, before saying aloud as an afterthought, "I wonder where Tenten is?"

"Still digging through storage for clothes," Moegi replied. She then turned to Miria and asked, "Is there anything I can help you within the meantime?"

"Trying to win your way into the family?" the brunette asked, giving her a suspicious look.

"To be fair, can you blame me?" The strawberry blonde giggled, much to the surprise of Udon and especially Konohamaru. She then leaned in and whispered into Miria's ear, "I know just the thing to make a man go crazy for you, by the way. A few candles here and there, laced with aphrodisiacs… That nice, little dress I saw you snatching up… There are quite a few possibilities if you'll let me help~!"

Well, if nothing else, she just earned herself some brownie points… Miria thought about it for a bit, then nodded. "Alright, lead the way."

Naruto sighed, before chuckling in exasperation. "I foresee a long night shortly," he muttered to himself. And with that blessing of fertility Neideen gave him, he's almost guaranteed to impregnate his lovers, now. Huh… for some reason, he had a feeling he'd forgotten about something. Something very important… He shrugged. Well, if it was important, it would come to him, eventually.

He blinked and curiously looked up at the ceiling. Did he just hear the Twin Goddesses giggling, or was that his imagination...?

"Sorry that took so long," Tenten called out, scampering on up to Naruto and inadvertently derailing his train of thought. "It took a while, but I managed to find a few things you might like."

"Alright," the blond replied with a smile. He then looked to Alicia and Beth, "I'll be back in a few minutes, alright?" The twins nodded and continued looking around to find something else they wanted. Naruto, meanwhile, took the small pile of clothes off Tenten's hands and followed her to a small changing room.

Several minutes later, Naruto stared at his reflection in a mirror. The clothes Tenten picked out for him were very reminiscent of his old outfit, but they were refreshingly different, as well. He had the burnt orange pants, but now they came with a light, black coat with a high collar and orange zipper. Surprisingly, Tenten had found a red armband with the Uzumaki crest, as well, which went well with his coat. He should know because he's currently wearing it on his left sleeve. He wore a pair of black boots to finish off the look. Looking down in his hands, the blond was holding onto a black, elastic headband with a metal plate bearing the leaf village insignia. Naruto wasn't so sure about it. He's pretty sure he can get arrested for impersonating a ninja, even if he used to be one.

Well, if anything, it was the thought that counts. He'll take it with him as a souvenir, but not wear it, just in case.

Nodding to himself, Naruto turned around and exited the changing room. There he met an expectant Tenten waiting for him. While she was disappointed to see the blond was not wearing the headband, the young woman was glad to see that he had not completely discarded it.

"So? What do you think?" She asked him, leaning forward with an eagerness she had long since forgotten.

Naruto looked over himself again, before looking at her again with a wide grin. "I love it! You know your stuff, Tenten. You wouldn't happen to have a copy of that coat I briefly wore, when I fought Pein do you?" what can he say? It's a reverse coloured version of the coat, his dad wore. And it was awesome! He would love to wear it again.

"I'll look around," Tenten replied with a wide grin. "We might still have one or two in stock. That's a fairly popular item, nowadays."

"I'll bet." the blond chuckled. "I'll go look for Miria, Alicia and Beth in the meantime."

"Alright," Tenten replied with a giggle. She'd seen where Miria was snooping around and knew full well what that woman was looking for.

As the bun-haired brunette went off to search for said coat, Naruto chuckled and headed off to see where Alicia and Beth were, wondering what they would think of the new outfit. It didn't take him long to find the twins; they were in the ninja section for women. They were already looking through clothes but hadn't found anything to their liking yet.

"Looking for something in particular?" he asked, giving Alicia and Beth a warm smile.

The twins jumped in surprise at hearing their husband's voice and turned to look at him. Their eyes went wide slightly when they saw his new getup, and the corners of their lips quirked upwards in a tiny, but approving smile.

"That looks good on you~!" Alicia said.

"We're just looking for souvenirs," Beth answered.

"Thank you, dear," Naruto said in response to Alicia's compliment, then he turned to Beth and asked. "Do you want me to help you?"

"These outfits are rather strange," Alicia said, looking at the display.

"I'm not a fan of green," Beth muttered, she reached out and rubbed the fabric between her fingers. "The material is nice though - durable, but soft and comfortable."

"You can get them in different colours, you know." Naruto pointed out to Beth. "And, yeah, they can be strange for you. There was one person I knew way back that wore a mini-skirt, fishnet top and shorts, and a long trench coat. And nothing else."

"I'm sure you'd enjoy that," Beth giggled.

"She actually scares me," Naruto muttered, blushing up a storm. She was one hell of a fuck, that night she offered herself as a tribute to keep him from turning Konoha back into a crater, but to this day, she still terrified the blond. "She was the one I said that Ophelia reminds me of."

Both Beth and Alicia furrowed their brow in thought. Then their eyes showed realisation. "....Ohhhhhhhh."

"Yeah," then he cleared his throat and looked at the clothes. "So, let's see what we can get you girls, no?"

"Alright!" the twins chirped in adorable unison.

After a few trips back and forth between various isles of this section of the store, Naruto found himself sitting and waiting in front of the dressing rooms. When the twins emerged, Alicia was wearing a trench coat over a sleeveless, midriff-bearing, high-collar top; form-fitting short shorts; and a pair of matching, knee-high boots - all in black. The top ended just below her breasts and had a zipper in front and the outfit as a whole left nothing to the imagination. Beth wore an almost exact copy, but with a short skirt instead of shorts - one that was clearly intended to be worn with shorts underneath, as it had long slits up either side, thus showing off just enough thigh to give some old people a heart attack.

Naruto knew she was wearing nothing underneath, as well, even without the giggle she gave him when he looked at the garment in question. Well, if nothing else, she'd be easy to pass off as a seduction expert.

"Well," he chuckled, giving the bombshells in front of him a sly smirk, "you ladies certainly know how to drive a man crazy with your wiles~."

"Only when it's you, my love~!" Alicia giggled.

"Do you like them?" Beth asked, turning in a full circle to give him a full 360 degree of her entire outfit.

"I most certainly do," he answered. "Do you like it, though? We still have plenty of time to look for other clothes."

Beth and Alicia exchanged looks before looking back to their husband to simultaneously say, "We do, Naruto-Sama~!" suddenly, they became a blur of motion before the twins appeared at either side of him; they both took an arm each and hugging him to their bosom.

"They are comfortable too," Beth started.

"But we would not be opposed," Alicia continued directly after her sister.

"To having some casual clothes as well." Beth finished.

"What you're wearing can be used for casual clothes too, you know." Naruto pointed out. "I use to wear my shinobi uniform on my work and off days. The same can be said for what you're wearing, now."

The twins shared a look again. Then they looked back to Naruto, with Alicia saying. "Okay. This will do."

"Alright," he chuckled and gave the sisters a loving kiss on the lips. "Let's go find Miria, eh? And hope Moegi isn't being troublesome for her." speaking of Moegi, where was her teammates? Shouldn't they be around somewhere?


Outside of Tenten's shop, Konohamaru and Udon were outside standing guard. With how famous the boss is, it would be a matter of time before someone catches wind that he is back and forms a crowd to try and get his attention. How those kids and fangirls didn't form a mod yet was beyond them but they were thankful for a little peace.

Of course, since Tenten was a member of Team Guy, it was just a matter of time before that peace would come to an abrupt end.


In the form of Tenten's, very eccentric, and enthusiastic former teammate, Rock Lee.


Inside of the shop, Alicia and Beth jumped in surprise upon hearing a loud, but enthusiastic voice pierces through the peace. Naruto was just as surprised, though unlike his girls he didn't jump. "Well…" he chuckled with amused exasperation, "it seems the final member of Team Guy is close by."

"...Who is that?" a bewildered Alicia asked. This was the very first time she felt such an emotion. At least to this degree.

"That is Rock Lee." the blond answered, he kept his eyes on the entryway to the building, even as he heard Tenten's dismayed cry in the background. "Don't let his appearance deceive you. While he is a little… eccentric, and odd-looking, he is a good person. He is one of the best hand to hand specialists Konoha has to offer too." he smiled widely and let out another chuckle. "If we're lucky he will just keep on running. If not… well… do try to be patient with him."

Luckily for the twins, Konohamaru and Udon, kept Rock Lee steered clear of the shop; the two friends directed him to the Hokage who was, in fact, looking for him. They left out why Kakashi was looking for him, though.


To the bewilderment of almost everyone in the building, they heard Rock Lee's footsteps fading away in the distance. So their relatively innocent minds were left… partially unexposed to the weirdness, that was Rock Lee.

"Well… it seems we know where Konohamaru and Udon are… poor guys." Naruto chuckled sheepishly. Alicia and Beth were understandably, unamused, and they slowly looked at the young man in the grip of their arms. They wanted him to join them on this mission? "He's weird, but one hell of a ninja," Naruto chuckled. "Not quite sure how, mind you, but his effectiveness in combat is almost legendary. Just don't get him drunk. That results in some scary shit, I hear."

"Noted," Alicia and beth both muttered nervously.

"Alright, now let's go find Miria." he chuckled. With that Naruto guided Alicia and Beth along as he sought out his wife and Moegi.


Just shy of an hour later, Naruto was impressed to see that Kakashi had managed to round up everyone he wanted to bring back. It would appear that Ino was the one who'd convinced Kiba and Shino. Though the blonde had a prideful, mischievous grin that screamed all sorts of naughtiness, the three of them were tight-lipped as to how she'd managed that. Naruto had a bad feeling, though he had no idea why he had it. Maybe it was because this was Ino he was thinking about here; that woman tended to get up to some mischief whenever she didn't get her own way.

Alongside Team Asuma and Team Ebisu, as well as Lee, Tenten, Kiba and Shino, Naruto and his fifteen guests were there, ready to go.

"Well, I be damned. You actually got everyone I wanted." Naruto said. He then turned to Kakashi and asked, "Were they debriefed on what this mission entails?"

Kakashi nodded. "Yes. They were. But, I'll go over it with them again… just in case." He then gave the teams that were assembled before him a hard look, one that was fitting for a Kage and to get their attention. "Naruto will be in command for this mission. When you all reach this other continent, do as he says as he is practically a Kage over there. Do not antagonise the women living with him, either. If the rumours that some of them are human-eating demons are true, then getting on their bad side will be the last mistake you'll ever make."

"One of them is strong enough to fight the Five Kage and win," Naruto added. "And she's a streaker, too. But don't let her appearance deceive you. She will kill you if you piss her off."

"Of course you of all people would find a way to get women like that to fall for you," Kiba chuckled knowingly. "You have a way with befriending people who are trying to kill you at the time. Hell, I'm honestly surprised that Kaguya wasn't one of them."

Naruto gave him a sheepish grin at that. "I won't argue with that. It's practically a common occurrence, now. Uh… what else… oh yeah, the ones with the silver eyes are hybrids. I'll let you guess who aren't the hybrids… well, aside from the kids there."

Kakashi blinked and slowly looked at Octavia, Agatha, Glinda and Europa. Since unlike the silver-eyed women here, they were the only ones that didn't have that trait. Or their various shades of pale blonde, or silver hair, in Agatha and Europa's cases. Did that mean they were…? All four of them grinned at him mischievously. And the white-haired Glinda went so far as to make her eyes change colour for a brief moment, just to confirm his thoughts.

The grey-haired Kage felt a bead of sweat drip from his forehead. All this time four human-eating demons were wandering around Konoha...

"Oh, behave, you four," Naruto said with a chuckle. Then, he turned to Kakashi and said, "they're harmless unless provoked. You have nothing to worry about. Believe me, if they'd caused any trouble, the whole village would have known about it, by now."

"Noted…" then, Kakashi went straight back to the point. "Before we go further off track, you're to follow Naruto's command. Listen to everything he says. Do not antagonise anyone living with him. As for the mission, it's an S-rank. And it's a Joint Operation with the Rebellion. Teams from the Konoha are to infiltrate the enemy headquarters and extract any silver-eyed women and children they have in their clutches. At the same time, the rebellion will be engaging their forces to keep them distracted long enough for you to get in and get out."

"Take note that we have allies within the Organization," Miria said. "Fellow warriors that we have converted to our cause. There is a particular group you must avoid at all costs - silver-eyed warriors in red and black. While they are on our site, it is best if you don't engage them as they are some of the best of the best of their respective generations and they will be obligated to attack any intruders."

"Warriors in this Organization are ranked from Numbers 47 to Number 1," Naruto added, looking back to the Konoha teams. "To put it into terms you will understand, Number 47 is comparable to greenhorn Genins, to experienced Chunins. Number 1 is usually Kage-level. The majority of these warriors in red and black are former Number Ones who have been resurrected for the sole purpose of killing me."

"And yet you still managed to get them on your side," Kiba said with a grin. "Seriously, can I borrow some of that charisma? I could use it."

"To be fair, they only got on my side because one of them could actually see into the future." the blond said with a hapless shrug. "She can actually talk to the local deities there, as well. And another is a champion of a local religion, interestingly enough… she's also a pervert of Jiraiya-Sensei's level and has a thing for molesting people. Particularly girls that catch her interest."

"I'll make sure to steer clear of her, then," Tenten said with a nervous chuckle.

Naruto let out a sheepish laugh at that before he cleared his throat. "Right, before I go off track again: they're all dangerous, so you'd best avoid them. But if you are unlucky enough to walk into them, say you're friends of mine and they should let you pass without a fight. Either that or the seer would let them know that you're coming thanks to her ability to see into the future. Just don't fight them. For the Love of the Sage. Do not fight them. Get in, get the trainees, and get back out that's all. Get it done, and there's an extra 10 million ryo for you all."

Receiving ten nods, Naruto responded with one of his own and a sigh of relief. "Alright," he said. "If you're ready, I can bring you there with the help of a teleportation seal I have at Morris. That's the name of the town we'll be staying at until further notice. We start the operation a few days from now." Mainly because he wanted to see the results of the self-imposed mission Priscilla, Riful and Luciela took upon themselves. Once Isley is on their side, or permanently out of the way, then they can begin their approach to the Organization from the North. That and he wanted to get everyone else aligned with the rebellion off the field and under his protection. So that would take a few days to do.

"We're all packed up," Konohamaru declared proudly. It had only taken his team fifteen minutes to get everything together.

"As am I," Lee added with equal enthusiasm. Beside him, Tenten nodded.

One by one, every one showed that they were ready to move out.

"Alright!" Naruto chirped. "Let's get going then!"