Training Simulation 3(18+)

"Well, I'll be damned!" Naruto said with surprise and joy as the women came into view. "You actually did it!" Glissa, still in her awakened form, walked on over to him and smacked him across the head as hard as she can without hurting him. "Ouch… Okay, I totally deserve that." he said with a chuckle.

'You are making it up to me, after that stunt," she hissed, her cheeks burning from a combination of rage and embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, you got it. On the bright side, you all have the right to lord it over everyone's head that you beat Miria's team. In less than five minutes, too." Naruto chuckled again and turned to Undine. "I'm thinking about having her transferred to your team, by the way. You and Zelda get along well with her, not to mention your teamwork is superb."

"I don't mind, at all," Undine said with a smirk.

"After a few team-building exercises for good measure, we'll call it official." then he stroked his chin and added offhandedly, "though I've only shown the easy difficulty, so far. Still it's an achievement. Not to mention," he wrapped his arms around Glissa's waist and brought her in for a hug, "seeing you naked was sexy~" he purred.

Still pouting, Glissa muttered, "I want snuggles."

"I'll give you more than enough snuggles," he chuckled, "Want to know something interesting about that simulation?"

The awakened brunette tilted her head curiously. The others mirrored her expression.

"That sim was actually not meant to be won through fighting," he explained, unable to help but smile at the proud chuckle that drew from Undine. "The plant adapts to you and uses everything it learned from its previous 'victims'. Deneve, remember when the plant sunk into the ground during your first encounter with it?"

The woman nodded.

"It learned from Miria's team, and used it against you. Any one who loses also gets their clothes, armour, and any weapon they happen to be carrying at the time left behind in the sim… with the exception of anyone retaking it at the time."

"That would explain why we only saw five," Zelda mused aloud.

"Another thing: the tentacles the flower is using when fucking you is the size and girth you want to be fucked by. Don't ask, even I don't know how that happened." he shrugged, helplessly. "Still, congratulations is in order."

"...Can we take it again?" a now thoroughly curious Undine asked.

It wasn't just Naruto that looked at her in surprise; Deneve, Zelda and Glissa did the same.

"I'll see about giving it a few tweaks, first," Naruto chuckled. "For now, I think your team would prefer to call it a night."

"But it's still day out…" Zelda pointed out.

"It's a figure of speech, honey." the blond chuckled. "After your 'near death experience' I think you four deserve a break. Deneve more so, since this was her second time."

"Fair enough," Undine relented. "We'll get something to eat, then start on those team building exercises you mentioned."

"Sounds like a plan," Naruto chirped.

"So… I really wanted to have a dick that size to fuck me silly, then?" Glissa shyly asked; she still hadn't turned back to normal. The woman felt a lot safer right now in her awakened form.

"I guess?" Naruto shrugged. "You certainly looked like you were enjoying it for the brief time you were getting fucked."

The brunette blushed and cleared her throat, giving him a flat look. "If you tell anyone, I will hurt you."

"I wouldn't dream of it," he assured, raising his hands placatingly.

"Good boy…"


It wasn't long after until Naruto got some very surprising guests that wanted to try out his simulation. Honestly he wasn't expecting them of all people to show up and try it out. Apparently, Helen had been rather busy spreading the word. Nearly ten minutes after Team Undine left, Clare, Irene, Teresa, Galatea, Noel, Sophia and Priscilla came out of the citadel and made a beeline towards him.

All of them were in casual clothes, even Sophia and Noel - those two having snatched up some outfits in town. Though, Galatea went for a more 'religious' outfit. She was dressed up as a nun for some reason.

After thinking about it, Naruto mentally kicked himself for not remembering that Galatea had been convinced by Neideen to take up a side job in the Chapel of the Twins. How that pervert pulled that off was a damn good question, but he was not complaining.

The others were wearing a mixture of a jerkin, frilly shirt, skirt, trousers, and in both Clare and Priscilla's case, a summer dress. One resembling what Clare had worn back when she was a child, only longer and the other having more frills.

Irene on the other hand was wearing her usual outfit that Naruto, Clare and Teresa had found her in when they sought her out: the sleeveless, brown leotard with boiled leather reinforcement and metal plating, with a shit ton of belts and leather straps, along with garters and knee-high boots.

"Let me guess: you want to try out my new simulation?" he asked them with crossed arms.

"Of course," Priscilla scoffed. "After hearing that glorified secretary of yours failed one of your simulations, in under a minute no less, I simply had to see it for myself."

"I was dragged along," Clare chuckled sheepishly. "Not that I mind."

"I just got back and simply had to see what all the fuss was about," Galatea stated.

"I saw Teresa dragging Clare, and I followed after them." Irene admitted with a shrug. "I heard two teams lost already?"

"Actually, one team and two people lost." Naruto corrected her with a broad smile. "Team Undine were the first ones that won. Though, admittedly, they would have lost, had they not brought a friend."

"I see. This must be a tough simulation, then." Sophia said with an eager smile and she rubbed her hands together with anticipation. "What kind is it?"

Naruto didn't see any harm in letting them know what the simulation is meant to be for. "It's a threat assessment. Basically it's to see if you are capable of identifying a threat in all things, harmless looking or not. So far, no one's managed to succeed in doing that just yet. I suppose you could say that Team Undine technically lost, though they still managed to pass through sheer brute force."

"Well, to be fair, they would," Clare giggled.

"Yeah, I guess so," he chuckled, "Alright, so, do you want a debrief? Since you're not armed, I'll adjust the sim accordingly." And with that said, Naruto turned around and pressed his hand against the barrier; Teresa, Irene, Noel, Sophia, Galatea and Clare all saw a inky blackness slither up around the barrier and keep them from seeing what's inside.

"Sure, we could do with a debriefing," Teresa said with an approving smile.

"Alright," Naruto looked at Clare and said, "But, first things first: Clare, you're going to be deaged for this sim. So don't be surprised when you find yourself looking the same as you did years ago, okay?"

Clare blinked her eyes at that, but nodded affirmatively. "Okay. Thanks for telling me beforehand."

"Alright," Naruto nodded in response, "Clare… you remember being told some scary stories about people going missing in the forest in this sim behind me. You went inside, because one: you were to curious for your own good. And two: you don't believe in those stories. So you went in by your own."

Clare nodded thoughtfully and as Naruto went to address the others on their debriefing, she started on getting herself ready to act as the brave, stubborn, and analytic girl she use to be when she was younger.

Naruto faced Teresa, Irene, Noel, Sophia, Galatea and Priscilla. "As for the six of you: you all know those rumours are true. Every person that went inside the forest, from curious children to brave adventures have gone missing. And when Clare delved in, the six of you decided to band together and get her out before she ends up becoming the next victim. For this, Priscilla, you can look the way you used to be when you were a hybrid."

"I'll consider it." the brunette answered with a thoughtful nod.

"Alright," Then Naruto snapped his fingers in remembrance, "Oh, and two more things: one, when you all step in Clare will be having a two hour head start. And two: none of you will be able to use chakra or yoki for this simulation. The reason being: none of you are armed. Seeing as you're all dressed as civilians, you'll be treated as such. More so for Galatea, seeing as she's a nun now."

"Okay," Teresa slowly said with a thoughtful nod, "Do we know who or what is causing people to go missing?"

Naruto sighed and shook his head, "No, you don't. Because no one managed to get back to tell anyone. But there is a rumour that an experiment gone wrong had taken place years ago. You don't know how long ago that was, but the rumours were there when you were kids yourselves."

"Is there anything else we should know?" Galatea asked.

Naruto nodded, "Everyone but Clare and Priscilla know of this: there are no bodies of the missing people. But their clothes are left behind. You know this, because a young girl - who is long dead by now - reported it after she went inside the forest to look for her older sister. The number of people that went missing since then had grown by a large margin. The exact number is currently unknown but it's way more than a hundred."

Everyone pondered deeply on his words. Well that was a clue if nothing else. "So, we're going to be going in after Clare has a two hour head start ahead of us?" Noel asked for some more clarification.

Naruto nodded and said, "Yep. Granted, when you all step inside, Clare will be alone and you won't be able to see or hear what's going on. After the two hours are up you'll be 'put in' yourselves." Then he took his hand off the barrier before addressing Priscilla, "If you want to look the way you use to be when you were a hybrid, Priss, then just press your hand against the barrier. It'll do the rest. The same goes for you Clare. The simulation will change you to what you use to look like when you were younger."

The brunette shrugged and did just that. She wanted her Breeding Stud to see what she use to look like before awakening. He never did see what she use to look like, did he? After a minute the brunette withdrew her hand and pecked Naruto on the cheek before going back to the others. Then Clare went up and did the exact same thing as Priscilla, and withdrew her hand a minute later.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Irene asked.

"Yeah, just one more thing: survive." then he gestured for the women to go inside.

The women exchanged looks and walked into the black, ink like void that covered up the barrier one by one. The shield solidified as the last woman walked through, and the ink slithered down to the ground.

And there was one thing Naruto had purposely neglected to mention: this wasn't on the easy difficulty. It was on medium. So they were going to have to deal with more than one 'failed experiment' in that simulation. It's a threat assessment for a reason; with so many women with that much experience, he needed to keep them on their toes. He loved being devious.


When Clare came to, she found that everything was a lot bigger than she remembered. A quick look over at herself showed why: no longer was she a young woman. Now she was a young girl of about twelve, thirteen-years-old. Her hair was longer too, and light brown. She suspected her eyes were green as well. Her dress was very similar to what she use to wear back when she was travelling with Teresa too! No, it wasn't similar it was the dress she was wearing all those years ago! She even had the socks and shoes to go with it!

"It really did make me into a little girl again," she smiled brightly, even her voice was more youthful! She looked around again and blinked, surprised at how enormous the flora and fauna were now, in comparison to her. That was actually cool… and intimidating when she compared her own height to some of the mushrooms. They towered over her head by two to three feet!

"And I'm here for two hours…" Clare grinned like the child she is, "Which means I can do whatever I want until that time!" Unknown to any of them, excluding Naruto, when the seal made Clare into her younger self it didn't do it just physically. It did it mentally too. It was quite thorough in making this experience as legitimate as possible. The same would happen once Teresa, Irene, Priscilla, Noel, Sophia, and Galatea finally get in. When Naruto said they wouldn't be able to use chakra or yoki to simulate them being civilians, he wasn't kidding.

And what's more, the six women wouldn't be able to hear or see anything Clare is doing for these two hours. If she's in trouble, they won't be able to help her. And by the time they do get in, it may already be too late for them to do anything.

"Right, I'd might as well prove those meenies that the stories here are not true!" Clare said; taking a deep breath the transformed girl delved into the forest, skipping along the way with a cheerful hum.

She giggled and hopped about on the balls of her feet, not a care in the world, marveling at the cartoonishly exaggerated surroundings she had been thrust into. It was unlike anything she had seen before! If Clare didn't know any better she would have thought she could even climb on top of them! She was tempted to find that out, actually! But alas, the girl kept herself from doing so. She had some superstitious people to prove wrong after all! And so she kept skipping and hopping along, even taking a detour off to a dirt path.

Of course, due to her entering the forest at a different starting location from Team Miria, Undine, and Helen and Deneve, Clare was taking a new route entirely for exploring the forest. Everything was being procedurally generated for this moment and this moment only. It would be around for future uses.

Unknown to Clare, she was heading for one of the other plants. One that was hidden away. It would take her some time in getting there but the girl had no idea she was heading towards her potential demise. She was having too much fun to care, too, humming away as she found herself climbing up a rather rocky part of the woods. When she reached the top Clare let out a breath and rubbed the dirt from her hands. That was quite the workout if she were to be honest with herself. Still, she kept on moving and followed another dirt path. Along the way Clare decided to spread her arms out as if she were trying to balance herself on a tightrope. She had no reason to. She just wanted to do it is all.

After making her way up yet another steep, but less rocky hill - this one was full of roots that let her latch onto - Clare found herself staring at a bunch of rocks. And in the background was a fairly small lake. She gasped in surprise at what was seen. They were fairly big ones too, as they reached her chest. But… that wasn't what surprised her. It was the clothes that were discarded. There had to be dozens of them! And almost all of them were of children her age! Most of the rest belonged to women, though.

Then Clare looked at the lake beyond the rocks and sighed. Of course… those clothes must belong to some people who are either swimming, or bathing. This must have been what those people were talking about. How silly of them. Nevertheless, she was a curious girl and so she hopped on over to the rocks and scurried atop a rather large one. How long had it been since she'd had this much fun?

Clare giggled to herself - a little more... naughtily than she should at her apparent age. Apparently, 'Onii-Chan' just earned himself a nice little reward for this~! She can imagine it now. But she shook those naughty thoughts aside and looked around…

"There's more clothes than I thought," Clare said musingly. And true to her word there was more clothes. A lot of them were from children around her age range or slightly older. Instead of there being a few dozen, there had to have been at least… 100? Maybe 150? With a shrug she looked around once more, and kept on climbing once she realised there was still a ways for her to go if she wanted to reach the top.

Once she had scuddled on top of the tallest rock in the area, Clare looked around again and tilted her head curiously when something caught her eye. Was that a sunflower? It was! It had been years since she'd last seen one! It was so pretty too! She had almost forgotten what one looked like! it was hidden away in the middle of the rocks as well, so she wouldn't have known it was there in the first place had she not climbed atop this rock. Not to mention… it was wide enough for her to fit in! With that thought, an excited Clare slid off the slope of the rock, her dress hitching up past her waistline and showing off her nice, white and form-fitting knickers, as she slid to the ground and in turn to the sunflower.

Of course, had Clare taken the time to look around when she was at the very top of the rock, she would have noticed that the clothes were circling the rocks.

"Oof!" Clare unceremoniously landed on her rump, due to not expecting how fast she was sliding down. Thankfully she wasn't flashing her knickers anymore… and another thing: she was in front of the sunflower now! Clare giggled and hopped onto her feet, before leaning over with her hands on her knees and sniffed the innocent-looking plant with her eyes closed. "Hello, there~!" she cooed childishly, and giggled as its pleasant scent reached her nose.

Clare opened her eyes when she heard movement, like a soft grinding sound, and recoiled in surprise when she found a thick, veiny purple tentacle sprouting out from the bloom and reaching out to the front of her face. The brunette blinked again this time with curiosity, then with a childish giggle she gave the cute, little nub a peck on the tip. The flower then gurgled at her and startled Clare as several viney tentacles sprouted forth and tried to grab her. She yelped in fright and immediately tried to get out of there as her self preservation instinct kicked in, but then one of them grabbed Clare by the ankle and dragged the loli back.

"Ah!!" She screamed as loud as she could, "L-let go of me!" The sunflower did precisely the opposite, snatching her with several more tentacles and lifting Clare off the ground by the ankles. "H-hey! This is NOT letting me go!" she cried out, and pressed her hands against the hemline of her dress to make sure it wouldn't fall down.

The plant was having none of that, grabbing and forcing her wrists back before stroking her groin as the dress started to fall.

"No! S-Stop!" she cried out, vainly trying to squirm out of its grasp. Unfortunately, this only served to make her dress slide down even more, exposing her budding chest. "Wh-what are you doing?!" She yelped indignantly at the feel of two more tentacles rubbing her nipples. "H-Hey! S-Stop that, right now! D-Don't touch me there!!" She yelled at it with righteous feminine fury. "T-Teresa! S-Someone, anyone! Help me!!" she screamed as loud as she could, hoping that someone managed to hear her and would come to investigate.

Of course, her two hours weren't over yet. The flower had plenty of time to play with its food. Speaking of playing with its food, the flower let Clare go and she dropped to the floor. The brunette braced herself on her hands and fell on her stomach with a gruff grunt. Inhaling and exhaling frantically Clare pulled her dress down as she got up and went to climb her way out of the hole she got herself in. Luckily for her, there was an elevation that let her climb out to the right of her. She took off toward it like a bat out of hell. Clare wanted to get away from the hell-flower yesterday!

Running as fast as her legs could carry her, Clare looked over her shoulder and the lifeblood drained from her face at the sight of several long, purple tentacles closing in on her. But before they could latch onto her they halted, looking as if they had reached the limit of their distance. Clare sighed with relief and she looked ahead and got to climbing. She scamped up the boulder like a spider and didn't stop; though she almost slipped a few times due to some missteps. But after two minutes of frantic climbing Clare finally reached the top and she collapsed, panting and laughing with relief.

"I… I did it… I… haha…" Clare got up on her hands and knees, then looked over the edge to gloat at the flower, who still had its withering purple tentacles out. "I… I got away from you! Ha...ha… I finally got away…" The flower hissed at her and retracted its tentacles, before disappearing into the ground. "Y-yeah! Go away! You… you nasty flower!" she yelled at it in exhaustion, then Clare laid down on her stomach with her arms and legs spread. "I'll rest here for a bit. The flower won't be able to get me up here…"

As if on cue, Clare heard some movement and looked behind her. The life blood drained from her face as she saw a very familiar flower popping out of a gap in the rock she was on like a daisy out of the snow. It hissed at her in a manner that sounded suspiciously like laughter and launched a tentacle forth under her dress, caressing her sex once more. Clare yelped and closed her legs, rolling over to run again, only to be snatched and hoisted up by no less than half a dozen purple limbs.

"Ack! N-No! Let meeeee… gooooo you meany!" Clare feebly hit her hand against several of the tentacles in an attempt to get them to let her go. She yelped upon feeling a swat on the rear.

The flower was going to enjoy this. Several of its appendages slithered up her dress, drawing another yelp from the brunette as it rubbed her crotch and nipples once more while lowering her into the pit. Then it dropped her ass down; Clare was high enough that the fall would make her limbs and butt throb in discomfort but low enough that she wouldn't be hurt. It wasn't fun if its victim couldn't struggle. The plant retracted its tentacles and disappeared into the hole once more.

Remembering what happened the last time Clare immediately got up and ran to another rock to her left. Then, hearing movement behind her, she turned around and pressed her back to the rock. The flower popped out of the ground like a daisy out of the snow once more and blossomed to full bloom. Thankfully it didn't send out any of its purple tentacles.

"Why… why won't you leave me alone!?" she shouted at it. The brunette was scared, but she was also frustrated to hell and back again. Her frustration won over the fear.

The flower didn't answer - obviously. But it was capable of communicating despite how stupid it was. As such the sunflower hissed at her, laughing like it did before. This time it sounded mocking somehow.

Clare didn't like that at all. "D-Don't laugh at me, you… you big meanie!" she childishly yelled at it. The girl even went so far as to stomp the ground like the child she is. The brunette squint at it, frowning. "Why are you even doing this…?" she asked it, despite knowing it's not able to answer. Of course, the girl had completely forgotten about the clothes outside of the pit she was in. She had not made the connection that this sunflower was responsible for them, just yet.

The flower responded by shooting forth one tentacle; Clare wasn't worried at all. This was around the same distance that prevented several of those tentacles from getting her after all. So she was fairly confident that this lone one wouldn't be able to reach her… so, she was shocked still when the tentacle reached her and slid against her clothed sex - the motion making it look like a giant tongue licking her cunny.

Claire squawked and pressed herself as far against the stone behind her, protectively cupping her groin. "H-Hey! Stop that!" she indignantly yelled and tried warding it away with her foot when it tried going for her crotch again. "I-I said, no!"

If the plant wanted to, it could have just coiled its tentacle around her ankle and hoisted the morsel to be off her feet and be done with it. But unlike its green-tentacled compatriote, this sunflower was more… playful. It liked to torment its prey first, before digesting them. This was the only plant that barely got anything to eat, so it wanted to savour every victim it managed to get. Clare was no exception from this.

The tentacle withdrew, only to go up to Clare's face and 'lick' her.

"Eeeeeew…" Clare was grossed out; the tentacle felt damp, almost slimey even! "Stop that, it's icky!" she protested whiningly. It didn't stop; the tentacle kept rubbing itself against her face even as she slapped at it.

The tentacle then suddenly darted to her feet, grabbing Clare by the ankle and hoisting her up. The brunette was lucky enough to not hit her head against the boulder, or the ground as she was hoisted up. The tentacle was careful enough to prevent that from happening.

"Aaaaah!!!" Clare let out a startled cry as she was once more, lifted into the air. She screamed at the top of her lungs, and pressed her hands up against her dress to keep it from falling down. "Put me DOWN you... you stupid flower!" she shouted at it and tried to sound as commandingly as possible in her predicament.

Like the last time it had her in its grasp, the plant did the exact opposite. It unleashed several more tentacles, molesting her with some and grabbing her wrists and leg with the other. Clare let out a cry as her hands were yanked above her head, and her dress fell down, exposing her white panties to the world once more. It was not going to miss such an opportunity. The plant spread her legs and a tentacle went between her thighs to rub at the brunette's clothed crotch.

"No!" Clare started to struggle against her bindings when she felt the tentacle teasingly rub against her groin. "No no no no no!" Her struggles only served to make her dress fall down quicker and exposed her budding breasts for the second time. "LET GO OF ME!" Tears began to form in her eyes as she struggled even more to escape. "T-TERESA! HELP ME!!"

The sunflower decided it's had enough fun. It coiled around her dress and pulled it off of Clare completely and discarded it like it was a piece of rubbish. The young girl screamed even louder when she felt her panties being pulled down her legs, exposing her cunny. Her shoes and socks were the next to follow. Now fully naked, Clare was at the flower's complete and utter mercy.

And it had none.

The flower started 'licking' her crotch once more, getting it nice and wet for entry as Clare screamed and squirmed. The sensations sent shivers up her spine. She blushed and snarled at the flower. "HEY! Don't touch me there, you… you stupid plant!"

It's response? To stuff her mouth full with a suspiciously shaped tentacle. She let out a muffled scream that was full of indignation and disgust. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and fury as she felt another tentacle lubing up her anus and the first one playing with her clit. She mewled pathetically at the wave of pleasure running up her spine. It felt so good?!

Despite the pleasure running through her body, Clare blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. She didn't deserve this! She was a good girl! She shouldn't have come in the forest alone in the first place! She really hoped someone would come soon… she didn't want this… she didn't want this… she didn't. Want. This! But she knew this was all her fault; if only she didn't kiss that damned tentacle! She hoped Teresa and the others got here in time. Then she felt the tentacles wiggling at her cunt and anus… Clare widened her eyes in realization on what was about to happen.

She gurgled and mewled pathetically around the tentacle in her mouth, squirming about and struggling as best she could, as she felt the two appendages slowly wriggling into her most private holes. What scared the loli the most was that the tentacles were very girthy. They had a lot of angrily throbbing veins too. Then the one wiggling against her vagina slammed into her and started thrusting at her cunt like a piston. Clare's muffled howl as she was slammed and pounded like a little bitch was rather weak and pathetic. When the tentacle in her mouth started fucking her throat, her howl was promptly replaced with her choking and gagging around the intruding appendage like a slut.

She struggled even more to no avail. Then Clare was turned upright by the flora, and she had her legs spread open giving the flower more access to her groin. Two more tentacles spread her ass cheeks wide and the one in her rectum shoved itself into her, pounding her like the other two. At the same time, two more tentacles slithered their way up to her budding chest and teased her nipples, a third teased her clit, and another two was rubbing in between her thighs. By this point Clare was no longer struggling and opted to try and wait it out. If she could that is.

"H-How much time has passed?" The brunette mentally asked herself. Were the others coming for her now? She had no idea. Suddenly, the tentacles in her anus and vagina sped up without warning; throwing her head back Clare mewled pathetically around the tentacle still thrusting away at her throat. Drool began to leak out from the corners of her mouth and her green eyes rolled to the back of her skull through sensory overload. Clare instinctively started moving her hips in time with the tentacles pounding away at her.

The sunflower hissed with laughter at the pathetic state it reduced Clare into, and gurgled hungrily. It was about time to finished this. A circular maw opened in the middle, revealing the fleshy, purple insides of the plant that were drooling with mucus. Clare was too addle brained to see it. Then, it brought her closer as a paralyzing orgasm wracked the brunette and she went utterly limp. Her juices gushed out, dripping everywhere and Clare fainted, unable to withstand the wave of unwanted pleasure inflicted upon her.

Its maw opened up even further, its gaping mouth wide enough to take in Clare's head. Just as it was about to envelop her, the sunflower heard something…

"Clare!" it heard a woman cry out, "Clare, where are you?" the woman called out again, this time much closer… and then the sound of the woman grunting could be heard.

The sentient flora paused for a moment; was… someone looking for this morsel? If it could smile, it would having a massive grin right about now. It may not be all that smart, but it is intelligent enough to know someone's looking for this morsel. Acting quickly, the sunflower put Clare down on the ground and snatched up her discarded dress and panties. Then it put the articles of clothing atop the rock facing the direction it heard the woman's voice, giving her a good look at them when she reaches the top. Then it pulled its tentacles into its maw and it closed; all it had to do now was wait.

As she climbed up the steep hill by herself, Teresa wondered where the hell Clare had gotten to. Irene had suggested they seperate the moment they arrived in the simulation nearly 30 minutes ago. It was a reasonable, but risky strategy. If they separated they would be able to cover more ground and look for Clare. But if they were to get in trouble then no one would be able to come and help them. They had to take the risk, though.

Noel and Sophia were in a pair, something both Irene and herself had expected. Irene and Priscilla were also in a pair. Galatea opted to go alone as did Teresa herself.

After going their separate ways and setting up a meeting point, Teresa had come across a pair of footprints. Fairly fresh ones, around two hours old. So, remembering that Clare would have a two hour head start on her and the others, Teresa immediately followed them and had to traverse quite a long way; she even had to climb up a rocky hill! And now, she was here, climbing up this steep hill getting close to her ward, and unknowingly the flower itself.

"Clare!" Teresa cried out, "Clare, where are you?" with a grunt of effort Teresa reached the top of the steep, root-filled hill and after brushing the dirt off her jerkin and trousers, she found herself staring at a bunch of rocks with a lake beyond it.

She let out a gasp when she saw the amount of clothes that were discarded. There were dozens of them! A lot of them belonged to children while quite a few were for women. And on top of one of those rocks, was Clare's dress and knickers!

Teresa's silver eyes grew as wide as saucers, "Clare! Clare! Where are you?!" She yelled out loud and frantically, her voice fading off into an echo. Now extremely worried for the safety of her girl, Teresa made her way to the rock, and got to climbing. When she reached the top, and grabbed the articles of clothes, the blonde took several deep breaths to calm herself down as she looked around. Then she looked down… and her heart skipped a beat upon seeing Clare lying there naked and unconscious with a lone sunflower in the middle of the pit. She completely ignored the sunflower though, because her attention was on someone far more important to her than some random flora in the middle of nowhere!

"CLARE!" Teresa frantically scurried down to the girl in question, scooping her up protective embrace. "Clare!" the woman lightly shook her girl. "Clare, open your eyes! I'm… I'm here, now." the girl didn't respond, though she did murmur in her sleep. Unfortunately for Teresa, it was inaudible.

Teresa frowned deeply, doing her best to wake up her surrogate daughter, completely unaware of the movement behind her.

"Clare, wake up - please…!" Teresa lightly shook Clare again, "Please, please wake up." she pleaded, not letting up.

To her immense relief, it worked! With a tired groan, Clare's eyes fluttered open and she looked immensely relieved to see the familiar silver eyes and blonde hair of her surrogate mother, "T-Teresa…?" she groaned tiredly, the brunette tried her very best to keep her eyes open.

"O-oh, thank the gods!" said blonde sighed in relief. "What happened to you?!"

"W-what…?" Clare was still tired from the ordeal she had gone through. It wasn't surprising her brain was taking its time to register what Teresa was saying. Her eyes began to close again as she groaned. But she managed to get out a part of a word, "S-Sunflo..."

Teresa furrowed her brow in confusion. "Sunflo…? Sunflower?" She shook her surrogate daughter once more, "Clare, is that what you meant? A sunflower?" she asked, thoroughly confused; the brunette didn't answer her question. Clare murmured inaudibly and groaned; this just left Teresa even more confused. But that partial word left the woman confused…

"Why did she say that for…?" The blonde asked herself, aloud.

The answer to Teresa's question had came in the form of multiple tentacles snatching her up from behind. "Gah!" Teresa was forced to let Clare go as she was yanked back, and dragged along the ground. She kicked her feet and tired her damnedest to struggle against the purple tentacles coiled around her arms and shoulders. She looked behind herself and was shocked to see that they were coming from... a sunflower. Was that what Clare meant? It had to be!

Snarling, Teresa brought out her yoki to get herself ready for a fight… only for nothing to happen. Teresa let out a shocked gasp and her silver eyes went wide in remembrance. That's right! Naruto made them unable to use chakra or yoki! She was unarmed, too. For all intents and purposes for this simulation, she's as strong as those townsfolk she was meant to protect as a warrior! Her eyes went dull at this realization. Well, shit…

Teresa clicked her tongue in annoyance. If she's going down, then it wouldn't be without a fight! With that thought in mind, she struggled as best she could against the flower's grasp.

"If you think I'm going to make this easy, then you got another thing coming!" She snapped at it. Then the woman leaned up and tried to gnaw her way through the purple tentacle coiled around one of her arms. Of course it was a futile effort. But it was a good attempt by Teresa, nonetheless.

Then she saw several more tentacles rushing out… and Teresa realised where they were heading to. Going frantic, the blonde looked at her surrogate daughter and cried out as loud as she possibly can, "CLARE!!"

The brunette in question jumped awake at the sound of Teresa's voice, just in time to see the tentacles coiling themselves around her arms, legs, and waist. "N-No!" Clare cried out in dismay and she was lift off the ground. "H-Help me!"

Teresa's face twisted with anger and she thrashed against the tentacles, "LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!" Her motherly instincts were kicked into full gear now. This thing was not having its way with Clare if she had anything to say about it!

The plant did the exact opposite. It spread Clare's legs open and forced her hands to spread out above her head, making Clare look like she was lewdly offering herself to it. In front of Teresa no less! And what's more, Teresa had a front row seat to what the plant was going to do next.

The blonde was not taking this lying down, however, squirming with all her might and kicking at the tentacles holding her up in a desperate attempt to break free. Then three girthy, purple tentacles with throbbing veins rushed over to Clare. The brunette opened her mouth to scream, only for one of them to thrust in her mouth. Clare's eyes went wide as she gagged and choked around it. The other two slithered their way into her cunt and anus. Then, as one, the three tentacles started fucking Clare within an inch of her sanity. Teresa screamed in outrage, fighting back against the limbs holding her with all her might.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I WILL KILL YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" The woman bellowed with righteous fury. Teresa got even more pissed off when the fucking plant behind her started hissing with laughter; she knew it was mocking her.

Then, as if just to add insult to injury, the flower sent several tentacles her way, slipping them under her clothes and molesting the enraged blonde. Two of them wrapped around and started kneading her breasts, the tips playing with her nipples under her jerkin. One more started caressing her womanly folds and rubbing up against her clit. Teasing her. Readying her for the grand finale.

Teresa squawked indignantly at being molested, and her struggles had waned slightly. She wasn't giving up, not by a long shot; but it was hard to concentrate if you were being mercilessly assaulted by multiple limbs. Teresa snarled and kept on fighting, even when several more limbs started undressing her.

She looked at her surrogate daughter and found the girl staring at her. Clare was also crying, from fear or pleasure was uncertain... Teresa didn't want to think it was the latter. "I'll g-get us out of this C-Clare, I promise!" And she would do her damned best to keep that promise! The brunette in question gave her a pleading look, her eyes telling Teresa to 'do something!'

Teresa's boots were the first to be removed, they were immediately tossed out of the pit. Then the tentacle that was caressing her vagina slithered on up and out of the waistline of her trousers. They were yanked down her legs and off her feet, before it went back to lewdly caressing and rubbing Teresa's vagina and clit. Finally, two tentacles uncoiled around her breasts and pulled Teresa's jerkin up and over her head, causing Teresa's firm, sizable knockers to jiggle erotically when they were freed. Her clothes were then placed next to Clare's on top of the boulder. Now naked, Teresa was at the flower's complete mercy. She thrashed and growled, kicking and screaming in protest all the way. She was not giving up, no matter what this thing does to her!

The sunflower recoiled its tentacles around her bosom in a nice firm grip, and Teresa roared in outrage and frustration as her tits were fondled and squeezed by these disgusting things. She wanted nothing more than to tear this flower to shreds! Then two more wrapped themselves around her thighs and spread her legs. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

Teresa looked over her shoulder at the plant and threateningly bared her teeth, "Don't you fucking dare…!" She growled, snarling at it with disgust. If she were capable of using yoki her eyes would be a demonic gold by now. Of course, the plant did the opposite and it sent three more tentacles her way. These ones were girthier, and had menacingly throbbing veins on them. And Teresa could see they had bulbous shaped tips too. What's more, these tentacles were even more girthy than Clare's!

Teresa roared once more and thrashed about as she felt two of them rubbing up against her anus and cunt while the third thrust itself into her mouth. She groaned around the tentacle with protest and closed her eyes; the blonde struggled with all her might. And then, the girthy tentacle rubbing against her cunt suddenly thrust its way in, making her eyes snap open. As she squealed around the limb in her mouth, the one in her cunt pounded her with neither mercy nor relent as the last one thrust into her anus and started pounding her as well - the two of them alternating their thrusts so that one was going in while the other withdrew. Loathe as she was to admit it, the sensations sent shivers up Teresa's spine. Shuddering with disgust at her body's enjoyment Teresa looked at Clare and what she saw sent another shiver up her spine.

As she was being fucked by three tentacles at the same time, Clare was completely and utterly unresponsive. She was mewling like a slut, but to Teresa's horror and despair, Clare's wet eyes - which were looking at her - were empty. There was light in the house, but no one was home. The brunette was a drooling mess, her saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth around the tentacle making her throat its bitch.

Seeing Clare reduced to this state had renewed Teresa's ire and her struggles became even more ferocious. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to take revenge upon this plant! The sunflower gurgled behind her, the whole thing shivered as it enjoyed the feel of their cunts and anuses clamping down on its violating tentacles. It immensely enjoyed the vibrations from their mouths too. But it didn't like how fiercely the older, female was resisting. She needed to be taken down a peg or two.

Raising her legs and arms, and spreading the former into a V-shape, the plant fucked Teresa in all three of her holes with a great ferocity. It wanted her cowed. It wanted her broken! It wanted her to stop being an annoying pest and become its food! It did the same to Clare, just because it could. For good measure, it then dedicated two more tentacles to spanking Teresa.

Teresa coughed her mouth was freed and took several deep breaths of air. She saw that Clare's mouth was also uncovered too. "C-Clare! T-Talk to me! Say something, anything! Please!" she pleaded.

The life returned to her eyes at the sound of Teresa's voice. "I-I'm sorry!" Clare wailed. "I… I shouldn't have ventured off into the woods alone!"

"It… it's not your fault." Teresa reassured her, "Once we get out of this - Ah~! - I'll give you a… -Ah~! - a nice treat, okay?" she wanted to keep Clare optimistic above all else. "The… the others came with me… they're not here now, but - Ah~! - but… they're looking for you too. They should be at the place we're going to meet up, by now." the plant didn't let up in its thrusting either. It didn't help that Teresa was moaning and gasping in pleasure too.

"I… I wanna go hooome…" Clare whined; her whining almost sounded like a pathetic wail. "M-Mr. plant… please let us go… I'm sorry I disturbed you…" it was sentient, so by that logic it should be able to understand them, right?

"It's - Ah~! - stupid pl-plant, Clare. It - Ah~! - won't understand yo-you!" Teresa told her surrogate daughter. She took ten rapid swats to the rear for her troubles as the flower hissed at her. "I-is that the best you can do?!" she looked over her shoulder to throw a taunting smirk its way. "I've felt harder smacks than that, y-you stupid plant!"

The flower hissed once more, swatting Teresa several more times and she gasped with each swat felt.

"T-Teresa! D-Don't provoke it! Who knows w-what it'll do!" Clare groaned uncomfortably when a tentacle lightly tapped her on the head, as if patting her for being a good girl. Clare blinked, that was… an odd thing for a plant to do. Clare stared directly at it with intensity. "I...I think it can understand us… right? You… you can understand us?" she asked it directly.

Teresa shook her head in denial. "C-Clare, it's a… stupid fu-fucking plant! Plants can't understand us!" She then squawked as several more tentacles gave her a whipping.

Clare, meanwhile, mewled as the tentacles inside her started going at a slow, even pace, three more playing with her nipples and clit to enhance the guilty pleasure. The pleasant sensations sent hot shivers up her spine.

"S-So… good~!" she cooed, her mind fogged by the sheer pleasure. "G-Good plant, ve-very good plant~!"

The plant appeared to coo back, almost like a dove, as it patted her on the head, again. Clare shuddered pleasantly; this was a lot better than what it was doing previously. "T-Teresa, b-be nice to it and maybe it would l-let us go?"

Teresa groaned indignantly, glaring at the flower. This must have been some kind of trick! A trick for it to try and lower their guards! She won't be fooled! "Like h-hell I will! It raped you; it raped me and the gods know how many others! I'll fucking kill the demon if it's the last thing I do!" she promised, both to herself and to Clare. She got another series of swats for her troubles while the tentacles pleasuring Clare picked up the pace - just enough for her to like it.

The brunette's breathing became increasingly laboured, the coil in her loins tightening as she was brought closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust. This was a lot better than earlier~! She mewled and clamped down hard on the tentacles in her anus and cunt. It didn't let up, though; the vines still fucked Clare nice and fast.

"G-good plant, very good plant~! V-very good plant~!" Clare whispered repeatedly. She was so close!

As for Teresa, she was the exact opposite of Clare. "Y-you piece of shit! You think whipping me's going to get me to be silent?! That… that fucking me in the ass and vagina, and… and kneading my breasts is going to cow me?! You're delusional!" she spat at it with a snarl, "I'll never break! You're wasting your time! Do you hear me!?"

Clare whimpered pathetically; just as she was about to cum, the plant stopped and pulled its vines out of her. Then, she was lifted up towards Teresa and the blonde found herself able to move her arms again. It pulled its vines out of her, as well, and Teresa immediately pulled her surrogate daughter into a protective hug while giving the flower a suspicious glare. Was it giving up?

"The flower's giving up?" Clare asked, sounding almost disappointed, "I was so close, too…"

"I'll make damn sure Naruto's waiting on you, hand and foot, when we're done here," Teresa assured.

Then, both women let out a startled yelp as they found themselves suddenly in front of the sunflower. It gurgled at them, before a large, circular hole opened up in its face and it brought them closer.

Clare widened her eyes slightly, showing confusion in spite of what she saw. "F-flower? W-what are you doing…?"

The drooling maw then opened inhumanely wide. Both pairs of eyes went completely open at that, then the flower lunged forwards, taking in Teresa's head and shoulders immediately as the flower's stem stretched just as absurdly to accommodate her.

"TERESA!" Clare shouted, "NO!" she began to pound at the articulation and pedicel of the flower in an attempt for it to release her. "You… you bad flower! Let her GO!"

The flower bound the brunette down, forcing her face into Teresa's bosom and drawing a yelp from her. It slurped and gulped Teresa into its orifice, and soon, Clare was brought in by extension. Both girls struggled as the sunflower lewdly sucked them into its mouth, the muffled sounds of their screams echoed throughout the area. Then their feet was the last to be suckled in its mouth.

Knowing where this was going to lead, Teresa hugged Clare to her, rubbing the brunette's back comfortingly. "It's going to be okay, Clare. I'm here."

"I'm scared…" The brunette in question whimpered.

The stem tightened up around the blonde and brunette, then loosened, and then tightened up again. The flora was for all intents and purposes, tasting them. It was going to take its sweet time in digesting them, as it rarely gets a meal, let alone one so filling. Or… maybe it should digest them whole, now?

Then, after what felt like an eternity for the two victims, the plant gurgled hungrily and decided to digest them whole right then and there. The stalk shrunk down and tightened around the two, becoming a second skin that showed off all of Teresa's feminine curves, her rocking tits, and Clare's cute little butt. Even the squeezed face of Teresa was shown in shocking detail! The muffled screams of Teresa and Clare reverberated off the rocks as they squirmed within the flower. Soon enough, however, the bulge encasing them stopped moving and the screams abruptly cut off. Then, the bulge started losing its shape as the two of them seemed to melt into an amorphous blob of human goo that the plant greedily absorbed in a series of happy gulps. Even their bones and hair were swiftly liquefied by the flower's juices. The last remnants of evidence that the two even existed were their discarded clothes atop the rocks and a loud, crude belch from the flower who'd ingested them.

Two down…

Five more to go…


Elsewhere, a certain blonde was regretting her choice of choosing the clothes she's wearing for this 'search and rescue' simulation. As she walked along a dirt, but grassy path, Galatea was tempted to tear her dress at the waist, just so she could move better… or just take the whole damn thing off, entirely. While most certainly tempting, she kept from doing so. She would be in her underclothes otherwise, and that isn't exactly 'too holy' for a nun. Then again, she is a nun of the Twin Goddesses - they would likely encourage it! Well, at least if there was a strapping, young lad or cute lass to lay their blessings upon…

She giggled pervertedly at the thought. She already had a strapping, young lad to 'lay a few blessings' on. One involved giving him an… 'oral' incantation. Another involved several loads to be blown right between the legs over the course of three days. Yet another… Clearing her throat and shaking her head to dislodge those lewd thoughts, Galatea came to a stop and looked around to get her bearings.

"...I have no idea where I am…" She sighed. None of this looks familiar to her… well, not in a good way, at least. The woman was damn sure she had seen that sole, overgrown mushroom over there by the base of that tree three times, already!

If only she had a sign! A signal! Something!!

As if someone had answered her from the heavens, Galatea suddenly had a light shining against the side of her face. She reflexively shielded her eye and turned to face it after being sure it wouldn't blind her. The nun narrowed her eyes, looking suspiciously at a meadow that was beyond the threeline. The grass was fairly tall too, being three feet tall. It would be the perfect place for a young child to hide in.

"What…?" She was understandably surprised. "Was that… always there?" she asked herself aloud.

She could have sworn it wasn't… Galatea pouted in confusion and looked around. She didn't see anything suspicious… Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as the saying goes. With a shrug and a long suffering sigh, the nun walked over to the meadow. What's the harm in looking for Clare there?

With that thought in mind, Galatea delved into the tall grass to find the missing munchkin. She sighed in frustration; it would have helped if she knew what Clare looked like as a kid, now that she thought about it. Well, there was nothing she could do about it now...

With another sigh, Galatea brought her hands to cup her mouth, "Clare! Are you here?" She called out, and her voice echoed into the distance as Galatea waited for an answer. When she didn't get an answer, the nun took a deep breath and shouted, "CLARE! ARE YOU HERE?"

Again there was no answer. Galatea was tempted to head back in the direction she came from. The meadow was pretty darn big after all. But… something compelled her to venture further inside. She didn't know what it was, but, something about this place just told her there was something else to it. So, she pushed forth and looked for Clare. Perhaps it was her women's intuition telling her the turned-child Clare was here? Alas, poor Galatea had no idea that the compulsion she had, was the fault of the plant in the meadow itself - this one being the most devious and intelligent of the three.

Galatea waded through the grass, standing a good three feet tall, as she kept searching. Perhaps she was lying here, somewhere? It was a morbid thought, but a possibility, for all she knew. Or maybe she was crouching in the grass and hiding from… whatever is causing people to go missing. That was a scary thought, and it was a very real possibility, too. Galatea frowned and kept calling out, "Clare? Clare! Where are you?"

Little did she know that the girl was gone by now. The search and rescue aspect of the sim was over,now, and that they had already lost Teresa and Clare. All that was left of the simulation now was the threat assessment.

"This is pointless." Galatea muttered to herself with a pout. The woman came to a stop and looked around, only to blink in surprise at how far out in the meadow she found herself in. "I didn't realise I was this far out..." Just as she was about to turn back to the treeline Galatea felt it again, that compulsion; she frowned suspiciously, but continued on trudging deeper into the meadow despite this suspicion.

Then she stumbled; her foot having caught on something. The hell was that? Galatea frowned and bent over to pick it up. Her expression became more dire upon the realization that she had stumbled upon a small, black Mary-Jane, just big enough for a child around twelve or so - give or take a year or two. She recalled Naruto saying that the missing people had only left clothes behind… but their bodies were never found. But he didn't say if those people were just adults that had gone missing.

And with this shoe, she found out that it's not just adults, it was children too. "Shit... this just went from bad to worse, didn't it?" Galatea asked herself aloud. She looked around along the ground to see if there was anything else lying around. She didn't. But that didn't do anything but make her more nervous. There was a lot of tall grass here… who knows what they're keeping hidden from her!

"Over here…" a soft, androgynous voice called out.

Galatea dropped the shoe and wildly looked around. "Who's there?!" she shouted out demandingly. And… why did she hear that voice in her own head!?

"Over here…" the androgynous voice said once more, this time it sounded more… provocative? Like it was trying to get her to follow it? "Over here, over here, over here! Come to me~!"

Galatea shook her head and blinked in bewilderment, why did she feel… dizzy all of a sudden? Groaning the nun closed her eyes and massaged her temples. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes once more and looked around. "C-Come to you…? Where are you?" she loudly asked.

"I'm in front of you," the boy, girl, whatever it was whispered, "far ahead; come to me~!"

"I… I don't know…" Galatea took a step back with a heavy frown. "How do I know you're not the thing that's been causing people to go missing in the forest?"

The voice giggled mischievously, "I'm not in the forest silly. I'm in the meadow~."

Galatea, through no fault of her own, completely ignored the fact this voice didn't deny it being the one that's causing people to go missing. "Have you seen a child, recently?" If this voice was going to pester her out of the blue like this, she figured it was only fair to pester back. She had someone to find, after all.

"I've seen plenty of curious, little children frolicking in the meadow~!" the voice cooed. There was a hidden undertone to it as well - a creepy one, too. But, once again, through no fault of her own, Galatea didn't pick up on it. "But you will have to be more specific; what do you mean by recently?"

"The past few hours," Galatea replied. "She got lost in the woods, I think, but I have yet to find her, so I've started searching the meadow. Her name is Clare, if that helps."

The voice cooed once more, sounding almost playful. "I have not; but if you come to me, I can aid you," it chirped. "Come to me, and I shall seek out this child for you~!"

"O-okay…" Galatea agreed despite her better judgement; she was feeling strangely light headed all of a sudden. "You're just ahead of me… right?" She asked and started to move forward.

"Yep, yep~! Just ahead of you… hehehe…" the voice let out a creepy laugh.

"Well, that's not unsettling in the slightest," Galatea muttered sarcastically.

"It's been a some time since my last visitor," the voice explained. "Forgive me; loneliness does much to one's social skills, little of it good. So, shall you come to me, Acolyte of the Goddesses~?"

"Yeah, yeah," Galatea muttered. "I'm coming."


"...So, how do you know about my affiliations with the church?"

"By your garb, of course," the voice cooed and giggled. "Is it not obvious?"

"Fair enough…" Apparently, whoever was talking to her had a good set of eyes? As she made her way to the… voice, thing, whatever it was that is talking to her, Galatea decided to try and get to know it. "So… if you've been in the meadow, how come you know about the Twin Goddesses?"

"Many, many people who worship them have visited," the voice whispered. "Their company was absolutely delectable, too~! Such sweet people, they were~!" Oh if only she knew what the voice meant by that…

"Oh?" That had caught Galatea's interest, "There has been claims that a few were able to talk to Teresa and Clare themselves. Have you ever encountered them?"

"I have not," the voice whispered. "Unless, of course, you can. Can you~?"

"No. I cannot. I do not have the 'gift' that enables me to talk to them. Either that, or I am not important enough for them to contact me." the nun replied with a shake of her head, even though she knew the voice couldn't see her. "I do know two women that can, however."

"Oh~?" the voice cooed, "Are they with you?"

"Not at the moment, no," Galatea replied. "They're still at the chapel."

"Aw, I would have loved to meet them," the voice giggled. Then it gasped with joy, "Ah! You're almost here now~! Just a little further, dear sister~!"

Galatea stopped walking and growled in irritation, "I've been walking in the same direction for minutes. Just how far are you?!" She demanded asked the mysterious voice, as frustration leaked out. This damn voice was being too creepy for her liking, but for some reason that is beyond her understanding she couldn't stop herself from getting closer to it! Why was that?!

The former Number 3 furrowed her brow in confusion. She saw nary a soul in the whole damn area. There was a fairly large sunflower facing towards her, rather than the sun, but that was the only out-of-place thing she could spot for miles.

"Are you behind the sunflower? Or beyond it?" Galatea asked the voice again, this time in a much calmer and polite manner.

"I am the sunflower," the voice cooed. "Pleased to meet you, God-Eye Galatea~!"

"The… sunflower?" Of all answers Galatea was expecting, that wasn't it. She took a single step forward and squint at it with suspicion and skepticism. "Do you honestly think I would believe someone as ludacris as that?"

"To be fair, it does sound, rather absurd," the flower cooed, 'looking' up at her. It moved slightly before righting itself but Galatea thought it was just the wind. "But I assure you, I am the flora before you."

Galatea frowned at it now that she realised it called her by her nickname. "Hold on… how do you know of my moniker?"

The flower's stem stretched out and it 'looked' at her once more, now face to 'face' with the former Number 3. That surprised her immensely and all skepticism about the voice not being the flower was tossed out of the window, even before it spoke once more. "I know many things about you," the flower giggled. "I know you share your man with several, several delicious beauties, that you've a son named John, that you are quite proud of him… a strapping, young lad, too~! He'll grow up to be quite the ladykiller, himself, I'm sure~!"

That was… rather creepy, she had to admit. And what was even creepier was that it knew her son and that she is sharing Naruto with many other hybrids and awakened ones… she especially did not like the way it called her and them 'delicious beauties'... Another thing, if it knows many things about her then does it know this is a simulation she's taking part in?

"Then, do you know that this is…?" she trailed off.

"That this is a simulation?" The flower asked, tilting its 'head' and nodding affirmatively. "I was informed of it by you, actually. How odd it feels to know that my existence is but an illusion - a fabrication of your lovely husband…" The flower sighed and it seemed to slump over, "I don't know if I should be happy or offended, to be honest."

"So if you know, then does that mean you're aware of my mission as well?" Again, through no fault of her own, she completely ignored the words when the flower said it was informed of it by her. Even though she hadn't said anything of the sort.

The plant was a psychic - it's the most intelligent of the three plants, and due to its ability, it can talk to people in their minds. While it can't outright control them, the flora can influence people's compulsions and lower their guard.

The flower giggled menacingly. "Oh, I am very aware of that~!" Before Galatea could react, a bright orange tentacle shot forth and wrapped around her neck "Alas, it would appear that you've failed.~!"

With wide eyes, Galatea immediately grabbed the tentacle and tried prying it off her neck. Fortunately, the plant hadn't dragged her to it yet. "W-what do you mean I've failed?!" She demanded, grunting strainfully as she yanked and pulled against the tentacle. "Let me go! Right now! Before I... I… before I call upon the power of the twin goddesses themselves to smite you!" This was a long shot at getting it to let her go, but it was a shot nonetheless.

"What do I mean~?" the flower giggled, "You found that shoe earlier - one of this simulations 'victims'. And I'm here… put the pieces together and you shall receive your answer~"

Galatea did not like the implication. "So… you're a mandrake, then?"

"No. I'm a sunflower." The flora sounded genuinely insulted now. "Do I look like a mandrake to you?"

"A man-eating plant?" Galatea asked rhetorically, "I've never seen one, so how should I know?"

"Mandrakes are the roots of a plant - or the name of a flora. I am not a mandrake," The sunflower seemed to shrug nonchalantly, despite it sounding irritated. "But if you want to know: I was one of the 'failed experiments' in this simulation. So I suppose you can call me a 'man-eating plant'." It then giggled evilly. "Though I strongly prefer a more… feminine taste. They're far sweeter~!"

"Then…" the gears in Galatea's head began to turn, " eat children too?"

"I offered to find Clare for you," the flower giggled. "I never said anything about what would happen after I found her~!" then the flora seemed to shrug again, "Of course, I never did see any children - not real ones, anyhow. If nothing else, it will be quite the experience, knowing what a real woman tastes like~!" With that, several more tentacles shot forth and grabbed Galatea, lifting her up.

Galatea instinctively grabbed hold of the tentacle, kicking her feet as the left the ground. "Gah! H-hey! L-let me go this instant!" she shouted at the plant, with wide startled eyes.

The flower cooed, reaching out with a second tentacle and caressing her cheek. "But if I did that, you would get away from me~!" It giggled in just the right way to drain the lifeblood from Galatea's face. "We can't have that; oh, no, no, no~!"

"You're... the… enemy…?"

"It's taken you that long to figure out, God-Eye Galatea?" The sunflower cooed, and to Galatea's irritation the flora sounded almost like it was mocking her. "Despite everything that's happening to you?" The sunflower giggled mischievously; it already knew the reason why it was taking Galatea so long to figure out: it was thanks to its psychic power. "Yes. I am one of the three enemies in this simulation. And two of yours have already met their fate~!" While it didn't see who those two were, the flora was able to feel satisfaction from one of its brethren near the lake.

Galatea screamed and struggled as best she could when the flower unleashed three more tentacles and started undressing her. Her mary-janes were pulled off and dropped to the ground, where they seemingly vanished in the tall grass. Her coif, veil, and guimpe were the next to be unceremoniously removed and dropped to the ground like trash. Galatea squawked with dismay and disgust when one tentacle went under her underskirts and slithered its way up her thighs, past her waist where it snapped the cincture, and under her tunic and scapular. The orange tentacle wiggled its way out of the top of her tunic and scapular, and Galatea cried out in discomfort when it began to pull at the clothing. She could literally hear the fabric straining against it!

"No! Stop it!" The tall blonde cried out with bared teeth as she struggled against its grip.

"Oh…?" The flower giggled menacingly, "But eating someone wearing full clothes is not as good as eating someone in the nude~"

That made Galatea look at the flora in wide eyed shock. "W-What?!"

The plant giggled as her clothes began to tear at the seams. Galatea's struggles got a tad more desperate. "Yep, yep. I told you before: I eat people. Of course, my brethren and I just looooove to tenderise them first. It's more fun that way~"

The former Number 3 did not like the sound of that. No she did not. With a loud, defiant roar she struggled with all her might. The flower held firm, though, giggling as it gave her a hard swat on the rear.

"I will fucking murder you, if you try!" she threatened it.

"You have no power here, and you're alone. Your threats are all bark and no bite~" Galatea let out a roar as her nun's outfit was finally torn in half at the front. As the torn garments fell to the ground, the plant giggled as it found her to be wearing a pair of stocking, some lace underwear and a garter belt. She wore no bra, so Galatea's tits bounced free when her tunic and scapular was ripped off her torso. She tried to kick away a thick, veiny tentacle inching towards her panties, but to no avail.

"Don't- Don't you fucking dar-EEK!" she squeaked upon feeling the tentacle rubbing at her panty covered snatch. This can't be happening! This cannot be happening! This simply can not be happening!

Alas, it was, as the tentacle slipped beneath her underwear and caressed her directly, parting the blonde's folds and rubbing up against her clitoris.

"Oh," a tentacle coiled around Galatea's garter belt and yanked it off, then it pulled her lace panties down her legs and let it drop to the ground. With a menacing giggle the plant pulled its rubbing tentacle away from the woman's folds, and realigned it so its bulbous tip was pressed against her snatch in preparation for penetration, "I'm going to enjoy this!"

Galatea screamed in outrage as she felt the tentacle slip right into her cunt without warning. The plant laughed mockingly as it started thrusting its tentacle in and out of her snatch at a rapid, near cunt wrecking pace. The former Number 3 kept on screaming, as she squirmed and pulled at the tentacles holding her up. Her scream of outrage was muffled when a tentacle shoved itself into her mouth, and she glared daggers at the plant, even as it began to use her throat as a second cunt.

"There," the flower said with a mocking tone, "That's a lot better, don't you think~?" The flower giggled as Galatea's eyes went wide, a third tentacle poking at her rear. She struggled with twice the vigour, only for the tentacle to trust inside her, making the blonde's toes curl and her whole body go stiff at the sensation of being penetrated in all three holes. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt utterly violated. But she was not giving up. She glared daggers at the flower through it all and renewed her struggles, biting down on the tentacle in her mouth as she fought back, much to the flower's delight.

"Oh, do struggle some more~" the plant told the struggling woman with a menacing giggle, "It feels soooo good. And do bite down harder too. It gives me quite a lot of pleasant tingles as I fuck your mouth~!"

Galatea growled viciously, thrashing, biting, and squirming with all her might. The outrage and righteous fury driving her would have caused the blonde to go all the way up to fifty percent as she did her damnedest to fight back. If only she could use her yoki, or her chakra, then she could escape this bloody thing easily! Then again, it was probably for the best, as this sim might have caused her to awaken, were that not the case. Then again, Naruto did say anything that happens in the simulation wouldn't transfer once it was over. But, deep down, in the back of her head, Galatea wasn't willing to test that theory.

She was going to kill it. She was going to kill it if it was the last thing she ever did!

"Oh-ho-ho, we have a fiesty one here~" the plant laughed, "But if anyone's going to be doing the 'killing' in this fabrication of reality… it's going to be me!" And with that the flora's tentacles doubled their pace as it fucked Galatea's ass, cunt and mouth like they were nothing more than a sextoy. Two more tentacles went up and coiled around her bouncing tits and started kneading and teasing them, to give Galatea another shock of pleasure up her spine.

Galatea ignored all that for the moment, as one thing was on her mind: the plant knew what she was thinking?! How?!

"I can read your mind," it answered as if she should have known that from the very beginning, "I mean, I have been communicating with you through telepathy. Should it not be obvious that this was a two-way street? Think of it as a similar, but vastly different Soul Link. Except it's our minds synchronising,"

Galatea's eyes went wide at that. S-So, everything she was thinking was…

"Being transfered to me~? Of course," The plant giggled, "I can't wait to get my vines on your companions, that younger blonde with the pointy eared woman looks so cute, and absolutely delectable~!"

The former Number 3 roared and tried to kick the flower in the 'face', but it only giggled as she came up a a few inches short.

"Ah, ah, ah," The flower tsked in mocking disappointment, "Doing that won't do you any good, you silly woman." Then, it got a devious idea. "Do you want to know something, interesting?"

Galatea's only reply was to snarl at it.

It seemed to shrug. "Well, if you're going to be like that…" Suddenly, Galatea felt the tentacles fucking her speed up. Instead of going double, they were now going at triple their original pace. The one thrusting away in her cunt was touching her in places only Naruto had managed to find. She mewled pathetically around the tentacle thrusting away at her throat as Galatea curled her toes even more. Yet another tentacle came forth and started playing with her clit as the flower giggled viciously. "Yes, that's a good girl~! You like that, don't you?" The flora taunted, "You're such a dirty, perverted nun - you love getting fucked by your boy toy's big cock, don't you~?"

The blonde kept fighting back, though her struggles slowly started to wane.

"Oh, yes you are~!" The flora giggled impishly, much like a child would, "You're a naughty nun who likes to get fucked silly~! And… oh~! What's this? You have a fetish too? And such a naughty one at that~!"

Galatea's cheeks flared at that.

"You've even considered having a threesome with Naruto and your son? Oh, you dirty, dirty woman~!"