Return to Konoha Part 1(18+)

Within the next hour, a Naruto clone found himself in the clinic with a nice list of names to give the Feeders thanks to Inonon. The blonde in question was sitting on one of the cots with the nine of them sitting in a neat little row in front of him. By now, Akkah, and Rylee were pretty much cemented, so he moved on to the others.

He decided to first take a look at a pair who appeared to be sisters They had round, but still very feminine faces with long, straight hair that reached down to their tailbones. One had straight bangs and silver hair that she'd started tying back recently, while the other had sideswept bangs and pale brown locks that she left to hang freely. Other than that, the two of them were identical - they even dressed the same, though they seemed to prefer different shades of blue. The one with silver hair prefered lighter shades while the brunette prefered a darker one.

Looking to the former, he said, "I'll name you Meru." Looking to the latter, he said, "and you really do look like a Rose. I don't know why, but Riful's right about that."

The girls in question smiled at that. The now-named Meru bounced and giggled, while Rose was more coolheaded, but still grateful.

Then Naruto looked to the other four nameless Feeders. All of them had long hair, though only one was messy and untamed. Another had hers in a similar hairstyle to Miria's only with less 'spikes'. The third had long, chest length wavy hair similar to Teresa and Flora. The last had long, straight hair that was tied back in a ponytail.

Addressing the razor-shag haired one, Naruto said, "Your name is going to be Sonya," He looked at the wavy-haired one next, "You're going to be called Mary," then Naruto looked at the woman with the messy, untamed hair, "Your name's Freya," and finally Naruto looked at the Feeder who had hers in a ponytail, "Your name is going to be, Astrid."

The four of them all showed their appreciation as Inonon giggled. Most of those were names she found.

"They're all very fond of you," she pointed out. "At first, they just wanted to mate with you out of pure instinct, but now, they've legitimately fallen for you."

Naruto chuckled sheepishly as several of the Feeders eyeballed her out the corners of their eyes. They could sense something about her.

"I see." he said as he looked between them all individually. "Well, they're certainly doing a lot better now than they were when the Boss first encountered them. You did a very good job, Inonon."

The young Yamanaka blushed and sputtered shyly. "I-I did my best," she said, squirming like a schoolgirl with a crush as she felt her cheeks burning. "Th-they still don't take much, but I-I've... f-f-fixed them up as much as I could."

Rylee, ever the impish one hopped onto the cot she was sitting on in a crouch and sniffed Inonon, before grinning like a cat who just caught the canary. "You want Alpha," she said bluntly. "You want to mate with Alpha, too~!"

Again, poor Inonon sputtered helplessly, her cheeks inventing a new shade of red.

"Now, now, Rylee," Naruto scolded gently, "Don't tease the poor girl."

"Inonon… Jealous," Rose rasped, her voice still having yet to return. "Inonon... wants babies."

"I'm not going to make a move on her," Naruto said, folding his arms. "She's still young, with a career ahead of her. She's cute as all hell, but I'm not just gonna come onto her and risk having that all crumbling down because I put a baby in her."

Unfortunately, his words made the blonde swoon at his selflessness. It was one of the many traits she'd come to like about him. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to look at him. "W-what if I... don't want to go back...?"

"You would have to ask Kakashi-Sensei about that, then." Naruto answered. "While the Boss may be the Lord of Morris, you're still a kunoichi of Konoha."

"A-and if I got permission, you'd let me stay?"

"If you got permission, then yes, you can stay" He replied with a sigh. "Again you'll have to get permission from Kakashi-Sensei first. The Boss will be heading back to Konoha soon, so you'll be tagging along because your mission is done." That and he needs to give Inonon her pay. It was 500 thousand, wasn't it? Yeah, he pretty sure it was that much for a successful treatment of all nine.

The blonde in question smiled and nodded, before hopping off the cot and timidly approaching him. "H-how long?"

"The Boss and a few others will be heading out in the morning," Naruto replied.

Inonon nodded, before hastily grabbing his tunic, pulling him down and clumsily planting a kiss on his lips before he could react. As she let go and the two of them felt their cheeks burning, the young kunoichi staggered back and wobbled a bit, feeling lightheaded. That was her first kiss. "I-I'll be s-sure to have everything r-r-ready, then," she said with a bright smile.

The Feeders all shared a giggle upon seeing the tent starting to form in his trousers. "No! Down, boy!" Naruto couldn't help himself; he always found shy girls to be so adorable! He cleared his throat and said, "All-alright, you have some time to kill before then. So it's best if you get yourself ready for when the time comes."

Inonon visibly tried very hard not to look at the reaction she got and… mostly succeeded. "On it," she chirped. Then, before she could turn to leave, one Meru headbutted her rear and sent the poor blonde into Naruto, drawing an undignified squawk from the blonde. Her cheeks flared upon realizing that Naruto had caught her. He felt so… strong… manly… She shook those thoughts out of her head and took a deep breath to calm herself. Timidly looking up at him, the young Yamanaka knew she was approaching a crossroads and decided it was now or never. "I… want to talk to you a-about my feelings… and… th-that career you mentioned," she said. "B-before we leave. I know full well that you think it's… just a crush, but... I want you to hear me out. W-would you mind… after I've packed?"

Naruto sighed in relief. For a moment there, he thought she was going to jump him on the spot and knew damn well that he wouldn't be able to resist if she tried hard enough. Thinking about it for a moment, he decided that was fair enough. "Alright. Just let the Boss or the nearest clone know when, and we'll talk."


As for the original, he was sitting in his bed with Harja still with him as the memories of that clone came to him. He blushed heavily at what had transpired with Inonon, but realized that he should not have been surprised. He sighed. That girl was clearly preparing to dig her heels in and start something between them. If nothing else, she knew what she wanted and… well, that was rather cute.

"Something wrong?" Harja asked.

"Just got some mixed feelings about the memories of a clone," he replied. "Nothing to worry about."

"A-alright…" she muttered, not sure how to feel about that. "So… any word on who's coming back with us to Konoha?"

"Well, the ones who are coming for sure are Hana and Susan. Cynthia is probably going to come with because they're her daughters. The ones who are still unsure - because they haven't been asked yet - are Cassandra, Miranda, Licht, Hysteria and Chloe."

"Awww," she mock-whined, before leaning in and whispering into his ear, "And here I was hoping that my sisters and I could find a nice, private place to dogpile you~!"

"Maybe another time." he told her flatly. The tent in his pants showed his opinion towards that suggestion, but he had more important things to worry about. "Uzushiogakure is not the type of place you can just go and mess around. No one's been there for decades, there may be defenses that are still active and as one of the last Uzumakis still alive I may be the only one that can shut them down."

"Well, that's not technically true, anymore," Harja pointed out. "I am your daughter, after all. That makes me an Uzumaki, too~!"

"Are you able to use Fuinjutsu?" He asked, knowing full well that she can't.

"I'm still learning the basics, but I'll gladly help where and however I can." The smile she gave him proved contagious as he ruffled her hair.

"We'll see about that," he said with a chuckle. "Despite how advanced I am using Fuinjutsu, compared to the original Uzumaki Clan, mine are pale imitations of their masterpieces. There's a lot of things that were lost during their destruction… if the defenses are still active, I'm not so sure I can even turn them off." The Uzumaki seals were on a level of their own; he's not confident in his own skills in disabling them; they could be different for all he knew. But, maybe his luck would come into play again and they're not able to function anymore.

"Again, I'll gladly help if I can~!" Again she smiled; this time, though, it was a wide and foxy one like the grins he would flash in his youth.

Naruto chuckled. "So that's what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that grin," he commented, ruffling her hair, again.

Harja blushed and giggled at that, before starting to purr as she leaned into his hand.

"Awww, look at that, you're bonding~!" Harja nearly jumped out of her skin upon hearing Auntie Roxanne say that, taking her words way out of context, at first. The blonde waltzed on in and took a seat next to the father and daughter. "I can't wait to have a few of my own."

"I bet you can't," Naruto said with a teasing grin. "You'll want to spoil them, I'd bet."

"Of course~!" Roxanne giggled, before giving him an evil grin. "Then, when you make me mad, I can force you to babysit after feeding them a pound of sugar," she added jokingly.

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Harja replied with a mischievous grin of her own.

"Well… I wouldn't mind doing that." Naruto admitted with a sheepish chuckle. He'd be annoyed that they wouldn't sit still, but he had trouble sitting still when he was younger; it would be like taking care of his much younger self.

They all shared a good laugh at that.

Then, Harja hopped off the bed and gave Roxanne an impish grin. "Mom once told me that Papa really likes it when his women are aggressive," she said.

"Oh, really~?" Roxanne leered at him.

Naruto chuckled nervously as Harja took that as her cue to leave.

"Have fun, lovebirds," the half-abyssal sang, before heading off to her mother's room. She saw where this was going to lead from a mile away.

Once Harja closed the door Roxanne giggled devilishly as she leaned in until she was hovering over him from where she sat on the edge of the bed. If he was a rabbit and she was a fox, Naruto knew he would be a dead hare right about now.

"Uh heehee… Roxxie… please, take it easy on me…" He nervously begged. He may have had sent clones to state the needs of his girls, but their fatigue is sent to him once they're dispelled. Damn it Harja, that boner she inadvertently given him was working against him now!

"Just wanting to show you a little appreciation," she said with a giggle, crawling onto all fours right next to him and undoing his pants while showering him with pecks on the cheek. "Just so you know, we have company arriving. It would appear that Teresa and Clare are eager for some attention, themselves."

"As far as fatigue goes," the latter's namesake chimed in, her voice echoing in the back of Naruto's mind. "The Godslayer's Blessing will take care of that."

Then, her sister giggled as she said her piece. "You have nothing to worry about, love~! Rabona's not the only reason you were given that little perk."

Naruto chuckled nervously, rubbing Roxanne's back in appreciation. He had forgotten he was given that blessing. Honestly, though, he did feel a little tired… mentally that is. Well… maybe having some fun with his girls will take care of that. If the mother and daughter duo are heading here, then he'd might as well get his A game on for when they arrive. Those two can be kinky when they want to be.

Roxanne giggled, before going down and taking him into her mouth. Naruto let out a pleasured moan upon feeling the former Number One go straight to work. Rubbing her scalp, he just laid there on the bed, and closed his eyes to bask in the sensation of having his dick licked, slurped and sucked upon. Naruto had to admit, Roxanne knew what she was doing now.

Did she take a page out of Karui's book, and abuse the simulation in the same way she's done? It certainly feels like it. He could already feel his balls starting to churn!

True to herself, Teresa garbed in robes, walked in without even bothering to knock and found herself staring at Roxanne sucking Naruto's throbbing cock like a woman possessed. She wasn't surprised having sensed the women prior to coming. And behind her Clare walked on in the room as well, garbed in a robe as well, and closed the door behind her.

Naruto grunted, unable to hold back as he unloaded directly into Roxanne's gob. His massive dick visibly expanded and contracted and the woman audibly gulped down the massive spurts of cum that poured into her mouth - load after load, after load.

Teresa was unabashedly drooling from both sets of lips at the sight. She licked her lips. Oh, this was going to be fun~!

Clare, meanwhile, shuddered with anticipation, looking forward to feeling that hot jizz inside her again. She looked her lips with anticipation herself, looking forward to having another go with her husband.

"Naruto," Clare called out and got his attention. Now that he was staring at them, Clare and Teresa exchanged looks, shared an impish grin, and unceremoniously dropped the robes they were wearing to reveal that they were entirely naked underneath.

"Clare and I decided we wanted to give you something special," Teresa said with a smile, slapping her hands into a tiger seal. "You've been through a lot, lately, and we wanted to help out." Then, with two poofs, Teresa and Clare used Henge no Jutsu to take on very familiar, nearly identical form. As the smoke started to dissipate, Teresa continued. "I also wanted to make it up to you after being such a hassle, last night."

"I understand perfectly, Naruto replied with a smile.

Then, as the smoke faded and their forms were revealed and Roxanne pulled back, the curly blonde yelped and giggled when his dick suddenly sprang back to life and whacked her on the nose.

Teresa and Clare now stood before him, with their original hair and eye colours. Teresa's wavy hair was now in its original black, her eyes were dark as well. her eyes had also reverted to that original shade. Four mighty black-feathered wings sprouted from her back, two large and two small.

Clare on the other hand had her hair in its original brown and her silver eyes were now green. Like Teresa, she too had four mighty wings sprouting from her back, two large and two small; unlike Teresa's which were angelic, her's were hawk-like with the feathers being brown with black stripes.

Teresa and Clare both chuckled warmly at their man's reaction. It was rather satisfying for them to see they had that type of effect on him still.

"You like what you see?" Teresa cooed with a saucy smile, sauntering on up to Naruto with swaying hips.

"I think he does," Clare giggled impishly, as she sauntered her way on up to Naruto with swaying hips as well. "He liked your awakened form in the simulation. He wanted to fuck you in it, so badly~!"

"So I heard," Teresa cooed, before turning her attention to Naruto as she closed the gap and straddled him. "But, I want to hear it from your lips directly~!"

Instead of answering, Naruto reached up to see if the wings were actually real. And to his pleasant surprise, he found that he could feel the feathers. Then he answered.

"I want to fuck you in that form so badly!" he growled, then Naruto got a squeal out of Teresa when he suddenly grabbed her tits and started kneading and rubbing them like they were made of clay. "I wanna pound you and Clare so hard that the two of you walk funny for a week, you sexy-ass woman~!"

Teresa shuddered pleasantly at that. Oh, she looked forward to it~!

As for Roxanne she just laid there on the bed, watching her hubby being mounted by the now-winged Teresa. The blonde knew she'd have her fun in due time and was perfectly fine with enjoying the spectacle to come.

Naruto yelped and chuckled when Teresa took the initiative, pinning Naruto down onto his back and guiding his dick to her dripping, womanly folds. The young man and his naughty mother-in-law both moaned in pleasured unison as Teresa sank down, impaling herself upon Naruto's bitch-breaker. The transformed former Number One shuddered at the familiar sensation of Naruto's man meat stretching her to capacity. She licked her lips and leered at him, before spreading her wings and then… Naruto grunted in pleasure as Teresa flapped her wings to lift herself up before letting gravity kick in and slamming back down onto his dick. The bed creaked in protest at the sheer force and Teresa did it again… and again… and again. As she got used to this unorthodox method of fucking her man, the woman's pace steadily increased.

Naruto was not idle as he started thrusting back, easily matching her pace. Roxanne, meanwhile, spread her legs and started pleasuring herself to the sight. As for Clare, she giggled impishly and took a seat beside the romping couple, patiently waiting her turn.

Teresa didn't mind at all, as Naruto made her feel like the only woman in the world who mattered in that moment.

"I… am lit-literally… looking u-up… at a… a goddess… ri-right now…" Naruto said between breathtaking grunts. He nearly choked on his own breath upon feeling Teresa clamp down on him. The former Number One's cheeks were stained red at the complement as she kept fucking him. "Y-you're so beautiful," Naruto whispered heatedly. "Y-you and I will make such… gorgeous babies~!"

"Y-you flatterer," Teresa giggled. "I just hope... the one you p-put in me... has those a-adorable whiskers of yours~!" She was dangerously close, right now - his massive dick churning her insides in all the right ways.

"We-we'll have to w-wait… and… and see~" he chuckled, then Naruto reached down and grabbed her hips before slamming up into the woman at a sudden, quick pace that took Teresa completely off guard! She collapsed upon him, gurgling pathetically as she came all over his thrusting shaft.

Roxanne shuddered, licking her lips at the sight. She, too, was reaching her peak.

Naruto grunted in exertion at the sensation of Teresa's fluttering walls clamping down on him. The pleasure was nearly unbearable as he kept pounding her like a man possessed.

"Heh heh heh heh heh," Naruto chuckled, moving his hands down her waist to grab Teresa's nice ass, "I don't know what's better: the feel of your nice, fat tits squashed against my chest… or your tight, fluttering cunt milking me…"

Teresa bit her lip and mewled hungrily, letting him have his way with her. She wanted to feel his hot jizz flooding her occupied womb, to be fucked senseless as he made her his utter bitch like the stud he was. "Fuck me good," she whispered. "Pound me like you mean it~!"

"Very well, my winged goddess~!" he growled hungrily into her ear.

Who was he to deny a gorgeous woman what she wants? Naruto chuckled again, and Teresa threw her head back as she loudly screamed in pleasure when he started ramming her cunt like a bull as he wholeheartedly obliged with her request.

Teresa wailed in pleasure again, cumming once more in the wake of his pounding. Naruto grit his teeth when he felt the interior of her cunt clamping down on his cock so deliciously tight. Holding her ass firmly, and tightly, Naruto buried himself in her to the hilt and with a mighty grunt, he painted the back of her womb white with his studly, blessed seed.

Speaking of blessings…

The room spun before Teresa's eyes and everything faded to white as a loud hum drowned out everything else. She then went utterly limp and one poof later, her Henge dispelled. The poor thing was out cold, long before Naruto was done pumping his seed into her.

Roxanne let out a cute, little yelp as she fell to her side, spasming from the wave of pleasure washing over her.

Naruto looked up and grinned impishly. "You enjoy the show, Roxxie~?"

The woman in question blushed and giggled, giving him a nod. Then one poof later, she yelped and giggled again upon being dragged to the edge and having her legs pried open by a Naruto clone. The doppelganger relieved Roxanne of her panties and lapped her juice-coated, womanly folds without hesitation. She shuddered longingly, her toes curling at the sensation.

Only when Naruto had completely emptied his balls within the comatose Teresa's womb did Naruto gently roll over and pull out. He couldn't help but take pride in the sight of his seed leaking out of her fucked raw snatch if his life depended on it. Naruto smiled at that and leaned down, giving Teresa a peck on the cheek. Then, he turned to address Clare.

The former Number Forty-Seven's eyes lit up in anticipation. Oh, this was going to be good…

"C'mon, Clare, let's see how long you last, hmm?" Naruto teased her with a grin as he sat up. His eyes roved along her body, taking in every little detail they could find. "I want to see if the other winged Goddess can outdo the mother~"

Clare blushed and giggled, scampering onto the bed and going down on all fours. She leered at him naughtily out the corner of her eye and gave her nice booty a little shake. "C'mere, then, and let's see, you stud~!"

Naruto licked his lip as he watched her nice ass being shaked for his viewing pleasure. He absolutely loved the way her ass cheeks would jiggle with the movement of her thighs. The temptation was too much to contain.


Naruto reached out and gave her nice ass a firm swat. The impact sent her cheeks jiggling into each other, like a wrecking ball, and her firm assflesh was left with a red handprint. Then he palmed her ass and lovingly kneaded and caressed it as he scootered on up to her while guiding his cock to her folds.

Then Clare's wings spread out with joy when Naruto speared her on his length. She moaned throatily at the sensation, a hot shiver running up her spine. Oh, how she missed this! It didn't matter that he'd fucked her two days ago, she was addicted!

Then she let out a low, guttural moan when she felt Naruto start thrusting into her snatch. The wet, lewd sounds of her cunt sucking him in was filling the room as Naruto did his best to plow her good.

Of course, their activities did not go unnoticed.


In her room, Haruno Sakura was beet red as she heard Clare's orgasmic wail, soon after. She was in the hallway, having just returned from the mess hall when she heard what was going on in the Don Jon from here. Though the room in question was one level up and the doors were closed, she could still hear the lewd slapping and wails. Hell the poor pinkette swore she could hear the squelching of that woman's cunt! Her cheeks and loins burned at the thought. Though she was married and loved Sasuke with all her heart, she was still tempted to try and join in and that made her want to sock the blond even more!

Taking a deep, calming breath, the frustrated pinkette then saw some movement out the corner of her eye and Sakura's jaw dropped. In a skimpy, orange nighty that left nothing to the imagination, Moegi scampered on up to the door leading to the Don Jon's stairwell with a lewd giggle. Oh, for fuck's sake...


Naruto sighed heavily as a thoroughly fucked pile of women now lay upon his bed. Not only had Moegi joined in after he made sweet love to Roxanne, but so had Jean, Miria, Cynthia, and three of the trainees - two of whom he'd never learned the names of! They just hopped on without so much as an introduction, no questions asked.

Henriette was curled up in a happy, little ball at Naruto's feet, a massive grin on her face upon losing her virginity and talking no less than three loads inside her ravaged cunt. There wasn't enough room on the bed for her, but she didn't mind. The other two were on the floor with her - a well endowed, sandy brunette with a long, low-hanging ponytail and a silver-haired... hopefully of age pipsqueak with shoulder length hair and two long braids behind her pointed ears that reached down to her modest bust.

Yeah, Tsunade was going to kill him for that on in particular… oh, boy… he didn't even intend for it to go this far! They wouldn't stop coming - pun not intended… though that was equally true. Naruto blushed at the thought. He just couldn't help himself, after all getting dogpiled like that.

"Right…" he muttered. "Well, I guess now's as good a time as any to check on Inonon." If nothing else, that romp was satisfying as all hell. Slipping his pants back on and stretching, he gathered a few spare blankets and covered the girls up before leaving a clone behind to tend to their needs when they woke up if needed. Then, with that all said and done, he headed out.

A few minutes and an awkward exchange with Sakura later, Naruto knocked on the door to Inonon's room and she quickly answered.

The young woman was garbed in a modest, purple nighty, with her hair down and her cheeks ablaze when she saw that he was willing to have this heart to heart. "C-come in," she insisted, moving out of the way and opening the door for him.

Naruto smiled and nodded, noting that she had everything packed up in little briefcases that she'd undoubtedly seal away when they were ready to leave - the exceptions being the storage scroll, her standard gear, and the clothing she'd undoubtedly be changing into in the morning. All of that was neatly stacked, folded, and out of the way, as one would expect from a member of Konoha's prestigious military.

Once he was inside the young blonde closed the door behind him.

"You've done a good job in helping the Abyss Feeders, Inonon." the blond praised. All nine of them were acting like humans now, which was a far cry from how they would use to act. "You and your clan will be getting the 500 thousand Ryo once we get back to Konoha. And..." he trailed off, giving her a knowing look, "...there's the fact you still need to get permission from Kakashi-Sensei about staying with me, if you haven't changed your mind yet."

Inonon took a deep, calming breath, mentally preparing herself. "I haven't," she said, giving him a look of determination. "I want to stay with you and have a fresh start, where I can pursue what I want - not what's expected of me."

"In that case, you want me. Right?" he said, with a knowing expression that somehow looked questioning at the same time.

The poor girl was bright red as she could feel her heart pounding. "Only more, now," she said in a quiet, shaking tone. "I want you. I want a new life… a new family where I can just be myself." She averted her gaze, frowning. "Y-you have no idea what it's like… When it was discovered that I had a talent for healing, everyone insisted that I was going to be the next Tsunade, that I was destined for greatness, but… I never wanted that." She plopped on the bed, her frown deepening. "All I ever wanted… was to start a family…"

"Ah…" Naruto understood what was wrong almost immediately and sat down on the bed beside her, "You're like Konohamaru. Minus the whole starting a family thing. Let me guess: you've been put under Tsunade's shadow by everyone, and wanted to get out of it." He reached over and ruffled her hair, much to her enjoyment as she gave him a shy grin. "Granted, Konohamaru wanted me to train him and eventually saw me as a 'big brother' - you're very different in that regard… not that I mind. I actually found your crush to be kinda cute, to be perfectly honest."

Inonon giggled. "I… couldn't help but like you if I wanted to. You have all the makings of a good husband. You're kind, patient, selfless, always striving to be the best you can be at everything. You always keep your word and refuse to give in. The fact that you saved the world only made you even more badass." Her smile turned to a sad one as she continued. "I honestly thought I… never stood a chance at getting you to notice someone like me, but when you called me over to help Gaki and the others, I couldn't refuse if my life depended on it… and I… secretly hoped beyond hope that putting my skills to use and even going beyond the call of duty would make you notice me… a-and how much I like you."

"Hmm… well… there's a lot of women in my life now. All of them capable of kicking my ass if they all work together. I dunno… if you want to be part of this 'family' then you'd have to pull your weight. I'd certainly have to wait for you to become of age too. Here, you're not considered an adult until 15."

Inonon took a deep, calming breath, once more, trying to calm her nerves. "Silver lining, that will give me time to get to know you." She smiled brightly.

"Well, that, and there's the simulation… Karui's been abusing it, I hear, to get more experience in pleasing me." Naruto said with a chuckle.

"Oh, she's told me all about that when I talked to her in my free time," Inonon giggled impishly. "I wouldn't mind using it, myself… for more innocent purposes, mind you." At least at first…

"Suuuure, you would." Naruto teased her and got a giggle out of the girl when he ruffled her hair once more. "Joking aside, I guess that settles it, then. If you get permission, you can stay."

"If nothing else, I could use the excuse of being assigned as the Uzumaki Clan's personal psychiatric specialist," she pointed out with an impish grin. "Tsunade-Sama is one hell of a medic, but there are things she's simply better off assigning to someone else. Physical medicine is one thing, but mental health is a whole nother beast, entirely."

"That is very true." Naruto admitted. That could actually work and Inonon is really good at mental tasks. There's quite a few of his women that do need a good therapist. While he did help them out immensely Alicia and Beth do need help, some help. Priscilla definitely needs a good shrink, because she still has some self loathing in her. It's not as big anymore but it's still there... and big enough to cause him some concern.

"Well..." he sighed, getting up from the bed with a grunt. "I'd better let you get some rest. We'll be heading back to Konoha in the morning - I still got a couple of people to check on and see if they want to come as well."

"Yes, sir," Inonon chirped.

Naruto smiled and surprised the girl with a peck on the cheek. "Although…" he trailed off before making a cross seal. Inonon blinked in bewilderment when a puff of smoke appeared beside him… with a 13 year old Naruto there beside him when it dispersed in the air. "There's nothing to stop you from playing doctor with my clone, is there?" he rhetorically asked with a teasing wink. "Just be careful not to do anything that might get me in trouble."

Inonon turned beet red and her hands flew to her face to stop the resulting nosebleed. She giggled lewdly. Oh, this was going to be fun~!


Several minutes later

"Cynthia, want to come with me to the Elemental Nations in the morning?" Naruto asked his wife as he returned to his bedchamber, discovering that the women he'd banged were starting to return to the land of the living.

Cynthia blinked confusedly for a moment. "Hmm? Oh... yes, please!" It took a moment to process what her hubby had asked, thanks to the state she was in, but was all too happy to accept the invitation. "I'd be glad to come. I take it you're taking our daughters?"

"I promised I would earlier, didn't I?" He chuckled. "Hana, Susan, and Harja… for obvious reasons, in that last one's case." He cleared his throat awkwardly. Then, he addressed the others. "Anyone else want to join in?"

The general consensus was no, as the women in question were not in the mood to travel.

"Can you get me a souvenir?" Naruto turned to see that it was Henriette who'd spoken.

"Sure, I don't mind," he chirped, before looking at the other two trainees and chuckled awkwardly. "I feel kinda guilty for asking now, but you two mind telling me your names, and anything else about yourselves? Birthdays, likes and dislikes, that kinda thing?"

"My name is Hazel," the brunette replied. "I'm sixteen. I like poetry and foxes. I've always wanted one as a pet. I'm pretty easy-going, too, so I don't have much in the realm of dislikes. My birthday is on the Seventh of Ravnyk."

That was two months from now, if Naruto remembered correctly.

I-I'm Tory," the silver-haired one replied soon after. "I'm-"

"Fifteen," Roxanne interrupted, giving the girl a flat look. Thanks to Neideen and her shenanigans, she knew how old this girl really was and took it upon herself to nip that potential catastrophe right in the bud.

Getting the message, Tory plastered on a wide grin. "Fifteen," she chirped. "I just look younger. It runs in the family." she chuckled nervously, hoping she wouldn't get Naruto into any trouble. "I… like big, strong, manly men who take charge and know what they want," she gushed, squirming in place like a little fangirl. "I just couldn't help myself after seeing how you manhandled Henriette~! I regret nothing~!" she giggled.

Miria gave Naruto a flat look and he raised his hands placatingly.

"It all happened in the heat of the moment," he insisted. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." Well… he will to the best of his abilities. This was his life now. He'd better get to work on asking the other trainees what their names and ages were. That would help immensely in preventing this kind of thing from happening again.

"I dislike assholes, and arrogant people… and spicy food, but that's about it." Tory continued, once prompted. "I used to really hate cold weather as well, but after the conversion that's no longer an issue. My birthday was a while ago, on the Fifteenth of Domina."

"Pleased to officially make your acquaintance, Tory, Hazel." Naruto said with a sheepish chuckle. "Sorry about not asking your names beforehand."

"We didn't give you the chance, to be fair," Hazel replied sheepishly. "So the blame falls entirely on us."

"Totally not regretting it!" Tory chirped mischievously. Naruto chuckled at that, immediately recognizing the girl as a fellow troublemaker.

"Oh, you and I are going to get along swimmingly," Moegi giggled.

Cynthia, Jean, Roxanne, and Miria all rolled their eyes in amusement, knowing their man would as well.

"I sense a kindred spirit with you," Naruto grinned. "Do I sense a troublemaker in you, Tory?"

"Maaaybe~!" the girl in question giggled impishly.

"No wonder she hopped on," Roxanne sighed, though she couldn't help but be entertained by this turn of events. "Well, that aside, I welcome the three of you into our ever-expanding family. If you wish to make it official, I'll see to handling the wedding preparations, myself."

Henriette, Hazel, and Tory turned beet red at that, but nodded, now feeling rather shy.

"A little too soon to tell, but I'll keep that in mind," the silver-haired girl chirped, her peers sharing the sentiment. She then leered at Naruto and added, "I'd certainly not mind another test ride in the near future, though~!"

Naruto laughed nervously. "I bet you won't." Then, he cleared his throat and quickly got back to the main point. "If anyone changes their mind about coming with me to the Elemental Nations, let me know in the morning, okay? I'll ask around again before leaving, just to be sure."

The ladies all smiled and nodded at that, visibly appreciative of his consideration.


A few minutes later, Naruto went on a search for other candidates, starting with Cassandra and Miranda. Of course the two of them shared a room not far from his, but still a bit out of the way, so finding them would be pretty easy as long as they were in there. Thankfully, they were.

Naruto blushed and smiled when he overheard Miranda enthusiastically chatting it up with Cassandra, trying to come up with a couple potential names for the baby Naruto put in her. That was adorable; not wanting to be impolite, Naruto knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Cassandra called out.

Naruto did just that and Miranda's eyes figuratively lit up upon seeing him.

"Hey, girls," he greeted them with a smile, and it was one that was given back to him. "just thought I'd ask if you wanted to come to the Elemental Nations with me tomorrow?"

Miranda and Cassandra exchanged looks for a brief moment. Then they smiled and looked back at him with enthusiastic nods.

"Sure! I would love to see what your homeland looks like!" Miranda said.

"I wouldn't mind to see it either. Tomorrow, right?" Cassandra asked, and when Naruto nodded with confirmation the woman smiled and said, "Alright. Tomorrow it is. Is there anything we need to take with us?"

"Not really. We'll be stopping in Konoha first - Inonon wants to see if she can get permission to stay here. After that, we're heading to the island that belonged to the original Uzumaki Clan."

"I see. We'd love to come then." Cassandra replied with a wide smile. Miranda nodded enthusiastically.

Naruto chuckled, ruffling their hair. These two were just so cute~! Then, he pulled them both into a hug, drawing surprised yelps from the ladies. "Alright, I'll be seeing the two of you tomorrow then." after giving them both pecks on their foreheads Naruto left their room and went to look for Licht, Hysteria and Chloe.

After walking down the hallway for 30 seconds, Naruto suddenly remembered a conversation he had with Galatea.


"Honey, what's the matter?"

"Just lost in thought, dear," Naruto sighed. "No, it's not just that. I'm… having trouble with something."

Galatea frowned, hugging him from behind. Naruto exhaled and leaned against her touch. "What is it you're having trouble with? You can tell me."

"A decision: when the Organization is taken down, should I stay here with you all… or go back home with you all coming with me? Would any of you even want to go to a continent you had no prior knowledge of existing, once the business with the Organization is over?"

His wife giggled, "I would love to. You have no idea how curious I am of your world."


Well she did go to the Elemental Nations with him a while back and had gone back and forth a few times in the past. Maybe she'd like to see his ancestral home then? I won't hurt to ask; but first he wants to find Licht, Hysteria and Chloe. He's pretty sure they'd be bored cooped up in Morris with nothing to do and would love the chance to spread their wings, as it were.

Luckily for him, Naruto knew the rooms that the women in question were inhabiting were nearby. He just hoped they were occupying them. It would make the whole search for them easier and shorter. Also even more lucky for him, the three women were all occupying one room; so he didn't even need to search for them!

They were in… Hysteria's room? Well, he's not going to question that. Stopping in front of Hysteria's door the blond knocked on it and waited for the word on him being allowed to enter.

"Come in!" Hysteria's voice called.

Naruto did just that and raised an eyebrow at the girls sitting around the little coffee table in the center of the room. Well, the woman had good tastes he'll give her that.

"What's up?" Chloe asked after she saw who it was.

"I'm heading to Konoha tomorrow and I already got Cynthia, Hana and Susan. Cassandra and Miranda are recent additions; I want to know if you three wanted to come with." He answered, not stepping in but not completely out in the hallway. "I'm also bringing Harja for obvious reasons. Pretty sure the villagers would feel a bit safer if she was absent for a couple days after that incident."

"Understandable." Licht said, then she leaned against the table and said. "Well, you can count me in. I'm getting rather… restless, staying in one place."

"I'm in too, for the same reason." Chloe huffed. "The simulation's nice and all, but I want to get that rush of adventure!" That and the damn flower keeps on trying to goad her.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be out and about, every once in a while." Hysteria said with a nod. "Very well I shall go too. Are we heading to somewhere else after your business with Inonon is finished?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm planning to head on over to Uzushiogakure no Sato, it's an island that belonged to the original Uzumaki Clan." Well that certainly got their attention, but they knew Naruto other places to be so they withheld any questions. They can ask it later. Naruto smiled at them, knowing that they wanted to ask more. "It's in ruins; the reason why I'm heading over there is to see if I can get it put back on the map like I did for Morris. I'll see the three of you tomorrow morning."

"See you!" They chirped.

Naruto then closed the door and made his way to find the last person on his list. Now where would Galatea be?


It took a bit, but he eventually found Galatea getting a last minute checkup for the night in the clinic with Tsunade, Shizune and Clarice. She wanted to make damn sure that her baby was nice and healthy.

"Hey honey," Naruto greeted her, giving Galatea and Clarice pecks on the cheek, before turning to address Tsunade and Shizune, "Hi Granny-Tsunade, hi Shizune-Neechan. How are you holding up?"

"Barely," Tsunade croaked, giving Naruto a flat look. "You have no idea how badly I need a drink after learning that another one of your daughters got herself knocked up by that Garth kid… Don't get me started on the one-hundred-plus women you knocked up! How has your dick not fallen off?!"

"Kage Bunshin." Naruto answered automatically. "...still felt exhausted after they dispelled though." He sighed. "So, how is Lilith doing? She okay?"

"She's fine," Clarice replied. "Admittedly irritable, and wishing that she was the one who ate Garth, much to my discomfort, but that's the worst of it. She's pretty healthy and should have a perfectly safe pregnancy, but it's too early to say much."

Naruto gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I'll have a talk with her about saying stuff like that," he assured. "She has a habit of saying the damnedest things when she's pissed."

"Kinda like you, to be honest," Tsunade muttered irritably.

Naruto cocked his head to the side for a moment, before nodding with admittance. "...true." then the blond turned his attention to Galatea and said, "I'm heading to Konoha in the morning now that Inonon's job here has been finished. I'm also planning on heading to Uzushiogakure once our business there is over. Wanna come with?" He knew Clarice was eager to see his homeland, but knew the poor thing was too far into her pregnancy to travel much. And from the look of resigned disappointment on her face, she knew it too.

It was a shame, he would have loved to show her around.

"I would love to!" to say Galatea was excited was an understatement, but she was good at hiding it and so it came out with great enthusiasm instead. "We're heading over there in the morning, right?"

"Yeah. We are." Naruto confirmed.

"Alright, then I will see you in the morning!" Galatea gave the blond a chaste kiss on the lips then withdrew with a dreamy sigh.

"I take it you're heading to Konoha to get some info on getting past the whirlpools?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah. Sakura told me they might have records on getting past them. So apart from bringing Inonon back - who's also going to try get permission from Kakashi-Sensei to stay with us - I'm also going there to see if they actually have information on getting through them."

"You mind getting me something?" Clarice asked. "I've been craving egg rolls like mad."

"Sure thing, honey," Naruto replied. "How many do you want?"

"A good supply," Clarice giggled, rubbing her subtle baby bump. "However many is reasonable, I guess."

"Alright," he chuckled. "I'll send a clone back with your egg rolls when I'm done in Konoha." he promised and let out another chuckle when the brunette clapped her hands together with excitement. He then pulled her into a heated kiss, drawing a startled yelp from the woman, only for her to wrap her arms around him and return it with gusto.

"Alright you love birds, take it somewhere else." Tsunade scolded them, though she didn't mean it seriously. Despite how tired she was she truly did enjoy seeing Naruto happy.

Naruto gave her a sheepish chuckle and asked, "You need anything while I'm there, Granny Tsunade?"

"Eh, I've been missing some of the premium sake they have there," she admitted. "That and wine they have here is good, but sometimes, I could use some of the stuff I'm used to."

"I'll see what I can do, then." Naruto promised, before gently himself away from Clarice and giving her another peck on the lips. "Well, I'll ask a few more of the girls to see if they want to go with me and then I'll be heading to bed."

"Alright," Tsunade replied with a nod. "Have a good night, then."

"You too!"


The next day

Naruto was happy to learn that all the girls he asked were coming along for the ride to Konoha. Before him was Hana, Susan, Harja, Cynthia, Cassandra, Miranda, Licht, Galatea Hysteria and Chloe. Inonon was standing beside him, with all her stuff in the scroll. The women around them were thoroughly entertained, swearing they could see the little hearts floating above her head as Inonon hugged Naruto's arm.

"It'll be night time over in Konoha by the time we get there; so I sent word to the Hokage beforehand." Naruto told them, then, he looked at the assembled women and asked. "Is everyone ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Inonon, replied.

"I'm ready!" Harja chirped, far more enthusiastic. Hana and Susan shared her sentiment.

Cynthia grabbed his free hand and said, "I'm ready, too."

Cassandra and Miranda simply nodded and one by one, the rest showed their agreement. Naruto nodded back and said, "Alright, then everyone hold each others hands so you're not left behind."

Everyone did just that, Harja grabbing onto Inonon's hand, Susan grabbing hers, while Hana grabbed her mothers and so on. Once that was all said and done, Naruto sent chakra into the seal formula and they were gone in a flash.

Kakashi perked up when he saw the flash and smiled. "Glad to see you again, Naruto." He turned to Inonon and chuckled. "Someone's been busy."

The blonde in question turned beet red, but denied nothing. Naruto, meanwhile chuckled, blushing heavily at the mental image of Inonon letting her nighty drop down to reveal her lack of a bra and sucking his clone off. It was an impressive performance for a first-timer.

"Her parents can rest assured that she's still a virgin, though she'd like to ask about staying with me."

"Is that so?" Kakashi chuckled. "I'm beginning to wonder if I should swap out that ANBU unit I gathered for one with no bachelorettes in it."

Naruto let out a sheepish chuckle at that. "About that," he said. "I was wondering what was taking so long."

"It took a while for them to get back home," Kakashi replied with a shrug. "After the Suna Incident, I had them manning the borders with the vast majority of any others we could spare, just in case. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, as the old saying goes. They'll be ready to leave in the morning and I had intended to inform you then."

"Alright," Naruto replied. "Oh, by the way, do you have any records on getting past the whirlpools that are around Uzushiogakure no Sato?"

"Oh? I may… but it depends on what you want the knowledge for."

"I don't see any harm in that. I want to move my family there; and to do that I need to get past the whirlpools." Maybe he can bring Soleil over to fly over there, but he has no idea just how far the island is. He'll see if that's needed first and then he'll use her as a glorified mount. "I want to see what the damage is first, and if the ruins can be rebuilt or not using the materials there. If they're too worn down from the passage of time then I'll have to go for Plan B."

"Plan B?"

"Rebuilding it from scratch… either that or teleporting one of the castles I have as a replacement. I can rebuild the town around it later on… depending on how bad it is, I'd have to clear out the bodies... and find any booby trap seals that are still waiting to go off and shut them down." The knowledge the original Uzumaki Clan had on seals were the stuff of legends; if anyone could make seals still work decades after they were turned on, it would be the original Uzumaki Clan.

"I see. Well I don't see anything wrong with that. The island does technically belong to you now." Kakashi said with a nonchalant shrug. "I'll get someone on finding the information. It should still be in the archives. If so, it'll be ready by later in the morning."

"Thanks, Kakashi-Sensei," Naruto replied with a smile. Then, he looked to Inonon and nudged her forward.

Taking that as her cue, she stepped forth, grabbing Kakashi's attention and bowed to him. "H-Hokage-Sama, I'd like to officially volunteer as the personal psychiatric specialist of the Uzumaki Clan and aid Naruto in his endeavours with your permission."

"I saw this coming the moment you were retrieved to provide psychiatric help to those women Naruto mentioned," he pointed out with a chuckle. He turned to the blond in question and asked, "How did she do?"

"Better than I frankly thought possible," Naruto chuckled. "They're even able to talk, now, though they still don't do it much. They say it feels weird."

Kakashi nodded and fetched the paperwork he had stashed away in a drawer before presenting it to Inonon.

The blonde was taken aback by how many files there were. Upon fetching them and leafing through the papers, she saw why. There was actually a few of them in the stack: on top was a report of administrative leave as she'd been expecting, followed by a report of marital leave, a report of maternal leave, a change of citizenship,a wandering rights permit, and finally a form of resignation from Konoha's military forces.

"FIll out the ones you want to and keep the rest," Kakashi said. He saw the writing on the wall, when it came to her relationship with Naruto and was not about to stand in their way.

Inonon blushed heavily and nodded. "I-I'll inform the Yamanaka Clan that I'll be leaving, then," she muttered.

As Kakashi nodded in acknowledgement, Naruto pulled her into a one-armed hug, saying, "I'll go with you in the morning. Make sure it goes smoothly, y'know? Until then, you can stay at my place."

Inonon blushed and gave him an appreciative smile. "A-alright." Words could not describe how happy she was!

"Anything else?" Kakashi asked.

"Not really." Naruto admitted. It was night time over here in the Elemental Nations, so they couldn't exactly explore or occupy themselves much. "I'd rather get to Uzushiogakure no Sato as fast as possible, but Inonon needs to let her clan know of the new arrangements and I do need the knowledge on getting past the whirlpools. I can wait for a day; I'll have to find a place for the others to stay though. My old apartment isn't exactly known for being roomy."

"There are vacant rooms near yours. They can take those, free of charge."

"Alright," Naruto chirped. "Thanks, Sensei! Oh, when will you get the information about the whirlpools to me?"

"As soon as I am able, of course," Kakashi replied with a smile. "I'll have them sent to your place by noon, at the latest. The keys to those rooms are at your place. Have fun until then."

Naruto nodded with a smile and took the keys. Then he looked to the others and said, "You heard the man, let's go to our apartments and get settled in for the night…? Day…? Yeah, night. Let's get settled in for the night."

As he turned to leave, the ladies, Inonon included, followed him out. Kakashi meanwhile sighed - that turned to a tired yawn - and went to make a note for himself later. It was night out after all, and he was tired. He needed something to remind him of what Naruto wanted in the coming morning after all.

Naruto meanwhile led everyone out of the office and the building and brought them to the apartment complex.

Minutes later, Naruto's group was within sight of the apartment building.

"That's the building right there," Naruto informed everyone as he pointed at the building in question. "Your keys have numbers on them; just find the matching symbols on your key and you'll be able to get inside. Of course, I can help you all out if you want?"

"Maybe have a clone at the ready, just in case?" Cynthia asked.

"I can do that," Naruto replied. "So, Cynthia, Hana and Susan go in one room…" He handed the mother a key and turned to Cassandra. "I'd assume that you and Miranda would like to share one, as well." The former Number One in question smiled and nodded, so he handed her a key. With them out of the way, that left, Hysteria, Licht, Chloe, and Galatea, as he planned to have Inonon and Harja stay at his place. "Hysteria, Licht, Chloe," he called out, "You three mind sharing a room?"

The three exchanged a look, before shaking their heads. They didn't mind, at all.

Naruto nodded and handed them a key, before forming a clone. "In that case, Galatea, Inonon, and Harja are staying with me for the night. That'll make things easier. Due to our sleep cycles, though, I'll be checking on you every now and then. Kinda doubt you'll be getting much rest."

"Yeah, that's a pretty safe bet," Cynthia commented with a nod.

With that and a bit of idle chit-chat, the party dispersed for the night.