Reclaim Uzushiogakure Part 2(18+)

Five Days Later

In Uzushiogakure no Sato, Naruto let out a tired but satisfied sigh as he gave his handiwork a good, long look. He was satisfied with what they had managed to do during the time they were here. All the seals were deactivated, the bodies from all four sides were cleaned out and given a proper burial, and all the rubble and debris was cleared out. His daughters even volunteered to help with the overgrowth - Harja being particularly useful in that regard, as her ribbons cut down the grass and trimmed the trees to shape. Hana and Susan, meanwhile, had helped with the weeds.

The buildings, unfortunately, would have to be replaced since the materials from the ruins were not up to stuff. The ruins themselves will have to be taken away, obviously, since nature was in the process of reclaiming them when they arrived on the island. He'd have to get some architects from Nami to rebuild the once prosperous Hidden Village; luckily, he knew a certain bridge builder with connections in the Elemental Nations.

He was one of the architects that helped rebuild Konoha the first time she got destroyed after all, so the man has some experience when it comes to rebuilding a destroyed Hidden Village.

"This looks good," he said with tired satisfaction. "Still, it needs work, obviously, but it's almost unrecognizable from when we first came here. You three did a very good job."

Harja, Hana, and Susan all beamed at that, happy to hear that their efforts were appreciated.

"So what do we do now?" Hysteria asked, slipping her arms around Naruto from behind.

"We go back to Morris and let everyone know Uzushiogakure is almost ready. I got to put down a teleportation seal first, though, so we don't have to use Isobu to get back on the island." Naruto replied, as he lovingly held Hysteria's forearm. "After that, it depends if we have to take the castle or not. I know a guy who's got connections with architects in the Elemental Nations. I'll be consulting him, before we head back, so you and the others can explore Nami a bit more and have a little fun before we go back."

"Sounds good to me," Licht said with a agreeing nod.

And with that Naruto got to work on applying the teleportation seal to the island. It took him a few minutes to brush it down, but once he was done, he had the others grab hold of him and each other before they vanished enmass from the island.

Kurama had already told Isobu that Naruto was leaving through their connection. But instead of leaving, the giant turtle decided to stay for a few more days, before leaving himself. He wanted to make sure someone was keeping an eye on the place in Naruto's absence, much to the blond's appreciation.

The group reappeared in the great hall of Morris' citadel almost immediately after. It was night time, everyone else was in bed, which gives him a good enough of an excuse to check on a certain Rabbit Goddess.

Of course, there were a couple of people who were still up, and they felt Naruto's chakra reappear in the castle along with so many others. The second they felt him reappear with the others they immediately dropped what they were doing and made a beeline for him, much to Naruto's amusement.

Miria was quite predictably the first among them to appear, practically materializing on Naruto's arm thanks to her phantom technique. Tabitha was close behind, and she practically did the same thing to his other arm, though hers was more like a blur of motion fading into focus when she came to a stop.

Priscilla was close behind, already claiming a liplock from her mate before he even realized she was in front of him. Then she withdrew and pressed herself against him, rubbing her cheek against his broad chest like a puppy trying to have its owner pay attention to them.

Glissa and Yuma came next, the dark haired awakened was a blur of motion before she threw herself down on her knees and slid over to him and hugged a leg to her bosom. Yuma was doing the exact same thing to Naruto's other leg, though the shy woman was giving him quite the impish smirk when he looked past Priscilla and down at them bewilderedly.

Last was Clare and Jean, both of whom just walked on up to him and tried their best to hug their hubby from behind.

To say Naruto was overwhelmed is an understatement, but he didn't really mind it. "I'm surprised I don't get dogpiled like this more often," he said with a chuckle. "You girls missed me that much?"

"Yes," Priscilla's answer was short and to the point. She glanced at Miria, Tabitha, Clare, Yuma, and Glissa from the corner of her eyes one by one, before looking up at Naruto and saying in a flat, demanding tone, "Breed us."

"Not in front of the kids," Naruto chuckled. Then, his attitude took a one-eighty, legitimately startling the ladies. "There's… something I need to do. Something that unfortunately takes a higher priority than that." Once that's done, though, he'll gladly breed these women.

Miria was curious, and worried, from the grim tone in her hubby's voice. It was very well hidden but she could sense his unease. Priscilla on the other hand, could feel and hear his heartbeat speed up with anxiety. That made her frown dangerously. What could make him so anxious?

With narrowed eyes Priscilla pulled back and looked up at him. "What is it that has you so nervous?" she softly demanded.

"...I'm hoping it's nothing." the blond answered with a sigh.

Chloe growled with irritation and decided to get straight to the point instead of having Naruto's fidgeting keep everyone out of the loop, "Oh for the love of- a Goddess he's fought called Kaguya has somehow found herself in that simulation thing in the bailey! That's what the problem is! That's where his priority is!"

Everyone who was holding on to him went stiff in shock - except for one.

Priscilla perked up at that. "The Kaguya? As in the real deal?"

Naruto gave her a worried look. He hoped she wasn't thinking what he thought she was thinking. "Uh… Yeah?" then he gave the brunette a very serious look, "Priscilla… if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, don't."

The brunette in question frowned at that. "I'm not thinking about challenging her or anything… at the moment," she admitted. "I just want to make sure everything's okay."

He deflated in relief at that, "Thank the Sage for that, then. Believe me, she is not someone you want to fight… ever."

Priscilla shrugged. "You're the Alpha, now," she reminded him. "If you're scared of her, then I have plenty of reason to be worried."

Naruto shuddered, as he got a haunted look on his face. "Let me put it this way, Priss: if you're hit with her Ash-Killing Bone, it doesn't matter how good of a healing factor you have, you're dead the moment you're hit."

"Ash-Killing Bone?" The brunette in question didn't know what that technique was, but it sounded awful.

Naruto dampened his lip. "Imagine being able to shoot out bones anywhere on your body, that once it hits, can crumble your opponents to ash from the inside. It's always a one-hit kill. And it's not instant, you'll be alive as you're crumbling to ash."

Everyone tried to imagine what he said in their heads, and they didn't like the image their brains was portraying. Miria had an easier time trying to imagine such a devastating technique, because she read a draft of his then unnamed book 'Child of Prophecy', when he was writing it in his spare time.

There were a few unused sketches and inked works of the technique in action as well. It wasn't a pleasant image in her opinion; seeing a smiling Obito crumbling into a pile of ash after saving Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi from it. It gave her nightmares… how Naruto managed to still smile after going through so many tragedies baffled her. But in the end, she wouldn't have him any other way.

"I remember seeing unused sketches and inked works of that technique in question." the sandy-brunette admitted. "It is a technique you will want to avoid getting hit by."

"Right…" Priscilla muttered, "'s go see what this bitch wants."

"Right after Harja, Susan and Hana go to bed." Naruto said. He turned to the girls in question and added, "Be good girls and I'll be taking you to Raby Castle for more fuinjutsu training."

They'd also be along to have a little playtime with him, but that was left unsaid for obvious reasons.

Still, his daughters read between the lines and beamed at that.

"Yes, Daddy," Harja chirped, grabbing Hana and Susan by the hands and urging them out of the great hall. They obliged without question as Cynthia moved to follow them out.

Before she left, though, the former Number 14 turned to her man and said, "Be careful, honey, and if you need me, don't hesitate to call."

"Alright," Naruto replied with a nod. Then he looked to the remaining girls and said, "Let's go over there now. With that plant, Himawari, having a leash on her, Kaguya won't be much trouble. Hopefully..."

Those who weren't in the know just gave Naruto an odd look. "...what?"

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you this: Himawari's the one who made her body." Naruto shrugged helplessly at the looks he was given. "How Kaguya's actual consciousness got into the seal is beyond me, but the flower's the one who made her body - she can make the woman as strong or as weak as she wants her to be."

"That is terrifying…" Miria muttered. While she'd never fought the dreaded psychic flower that had developed a bit of infamy among Naruto's lovers, she knew damn well that Himawari's reputation was quite thoroughly earned.

"She calls me 'Daddy' and is more likely to call you 'Auntie Miria', since you're my wife." Naruto added. "Won't stop her from eating your pretty ass though. Amusingly enough, Himawari made Kaguya for her adventures."

"Adventures?" Jean and Clare both gave him odd looks at that.

Naruto shrugged yet again, "It's an idea I gave her to keep her happy when I weakened her. When she's encountered in the simulation again, Himawari won't be as strong as she was when she took on Teresa, Priscilla, Noel, Sophia, Irene, and Elda… because she was an unstoppable powerhouse." At the last two words, Naruto's voice went utterly flat; devoid of emotion; then he perked right up again and added, "Of course, the option to fight her at full power is there if any of you are feeling like challenging yourself."

"I'll pass." Miria flatly replied. "Not until I'm feeling more confident in the western techniques I've been learning, at least."

"Same here," Glissa replied. "The flower I fried was on easy mode. There's no way I'm ready for Himawari."

"That's smart of you two," Naruto praised, "I'll give you all a little hint for the time you're unlucky enough to run into her again: what Priscilla and Teresa tried to do was working."

Priscilla's eyes glinted at that, "Burn the environment~?" she asked, looking almost childish as she looked up at him with a wide grin.

Naruto chuckled and pecked Priscilla on her forehead. "Yes. Burn the environment. Take away her ability to use senjutsu, then she can't outright take control of you." he replied. "That's all I'm giving you for now."

Everyone, Priscilla especially, filed that information away for later use.

"Alright," Miria nodded. "Now, let's see what this rabbit goddess wants."

Glissa and Yuma stopped hugging Naruto's legs so he could move. Everyone else followed him out into the bailey When he got there, the blond kneeled down and activated the sim, pulling up the inside of that cabin into view, the figure he sought floating in the middle, her legs crossed as she perked up.

"Oh, hello," she said politely, looking surprised. "I'm hoping you're the real one and not a construct?"

'Yeah," Naruto chuckled. "So, what can you tell me about this… problem you potentially see coming in the future?"

Miria really didn't like the sound of that.

Suddenly, Giggles popped up in the room out of nowhere, startling the living shit out of Kaguya. "Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi~!" he broke down into a fit of insane cackling, and his ever constant toothy grin grew wider when his bloodshot eyes caught those of Chloe's, "Look who's here! It's the lady who ran away! Ran away, ran away, ran away~! HeheheheheheheAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

There was a knock on the cabin door, but before Kaguya could say anything, Yami opened the door and marched on in. "Hi. Can't talk, need to keep this idiot from making things worse for us." the masked Naruto droned, before he grabbed Giggles's hooded jacket and pulled him out of the room. "Now you! Follow me!"

"But I don't waaaaaana!" Giggled whined.

"No buts!"

Kaguya, Naruto, Cassandra, Miranda, Licht, Galatea, Hysteria, Chloe, Clare, Miria, Priscilla, Jean, Glissa, Yuma, and Tabitha all watched in bewilderment as they saw the irritated Yami pulling the blood-stained Giggles out of the cabin against his will.

"...What… what just happened?" Priscilla asked oddly.

Kaguya sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "That was 'Giggles' and 'Yami', the former is the blood covered one and Yami is the masked one." she gave Naruto a flat look. "They're self aware like that plant is, by the way. And Yami is capable of manipulating the simulation himself. Unlike a certain plant, and giggling lunatic however, Yami's not one for breaking the rules. He's been trying to keep them from doing so."

"Uh… good… good to know?" Naruto said lamely. He had no idea how to react to that. Neither did anyone else for that matter. Then the blond cleared his throat and tried getting them all back on track, "So… about this potential problem you were telling me clone about?"

Glad to be getting back to the point of this meeting, Kaguya took a deep breath and got to the main point. "Very well, my brethren is scouring all of existence to find me. It's only a matter of time before they find this world, and when they do they will take my chakra - your chakra - for themselves to sustain their immortality."

"That much I know," Naruto muttered, "How strong are they? Individually, you said they're weaker than you are, but if they're together then they can potentially kill you. And do you know how many of them are left?"

"As single individuals I can kill them. It would take me some time to do so as they have similar powers as I." Kaguya answered, and that gave Naruto some answers to his questions; so these Otsutsuki all have similar powers as Kaguya then… it would be safe to assume they can go through other dimensions as well, then.

"I see… and how many would it take for them to kill you?" Naruto asked.

Kaguya shrugged, "Two would suffice, if they are capable of working together. Just as you, that pink haired one, and the one with dark hair defeated me by working together. And as for how many members of the Otsutsuki Clan are left… I have no idea. My body was sealed into the moon, and my other son Hamura took his clan to the Moon to I assume protect this planet and to safeguard my body. They once numbered in the thousands, but infighting had occured. I do not know of the specifics of what had caused the infighting, but half of them were wiped out in the end." Kaguya peered up towards the sky and focused her Rinne Sharingan on the moon. She may have been weakened but she is still a goddess, and she can still sense someone of Otsutsuki lineage there on the moon's surface. "Now, there is only one person from Hamura's clan left on the moon. I am not sure what that person is doing up there… or what they were doing when I reappeared, but they are there now."

"I see…" well that just gave him more questions than answers! Naruto pushed those thoughts aside and asked, "I guess that means you have no idea how many of your clan are left?"

"I have no idea. There could be hundreds, or there could be as few as ten, five, or two. I was sealed away for a millennia, after all, and a lot can happen in that time." Kaguya shrugged. "All I know for sure is that they are out there… and they are coming."

Well, that wasn't ominous in anyway…

"I see, thank you for the warning." Naruto thanked her with a respectful nod; then he let out a tired sigh and said, "Well, it looks like I got some preparation to do." At least he'll have some time… it might not be much, since the exact date of their arrival is unknown, but it's still time.

Kaguya scoffed. "I still doubt it will be worth much."

"And I still accept your challenge," Naruto grinned impishly.

Miria blinked and gave her husband a flat look. "What challenge?" she deadpanned.

"...Basically, Kaguya said if I could defeat the ones coming after her - and she pointed out time and time again that it's not possible - then she'd offer herself up as my broodmare…" Naruto shrugged sheepishly and added, "my clone took that as a challenge and accepted. Even if she doesn't uphold her side of the bargain, though, I will beat them. That's just icing on the cake if she does."

Kaguya rolled her eyes, "I still doubt you are capable of winning. I was just one celestial being, you are going to be facing more than one."

"And he had far more help," Priscilla was quick to point out. "I don't care what it takes, I will make sure my mate gets out of this alive. No one threatens my family."

"Aw~!" Priscilla squawked in surprise when a widely grinning Naruto pulled her into a one-armed hug, "I love you too, Priss!"

Kaguya to her credit just quirked an eyebrow. Looking around she made a mental note that all the other women seemed to share the sentiment. How curious… Concubines, in her experience, didn't tend to legitimately adore their lords as much as these ones clearly did.

"Are they your concubines?" The white haired, horned woman just had to know!

"No. They're my wives. Well… most of them of them are. Though Hysteria and quite a few are still settling for friends with benefits. Cassandra and Miranda are my girlfriends, wanting to take it slower than the others, but a majority of them are my wives."

"Noted…" Kaguya muttered. "How many are there in total?"

Naruto scrunched his face as he tried to think of how many women he's in a relationship with. "...around a hundred-ish? It's well over 50, now, that much I know." he answered after a moment of thoughtful counting. He still needed to determine which ones were one-night stands, if any, among the trainees he'd banged.

Kaguya blushed, her mind going to places she knew it shouldn't before she pushed those thoughts aside and cleared her throat. "Duly noted…"

Deciding to return to the point of why they came here, Miria spoke up. "Is there any information you can give up on this clan of yours?"

"It's millenia old, but yes," Kaguya replied. This was her garden at risk after all. "What do you want to know?"


Some time later, in Naruto's bedroom, the blond in question threw a squawking Priscilla onto the bed and he threw himself on top of her before showering her with kisses. She squealed and giggled in enjoyment as Naruto hugged her close and started peeling her dress off as he kissed a trail down to her bosom. He moved up as he exposed her tits and nibbled on the brunette's earlobe.

"You're such a good girl," he whispered into her ear huskily, "Saying you'd make sure your man makes it out alive, whatever it takes, like that deserves a good reward, don't you think~?"

"I aim to please my mate," she purred, wrapping her arms around him looking lovingly into his eyes. "I meant every word~!"

"Good~!" Naruto gave Priscilla a loving kiss on the lips. Then he pulled away and got to work on taking off the rest of her dress. Priscilla put up no resistance as he removed her only garment. Then, he spread her legs and went down on the brunette, giving the woman's folds a long, slow lick. She shuddered pleasantly and then yelped in delight when Naruto started ravaging her cunny with a hungry growl, aggressively eating her out with the skill that could only come from a stud with well over a hundred cunts' worth of experience.

Her brown eyes rolled to the back of her skull as she spread her legs as wide as possible, to give Naruto as much access as can possibly be given. Her hands flew to his head, her fingers tangling into his golden locks as she pulled him closer and bucked her hips invitingly.

Naruto chuckled and moaned pleasantly into her cootch, lapping away and attacking her clit without mercy. To make sure he could have a better angle, Naruto hooked his arms under Priscilla's thick thighs and pulled her down to him while he ravaged her folds, clit and the interior of her cunt with the suction of his lips and the wiggling, exploring mass of flesh that was his tongue.

Priscilla didn't stand a ghost of a chance, throwing her head back and wailing in orgasm as Naruto lapped and gulped down her sexual juices. Then, he withdrew and gave her a mischievous grin. Undoing his pants, his cock sprang free from its confinements and he guided his rock-hard dick to her dripping cunny; the blond then impaled his woman without hesitation, ripping another pleasured wail from Priscilla. He let out a guttural moan at the sensation of her fluttering walls around his dick. The sensation would simply never get old; hers was still the tightest cunt among his wives.

Though Harja still had her beat, the hot wet cavern still squeezed him so damn pleasantly~!

"Who's a good breeding bitch, hmm~?" Naruto growled down at her with a teasing smirk.

Priscilla panted and giggled, giving him a longing look. "I aim to be the best one you have~!"

"I think you are the best one I have… quite a few others are damn close, but you easily have one of the tightest cunts I've ever fucked." The literal goddesses he'd bedded had her beat, obviously, but out of all the ones here on the mortal plane, she was his best broodmare of them all. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this~!" Then, he pulled back and immediately started pounding the woman like a jackhammer.

Priscilla laid there and took it, moaning and howling her joy with a wide, dopey grin at having the shape of her ass fucked into the mattress. The strong, deep, powerful romp her mate was giving sent hot shivers up her spine.

"That's my lovely, broodmare," he groaned into her ear, "Lie there and take it, as you should!"

Priscilla gurgled helplessly as she came all over his thrusting dick, her inner walls clamped tightly around his cock, doing their damnedest to milk his balls for their contents. Naruto growled and slammed into her to the hilt.

"L-Love...C-cock… Love Cock… L-L-Loooove, Cuh-Cock!" was Priscilla's broken speech.

Naruto chuckled, his balls churning at the sensation of her fluttering walls. "Here it comes," he announced, before grabbing her hips. "Here comes a nice fat load for ya~!" Then he pulled out until only the tip remained inside, before slamming himself to the hilt one final time before painting the back of her womb white with his cum.

Priscilla shuddered once more at the feel of his wet heat flooding her loins, and her eyes rolled to the back of her skull as she orgasmed the second she felt his fluid entering her. No matter how many times she felt it, this sensation would alway prove to be just as addictive as the first time it had ever washed over her. Once the flow of his seed died down, Naruto eased himself out of his sexy brunette and laid down beside her with a satisfied sigh.

The Godslayer's Blessing was still there, but it seemed the blessing in question had done its job in pleasing his woman. It certainly helped that the Blessing of Blinding Pleasure

automatically brought any woman he came inside to cum as well.

With a final chuckle, Naruto leaned in and kissed his lover on the cheek. Then, he went to bed, hugging the winded brunette close as she drifted off to sleep.


A few days later, back in Uzushio, several construction workers milled about, demolishing buildings that were beyond salvation to be replaced, while patching up the few and far between that just needed a few things replaced like the main compound building for the Uzumaki Clan.

Of course, there was a giant, skeletal dragon walking around the island, but no one batted an eye at that. They thought the dragon - a skeletal dragon, who knew there was such a thing! - was a summon of some type that was undiscovered. So, naturally, they didn't ask questions since it was Ninja-related and left it at that.

None of the construction workers knew that the dragon could actually transform into a sexy, silver-haired woman with golden-brown eyes. Fortunately for the dragon in question, there was a lot of tree-covered mountains and valleys on the island for her to hide and turn back to her human form.

That was a plan for later, though, as she and her little mercenary group were helping in delivering supplies from Nami and the mainland as it was quicker and less dangerous than using a ship.

Team Undine was also there, because their leader simply had to see the homeland of her hubby's Legendary clan. Her teammates shared the sentiment to one degree or another. Needless to say, Glissa's fine ass turned more than a few heads, though the workers did their best to hide it, given that she was Naruto's woman… and armed.

They needn't have worried, though, as the dark-haired awakened thoroughly enjoyed their attention. It felt good to have her natural beauty appreciated by so many. While she was still Naruto's and his alone, the stroke it gave her ego was far from unwelcome… so long as they keep their hands to themselves, of course. Because there was only one person who could use his hands anyway he wanted. Anyway.

So long as it doesn't hurt, of course.

With those thoughts aside, Glissa followed her teammates to see Naruto consulting the old man in charge of the construction about building an 'eastern-style' castle on one of the hills. There was a lot of tents around, large ones, for the construction workers and many, many, stockpiles for the materials they're using to build the place.

Luckily the tent they're looking for was a very large one and not hard to find. It just took the four a couple of minutes to find. It was like a tent an general uses when the army has made camp: large, wide, and spacious enough to fit a rectangular table, six comfortable chairs, a wardrobe and a queen-sized bed.

Naruto perked up upon sensing Team Undine enter the room. "Oh, hey, girls! How do you like the place?"

"Much bigger than I expected," Zelda replied. "Just how many members did this clan have in its heyday?"

Naruto shrugged, "I don't really know. But the ruins of the original Hidden Village was built on both sides of the river, and the buildings themselves were fairly tall it looked like. If I had to guess... I'd say there used to be 2 to 3 thousand members in the original Uzumaki Clan." The blond shrugged again and added as an afterthought, "Maybe less than that, since there were too few survivors from the 'Massacre of Uzushio'..."

"Uzushio was known to attract merchants from all around, so it's safe to assume that not everyone living here was a member of the clan," the old man standing beside him pointed out.

"That's... a good point, actually, Tazuna-san." Naruto said with a thoughtful grunt. "Most of those buildings looked like warehouses, and there was a couple of fishing docks and what looked like a riverside tradeport. So your assumption does have weight to it." It also made sense that they'd be so powerful, despite being a one-clan village. Political influence and military might did have a tendency to correlate with the wealth of a nation, after all. And before their near annihilation, the Uzumaki Clan were on their way to becoming a Nation themselves.

Tazuna cleared his throat and brought Naruto's attention back to the map, "So, you want the castle to be built on top of this plateau, here?" he asked, pointing to one of the clearings Northwest of their current location.

Naruto looked where the architect was pointing and nodded. "Yeah. Putting it on top of there gives a good vantage point, and is ideal for defending." granted he was thinking about bandits and the like, but for shinobi and kunoichi a plateau isn't much of a defense. Which is why he'll apply seals on the steep hill to make them unable to use chakra.

He knew a few that can prevent the area they're written on from being molde or manipulated in any way, which would be a godsend against Doton-types and the like. Needless to say, they were commonly used on fortifications. He was certain that the Hidden Villages themselves had similar seals applied. Konoha, he knew for sure, had seals on her walls that prevented jutsu from the outside affecting the outside walls.

He just needed to make sure the seals he puts up here had some good failsafes to ensure that they don't get hacked by anyone with half-decent knowledge of Fuinjutsu. And there was bound to be people out there with a half-decent knowledge of Fuinjutsu out there somewhere.

"I'll take your word for it." Tazuna said, "what about the village itself? You said you wanted it built along the riverline just like the original?"

Naruto nodded, "Yeah. But I'm planning to have a two layered wall for the village's defense. It will be reinforced by Fuinjutsu as well, while rocking some of those eastern-style battlements and towers. The people over there have no chakra and got very different attitudes in their war culture, so they had to get pretty clever in very different ways with their conflicts, resulting in some very interesting innovations what would be pretty helpful for repelling invaders."

"Why the double walls, though?" The man asked.

At that question, Naruto smiled, "More defense equals more time bought to assemble the troops. The invaders will have to get through the first defense, tiring themselves out for the more fresher, battle ready defenders of the second layer. The eastern styled castle on the plateau acts as a third, final layer and the attackers would be exhausted if they do manage to get past the first and second walls and push their way through the town. I also want the gates to be off-center and the outer wall will have inwards-facing battlements, if they get past the first one with a battering ram, which they'd have to, it won't be able to make the sharp turns to get to the second one, resulting in the invaders being trapped in a killzone."

He was also going to add some of those really old fuinjutsu he, Harja, Hana, and Susan shut down as a secret layer of defense. Of course, Naruto was going to 'dissect' the seal formula to see how they worked and make a few adjustments so his wives, all of whom had not a speck of Uzumaki blood in them at all, wouldn't suddenly drop dead once they were all activated.

Tazona on the other hand could see the benefits of having a defense like that. It would make getting in the restored Uzushiogakure no Sato very difficult. The previous Hidden Village didn't even have walls to protect it. Once their seals were short circuited that was it.

"That's rather ingenious, I'll have to admit." Tazuna said with a look of respect on his wrinkled, bearded face.

"That's what I said when I first saw them," Naruto chuckled. "Again, they were very clever. Will Inari be up to the task of helping make the houses?"

"Of course!" the man was grinning with enthusiasm and confidence, "With Yamato here, my grandson and the other carpenters will have a steady supply of wood on their hands, and we have a steady supply of stone coming in every week. Building houses from stone isn't that uncommon either. The style of the buildings different though, but the blueprints you had shown to me of those houses showed the advantages. We'd have to make some adjustments though, for the cables, plumbing, and electricity, but it's doable."

Naruto grinned at that. "Cool."

He looked forward to using what he learned here to modernize Morris if possible. He knew some of his girls would be staying behind, so the creature comforts of his homeland would at least be a nice gift.

Naruto pat Tazuna on the back, "I'll leave you to it, then?" he asked.

Tazuna nodded with a smile. "Sure. I got everything handled." then he paused momentarily, before adding almost as an afterthought, "It would be best if you were to leave a few Kage Bunshin though. Just in case. It would make it a lot easier to find you if you're somewhere else."

Naruto chuckled and nodded acceptingly, "Alright. Would 10 do?"


"Alright," Naruto made a cross seal and with a quiet mutter, made ten Kage Bunshin. He looked at them and said, "Make sure you're close by in case Tazuna wants to talk to you."

All ten clones saluted and said simultaneously, "Yosh!"

When all ten clones left the tent, the original Naruto looked to Team Undine and walked over to them, "So, you girls wanna come explore the island with me? It's a perfect time for you to take in the sights."

"That sounds like a plan," Undine replied with a grin. "How about you bring us to that mountain you plan to build that castle on? I'm curious."

"It's not a mountain, it's a plateau," Naruto corrected with a grin, "A very, very steep hill. But sure. Follow me you sexy ladies~"

The four of them giggled and gathered around their man as he beckoned them out. Then they followed him as the blond lead them to the hill in question. It was actually a fair distance away - far enough away from the town that was planning to be built.

The hill was on a natural island that sat in the middle of the river, forming a natural moat of sorts and was just tall and sheer enough for the job while not being completely impractical. This would indeed serve as a wonderful location for a citadel, and it would appear that the Uzumaki of old had agreed on that as a small stronghold once stood there, before its remnants were demolished and cleaned out. Judging by the abundance of foreign corpses that Naruto and his daughters had cleared out during their visit here, and the extensive damage, it was safe to assume that this was where the last stand took place.

It made sense, as the road and a torn down bridge had lead to this hill from the main Uzumaki compound. Clearly, the survivors, or at least a good chunk of them, had evacuated to this stronghold during the attack and used it as their last refuge. They died trying to repel the invaders and did one hell of a job. The corpses of the invaders outnumbered those of the Uzumaki there one-hundred to one, even when counting the remains of small children!

It was a grim spectacle, but a damn impressive one…

Once they reached the top Team Undine looked around and were awed by the scenery. "Damn, this is a nice view." Undine said as she took in the sights, ripping Naruto from his dark train of thought.

"It is," he replied with a smile. "It gives a pretty good overview of the island. The mountainous hills and valleys also make for a good natural defense as well."

"I'll say." Deneve said as she eyed their surroundings. "The location isn't as good as Morris's, but the location itself is a good defensive position. A castle here would be so impractical to assail that it would just not be worth the effort, especially with the village walls I overheard you describing to Tazuna."

"Oh, I intend to make a second Uzumaki Massacre to be as close to impossible as I can," Naruto replied with a smile. "Those outer village walls are to protect visitors and merchants, things like that. I'm gonna have it sectioned off as well, so that even if an invading force does manage to breach the main gates, they'll only succeed in trapping themselves in another blockade, buying the defenders even more time to regroup and take them out. I also plan on having underground evacuation shelters among other things, and another inner wall surrounding the living quarters for the clan." Naruto wanted to give his family the best defense and the highest chance of escape in the off chance they are invaded or attacked.

Sure, the nations were enjoying a state of world peace at the moment, but times change and that era of peace was bound to come to an end down the road eventually. The Shinobi Union may have been formed to prevent a war of that magnitude from occurring again… but to disrupt that peace, all it takes is the will of a single man in the right position. As Madara proved.

Nevermind the fact that entire countries and the populations thereof can be moved to war over an injustice, perceived or otherwise, as the Suna Incident made abundantly clear. Hell, the only thing stopping Konoha's actions towards Naruto from starting a fifth Great War was the blond himself!

"Good." Undine was happy to see that her hubby was not going to leave things half-assed. As powerful as the original Uzumaki Clan was, it seems their destruction was partially to blame on the lack of city walls to protect them. Once they got through the perimeter seals and defenders, there was little to stop the invaders from steamrolling the clan.

If they had walls on top of their seals, they could have possibly won. It would have been a pyrrhic victory at worst, but a victory nonetheless. A properly fortified stronghold, after all, was much easier to defend than to attack. The only reason it took so many to take the Uzumaki out was that they had the home field advantage in addition to all those anti-personnel seals and such. Were it not for that, it would have likely taken the Three Nation Army a fraction of the manpower to deal with them.

"So, how long will it take for this 'Hidden Village' to be built?" Deneve asked as she looked at her husband with a raised brow.

"It took five to six months for Konoha to be rebuilt from the ground up after she was destroyed by Nagato. I guess it'll take the same amount of time in this case." Naruto answered as he scratched his head with a thoughtful frown. "Mind you, there's going to be a hell of a lot more masonry involved with this project, but that shouldn't make it take too much longer. There's also a lot more people working on this, in addition to my clones. I'd give it a year at most, and that's being generous."

"Cool." Glissa chirped with a wide, toothy grin. "So… what else is there to do here? Apart from helping out with the building effort, of course."

"Well," the blond sighed, "there's not much to be honest, outside of exploring. Soleil has her mercenary group protecting the builders while she's acting as my 'summon' to help haul materials. Miria's holding down the fort back in Morris while I go back and forth. Ophelia and Elda are here… somewhere. They're staying away from the builders though, because they want to 'spread their legs' or wings, in Elda's case." With a thoughtful hum, he added, "I've got an appointment with Harja, Hana, and Susan in a couple days, too, but until then, I'm pretty much free to do whatever I want."

Then he got an idea. "Do you girls wanna train?"

That piqued their interest to one degree or another. Deneve, being deneve, was the more collected one, giving him a cool grin, while the others were much more visibly interested.

"I'm game," Zelda chirped.

"Same here," Glissa added.

"Well, that settles it, then," Undine chuckled.

"So it does," Naruto chuckled as well. "There's still Ophelia, Elda, and Soleil to find. I want them to join in; that is if they want to." There's a good chance that his 'pet dragon' was busy at the moment, but if she wasn't, this was a good opportunity for her to have some fun.

"Alright, then let's get to them then." Undine huffed with a cocky grin.

Thanks to the Hiraishin seal Naruto put on them getting to them would only take him a second. It certainly saved him a lot of time wandering around. So, after telling Team Undine to grab on to him Naruto teleported himself and the team in question to Ophelia first.

The woman in question perked up, seeing Naruto and Team Undine pop up right next to the tree she'd taken a seat in. She grinned happily at them and sat up, "What's up?"

Ophelia was a lot saner now than she was nearly seven years ago. She still had her moments, but that was more playful teasing rather than antagonising now. It showed just how far she came along ever since Naruto first found her wandering aimlessly around in the woods. Then again, Nissa had a lot to do with that. Having a kid proved very transformative for her.

"I'm planning on having a training session with Team Undine. Do you want to join in?" Naruto asked her with a smile.

"Oh?" Ophelia's interest has been peaked. She didn't have a training session - without the simulation mind you - for a long time now! "Sure! I don't mind. This could" she hissed the last word out like a snake.

"Alright," Naruto cheered and he offered the platinum-haired blonde his hand for her to grab, to which she did and was promptly pulled to her feet. "I have Soleil and Elda to as now. It should only take us a second."

And with that Naruto, Team Undine, and Ophelia were teleported to Elda's location… which was actually at the river that flowed in the middle of the old location of Uzushiogakure no Sato. She was further down ahead, though. Naked. And was using the river to skinny dip so to speak. The dull-blonde haired woman had the opportunity to do so, because no one else was even remotely close to her.

When Naruto appeared in a yellow flash, the woman casually looked in his direction with a sultry grin. "Oh, hello, there~!" she greeted him flirtatiously and didn't even bother covering up her nudity; she had nothing to hide from her man after all. "Oh, hello, there~!"

"Hi, Elda," Naruto greeted her back with a respectful nod; then his eyes roamed her body with approval. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, I am." the woman answered with a nod, her sultry grin unchanging. Then she rolled around and crossed her arms in front of her, "So, what brings you here stud~?"

Naruto chuckled and said, "I'm having a little training session with Team Undine and Ophelia. I want to know if you want to join?"

"I would love to~!" she cheerfully answered, with a chirp like grin.

Naruto chuckled at that, "Alright, get dressed then you sexy snake woman~" he told her. "We'll be going to Soleil after that's done."

Elda giggled like little schoolgirl as she pulled herself out of the river and stretched her arms out above her head enticingly. His eyes were drawn to her tits, which were big even in her human form. And that was her purpose all along: to get Naruto to look at her tits, because she knew how much he liked them.

After that she just slipped on her dark blue, sleeveless dress and a tied her golden sash around the waist, while she was still wet. That gave off another intended effect: her dress hugging her body and her erect nipples being shown through the fabric.

Naruto was hard pressed to resist bending the woman over and pounding her like a drum. But resist he did. With a deep breath to calm his nerves, the blond shook his head and gave the blonde a flat, but amused smile.

"Come on, you cock tease," he told her, and beckoned the Awakened Being to take his hand, "Let's go get Soleil, now,"

Elda giggled sticking her tongue out teasingly. "Alright," she chirped. Then she walked on over to him and took his hand.

Naruto looked to Team Undine and Ophelia and said, "Make sure you're holding on to me." They all grabbed hold of him, or those who were holding on to him, then they were gone in another yellow flash.

Soleil was lying next to a building currently under construction as several people unloaded, lumber, crates of building materials and various other supplies off of her back when Naruto reappeared. The young blond smiled at her as the girls gave him room to walk up to his 'pet dragon'.

"Sup Soleil, how's everyone treating you?" he asked her.

"Fairly well," she replied, sounding rather cheery. "I'm used to lugging things for my group, so this is nothing new." Despite her lack of lips, Naruto could feel her lewd grin as she continued. "I could use a few more cute girls for company, though~!" She blatantly ogled Naruto's women out the corner of her eye - Elda in particular.

Naruto chuckled as he placed his hand on her bony snout, "I'll bet you could. I'm planning on having a little training session with Team Undine, Elda and Ophelia. I want to know if you'd like to take a break and watch? I can make several clones to help with the unloading so it can go by faster if you want to?" He wasn't going to go and say if she wanted to join in because of how many people who weren't in the know were around. They thought she was a summon, so why not keep up the disguise for as long as possible?

"That sounds like a plan~!" Soleil chuckled, before turning to her long-time friend, who was using a bucket as a makeshift stool as she took notes. "Hey, Robin, you wanna join in on that?"

The woman in question perked up at that and grinned. "Alright!" Figuring Soleil would probably want to do more than watch, she decided to go fetch something. "I'll go grab my gear while you're getting ready to go."

"Alright," Naruto gave the woman a nod as she hopped off the bucket. Then he looked up at Soleil and grinned, "Alright, let's get these supplies off of you, no?"

"Sounds good to me," she chirped.

Without another word, Naruto created several more clones and they immediately got to work, helping remove everything from her back and tying it down where directed by the workers around them.

Then, when everything was off, Soleil stood up and stretched her wings, shaking much like a dog with a pleasured groan and rattled bones. "Ah, that feels good~!" she sighed with relief. Soleil then folded her wings and sat down on her haunches as she waited for Robin to come back.

It didn't take long, as the woman in question emerged from a nearby tent, hugging two swords a dagger, and a bundle of clothes to her chest. Seeing as Robin was already clothed, it wasn't hard to guess who those clothes were for.

Smiling as Robin rejoined them, Naruto looked up at the giant skeletal dragon and asked, "Soleil, are you able to carry us behind a steep hill on that island over there?" the Awakened Being would have blinked, had she had eyelids, the woman nonetheless looked in the direction he was pointing towards and after a moment of contemplation she nodded.

"I can; it will only take me a minute to get us all there." she answered; it's out of sight, the hills are steep - almost like mountains - and covered in trees and other vegetation. She leaned down and looked at Naruto and the others, "Climb on, I'll take us there."

Naruto grinned before turning to the others, "You heard her!" the blond then bent his knees before leaping up and on Soleil's back. The others, except Elda, did the same thing; the blond stayed down in order to help Robin seeing she was a little hands full.

The busty brunette was thankful for the help, though she thought it completely unnecessary since she could just use yoki to do the same thing. But she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth and accepted the help nonetheless. With Elda carrying a small portion of the clothes, and Robin the rest, the two women bent their knees and leapt onto Soleil's back and got themselves seated and ready for take off.

"I hope you're all seated!" Soleil announced as she spread her wings. "Because I'm about to take off!" With that, she did, blasting a cloud of dust into the air as she launched herself upwards with a mighty flap. Then she headed off to the other island and went behind one of the steep hills. When she landed in a clearing with a great THUD, her passengers slid off her back and took a look around. As they did, Soleil reverted to her human form, teasingly shaking her hips and giving Naruto a lewd grin as she accepted her clothes from Robin and Elda.

"So what's this training exercise?" Elda asked, after she handed Soleil her clothes.

At that Naruto grinned deviously, "It's a test. Team Undine and Ophelia had taken it before, long before you or the Crimson Guard came along. But it's been years the last time they took it, so I'll give a short explanation and that will hopefully refresh your memory: I'm going to test your capability to fight… and if you leave any openings, well…" he shrugged and his grin grew twice its original size, "...I molest you."

Team Undine and Ophelia either grinned or smiled eagerly at that. Elda, Soleil and Robin were blushing and had surprised looks on their faces, though they were looking forward to this a lot more now.

"Oh, so it's gonna be that kind of training session!" Undine eagerly cracked her knuckles with a cocky grin. "This ain't gonna be like the last time!"

"No mud pit nearby, too bad," Naruto said with mock disappointment. Then he grinned at the woman, and the others and said, "Then again, I can still grope or slap your asses if you leave an opening for me to exploit."

"I certainly don't mind," Glissa giggled.

"So, is it gonna be like the last time? You make clones and have us treat them as if they're Awakened Beings?" Undine asked.

"Yeah. There's technically two teams here - yours, Undine. Elda, Ophie, Soleil and Robin make up a team as well with my loyal 'pet' as the leader, seeing as how she was Number Three and has a good amount of experience calling the shots." Naruto said, looking pointedly at the Awakened women in question, with Soleil being dressed now. "So, you all are going to be fighting two clones - one for each - and your objective it to pop them."

With Soleil dressed and ready to go, she asked, "No awakened forms, then?"

"Well you can use your awakened form, if you want." then Naruto gave the blonde a sly grin, "But where's the fun in that? If you were to turn into your dragon form Soleil, then how would I be able to grope your nice tits, or slap your firm ass~?"

Soleil giggled at that, loving the thought and the challenge. "Fair enough," she chirped. "Let's see how sturdy these clones are."

"Alright," after that Naruto turned and walked to the treeline. That much Undine, Zelda, Ophelia, and Deneve remembered from the first time they took this training session. He went into the treeline, and the clones sped out and tried picking off their sensors.

"The last time we took this Naruto's first move was to take the sensors out of the fight." Undine yelled to the newly created Team Soleil. "If this is going to be anything like that then you'd want to protest your best sensor!"

"I was a former Eye," Soleil revealed, her ever-present smile becoming a nervous one, "So he'll try and come for me?"

"If he sees an opening to take you out, then yes, he'll come for you" Zelda answered. "If he can take out the eyes of the team, then it would make things easier for him and harder for us… and the last time I couldn't even sense him since he steadily flooded the area with his yoki."

"I can sense him though…" Soleil's smile wavered as she looked off in the direction Naruto left in. "no, it seems there is now three Narutos instead of the one." she frowned outright, raising all manner of red flags for Robin, "two are approaching and the third is staying in place."

Soleil drew her sword readying herself for combat.

"Do we engage first, or wait?" Robin asked.

"It's best to wait - the woods are his territory. Naruto's got an advantage in them." Deneve answered.

"Not to mention he was trained for this sort of thing," Zelda added. "He's going to fight dirty and strike us from angles he wouldn't expect."

"Stay close and don't separate," Undine concluded.

Just as Undine finished, a tri-pronged kunai landed right in front of her. The woman only had time to widen her eyes before a Naruto clone teleported to it in a yellow flash. It happened so fast, so instant, the former Number 11 didn't was unable to react in time.

Undine squawked like a little girl when she felt her groin get cupped by Naruto's hand.

"Hello, cutie~!" said blond chirped.

Soleil wasted no time, closing the gap and trying to whack the clone upside the head with a crooked strike from her sword. Due to the unusual angle of attack, the clone was slightly caught off-guard and forced to retreat. "Right back atcha," she quipped.

Luckily the sword missed by a large margin, and the clone got away unscathed. After a series of chakra enhanced backflips, Naruto gave the woman who tried attacking him a grin. "Not a bad way to attack," he complimented, "but there's another clone out here." then he grinned viciously, "the boss may have said you were going to fight two clones, but he didn't say anything about us not being able to make our own clones."

'Oh, really?" Soleil grinned. "Good! The more, the merrier~!" her grin turned vicious itself and the blonde dashed at him, the force of her movement kicked up a trail of dirt and dust behind her, such was her speed. She poised her sword to in the middle beside her with the intent of impaling him through the abdomen, knowing full well that it wouldn't connect.

She was proven right. The clone moved. And he moved faster than she could follow. She sensed him behind her, but before Soleil could stop and turn to face him…


...the woman felt an rough swat on her ass and stumbled forward. She squawked and giggled on impact, whipping around so that her sword was in a rat tail guard and appeared to go for a rising cut, but it was a feint. As Naruto sidestepped the blow, he was rewarded with another crooked strike, aimed for his neck. Not at all expecting a cut from that angle, the clone was taken by surprise, but he'd dodged faster attacks than that. So the blond simply bent backwards and allowed the sword to pass in front of him, missing by mere inches. Soleil responded precisely as an expert swordswoman should… and kicked him in the nuts.

"FUCK!" Though it hurt like a bitch, he didn't dispel as he staggered back, but Soleil, like a true warrior, didn't give him an inch. As her foot hit the ground, she was already bringing the sword down upon his head. Then, when it cleaved his skull he, went up in a poof of smoke.

As he got the memories back Naruto winced and held his head. He didn't know what was worse: the phantom pain from the groin attack, or the one from the sword cleaving his clone's skull. One thing was for sure though: that was a surprisingly ruthless display for such a cheerful woman. No wonder she had stuck around for so long!

The others, meanwhile, weren't idle as they had their own Naruto to deal with… and he had friends. This clone, after seeing the other fellow clone get dispelled in such a brutal manner, had produced four of his own and they were having a field day tormenting Team Undine and the other Awakened Beings.

Seeing as Soleil was going to fight seriously, the clone figured he'd might as well take this seriously as well. Hence the clones being made; they would be a good distraction for them until he gets into Sennin Modo. Once they were made and got to distracting the two teams, their creator leapt into the treeline and sat down a few trees in, like he was going to meditate.

Cool thing about Sennin Modo, is that it empowers the user's abilities and capabilities. While he hasn't tried it out - for obvious reasons - that could translate to durability. After all he did shatter that chakra rod Nagato tried to spear him with, with only the palm of his hand. Granted, that rod wasn't an actual blade. It was more like a semi-dull hunk of iron that Pein was able to shove through people because of his insane chakra reserves.

Tempered steel, however, was rather good at absorbing impacts, as the swords of this continent flexed, allowing them to vibrate instead of warping or outright shattering like a katana would. So it was unlikely that her sword would actually break on impact… in theory, anyway. Since Sennin Modo also enhances the user's physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability, it also boosts ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. So, it's entirely possible that the clones enhanced strength can break her sword in half with a single, unrestrained punch.

Still someone with enough strength can cut him in Sennin Modo. Chloe proved that. And a sword being made of an unknown material, like the claymores his girls use, can take a beating as well. As Chloe had once more, proved.

Back with the other clones though…

One clone was dodging and weaving Undine and Deneve's slashes and strokes. And he did it effortlessly as well. Another was doing the same to Zelda and Glissa, and at times would counter their attacks and even redirect them to each other when the opportunity showed itself.

The other two were dealing with Team Soleil. One was fighting Robin and now Soleil, dodging and weaving their slashes, thrusts, and occasional hand-to-hand. Like the clones fighting Team Undine, he would even counter and redirect them. Another was fighting Ophelia and Elda, two of the only unarmed women in said team and that clone was having an easier time with them.

He didn't get an opening to molest them though, because they were keeping the clone on his toes. If one made a mistake, the other would step in and make sure he couldn't capitalise on it. He was impressed with their hand to hand skills actually. It could use a bit of work but it's doing the job of keeping his hands busy.

Obviously, the ones fighting Team Undine and the one dealing with Robin and Soleil were having the most issues, because the women in question had far more experience working in units. Soleil and Robin were also doing a damn good job keeping an eye on their teammates, taking the occasional cheap shot at one clone or another when they could and thoroughly keeping the clones on their toes.

All-in-all, Naruto and his clone,s were impressed, seeing how the latter two had never received the original's training before. They were putting up one hell of a fight; he'd expected Soleil to be the first one eliminated, after she'd been separated from the rest, but damn, did she recover! And they were even pushing their clone back! If they kept this up, he might have to test them separately, later on.

Of course, since this was a similar training session as the last time, the girls had to be aware of their surroundings as well. While they were doing a damn good job working in small teams of two against a single clone, they were more focused on them than the environment around them. And both Soleil and Zelda were distracted enough that their focus would solely be on the clones they're fighting.

Plus, they were fighting a ninja who had access to the Hiraishin. And said ninja's clones also had access to the Hiraishin.

And those women had the Hiraishin seal on them. So, the clones did what ninja did best: fight dirty.

As Soleil tried to go for a diagonal slash, from shoulder to hip, the clone caught the flat of the woman's sword in his palms and strained to keep it from digging into his flesh. The strained look on the clone's face abruptly changed to a smirk before he vanished in a yellow flash, startling the silver-haired woman immensely as she stumbled forward now that the resistance was gone. Then, she yelped and shuddered when she felt a distinctly male hand slip into her trousers and caress her womanly folds.

"Hey!" The clone immediately pulled his hand out of Soleil's trousers, turned and grabbed Robin's wrists when she tired to drive her daggers into his shoulders. The Naruto clone grunted in surprise when the sheer amount of strength the busty brunette put into her arms forced the blond down to a knee.

Soleil recovered in that time and tried to take off his head. Only for the clone in question to disappear in another yellow flash just before the sharp edge could sever his head from his shoulders. The clone reappeared in another yellow flash, a second later and swatted the busty brunette on her nice firm posterior. She went completely straight and squawked in surprise from the smack and would have turned around and slice into his stomach in retaliation… had the clone not followed that up with a Spartan-kick to her back and forcing the Awakened Being into her captain. Then the clone disappeared in yet another yellow flash, and reappeared in front of the two Awakened women and grabbed their faces before they could react, and pushed and slammed them down to the ground on their backs.

The clone grinned down at them.


Meanwhile, with the clone fighting Ophelia and Elda; the two Awakened women were holding their own against the Naruto clone using their fists and only their fists. They were also naked under their dresses and the women knew they could flash him - Ophelia had done it quite a few times during their past training session, just so she could have an edge - but they didn't resort to such tactics. Yet. No, instead the two pointy-eared women were simply enjoying themselves using their fists and nothing else. Though that didn't stop them from 'overextending themselves' with their haymakers and jabs and giving Naruto a nice view down the valley of their breasts whenever it came into view.

Just because they weren't flashing him didn't mean they weren't using other methods of distraction. And the clone was enjoying it, despite them fighting. They seemed to share that sentiment, as Ophelia and Elda were clearly holding back to draw it out for as long as possible. They were still keeping the clone on his toes, though. and didn't give him any time to make a counterattack as they attacked him one after the other.

The clone was impressed with their teamwork. Very impressed. So far he couldn't take advantage of any openings they left, since the 'partner' was making sure he couldn't take advantage of said openings. The clone was even using both of his hands to ward them off; Elda for his left hand and Ophelia for his right. Then the clone decided to kick things up a notch, and caught the fists of Elda and Ophelia in the palm of his hands. The two women were surprised when Naruto's eyes became decidedly more vulpine like with a difference: his now slant pupils remained blue rather than bleeding to blood red.

This Naruto clone was using Kurama's chakra, but he was only using enough of it to make only his eyes change a slight bit. Once they saw his eyes change, Ophelia and Elda both instinctively knew they were going to be put on the defense.

Their instincts was right.

Grabbing their wrists so fast his hands moved like a viper, the clone yanked the two Awakened women to him and with a jump he drove his knees into their stomach. The force of the impact expelled the air from their lungs and they hunched over, with spittle spitting from their mouths; the clone didn't stop there however. Planting his his feet to the ground once again, the clone bared his teeth and without relinquishing his grasp he turned, pulling the pointy-eared women with him and threw them several yards across the clearing.

They went with the momentum and rolled along the ground, only to right themselves on their last spin and look up at him as they got up in a kneel. Ophelia squint her eyes at him; it was a dangerous action, one that told the clone the platinum blonde wasn't going to hold back any longer. Elda was of the same mind since she cracked her knuckles. The two women exchanged looks briefly, shared a nod, before they snapped their heads back at the clone as their eyes changed to gold with their pupils slanting, and becoming more feline-like in looks.

They weren't going to transform; just increase their own strength, endurance and speed enough to hopefully overwhelm the clone. Then the two blondes leapt up and quickly dashed at him, their fists reared back to give him a haymaker to the face.

For just a moment, a split second really, Naruto from Kurama's memories of when he was sealed inside of Madara, had seen Obito and Kakashi in Ophelia and Elda's place. The clone smirked, and when they threw their fists forward, he deflected their fists and punches with little difficulty. The last time they had him on the ropes, they were the ones who were pressing forward and him being pushed back. This time however, they were on the receiving end. Naruto was assaulting them and having plenty of experience fighting multiple people by himself - some of them were his own clones for training, Ophelia and Elda were finding themselves hard pressed to keep him a bay.

"Holy…" Elda dodged a haymaker by leaning to the side, "...You're good!" she shouted with genuine surprise. "How often do you fight with your fists?!"

The clone smirked, "Quite a lot." he answered. It was vague, but at the same time, it said a lot.

Elda grinned as she decided to try something. "Noted… let's see how good you are, then~!" With that, her yoki spiked and the former Number Six's arms split in two, forming into four separate arms with wickedly-clawed fingers. They weren't as big as the comically large, and deadly sharp clawed hands in her awakened form. Her hands were around the same size, but with the white skin. Now partially transformed, she didn't waste a second; the woman quickly transitioned into a flurry of punches and claw swipes to test his skill.

She was very impressed with the clone, and in turn her mate, when he deflected her punches and seemingly effortlessly and expertly, dodged and weaved through her swipes. She grinned widely at the display. "Very nice," she praised. "I'm half-tempted to just call it quits and let you have your way with me~!"

"If this was a real fight, and I was a real enemy, you would have been dead if you just gave up. Or worse."

"I know," she giggled. "I've been around for longer than your 'granny'; I'm just saying, because that's not the case."

The clone smiled, even as Elda put more effort into her assault, and forced him to multitask in keeping an eye on all four of her arms, and moving his own pair of arms fast enough to block, deflect or outright redirect them to another angle. "From what I've seen so far from you Elda, back at home you would be a 'high jonin' in terms of Taijutsu." Naruto told her; and that was rather appropriate, since the woman was Number 6 in the Organization. "I'm impressed~!"

Of course, he completely forgot about Ophelia and she gleefully took advantage of his forgetfulness. While Elda and the clone were busy fighting one another, the platinum-haired beauty snuck behind the male before she went and wrapped her left arm around his neck, and her right hand on the left side of his face. The clone grabbed her arm out of pure reflex, and left himself open for Elda's retaliation. It was a lose-lose situation.

Elda gleefully took advantage of her situation, brutally dispelling the clone by pummeling him to death.

The real Naruto grunted in discomfort and held his chest, where his heart was, as he received the memories of the recently dispelled clones. The clone Undine and Deneve were fighting had been beheaded by the latter, after the former had pinned him down to the ground with her claymores pinning him to the ground, scissor style. The one Elda and Ophelia was fighting had been beaten to death by the former. That woman broke his ribcage, and the broken rib pierced his heart - that was what killed him.

He did not like the feeling of having his heart get pierced or having his head separated from his shoulders. Still, though, two clones were down and out so they had three left to go.

With their own opponent out of the way, Ophelia and Elda charged forth to aid their captain, Soleil. The woman in question gurgled pathetically as she was fingered from behind, her partner having been sent careening across the field. Again. Her mate's skillful ministrations simply proved too much for the former Number Three.

Of course, the clone in question had to abandon his molestation of Soleil when Ophelia and Elda came to relieve her. The silver-haired woman fell to her knees as he retreated, narrowly escaping Elda's claw swipes. Ophelia on the other hand helped Soleil to her feet and allowed the woman to brace herself against her. The flustered woman was still a bit wobbly, brought to near orgasm in mere seconds when that clone molested her. It was staggering! She gave Ophelia a thankful nod, before fetching her sword and readying herself to reengage.

Robin, meanwhile hopped to her feet and leered at the clone. "Well… if you're feeling so handsy," she commented, "I guess I should return the favour, then…" she shed her blue coat and her yoki spiked.

Suddenly, several-dozen long, feminine arms shot forth from her torso as she transformed. They wove together into a large mass resembling a massive clam shell the size of a small house. When it opened, her nude torso was revealed in the center, three times its original size. Her hair was now black with a purple sheen and her glowing, violet eyes gave off an aura of playful malice as she grinned impishly at the clone who'd been tormented her and Soleil.

She didn't use this form often, due to its relative lack of mobility, but it had its advantages...

Dozens of hands shot forth on stretching limbs at lightning speed, careening towards the clone with the intent to snatch him up. And snatch him up she did. The clone felt her yoki spike, but Elda kept him distracted long enough for Robin to catch.

A pair of hands grabbed his arms, "What the-" He was too discombobulated from the sudden change in velocity to react any further as he was reeled in and then, the 'clam' snapped chut.

An instant later, there was a poof and a shudder from the original as he received the memory of being literally ripped apart by what seemed like thousands of hands. They were everywhere!

"That's gonna give me nightmares…" the original groaned discomfitingly. At least he saw Robin's massive tits before she tore the clone apart. Her tits were bigger than Elda's! It was honestly impressive.

With Team Soleil's clones taken care of, they were free to help Zelda and Glissa with their clone. He was already engaging Undine and Deneve when the second team charged started giving him hell, so he was understandably getting a bit nervous at the sight of the other team ganging up on him, but he hid it well.

The clone ducked and weaved between the limbs Robin sent his way. He evaded Elda's flurry of blows and the fireball and lightning bolt that Zelda and Glissa sent his way. A well-timed shunshin prevented him from getting trapped in the mud pit that the latter formed as well and Undine charged alongside Deneve to try and chop him up, also to no avail.


Off in the treeline, the original was very impressed by their teamwork. They only had two clones left to fight; but once the one they're fighting is dispelled, they're going to be put through a tough fight since that one's already in Sennin Modo. He was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to catch them off guard.

How does he know this? That is a very simple question to answer: it's what he would have done.

The last remaining clone, of the original clone, was hard pressed to keep himself ahead of the game. They were just so goddamned relentless! Despite preferring to jump into the fray, metaphorical dick-first, like their captain, Glissa and Zelda seemed pretty content with long range attacks alongside Robin while the other girls swarmed him to the best of their abilities, and... those ladies were going all out.

Ophelia and Elda were clearly trying to keep his attention, even going so far as to occasionally flash him, now, while Undine, Deneve, and Soleil did their best to flank him.

The clone, despite being assaulted from all sides, from every direction imaginable, was keeping them at bay. It was an impressive feat, and despite having experience fighting multiple opponents - which he normally won by overwhelming them by making hundreds of Kage Bunshin or just tricking them - he was keeping up with them and at times out preformed them! He didn't even resort to using any jutsu, other than taijutsu!

Then, he realized that Ophelia and Elda had shed their clothes entirely, but hadn't transformed. Well, transformed any further in Elda's case. That actually proved to be far more distracting than it should have been…


...because Deneve ran him through the abdomen with her claymore. He dispelled into a cloud of smoke not a second after. Deneve took a defensive stance and looked around.

"...Is it over?" Undine asked aloud.

Deneve shook her head. "No. There's still a clone out there."

Soleil spread her senses and frowned. She could sense the original but… "I can't sense him." she revealed with her smile returning, and it was noticeably strained.

"...Neither can I." Zelda added with a worried frown. "I can sense Naruto, but not his clone,"

The clam-shaped-mass of hands opened up, to reveal the large, and naked upper body of Robin. Her breasts jiggled enticingly as she crossed her arms beneath them and made the moulds of titflesh more pronoinced, "Is it possible that the clone is using the same method the real Naruto used to mask his presence the last time you took a test like this?"

Not put off by the woman's nudity, or that she was now a clam made entirely out of arms, Undine nodded. That was entirely possible. She turned to Glissa and asked. "You think you can sniff him out?"

The woman in question frowned and shook her head. "Those clones of his have no scent," she revealed. "I don't know where he is, and if Zelda and Soleil aren't able to find out where he is that's bad…"

"Heads up!" Elda shouted, running forth as their target leapt from the shrubbery. But, when the girls charged him, he disappeared in a shunshin and reappeared behind them, giving Glissa a firm swat on the ass, drawing a squawk from her.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do that," he growled sexily. The clone made sure to keep his strength under control, now that he was in Sennin Modo he was in a class of his own. It wouldn't do if he hurt the Boss' - and in turn his - lover by accident. He could turn her to pulp if he wasn't careful. He was that strong! This was going to be one hell of a fight for them, to say the least. They'd have to give it their all if they were to have and hope of… wait, why was the world spinning?

The other women present all stared in befuddlement as Robin's 'clam shell' slammed shut. Seconds later, the black and orange outfit that the clone had been wearing was expelled with a lewd, feminine giggle.

"Well… that was rather anticlimactic," Soleil commented with an amused grin.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and qualify that as a victory, 'cause those two are gonna be busy," the original Naruto added as he emerged from the treeline. "I wasn't expecting that to be honest." he admitted with a sheepish chuckle.

"I don't think anyone was," Deneve pointed out bluntly, though she was also visibly amused.

"Well… I think this is gonna be the last time I set a test like this from here on out." Naruto sighed.

"Eh?! Why!?" a surprised, wide-eyed Undine demanded.

"Well for one I remember everything that was done to my clones. I remember getting my head cut off. I remember Elda brutally beating me to death, I remember Deneve running me through and I also remember Robin ripping me apart." Naruto flatly told her.

They winced at that. Yeah… now that they thought about it, the memory feedback from those clones must've been unpleasant to the highest degree.

Then, he perked up, becoming far more cheerful as he flashed them all a proud grin. "But that's alright. You girls pass with flying colours! The whole point of this exercise was to see if you were working well with Glissa, Team Undine. And there's nothing left to teach you in that department. The same goes for Soleil's team. I wanted to see how the new recruits did. She and Robin passed as well, They worked well together with Ophie and Elda."

Soleil beamed at that and if she had a tail, it would be wagging right about now.

Elda, meanwhile, retracted her extra pair of arms, before practically materializing right behind Naruto, mashing her tits against his back. "I think Robin has the right idea, by the way," she whispered into his ear.

"I agree," Glissa chimed in with an impish grin. "Why should she be the only one reaping the spoils~?"

Naruto blushed and grinned nervously at the sight of the other ladies eyeballing him hungrily. Deneve was looking uncharacteristically shy among them, still a bit self conscious about her sex addiction. But, at the same time, she looked eager to join in.

Ophie and Elda (who was still pressing her bare tits against his back) were still naked as well, eyeballing him with wicked, lewd grins.

"Uhhh heh heh heh, now now girls, I'm tired, this isn't the-"

"You haven't been fighting at all," Elda pointed out with a low, lustful purr. She and Naruto watched as Ophelia strode on over to her mate, child bearing hips swaying from side to side with every step she took.

"You don't get to make any excuses." Ophelia added on to the words of her fellow Awakened.

"Everything that my clones experience are transferred back to me. That includes fatigue." Naruto shot back with a pointed look. Granted, it would take several dozen clones to knock him out but if his clones are tired, then he will get tired if they're dispelled en masse.

...That explained why that clone Robin snatched up was 'defeated' so easily, now that he thought about it. Four clones were fighting for their 'lives' and they were getting tired. That tiredness was transferred to their creator when they were dispelled - and that would go back to him when his clone finally dispels.

Though from the lewd giggles he could hear from within Robin's… uh… clam thing, that dispelment might not be for a while. A Long While.

And yes, the capital letters were put in there on purpose.

"You're not protesting~" Glissa giggled impishly and she went up and put her hands on his broad chest, "Please, m'lord, allow us faithful servants tend to your needs. Allow us to state your lusts~!"

"Ooh, I like the sound of that," Soleil chirped; then she appeared beside Glissa with a coy look on her face, "Please, Master, let your pet service you, too~!"

Poor Naruto couldn't help but blush at that if his life depended on it. Her very voice sounded so suggestive, so enticing! Then he heard the sword of clattering metal and when he looked, Naruto found Undine's sword on the ground - well, one of them was. The other one was stuck in the ground top first.

Then Undine grinned impishly at him, making Naruto wary of what she was going to do next. Then the woman rapidly made several hand seals, and focused chakra into a seal that was on the back of her hand, that glowed and surprised Naruto a lot because he didn't see it there, and the next thing Naruto knew his wife was enveloped by a smoke cloud.

"Oh~!" Ophelia grinned impishly, as she leaned against Naruto's side and rested her head on his shoulder, "I wonder what she's up too?"

As the smoke dissipated a tent formed in Naruto's trousers as he saw what Undine was now wearing. With the help of the unique seal on the back of her hand, Undine had swapped out her usual attire for the loose, purple harem outfit that Naruto had grown so fond of.

It wasn't a henge either, it was a legitimate clothes swap engineered by the seal Undine had 'stuck' to the back of her hand. It was one that worked by removing her clothes, storing it in the seal, and taking out the other clothes that was stored inside of said seal and putting it on her. The smoke cloud was something of a smokescreen, to protect her modesty; Undine wouldn't have given a shit who would have seen her naked or not. She was used to it, in her former line of work, her uniform did get damaged plenty of times and she had to change on the spot in her new one after receiving it.

Naruto licked his lip when Undine walked on over to him with a sway of her hips, "Well, if you insist," he chuckled nervously. There was no stopping these girls when they wanted their Naruto-time.

That was all the permission they needed...