Josh the Pker

"We should finish leveling up and start killing the monsters again so we end our day and reach the new town already this has already taken all day. " Seth said while looking over his status window.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 6 > 7

HP: 410/410

MP: 260/260

STR: 50 > 55

VIT: 30 > 35

INT: 10

DEF:25 > 35


Skill Points: 20

Elru: 1520

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash.

Looking over he noticed that Sarah looked like she was having trouble deciding what to put her free points into now that she had a attack skill.

"You can just save your points until we get to the new town that way you can look at equipment requirements to make sure you build the right way. " Seth said while moving closer to Sarah taking a look at her Status window.

"I think that is probably a good idea, " Sarah said closing her window and saving her skill points for later.

"I still can't believe how good it feels to level up. When you play a MMO you just feel excited for a little bit, but in this game you can actually feel the changes so the feeling is so surreal. " John said having put most of his points into his defense making him look a little bulkier by a small margin.

"What does it feel like when you level Sarah? " Seth asked curious what someone who puts most of their points into intelligence.

"I guess if I had to describe it I would say its close to the feeling of automatically understanding something that previously confused you. " She said while thinking about it.

"Well let's get started. " John said, charging forward at some of the level 8 monsters blocking a few attacks leaving the ones behind him for Seth to deal with while Sarah ran close behind him.

Grinding the level 8 monsters for another hour they reached level 8 themselfs. Now on equal footing with the monsters level they started moving deeper through the level 8 zone towards the level 9 monsters while stopping every now and then to attack some small mobs. With John and Seth perfecting their teamwork they managed to go from killing three at a time to five thanks to Seth also having a crowd control skill he was able to rotate with Johns crowd control.

"PONG~ Player Jeffrey Epstine was killed by Player Hillary X PONG~ "

"Looks like another person has joined the player killer ranks… " Sarah said while making a mental note of the two player killer names in case she ever ran into them later on.

"No use worrying about it now, we are getting really close to Satin. I think I can see the town off in the distance. " John pointed out seeing the dim lights a way off in the distance.

"I am even more motivated to reach the town now! " Seth said seeing the lights increasing his attack speed overpowering the monsters in front of him and killing them quickly.

Moving past the level 8 monsters they reached the level 9 monsters noticing they changed from wolves to Bronze Imps. The Imps had bronze helmets and bronze weapons that would drop after the imp's died.

"These bronze helmets and daggers can probably be sold so we should pick them all up when we get a chance. " Seth said while attacking another Bronze Imp that made its way over to attack him.

"GAHHH! " John cried out being stabbed in the side by one of the Imps that slipped past his shield.

Rushing over to his side Seth attacked the Imps in a frenzy chaining his skills together as much as he could to keep them from attacking John while Sarah was busy healing him. Successfully killing the 6 Bronze Imps around them Seth took a breather and checked on John who was already healed back to full health.

"It really felt like I was stabbed… I can't imagine the pain the people who died to other players felt.. " John said rubbing his side where he was stabbed.

"I am just happy you're back to normal now. " Seth said while attacking another Imp giving John time to compose himself before tanking again.

"Thank you Sarah, we really would be in trouble without you here. " John said, giving her a thankful look before getting back to tanking the Bronze Imps.

Little did they know that the player killer Josh Combstock was hanging back in the trees watching them clear a path to the next town.

Picking up their loot after reaching level 9 they decided to gain some extra experience killing more Bronze Imps since they still received a lot of experience killing them. Once they reached halfway on their level bar they could see in their parifials they made their move closer to the level 10 Bronze Imps just outside the town.

"So close guys we can do this! " Sarah said now pumped up seeing the town in clear view.

Sticking close together they started killing the monster with easy only taking on what they could handle while Seth refused to wander off again.

Using their combo strategy they developed previously Seth and John felt comfortable while fighting the monsters not taking any major damage. Sarah would heal any damage they did receive right away which caused the two guys to feel refreshed after every heal letting them continue to fight hard.

After killing the last mob and only being a few kills away from being level 10 Seth took a look around to start gathering the drops they got from killing so manyBronze Imps. Thinking he saw a monster run at him Seth jumped back and brought his sword up blocking a attack by Josh who was waiting on his chance to strike. Looking at Josh who was now standing with his daggers ready to attack again Seth looked to see his class.

| Josh Combstock level 7 |

| Class Rouge |

|Title: Killer |

Not being able to see his HP and MP since he was not in their party Seth assumed that he was mainly agility based in stat points.

"Why did you attack someone clearly higher leveled and in a party? Is PKing that fun? " Seth said not taking his eyes off of Josh.

"Killing players is much more thrilling than killing monsters don't you think? Not to mention your name turns Red and I always liked being different. " Josh said running quickly at Sarah who was standing by John with no weapon or armor other than a robe.

"JOHN HE IS AFTER SARAH! " Seth yelled out taking off after Josh who was much faster than he was.

Jumping in front of Sarah to protect her John raised his shield and blocked the attack Josh used causing him to jump backwards off his shield. Seeing Josh in the air Seth pushed himself to go a small amount faster and used his 'Demon Smash' skill making the ground under Josh erupt hitting him and stunning him for a short moment. Chaining 'Dread Slash' directly after Seth landed a massive hit on Josh who fell to the ground only having a few HP left.

Taking the daggers from Josh's hands Seth put his foot on his chest and pointed the tip of his sword at his neck just slightly above cutting it. "I told you he would attack. Should we kill him and get rid of this threat now? " Seth asked wanting to end his game right now.

"Before you answer him.. You should know that if you kill me there is a chance I die in the real world you know. Cryogenics was never successful so we all may already be dead, can you live with being a murderer? " Josh asked, smiling on the ground.

"What about you? You killed people even having this suspicion? That makes you even more of a danger. " Seth said, resting the tip of his sword on his neck now.

Hearing Seth's question Josh only laughed at the group standing above him for taking so long to decide what they wanted to do. "You guys are great! It is just a game so just let me go and I will see you again in a few levels. What do ya say? " Josh asked with a grin reaching his hand up for Seth to help him up.

"We should let him- " Sarah tried to say before being cut off mid sentence.

"PONG~ Player Josh Combstock has been killed by Player Seth L PONG~ "

"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM??? " Sarah yelled out seeing Josh's body pixelate in front of her.

"If we didn't kill him he would just come back to kill us. " John said knowing Seth made the right call in killing him.

"What if you actually killed him by doing that?? " Sarah questioned again looking a little sick.

"If it actually killed him then I am happy I did it. I would rather a Player Killer die than someone who just joined who wanted to play the game. Murder is wrong but killing a Murderer who tries to kill you is a justified kill. " Seth said thinking back to the laws in his country.

"But still.. " Sarah said looking a little calmer under Seth;s reasoning.

"What if we did not see him and his first target was you Sarah? " John asked, trying to make her fully realize things. "With all of this doubt about cryogenics and if we will actually die it is better to live like this is your only life. "

Looking down and giving a nod to him they continued their grinding to reach level 10 so they could call it a day finally.

Killing the mobs closer to the Town's Gates they managed to reach level 10 after another 40 minutes of grinding.

"I got another Skill! " Seth and John said at the same time seeing their level up notifications.

Pulling up his status window eager to see his new skill and putting his saved up skill points in their place Seth sat by the Gate.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 10

HP: 440/440

MP: 290/290

STR: 55

VIT: 35

INT: 10



Skill Points: 20

Elru: 1855

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash, Shadow Rush.

Looking at his skills information Seth was excited to read the new skill.

Shadow Rush - Rushing at an enemy to crash into them with blunt force causing them to be knocked down (Immune to damage while using this skill. CD 45 seconds.

Telling John and Sarah about the new skill they entered the new Town of Satin and asked a NPC where they could find a Inn at so they could get some rest. Leading the way to the 'Lace and Feather' the NPC parted ways with them.

"Lets go get some rooms and get some rest! " Seth said while opening the door.