Cost of Living

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 12 > 14

HP: 580/580

MP: 330/330

STR: 80 > 100

VIT: 40 > 45

INT: 10

DEF: 40 > 50

AGI: 40 > 45

Skill Points 40 > 0

Elru 4,765

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash, Shadow Rush, Demon's Call.

With his strength reaching 100 points Seth's horns grew slightly and became a deeper red making it even more clear that he was a special class holder.

Having reached level 14 and having farmed a lot of drops and Elru filling their inventories the party made their way back to the town of Satin to sell their drops for some more money while looking for better equipment.

"Hey it has been about 3 days now so tomorrow we should be able to buy a room for our party, we should look up how much they cost before hand so we can save up for one. " Chloe said as they walked through the monsters that ignored them due to their levels being higher.

"That is a good plan, but we may not be able to know that information until tomorrow when the function gets unlocked by the system. " Seth replied looking at his inventory window as they walked sorting and stacking the duplicate items to clean his inventory up a little.

"I have close to 5 thousand Elru so it should be around the same for Seth and Sarah, how much do you have saved up Chloe? " John had asked wanting to make a mental note of where their money stood.

"About the same as that, but I do plan on upgrading my gear so I can do more damage when we get to the town. " Chloe said already knowing what she wanted to buy. She had her eyes on a level 15 wand that boosted her Lightening attack damage which she used frequently during their mob runs. The only problem was it would cost her over half her savings since it was priced at 3,100 Elru which would not leave her much money to help buy a room for them to share.

"I think we all plan on upgrading our equipment, but we can still grind a lot once we go back into the forest we may as well try to reach the next town and purchase a room there. It might be more expensive but it would still be nice to be the first ones to make the purchase. We may even have the pick of the best room they have if we can save up enough before then. " Sarah said thinking of finally having her own bed again after a few days of sleeping on cots and camping.

Even though they knew they were in a game they all still longed to take a shower, the game was so realistic that smells and tastes seemed all too real as they all reeked of sweat and blood.

Reaching the Town of Satin the group went to the General Merchandise store they would purchase their camping gear from to sell all of their loot. Having sold everything they had they had no use for each one of them made an extra 2,000 Elru due to splitting the drops evenly to prevent any animosity in the party.

"Chloe and I plan on going to the Magic store since they sell the things that benefit us the most as players who focus on the INT stat so we will meet at the Inn when we are finished cya later boys! " Sarah said, taking Chloe's hand and running off with her to go shopping.

"When did they become so close? " John asked, watching them leave.

"Who knows man but we may as well go to the blacksmith and see what we can upgrade as well. " Seth said while marking the location on the mini map he had so they could find the fastest route.

Entering the Blacksmith's shop they noticed that a few players were actually working in the back of the shop something they never thought they could do.

"Hey do you guys work here? " Seth asked one of the players who had just finished hammering a glowing red longsword.

"Yeah we asked the NPC about work and they said that we can ask shop owner NPC's for jobs and they would train us. We even get to keep the money from the weapons and armor we craft and sell. Not only that but after you reach a certain level in a trade skill you can open your own shop! " The older man said with a smile.

"That is amazing, do you have any level 15 weapons or armor you can sell us? We should be level 15 in a few hours after we go back into the forest. " John asked, wanting to help the guy out.

"Not yet but I just reached the Crafting level to make them though so if you give me a few hours I can make some for you! My name is Jason tell me what you want and I will get started right away! " Jason replied excitedly to already have two customers.

"I would like a GreatSword and some light armor, if you can make it boost my stats as a damage dealer that would be great as well. " Seth said.

"I just need heavy armor and a regular sword, I am a tank so if boosting stats is possible keep that in mind please! " John followed up.

"I can make the equipment you want and have the NPC refine them to give them stat boosts but they will cost a little more after that. I can probably make all the equipment and have the NPC refine it for about 5,600 Elru. " Jason said bringing the price down a few hundred Elru to try to get the sale.

"That's a bit more than I wanted to spend but I will do it if you do it John. " Seth said, turning to face John to see what he would do.

"We can always make the money back plus we are in a low level this might actually be cheap compared to the higher level stuff you know. " John replied taking out his half of the payment and handing it to Jason.

Handing Jason his half of the money leaving him with only 3,965 Elru left Seth and John said their thanks to Jason before leaving the shop to explore more of the town,

"What should we do now? It will take him 5 hours to make all our equipment, should we go find the girls? " John asked.

"Let's go eat the girls are probably having fun shopping. " Seth replied pointing at a restaurant next to them. A tavern with beast girl staff working behind the counters.

"A man after my own heart. " John said with a large smile as they entered the tavern.


"So if you don't mind me asking do you have a thing for Seth? " Chloe asked already knowing the answer but wanting to hear what Sarah would say as they tried on some clothing in one of the Stores that focuses on selling female fashion clothing they happened to hear a few female NPC's talking about.

"I mean he is attractive and nice plus he helps me out a lot which is really nice, but he gets mad at others really easily and he has already killed another player even if it was in self defense. " Sarah replied thinking about the question.

"Woah, what happened that made him already kill a player? Back in the forest I just thought he was mad because you and him were already together. " Chloe replied now more interested in the conversation.

"Basically a guy who had been killing other players had targeted us while we had finished killing some level 10 monsters outside of the town. The guy had tried to target me and Seth disarmed him. He should have let him go because there was no way for the guy to win but Seth ended up killing him anyways saying that he would come back later to try and kill us again. If it wasn't for all that then I would probably have a school girl crush on the guy. " Sarah replied leaving the changing room wearing a sundress and large hat.

"Yeah but he is probably right, at least you know that he wants to protect you and he isn't violent towards you. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would do anything to a woman anyways. " Chloe said leaving her changing room wearing black leggings and a crop top with her hair tied up.

"I bet if you wore that dress Seth would be all over you hehe, " Chloe said hugging Sarah from behind.

"Stoooop I still need time to figure it out, I have only known him for three days! " Sarah said trying to break free of Chloe's hug.


"Beast girls are the best! " John said slightly drunk as they left the tavern.

"Yeah yeah you're drunk man calm down. " Seth replied.

"You just don't see it because you have Sarah my guy. " John replied while they walked towards the Inn.

Entering the Inn they did not see the girls so they decided to ask the Inn NPC about the prices of purchasing rooms to see if they could get any information.

"Purchasing rooms will be available when 5,000 players have joined Exmortana, when that has happened the rooms will be open for player purchase. The small rooms with one bed and a dresser will cost 1,200 Elru. The medium rooms with two beds a closet and small bathroom with cost 4,000 Elru. The large rooms with 4 beds, large closet, dressers, nightstands, and a large bathroom will cost 10,000 Elru and will come with furnishings for an extra 1,000 Elru. " The Innkeeper replied with a smile.

"Do you know if it will be the same in the next town? " Seth asked again.

"The prices for the town of Alexandria will be more expensive by 2,000 Elru for each size of room making the prices 3,200. 6,000. And 12,000. The actual sizes and options will vary as well. " The Innkeeper replied again.

"And what about the prices of houses? " John asked now curious if she knew this information as well.

"Houses in this town will start at 50,000 Elru with the smallest house having 5 bedrooms and a bath house located in the back. The houses in Alexandria will start at 100,000 and start with 6 bedrooms with more to offer as well. " The Innkeeper replied already knowing the next question.

"Looks like we are going to have to save up a lot of money if we want to buy a house… '' Seth said trying to imagine how long it would take for them to save up 100 thousand Elru.

"Let's talk to the girls about it and see what they want to do when they get here, I bet they would rather save up for a nicer place. " Seth said knowing girls like nice things.