The Woman For Me 3


Though Philip had gathered details about her private life, Dr. Red did not realize that I used her phone in tracking where she was. I also investigated Eric's whereabouts, his business circle, and business ventures. Not to boast about my status, Eric was still far away in his business standing compared to mine. Sir Thomas had already expanded his business globally before he passed down the legacy to me.

The inheritance I received from Sir Thomas was not without condition. It may sound weird, but the testament stated that Sir Thomas's assets and properties would be temporarily mine and would be under my management until I would be able to find Sir Albert. However, before Sir Thomas stayed in his sickbed, we were able to trace down the location of Sir Albert Nelson. He was the captain of a cruise ship that sailed across Asia's best tourist destination.

Unfortunately, when Sir Thomas succeeded in bringing him home again, he was already in a state of hepatic coma. He had liver cancer. He could no longer tell us if he was married or if he had children. The only consolation on Sir Thomas's part was that he was able to give him an honorable burial in an expensive estate.

After the burial, Sir Thomas called me in his study. He was already walking with his cane, but his mind was still as sharp as he was in his forties. Before I could even knock, he opened the door and let me in. I got nervous. I was afraid he'd give me another great responsibility because I was afraid I'd fail from his expectation. I owed him my success, and mine and my mother's good life. My mother may not have married him, but he adopted me. Her refusal of the marriage proposal strengthened his faith in us that we were not after his wealth.

"Sean, do you already have a girlfriend?" I almost got tempted to burst out and laugh at his first question. I was expecting an earnest discussion, but his question proved me wrong.

"I'm serious, son."

I stopped chuckling when I saw that he did not smile at all. He was, indeed, very serious.

"Don't worry, dad. If ever I decide to marry, I would set up a prenuptial agreement-"

"Sean, Sean, it's not what I mean," he reached out for my hand that was resting on his desk, so I stared at him and gave him my full attention. I realized his subject may be something very important.

"Dad, I have no time for love yet," I said awkwardly, answering his first question. My mother raised me up as a grateful individual, so when Sir Thomas entrusted me with his businesses, I worked hard on it. I wanted to prove to him that he got the right person. I was not after his wealth; my reputation as a trustworthy person was more important to me. Providing me and my mom a good life was already enough. It was even something that I was willing to return for a lifetime.

"If you're not in love yet, then it's good news."

I nailed my eyes on him, wondering what he was trying to point out.

"Son, the shipping company's accounting department informed me that part of Albert's monthly salary was forwarded to his daughter and to a woman. What I don't know yet is his relationship with this woman. I also had reports that Albert got married, but his wife died after three years."

I was not as shocked as he expected. I was already expecting that Sir Albert may have got married and that he may have children. It's no big deal for me. I was never coveting Grey's wealth. I was even more than willing to hand over the wealth to the right person as soon as I would find them. My mother raised me as a noble person.

"I promise to look for them, dad," I assured him honestly. I wanted him to rest from worries and make sure that his legacy would be passed to his children.

"Sean, I know I could not thank you enough for all the things you do for us, for the company. But promise me one more thing, son. Look for my granddaughter, and if possible, marry her."

I almost choked when I heard the older man. What if her grandaughter is already tied to a relationship? What if she is married?

When I got speechless, Sir Thomas added. "I don't know how you would do it, but promise me you will do everything to win her heart."

I felt tickled every time our conversation played on my mind. I even told mom about it. Before I would forget to mention it, she remained as Sir Thomas massage therapist. The latter proposed to marry her, but my mother refused. There should be only one man in her life, she said, and that was my late father.

"Sean, do what Sir Thomas asks you to do." I could not believe my mother supported him instead, and not me. What if her granddaughter does not like me?

"Sir Thomas's wealth is the product of his sweat and blood. He may not be able to say it straightforwardly, but he couldn't allow it to get wasted. He trusted you, and your marriage would assure him that it would still be you who will run the business. I also understood his fear that his granddaughter may not be business-inclined."

My mother was right, so I swore to do as he requested. I let Philip start his investigation right away after Sir Thomas entrusted the search to me.

"Sir, Dr. Red is setting up an appointment to see a real estate agent."

I snapped back to reality when Philip's voice broke my reverie. "Real estate agent?"

"Yes, sir. I talked to the agent, and I learned that she's planning to avail a townhouse."

"Call her, Philip. Tell her to assume your unused unit at a meager price."

"What if she will ask why?"

"Then tell her we need the money."

"What if she wouldn't pay it in cash?"

"Then tell her that you need to move to another place you so have to sell the unit."

If only Dr. Red knew that the property she was buying was hers. And the unit Philip offered her in Greenville was next to mine.