The Bronc X Virus 9

"Calla, haven't I told you many times to stay only at your room?" I said in a frustrated tone, right after the call from the president got fortunately disconnected. I drew in a deep breath, but another headache had then showed up at the doorway.

"Sean, I'm bored to death! Can you at least give me a job?" She walked towards my desk and sat across me, throwing her other leg above the other before she pulled herself upright.

"Calla, sooner or later, your face will appear on the screen. I don't want any trouble with the president, nor with Red."

"Red, again! Haven't you any female employees? Why can't I be one of them?"

I sighed, regretting the day I accepted the president's request to help her hide from the public and accepting Calla's plea to escape from the president.

"How about going to other countries? I can help you with that."

"Sean, I'm pregnant. It's difficult to live on my own," she protested, giving me a frustrated look.

"And Sean, have you forgotten that this baby is yours? And you're sending us away? I know you don't want this child, but he or she is still your flesh and blood."

I stood up from my table, suddenly feeling suffocated by her reminder. If I hadn't given in to lust, this would not have happened. Yet, I couldn't bear the constant reminder at the back of my mind that I should not turn my back on my child. Even if I still have to confirm this matter through a DNA paternity test later.

Calla stood up from her seat and approached me, pulling my head with her two hands for a sudden kiss. I wriggled to break free because I was already starting to dislike her. I believed a relationship should not be forced just because of an unexpected child. I could still give my full support even if I weren't the husband of her/his mother.

"If you keep on doing this, I would tell your boyfriend that you are here. And I'm not kidding, Calla. Aside from not wanting to cheat on Red, we are getting married very soon. And as I said, if that baby is mine, I will not turn my back on him." I said it because a great part of me still hoped that the baby was not mine only that I had to cling to the possibility, no matter how vague.

"You're depriving your child-" I cut Calla off by showing her my phone that the president was calling again. I then pressed the loudspeaker mode so that Calla could hear.

"Sir, I helped her escape and took her to a hotel, but then someone informed me later that she escaped..." I swallowed hard, wishing that he would accept my lies.

He was silent for a while, and my heart throbbed harder. I felt like a sports champion when finally he spoke again. "Thanks. I'll ask someone to investigate."

I then took a slow and deep breath, relieved that he didn't make it a big deal. My eyes then rested unconsciously on Calla's scared face.

What kind of relationship does she have with him? That frightened expression was not love at all!

"Sean, you're employers are wearing masks..."

"Alright," I gave up because I couldn't bear to send her away because of the baby. And she was right; she could conceal her identity by wearing a mask.

I called up the finance head and instructed her to train Calla on the job I wanted to assign to her. He came a few minutes later and took her to his office, so I was finally able to break free from her. I turned on the news program, curious to know about the impact this time on those videos against the president.

"The people are outraged upon knowing that the person behind this Bronc X virus outbreak is the president himself. Whatever is his motive for endangering thousands of people worldwide, remained unanswered as of this moment. The people are now demanding him to explain his side."

Soon, more videos appeared on the screen, showing the same manner the Bronca bugs crawled from the president's lapel flower. It was then clear to the people's eyes that President Ric Abella was the one spreading the bugs throughout all the places where he had speaking engagements.

Sean then browsed through the net and found out that the people had divided opinions on him. Some called him a psychopath, some blamed it to his desire to make breakthroughs in the world of sciences, and some thought that, perhaps, it was part of a frame-up.

Curious about Patrick's reaction to this, he picked up his phone and called him.

"Wait and see, Sean. Tomorrow, the people will see the proof of his crimes."

"Patrick, you're killing innocent people. And what if one of them is Red? You know that she is still fighting for her life in the ICU. What if she can't make it? What about me?"

Silence followed for a few seconds.

"Patrick?" I just wanted to be sure he was still doing the antidote research, and not on revenge alone.

"Sean, don't worry. I'm doubling my effort to find the antidote."

"How much already is the progress?"


Sean drove back to the hospital with a troubled mind. Someone must be helping Patrick in his revenge. Ever since he picked him up in the clearing several years ago, he no longer left the woods. Who picked that cultured bugs in the wood and put it in the lapel flower of President Abella? Who uploaded that video on social media? Who monitored his speaking engagements and gathered the data?

Just as Sean parked his car at the hospital, he saw a familiar car. He waited until the person inside the car would step out. Just as he expected, Philip emerged from the door. When Philip disappeared from his sight, he followed him behind, hiding behind the corners of the corridors. He saw her turned to the right, then opened the door of the ICU!