Union Guild

Today Diana plans to bring Selina to the Union Guild. Union Guild is the result of joint political and economic cooperation by all countries in the Luther continent. The Union Guild has developed an internal single market through a standardized system of laws that apply in all member states in those matters, and only those matters, where members have agreed to act as one.

The Union Guild works in: first, managing all adventurer's missions and also as a medium between employer and employee. In this matter, the employee is the adventurers or sometimes knights from all divisions in the country; second, Union Guild also manages trade between two parties, whether between adventurers or countries, wherein the second case they work under the Minister of Trade; third is about the patent.

A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention like theirs. So in this case, Union Guild must register a patent for an alchemist who invented a new magic device. This is done so that an alchemist cannot carelessly imitate other alchemist inventions and say that the magic device is his invention.

The Union Guild is also tasked with assessing the dangerous level of a mission. Therefore people who work in the Union Guild must be strong. To resolve the issue of who would work as officials of the Union Guild in Seraphium Kingdom, the King of the Seraphium Kingdom at that time decided that all the knights of the Tenth Division were the right people for the job. In Seraphium Kingdom, the name of the Tenth Division who became officials of the Union Guild was Blue Lyre.






After riding the horse-drawn carriage for twenty-five minutes, Selina and Diana finally arrived in front of the Seraphina City branch's Union Guild's building which was also the headquarters of the Blue Lyre. Along the way, Selina's tailbone was tortured because of the constant shaking in the horse-drawn carriage. Thin pillows and buttocks that did not have enough flesh did not help in reducing Selina's suffering.

'My poor self... I promise to create comfortable transportation for you when I become an alchemist!' Selina promised to herself while rubbing her sore butt.

Selina and Diana then got off the horse-drawn carriage and walked to the main door of the Union Guild. When they had just opened the door, a flying stool almost hit Diana's head.

"Mo-Mom…. Are you okay?" Selina asked in worry. Her trembling hands tightly hugged Diana's right leg.

"Yes. Lina darling. I'm okay, so don't worry," said Diana to calm her daughter. She used her free hand to stroke Selina's head.

Diana had just finished speaking when a young woman approached them, bowed, and apologized to her. The young woman wore a white shirt, a blue business vest, a blue pencil skirt, and a metallic blue lyre-shaped brooch on her right collar.

"I apologize for the inconvenience that you have just experienced," said the young woman to Diana.

The young woman then turned around to face a male adventurer who was drunk. Selina concluded that it was the male adventurer who threw the stool that almost hit her mother.

"Please leave the Union Guild right now or you will be taken out by force," said the young woman coldly.

"Hah? What can an official of Union Guild like you do? You guys from Blue Lyre can only work with papers every day!" The drunken adventurer said arrogantly.

"Is that so?" Asked the young woman with narrow eyes.

Suddenly the room became hot, the wind blew out of nowhere, and the papers on the table close to the young woman flew here and there. A moment later a bolt of lightning ran through the young woman's body. People began to murmur about dual affinities, Thunder element, and Advanced Elements.

'To be honest, I don't care what these people mumble about. I only care about Mom's situation and how cool this official lady of Union Guild is,' thought Selina.

"So what if you have dual affinities? You can't be stronger than me!" The drunken adventurer screamed.

Before the drunken adventurer can attack the young woman, the young woman moves very fast and is suddenly behind the drunken adventurer. She then attacked the drunken adventurer's nape. The drunken adventurer fell to the floor. Everyone in the Union Guild cheered at the young woman's victory. The young woman just smiled a little as thanks to the people who cheered for her.

After this fight, Selina's mind was full of how she could become like the young woman. She wants to be strong like the young woman who wins against the drunken adventurer and deft in providing service to clients.






"Good afternoon! What can I do for you?" The young woman asked Diana with a smile from behind the long table.

"I want to order a Union Guild courier service on behalf of Blooming Moon for Duchess Eliana Vivid Rosenfeld," answered Diana while putting a package on the table.

Now Union Guild has courier services under its management. This courier service has not been counted long in its operation. They have only been operating for five years.

"Alright, we will send it as soon as we can. Is the next morning's delivery okay with you? Sorry, but our courier service only operates until late afternoon."

"It's okay. Please send the package safely."

"Understood, the fee would be ten silver coins."

In this world the currency used is coins. Coins are divided into four kinds, they are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum coins. One platinum coin is worth one hundred gold coins, one gold coin is worth one hundred silver coins, and one silver coin is worth one hundred bronze coins.

After Diana's matter with the young woman is done, Selina raised her right hand because she wanted to ask something to the young woman.

"Hm? What can I do for you, little beauty?" Asked the young woman to Selina.

"Ho... How can I be strong like you?"

"You want to be strong like me?"

"Yes! Ah, one more thing. How can I be accepted to work here?" Selina eagerly asked the young woman.