
After the people dispersed, Selina realized that she was still holding the little girl's hand.

"Oh, right! I don't know your name. What's your name? My name is Selina."

"My name is Art." The little girl said.

Her demeanor is calm like it was not the first time she was kidnapped. Selina paid attention to Art's appearance. She has light brown hair that is slightly darker than Selina's hair and blue eyes. You can't say she is a beauty but she is also not ugly. She is wearing one of the premium designs from Blooming Moon that consists of azure blue colored dress shirt decorated with lace and ribbon, vest of the same color, white pants, and light brown leather boots. This is one of the active girl's clothing designs. It means she is a noble or a rich commoner, but looking at her demeanor it seems she is from a noble family, an upper noble to be exact.

"How old are you? I am four years old this year."

"I'm eight years old."

"Eight years old? Seriously? How could you be eight years old but have a small body like this?" Selina asked, disbelieving in Art's statement.

"I really am eight years old. My body is like this because it can't accommodate my mana."

"I still don't believe it," Selina said.

"Up to you," Art shrugged.

"Hmm… So where is your guardian? I will escort you there. I know all the streets near Union Guild of Seraphina City branch as I often come here." Selina offers her help to Art.

"You don't have to, but if you insist to escort me, I have a better thing we can do," said Art to Selina

"Better thing? Like what?" the confused Selina asked.

"Let's go around Seraphina's outer section. Because you come here often so you must know interesting places, right?"

Seraphina City is divided into two sections. The inner section and outer section. The inner section is where the Royal family and upper nobles live. The outer section of Seraphina City is for lower nobles like Viscount and Baron also commoners live. The Union Guild of Seraphina City branch is in Seraphina City's outer section.

"Are you from the inner section?" Selina asked Art.

"En!" Art nodded as a response to Selina's question.

"Don't you have people who will worry about you?"

"It's okay, my mother has business in Union Guild so I am free to go around for a bit." Art assured Selina.


"It's okay." Art assured Selina once more.


Selina sighed at Art's stubbornness. She finally agreed to take Art around.

"Alright. Where do you want to go first?" Selina asked.

"You're the guide so I will just follow you around," Art said with a smile.

"How about we do a street snacks tour? I brought some of my allowances with me so we can buy snacks while walking around," Selina said excitedly.

"Then I'll be in your care. Please treat me well," Art said while slightly bowed her head to Selina, her right hand positioned right above the heart. Greetings position for a nobleman.

"You don't need to bend down to greet me. That was only done by the nobleman. Isn't the correct greeting for a noblewoman is to do a curtsy? Although it's okay if you don't do it," Selina said while shrugged.

"Yes, it is true. A noblewoman only needs to bend the knees with one foot in front of the other while lifting a little of the skirt if she is wearing a skirt," Art nodded and answered Selina's earlier question.

"So why are you greeting in the manner of a nobleman instead of a noblewoman?" Selina is tilting her head.

"...I forgot," Art answered after a short pause.

"Hmm... Okay, let's start our street food tour!" Selina said with enthusiasm.

"Un." Art nodded her head again.

"How about trying that meat skewer over there first?" Selina asked Art's opinion while pointed at a stall opposite from where they're standing.

"Is that meat skewer really good?" Art asked, frowning.

'It seems that Art has never tasted any street foods before,' Selina thought.

"I don't know that's why we are going to try it," Selina exclaimed while smiling widely at Art.

"I don't know if I can eat it..."

"Come on!" Selina pulled on Art's hand.

Afterward, both of them go to the stall and bought four meat skewers, two for each of them. The meat skewer is made from the meat of a cow-like beast named Agelada. This beast is farmed for its milk and meat. Agelada is the equivalent of cattle on Earth.

"It's so good… Try it, it is really good." Selina is the first from the two who tasted the meat skewer.

"…" Art finally succumbed to Selina's 'temptation' and tried her meat skewer.

Once the meat goes into her mouth, Art can't stop eating her meat skewers. Not even one minute has passed and her meat skewers already gone. Art's face turned red when Selina saw her eating quickly.

"It's good, right?" Selina asked while smiled broadly.

"Ah…" Art is only let out a one-syllable response and a nod to Selina.

"Let's trying other street food, there must be some that are as tasty as this meat skewer." Selina pulled Art's hand to go somewhere else.

This time they chose to buy two iced lemonáda glasses to get rid of the greasy taste in their mouths. Lemonáda is a drink made with lemóni fruit. Lemóni is a round fruit with purple skin and has golden yellow content. It tastes the same as lemons on earth.

"Aaah... it's so refreshing," Selina said after taking two gulps of lemonáda.

"..." Art just kept quiet.

Art heard Selina's words and did not respond, but her expression showed that she agreed with Selina's words. After that, they went to a stall that sells cloud candy with the same ingredients and methods of making cotton candy on Earth. From their street foods tour, Selina learned that Art did not like foods that were too sweet like the cloud candy they had just tried.