Sworn Sisters

The next day on September 1, Selina woke up and immediately got ready to go to Seraphium Royal Academy. Selina agreed to go with both her father and her mother. So exactly at eight o'clock, Selina, Zhihao, and Diana rode a horse-drawn carriage to Seraphium Royal Academy. The journey took about one hour and thirty minutes as Selina's home is in the outer section while Seraphium Royal Academy is in the inner section of Seraphina City.

Arriving at the Seraphium Royal Academy, Selina and both her parents descended from the carriage.

"Don't forget to eat and take care of your health, Selina." Diana lectured Selina one last time before Selina entered Seraphium Royal Academy's gate.

"Yes, Mom," Selina answered.

Diana and Zhihao both hugged and kissed their daughter before they let her go. Selina took her belongings and walked toward the Undine dorm after waved goodbye to her parents.

Right in front of the dorm, Selina found two sixteen-year-old children. One is male while the other is a girl. They are wearing the Seraphium Royal Academy's uniform bearing the Undine symbol with a badge that read 'P' in gold on the collar of their blazer. 'P' is the short form of 'Prefect.'

"Excuse me. My name is Selina Hua and a second-year who will enter Undine dorm since today. Can you help me find my room?" Selina asked politely.

"Of course. My name is Lana Rinchent. Eleventh-year from Undine dorm and also a Prefect." The girl with the 'P' badge introduced herself.

"Selina Hua, huh? You must be one of the two people with triple affinities from Class 1. My name is Robert Willheim, also an eleventh-year from Undine dorm. We welcome you to the Undine dorm. Your room in the dorm is on the sixth floor. All second and third-year students are on the sixth floor. Your name must be on one of the plates in front of the room," said the other student.

"Thank you." Selina smiled and said thanks to both of them.

Undine dorm is a six-story building. The walls are painted blue with gold accents. Selina went in the direction of Anypsó. Anypsó is a magic device equivalent to an elevator on Earth. It was invented by Elisha Graves Otis one hundred and fifty-nine years ago. He is a noble and Alchemist from the Seraphium Kingdom.

Selina pressed a button with an arrow pointing up then the door of Anypsó opened. She entered Anypsó and presses the button with the 'six' logo on it. The magic device then let out a hum and led Selina to the sixth floor. The door opened with a 'ding' sound and Selina come out from within.

Selina noticed that there was a signboard after exiting the Anypsó. The signboard reads 'second-year →' and 'third-year ←'. Following the direction, Selina pulled her luggage to the right. She walked while reading the nameplates in each room until Selina found her name on one of the plates. Before her name, there is also Alexa's name on it. From this Selina knows that she, Alexa, and two other people are roommates.

Opening the door Selina was almost shocked by Alexa if not because of Alexa's hair that popped out from behind one of the beds.

"Boo!" Alexa tried to surprise Selina.

"Sorry but I already know you are in this room," Selina said then smirked.

"Eh? How did you know I am in this room, Lina?" Alexa asked, confused at how Selina knows she is in the room.

"Your name is on the plate of this room."

"Wait a minute. Even if my name on the plate, it doesn't mean I am in the room."

"Your hair is sticking out from above the bed. How can I not recognize you?"



There are four beds in total and three of them already occupied. That means the bed on the far left belongs to Selina. While Selina was tidying up her belongings, two people entered the room.

'Must be my other roommates,' thought Selina.

"Ah! Hello… my name is Emma Addy Brown and this is my little sister, Emily Anna Brown. Nice to meet you," said one of them while the other nodded her head.

"My name is Selina Hua. My friend over there is Alexa Bella Chronos. Nice to meet you too."

The one who just introduces herself has brunette hair and caramel-colored eyes. When Selina looked at the other one, she surprised because the two of them turned out to be a pair of twins.

"You both are twins?" Alexa asked.

"Yes, we are twins," Emily confirmed.

"It's nice to have a sister. I'm the only child in my family so I don't know what it's like to have a sibling." Alexa looked enviously.

"How about the four of us become sworn sisters?" Emma gave a suggestion.

"Good idea! When is your birthday? My birthday is June 21," said Alexa excitedly.

"Ours is on February 3." Emma and Emily answered at the same time.

Alexa and the twins then looked at Selina.

"I'm the youngest. My birthday is on August 28."

"That means from the oldest to the youngest are me, Emily, Alexa, then Selina."

"Finally I have siblings! Emma and Emily became my older twin sisters, while Selina you became my only little sister," Alexa said happily, she then hugged Emma, Emily and Selina alternately.

"Yes! Finally, I also have a younger sibling. Oh yeah, I heard Alexa call you Lina, can we also call you 'Lina'?" Emily asked hopefully to Selina.

Selina smiled then answered, "Of course you can."

"You can also call me 'Alex'," exclaimed Alexa who was still in a position of hugging Selina.

"Alright then. We don't have nicknames like you two so you can just call us Emma and Emily," said Emma.