Practicing Elemental Magic

After the instruction given by Teacher Albus, they all spread into four groups. Selina and Alexa following Teacher Nancy to the Northeast corner of the training ground. In front of Selina and Alexa, there is a table on which there are four cups. Two glasses were filled with water and the other two were left empty.

"Today we will not learn Water elemental magic spell directly. We will start with an exercise to move the water in this glass to the other empty glass," said Teacher Nancy.

Alexa and Selina nodded as a sign of 'understanding'. Teacher Nancy smiled and show how she did it. Teacher Nancy points to the water in the glass and orders it soundlessly to move to the empty glass. Instantly the water in the glass floated leaving the glass and spilled into the other glass. None of the water spilled outside the glass.

"This is how you do it, you have to imagine and will it to move from the glass into the other glass which is empty," said Teacher Nancy.

Selina and Alexa looked at Teacher Nancy with sparkling eyes. They couldn't wait to try what Teacher Nancy did earlier. Teacher Nancy, on the other hand, smiling upon seeing the eagerness that Selina and Alexa show to her.

"Okay, let's start with Alexa. Remember! You have to imagine and will it for the water to move."

Alexa then imagines and wills for the water in the glass to move. The water in the glass then shows a ripple and floating away from the glass forming a blob of water. It is then very slowly drifting away from above the glass to the other glass. Soon the blob of the water starts to shake and falls into the other glass. It is a success for Alexa, but the majority of water still falls outside of the rim of the glass.

"Not bad for your first try, Alexa!" Praised Teacher Nancy to Alexa.

"Thank you, Teacher Nancy," said Alexa while smiling.

"Selina, it's your turn now," Teacher Nancy turned her face towards Selina.

"Alright, Teacher Nancy," Selina answered.

Like Alexa, Selina imagines while also wills the water in the glass to move. The water in the glass then starts moving and floating away toward the other glass. Unlike in Alexa's, when it was Selina's turn, the water in the glass immediately drifted toward the other glass, but Selina took a long time as she tried to slowly spill the water into the glass. This is because she did not want to spill even a drop of water outside the glass just like what Teacher Nancy did.

"Good job, Selina. Now all you have to do is practice it over and over again until you can do it in a flash," praised and instructed Teacher Nancy.

Selina and Alexa nodded at the instruction. Both of them then keep on practicing. The longer they practice transferring water from one glass to another, the faster the time they need to do it.

On Arthur and Daniel's side, they are faced with two tables. On each table, there is a row of ten candles. What they both had to do was light the candles then turn them off with their magic. Arthur had no problems at all even managed to lights ten candles at once in his first try. He then waved his hand and all the candles on the table died. Daniel on the other hand only succeeded in lighting all candles on the table and turn them off in his fourth try.

When Selina saw their progress, she found Arthur smirking at her, a sign he challenged Selina to do better than him.

"Just you wait, Rosenfeld. I will do it better than you!" Selina said to Arthur.

"Prove it."

Triggered by Arthur's challenge, Selina tried even harder. This time Selina managed to move the water from one glass to another without spilling a single drop faster than she ever did before. Happy about her success Selina looked in Arthur's direction, she wanted to brag. But Selina found Arthur only shrugged in response.

"Arrgh…!" Selina felt annoyed and pouted.

All Class 1 members continued to practice using the methods given by the teachers until 2:00 pm then they had thirty minutes of rest before continuing to practice their second element.






Selina's second element is Wind, so she will train with Daniel this time. On the other side, Arthur is with Alexa learning Earth element, while Jackson and Christian practice Fire element.

For Wind elemental magic, what they did for the training was almost the same as the one Selina had previously done. The difference is that they have to move glass made of plastic from one table to another. Both Selina and Daniel can do it even if it's not perfect because the glass they moved isn't standing.

"Good job! Let's keep practicing like this. After you can do it, your next practice is to move and arrange the glass into a tower," said Teacher Stormi, giving the next instruction.

"Understood, Teacher Stormi!"

"Understood, Teacher Stormi," Selina and Daniel said together.

Selina and Daniel then continue to practice until Teacher Stormi tells them they can move on to the next practice.

As for the practice of Earth elemental magic, what Arthur and Alexa did was they had to make a castle out of the soil in front of them. The more intricate the castle, the greater their control of Earth's elemental magic. Once again Arthur showed his geniusity by making a one-meter high intricate castle.

"How could he do it in the first try?" Selina whispered softly.

"Amazing..." Daniel, who was next to Selina, said while looking at Arthur's masterpiece.

"Daniel," Selina called.


"I hear you've been friends with Rosenfeld for a long time?"

"Yes, that is correct," Daniel answered.

"Was he really like that since a long time ago?"

"Like what?"


"Hmm… Yes, Arthur was like that since a long time ago. It was always easy for him to learn what is being taught."

"Do you think I can defeat Rosenfeld someday?"

"Of course. I have never seen anyone who works harder than you, so I think one day you will definitely beat Arthur."