Beastology II

Selina first observes and recognizes the object to be drawn, namely Molly the Unicorn. Selina observes details from Molly so it's easy to draw later. Slowly one line is followed by another line and over time the lines form a concept sketch of Molly. Selina then added shading to distinguish between bright and dark parts. Selina then continues the drawing until finally, she gives the finishing touches by emphasizing the stroke to have color.

Time passed, all Class 1's members including Selina were busy drawing Molly. When the bell rang, all students raised their heads from the parchment paper that was their drawing medium and sighed. There are sighs of relief and some are sighing out of frustration. Selina belonged to the group that breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lina, can I see your drawing?" Alexa asked.

"My drawing isn't very good, Alex. But I also want to see yours."

Selina exchanged her parchment paper with Alexa's. Selina then looks at Alexa's drawing of Molly. Alexa's drawing is very good and Molly on the parchment paper is as if alive and not just a drawing.

"You're very good, Alex!" Selina exclaimed in a loud voice which is heard by all.

"Really? Let me see it," said Jackson, peering over Selina's shoulder.

"WOW! Alexa you can live as a painter in the future with drawings like this. Is that right, Daniel?" Jackson asked Daniel.

"En! Your drawing is great, Alexa. What if you become a palace painter in the future," Daniel joked.

"Really, you guys," said Alexa who is embarrassed.

"Selina's is also not much different from mine. The drawing is good and captures all the details of Molly," said Alexa, trying to shift the conversation from her to Selina.

"But mine isn't as good as yours, Alex. Oh yeah, how about we show the drawings that we have made to each other?" suggested Selina.

"Agree!" Alexa exclaimed at the idea.

"I also agree," Christian also agreed to Selina's proposal.

"If you don't mind my bad drawing, I'm fine," Jackson said, with Daniel nodding.

"I don't agree," Arthur said quietly, he refused Selina's proposal and moved to hide his parchment paper inside his backpack.

All Class 1's members saw Arthur's movement then looked at each other. They nodded as a sign of understanding of what the other friends were thinking. Then they turned their heads back toward Arthur. Arthur who saw a situation that screaming bad for him was getting ready to run back to the dorm. But it only stopped at the theoretical phase because Daniel, who had been beside Arthur all this time, was already preparing to stop Arthur's movements from behind.

"Daniel, let me go!" Arthur said.

"You have to show your drawing first," Daniel said.

"Jack, you take the parchment paper in his backpack," Daniel instructed.

"Okay!" Jackson said while grinning.

Jackson fumbled into Arthur's bag until he found what he was looking for. After removing the parchment paper and unfurling it. Jackson laughed in a big voice.


"Why are you laughing?" Christian asked.

"Look at this!" Jackson shows Arthur's drawing of Molly to his friends.

"Pfft! Ahahaha... "All Class 1's members except for Arthur laughed out loud and even Teacher Harry held back his laughter at Arthur's unclear drawing of Unicorn. Arthur could only grumble when he heard the laughter of his friends.

"Turns out there's something Arthur can't do either!" said Jackson who then returned laughing.

"Yes... Yes... I admit that my drawing is indeed very ugly," Arthur said resignedly.

"Finally there's something you can win from Arthur. Isn't that right, Lina?" Alexa asked happily.

"En! En!" Selina nodded her head many times with a broad smile lining her lips.

After they were satisfied laughing at Arthur, Daniel released him.

"Okay, because it's already this hour today's lesson ends here. You may return to your respective dorms," said Teacher Harry before leaving Class 1's members in Training Ground 3.

"Today is a fun day," said Selina who stretches her body.

"Do you think today is a fun day because you managed to laugh at me?" Rosenfeld asked suddenly from behind Selina.

Selina who was unaware of Arthur's presence which is right behind her screamed in surprise.

"Uwaaa!" Selina screamed and looked behind her to find Rosenfeld with his sour face.

"So what?" Selina asked, challenging Arthur.

"Do you really think that you have won over me? Don't forget you never won from me in any exam, Lady Number 2," Arthur said with a smirk.

Selina's face immediately turned sour at Arthur's words.

"Just you wait, someday I will definitely win from you!" Selina said while pointing at Arthur's nose.

Arthur removed Selina's index finger from in front of his nose and said in a condescending tone, "Good luck then."

"Grrr..." Selina growled in anger, her eyes looked fiery.






"That Rosenfeld will be the death of me someday!" Selina shouted while punching her bolster.

Now Selina, Alexa, Emma, and Emily are in their dorm room and in the middle of preparing to go to dinner at Undine's cafeteria.

Emily saw Selina, who was busy punching her bolster, raising an eyebrow, and asked, "What's wrong with Lina?"

"As usual, Arthur upset her by calling her Lady Number 2," answered Alexa.

"Isn't that normal?" Emma asked.

"This time it's a bit different."

Alexa then told the incident this afternoon to Emma and Emily.

"Ahahaha ..."

"Ahahaha ..." Emma and Emily laughed at the fact that Arthur could not draw.

"I never thought Arthur who is famous as a perfect person can't draw," Emily laughed while holding her stomach.


"Let's not laugh anymore, aren't we going to eat? Let's go," Emma said.

"Lina, let's eat!" Alexa called Selina over.
