Lesson with Headmaster Robert

Friday. The day Selina was waiting for was also the day that Selina didn't want to exist. You want to ask why? The reason why this was the day Selina had been waiting for was that on that day Selina would study the element of Light with the Headmaster from Seraphium Royal Academy, Headmaster Robert Hugh Forster. Meanwhile, the reason why Friday became an unwanted day to Selina was that in the lesson with Headmaster Robert she would study with Arthur. Just the two of them, there are no other students. How frustrating.


'Rosenfeld will make me more angry than usual,' thought Selina, who was frowning.

Selina is currently preparing for her only lesson today. She wore her uniform which she had washed clean and ironed neatly.

"Either I have to be happy or sad because I have an affinity with Light element," Selina said quietly to herself.

"Is Lina sad?" Asked Ciel who put his front legs on Selina's lap. His sky-colored eyes looked closely at Selina's face, trying to figure out why Selina was depressed on this beautiful morning.

"I'm not sad, Ciel. It's just frustrating because I have to study alone with Rosenfeld today," Selina answered. Her right hand raised to stroke Ciel's head.

"Lina doesn't like Arthur? But Ciel likes Tristan. Tristan is a good beast," said Ciel, who was confused about why Selina did not like Arthur. His head tilted to the right side.

"I also like Tristan, it's just that I don't like the master of Tristan," said Selina who was still stroking Ciel's head.

Ciel closed his eyes to enjoy Selina's caress on his head for a few seconds before asked, "Lina doesn't like Arthur?"

"En!" Selina nodded her head strongly.

"Looks like in this whole school it's just you, Lina, who doesn't like Arthur," Emma said suddenly from behind Selina. She just woke up and overheard Selina and Ciel's conversation.

"Emma! You surprised me...," exclaimed Selina, who turned her head to look back at Emma while stroking her chest.

"Obviously I don't like him, he's always looking for trouble with me," Selina told Emma after her heart no longer beats fast.

"Hmm... Seems like Arthur is just like that to you," commented Emma.

"That's the problem. He just does that to me. Do you think he hates me?" Selina asked.

"I don't think so. I guess he's like that because he wants to get your attention because he likes you?" said Emma quietly, unwilling to wake Alexa and Emily who were still sleeping.

"Are you kidding? That Rosenfeld likes me? It's impossible. Since the first day I met him he has called me his rival, he said because we both have S class mana amount," said Selina while waving her right hand to the right and left.

"Is that so? Hmm... But I still feel something is out of place," Emma said, resting her chin on her right palm.

Selina looked at the clock and her eyes widened.

"Ah, it's almost time! I have to go to class immediately and see Headmaster Robert. Let's go, Ciel! Bye, Emma. Say good morning from me to Alex and Emily," Selina said before leaving Emma who was still thinking in their dorm room.

"...But I still think that Arthur actually likes you," Emma said in a whisper while looking at Selina's form that disappeared after the room's door closed.






For other students, Friday is the first day off of the week, but for students who have an affinity for Light and Dark elements today is the day they learn elemental magic. Along the way to the Seraphium Royal Academy principal's room, Selina very rarely met with other students from both in her year and above.

"Waah... The school became quiet on school's days off," said Selina, who was carrying Ciel.

"Why did Lina goes to school when the others are on days off?" Ciel asked.

"Ah! I haven't told Ciel yet? I have an affinity to Light element, so on Friday all students who have an affinity for Light and Dark elements will enter school to study their elemental magic together with Headmaster Robert," Selina explained.

"Lina has an affinity with Light element? Wow, Ciel's master is really awesome," said Ciel with sparkling eyes.

"Uuu... Ciel, you're so sweet," Selina said while hugging and kissing Ciel's nose repeatedly.

"Ehehehe..." Ciel just laughed because his nose itched, kissed by Selina.

Shortly after Selina and Ciel arrived in front of the Headmaster room's door.

*Knock... Knock... Knock...*

The sound of the door being knocked by Selina echoed in the empty hallway.

"Please enter," came the voice of Headmaster Robert, who invited Selina to enter the room.

"Ah! Selina, we've been waiting for you," said Headmaster Robert, who smiled at Selina. His eyes twinkling in delight.

Inside the room, Arthur was standing in front of Headmaster Robert's desk with Tristan on his shoulder. Looking at Arthur, Selina tried not to show her frown in front of Headmaster Robert.

"You're late," Arthur said.

Selina, who was surprised at the possibility of herself arriving late, immediately turned her head back towards Headmaster Robert and asked, "A-Am I late, Headmaster Robert?"

"No... No... You're not late, Selina," said Headmaster Robert softly to Selina while shook his head lightly.


Selina breathed a sigh of relief. When she raised her head, Selina saw Arthur who was smirking and watching her make a fool out of herself. Selina could only glare at Arthur.

"Arthur, don't pick on Selina," Headmaster Robert said, still with a friendly smile.

"Today we will learn about beginner magic, the element of Light for Selina and the element of Dark for Arthur."

Selina and Arthur nodded their heads in understanding.

"Since the beginner magic of Light and Dark elements that you will learn today is not dangerous, today's lesson will be done here. Selina will practice using fanós spell, while Arthur will practice using foséxo spell."