Clubs II

After leaving the Beasts Study club's room, Tristan and Ciel asked to return to the familiar's space. The eight of them then continued their tour at the South Building. From the Beasts Study club, they visited the Art club, Ancient Runes club, Astronomy club, Theatrical club, Duel club, History club, Adventure club, Cooking club, Soul Weapon Craftsman club, and Dance club. The last club they will visit is the Music club.

"This is the last club we haven't visited. Are you interested in joining the clubs we visited earlier? For me, I want to join the Art club," asked Alexa.

"I want to join the Soul Weapon Craftsman club," answered Christian.

Jackson who as usual folded his arms behind his head said in response to Christian, "I knew you wanted to join the club. Your eyes practically sparkling the entire time we are there. For me, I want to join the Adventure club, it seems like it will be fun."

"I want to join the Theatrical club, whereas Emma has always wanted to enter the Cooking club," Emily said.

"Hoo... Are you good at cooking?" Jackson asked Emma.

Emma smiled and answered, "I'm not very good at cooking but I really like to do it."

"How about the three of you?" Alexa asked Selina, Arthur, and Daniel.

"I and Daniel will join the Duel club. This will help our fighting abilities as a knight later," Arthur said.

"You two want to be knights?"

Daniel nodded and answered, "I always wanted to be a knight. Well, at least before I was preoccupied with my duties as Crown Prince and was appointed King."

"I've been aspiring to be a knight since childhood," answered Arthur.

"That's unexpected. I thought you wanted to be a Prime Minister like your father." Alexa raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want to be compared to my father when I am appointed as Prime Minister."

"How about you, Lina? Do you want to join the Duel club too?"

"Hmm... I'm not very interested in the Duel club," said Selina, patting her right index finger on her chin.

"Didn't you say you wanted to become a knight?"

"En! But I want to join a club that suits my hobby."

"Which means the Dance club or the Music club?"

Selina nodded in response to Alexa's question.

"Heeh..." Arthur murmured, then smirked.

"What?" Selina asked curtly, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Nothing. It's just unexpected that an unlady-like girl like you has a hobby of dancing and singing," said Arthur.

'Calm yourself, Selina. Do not be provoked by his words. You're much better than this spiteful playboy. Calm down... Calm down... Calm down...,' Selina closed her eyes and continued to say the word 'calm' like a spell in her heart.

"Why are you silent? Don't say you are at a loss for words to reply to me," Arthur said with his flagship smirk while his left hand was on his waist.

'Calm down... Calm down... Calm down...' Selina continued to say the spell words. On her forehead, a vein appeared.

"Hmm... Turns out your abilities are just that much, Lady Number 2."

"What do you say? You playboy!" Exclaimed Selina loudly. On her forehead, another vein appeared indicating that she was really mad.


"Here we go again," said Daniel resignedly.






During the walking tour to the Music club's room, Selina did not look at Arthur at all. She even chose the position farthest from Arthur - the foremost position - as she walked and kept looking forward.

Arthur who was in the back position was walking with Daniel when Alexa suddenly slowed down to the same level as Arthur and Daniel.

"Arthur, I don't know where to start so I will just say the matter immediately. Do you like Lina?" Alexa asked seriously.


Arthur sighed then answered, "Does it look too obvious?"

"Not really. It's just when I, Emma, and Emily discussing about you and Lina, we reached that conclusion."

"Does she realize that too?"

Alexa shook her head and said, "No. Selina is too dense on this matter. We even asked her directly and she responded with 'I can't possibly fall in love with Rosenfeld. Playboys like Rosenfeld aren't my type'."

"Just like her…" Arthur murmured, followed by a nod from Daniel.

"But... How did Selina conclude that Arthur was a playboy? I know Selina always calls Arthur that, but Arthur doesn't play with girls' feelings so he can't be branded with that title," asked Daniel.

"Maybe because Arthur always acts gentlemanly to every girl he meets and makes most girls love him?"

"But I don't reciprocate their feelings by acting like a playboy," Arthur said defending himself.

"Well... Maybe because the first impression you gave Lina was labeled worse by her?"

"En. That might happen," said Daniel.

"Rather than the problem of Selina being too dense and Arthur being branded by her as a playboy, isn't there a more important problem here?"

"What problem?" Daniel raised one of his eyebrows.

"Isn't there a law that prohibits marriages between royalty and commoners?"

"Aah... That law, huh?"

Arthur paused for a few seconds before saying, "I know."

"You know? How will you handle it?" Alexa asked. Her eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"If I can get an unmeasured merit award, I can ask the King for freedom of marriage," answered Arthur.

"Do you mean like what happened in Adele's fairy tale?"

"Yes," Arthur said.

"Waah... so romantic! Oh, I have one important information for you," said Alexa who grinning mischievously.

"Important information?"

"The type of man Selina likes is a strong man. She wants to be protected like a princess in a fairy tale," Alexa whispered softly.

"Then I can't lose to her, right?" Arthur smirked.

"Here we are!" Selina's voice came from the front row.

They finally arrived in front of the Music club's room. The door to the Music club's room is already open and inside there are several second-year students who are also on a walking tour just like Selina and her friends.