Arthur's Feelings II

"Today's lesson ends here. Selina, you may return to your dorm, while Arthur you stay here for a while. I have something to discuss with you," Headmaster Robert concluded the lesson that day.

After Selina left the room, Headmaster Robert's kind face changed to strict.

"Why are you bothering Selina like that?" Headmaster Robert asked in a stern voice.

"I reflexively did it," Arthur answered.

"How could you reflexively did it even though your mother and I have raised you from childhood to respect women and girls?"

"...I like Selina, Grandfather."

"You like her? Since when? And why did you do that to her even when you like her?" Asked Headmaster Robert. The wrinkles on his forehead became even clearer because he frowned.

Arthur finally told how he had been forced to wear a girl's clothes by his mother who at that time wanted a daughter and was kidnapped by three drunk people. Then he also told how Selina saved him three years ago.

"Ahahaha... So, the girl who saved you was Selina?"

Arthur just nodded his head.

"Then why do you treat her like that when in reality you like her?"

"It was my fault. The first time we met at school I thought she would remember who I am. I forgot the fact that during our meeting three years ago I wore girl's clothes. Moreover, at that time my face, eyes color, and hair color were changed using Transformation magic. So I'm angry for no reason at her and teasing her has become my habit every time I see her," Arthur explained.

"You have to break your habit, or else she will hate you," Headmaster Robert advised Arthur.

"Understand, Grandfather."



"Why don't you stop me from liking Selina? Isn't there a law that prohibits marriages between royalty and commoners?" Arthur lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"Why should I stop you? Isn't there a way where you can legally marry Selina as a royalty? "

"Really?" Arthur looked expectantly at his grandfather.

"You know the fairy tale about Adele, right?" Headmaster Robert asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

Arthur nodded his head and suddenly fell silent. He understood what was meant by Headmaster Robert.

"Unmeasured merit award…"

"Right. If you can get an unmeasured merit award, you can ask the King for freedom of marriage. "

Arthur ran to hug his grandfather tightly and said, "Thank you."

Headmaster Robert patted Arthur's back lightly.






The next day, Saturday, Arthur and Daniel were walking towards the South Building to meet with Jackson and Christian. However, in front of the South Building, they also saw Selina, Alexa, and two girls they did not know.

"Rosenfeld and Daniel? Ugh! Why do I have to meet Rosenfeld even on Saturday?"

Hearing Selina's tone of dislike because she was about to meet him, Arthur said, "Sorry if I disturbed your pleasant Saturday."

"Rosenfeld?! You surprised me. You're lucky I didn't reflexively kick you," said Selina.

"Looks like I really can't treat you like a lady, Hua. You are simply too unlady-like."

"What do you say? You playboy!"

'Well... habits are hard to change. But if it's like this once in a while it's okay, right?' Thought Arthur who smiled at Selina's pouting cute face.

After their little fight which was finally broken by Daniel, the two of them along with their friends entered the South Building. They visited the Beasts Study club, Art club, Ancient Runes club, Astronomy club, Theatrical club, Duel club, History club, Adventure club, Cooking club, Soul Weapon Craftsman club, and Dance club.

As they walked to the Music club, Alexa asked Arthur, Selina, and Daniel. She asked about which club they wanted to join. Arthur finally learned that Selina also wanted to be a knight like himself. Arthur smiled a little and thought that they could stay together after graduating from school.

'I have to make her stronger so that the two of us can be accepted into the Black Dragon Division.'

Arthur then thinks of various ways to manipulate Selina so that she could become stronger. The easiest way he thought was to continue to provoke Selina and make her want to defeat him.

"Heeh..." Arthur murmured, then smirked at Selina.


"Nothing. It's just unexpected that an unlady-like girl like you has a hobby of dancing and singing."

Seeing Selina not responding to his words, Arthur provoked her again, "Why are you silent? Don't say you are at a loss for words to reply to me."

"Hmm... Turns out your abilities are just that much, Lady Number 2."

"What do you say? You playboy!" Exclaimed Selina loudly.

After their second fight today, Selina accelerated her pace until she was in the front position.

"Arthur, I don't know where to start so I will just say the matter immediately. Do you like Lina?" Alexa who slowed down asked Arthur.


"Does it look too obvious?"

"Not really. It's just when I, Emma, and Emily discussing about you and Lina, we reached that conclusion."

"Does she realize that too?"

"No. Selina is too dense on this matter. We even asked her directly and she responded with 'I can't possibly fall in love with Rosenfeld. Playboys like Rosenfeld aren't my type'."

"Just like her…" Arthur smiled.

The three of them then discuss the nickname Selina gave Arthur and law that forbids marriage between royalty and commoners.

"Oh, I have one important information for you," said Alexa who grinning mischievously.

"Important information?"

"The type of man Selina likes is a strong man. She wants to be protected like a princess in a fairy tale," Alexa whispered softly.

"Then I can't lose to her, right?" Arthur smirked.

'You want to be protected like a princess in a fairy tale? You have to be prepared to keep losing to me. Isn't it strange if the prince is weaker than the princess, right?'