Chapter 3

It's been a few days since she transfered to our school. She was quiet all the time so it's been hard for me to initiate a conversation with her. With Young Taek's words deeply engraved on my mind, I'll find a great timing to casually brush off a conversation with her.

The afternoon bell rang and lunch break started. Everyone went to the cafeteria and the two of us was left alone in that wide classroom.

I'll tell you the truth, it's really suffocating and awkward. The great Gods finally gave me this opportunity yet the heavy atmosphere kept my mouth from opening. As I found the courage to speak up,

"Did you have lunch?" I awkwardly said.

I messed up. Yeah, so badly. What's with 'Did you have lunch" when the lunch break bell rang just now. Ah! That was awkward. Drag me away please ...

"Not yet," she naturally said as she worked on the activity the teacher gave us a while ago.

"Ah ... I see ..." I said as I slowly glanced over the window.

And just like that, the conversation ended in just 5 seconds. Wow, new record. Clap, clap!

I can't get out of seat as she was still in her seat. In order for me to have lunch, I need to pass through her. What in the world should I do? As I unconsciously took a peek on what she's working on, her mistake on one question greatly attracted my attention. Noticing that, I unknowingly pointed my fingers towards the question and speak up my mind as I straightly look at her.

"You did the questio--," I stopped.

She lifted her head and looked at me but ... the distance between our faces was ...

Too close.

"q--, question w--, wr--, ong," I stuttered as I finished my sentence.

"Ah, really?" she instantly responded.

The awkwardness doubled as our eyes met. I glanced away as I restlessly said, "But ..."

"Mmm?" she slightly tilted her head sideways.

"Isn't the d--, distance between us t--, too close?" I stuttered.

"Ah, really?" she moved her face away and continued working back on the activity. "How did I get this one wrong? Can you tell me?" she added.

"Y--, you get this part wrong. I--, you should've set the x to 0 as you're finding the y intercept," I corrected and pointed out her mistake.

She instantly felt enlightened as someone pointed out her mistake. She brushed off her mistake with a soft chuckle and said, "Ah! You're right! I'm becoming dumb," she softly punched her head as she sticked out her tongue.

Just as our conversation finally started flowing, an unknown noise instantly made the two of us silent.


Ugh. My stomach, why now?

She looked right at my belly and said with a stern expression, "You're child seems to be hungry."

Feeling embarassed, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and reasoned out, "It's nothing like that ... uhm, this is ..."

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" she chuckled softly and looked at me with her smiling eyes.

"Huh?!" I was confused.

"Well, I also want to thanked you for pointing out my mistake. I'll treat you," she offered.

"AH! I have m--, money so it's okay ..." I said in flustery.

What am I doing? I feel dumber.

"My treat," she insisted.

"Okay then ... I gladly accept your offer for that," I complied.

The two of us awkwardly went to the cafeteria and upon entering, gazes and murmurs about me instantly started.

"It's Lee Yeol from Class 1!"

"He's really handsome!"

"Who was that beside him?"

"Is that his girlfriend? She's pretty"

"They look good together though ..."

As we ordered food, I sighed heavily.

This is why I don't eat in the cafeteria. If only I didn't forgot bringing my packed lunch.

"Sorry ..." I softly whispered.

"About what?" she responded while choosing her side dishes.

As we found a table to sit in, I immediately said, "Well, because of me we're eating in such discomfort."

As she started eating she comfortably said, "It's nothing to feel sorry about. You're handsome and of course whenever you go such thing bounds to happen. I understand," she engulfed a spoonful of rice with 2 pieces of meat on it.

I was shocked.

"You eat so well," I also started eating and teased her a bit. I thought she'll get angry but ...

She looked at me and while chewing her food, she smiled with her eyes and said, "Thank you very much for the compliment."

After that we ate in peace. Despite our conversation earlier, everything was still awkward. Getting ready to go back to the classroom, a sudden ruckus at the entrance greatly attracted a lot of students.

We also got curious and the scene we saw was obvious; another bullying.

A male student was on the floor and the bully was standing still in front of him. The bully probably bumped into him deliberately causing the food tray fell on the floor.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and clean it!" he commanded.

"Ah! O--, okay," he said as he started wiping the floor with his uniform.

The moment I saw the bullying scene, I thought I can finally muster the courage to stop it. But, as I thought ... it's still impossible.

I just sighed in frustration and as I glanced besides me, Han So Ra was missing. I flusteredly look for her around but I can't find her.

"Who is that girl?"

"Is she really going to stop them?"

"Isn't that Lee Yeol's girlfriend?"

"Is she crazy?"

The moment I heard those gossips flying around, I felt restless. Did she really go there? As I glanced over at the front, her presence stood up.

"Who are you?" the bully asked.

"I'm just a concerned schoolmate," she said as she picked up the food in the floor with her bare hands and wiped it into the bully's white uniform.

The bully enraged, "What are you doing?!" he shouted.

As he ready to swing his fist, So Ra just stood still and looked at him fearlessly in the eyes.

"Hurry up and slap me," she dared him.

The bully clicked his tongue and retreated, "You! Watch your back," he said as he leave.

She flopped in an instant and sighed heavily. After the bully left, I immediately rushed towards her and helped her stood up but her legs were shaking so badly to the point that she can't stand up. I carried her behind my back and as we were on our way to the infirmary, I curiously asked, "Why did you do it?"

She snapped and responded, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, why did you step up to help the guy. You could've get hurt," I asked.

With confidence in her voice, "Isn't that a given?" she said with assertion.

The moment I heard her reply, my chest pounded so fast.

"If we take a blind eye of the situation, it will not stop. It'll just continue and something worse could happen. I'm also scared but ... thinking about what could happen in the future scared me the most," she added.

After that silence ate the both of us until we reached the infirmary. I placed her down the bed and left the infirmary without saying anything. Right after closing the door, I slowly catched my breath as I panted heavily. My chest hurts and it's a feeling I don't understand.

"If you admire someone then you can be friends with them and if your heart pounded very fast the moment you see them then you love them! Isn't that obvious?"

Young Taek's word began looping on my head like a broken cassette tape. I sat down right behind the door and pondered as I let out a heavy sigh.

Is this admiration towards a friend? Or is my heart pounding because I love her? Ah! What the heck is this?

"It's confusing," I mumbled silently to myself.

If it were you Young Taek, what do you think this is? Please ... at least once, help me ...