
"Ah, it was a good match. I knew we will win. We have the best lineup this season. Nothing stands in front of us and the title."

Mike called out as he stretched himself, turning off the TV. They watched the whole match from the start to finish, drinking a couple of beers just like old times when Ryan still lived with them.

"You are right. As long as we play like this, no one can stop us," Ryan agreed while standing up gently.

Mid-way the match, Emily decided to take a nap right on his thigh, rubbing her head against him with sweet purr. Even though he was on guard, he didn't throw her away, observing her the whole time. He couldn't help but be disappointed when she did nothing but look cute.

Ryan broke at some point and rubbed her behind the ear to which she rewarded him with a lick on his palm, cuddling even more. He wondered how come something so cute could make him so alert, giving him a feeling of danger.

Maybe they are dangerous… but not to us?

With how smart they were and how they split to stay by their side in two different rooms, he started to think they are there to protect them but there was nothing he could do to validate his guess.


Emily called out cutely when she sensed him move. She opened her blue eyes and stretched her body, using his chest as a floor. Ryan stared at her eyes as if trying to get an answer for his questions yet Emily only licked him on the cheek.

She then jumped and landed on his shoulder, sitting on it like a bird, treating him as a form of transport.

"Haha, it seems she took a liking to you," Mike laughed at that sight, gathering all the beer bottles to throw them away.

Emily rubbed her cheek against him as if to confirm Mike's words.

"I guess so," Ryan replied indifferently, still not fully convinced by the cute furball.

He stood up, walking after his father, and realized he felt completely normal. Even after a few bottles of beer, he didn't even get tipsy as if his body filtered the alcohol for him.

I guess I need to try something stronger next time to test that.

"Our women seemed to be gone for a while," Mike commented, throwing the bottles away.

"Indeed…" Ryan muttered and extended his hearing throughout the house.

He immediately heard his mom's drunk laughter coming from the library. He couldn't help but expect the worst.

"They seem to be upstairs," Ryan informed, exchanging a glance with his dad and they moved at the same time.

"Wait…" Mike stopped, checking the shelf for wines. "She took the special wines! Two of them! Is she crazy?! They are much stronger than normal."

"I guess mom will be very horny tonight…" Ryan commented, recalling his mom's drinking habit.

She wasn't a heavy drinker nor did she drink much but whenever she did, she was all over his dad, ready to eat him up. He was blessed in childhood as his parent's bedroom was downstairs but now when he could hear almost everything, he was afraid.

Ryan quickly decided to limit his hearing tonight, just in case.

Mike paled when he heard him and dashed towards the stairs. "Let's go before it's too late!"

Ryan didn't even want to wonder what did his mom do to his dad at night to make him act like this.

They entered the library without knocking and found the two laying on the floor while browsing through an old album. They didn't even notice their entry, busy in their own world.

"Haha, look at him here. Wasn't he super cute? Look at his smooth butt-cheeks. We were on vacation by the sea and he didn't want to wear his clothes the whole time, running around naked," Eve explained the picture in front of her, making Ryan's eyes roll.

He could already expect this to happen.

"Ehem!" Mike cleared his throat loudly, making their presence known.

The two girls turned around, their faces already red.

"Oh! You are back!" Eve exclaimed happily and grabbed the empty bottle next to them. "We have no more wine… Look. Can you bring us another bottle?"

Eve was mumbling, clearly drunk but Rose wasn't in a better situation.

"Ryan~ You came for me…" she called out cutely with her arms extended as if she wanted to be carried.

Mike glared at his wife and walked up, taking the bottle away from her. "You, my lady, are banned from drinking for the next month."

"Hehe, we didn't drink much…" Eve denied with a giggle only to expose herself. "Hic! Whoops… I guess I have been a bad girl…"

Mike didn't waste time and simply lifted his wife like a princess and carried her out.

"I will leave Rose to you," Mike called out as he was leaving.

"Okay, have fun!" Ryan teased.

He didn't get to hear any comment but he was sure his dad rolled his eyes at that.

His mind returned to Rose who still laid on the floor, her arms extended while waiting for him.

"Hug me~" Rose pleaded, smiling happily.

Emily seemed to know she would only disturb them so she jumped off his shoulder, hopping on the sofa where Isabella sat, overseeing the situation calmly.

"Sigh, what am I going to do with you. I think you will be sleeping earlier today," Ryan muttered as he crouched next to her, rubbing her cheek tenderly.

The scent of alcohol left her body with each breath but he couldn't blame her, knowing exactly how his mom was. She would fill your glass whenever it was half empty, making a never-ending drink. If they didn't run out of wine he was sure they would continue drinking.

"I don't want to sleep… I want to cuddle…" Rose called out, holding onto his hand as if enjoying his touch.

"Alright, let's go cuddle," Ryan agreed and lifted her up effortlessly, carrying her out of the library.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed, already starting to collect her hugs on the way.

"I love it when you hug me…" Rose whispered, rubbing her nose against his neck. "You smell so nice…"

Rose was already naughty when she was sober but her drunk self definitely topped it.

Both Emily and Isabella followed him, jumping on his soft bed as he placed her inside his room. It wasn't anything fancy but at least it was clean, a clear difference compared to when he lived in it.

A simple bed, desk, a lot of drawers and walls filled with posters of basketball stars.

"Noooo, don't leave me…"

When he tried to stand up, Rose pulled him back, hugging him tighter. "You promised cuddles…"

He had no choice but to get on the bed and fulfill his promise.


Ryan rolled on the bed with her and laid comfortably with Rose laying on his chest.

"Mhmm… Yes…" Rose muttered softly, clearly enjoying his embrace. "I knew you wouldn't lie to me…"

He couldn't even reply before Rose began to kiss his neck, her arms roaming around his body. She didn't even think before she began attacking him all over. Her hand traveled down, slipping underneath his shirt while her lips sucked, leaving love bites in revenge.

Ryan never thought he would be forced to stop her advanced but if there was ever a good time, it would be this.

"Rose, stop," Ryan called out, catching her hands.

"Why…?" Rose asked confused as she lifted her head, gazing at him from up close.

"You are drunk," Ryan replied simply. "It's best if we sleep early."

He didn't want her to do something she would later regret.

"I'm not drunk…" Rose pouted, escaping from his grasp only to embrace his head, staring into his eyes. "I know what I want."

She did her best to speak properly but he wasn't bought by her.

"What do you want then?"

"I want a kiss from my boyfriend," Rose demanded, flipping her hair to one side. "Can I kiss you?"

She was back to her playful mood, smiling happily as she lowered her head, rubbing their noses together as if to tease him.

"Sure, only if you promise me to be a good girl afterward and listen to me," Ryan agreed under the condition, and Rose immediately brightened.

"Okay! I'm always good girl thou— Mhmm…"

She didn't finish speaking before her face fell down, meeting with his own. It was the first time he left everything to her, letting her take what she wanted. When she kissed his top lip, he kissed the bottom, responding to whatever her desires led her to.

One kiss turned into two, then three, until he stopped counting, only enjoying the sensation, her delicious scent, and soft touch. Her fingers tangled in his hair, massaging him while her lips moved on autopilot, not willing to stop moving.

Eventually, he couldn't win against his natural instincts.


Rose exclaimed as he grasped her bottom, gripping it tightly but she didn't stop, letting him do what he wanted.

There was someone else who did though.


Isabella suddenly attacked, smacking his hand away. Her claws sunk into his skin with ease, forcing him into retreat.

"Au!" he called out in pain, pulling Rose away and saw single drops of blood streaming down his wrist.

He glared at Isabella and sucked on the wound to stop the bleeding. Rose was breathing hurriedly, catching air after their deep kiss, but then she realized something was wrong.

"What happened…?" She asked while sitting up.

"Isabella attacked me," Ryan explained, showing his hand as proof but the wounds already healed. Only the small stains of blood remained, just enough to prove Isabella guilty.

The cat in question acted innocent, licking her paw is if she didn't do anything wrong.


Isabella called out cutely and jumped on Rose's lap, cuddling into her hoodie.

"Aww… You are so cute but why did you hurt Ryan? He is a good man, not a bad guy, okay?"


Isabella nodded like a human and Rose quickly forgave her. "It's okay, as long as you understand."

Rose let out a massive yawn after her words and rubbed her eyes, signaling she was ready to sleep. She still looked at Ryan, checking his hand to see if he was alright.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Ryan assured. "Let's get you changed."

"Mhmm… I'm suddenly sleepy…" Rose muttered softly and put Isabella to the side, "Wait for me here. I will brush my teeth first…"

Rose seemed to be sober enough to walk and think so he didn't stop her, gazing at the two cats instead. He finally had proof they were not normal. Even if he stabbed himself with a knife his skin would barely redden yet a casual smack from a cat pierced deep into his skin.

Right after Rose entered the bathroom next to his room, Ryan glared at the two cats.

"Are you enjoying pretending to be cats?"