Clark kent aka Superman thinking about his last six month's, his girlfriend Diana prince aka Wonder woman has sex in fortress at many places and in many positions even watching many porns while having sex. Diana begin show her sexy side they even met Diana's mother, Kal thought Hippolyta was a milf before he saw her, but when he first saw Hippolyta he is jaw dropped the woman look same as Diana but blonde hair. Hippolyta allow them court because of her daughter's stubborn, He is not native he knows Hippolyta hate him more than anything, he could see the hate in the woman's eyes, he also able to meet Diana's baby sister Donna 18 age look like younger verision of Diana, he also knows she is a bit of brat.

"Hai C.k" .a voice came from nowhere, Clark turned his head and wake up from his day dream

"hello Jimmy" Clark kent greeted Jimmy olsen.

"are you day dreaming C.K"

Jimmy asked.

"No" Clark kent said, suddenly the look on his face say he know's that Clark was lying, After a long pause Clark said, "ok just thinking not day dreaming,"

"hai it's alright, everybody day dreams, hai C.k do you like to come to party at my home this friday?" Jimmy asked.

"no i'm sorry i have other plans" Clark said, After a long pause, he knows Jimmy never move if he don't get every answers about his plans. "i am going to my girlfriends home to meet her mother"

"is't Diana prince" Jimmy asked.

"yes" Clark said, Jimmy is jealous of Clark, he never understand how the hell kent was able to date a beautiful woman like Diana prince.

"is your girlfriend have a sister or something," Jimmy asked. Clark gave him a warning look."say hello for me, will you?"

"ok" Clark said with a smile,

'God she is hot as hell, how the hell does C.K captured her?' Jimmy though himself, Clark mind wandered to Diana again, they having lot of sex and after watching porn's and role playing sex, Diana become completly comfortable with sex talks, Clark also find out his lesbian partner Artemis, she swap stories her and Artemis, Clark slowly planted Diana's mind threesome with Artemis and many woman's this friday, he is going to make her his slut completly and start his plan's for enslavement.


Diana princess of amazon looking at the time, she and Kal has plans this friday, she can't believe there day's she and Kal's have lots of sex, sex, the touch of him, his teasing, she thought, she can't live without the damn kryptonian, every day she need him, her mind wandering about Kal's dirty talk's,

"oh Kal fuck me" Diana screamed with pleasure,when his thirteen inch cock kept ramming in her hot molten center. He captured her nipple's with his mouth, which is errect and sensitive, she let out a loud moanam.

"you like beging fucked don't you dirty little lesbian whore, do you want a pussy on your face to lick, how about Artemis, the orange head bitch?", Kal asked, while fucking the amazon princess pussy, Diana can't believe it turning her, she is eagerly waiting for this friday for her beloved touch.

'Kal may be boyscout in justice league, but he is a badboy in the bed ,and he is mine, mine only' Diana thought herself with a smile.


Diana asked Julia to take over her duty and cancel her charity and other parties. Which she got invited,


Kal prepared for the night, he is wearing a blue jean, and white shirt, Diana arrives through the portal , she was wearing a white amazon cloth, her round breast hinted a little, her lips is cherry color, he can't wait to taste it, and suddenly realise his plan for Diana, and push away the though, suddenly she wrapped her hand on his neck, they started kissing each other, Kal put his tounge in her mouth, and started rape her mouth, the dark hair princess moaned in his mouth, Kal take her hand on place it in her round big tits and slowly massaged her tits, Diana mönamed in his mouth , Kal smell her arosual, and thought this is the time for him to start to ellobarate his plans.

"Diana we have to talk"

Kal said in between his kisses, Diana is frustrated.

"no we don't" Diana said with a hint of horny and angry in her voice.

"Diana please let me talk" Kal said "please" well i am horny and wet he wanted to talk Diana thought. She planted butterflies kisses to the Kal's neck.

"ok we can talk" Diana said with a frustration. Kal started explain his plan, Diana can't beleive what she is hearing.

"Kal are you out of your mind? ,i thought you are better than them ,and i am done here" Diana said angrily. And the amazon princess started to get up from her bed, Kal know how she react for his plan, in his mind he know the same think happens, but he will not let her go. The kryptonian easily captured Diana from front, and slammed her against the wall ,he ripped her dress, her round big tit's are visible to the entire world, her flat stomach, her wet pussy visible to the world, Kal thought 'its belong to him and he never going to let this sexy body go well ever'.

Diana can't beleive, what is happening to her, a plessure shot through her body, her body betrayed her, she let out a loud moanam like a bitch in heat, when Kal take her against her will, she forgot Kal's plan for this world, she wanted him, she want him to rape her, when Kal roughly massage her tits, she let a moanam escape from her mouth, her pussy is dripping wet, when he put a finger against her pussy center and started to rape her pussy with her finger against her will, Diana continued to moanam against her will,

The kryptonian continued to simulate her pussy, mouth, and her tit's.

"look at you princess you want me to rape you? You want to take your girlfriend infront of you did't you"? Kal asked to Diana, he could easily feels the summission of amazon princess, but he want to make sure she belong to him, that no one come between her and him, In a nano sec he tied Diana in his bed with her lasso, her hand was tied in two sides of the bed with her lasso and his leg spread into eagle shape, and her big round breast are waiting for his attention, the kryptonian go to his other rooms bring a kryptonian metal paddle,

Diana wanted him take her and rape her, when Kal retured to the bed he watching Diana moanamed like a bitch, his dick throbbed with pain.

"i know you are proud amazon warrior and princess an example for woman's but now you are nothing but a summissive slut, and today on i am your master" the kryptonian said with a smile.

Diana know what is comming to her, and hard smack on her bare pussy by the metal she feel her pussy juice driping from her cunt, the kryptonian strike it again and again, Superman raised her, leg and tie it to close to her boths hands and smack her rear again and again diana, shamelessly let the moanam out, she wants him now in her cunt.

"Kal please fuck me" diana asked but the kryptonian keep tearing her by kissing , liking the side of her side of her clit, he watched her clit throbbing and her juices are flooding, but he did not touched her clit, he wants her to beg for him to built her anticipation, he licked side of pussy and her punker hole, Diana can't take that anymore.

"Kal please fuck me, i will be your's slave plz kal, plz Kal" Diana cried with pain and frustration, she cannot withstand the torture anymore, that's all he needed to hear, the kryptonian slowly withdraw from her pussy and let her away from lasso, he look at her in blue eyes.

"braclet of summission to me, that reffer you completely summited to me" Superman asked, Diana hesiated but she take his braclet and summit it to her beloved lover, and she looks down ashamed, Kal smiled and looked the naked goddess, he lifed her head look in her eyes and kissed her in her lips, Diana melted by this, the kryptonian take a diamond,

"Diana will you marry me? By whataver tradition i will follow, i have no secrets from you, you will be my queen, my love, will you be Love of my life" Superman asked Diana, the amazon princess can't beleive what is happening, Kal wanted her to be his beloved, how could she say no to this.

"yes" she said, he kissed and shift her in his lap,

"time for to make you mine again love" kal said he wrapped his arm's tightly around the Amazon princess, as his fingers ran down her back, causing her skillfully dragged his hands down her back before cupping her ass to push Diana onto his lap further, Diana allowed her future husband to push her back and kissed her hungrily. The kiss continued to deepen immensely, as the kryptonian hands roamed down all over her body and she moaned in pleasure as the kryptonian kissed her even more deeply, his tongue wandering around her mouth. The raven haired Amazon princess wrapped her bare legs tightly around him and she worked her hand down his pants. Her strong hand found his throbbing thirteen inch penis and she gripped it as she stroked him up and down to give him the most pleasure that she could give him. The position was reversed.

"Mmm, Kal I 'd like some of that," Diana offered as she worked his pants down and then working his boxer shorts off. Diana watched his penis throb and twitch before her. This caused heat to fill through her body again as he reached up and placed his hands underneath her big tits She closed her eyes as Kal sat up, rubbing the head of his cock against her dripping slit.

"Oh, Kal, please don't tease me," Diana panted as kal kissed the side of her neck, sucking on it. Kal grabbed her breast and caressed it. He roughly massaged it lovingly and Diana closed her eyes, a throaty moan escaping her lips. Her moaning became more labored as Kal worked her over for a little bit.

"Isn't that half the fun diana, when i am going to take your girlfriend infront of you, i am sure you will enjoy the show" kal said as he alternated between her left and her right breast, as she was down on the ground. Kal straddled her and planted a series of kisses, starting at the tip of her right ear and working his way around his lover's body.

Diana's eyes fogged over with even more pleasure, this was nearly unbearable and her core was molten hot for him. Kal smiled, he could sense her pleasure and his cock throbbed because of the delightful scent from her arosual that passed through his nostrils. Kal speed up the kisses.

"I want you Kal, I need you Kal," Diana managed as kal cupped her pussy and felt the warmth and moisture rising from it.

"I can feel that my love," Superman said with a bright tone as he hovered over her entrance. He teased her a little bit but Diana locked her legs tighter yet around his waist don't let him tease more. Kal's eyes eyed her sex and he maneuvered himself about ready to plunge into her. The Amazon felt his big throbbing inch cock hover at the edge of her.

"Please, Kal don't tease me," Diana stated as her legs wrapped around him and her nails sunk into his back. Kal smiled before he plunged into her pussy. His cock penetrated into her and Diana's eyes widened as he pushed in and out of her. Diana lifted her hips to meet his motions. They were slow and sensual, working into her as his hands roamed her body. Kal felt every single inch of that lovely flesh underneath his hands, caressing it as he worked over felt his prick working inside her, it felt good stretching her powerful walls apart. The woman's walls tightened together as she met him. Diana vaginal muscles caressed her man's rod as his hands cupped her pussy. She tightened around him as he pushed in and out of her. The woman breathed, her eyes flickering shut as the pleasure washed over Amazon could feel the pressure build up through her body as he slowly worked into used his fingers to play with her sensitive nipples and this drove her wild.

"So good Kal, feels so good," Diana panted heavily as his cock worked into her molten hot core.

"Oh, I need more Kal, please, Kal, I need you. i will conquer entire world for you Kal" Diana monamed.

"And you'll have me my beautiful slutty princess," Kal smiled Diana become complete slut, and he worked over her and pushed himself up. His hands roamed her stomach, feeling the taut flesh and he roughly massaged her. Diana's eyes flickered, her body flushed with pleasure. She was about to experience orgasm with the cock inside her and anticipation built up for the orgasmic explosion. Diana reached up and squeezed his Kal's strong biceps. She breathed lustfully as his cock pushed between her walls.

"Cum for me, Diana, show everyone you belong to me" Kal said as he continued to push into her, his cock rammed her walls as he speed up his penetration of her a little bit. Diana bit her lip in pleasure and felt her walls tighten around him. Her pussy juices lubricated his throbbing cock as she panted heavily. Kal slowed down for a moment but her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him as Diana's gaze fixed right into his eye.

"Kal, fuck me, please Kal Really dominate me." Diana monamed, Kal grabbed her breasts, harder, and this caused her walls to tighten around him. His throbbing cock pushed up and speared into her center. Diana panted heavier and heavier as his member invaded her center. The raven haired woman lifted her hips up to meet his incoming thrusts before her pussy tightened. Diana lost herself through the pleasure of Kal working her center. His throbbing prick slammed into her tight pussy, working into her. Kal pushed his cock up and pushed it down into her.

"Oh great Hera, Kal yes," Diana panted as pushed her legs up so he could get better leverage in slamming into her harder and harder.

"You like that don't you the though of i am going to taking your lover Artemis ?" Superman asked as he tugged on her hair and her eyes snapped towards him lustfully.

"Yes, yes, you're the only man for me, and my lesbian partner," Diana panted as she lifted her hips, feeling all thirteen inches slam into her. Kal's thirteen inch cock continued to work into her for a few more seconds and worked her up for another orgasm. Kal had hers up and slowly licked and caressed her shapely thighs before grabbing her ass cheeks. The woman moaned, encouraging him for more. His hard dick worked into her tight wet hole as more fluids splashed out of her.

"Yes, yes, more kal, more," Diana panted as she felt another orgasm simmering through her body. There was so much pleasure that coursed through her that it was not even funny. Kal's movements got more intense as the dance continued and Diana lost herself to them. His mouth was down, kissing and sucking on her big breasts, before he ran his hands through her silky raven hair. A hand reached around and gripped her breast, his fingers worked around her stiffening nipples. The raven haired woman continued her pleasurable sounds as he worked over every inch of her body. Her walls tightened around him once more and this time Kal pulled out as her juices dripped from his thirteen penis.

"Kal," Diana moaned but kal grabbed her around the waist and turned her over. Diana's eyes widened before she felt a tingling of excitement go inside her as she realized what her beloved was going to do. She was on her hands and knees, and Kal grabbed her breasts, before he teased her opening. She felt a burning desire spread through her body as her center hungered to welcome him in from behind her.

"YES!" Diana shrieked this statement as Kal's cock plunged into the Amazon from behind. He treated her gently but at the same time he really made her feel what was happening. His hand wrapped around her swinging breasts as he picked up the pace. Each stroke caused her to have a miniature orgasm which was helped along by his stone hard dick drilling into her center.

"I know you like that slut," Kal breathed as he nibbled on her ear and Diana panted before his cock worked through her. Kal worked his thrusts into her even deeper, his throbbing cock spearing into her center. Diana's eyes closed as his cock picked up the paces and speared into her a few times. Kal's tool worked into her center and stretched her walls apart. He continued to pick up the paces and his balls slapped against her thighs.

"I want more," Diana panted to him. He was about to give her more, he was about ready to give her everything that she ever wanted. Kal's stamina was incredible he knows he can go all day, she had come numerous times, each orgasm more intense than the last one, and each more satisfying as well. Diana felt thirteen inches of delight penetrate her over and over again. Kal felt the pleasure and he knew that pleasuring her meant that his pleasure was heightened. He was able to hold back the rush of his cum, which made her anticipated it even more. His hands roamed her breasts and her nipples twisted around. This caused Diana's pussy to clench his rod tightly.

"More Kal, I need your seed, make me your's" Diana breathed like a bitch in heat before his hands roamed all over her body and sent pleasurable caresses on every single inch of her body.

"Soon you'll have it," Kal breathed as her head turned around and their mouths met into a kiss. She parted her mouth as his tongue entered her mouth. She slowly sucked on his tongue, feeling the pleasure work over her. The two of them allowed their tongues to clash together in dominance and passion, their hands working over each other's body. Kal pumped himself into her from behind and Diana grinded herself back towards it. It was a pleasurable feeling that only came after two sets of organs from two powerful individuals met each other. The tight twat of the Amazonian princess wrapped around her as she tightened around his penetrating pole. He used his hands to work her over, working over every single inch of her sensual body. Diana panted heavily as her breasts got groped and squeezed. The dark haired princess felt heightening breasts before he grabbed around her and Kal pushed himself up before slamming into picked up the pace before rammed her with his big fat cock.

"Oh, gods, nothing is better Kal i'can't live without it," Diana breathed as her hands grabbed the ground. Kal slapped against Diana' rear was nothing compared to Kal's balls slapping against her shapely pussy. Diana body was covered with a heavy layer of sweat as kal plowed into her again and again from behind. The kryptonian thrusts penetrated her into her warm depths as she wrapped around him. Diana panted heavily as Kal's large hands manipulated every single inch of her body and he continued to work over her. Kal pulled out of her and smiled at her, but Diana grabbed him and pushed him back onto the bed.

He allowed her to pin him down to the bed and felt her extremely strong cunt ram down onto his cock. Diana practically impaled herself onto his throbbing cock as she pushed herself up. Her tight box wrapped around his throbbing stick of meat and she ground her hips around him. Kal laid back and watched the amazon goddess bounce up and down on him, before he returned fire to bury himself deep into her. This was what he wanted all along, to feel her wrapped around him as she rode him. Kal's balls throbbed before Diana pushed herself up and slammed down onto her, before Kal's hand grabbed Diana's breast, before pinching her and then kal raised a head up. He began to lick and suck her breasts, worshiping them like the pillars of perfection that they were. Diana felt his mouth work on her, along with his tongue and it was quite the feeling. His hands roamed all around her body as she pushed herself up and worked around him, wrapping around the base of his cock as she continued to ride him as hard as she could. Diana's tight cunt worked around him to the base of his cock, working him up to an amazing orgasm.

"Yes, yes," Diana panted as she rode him even harder, her pussy tightened around him.

"Love you, love you so very much," Kal breathed as he roamed down her body.

"i love you as well Kal," Diana breathed as she worked around him, before her mouth pressed against his and she continued to rock back working her hips against him.

The dark haired woman's hips slammed down onto the pelvis of her lover, future god and she continued to rock back and forth. The woman's hands roamed his abs and chest as she sunk her nails into it. His hands roamed around her body as well. The two of them worked against each other, their organs connected with each other with miniature explosions. Kal's penis penetrated her before he worked into her. Diana's pussy tightened around his throbbing rod. His cock thrust into her pussy as he buried himself into her. The raven haired princess sunk herself down onto his ride, riding him rather fast. Kal grunted in the pleasure as she bounced up and down on him, before her walls tightened around his throbbing cock. The dark haired woman sped up her bouncing and Kal felt so much pleasure that her molten core tightened around her. The woman's hips sped up as she wrapped around him, tightening around him. The woman picked up her pace and worked over him over.

"So close," Kal breathed after a time as she tightened around him and the woman's walls wrapped around him extremely tightly. Diana's pussy continued to wrap around him and it tightened around him. The tool slammed into her tight twat as he worked into her. His finger stuck in her belly button and worked circles into her.

"That's it, cum for me Kal, I want it," Diana breathed as she pushed herself up and her hips cracked against her. The two continued their dance with each other, working into each other. His cock penetrated her tightening pussy that wrapped around him. Kal thrust a few more times into her pussy before his balls tightened. With an almighty grunt, he slammed into her and sprayed his juices into her hole. Diana panted heavily as she continued to ride him, feeling another orgasm as rope after rope shot into her dripping pussy. She felt it spray up into her as he pumped several loads of cum deep into her pussy. It wrapped around him as she pushed herself up and slammed down onto him, before the two of them dropped down. later that day Kal and Diana fucked all day, with various postions even fucker her tied up with her own lasso.

"Kal i know you planning on changing the world, i want the marry you by amazon way Kal please will you," Diana asked. Kal watched her

"yes Diana" Kal said.

"then we will prepare for the wedding" Kal replied. In outside of fortress supergirl watched her cousin fucking Diana she is horny as hell.