Chapter 23: Canary cry

Superman just have Dinner with his two wives Karen and Diana, he has deep thoughts about his plans for gotham,

Someone had cleared her throat breaking Superman from his thoughts. He saw both Wonder woman and Powergirl standing there. Wonder woman was wearing a sheer red negligee with the material wrapped tightly around her curves. She was completely barefoot. Karen wore the same thing, only hers was white. They each had a bottle of whip cream in their hands. They floated over, swaying their hips in the air as they did so, and sat on either side of their husband lap.

"I believe we never got around to our dessert," Powergirl said. A saucy grin appeared on her face.

"The real question is which one of your beautiful wives do you want to taste first?" Wonder woman asked with a grin.

They turned and they exchanged an identical wicked expression on their faces. They wrapped their arms around the kryptonian, and pressed their lovely bodies on either side of him.

"I think we'd both settle for tasting you first, while you make up your mind," Diana said to Superman, the goddess of war and the kryptonian goddess planted their lips on either side of their husband's neck. Superman pulled his two beautiful wives into him closer, as they sucked on his neck. They slowly worked up the shirt over his head, and their hands tantalizingly rubbed his flesh. Superman groaned, as their mouths began to suck on him. They worked towards his pants, and the real fun was to begin.

The two womans shimmied Superman's pants down his legs. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. A tent was formed that would only get stiffer. The black haired princess began to trail kisses down on her husband's right leg. The blonde kryptonian woman took the left. The two met every three kisses to give each other a small little smooch on the lips. Superman watched the display before him. Diana reached up and squeezed him. Karen did likewise, and they rubbed his erection through his boxers.

Superman groaned in pleasure. Wonderwoman and Powergirl pulled down his boxers over his legs with a super strong tug. They continued to tease him with licking the inside of his legs, and they brushed the tops of their heads against his erection. Eventually Diana latched her mouth over his balls. Karen swirled her tongue around Superman's cock. Then she enveloped his cock into her mouth. Karen began to deep throat the kryptonian cock as Karen sucked and licked his balls.

The blue eye kryptonian was in heaven. Karen bobbed her head up and down, using her tongue and lips to give him pleasure. Diana used her super powerful breath to suck his balls. He stroked the hair of both girls in encouragement.

"That's the stuff, suck me off, I want you two to work me until I blow a load down Karen's throat," the black haired kryptonian groaned. His eyes glazed forward. His hands grabbed the couch cushions,

"That's it; use your tongues and your lips, my loves" Superman groaned, Spurred by this encouragement, Diana and Karen continued to speed up their actions. Their hot mouth and tongues were magic all over their husband's tennis size balls and his big cock. He grabbed the top of their heads. He began to fuck Karen's face. Diana stopped her motions, and fondled Karen's large breasts. She squeezed, and tweaked them, before she looked at her husband with a lustful grin.

"You like me playing with her tits, dont you kal?" Diana asked him. Pure lust and desire danced in her eyes.

"Yes, I love it; she has such big tits, doesn't she?" Superman asked, Diana just grinned, and began to feel her twin's large, firm, and delicious, breasts. Her lingerie was not removed yet. Donna made a motion to rectify that. She pulled the lingerie off of Karen, ripping it in the efforts. Karen continued to moan, and those moans only intensified when Wonder woman's mouth went back to work. The moans caused pleasurable vibrations to move down his cock. Her huge tits were on full display, naked. Superman drank in every single inch of her flesh. Wonder woman alternated between licking Karen's tits, and licking her husband's balls.

"Cumming, keeping sucking, suck me dry baby" Superman managed to say. He grabbed Karen's face, and thrust deep into her mouth. His hips clashed against her jaw. She moaned. Wonder woman grabbed his balls, and stroked them. She clenched them tight, and rubbed them furiously. The black haired amazon squeezed and stroke, coaxing the cum into her fellow wife's mouth.

The pleasure was too much for Superman. He gave s few more solid thrusts into her mouth. He saw how hot Powergirl looked with his cock in his mouth. Her lips wrapped around it, as she sucked him long and hard. His balls tightened, and he followed that up by shooting a huge load down her throat.

Karen stepped back. She made a production to Superman of swallowing the entire load of his seed. She enjoyed her treat, and Diana took this moment to tackle Karen to the ground. She kissed her wife on the lips. Diana stroked her hands through he more mature double's shorter hair. Karen returned the kiss. The two played with the other's ass as they continued the kiss. Superman was back to full mass in a sec,

With another motion, Diana turned over. She reached over, and managed to bind Karen's wrists, and feet together. Diana grabbed the whipped cream bottle. Slowly, and teasingly, she rubbed her hands up and down the bottle. She stroked it, like she was stroking a cock. She made jerking motions with her hands. Then she unloaded the cream on Karen's face, tits, pussy, legs, and feet. She was covered from head to toe by whipped cream.

"Does she look tasty enough to eat?" Wonder woman asked her husband. She looked at her husband's review of her, his mouth watering. Diana looked at Karen.

"She's missing something though." Diana said, she zoomed off at super speed. She returned with a pair of cherries. She placed them on Karen's erect nipples. She was covered from head to foot with whip cream.

"Dig in, Kal, i know you want to" Diana encouraged her husband. Wonder woman stripped off her clothes, being equally as naked as her husband fellow wife. Her breasts were smaller little bit smaller than Karens, but she was taller, but still she was a vision of white hot sexiness. Superman did as he was suggested. He first trailed his mouth onto her lovely feet. Karen moaned in absolute bliss. Her moans became more and more labored. She had no idea she enjoyed having her toes sucked until her husband was doing it. He slowly licked the whipped cream off of her feet. Her mouth opened, but Diana grabbed the whipped cream bottle. She spread the cream into her hole, and bent her knees. She hovered in the air above Karen.

"Eat me," Diana ordered, Karen did as she was asked, Diana was the alpha. What she said had to be obeyed. Karen used her tongue to lick the whipped cream out of Diana's cunt. Her tongue lapped up every single trail of the juices.

"Karen, Don't forget her clit," Superman told her.

"Yes, suck on my clit whore," Diana told Karen, She could hardly wait. She needed more attention, now, Powergirl switched tracts, and began to lick and suck on Diana's clit, Diana began to moan and thrash. Superman continued to lick. Karen whined when her husband licked up her legs, and just scrapped over the bottom of her taunt stomach, passed her pussy.

"Oh, do you want me to suck your tits?" Superman asked her, Karen looked at Her husband incredulously. She was then a bit preoccupied when Diana had taken command of her tongue, and had been riding it like it was no tomorrow. Karen moaned into the beautiful warrior's pussy, and Diana's head titled back. Her moans became labored.

"Work her with her tongue, while I suck the cream off your tits!" Superman yelled, the blue eye kryptonian took his mouth onto her tits, and began to lap up everything that she had to offer. He tasted her tits, and enjoying her tits as much as she enjoyed his tongue and mouth. Her large mounds had been attacked by his mouth. Karen felt like her pussy was being neglected. She bucked her hips upwards, and gave her husband the hint. The goddess of war unleashed her juices onto Karen's face, Diana slid off. Superman attacked Karen's face. The cream and Diana's juices were a delicious combination. He would have to stick to this diet more often, Superman licked down her body. He dipped the cherries into the remaining cream on her tits. He popped them into his mouth, and savored the taste.

"I might have missed something," Superman told her. His eyes traveled down her. "I wonder where that was."

She broke free from her bindings. Karen grabbed her husband's cock tightly.

"Cock in me, right now," Karen demanded, squeezing his cock and balls. A fierce expression appeared on his face. Diana pinned her down.

"Now, now, no need to get demanding," Diana told her. She swatted Karen's ass a few times to "discipline" her. Then Diana went to work on Superman. She grabbed Superman's cock and steered it away from Karen. Karen was immobilized with Diana lasso, unable to move.

"I think I should get the first ride." Diana said, Karen whined, her needy cunt needing attention. Diana pushed her lover down onto the floor. She grabbed her husband, and straddled his legs. Her pussy lips were spread, and presented for him. The kryptonian's cock twitched with desire like first time he saw it, and Diana lifted up off of the ground. She turned around slightly, making eye contact with Karen. Karen felt herself getting wetter, and hornier. And there was no way to give herself any kind of release, she starting to hate this feeling,

Diana sank herself down onto Superman's cock. She slowly began to ride him. This would not do. Superman reached around, and grabbed the black haired warrior's hips, she watched the bondage Kryptonian,

"you like watching you husband get fucked" Diana asked to powergirl,

"Faster, ride my cock faster," Superman groaned. Diana obliged him. She picked up a pretty good tempo. She was riding the kryptonian's cock, nearly at the speed of sound. Small vibrations echoed throughout the living room as their powerful organs met together in a dance of passion. Her pussy walls rubbed him. Superman watched his cock slide in and out of her pussy. He grabbed her hips, and forced her down, forcing more of himself into her. Diana moaned in glee, and she bent down. She grabbed Superman's head, and pushed herself forward. She shoved Her husband's face into her tits. He sucked, and feasted on her flesh.

On the ground, Karen was still bound. Her pussy burned with desire. She watched Wonder woman continued to ride Superman. 'Diana is worse than kara' Karen though herself, The two of them floated off of the ground. Diana used her pussy to squeeze Superman's cock, and massage his member. They tilted back and forth in the air. Superman continued to push in and out of . She took his cock like it was her life blood. The warrior princess tried to milk her soul mate. She wanted his cum in her. Diana continued to moan, and her nails sank into Superman's back. The two proceeded to fuck in mid-air. Superman slammed his large cock in her center,

"Come for me, that's it, come for me, show me how much you love her" Supergirl breathed at the top of her lungs. She pushed Superman's head into her chest.

Karen tried to buck her hips upward. Anything to get herself to finish, but it was hard to pleasure herself. She heard Diana's orgasms become more intense the more her husband hammered into her. The smells in the air caused her to become light headed.

Eventually, the kryptonian unleashed his load into his first wife, the warrior princess screamed in passion. His balls twitched, and he fired a thick jet of cum into her waiting womb. Diana dropped down onto the ground. Superman was on top of her. Her lips met his as Diana pulled off. She felt herself fulfilled.

Both spouses turned their eyes to Karen. Superman floated over. A calculated expression was on her face. He sense her wetness. Karen suckered. His mouth was just inches away from her. She needed any kind of release.

"So do you think this needy bitch has learned her lesson?" Diana asked her husband, Karen looked up at her two lovers with pleading eyes.

"Yes, this needy bitch his learned her lesson. I want your large cock in my pussy. I want to scream to the heavens just like Diana did." Karen answered, Superman looked at his bondage wife, with a teasing expression in his eyes.

"Great merciful Rao, just fuck me!" Karen shrieked at the top of her lungs. She got a look, and she added in a faux innocent tone of voice, "Please."

Superman and Wonder woman exchanged an expression. As long as she said please, they had no problem in obliging her. Diana undid her Lasso. Immediately, Karen jumped up, and flew at her husband. She tackled him to the ground. Her dominating actions got Superman hard again. She stroked him the rest of the way to full hardness. She held his cock, and her pussy was just inches away from being impaled onto him.

"Are you going to fuck me until my ears bleed?" Superman teased her, Karen nodded. She slowly rubbed his cock head across her moist lips. She teased herself of the pleasures of what was to come. She had no words for that. She sank down on his cock. She began to push herself up and down. She rode Superman like there was no tomorrow. Superman rested on his back for a moment. Superman reached around, and his hands found her huge melons. His hands squeezed them. This got her more excited. He rubbed and played with her rock hard nipples. This caused Karen to moan even louder, and she proceeded to bounce up and down onto her husband's cock. She was having the time of her life, and her passion escalated when the black haired kryptonian worshipped her breasts.

"You like that?" Superman asked her. Karen responded when she bounced faster and faster. She knew that nothing could hurt Superman with his new powers, even if she fucked him with the full force of a jet.

"You like it when I twist your nipples." Superman asked her, Karen breathed in and out, and she moaned at the top of her lungs. She felt her husband's big throbbing cock bat around on the inside of her. Every inch of his meat stroked her pleasure spots. She soaked it with her fluids, but she was just getting started. Diana sat across from them. Her legs were spread, and she was driven wild when her husband pounded her fellow sister balls deep into her. Her eyes were glazed over.

The kryptonian was encouraged by his first wife masturbating to his fucking of his Fucking his fourth wife. He began to thrust deeper and deeper into Karen's pussy. Karen responded by spearing herself up and down onto the kryptonian's cock.

"Fuck me, fuck me," Karen chanted. She was drooling in pleasure.

"Yes, fuck her, I can hardly stand it," Diana moaned, the goddess of war pumping her fingers into her twat in tune with Superman's thrusts. Superman was not one to disappoint two lovely goddess's. He continued to pound into her perfect pussy. Her walls rubbed around him with sheer tightness. She was warm, tight, and wet. He saw Diana pleasure herself. Her fingers pumped in and out of her juicy cunt. Her head was reared back in pleasure.

"Not as good as your cock, my husband, or your tongue," Diana moaned, the kryptonian's manhood inflated at these words. He was getting closer and closer. Karen continued to ride her husband. They met each other stroke for stroke. The love making got more intense, and rocked the living room floor. The charms placed around the house would prevent tremors, or any noise from reaching outside of their walls. Diana squirted whipped cream onto her fingers. She shamelessly stuck her fingers into Karen's mouth. Karen licked, and sucked on the fingers, Diana could not stand it much longer.

"Suck the cream off of Diana's fingers while I give you my own cream," Superman told her. "I love fucking these pussies."

Diana and Karen continued their activities. Superman played with Karen's breasts and he gave himself several more thrusts into her. Her cunt convulsed around his cock, and Superman's balls tightened. He sprayed her with a jet of hot fluids. They splashed against Karen's wall. Karen collapsed, overjoyed at Superman unleashing his powerful load into her, Diana pulled Karen off Superman, and pulled her into a deep kiss. This got Superman's motor running again. His two girls stroked their hair, asses, pussies, and legs. Eventually, Diana saw what was happening, and took her turn at her husband's seed.

The two woman switched off several times until they all got their fill.

After their activities, Diana, Karen, and Superman had been sprawled out on the floor. The three of them were spent from their intense activities, yet they were satisfied all of the same. Karen and Diana both wrapped their arms around their husband, and smiled brightly at them. They smelled heavily of whip cream and bodily fluids, after a intense love making Diana passed out,

"So, amazon princess cant keep up with why dont we continue?" Karen suggested with a smile, the two of them continued their love making,


Dinah aka (Blackcanary) was in the canteen with Diana, they are having friendly lunch with each other, they became friends not close as her mari, zattana or hawkgirl, but still pretty close friend, she watched Superman arrived there and kissed Diana, Dinah could see Superman fingers rubbing on Diana breast, after a long kiss,

"i love you my moon" Superman said to his wife,

"i love you my sun" Diana replied, Dinah could see they both in love, she watch Superman leave them alone and go to talking with her cousin, she is little bit hot and bothered by this, her tought move to his boyfriend, oliver queen(Aka green arrow) her boyfriend cheated on her with her own sister they broke up,

"cheating son of bitch oliver" Dinah said it loud with a frustration, Diana wondered what is going on with her friend, so he decided to ask.

"are you all right, Dinah you are talking to yourself" Diana asked the blonde crime fighter,

"it nothing Diana," Dinah replied,

"you know as a friend you can share your burdens with me, i can listen maybe i can give you solutions" Diana comforted Dinah,

"its nothing Diana oliver cheated on me, well we broke up and i dont have sex for a while, really i need to get laid" Dinah complained to Diana,

"well there are plenty of mens there you should pick one of them" Diana said,

"its not that Diana, every one in the league is taken, i want to get revenge on oliver by sleeping with someone, my hot list guys were not single, its really hard to think about fuck anyone " Dinah replied,

"Do you find Kal attractive" Wonder woman asked to Dinah, Dinah caught off gaurd by this question,

"well yes, i mean a dead woman would say, she didn't find Superman attractive" Dinah replied,

"well you can sleep with him if you want" Diana said, Dinah gasped by this,

" so, i dont have a problem with me sleeping with your husband" Dinah asked, she always has hots for Superman, the only reason she didn't pursue him because of Diana, now she is inviting to their bed, Diana watched the hesitation in Dinah's eye,

"you know its a life time offer sleeping with Superman, you dont want it, thats fine, " Diana said, Dinah dont want lose this chance, Clark is first on the list she considering cheating on oliver,

"what about Clark, Dont he got to say something about it" Dinah asked,

" Kal loves me, he will do anything i ask, so are you going to take the offer or pass it" Diana asked,

"well yes, lets do this, are you sure, you dont have problem with Diana" Dinah asked to Diana, the amazon princess smiled,

"follow me" The raven haired amazon said to Dinah, Dinah watched Diana asked Clark alone, they both entered the Superman private room in the watch tower " stay here, it take a lot to convince him,"

After five minutes Diana open the door.

"Go in my husband is ready for you" Diana said, Dinah hesitated for an five minutes, She entered the room,

"Sorry, it took me so long, i mean i need to make it sure i am doing this," black canary said. Dinah made her way to the room, Superman looked at the blonde beauty, she is shorter than Diana, karen, but a perfect height 5feet and 7 inch, she has rack which is smaller than Diana, still he wont complain about it,

"Well, you better make sure, you dont want to do it, when you are not ready, and i am sorry for your cheating boyfriend" Superman replied to her.

"oh forgot about him. I never though about you are... mmm you know fuck someone other than Diana" black canary said,

"you would be surprised, the think i am doing, i beleive you made up your mind" Superman said, the blonde stepped towards him.

"I won't lie, I'm more at ease with dealing cheating boyfriends but this is an entirely new level i mean this cheating on him, well we broke up, so technically its not cheating, i mean it feels weird, are you okay with this" Dinah asked,

"Believe me, I understand," Superman told her and He reached forward and cupped her face, Dinah closed her eyes. Dare she hope what was going to happen. Superman removed her mask and then looked straight into her eyes.

"Its alright, dont worry about him, think about this today, you know if you want anything i will always be there" Superman told her. He gently stroked his fingers through her hair.

"You do have a way with women, charmer" black canary said. She could feel his comforting touch. It was causing her to warm up.

There was only one thing she could do. The Black Canary's heart sang for one thing. She had to kiss him, and she would kiss him.

The two of them met together. The kryptonian strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her in tightly. The two of them exchanged a passionate and extremely fiery kiss with each other. Both tried to cause the other to be overwhelmed.

Dinah always wanted a piece of this kryptonian and she wasn't going to deny what she wanted. Her tongue brushed deep into Superman's mouth. Her legs wrapped around him. His hands cupped her ass.

"Take me right now, stud," the blonde whispered to him. Her fingers brushed down his chest and Superman undid the front of his armor, exposing more of his chest, the kryptonian abs was also exposed when Dinah pushed her hands down. His throbing manhood was inches away from her focus. All she had to do was fish it out.

"I'm really wet now," she begged him, the kryptonian felt the crotch of her outfit, and smiled.

"I can see sense that."Superman told her, the kryptonian smiled and felt her. He rotated circles around her. Dinah closed her eyes and whimpered in pleasure the more that he started to play with her, she always though oliver was playboy, but what him doing to her its nothing like she ever felt, its on next level,

"Please," Black canary begged him. Her wanton lust burned through her eyes.

"Those nipples just beg to be sucked, don't they?"Superman asked to Black canary, Dinah nodded and she could feel Superman slowly pull down her top. Her breasts were exposed to him. The blue eyed hands wrapped around them and he felt them up. The woman's pussy moistened when he kept playing with her tits. Her heart started to race when Superman kept playing with her. Her breasts started to be felt underneath his hands over and over again.

"Suck them, suck them, they are yours" Dinah begged, She was brought into an overwhelming world of pleasure and desire. The kryptonian's lips wrapped around her nipples and he started to slowly suck them. Dinah placed her hands on the back of Superman's head and he sucked that nipple hard. His lips wrapped around her brought her to new levels of passion that she hadn't realized previously with her ex boyfriend, He pushed her up on the wall and spread her legs. Her pussy was now exposed and Superman buried his face in between her thighs.

Dinah screamed out loud where Superman sucked her pussy using his superspeed, She closed her eyes when he kept digging his tongue deep into her. Her hands placed on the back of his head and she pried him away, with shaking legs.

"I need it, oh my god you are the best, please keep doing it" Dinah begged. Her pussy hungered for him.

"Maybe you should return the favor," Superman said, her pussy heated up after the kryptonian had played with her. The woman slid down to the ground right before him.

Her jacket allowed her a nice even surface where she could worship her new boyfriend, Dinah pulled his pants down the rest of the way, where she exposed that throbbing thirteen inch thick cock, its so big, oliver is only 8 inch but Superman is so big, he is really a Superman she tought herself, It sung to her and Dinah couldn't get enough of it. Her lips moistened the more she stared him down. Hunger dripped from her eyes and lust burned through her body. The Blackcanary wrapped her mouth around his big throbbing cock.

"Oh, such a tight mouth," Superman grunted. Dinah was appreciatively of the fact that he reacted to this like that. She tough "Superman is a sex god" it was a dream come true, Then again, the sex god was subconsciously guiding her. The beautiful crime fighter was spurred on by something else. Her mouth wrapped around his tool when she kept pumping him inside her mouth.

The blue eye kryptonian grunted when she wrapped her red mouth around his hard tool. The more she sucked him, the closer towards the edge of bliss Superman felt. His hands threaded against the back of her hair when she continued to suck him and suck him hard. Dinah's warm mouth lavished his manhood when it went down into the back of her throat.

"try it, Take me deeper," the kryptonian whispered.

"you are too big, i never seen monster like this" Dinah replied, but Dinah obliged that. The lewd sounds of her mouth caused him to get closer and closer to the edge. She reached up and stroked his ball sac lovingly, that was enough to push the blue eye kryptonian slightly over the edge. His eyes closed when he felt her hot mouth bob up and down on his throbbing tool. The deeper that she brought him into her mouth, the hotter everything felt. The Kryptonian closed his eyes when Dinah's mouth wrapped around his tool.

Dinah was not prepared for the rush of cum that came out of his cock. He spilled the essence from his manhood and it spurted into her mouth. Dinah closed her mouth and sucked him lovingly when he injected himself into her mouth.

" you cum too much you can feed it to entire family" Black canary said, She got up to her feet and her pussy was ready for him. The woman reached over and started to stroke him, in a nano sec its turn it into full mass, she is surprised by this oliver takes atleast 5 minutes of foreplay to bring him hard again, but here he is hard as a iron in nano sec,

"Oh, you're full of surprises," she cooed.

"infinity stamina" Superman annonced to Blackcanary, she grabbed her around the hips.

"But it's not a surprise that you like it rough, Dont you?" Superman asked to Dinah, the blonde shook her head, frantically biting down on her lip. It wasn't really a surprise that she liked it rough at all. Superman's throbbing manhood lined up for her dripping hot center, the blonde closed her eyes and she was seconds away from being penetrated. The kryptonian lined up across from her. Her pussy was close to being rammed full of more cock than she ever knew what to do with.

"Please, fuck me, i want you to fuck me, i want to get back to oliver by fucking you" she begged him, that not the only reason she always wanted to know how good his big cock feels in her, Her body heated up when he was close to entering her.

"Since you asked so nicely," Superman whispered to her.

Dinah could feel her thighs spread when Superman's cock entered her. She screamed loud when the kryptonian entered her body, she never felt anything like this she could feel the kryptonian cock spliting her into two, Her willing pussy clamped around his tool when he shoved it inside her body. Her mind was completely driven absolutely insane by what he was doing to her. Pleasure exploded through her body when he nearly pulled himself out of her and then he pushed himself into her again. The two met each other stroke for stroke. Superman wanted to see the lust going through Dinah's eyes.

"It feels so good, doesn't it?" Superman asked her.

" its feels millions time better than oliver" Dinah responded by biting down onto his shoulder and moaning loudly. She could feel his manhood spike into her. The woman's eyes widened when he entered her body. He nearly pulled almost all the way out of her and slid into her body again.

Her fingers were placed on his shoulder and he kept pumping inside her. The woman was really getting close. Her walls slid around him hard.

"I bet you'd like to be fucked from behind, wouldn't you, i bet oliver never fucked you inthe asshole?" Superman asked, Dinah nodded in excitement, oliver never fucked her in ass and Superman spun her around. He slowly slapped her ass enough force to make her ass red and Dinah was even more excited. His fingers teased her asshole very briefly. He lined himself up against her and pushed himself inside her wettest and tightest hole. The kryptonian could feel her engulf him when he entered her from behind. His hand touched her breast when he kept pumping into her from behind.

His hands were like pleasure personified and Dinah couldn't get enough of all of the nice little touches. They all brought her to greater pleasure yet.

He kept fucking her from behind. Superman could sense that she was reaching a fever pitch and he was to.

"Bet you can't last long," Dinah breathed. She was getting a lot more arrogant swagger back, the more that Superman plowed into her.

"We'll see," Superman whispered in her ear. He nibbled on the back of her neck. "But this is the first round of many, remember."

Dinah's cunt clamped around him at that thought. Superman grunted, it felt so good to have his cock wrapped up with that tight pussy. He was pushing into her.

"Cum in me please, I need it, I need it," Dinah repeated.

The kryptonian tormented and tortured her for a few more minutes. He kept a nice little stride, but he was going to cum on his own time and not a second before.

That time was now when Superman plowed into her tight body. It felt amazing around her. His balls injected into her body a large dose of cum.

Dinah responded by cumming even harder. He shot his load into her. She felt his seed spray into her insides, the kryptonian pulled out of her and Dinah grabbed his cock and smiled, stroking it.

"Round two of many, forgot oliver queen, if Diana allows this i am going to fuck you every day" she said and she lowered him down to the ground. Without another word, she speared herself down onto him.

Superman groaned, they continued until dinah cant move, an hour later, she sleep in the kryptonian solder, after she recovered from a intense love making,

"thanks for this" Dinah said, she watched Superman cock is in full length "it never goes down is it, Diana is a lucky woman"

the room opened Diana entered the room,

"i am taking the shower, you want to join" Diana asked to Dinah and kal,

"You know its felts kinda weird fucking you husband" Dinah said, she watched Diana, she smiled,

"How about you fuck me" Diana asked to Dinah teasingly, Dinah pulled Diana, she let Dinah pulled her into her naked form together, two pairs of breasts pressed together, and Black canary and Wonder woman grinded against each other. The kiss between the two of them was deepened as Diana trailed her fingers through Dinah's blonde hair and Dinah did likewise, the blonde felt weird kissing another woman, but it also feel good, she wonder if she is a lesbian or bisexual, Superman felt himself hot at their sensual, hot actions. The two womans broke their kiss, and turned to Kal.

"We better finish this in the shower," Dinah said, when her breasts pressed against her new boyfriend's shoulder and she whispered in his ear.

"You look like you're ready, and raring to go again." Dinah purred Superman ears, Diana eyed the merchandise and licked her lips hotly.

"Yeah, my husband always does. Let's go to the shower get cleaned off." Diana said proudly, the two of them flew Dinah was carried by Superman to the shower taking a short trip before they landed on the top of the shower. Diana and Dinah pushed Superman against the wall. The two beauties had taken turns kissing him. Diana turn the shower on,. The two The fun was about to begin between the three of them.

Diana and Dinah took turns kissing Kal's abs and chest, their hot mouths hitting him with love as Superman groaned as their tongues and lips worked him over. The kisses became more heated with each passing moment. Diana stripped out of her armour and wrapped her arms around her husband from the front as Blackcanary, wrapped her arms around the kryptonian from the back. Diana kissed her husband on the mouth, and grinded up against him; Dinah pressed her lips against Superman's neck, and her breasts against his back. Dinah ground her pussy against Superman's ass. The two of them sandwiched Superman between them and peppered both sides of his body with deep kisses, Dinah and Diana broke their efforts, and splashed Superman with the water before the two womans took the shower gel, and sprayed it onto Superman, When Superman was covered, they started to get down to business as Diana and Dinah used their hands to rub Superman. Superman groaned, as their lovely hands lathered him up. Dinah was working on her new boyfriends back, and Diana was working on her husband's front. The raven haired princess's hands traveled down, and cupped his crotch; she paid extra special attention to her husband crotch, rubbing it. Dinah did the same to his back, and then played with his ass. They rubbed his legs with sensual, and slow motions as the two beauties moved around, brushing their heads against the black haired's crotch.

"Now do us," Diana invited, her hot breath hitting her husband's crotch and making it twitch, Superman did not have to be told twice, so he promptly sprayed the shower gel on both Diana and Dinah and began to rub their soaped up bodies. Blackcanary and Wonder woman moaned with Superman lathering up their breasts with his talented hands.

"Kal," Diana breathed, feeling the pleasure of Superman's hands molding and squeezing her supple mounds.

"Continue," Dinah moaned, feeling the same pleasure as well, her eyes heavily lidded from it, Superman continued to wash them both using her superspeed, Diana and Dinah soaped up each other's breasts, and asses. Superman got into his knees and stuck his fingers into their pussies. From this action, both woman reared their heads back,.their bodies nice and wet, and soapy. Superman fingered both sexy womans causing Diana and Dinah to moan and hump his fingers, so from these actions, the blue eyed kryptonians pumped into them a few more times. The two sexy womans looked at him with a lusty expression in their eyes.

"We got clean," Superman told them both and with these words his blue eyes danced with mischief. ""Ready to get dirty again?"

Diana and Dinah responded by dropping to their knees, hot breath hit the kryptonians's cock and balls. Their tongues bathed Superman's cock as the kryptonian clutched the back of the shower wall. The two womans pleasured the kryptonian when Diana took the length, and Dinah took the sac, both womans sucked, and licked at Superman. The blue eyed kryptonian placed a hand on both of their heads, and pushed his cock into Diana's mouth.

"Suck me off," the kryptonian moaned as he stroked their hair in encouragement. "My cock feels so good in your mouth, my love."

The girls were getting a lot of pleasure out of these actions as Diana felt her husband's cock pulse in her mouth and the woman signal, they switched off their actions. This time Dinah's mouth was on her new boyfriend's cock, and Diana was between his legs, licking his balls. Superman's fingers tightened around their hair. He thrust his cock deep into Dinah's throat as the busty blonde hummed, and sucked his hard rod, their hot mouths were so exquisite and felt so good; both girls were skilled beyond all measure. The two of them switched on and off as Diana took the length, and Dinah licked his balls. Then Dinah took the length, and Dinah took the balls switching back and forth as needed.

"Going to cum," the kryptonian said, after the two girls switched positioning a few times, sure enough Superman's balls tightened, swelling up with pleasure.

Diana and Dinah pushed back, opening their mouths wide. Blackcanary jerked her new boyfriend's cock while his wife fondled the kryptonian balls, the slid further back on the wet shower floor, and allowed blue eyed Kryptonian to unleash a steady stream of cum. He splattered their lovely faces and tits with his seed as Wonder woman and Black canary saw the heavy load spurt out of the kryptonian's massive cock, into their mouths, taking it onto each other's tongues and swallowing it down their throats.

The two sexy womans turned around and exchanged sensual stare, with a lingering gaze down each other's bodies before they began to make out, the blonde and sexy brunette licked the seed off of their faces, slowly and seductively, their tongues trailed across each other's faces. Diana lowered her head, and began to lick the seed off of Dinah's breasts, sucking nice and slowly off of them as Dinah reared her head back, she could feel the hottest woman on earth knows how to make out with a woman she tought herself, The attention Diana was paying to her breasts caused Diana to be driven wild and sure enough Dinah placed her hands on the back of Diana's raven haired head,

"Suck my tits, Diana," Dinah moaned, feeling her best friend hot mouth just worshipping her breasts, the amazon princess licked, and sucked on Dinah's nipples, and tits before she blew her mouth onto them. Dinah moaned, and Diana continued suck on beautiful blonde's nipples, the kryptonian found himself hot at these actions, he wanted to jump the pair of them. While he was distracted, his wife had bound him with lasso on the place, he could easily broke the lasso or Not that he was complaining,

"i know you can broke it but please dont" Diana pleaded, even though his erection was becoming unbearable, the kryptonian have broken out, Perhaps if he was not distracted by Diana feasting on the buffet of flesh before her and also distracted when Dinah moaned, and cooed loudly, Diana was really going to town on her breasts. Her mouth stimulated Dinah's most sensitive spots, and gave her a massive amount of pleasure.

"Feels so good," Dinah moaned, and Diana stuffed her fingers into the blonde's sopping wet cunt, before the amazon princess pumped her fingers into the pussy of the blonde canary. Dinah thrust her hips out and encouraged the princess to thrust into her tight, hot, cunt, Diana's thought Dinah's pussy felt so gloriously tight around her hand. She felt the inside of it, and moaned into Dinah's breasts. Diana returned the favor, and began to play with Dinah's pussy leading to the two womans pumping their fingers into each other's cunts, the two of them moaned louder with each action, the kryptonian's big thick cock throbbed; he could barely take the teasing anymore, Diana removed her head from Dinah's breasts, this action allowed the blonde woman to squeeze and play with the breasts of the amazon princess.

"Yeah, Dinah, grab my tits," Diana breathed heavily, Superman looked up at the two of them, his cock was rock hard from what they were doing. Dinah squeezed Diana's tits, and then turned her around before Dinah raised her hand, and spanked the princess's tight ass, Diana moaned out loud to give Dinah the proper amount of encouragement to continue these actions. Another spank to her tight ass had caused Diana to get wet. The two womans switched positions,

Diana smacked slowly Dinah on the ass as she bent over, Dinah wiggled her ass as her breasts swayed, and Diana grabbed them. The super heroine squeezed them tightly and rubbed them furiously with the palms of her hand causing the blonde to moan loudly when the princess had played with her breasts, Superman was looking up at the both of them.

"I think my husband is ready," Diana said with a smile crossing her face, Diana was beneath Superman with both floating in the air. Superman teased her opening, stroking it with his fingers.

"Kal!" Diana whined. Superman brushed his thumb over her clit a couple of times, speaking up the torment.

"Oh, you can dish it out, but you can't take it," The kryptonian teased her. He slowly stroked her as Dinah joined him in playing with Diana's pussy, She felt pleasure with her two of then playing with her.

"I need your cock in my right now!" Diana cried, feeling a warm heat burning in her, that can only be filled by one thing.

Superman had his fun, and obliged his wife, getting ready before he aimed his cock, and pushed it into her. Superman felt content when his cock entered his wife's inviting folds, tightly wrapped around them before he began to push in and out of her. Superman returned his upward thrusts, their hips clashed together, and the vibrations rattled the bathroom.

"Dinah put your cunt on Diana's face," Kal told her and Dinah nodded her head eagerly, but Superman was not done dictating what they were going to do. "Diana lick Dinah's cunt out, while I play with her breasts, and fuck your tight little pussy."

Diana grew wet and had an orgasm at that point with these words as Dinah did as she was told. She placed her pussy on Wonder woman's face and with that action the amazon princess eagerly lapped up the juices that she had. The blonde crime fighter grinded her pussy into Diana's face, feeling the amazon princess tongue be stuck up it.

"Oh suck on my clit, Diana," Dinah moaned. superman leaned forward and continued to impale his cock into his wife willing cunt, before his lips found themselves on Dinah's breasts.

"Suck my breasts!" Dinah moanamed, the blonde crime fighter reared her head back and moaned, her clit was being pleasured, and then the amazon princess switched tactics. She buried her face into Dinah's pussy, going deep into her, devouring her moist peach. Diana slowly, and seductively was licking Dinah out as she savored the taste of every one of her juices. Dinah rode Diana's tongue with passion while Superman sucked her tits, and Dinah watched his cock slide in and out of Diana's cunt. The two woman felt rather flushed with desire, and pleasure that only the kryptonian could give them.

Superman felt Diana's pussy muscle's tighten around him and sped up his thrusts into her just a little bit. Her walls were lubricated and wet which made the passage even more enjoyable. His tongue flicked, and he began to hiss in the valley between Dinah's tits, this action caused the blonde crime fighter to scream in pure bliss.

Dinah was about to lose it, between Diana's expert tongue licking the inside of her pussy, and Superman going to town on her tits, it was driving her wild. She also focused her gaze, and saw Superman fucking his wife with all he had. Diana returned the favor, and pushed her hips up to match Superman's strokes as they established a rhythm that got more intense.

"Your cunt is so hot, i feel like a virgin fucking you Diana" The kryptonian told to his wife. He began to rub Dinah's clit as well as Diana ran her tongue around her pussy, tasting the juices. Her hips pushed up to meet The kryptonian's cock spearing into her.

"My cock is so hard for both of you. You are too hot. Keep fucking me Diana." Superman annonced them,

"Fuck my tight cunt, Kal they are your," Diana moaned, feeling her husband's thick member spearing into her hard and long.

"Oh Dinah your pussy tastes so good. It's the best thing in the world. I need more of it, I must have more of that." Diana stated, the three continued to exchange their pleasure as kryptonian pounded his thick cock into his wife's cunt and her walls rubbed him, and squeezed around him. Time and time again, the amazon princess felt herself convulse around him, being brought to orgasm after orgasm as Dinah's juices soaked her face, was caught and held up, before she blacked out. The kryptonian blew on and sucked on her tits. His throbbing member slammed in and out of the amazon princess. The kryptonian felt his balls tighten as the dark haired kryptonian made sure his wife gave an orgasm,

'Cum in me Kal,' Diana encouraged him, wanting her husband's seed to blow into her, the two beauties, the one beneath him, and the one that he was currently sucking the tits off, both beauties are moanaming more dirty things to him. It caused to lose it as Diana squeezed his cock with her cunt muscles. She moaned when her husband unleashed a heavy stream of cum in her, spraying his heavy juices into her, the white fluid splattered inside her. The kryptonian flew back, and Dinah pounced on the opportunity. The busty blonde beauty lapped up the excess that had splattered all over Dinah's thigh as she maintained eye contact with the kryptonian through all of these actions. Diana floated, cross legged in the air as Dinah placed her face on Diana's cunt. Slowly, she began to lick the combination of Diana and Superman's juices out of her pussy, finding that it was a lovely combination, Superman hovered behind Dinah and the blonde woman spread her legs from behind. The kryptonian aimed his cock behind her, and pushed into her cunt, nice, hard, and fast enough for a normal human, the blonde moaned with glee as Superman gave slow thrusts into her. Diana's head reared back, as Dinah ate her out, but the fun was only beginning, as the blonde's hands shifted, and played with Diana's tits. She squeezed, and molded them, playing with them, worshipping them, groping the nice globes of flesh.

"Play with my tits, Dinah," Dinah whined while Dinah indulged herself in her friends breasts and cunt and then proceeded to lick them. The kryptonian pushed in and out of Dinah riding her from behind, feeling the great warmth wrapped around his throbbing prick,

"Yes, play with her tits, while I play with yours!" Superman yelled as the kryptonian pumped his cock into the blonde's cunt from behind, the kryptonian's thrusts became quicker yet while his hands reached around, and began to play with Dinah's breasts some more. Kryptonian cupped Dinah's swaying breasts in his hands and continued to keep with the momentum, by pushing into the blonde beauty again and again, Dinah moaned, and began blowing on Diana's pussy; this got the princess screaming at the top of her lungs. Diana reached over, and joined her husband in playing with Dinah's breasts. The two massaged the blonde's tits, Dinah responded to these actions by burying her face into Diana's royal cunt with Diana pushing her hips upwards to allow her wife more access.

"Your cunt tastes good, I want the juices every morning for breakfast," Dinah stated to Diana.

'I'll second that,' the kryptonian thought as he continued to push into Dinah's pink vagina. His cock thrust hard, wrapped tightly with her tight twat, and his balls slapped against her thighs with each passing moment. Dinah pushed herself back, and was pulled forward, Diana screamed out; this felt so good. Dinah was playing with her breasts, and eating her cunt while her husband was stimulating her, She watched her husband's cock disappear and reappear as he slammed into blonde from behind. This visual caused the princess pussy to clench tightly.

"So tight, and I love that ass," the kryptonian said, and he slapped Dinah's ass for emphasis,

He pounded into her, and the blonde made lewd sounds before she alternated between Princess pussy, and then switched to her clit, in response Diana pushed Dinah's face down into her wet pussy. She reached over, to squeeze Dinah's right breast as the kryptonian tackled the left breast. Superman watched, and he shot his heat vision on the water standing on the shower floor. This created a steam that made things a bit more erotic, adding so much to the scene in question.

The kryptonian continued to explore his new girl friend's tight pussy from behind. It wrapped around him like a glove, and rubbed his cock in a pleasurable way, hugging him tenderly with her hot walls. He cupped her breasts, and continued to slam into her, Dinah's tongue continued to drive into Diana's cunt faster and fast,

"Great Hera, you're as great as kal," Diana whined, feeling the wave of pleasure coursing through her.

"I'm going to have to top that," the kryptonian grunted, and he continued to push into Dinah from behind.

"Please do," Diana breathed as she clenched at the very thought.

The dance continued each and every second while things got more intense between the three lovers until Superman's balls tightened.

'Cum in me, kal,' Dinah annonced to him, too busy with Diana's pussy to continue to speak with him, Cum was what the kryptonian did, His balls contracted, and his orgasm sprayed his thick, milky seed into Dinah's inviting core. The three of them climaxed simultaneously, and the kryptonian pumped into her, to deposit his huge load deep into her waiting cunt.

Wonder woman, Blackcanary, and Superman sat on the shower floor, the three of them rested from their activities. They were all squeaky clean, and satisfied, he watched Dinah she is passed by the intense love making,

"shall we tell her about our plans Kal" Diana asked her husband,

" not now Diana, it will take time" The kryptonian told her to his wife,

"you know kal, just let me take her to the island they will train her to be a good slut" Diana suggested to his husband, Superman smiled,