The moonlight fell softly over Gotham, yet reflected harshly from the two swords as they clashed. Once again, the violence transformed a thing of beauty into an ugly reality. If she had been a fraction of a second slower, her corpse would be lying on the rooftop and then the scene would have been peaceful again.

Helena (the world known as huntress she is a daughter of Catwoman and Batman from earth 2) barely raised her sword in time to deflect the next blow, yet it still drove her backward. She skidded several paces across the roof and raised her blade back into position, even though the conflict had left no doubt as to the eventual victor. The most she could do was delay the inevitable.

Across the roof, Lady Shiva (the mostly deadly assassin of all time) frowned scornfully. The other woman was incredibly beautiful despite her expression. She wore a stiff red and black uniform and hadn't even deigned to remove the outer jacket to fight seriously. When the blade in her hand began to shift,

Huntress couldn't quite follow the movements. She felt tears in the corners of her eyes and was grateful that her mask covered her face. Everything in her life was broken. Just when she thought she'd gained enough speech to communicate with other human beings, she'd been robbed of her ability to read body language. How that worked didn't make sense to her, yet it made her unable to keep up with a grandmaster like Lady Shiva.

Without warning Shiva flowed across the roof, her blade flashing out from all directions. Huntress managed to avoid injury on pure instinct, but the movements were beyond her. She could only survive by retreating with every blow.

Turning to run would be instant death, yet standing her ground meant she would die by a thousand tiny cuts.

There was no one there to help her, either. Once, fleeing to Gotham would have meant she had allies. Yet now it was a lawless wasteland without Batman, that held nothing for her, either to save her life or to repair her shattered being. Perhaps death was the easiest way out...

Pain shot through her shoulder and it was over.

Her uniform managed to turn the blade and prevent a serious injury, but her involuntary flinch was far more time than Shiva needed. In an instant her sword had opened superficial cuts on Helena's arms and legs. She dropped her sword and collapsed to her knees.

If Lady Shiva wanted to kill her, she could have done so. Keeping her alive meant she need answers.

"You're pathetic." lady shiva returned her sword to its sheath. "You're not even worth killing as you are now. I need answers from you" Helena stared back at her flatly.

"you are trained, but given time, however, you might be an worthy opponent. Join to me, and I will train you to be a true warrior, join the league let me help to change the gotham" Shiva asked, she came here to kill Batman, when the job is Done, now she watches gotham its full of corrupted, she need an army to kill every scum bags in the gotham, she is doing all this for her daughter Cassandra cain (the world known as Batwoman). She is fighting crimes, she dont want the scum bags kill her, she want to kill everyone scum bags in the place, she watched Huntress she is a skilled warrior but not skilled as her. With proper training she maybe a better fighter someday.

"Never, you killed Batman, i will have my revenge" Helena watched Lady shiva, he maybe not his father, but he is a good man, just like her father.

"its a shame i am going to kill you for good," Lady Shiva said, she raised her sword to kill Helena, she sense a stick coming towards her she caught it, she turn to see the direction she saw nightwing, Batgirl, Batwoman and Black canary coming towards her, suddenly their is a helicopter coming from nowhere. She enter the helicopter and that disappear from the place, they watched it disappear.

"what were you thinking going against Lady shiva alone" Black canary asked, she just finished the training from amazons, she is now Superman's personal slut, she is loyal to him, she is spying on nightwing and Birds of prey for the details of their investigation on the death of Batman.

"i thought i could take her alone" Helena replied, she could see the annoying look on them. She really feel ashamed of losing the fight with Lady shiva.

"she is a better fighter than you or anyone here, Helena, there is no shame to losing to her i think lady Shiva is planning for something in the gotham" Batgirl replied.

"we need to find out what her plans before its too late" Batwoman told to them, Helena raised, Black canary give her hand.


"You've had a stressful day, haven't you?" Starfire asked, Kara had just returned a short fight with mettalo, she is now invincible to Kryptonite, its a short fight, Starfire greeted her with a smile. Both girls stared at each other for a moment before the two of them spoke.

"I think we all have," Starfire responded, she just finished from date with Dick (aka Nightwing), as she stretched the blue blouse that she wore stretched up while she did, showcasing a few inches of her orange skin. Kara moved over to the other end of the tamaran princess standing behind her and began to massage the back of her neck.

Starfire leaned back and gave a sigh as Kara's talented hands began to work the back of her.

"Oh, that feels so good, keep doing that." Starfire said With a grin, Kara unbuttoned Starfire's blouse and slid it off of her shoulders. The orange skin alien was wearing nothing but a blue bra from the waist up and Kara continued to stroke her fingers over Starfire's orange skin, massaging it going down the back of her neck all the way to her back, rubbing circles in it and Starfire breathed heavily at this point, feeling Kara's hands do their work on her back.

Kara motioned for Starfire to lift her hips up and the tamaran princess did, so Kara could slide the skirt down her legs. Now Starfire sat in the chair, wearing nothing but a pair of dark blue bra and panties. Kara's hands ran down Starfire's legs and massaged them.

"You like that?" Kara asked her with a mischievous grin spreading over her face.

"Yes," the orange skin alien breathed heavily at that point and the blonde worked her legs, going around the back, before she moved to her feet.

Kara slipped Starfire's shoes off of her feet and with a tug, yanked her socks off. It was at that point where Kara began to rub the soles of Starfire's feet and her eyes glazed over in pleasure, before Kara worked over the toes.

"I hope I'm doing a good job," Kara remarked as she continued to rub and massage the soles of Starfire's feet.

"You are," Starfire breathed, her eyes heavily lidded with pleasure and she found her hand going down the front of her panties.

"my cousin does them the best, I think," Kara responded at that point, but then a wicked grin spread across her face. "Although he doesn't do it with his hand, but rather a different part of his body."

Starfire's mind went haywire as Kara's hands were all over her. She managed to articulate one statement through the fog of the pleasure that she was feeling, her eyes meeting Kara's when she stated this.

"…when is your cousin coming back?" Starfire asked, Kara ceased her actions a little bit much to starfire's disappointment but only slightly.

"In a little bit," Kara responded to Starfire with a smile on her face before she reached on, cupping her hands on Starfire's face and staring in her eyes.

"But that doesn't mean the two of us can't have some fun while we wait for my babycousin to return home." Kara said, Starfire felt shivers go down her spine and there was much more when Kara's lips smashed against hers, parting her lips with her tongue, and giving her a searing kiss. The fun was just beginning as Kara just stepped back and slowly pulled her shirt over her head.

Starfire felt her mouth-watering when Kara had pulled off her shirt to reveal her nice, supple, firm breasts. It was hard to believe that a pair of female breasts could turn her own so much as Starfire felt a warmth between her thighs at this view. Supergirl sauntered forward, dressed in nothing but an extremely short skirt that seemed to get even shorter with each passing second. Starfire found her eyes on Kara at that point.

"Suck," Kara ordered as she pointed to her breasts and at this command, Starfire felt compelled to obey. She leaned her hand forward and began to lick Kara's right breast, swirling around the nipple, and then planting her mouth on it firmly, before she sucked on it. Kara's eyes glazed over, as she breathed heavily. "Oh that's it baby, suck, suck on them like you've never sucked on anything before."

the tamaran slut switched her attentions from the kryptonian slut's right breast to her left breast, offering them the amount of love that they deserved. They were a perfect gift of female beauty as Kara could not get enough of her actions and the orange skin alien indulged herself further and further in Kara's female flesh. She heard the moans of the Supergirl which spurred Starfire to suck even more of her breasts at this point.

Kara's eyes glazed over as she felt Starfire roll her tongue over the blonde Kryptonian's breasts, this was like heaven. Not nearly as much as heaven as her babycousin was, but it was a close enough second where she could not complain.

Kara's eyes were heavily lidded as she moaned louder and louder, feeling the joy of 's mouth suckling her, worshipping her, just giving her great pleasure.

"That's it, pleasure the tits of your mistress," Kara moaned at that point, being lost in the moment and Starfire buried herself into Kara's breasts, sucking on them, as Kara's fingers found their way down the front of Starfire's panties.

Starfire suddenly felt the wave of pleasure engulf her when Kara began to plunge her fingers in and out of Starfire's sopping wet cunt. The fingering had never felt better and Starfire thought she was going to blow up from the great orgasm that Kara was giving her at this point, lifting her hips up to meet Kara's incoming thrusts.

With a slight plunging sound, Starfire removed her head from Kara's tits and Kara removed her fingers from Starfire's quim. She whined at the loss, but not for long, before Kara had grabbed Starfire around the waist before she flew her over to the couch.

Starfire was planted on the couch and Kara had pulled off Starfire's bra and removed her panties in a flash of light. Kara pulled off her own skirt as well and yanked her panties down over her legs to reveal her wet pussy. Starfire found herself breathing heavily at the desire and wanted to touch Kara, to give her pleasure. The bond they had compelled her to do so although Starfire did not need that much compelling.

Kara felt herself grow wetter at the sight of the tamaran alien's body and she pulled the other blonde into a deep kiss. Starfire moaned into Kara's mouth, returning the kiss as she parted her legs. Kara rubbed her pussy up and down Starfire's own, humping her with glee. This action got Starfire rather hot, but Kara was not done.

"I want to try something," Kara said after she broke the kiss and she motioned for the couch for Starfire to lie down. The orange skinned alien did so. "No, do so on your front, with your ass presented in the air for me."

Starfire did so, having her elbows on the couch and her ass sticking up in the air, presenting herself for Kara. Kara kept her eyes on her lovely rump, perhaps she would have to indulge herself in that at another time. Right now, Kara walked over to the other side of the room and reached underneath the table.

She pulled out a strap-on with a large dildo strapped to it, hard and solid, just waiting to be penetrated into some girl's vagina or ass. This was advanced technology strap modified so Kara or any girl who used it could feel the sensations through it as well. Kara strapped it to her and now was a time to give it a test spin.

Starfire wondered what Kara was doing, for she had her back turned, but then she found out the hard way. She felt a cock penetrate her from behind and with this motion Starfire felt it slide into her pussy, as Kara pumped her toy in and out of Starfire. The tamaran alien princess clutched onto the couch as she breathed more heavily from Kara's actions.

"How do you like that?" Kara asked at this point, as Starfire breathed heavily, eyes glazed over. Kara also played with Starfire orange's tits and ass when she pounded the strap on into her.

"Good, so good, not as good as the real thing, but still good," Starfire breathed in and out, feeling it plunge into her and stretch her in so many great ways.

Kara just smiled and sped up the thrusts she did into Starfire causing the red hair nympho beneath her to pant. She was the dominant type and Starfire seemed to be falling into the role of being quite submissive rather nicely, even if she was normally dominant in many other things. Still Kara's aura was so overwhelming that Starfire was putty in her hands.

Starfire felt the sensations that Kara gave her, and really wished Superman was here to see this, but all of those thoughts were washed out of her hand. For her first time using such an object, Kara really knew how to work her cunt with it. Then again, it was magically modified, so it was giving her all of the pleasure that she needed.

"Yeah, fuck, yeah Kara," Starfire groaned as Kara thrust deeper and deeper into her, feeling the pleasure of the strap on penetrating her from behind.

"So tight, I can feel it, but you're going to return the favor sometime," Kara managed, seeing that Superman was there, how long he had been standing there, she had no idea. She had been lost in the moment of plowing into Starfire with her new toy which made by her and suddenly thanks to her advance technology, something wonderful happened.

Kara was driven to an orgasm, but the technology within her toy had transmitted her cum into Starfire's pussy. Starfire screamed out in pure pleasure at this point as she was driven to a mind rattling orgasm from Kara's efforts.

Starfire collapsed on the couch and panted, before Kara turned around to see her babycousin standing there with a broad grin on his face, already having stripped off all of his clothes. She removed her strap on and turned to face him.

"So hot," Superman managed and with that he flew over to the other end of the room, grabbing Kara around the waist and slammed her hard against the fortress wall, giving her a passionate kiss.

Kara was not surprised by her babycousin's actions, he was always the passionate type, and this kiss just cemented that fact. He also was squeezing her breasts rather hard and Kara moaned loudly in his mouth as that pleasure washed through her.

"You two have been naughty girls and you couldn't start without me, could you?" Superman asked Kara and suddenly Kara found herself chained in the wall using lasso, unable to move.

"Well that's okay, I'll forgive you, but naughty girls need their punishment."

"Yes, they do, punish my cunt Kal," Kara begged Superman feeling her pussy clench nice and tight at the thought and she nearly came just thinking about the kryptonian fucking her hard against the wall.

Starfire was so out of it that she had not noticed that her hands and feet had been tied with her mouth duct taped shut. It slowly did come to her after a few moments, but right now her eyes were on Superman and Kara and what they were about to do. The kryptonian hovered his cock over Kara's entrance and with a swift movement plunged it deep inside her. Kara was already nice and wet from her activities with Starfire and the kryptonian pumped into her long and hard, feeling his cock being wrapped nicely around her walls. Kara's breath got heavy as Superman placed his hands on her breasts and squeezed them, before he reached around with his other hand and squeezed her ass.

"You like that slut, like me fucking you like a common whore?" Superman managed to ask, as he slammed into her slow and Kara did not like that, she liked it nice and rough.

"Fuck me harder, please Kal, fuck me harder," Supergirl groaned, managing to move her head just enough to bite down on Superman's shoulder, offering him encouragement.

Superman did not need much more encouragement, rather he put his hand on Kara's hair and offered a firm tug to it, pulling her hair. Kara clenched together around him with a super strong force and Superman hammered into her pussy much harder. Her breathing got heavier and heavier as long as Superman's hard rod pumped into her.

Kara was in heaven at this point being fucked against the wall, getting her hair pulled, ass grabbed, breasts groped, all because of the man she loved. He knew what she liked and Kara felt herself burn with the passion of the sex that she received at this point.

Starfire watched wondering when it would be her turn, but knew that Superman just got warmed up. Her cries were slightly muffled by the duct tape over her mouth, so all she could do was watch Superman pummel into Supergirl with his cock up against the wall. This event happened while her pussy burned in desire and a wanton look appeared in the tamaran slut's eyes.

"Oh yes Kal, fuck me, fuck your cousin," Kara breathed as the lasso came loose, but this only allowed Kara to wrap her legs tightly around her cousin as he speared into her tight pussy.

Superman continued to hammer into Supergirl what seemed like for hours on end and knowing Superman's stamina, it likely was. The dark haired kryptonian continued thrust himself deeper and deeper into Kara as several orgasms rattled her body, causing the full limits of her stamina to be increased, but Kara could go on for a long time without needing a break.

"Kal, I need your seed in me, blow it into me," Kara begged him as she could not handle it any more, she needed her man's cum inside her.

Superman teased and tormented Kara for a couple more moments as he speared deep inside her, really offering her the pleasure a goddess like her deserved.

"Shoot your cum into me Kal!" Kara encouraged him while Superman hammered into his cousin long and hard with passionate thrusts. "This dirty slut wants your cum, indulge her Kal, indulge her, fuck me!"

the kryptonian's balls tightened and sure enough the explosion had come as he sprayed his fluids deep into Kara's pussy and painted her walls white. Kara thrashed having at least two more orgasms before Superman had unloaded his incest seed deep into her willing pussy and she slumped to the ground with a goofy grin on her face.

Starfire was now on the couch and at that moment Superman was over her, peering down into her eyes as Starfire looked at him, begging for her to get some at this moment.

"Have you learned your lesson slut?" Superman asked in a calm voice and Starfire responded with a firm nod of her head, before Superman removed the tape from her mouth.

"Yes, master, don't start with you not here to watch the full show," Starfire said before she moaned and Superman put his hands on her breasts, feeling them up. The orange skin alien moaned feeling when the the kryptonian's talented hands work her over, as her feet were untied.

Superman laid back on the ground and his cock sprang up in front of starfire's feet. The tamaran slut looked at the kryptonian at this point, her hands were still tied, and she could not break the attack. She waited for her master to give the word.

"Pleasure me with your feet slut," Superman declared and just smiled, knowing what was going to happen. The tamaran slut ran her big orange toe down the kryptonian's shaft going up and down it, feeling it underneath her foot. Superman leaned back, enjoying the pleasure of Starfire's foot on him, as she used her toes to stroke his balls and then go up his shaft.

"I'm going to give you something that you'll never forget master," the tamaran slut told to the kryptonian, Superman escaped a throaty moan as she stroked Superman's cock up to full mast with her feet. Superman laid back to enjoy the motions of her feet stroking him and hissed through his teeth when Starfire placed her arches on either side of the kryptonian's cock.

Superman was in heaven when the tamaran slut stroked his thirteen inch cock with her feet and he felt his throbbing rod move in and out of her soles. Starfire worked his cock with her feet quite nicely, rubbing it and stroking him at that point.

The kryptonian's pleasure heightened when Kara flew over and licked the head of her babycousin 's cock. If tamaran slut's sexy feet were not enough, the fact Kara was licking Kal's hard rod when it pushed in and out of starfire's feet heightened the desire for the entire situation. The two beauties pleasured Superman for that moment.

"That's it, oh yeah, that's it," Superman grunted with the tamaran slut dragging her orange feet up and down on the kryptonian's throbbing prick.

Starfire thought this felt nice as well, feeling her master's cock beneath her feet, and throbbing to the point where she felt every amount of his pleasure. She really wished that her hands were free so she could play with her pussy, but for now she would settle for stroking her master long and hard with the soles of her feet.

The kryptonian thrust his hips up higher and higher as his cock rubbed against the tamaran slut's feet and he saw her cousin dive between Starfire's legs to devour her womanhood as well. This sight had gotten the kryptonian off quite nicely, just about as much as the lovely footjob that. Starfire was giving him.

Starfire rubbed her heels up against the kryptonian's balls and Superman felt the pleasure growing in his loins, he was about ready to burst. She seemed to sense this as Starfire began to rub her feet even harder and faster down on her master's shaft at this point, with the kryptonian's balls tightening.

"Going to cum," Superman grunted feeling the pleasure build in himself.

"That's it master, cum, cum all over my feet," Starfire encouraged, but Supergirl was now currently sucking on her clit, so Starfire could not articulate much more than this.

Superman's cock tightened before he splattered the tamaran slut's orange feet with his white thick cum.

Starfire saw the thick and ample amount of seed that splattered onto her orange feet, toes, and ankles.

Superman just kept cumming and painted her orange feet completely white with his spunk.

At that point, Supergirl dove towards Starfire's orange feet and lapped the cum off of her soles. Starfire moaned deeply at these motions, pleasure washing over her body.

"Oh, Kara, yes Kara," the tamaran slut cried as Kara's talented tongue worked over the soles of her feet and she felt herself grow rather warm with even more desire. Kara lapped off single bit of cum off of the soles of Starfire's feet.

With another swift motion,

Supergirl pulled back and saw that the kryptonian's cock was throbbing once again in nano sec. She held Starfire back on the couch and looked at her cousin with a knowing smirk.

"this whore needs your cock in her, you don't want to disappoint her, do you?" Supergirl asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes, please, master, I need your cock in me," Starfire begged and Superman was not being one to leave a lady hanging, go up to his feet and hovered over the tamaran slut's entrance.

He teased her slit with the head of his cock for a couple of moments before the kryptonian plunged his cock deep into his slave's moist folds. Starfire gave a cry of pleasure as Superman thrust deep into her, pushing her back on the couch.

"Harder, faster, that's it," begged as she lifted her hips up to meet her master's incoming thrusts and found Kara's pussy on her mouth to muffle her. Supergirl knew what to do, using her tongue to lick and pleasure the inside of Kara's pussy while the blonde grinded on her face.

Superman plunged his cock in and out of the tamaran slut's pussy while he played with two lovely sets of orange breasts. Both Kara and Starfire moaned at the pleasure of their master's actions, which caused his cock and balls to throb once again. The kryptonian was dictating the temper of this game, slamming his cock deep into his slave.

Twenty hundred hard strokes and a series of lighter ones, that was the tempo that Superman decided to dictate, all while he squeezed their breasts, alternating between each one. The firmness of the flesh in his hands had driven Superman to a greater degree of lust and passion, his balls throbbed nice and hard with each incoming stroke.

Starfire felt herself in heaven with Kara's pussy on her face and her master's cock slamming hard into her, striking her g-spot nice and hard. The pleasure coursed through Starfire's mind made it hard to think as Kara and the kryptonian now both played with her breasts. She could not talk, all she could do was lift her hips and use her tongue to encourage both of her masters.

Kara felt so good that the orange skin alien was eating her out, really working on her. She grinded herself down onto the tamaran slut's face more and more to give the blonde the encouragement that she needed to keep eating her. That was what Starfire did, she kept eating kryptonian whore out, really savoring the taste of her warm pussy. Kara released her juices onto Starfire's orange face and pulled back so the kryptonian could see it.

Starfire laid on the couch when Superman speared his fleshy pole into her, her face splattered with Supergirl's juices. The visual was so hot, but what made it even hotter was when Kara slowly and seductively licked her own juices off of Starfire's face.

"Your cunt is so tight, you're going to make me cum at any moment, so hot," the kryptonian grunted at that point slamming into his slave at that point.

"please master Fucking ruin me, oh Kara, feels so good, yes master," the tamaran slut babbled as she rocked her hips upward and squeezed her tight muscles around the kryptonian's cock, it feels like she is so full the kryptonian cock keep exploring every hidden places in her pussy, Starfire trying to coax his master into cumming.

The dance continued for quite some time with all three lovers lost in the pleasures that they offered to each other. Like all good things, they must come to an end and Superman's balls constricted before they exploded.

Starfire felt the pleasure of her master's burning seed entering her chamber and this was a feeling that she would savor for the rest of her days.

Starfire had one more powerful orgasm of her own the three people continued their dance until both supergirl and Starfire passed out,


Lady shiva just returned from gotham, she watch talia al ghul and ra al ghul came towards her, many assassin's follow them.

"so you killed Batman," talia asked, she is clearly not happy with Batman's death, but she cant do anything about it because her father ordered it.

"yes, i killed him with somehelp from Bane and Deathstroke," Lady shiva replied.

"you need three master assassin's to kill him, like i said father he is equal to three master assassin's we need to bring him alive father" talia said to his father.

"i could have easily killed him myself, if there is no Bane and Deathstroke, they come there as the same time i arrived there." Lady shiva replied. She never like talia al ghul, because of her arrogance. Maybe someday she has the chance to kill the entire league of shadows by herself.

"enough daughter your love for Batman blinded you, without him we can easily take over gotham" Ra al ghul smiled. She know without her father it would easy to bring her beloved here and bring back him life, she need to kill him. She thought about their passionate love making with him he fucking her with his eight inch cock. "Lady shiva you must go back to gotham, and prepare gotham for my arrival there,"

she bowed him and head back to gotham with some members of league of shadows.


Supergirl, Donna went shopping with their Husband, they both returned to the Themyscira embassy, an embassy gaurd bowed her king.

"MR. Kent, the princess is waiting for you in the top floor," the gaurd told to him.

"i bet Diana is superhorny and she want to fuck you" Kara replied, she could easily sense arousal of Donna also, even she is lightly aroused, " i think Donna is also superhorny she is clearly aroused,"

They entered the elevator, the kryptonian pressed the top button,

"yes i am superhorny and i am not ashamed of it, Kal answer is kara aroused or not? " Donna asked him. The kryptonian just smiled,

The elevator dinged and a pair of hands grabbed Superman, before pulling him out of the elevator. The kryptonian felt a bit dizzy after being pushed out of the elevator.

"Oh, I've been waiting for hours," Diana said, placing her hands on either side of the handsome kryptonian's face and sticking her tongue down his throat.

The two swapped tongues with each other. Kara and Donna stepped into the room, watching, when Diana undid the clasp of the kryptonian's costume and started to fish his throbbing organ out.

"Oh, things are going to get hot," Donna said, watching her sister taking her husband cock out, was really hot she thought herself.

"Yes, they are," kara said, going behind Donna and cupping her breasts. A lock of blonde hair tickled the back of Donna's neck. "So, why don't we try and pass the time while those two have their fun?"

The clasp of the bottom part of Donna's costume yanked to one side. Kara's exploring fingers reached between her legs.

"What if I said no?

"You wouldn't." Supergirl replied, the kryptonian girl punctuated those words by jamming her fingers into Donna's pussy, while grinding against her ass from behind.

The blonde's hard nipples poking against Kara's upper back caused a whimper to spread through her.

The kryptonian's hands ripped 's top off to reveal her juicy tits. The amazon princess moaned with Superman grabbing her big round melons. The strength which he grabbed them shot pleasure down no Diana's spine.

"You like me playing with your wonder tits, don't you, Diana?" Superman asked.

"Yes, Kal, I do," Diana said, reaching between her husband's leg and tugging on his thirteen inch member. "I want you, and I want more from you….I want it inside me."

Superman slid her jeans down to reveal set of red panties clinging to her crotch. The moist center caused Superman to throb with hunger and get closer towards the amazon princess's hungry snatch.

The final frontier had been removed and Superman backed Diana up against embassy windows of the. He plunged deep inside her pussy with a large thrust.

A snap of metal against wrists caused Donna to look up.

"Hey Kara, let me out!" Donna yelled, realizing her hands had been handcuffed behind her back.

"Don't deny you're getting off on it," Kara said, beautiful face kneeling down between Donna's thighs. The second amazon's pussy started to ooze with juices, with Kara running her finger against Donna's entrance. "Oh yes, I can see how you're dripping."

Donna arched her hips up to meet Kara's probing finger. A second probing finger entered the raven-haired vixen and then a third, nipples hardening all of the way. Then Kara started to pump inside Donna, escalating more pleasure.

"Oh, you magnificent bitch!" Donna yelled, Kara really offended by the her calling her bitch, Kara's fingers started to work their wonderful path deep inside Donna's dripping snatch. Each time the fingers slid inside her they came out of her with a squelching sound.

Diana's leg lifted up for her husband to run his fingers down. The amazon ambassador breathed heavily when the kryptonian started to work his thick cock inside her pussy. Each time he entered her, Diana stretched anew. Her legs being at this angle allowed him the leverage to slam into her.

Every time the kryptonian plowed into Diana's tight pussy, it clenched his rod. Diana's pussy melded against his manhood wanting to get every last drop out of his thick and juicy balls.

"Fuck me harder!" Diana moaned, feeling Superman plunge inside her. "I want to feel your giant fucking prick stretch me out until I can't walk anymore."

"You know diana you are nothing but a whore, i love you for that" Superman said. Diana dug her nails into the kryptonian's shoulder. Superman closed his eyes. The warmth surrounding him made it so much more easier to start pumping into her. The two matched their thrusts with each other.

The orgasm bubbled to the surface and threatened to overwhelm Diana. The tight center of her pussy closed around the kryptonian's thick manhood. The kryptonian rose up and pushed down inside the amazon princess. The hard thrusts grew even more intense each time the kryptonian plunged into Diana.

"Yes," Superman said, grabbing onto Diana's hips when he pushed into her. "You feel so good. Feels so great….pounding your pussy and knowing how wet you are with my fat dick being inside me."

"Yes, Kal, pound me with your dick." Diana moanamed. The amazon princess experienced the pleasure of her beloved thirteen inch member pounding inside her. His warm balls slapped against Diana's heated thighs. The woman rocked up and down to pull the kryptonian member further inside of her.

Kara pulled back before giving Donna a true orgasm. The want on the woman's face flashed from a mile away. Donna's face mimicked a traffic light turning red after Kara pulled away.

"You filthy little tease!" Donna yelled. "But, you get off on it, given you dress like a hooker. I think I can afford your going weight, you slut!"

"Now, Ella, you should put this mouth to a more universal use," Kara said, draping her thighs over Donna's face. "Like making me feel really good."

Kara inhaled Donna's juices. The kryptonian whore used Donna's mouth as a tool of pleasure. All the raven-haired temptress could do was jam her mouth deep inside Kara's cunt.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH, FUCK ME RAW!" Diana yelled.

The kryptonian pushed the amazon ambassador against the wall and gave her a huge amount of pussy breaking cock. The balls started to strain underneath the pressure The amazon princess's pussy contracted against him.

Superman's squeezed against an insanely large amount of pussy stuffing cock. He stretched her full with these thrusts. The raven haired princess wrapped around him tight and could feel their bodies melding together.

"Here it comes, are you ready?" the raven haired Kryptonian asked. Diana clenched onto her soul mate's probing manhood to feel him inside her. The heat pumping through her pussy answered the question. Superman shoved himself inside her and fired a load of cum deep inside of Diana's wet snatch!

The lubrication allowed the kryptonian to shove himself ball deep inside Diana with the huge thrusts. The showered the inside of horny princess's depths and coated her insides with a heavy amount of thrusting.

Diana rode out the orgasm all of the way before slumping down onto the ground. Superman's strong grip was the only thing which held her up.

A hand pressed against the head of the kryptonian's still hard cock. He turned around to see a very horny and eager her cousin who is his wife walking towards him. She left Donna bound and gagged across the room.

"Hope you still have something in the tank for me, Kal," Kara said, playing with her cousin phallus and his balls.

Kara used Diana and Superman's combined lubrication for this handjob. He lifted his hips up to push into her cousin's squeezing hand. The kryptonian groaned as he could feel the hand wrap around his tool.

"For you," Superman said, humping Kara's hand. The lust grew in his hand. "Always."

"Want to save it for when it counts though."

Supergirl pumped his cousin a few more times and slid him inside her pussy.

The blonde temptress lowered herself down onto her cousin's thick and juicy cock. The sensation of him buried inside her almost made Supergirl hit a high note. The kryptonian's hands found her breasts and squeezed them.

"You can't resist those, can you?" Supergirl asked raising up into the air. She lowered her dripping slit onto his manhood and bottomed out on his thick prick, she knows her cousin love tits she wanted it grow like powergirl.

"yes kara, you have such nice tits," Superman said, pinching her nipple and causing the moan to continue. "And you have such a nice ass as well…and really nice legs…you're just amazing."

"So are you, my babycousin" Supergirl said. supergirl stretched her legs. The yoga really came in handy now. The beautiful alien took her cousin inside her body, making sure to steal some looks at Donna.

Donna could see everything. She could see Superman pushing into Supergirl between her legs and grew extremely jealous. Donna pushed her hips up and down in an attempt to get some traction with the air. Nothing worked out well. All Donna could do was moan and sigh in frustration. The energy coursing through her body made her want this even more.

Kara gasped when her cousin bit down on her steel nipple. The nibble caused Kara's hot and slick thighs to run down the kryptonian's prick. She kept riding him.

"Oooh, yes," Supergirl said. "Oh, you want my ass don't you…well who I am to say no?"

Another hole, tighter than the rest, pushed around him. Supergirl impaled her juicy ass down across Superman's cock to form an amazingly hot seal around him. The kryptonian pushed up against her with each thrust.

"Yes, I want your ass, dont you forgot i own you?" Superman asked. And slapped her ass hard it turns into red.

Donna shook her head, she liked her husband punishing the bitch. The thick cock rammed inside her tight guts caused Kara to moanam in pleasure and pain. The girl's moans increased more and more. Superman reaching up to toy with her breasts and sensitive nipples caused more moaning to follow.

Donna watched with hunger and want dancing through her eyes. The dark-haired woman didn't even noticed her sister kneeling over the top of her face. A drop of cum broke off from Diana's pussy and fell onto Donna's face. The Wonder girl longed to rip it off.

"Don't worry sister, it will be your turn soon," Diana said, smiling when going down. "Do you want your slutty tits to be played with?"

Donna's breathing came on through her gag. What the hell was she supposed to say? Diana placed the hands on the top of her breasts and moved down closer to toy with her tits.

Kara had the time of her life driving her ass onto his cock.

"Are you about to cum Kal?" Kara asked.

"After you."

the kryptonian punctuated this statement by digging his fingers into Kara's juicy pussy. The sopping folds spilled juices onto Diana's hand. The dark hero's hands coated with sticky goodness. Diana kept driving down onto him.

"Yes, your turn my love!" Kara said.

The kryptonian ground his bulge into Kara's firm backside and lost himself into her. Thick seed spilled between Kara's steel hot anal muscles. Each thrust inside her further milked the steel kryptonian's balls.

Kara pushed down onto his cock to ride out the orgasm. The thick prick pushed deep into Kara's hot guts. The moment he finished inside her, the blonde kryptonian sighed with soft content in her voice.

"Oh kal, let me clean you up," Kara said, wrapping her hot lips around him and licking him dry. The popping sensation of her cousin's juicy incest lips wrapped around him caused Superman to both get cleaned and become erect. kara brought her mouth over and over again on him again.

"She's all yours." Diana said, the amazon princess flipped over and her sister bare ass exposed for her husband. kara gave the kryptonian a few more parting sucks, and smiled pulling off of her.

"And such a vision she is as well."

Donna's pussy twitched with desire when, the moment when her husband approached over to. The powerful kryptonian man lifted up a hand and smacked it hard into her tight ass. Another smack on her ass caused Donna's pussy to twitch with desire. The kryptonian spanked her ass hard one more time. A red mark rose on her ass which the kryptonian continued to spank.

"You're such a kinky slut just like your sister there, but i like it" Superman said, shoving his finger inside Donna's cunt to feel how wet and hot she was. He spanked her a couple of times. "I bet you're choking for my big hrad cock inside your slutty cunt, aren't you?"

Donna breathed in and breathed out. What did he really think? The woman's thighs invitingly spread apart to try and get her husband's manhood deep inside her. The head approached the edge of her opening.

The kryptonian pushed himself inside Donna's dripping hot pussy. A muffled moan followed with the hard thrust of the cock inside her. He held onto Donna and started to shove into her dripping hot pussy.

"you like this dont fucking like a common whore?" Superman asked. "you like me pounding your pussy? Do you want it to be pounded into nothing? oh, i get it you want me to fuck you"

The kryptonian sank his teeth into the back of Donna's neck which caused her cunt to close around him. The balls slapped against Donna's thighs and shoved inside her hard. A huge thrust buried inside her.

Diana and Kara embraced each other. Their pussies rubbed together and pumped up and down with the heat rising from their cunts and pushing into each other.

"Oh, you're so horny, Diana," Kara said, pushing her finger into Diana's back door. Kara leaned in and her sizable breasts dwarfed Diana's big ones. "How about this, you like this?"

Diana fired back against Kara's thrusts by grinding her cunt against them. Both pussies rubbed together with sparks essentially rising from the area between the legs of both vixens.

"She likes it," the kryptonian said. He held onto Donna's hips and reared back. The kryptonian plunged harder into young amazon princess's center. The nympho's cunt kept getting slammed harder. "Not as much as her sister likes this."

"Oh, you mean she likes being used as a cock sleeve?" Kara asked, forcing Diana's lips around her juicy hot nipple. "Suck it, Diana, you know you want my tit in your mouth. Make me scream!"

Diana bit down onto Kara's nipple and sucked it hard. Kara responded by further shoving Diana back into her chest. A sultrly moan came up from behind the throat.

The moan fueled the kryptonian into hammering Donna's tight pussy. The dark-haired young amazon responded with moans of her own. Each thrust brought Donna further to the edge, the kryptonian could feel it.

"Cum until you can't cum any more." the kryptonian, Donna's body obeyed her husband's command. The girl's piping hot cunt squeezed down onto the Kryptonian's manhood and wrapped a velvety vice around it. The fluids flowed deep around his thick cock.

"cum like a whore on my baby cousin cock, i know you want ." Kara moanamed. Donna's body stretched out on his cock. A pleasurable heat spread over her body with a further orgasm. Superman plowed his wife wet walls from behind. Another huge thrust pushed inside her body. The seed building in his balls was about to hit Diana at a tremendous peak.

The kryptonian gave one more thick thrust and bottomed out in Donna. Another large burst of cum fired into her. The thick cream coated Donna's inside and filled her completely out.

Both lovers rode out the orgasm, they continued their dance rest of the day.