Ancient heroes

Team 8 was patrolling the border of the Land of Fire. Even though Pain's attack on the village was repelled, the Konoha shinobi had to maintain a strong presence on its borders to show no signs of weakness.

The team found a strange group on horseback, all three of them wearing strange capes and hoods of different colors and patterns, all looking incredibly expensive.

Galadriel: Children, why are you following us from the shadows?

A woman in a beautifully designed white cape and hood spoke up for them to hear. The shinobi were shocked to say the least, they were one of the best stalking teams the leaf village had to offer, how did this woman feel about them? They landed in front of the travelers in their combat positions.

Shino: Who are you and why are you in the Land of Fire?

One of the hooded figures, this one black with silver designs, turned to face another, this one with a sleek gray cape and hood. The voice was masculine, soft, elegant, but at the same time full of authority, power and wisdom. The other nodded then looked at the three teenagers.

Elrond: Why do three children of men already have years of combat experience?

This voice also had an air of elegance and strength, but it was much older and had even greater wisdom than them.

<>? What did he mean by that, and don't they know Shinobi?

Hinata: We are Shinobi from the Hidden Village of Konoha, and you are approaching our homeland, identify yourself!

It was then that the leader of the group lowered his white hood revealing an old man with white hair and a beard.

Gandalf: I'm sorry if we intrigue you my dear children, my name is Gandalf, they are my two companions, we are actually trying to get to your village, but we don't know this land and would need help.

The name sounded so familiar, where had they heard that name before…?

Kiba: Are you seeking our village's help in a Gandalf-san case?

Gandalf: Actually, we were hoping to help you, if you let us.

This confused Team 8 but they let their guard down nonetheless.

Shino: We'll have to take you to the Hokage, our village leader, to make that decision, but if what you're saying is true, I doubt she'd turn you down.

Gandalf: Thank you for your courtesy my children.

The old man smiled kindly, and, unlike another white-haired old man, didn't wear any lustful looks in his eyes, more like those of a kind and loving grandfather. Needless to say, it helped the three youngsters relax and even smile as they escorted the group, explaining and teaching them about their culture and society, without giving away too much information of course.

noon the next day

When they reached the walls of Konoha, the travelers were only too grateful to be at their destination. Apparently it had been a long time since they had been in a comfortable bed, and the three Shinobi could understand, they had actually been on a mission for several weeks.

On the way to the Hokage Tower, they encountered the other teams reporting back from missions who decided to follow as they had to report to the Hokage anyway.

When they finally reached the Hokage's office and stood in front of Shizune, Tsunade's first apprentice, she looked up and smiled.

Shizune: Hinata, Shino, Kiba! How is your mission going? I hope you weren't injured during the reconnaissance of the border.

Shino: There was nothing special during the border protection, but we found a group of travelers. They wish to speak to the Hokage to help our village somehow, we agreed to at least bring them here.

Gandalf: Hello, miss, I promise you that the information we have to pass on to your Hokage is very important.

Shizune: Oh, well, she'll at least appreciate a break from the paperwork, please wait a moment.

Shizune got up and opened the door. Past the door was a large room with seating for several and two desks, one to the side was paperwork and the second which was placed directly across the room from the door. It was in the paperwork office that you could see the top of a blond head. Sakura was helping him fill out the paperwork.

Shizune: Excuse me, Lady Tsunade?

Tsunade: Yes Shizune, what is it?

Shizune: I have people who want to talk to you.

She let Team 8 and the three travelers enter.

Tsunade in a welcoming yet professional manner: Ah, welcome to Konoha. What can I do for you?

Gandalf smiles: Thank you for your welcome, fair lady. It is actually us who wish to be of assistance to you, my name is Gandalf the White, also known as Mithrandir. And these are my companions, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel.

Both took off their hoods respectively, seeing the company woman, all the men in the room, including Shino, had to grab their noses violently so as not to be blown away by a nosebleed. The woman was absolutely gorgeous, and she looked almost angelic around her.

Tsunade: If you don't mind me saying, you all have strange names compared to our country, but at the same time they sound so…

Her eyes widened before muttering "Impossible..."

Shizune: Lady Tsunade, what's wrong?

The other Shinobi in the room were also puzzled, but the heroes of ancient times all had smiles on their faces.

Tsunade: Shizune…when you were a kid, do you remember the stories I used to tell you? The Legends of the First Ages?

Shizune: Yes, the tales of the First, Second, and Third Ages, the tales of Sauron and…One…Ring"

It was his turn for his eyes to widen. The others still didn't get it.

Sakura: Yeah, we've all heard the stories, our families have told us all, what's your point?

Hinata: Indeed, the War of the Ring was truly an intense story, the story of how a small being known as the Hobbit destroyed the One Ring, ending the Dark Lord Sauron!

Kiba: Hm, so what's your point? I don't see how a fairy tale can bother you Lady Hokage.

Tsunade: Use your head Kiba! What were the names of the White Council!?

About five seconds of silence passed, before everyone's eyes widened completely, looking at the three of them.

Another five seconds before the whole village hears, "WWWWHHHAAAATTTTT!?"


Tsunade rubbing her temples: So let me clarify… You are the heroes of the War of the Ring, which means it was all true, elves, dwarves and wizards. All of them exist and have lived in the Undying Lands and Timeless Halls across the Western Ocean, am I right so far?

Every Shinobi was completely shocked, confused and amazed simultaneously, not only did they discover the legends they lived with as children, long before the Six Paths Sage, before the power of chakra, they were all TRUE, and before them were some of the greatest heroes the world has ever produced. They were really impressed.

Elrond: You're right Lady Tsunade, everything we said is true, and I'm sure we don't need to create any more evidence, do we?

Tsunade nodded, it was then Gandalf who spoke, his grandfather position gone and taking that of someone with a dire situation on their hands.

Gandalf: Now to find out why we're here, I'm sure you've known since we've been around, the Enemy too.

Tsunade nodded, her face showing one of worry but also as if she was preparing for the worst…and rightly so.

Tsunade: Are you talking about Sauron?

To which Gandalf nodded.

Tsunade: But according to legends, Frodo destroyed the Ring and destroyed Sauron. Additionally, all of his generals and lieutenants were also killed.

Elrond: It is true that the enemy was destroyed, however, Aragorn had the wisdom to ask me if we might have missed something or someone… the result was truly terrifying.

At this point, everyone was on the edge of their seat, partly out of anticipation, partly out of fear,

Elrond: Do you remember the name Celebrimbor?

The group all think for a moment.

Sakura: Wasn't he the Master Blacksmith who created the Rings of Power?

Elrond: Indeed, it was certainly a historic moment…and not for the right reasons, he and all of us were tricked by the disguised form of the Dark Lord who created the rings in order to have the strength and the will to rule . But he tricked us, using the knowledge he learned in the skills of all master smiths of all races and creeds, and used them to make a Master Ring, making him Lord of the Rings.

Hinata: But it was destroyed, right?

The group held their breath for fear of being wrong.

Gandalf: Indeed he has been defeated, although he has managed to escape his judgment, his spirit can no longer interfere in this world. But the Wraith who was Celebrimbor survived...and in the short time he was in contact with the One, he became corrupt and unclean. Much like Sauron, but as a Bright Lord, his burning pride will consume everything he comes in contact with. In truth, he would become worse than Sauron could ever be.

At that, the whole group paled, they all knew the stories of the Dark Lord…but a Lord who claimed to be Bright but was worse was terrifying.

Tsunade: And he's ever made efforts to control the world?

Gandalf: Indeed, he learned well from the defeats he suffered from Sauron, he has the power to penetrate the minds of others, forcing them to do things they wouldn't even remember. It doesn't matter when they are marked either, from then on they can be forced to do whatever he wants. In some cases it's by twisting their minds, but there are other times when he can force someone to kill their own friend, and they'll never remember.

Sakura was troubled by this truth. Maybe it was because of the Bright Lord that Sasuke betrayed his companions? Her mind was in terrible conflict when she suddenly heard a foreign voice in her mind, calm and gentle. She was from the elven queen Galadriel.

Galdriel: Ease your mind child, I can sense a lot of trouble in your mind.

Sakura's eyes shifted to the woman who continued to say soothing things…with her mind!

Galadriel: Whatever torments you have on your mind, leave your mind alone for now, I'll help you when we can talk privately later.

She didn't know why, but Sakura wanted to trust her.

Elrond: Celebrimbor spent a lot of time around Sauron when he was disguised as Annatar. The two worked well together and got along until Celebrimbor betrayed him and quietly gave the three rings to the elves.

The group pales upon hearing the name Annatar.

Tsunade muttered: Impossible...

His eyes widened in fear, but before anyone could respond, they all heard several things, a loud scream, followed by loud noises which were then followed by several screams.