Creator vs creation

Sensing Najenda's life in danger, Susanoo charged on the Ash Phoenix, brandishing Wolf Fang Mace. His opponent smiles fully upon seeing the leader of the Night Raid being pierced by the poisoned arrow. A flash of light appeared in Anárion's right hand from which emerged a flaming bastard sword. With one hand wielding his sword, Anárion easily deflected the attacks of the being he had created.

The attention of the Imperial General being diverted, Akame and Leone looked for the sniper but seeing an archer leaving the colosseum thanks to two giant bats, they knew that the risk of another attack was low. Leone rushed over to Najenda, who had fallen to the ground and checked her condition, while Akame watched the area.

Leone: Boss are you okay?

Najenda: ARGHH !!! Do I look fine? Stop asking stupid questions and take that arrow off me!

Leone gripped the point of the arrow, but when her hand touched the poisoned liquid, she felt her hand burn. Looking at her hand, she saw that she had suffered a second degree burn. Fortunately, his Teigu could heal this kind of injury, but fear and worry pervaded the assassin. If the poison caused this reaction in his hand what did it cause in the internal organs of the leader of the Night Raid?

Najenda: What the hell! What are you waiting for to remove it!

Leone: The arrow in your chest is poisoned, if I remove it the poison will kill you in seconds, but if I leave it you will die in minutes. I don't have the medical skills to save you from such a corrosive poison.

Najenda didn't say anything for a few seconds, absorbing the information about her condition. Leone and Akame said nothing, leaving their leader to make up his mind.

Najenda: Leone, Akame, I will give you one last order as the leader of the Night Raid. I'll use whatever life energy I have left and give it to Susanoo, hopefully he can kill the old monster or at least injure it. During this time, you absolutely must leave the arena and join the rest of the team at the base.

The two assassins felt various emotions ranging from anger to sadness at the bad situation and last orders from their leader. Leone smiled bitterly while restraining the sadness she felt. While locks of Akame's hair had fallen in front of her eyes which made it impossible to see them yet it is obvious that she gave off an aura of depression and self-hatred because of her inability to help her comrade

Akame said reluctantly: do you want us to abandon you? Are you asking us to run away like cowards?

Suddenly a shock wave from the clash between the two adversaries reached the small group, luckily it had little effect on them. However, it showed that the situation was becoming more and more pressing.

Najenda: No I don't want you to run away, I want you to go and fight another day. Either way, I have no chance of making it out alive, make sure my sacrifice and Susanoo's are used for something.

Although reluctant, the two assassins agreed to obey their leader's order one last time.

During the farewells between the members of the night raid Anárion and Susanoo led a completely unbalanced fight. Indeed, the Ash phoenix put no real effort in the fight against the man with the blue hair.However, this fight amused him all the same, since it was the first time that one of these creations developed his own personality and his own desires without his intervention.

The reason the Imperial General won so easily is because he knows all of Susanoo's abilities and attack patterns. It would be a shame for a blacksmith of divine caliber to ignore the strengths and weaknesses of his own creation.

Najenda: Magatama Manifestation.

Suddenly a yellow light covered Susanoo's body. The Dark Lord grew more and more amused by the use of Susanoo's ultimate ability. The two remaining members of the Night Raid had already fled and their leader's body was withering from the use of the last drops of life energy that was left to her, doom her to death.

Anárion: it is indeed my creation ... no my son. Show me the power of emotions that bind you to your companions and your will to win.

This time, just this time to hell with plans and conspiracies. Sauron was going to have fun facing an enemy who would put everything he had on the line to destroy him although he knew it was pointless to oppose the Dark Lord.

Susanoo absorbs his user's life energy into the magatama on his chest to access a more powerful, armored form. While under the effects of Magatama Manifestation, his hair whitens, his horns turn black, and a disk appears on his back. The Ash Phoenix sensed that Susanoo was even using the life energy in his core to increase his power, somehow this would be the blue haired man's last fight.

The Imperial General summoned a large quantity of flaming spears again with magic circles, but this time the spears appeared all around Susanoo.

Susanoo used Yato no Kagami for protection, unfortunately the range of the mirror was too limited to resist all the spears. Numerous projectiles pierced biological Teigu, but until its core is destroyed it will continue to regenerate.

Anárion: No matter what you do my son, you can't win against me. Your potential is way too limited that's why I abandoned you and considered you a failure

Susanoo ignored his creator's words and the pain he was feeling from his injuries, he had only one goal in mind to cause as much damage as possible to his opponent. A very large sword appeared in the hands of the biological Teigu and he charged his opponent.

Susanoo: Ame no Murakumo

Anárion whispered: Since you are ready to sacrifice your existence, I will show you the respect I have for your act.

The Dark Lord channeled all the power he had left to make one last attack at the cost of losing his physical form, anyway he would have lost his physical form within a week from lack of energy.

As the longsword was about to strike its target, a large amount of heat released from it, the Imperial General's body began to turn to ash. It wasn't just him, the sword, the field, the arena and eventually Susanoo himself are transformed and vanished into ashes. Soon nothing remained of the arena except a cloud of ash resembling a gray bird with outstretched wings. The Ash phoenix had shown the people of the Empire one last time why he bore his nickname.