The release of the first seal


Akeno walked bravely… or stupidly, some might say, as she made her way to the dark crypt after weeks of walking. She hadn't seen anything unusual except the darkest weather she had ever seen. Lightning crashed into the sky, making it totally unexpected from the danger that awaited she.

Sauron was no fool, one of the smartest people ever. Able to understand the techniques and abilities of others just by looking at them, and recreate them in many ways. The Dark Lord had made his new rings with care. Each given to the jinchuriki did what they promised, but there was something else no one knew.

The Rings of Power sent the power that was not part of the Gedo statue to Morningstar Valley. The Dark Lord was focused on the return of his darkest and deadliest warriors: the Nazguls. Of course, they were known as different beings now… the Nine-Tailed Beasts!

Each of them lived reincarnated as their human forms while the beasts were their power and their memories locked, although the Ninth, while existing, had no way of returning to its true form. A dark ritual was needed to bring him back. The blood of the Eight Old and the Eight New Companions must flow for the greatest of the Nine to truly return… and he knew exactly who would be needed to make that happen.

The Dark Lord has been letting dreams slip through the Thunder Priestess's mind for years, prompting her to be ambitious, aggressive, and relentless. If anyone was talking about her they would say that she was the perfect example to be the Queen of Heiress Gremory. If they knew who really made her what she was.

Despite her strength, Sauron knew she was not powerful enough to outsmart the tomb guards. For several weeks, Sauron has been preparing a diversion that will give the Priestess of Thunder the opportunity to accomplish her will.

A few miles from Morningstar Valley

Pov Garbog

The master is back. He showed me glorious visions where I led the Orc armies to victory. At his will, I united the last orc clans living in the Underworld. These despicable Devils virtually wiped out our race, so my army numbered no more than a few hundred orcs. But the master is a generous person, seeing the weakness of his faithful servants, he pointed out to me the location of a Valley where the Devils keep a powerful magical object that could grant me immense power.

I will build a new era where the orcs rule and all other races must serve us. For the Dark Lord!

Morningstar Valley a few minutes later

Entering the valley, the young woman hid behind a rock and observed her surroundings. To her amazement, what was considered a forbidden place had become a battlefield. An army of orc was fighting against the local garrison. Although there were only a hundred Devils, their superiority was not in doubt. Unlike orcs all devils could fly thanks to their wings and had a greater or lesser amount of mana. Because of these natural advantages, they had lost only a few reckless soldiers when half of the opposing army had already succumbed. At the deepest end of the Valley was an ancient crypt.

Sauron had known that the orcs didn't stand a chance from the start, yet he had no remorse in sacrificing them, if it enabled him to achieve his goal. Although they were faithful, their thirst for blood and flesh blinded them far too often. His new army of Uruk will prove to be of much greater use.

Seeing that this opportunity will not last long, Akeno discreetly moved towards the crypt, using the natural environment as cover. It only took a few minutes for the young woman to reach the old doors. As she put his hand on the door, the old runes engraved on it suddenly lit up. Akeno felt his mana drain and fill up several times in a row with great speed and his eyes glowed bright yellow. The mark of an eye appeared on the girl's forehead.

The already dark sky suddenly exploded. Lightning buzzed through the clouds causing sounds similar to the end time drums. All the individuals present in the valley stopped their confrontation, believing that the sky was going to fall on their heads.

Akeno unconsciously raised his right arm to the sky. Lightning was drawn to her mana transforming the Thunder Priestess into something goddess-like. The two factions suddenly took into account the existence of the intruder. Before they could even react, a chain of lightning rushed towards them, crossing the chests of all the fighters. Within seconds there was only one soul alive in this place. The person responsible for this event unconsciously fell to the ground.

[(2) Nazgûl Theme - The Revelation Of the Ringwraiths / Give Up The Halfling HQ - YouTube]

Akeno woke up a few minutes later. Although it was only temporary, the power that flowed through her body only made the young woman more aroused and greedy for power. Her determination renewed, the Thunder Priestess opened the doors of the ancient tomb and stepped into those dark corridors. As she advanced, torches ignited at her approach as if they were guiding her to her destiny. A voice she had known from childhood whispered in her ear in a dialect she had never heard before, yet she could understand what she was saying.

???: Shre nazg golugranu kilmi-nudu. (Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky.)

On the walls, she saw enormous drawings. They demonstrated black warriors clad in balaclavas and armor, leading vast armies and inspiring fear in the hearts of their enemies. However, one stands out above the nine.

A warrior dressed in a crowned helmet and terrifying armor suitable for a dark king. The images showed him slaughtering kingdoms, warriors slain by his blade and dark magic, by his side were eight other individuals, each with different characters, they rained down ruin on their enemies but no more than the King of the darkness. The woman was in shock at what she saw in the drawings. The Nine were then trapped in a tomb, which descended into the very pits of Hell, those who placed them there hoped that none of them would ever see the sunlight again.

Akeno thought: These warriors must have been terrifying, no wonder the Maous forbid entering this crypt.

???: Ombi kuzd-durbagu gundum-ishi. (Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone.)

Akeno was getting more and more excited, if she could gain even an ounce of their power, she was confident of victory against her father, the man who had abandoned her and left her mother to die.

Finally, she reached the burial chamber and saw eight tombs scattered in a circle and a ninth positioned in the center of the circle. Around them were eight statues of hooded beings with swords stabbed into the ground. They had dark carvings everywhere, each imbued with an ancient power that seemed to seal the graves, although something in the central grave looked worse than the others. Akeno noticed, however, that the power had long passed, cracks in the tombs proving it.

???: Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu. (Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die)

The Thunder Priestess approached the central tomb, examining the smallest detail that would allow her to find out what to do. After a while, she found a rune drawn on the grave. Taking inspiration from what happened earlier, Akeno injected his mana into the engraving.

In the Akatsuki's hidden room

Something was wrong with the statue of Gedo! He was shaking and screaming, his eyes were bleeding and he was hunched over where his face was twelve feet from the ground. The whole base shook as the Akatsuki tried to see what was going on.

Kisame: What the hell is going on

Obito: I don't know! It does not respond to my Rinnegan!

Obito cried out in shock and anger. He was using his jutsu with such intensity that his eye was bleeding. However, it was then that he heard eight voices coming out of the statue.

???: Do you think you can order us !?

Hearing them, Tobi's blood froze. He recognized the type of voice he was hearing. After all, he was the current host of a former elven lord.

Nazguls: You may have linked us, but we only respond to The One!

At that instant, he saw eight puddles of blood land on the ground, the eight open eyes became half closed. From the blood rose eight characters that Tobi knew he and the others had to flee from. What made his blood freeze was the fact that each of the eight beings possessed the faces of the Jinhcurikii from which they had been torn. At the same time, all these Jinchurikii had disappeared across their village.

Celebrimbor: The Nazguls! Flee Obito! You are not up to them!

Obito was too scared to react however when the Nazguls materialized, they suddenly let out their shrill screams and the lights went out. By the time anyone could see again, the Nazguls were gone, the only light was the entrance to the cave the eight had just broken through to leave.

Kisame: Where are they going !? What were they and what did they mean by The One?

Tobi was looking at the entrance with a glassy gaze.

Obito: They are the harbinger of Death, if they accomplish their mission, then this world will fall into terrible darkness.

Celebrimbor yelled: Middle-earth will bow to me, not a few slaves of a dead master!

Back in the crypt

Akeno was terrified but elated to see what was happening as her efforts had finally paid off. Eight ghostly figures in strange armor and cloak that looked ancient and deadly appeared before her. One of them approached her, he was wearing an ancient Easterling armor, a people that existed in days of old.

Nazgul: You freed us, Herald of the Dark Lord.

Akeno: What do you mean Dark Lord? Do you mean the one from the cage that was in my dreams? "

They all nodded. Nazgul: He chose you to set us free, and since you did, your desire will be satisfied.

Akeno: Who are you

Nazgul: We are the Nazguls. In the absence of our brother, I lead our group, I am Khamul.

Akeno: Alright, so what do we do next?

Khamul: Our king must return, a blood sacrifice is required for his return.