
Essentially, I need that shield if we are going to beat this juggernaut. My stats may be good enough to block Belvath's attacks but this starter shield won't last a single hit. We also have to consider that Shobe and I are low levels compared to Arcana, Brice, and Daera. As far as I know, Shobe was only lvl.20 thanks to his battle with Daera earlier. Since I am the only one with the highest survivability, I need to get that shield and stay on the frontlines. This will allow them to carry out their attacks without interruption.

"Guys!" I said. "I need a new shield! Buy me some time while I create it!"

Arcana and Daera smiled. They readied their battle stances and looked to be excited at the prospect of a challenge. Titan took on his full, 20-foot form since the Juggernaut was around 15 feet tall. Shobe's right eye began to glow as he readied his support and offensive magic. I was...buying a shield. I felt left out but I also didn't want to die so I began the process of customizing the shield. By this time, the juggernaut was around 8 feet in front of my companions. I did a quick prayer and began the process...

"Arcana, Titan!", Daera said. "I'll provide artillery support! Make a weakness for Failnaught! Shobe! Provide regeneration and support to those two! He may be slow but he hits hard!"

I never realized Daera was a leader like that. She sounded like an experienced war general. Her personality shifts are also interesting. She went from carefree to serious in no time at all. I wonder which one was her real personality?

Arcana began to fly towards the juggernaut, her draconic blades glowing as red as blood itself. Despite her normal-looking frame, she had immense strength inside of her. I didn't know if this was normal for other dragons but she was definitely a force to be reckoned with. She began to fly around the juggernaut at what seemed to be the speed of light. While doing so, she inflicted a variety of cuts along its body. However, the juggernaut began his rapid regeneration process.

"Shit!", Arcana said. "He has regeneration? Just what the hell did Belvath leave us?"

There was also another problem. Despite the Juggernaut's movement being slow, his attacks were fast. Fast enough to catch Arcana off guard.

"Arcana! Look out—"

It was too late. Arcana was struck by the juggernauts sledgehammer. She was sent flying into a tree but luckily shook it off.

"Arcana!", I said. "Are you ok?!"

She got up and cracked her neck. She started to do some quick stretches before walking back towards Daera. It was clear that she was focused.

"Ok, Daera", she said. "I may be a Dragon Queen but I know when to ask for help. Let bygones be bygones?"

Arcana put out her hand. Daera grabbed it, smiling at her new friend.

"So, you have finally stopped be an arrogant Queen eh?"

"Oi. Don't push your luck. This is just to buy Brice time."

"This is why Brice likes me better anyway."

"Are you really going to bring that up now!"

Arcana's face was red but she was smiling. I guess they finally became friends. It took them long enough. If I'm being honest, I don't think it'll last long but at least they accepted that they can work together. I relayed telepathically that I only needed an additional minute or two, as I was finishing up the build of my evolving shield.

For 5,000 points, you would expect the shield to be special in some type of way. You are correct. The shield could adapt to the current hero's level as well as stats. It favored the Strength and Endurance stats so that was a bonus for a Paladin like myself. I decided to call it "Dawnbreaker" since it sounded nice. The UI gave me the ability to switch between only two different types of shields from a complete list of 30. The shield could never be broken and it had special properties attached to it. For example, when you are in danger, it will try to protect you autonomously. If I didn't notice an arrow was coming from behind, it would auto-deploy a phantom shield behind me before disappearing. The physical shield also didn't weigh much so I could carry it around as much as I liked. The problem was that it was so custom that it took time to process and materialize. The options I chose were a light shield and a great shield but they were both strong enough to survive a few hits from the juggernaut. More specifically, to negate the impact of the juggernaut's hits.

I decided to join the battle while the shield was being made in my inventory. Even if I didn't have a shield, I had my offensive and defensive magic! I decided to fight without autopilot since I felt I relied on it too much. If I'm really going to take back my peace and quiet, I need to do it with my own hands!

My true strength as a paladin is only shown when I'm without a shield...