The Drunken Horn

For the sake of time, I won't be specific but I was able to sell everything to the guild. Slime Jelly, Minotaur horns, Demon blood, Horned Rabbit fur, etc. was sold to Caeda as I helped her put it in the guild's storage. In total, I was now 250,000 Engis richer thanks to the troops and creatures that we killed so far. Of course, I made sure to give each member their 50,000 Engis cut since it was a team effort. Since Titan couldn't use the money by himself, I pocketed 100,000 so I could help him spend his share. According to Central, he said that the dollar equivalent is 2:1 so 250,000 Engis was actually $500,000 USD on earth. Since the town was considered a non-profit Ameran research center, we didn't even have to pay any tax!

The guild didn't give us the money physically but they were able to put the Engis on our ID bracelets. For something that was "Too Complicated To Explain", it was pretty damn useful. The guild was funded by the Ameran Research Branch since MapleHorn was considered a research site. They shipped the Monster Components to Amera in exchange for profit/additional funding. I initially thought that the guild would be bankrupted by my "donation" but they were actually going to make serious money off of it! As I move towards Adamantium rank, I'll be able to sell the components closer to the retail price that Amera purchases it for! I guessed that the guild was more or less a Monster Component Wholesaler to Amera.

As we walked out of the guild, we noticed that it was getting late so we decided to head to the Bar & Grill called "The Drunken Horn". Daera said it was the best spot to go for good food and better tales! Apparently, the drinking age in Yggdrasil was only 18 so I decided to agree to her suggestion. It was a 5-minute walk from the guild so I decided to let Titan stretch his legs. For the most part, I've been carrying him for a few hours so I deemed it a good time to stretch his legs. As I put him down, he looked up at me with a smiling, hungry face. I guess he remembered my promise of a nice, big steak if he killed the juggernaut.

"Titan. You can have as many steaks as you want! As long as it doesn't break the bank ok?", I said, rubbing his head.

His tail began to wag as we walked towards the Drunken Horn. It was around 8 pm when we got to the front of the place, which had a drunk Bicorn as its mascot. The establishment was a decent size and very lively as we walked in. The floor layout was more or less what I expected: 20 medium tables, a place to get the beer, a kitchen, and a restroom for when you drink too much. When we walked in, the customers immediately recognized us.

"Hey! It's Daera! How are you doing?!"

"Look! It's the Paladin God that Arlette told us about! Think I can beat him in an Arm Wrestling Match?"

"Look! It's the girl with the sexy outfit! How are you doing!"

I guessed that no one knew who the Dragon Queen was but wow. This was pretty bad. To be known as the girl with the "Sexy Outfit" was nothing to laugh at.

"Hey, Arcana. Don't let it-"

Eh? She's gone? Wasn't she right next to me?

"So, you like to talk huh? Want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's Arm Wrestle! 500 Eris! Unless you think you can't beat a girl?" she said, seemingly teleporting over to the catcaller.

I decided to let Arcana be...well, Arcana. We got a seat at a table and saved a seat for her. I put Titan on my lap as he went to take a nap. I guess he only wanted to be awoken once the steak was prepared. We began to order our dinner, appetizers, and drinks from a cute server that was on duty. She wore regular Ameran clothes but had the attire that you would expect from a bartender. Her name was Syndra.

"Oi! Arcana! What do you want to eat!", Syndra shouted.

Arcana was too occupied with drinking and beating the guys in Arm Wrestling to give a response. Syndra decided to order the dish of the day and a glass of water for Arcana. She left for a few moments and brought back some juice and biscuits.

"Your food should be ready soon. Just enjoy the atmosphere Paladin Brice!", Syndra said smiling.

As she walked away, Daera nudged me in the stomach.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something? I brought us here so you could keep your promise to Titan!" she said, making a pouting face.

As she sat to my right, I rubbed her head while enjoying the sounds of the bar. I figured that it was like we were on a date in a sense. As I looked towards her, she seemed to have the same pleased expression that Titan usually has. I found it difficult to imagine that this was actually the Hunting Goddess making a face like that. Shobe was unable to drink since he was 16 but went to talk to some elves that he saw sitting a few tables away from us. It was a pretty relaxing time in the bar as we were finishing up a rather tiresome day. Arcana finally came back from making grown men cry and threw a bag of Engis on the table.

"That's how you make a name for yourself! Another 2,000 Engis for the Queen!", she said, arrogantly.

She may have been back to being arrogant but it was good to see her bright smile. I told her that she looked better when she smiled and she blushed at me. Daera nudged me a little harder in the stomach this time. Shobe came back from talking with the researcher elves and was happy to say that they found Shobe as an "interesting specimen". As we laughed at that statement, Syndra finally brought the food!

Titan could smell the premium steak that I ordered and began wagging his tail in my face. I had to place him on the ground, where Syndra placed the 5 steaks that I ordered for him. Shobe ordered a mixture of vegetables and meat while Arcana and Daera had a meat-heavy dinner. I only ordered two steaks compared to Titan's 5 but they were 40 oz. steaks anyway.

As we finally sat down to eat our dinner, we began to enjoy the Drunken Horn to the fullest...