The Gathering III

Zhu Wuxin touched the side of her cheek, which has suffered a tight slap.

The next moment, she mercilessly backhanded that person, returning the slap back to her.

Seriously, why is it the people in this period like to slap people in the face so much! Especially this person in front of her, slapping people the moment we met. Who the hell she think she is!

That person in front of her obviously didn't expect Zhu Wuxin would hit her, she was stunned for quite a while before start shrieking, "You dare to hit me!"

"Princess, are you okay?"

Zhu Jixiang saw that the Princess was slapped, immediately rushing over and loudly scolded Zhu Wuxin, "A worthless thing who doesn't value its own life, you even dare to hit Princess Ning An! Servants, come and drag her out for me!"

"You dare?"

"Hold on!"

Both Wuxin and Ning An spoke at the same time.

"You hit me today, I won't let you off that easily!" roared Ning An.

Meanwhile, in a small pavilion a distance away across the stream, an eunuch asked in a small voice to the person before the small coffee table, "Ninth Prince, do you want to go take a look?"

The Ninth Prince, Ning Lianxia leisurely put back the fan in his hand, waved his hand to dismiss the notion saying, "This temper of Ning An can't cause any big deal."

"Yes." The eunuch retreated outside.

Ever since the Matchmaking Gathering started, Lianxia has already noticed Zhu Wuxin who was sitting beside the stream, eating non-stop. From the distance, it's obvious that the things she ate were all the usual food he has been eating to the point of getting sick of it. But he doesn't understand why, she eat it like it's extremely delicious, making him want to go over and get a taste. It seems to her, that eating is much more important than searching for a man to marry.

Furthermore, her expression of being happy and content, raising her head lazily and basking in the sun, is just like a painting of tall trees with bright, clear sky. She is the person who brings out the essence of the painting. From the moment he saw her, his gaze has never left her. At first, he was wondering if she is a Miss from any House. Just that when he saw her attire of rough material clothing, totally showing lack of elegance, he dismissed his thought. But then, there were slightly air of elegance emitting from her body, and she doesn't seem to be like a common maidservants.

Who is she actually?

All kinds of guesses are making Lianxia very curious.

Not to mention she even hit Princess Ning An. It was known that Ning An is famous in the entire Capital for being arrogant and tyrannical, there were less than a few of people who were not afraid of her. That being said, this girl dared to give her a slap. So he decided to take a look how would she deal with this matter.

Looking at her, she seemed to be an interesting girl.