
The eternal clock of time ticks and time passes by once more. To this being, it remained to do all it knew, it remained to devour. Within this creature something changed, deep within, a small flame lit, hidden from the world something from a past long ago awakened, and within this creature, a flame compromised of chaos itself sat absorbing all of what this creature monstrous devoured.

But then one day it just stopped, move it did no more, and all actions towards devouring ceased. Around this creature sitting at the island's edge a graveyard.

The source of food from which this creature depended on had run out, and so sitting at the island's edge it sat frozen. This creature was scared, it didn't quite know why it was scared, but what this being felt, fear indeed this was it.

It only knew one thing, no... That's wrong, it knew nothing, but somewhere deep within something fueled him, it called him, it told him to devour, it told him to destroy everything, it told him to devour the universe, it called him to the ocean below, it called him to hunt in that ocean far below.

Fear. As much as it wanted to move on, and no matter how much its stomach roared, no matter how much pain it felt, sitting frozen in place on the edge of the island it remained scared.

Something told it deep down this was its only chance, to remain nothing or to hunt and grow, standing up this being, although terrified chose the latter, it was sick of it, it was sick of running away, and so fighting the ocean head on this being dove into a sea chaotic.

Unbeknowed however, this being it changed as time passed, from the mass of organs and blood it was born. From this mass, blood vessels grew, veins grew to hold and transfer blood, bones began to develop creating a skeleton, and this being of terror began to take form.

Growing flesh and skin this being, grew near completion, but most importantly as time passed this being new gained the process of thought, sentient it had evolved into something new, taking form as a being complete.

Standing on the very one of its world a monster no longer, he smiled for what stood their now. What stood there now in this monster's place was a young man, a young man that could command the battle of war with just his looks. A man so handsome he'd be considered demonic.

Of this world he didn't know anything, but he didn't need to. For, this thing called change he didn't need it, in fact he disregarded it completely. Happy just the way he was, he cared not of a world further, but in life nothing remains happiness in life everlasting it was not.

Forcefully his horizon was expanded, searching this boy needed to explore a world new, he needed to learn to hunt, he needed to be able to feed himself, he needed to understand the meaning of survival itself, he needed to understand just what it would take to survive in these seas chaotic.

The ocean, a place inviolable, a place sacred yet unkept, a place of terrors and sacrifice. But here a being unknowing of everything, unknowing of this place that none had set foot in for years countless, and for this being to enter such a place without the knowledge of anything, he was first.

To all beings of the past, to anyone that dared enter the ocean's treacherous grasp, each a being beyond recognition, a being that transcended mortality transforming into something extraordinary, however even to these beings at the peak of existence upon entering the ocean disappeared as a whole, their name and body never to appear again they perish cracking away into nothingness as a mere fragment in the memory of time.




Diving into an ocean cold, a devilish young man, with the eyes of a dragon, and hair as white as the coldest winter morning.




Entering submergence, this devil enters a world forbidden yet revered, diving further and further, his eyes close poisoned by the wicked seas salty harvest, for each moment submerged new things appear unbeknownst to him. Plummeting further and further down, something happens, this devilish young boy reaches the ocean's bed, hovering with no change, his eyes open wide.

In his world dull, his eyes open to a world new, a world beautiful, truly what he saw was a Heaven on Sol. For around him that sky he saw above for his entire life the very sky that he revered dear, had changed, within its contrast of complete darkness and specs of light came an aurora of color to paint his world new and although his eyes burnt for such a sight he cared not disregarding his pain he just stared.

A mere illusion however, what he saw on this late-night was not the stars he held dear, but the jewels of the ocean. What he saw were the very beings that lived in this world demonic.

But to such an illusion, encompassed in the devilish beauty of the sea, he looked at each of these sparkling lights closely, from the coral that stretched out millions of meters, to the sparkling fish above, to the crustaceans below, and to all the over jewels this ocean held.

A profound new outlook on life, new unforeseen colors added to his world empty, thinking although his words were incomprehensible, one could tell, what he thought. To this world new he wished to stay forever, however, nothing permanent, his oxygen ran low, appreciating this world new to him it had to wait, for now, he had to make a move, he needed to hunt.

Devilish and with the body of a God, but this boy knew not of strength. To this fish and crustaceans stretching hundreds of meters. Thinking to himself, he knew they were out of his reach, and while within something called him towards them, he couldn't bring up the courage, he didn't dare attack something of such size.

He knew not of everything, but power in size he understood, around him every single entity was out of his reach. At the very bottom of the food chain, a scavenger he was forced, no... A scavenger he must become for survival.

To swim he understood not, however, he was persistent, wriggling, wailing his arms, and kicking back and forth, he learned. In mere moments his outlook changed no longer looking to the bright array of lights above, soon enough this boy swam around at the ocean's bed and with his eyes ever moving, they searched the oceans floor for anything that could be deemed sustenance, they searched for anything he could scavenge.

Harsh yet revered, the ocean. In each moment tens of thousands are born, and with each second that passed thousands retire to their death.

Far above, there he saw something, in his mind what he saw was a large mucusy black creature being conspired against by 9 large rocks. This being it was encircled from top to bottom, completely surrounded they ripped and tore at the flesh of this creature, watching closely he saw something.

There floating down the remnants of this meal wasted a small bit of flesh from no bigger than 1 meter slowly glided merely tens of meters above the seas bed.

His oxygen levels reaching an extreme low he began to feel light-headed, his time-limited, and acting quickly he jumped from the sea bed launching himself at this bit of flesh grasping it tightly a slimy mucus wrapped around his hand scaring him, but unwilling to give up his food, grasping it tightly he swam up past a plethora of fish.

Resurfacing sudden dizziness overcame him, a strange feeling of which he had never correlated with before, however by this feeling he was scared, his situation was dire he knew it, he knew if he didn't get back to his home he'd die.

Compression sickness, due to his rapid ascent nitrogen bubbles had formed within his body, and this mixed with this being having never slept once, unknowing of the godly embrace they call sleep, and as such, moving to fast through different levels of pressure, he felt the rebound as this new forthcoming pressure crashed down on him.

His head throbbing, he bit down, an immense pain greater and greater with each imminent second, a pain so great it was as if his head was being continuously crushed over and over again.

With his head throbbing his ears didn't forget to bring forth the pain, and so following an eerie ringing continuously rang out. His vision fading, and his legs losing all movement, an odd tingle began to run across his arms... Overcome by a pain tremendous, a new profound sense of fear arose, scared he knew something needed to change, he needed to leave immediately.

He needed to return to the island, but with his legs not moving, upon this island of pain, to move with only his arms... Regardless, he climbed on without a care for his body, pulling himself up with his one free arm, this meal he could not forsake it, and so although doing so was a death sentence as the pain would almost triple he pushed on.

Although this pain was insufferable, and each movement of this young man was pure insanity, pushing on regardless of this self-torture, and although each of his movements was akin to self-destruction, as each time he moved one hundred cuts. His body emerged completely in blood he carried on to return home that that place he was born.

Brain and the body, two separate entities, but one of them holds true authority, the brain realizing its host was experiencing great pain. It understood something was being inflicted upon its host, the system going haywire and everything shutting down, his brain panicked shutting everything off.

The world goes black, and for the first time in eternity this, being sleeps.

Having fainted, losing all control of mind, he entered the realm of dreams, however, in the world real regardless of everything his body remained holding on strong, for years countless this body of his lived alone, to be controlled, to be ruled over by something new, it was angered. Revolting against its brain it held on remaining.

Although this creature now capable of thought was asleep, his body moved, continuing to climb and climb until it had reached the very center of the island, the place of its spawning, only there did it stop relinquishing itself to the realms of darkness, joining its other half in slumber.

Darkness engulfs all. But unforeseen by all, one exception stood, ignorance. Yes ignorance, and in this world from the very beginning newborns. Children have been born into this world pure, however, it was from their where their world pure was trampled, from what they were taught, their own parents corrupted them, destroying their world pure, relinquishing them to a world of evil, a world where demons reign king.

Ignorance overlooked by all, just how? Just how could a child every grow corrupt without knowledge of the world, in a world all alone without anyone to care for it? This creature however, an oddity isolated from a world corrupt, this creature raised itself, it fed itself, and everything it did remained pure. It remained as pure as the day of its emergence upon this world twisted.

Exceptions to even darkness, however, in this world nothing was perfect. To not learn of light one remains cursed to the day they day, eternally followed by the one they call death, misfortune falls upon those ignorant.

Deep in slumber, a dream. There high above in space, amongst the stars, this boy laid trapped, around him the seed of darkness. However outside of this egg, he would look, to cosmos beautiful, in his vision countless stars lit up the void, bringing light to all. The cycle of life, the stars bring light to the world and feasting off the cosmic rays, universes are born giving life to a world new, however as the cycle continues all is to cease, the stars grant life but the stars too taketh away.