Pressure Falling [2]

Even though I ran in all my haste I was totally late for school. And as if to finish me off, the teacher had to scold me in front of the whole class... It couldn't get any worse. Thanks to this I was in a bad mood throughout the whole day.

School ended.

And when I was about to go home, Keiko and the others gathered around my desk.

"Hey, Mai, are you going home?"


"Weren't we going to meet with yesterday's exchange guy?"


"Yes, let's meet him."

Don't joke around. I don't want to see that guy's face for a while.

"I'm going home." I made it clear to them that I won't go.

"Whyy? Mai... You've changed."

Even Michiru nods.

"What a weirdo you are. That guy's got a godlike coolness, don't you think so?"

No, I don't. They are too excited. I too, think he's got a pretty face, but that's all.

Recognizing me as a weirdo, Michiru says,

"Well, that's fine. The lesser rivals, the better."

"That's right. We'll be the only ones to enjoy his enchanting eyes."

Keiko is really happy.

"You really don't want to come?", Yuuri adds in mistrust.

"Are you sure? You were quite interested yesterday."

With these words Michiru smoothed down her uniform, having nothing more to say.

Keiko too gives up on me and changes the topic.

"But I was really surprised yesterday. The atmosphere was so tense wasn't it? I thought that ghosts had appeared for real."

"Me too."

"Today, we'll tell stories again."

"But where? We won't get in the right mood here. What about we borrow the A/V room again?"

You're really into it, aren't you?

"Yeah, it isn't dark enough here. The A/V room? The school's mixer room."

"That sounds okay."

...Just when they were talking about this...

"Wait a minute."

The voice we heard is that of our class rep, Kuroda Naoko-san.

Somehow, she always looks nervous. It's been half a month since I entered this school, but I still haven't even talked to her.

"Ah, Kuroda-san, good-bye." Yuuri turns to her with an innocent smile.

"It isn't goodbye. What were you talking about just now?"

Kuroda-san seems to be in a bad mood.

But we didn't insult you or anything.

Then I replied,

"We're going to tell ghost stories today. That's what we were talking about."

Keiko poked me.

I feel Kuroda-san's murderous intent.

What's with her?

At exactly that moment, Shibuya shows his face from the door.

"Is Taniyama-san here?"

Kuroda-san turns to his direction.

"What year are you? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, I had an arrangement with these girls..."

"Arrangement? About the ghost stories?"

"That's right...?"

Hearing Shibuya's answer, Kuroda-san turns at us without fail.

"Didn't I tell you to stop doing this?!"

...Ah? What's with this girl?

She angled her eyes.

"No wonder I've been having headaches since this morning."


I incline my head doubtfully. What is she talking about?

"Taniyama-san, I am sensitive to spirits. I have headaches when a lot of them gather. I am having headaches today. Spirits have definitely gathered here."


"Didn't you know? When you tell ghost stories spirits gather. These are mainly low-level spirits. But even if they are low-level ones, when a lot of them gather they attract stronger spirits. You will be in trouble if that happens."



"So you shouldn't think of telling ghost stories as 'fun'."

Then she turns to Shibuya.

"It would be quite troublesome if senpai did it too. I'd have to do an exorcism," Kuroda-san says that with a thoughtful expression.

Shibuya shrugs his shoulders.

"Isn't it just your imagination?"

"That's why people who can't sense spirits are annoying."

Her tone is persistently intense.

Shibuya looks at her with a strong intent.

"You, if you really can sense them then do you sense something from the old school building?"

"Old school building? Ah, it seems spirits of those who died during the war are gathering there." Kuroda-san says quickly.

"Died during the war...?"

"Right. I often see a man's shadow looking at me from the windows and it looks like a man from the war"

"Heeh, which war?"

"Of course, the World War II. During the war there was a hospital on that place. The spirits of the dead nurses can be seen there. It had been air-raided once. Therefore a lot of injured spirits can be seen too."


Shibuya says with a sarcastic smile.

"I didn't know this was a hospital during the war. I heard that this school was here since pre-war days. And before that there was a medical faculty, wasn't there?"

...A really hard personality...

Kuroda-san purses her lips. Then her face gets red.

"I woudn't know such a thing. Anyway, I've seen them. A person unable to sense them wouldn't understand."

Kuroda-san doesn't give up until the end.

"The school principal is bothered that the ex-building's demolition failed and was complaining. Are you here to exorcise it?"

" isn't so simple.We'll do it when possible."

"I see."

Shibuya responds coldly, and turns to us.

"Since here is no good, let's go elsewhere?"

"Still continuing with such a thing!"

Kuroda-san snaps at Shibuya with incredible force.

But Shibuya completely unconcerned comes to us making Keiko and the others restless again.


This extremely timid voice is Yuuri's.

"Let's put it off for today?"

"I agree...I'm not in the mood for it."

Keiko loses her enthusiasm too.

What's happening? No one is even looking at him, they will miss the chance for an intimate experience with their cool senpai.

But still Michiru says, "...Shibuya-senpai, sorry. After all..."

"I see."

Shibuya nods in assent.

"Then some other time."

Saying that, he raises his hand. Looking at the seemingly-pleased Kuroda-san he says,

"You are satisfied too, right?"

"...What are you talking about?"

"It's okay if you don't know. ――Taniyama-san, please."

Shibuya invites me.

Keiko and the others throw a surprised glance at me.

"What is it?"

"Do you have a spare minute?"

He says with a smile on his face. Keiko and company do not notice his negative expression. My back is being watched reproachfully while leaving the room.