Chapter 1


That was what's in his mind as Ban keep stealing. The place he lives in has terrible security. It could even be called lawless. The place has no name. It was located somewhere in Japan. But most Japanese people don't even know this place exist. The government has abandoned this place. In such place the 5 years old Ban has no choice but to survive on his own. Today as well he tries to steal some food.

He tries to find some food while there was a little girl dragging a dirty doll with one hand holding its arm.

"Ban-nii, Ban-nii, Ban-nii, Wait!" The little girl, Killia, called his brother to wait for her.

"Don't follow me, I have work to do!" Ban doesn't wait for Killia and told her to not follow him.

Suddenly he heard the sound of someone falling to the ground. He looked back and see Killia fell on the ground.

"Killia" Ban panicked and run toward Killia.

He hold her up and hear her mumbling. "Some... bread would be nice. Warm... delicious bread..."

"Wait a bit! I'll steal some for you!"

Ban tried talking to her. But it was too late. She no longer breathe.

"Killia!" Ban shout at the top of his lungs while crying with Killia in his arms.

His sister, Killia, died at the age of four due to starvation.

But whatever happens life goes on. Even if something terrible happened, people still need to survive. That's what he thought. After Ban lost his sister he keeps on stealing for food and survival. But life has never been kind to him. Sometimes he never got anything for the whole day and got beaten up by his parent.

Sometime he stole a food and hid it from his parent. He eat it alone but when his father found out he got beaten up until he puked. Whenever he puked to the floor he licked it so he could at least has a little bit of something to fill his stomach.

It keeps going on until he was six. That was the time he realize he have quirk. That time he was so hungry he collapsed on the ground. He saw people selling bread far in front of him. He reached out his hand toward the bread in desperation but suddenly the bread comes into his hand. No one saw it, even the bread seller didn't saw it. He ate the bread quickly in case someone saw him. That day he thought his poor life filled with starvation would end due to his quirk. He called his quirk "Snatch".

He keep his quirk a secret from his parent but suddenly someone found out about his quirk. Ban doesn't know how and why his quirk was found out.

After his quirk was known, almost everyone who realized their foods and belonging was stolen beat him up. He was accused of stealing many things even the things he never stole. He was beaten up worse than before.

Ban became famous because of his quirks. Now it's almost impossible to walk around without getting beaten up. One day he stole a bread but caught by the seller. After the seller kicked Ban he brought Ban to a prison.

Although the city is lawless there is still one prison there. The prison has no warden and no one manage it. Once you get in the prison you will be locked up and starve to death because no one will bring you food. Ban was thrown in such prison by the bread seller.

When Ban woke up he was in prison room. The prison was smelly because it was left unmaintained. It was a small square room with the door locked and a window protected by iron bar. He can't get out of the prison. He crouched down on the bed while holding his empty stomach that keeps grumbling.

He stays that way not knowing someone came in and sat beside him.

"Hey kid. Do you want it?" The man offers Ban some bread.

Ban took the bread from him and eat it in hurry.

"Calm down... You'll choke."

"I'm going to bust myself out of here. You want to come with me?" The man asked Ban but Ban didn't answer and just glaring at him.

"...Those aren't the eyes of a child. What's your name kid?" The man asked Ban after looking into Ban's eyes.

"Ban. What's yours, geezers?" Ban tells his name to the man and ask about his.

"Zhivago. Nice to meet ya... Ban."

Zhivago took Ban to his hideout. It was a small basement under an abandoned building. The building was used by many homeless people to sleep and used by some gang as a base. But no one knows that under such building there is a basement where Zhivago used as basement. They were just out of prison and Zhivago gave Ban some meat to have seeing Ban is malnourished.

"Seeing you remind me of my son." Zhivago said.

"Zhivago you have a son?" Ban asked.

"Yeah. A little kid about your age. Ban how old are you?"

"... Six. You should eat too, Zhivago. It's fucking good, bastard." Seeing Zhivago just drinking without touching his food Ban asked him.

"You really don't know how to watch your mouth, do you? Didn't your parent teach you any better?"

"..." Ban just keep eating his meal and ignore Zhi8vago's question.

"Alright Ban, this hideout is a secret, got it?" Seeing Ban doesn't wish to answer Zhivago change the topic.

"I got it, you piece of shit!" Ban answered in his own way.
