Chapter 10

"Are you guys ready?"

"We're good to go."

"Good luck all of you."

"We're leaving! See you later!"

Finally the day has come for their mission. They will sneak into Sengoku's villa and negotiate with him.

After walking for about an hour they reached their destination. They decided to walk instead of using transportation is in case they failed this mission and traced back to Musica's office.

"We're here. How do we sneak in? Are you going to turn us invisible? I'm so excited!" Chopper can't hide his excitement.

"Law use your Room to see if he is alone now." Ban pretend to not hear Chopper.

"Room! There is someone with an afro in the bedroom alone. Is that him?" Law put his hand forward with his palm aiming downward and use his skill.

"An afro... yeah that's him. If possible swap our place with things in the bedroom that surround him. It's better if we spread and not in the same direction from him."

"I thought we're going to sneak in like a ninja." Chopper lowered his head in disappointment.

"We need to hurry while he is still alone." Ban said.

"Found it. We can spread out and surround him after we swap with vases inside. Are you ready?" Law prepared to use his skill.

"Do it!"


Shambles is Law's technique to swap anything in his 'Room'. He can use it to swap anything and anyone in it. He used it to swap Ban and the others inside Sengoku's room. Sengoku who was enjoying his rice crackers on his bed suddenly alerted with 5 intruders who just appears out of nowhere. He tried to call his guards but stopped by Ban.

"Wait! We mean no harm. We just want to talk."

Sengoku calmed down but he is still put his guard up. "What do you want?"

"We apologize for suddenly came without notice. But if we didn't do this we won't be able to meet you because of our position." The other four just keep silent and let Ban do the talking.

"Your position? You are just kids. What position do you have?"

"… We are Yoshida Shouyou's disciples." Ban answered truthfully.

"His disciple? Then do you want to ask me to null his crime? That's impossible. His crime is too big for that." Sengoku prepares to call hiss guard again.

"I know that it is impossible to do that and that's not what we want. I want you to help us be a hero." Ban said calmly.

"You? A hero? Why don't you just go to hero academy?"

"We never got proper education. It's just us and Shouyou who taught us everything. We don't even have proper identification. Even one of us is an animal who has quirks." Ban point his finger and Sengoku looked at the direction Ban pointed his finger and see Chopper.

"And we even did many crime because of our harsh life before we met Shouyou. I want your help to erase our past so no one can connect us to either Shouyou or our crimes."

"… What's in it for me?" Sengoku still didn't take them seriously.

"Most likely nothing. But for the country it may means a lot." Ban said seriously.

Sengoku put on a serious expression this time. "Tell me more."

"Then I will introduce my friends." Ban looked at Chopper and introduce him first. "He is Chopper. As I told you he is an animal with a quirk. His quirk is to transform into human but it wasn't a perfect transformation as you can see." Chopper is currently using his Heavy Point transformation.

"He is a reindeer who was isolated by humans because of his looks and by his own race reindeer because of his blue nose. He was raised by a doctor and was taught about medicine."

Then he pointed to Elizabeth and Meliodas. "The girl is Elizabeth and the shorty is Meliodas. Elizabeth has a healing quirks and was used by Meliodas' father until Meliodas killed him.

I am Ban. My quirk is Snatch. Its basic use is for stealing but now I can steal life force from nature and either absorb it or give it to others and use it for healing.

Then the last one is Law. His quirk is operating room. Its use is as its name suggest." Ban finished introducing.

"I feel like you emphasize more into healing and medicine. What do you want?"

"The four of us will be a medical hero who emphasize more in healing than beating up villain. I want your help to get us medical license before high school. Using Law's quirk he can cure many incurable disease. He could even perform surgery in the field. We can save more people this way. If he doesn't have license to perform surgery his quirk can't be used to its full potential. Chopper was taught medicine since he was a kid. Elizabeth and I are smart enough to learn medicine and surgery. The other guy is just a bonus but he is strong." Ban tells him what he wants.

"I see. With your quirks many people can be saved. There are many victims of villain who was saved by hero but still die before they reach hospital. With your help we can reduce that numbers." Sengoku nodded and think for a while until he made his decision.

"Before I agree, I want one of you to spar with me. Being a hero mean you might need to fight villain. Even if you can heal others, if you unable to put up a fight you won't be able to become heroes. Follow me to the training hall." Sengoku stood up and walk to the training hall with five kids following him.

On the way they meet some guards and Sengoku told them that the kids are his guests and told the guards to leave them alone. The villa is very big and it even had its own training hall. After walking for a while they finally reached training hall.

"This villa was built a long time ago when I was a hero. I used this hall to train my quirk and it could withstand a strong attack. Now who's gonna fight me?" Sengoku take off his shirt and turns into a Giant Buddha.

"I'll go" Law walk forward and took out his scalpel.

"The kid with Operating Room quirk? Okay then, let's fight."