Chapter 14

It's only one month left until U.A. recommendation entrance exam. Ban and the others are living well. They entered middle school together and now they are near graduation. They live in the same apartment building in Musutafu city near Tokyo. It's the same city as U.A. high school where Ban aimed to enroll.

Thanks to Musica they got a lot of help from the members of Silver Rhythms. They befriended the thugs and homeless people who have helped and been helped by Musica and others. Sometimes Ban would even stays at the park in the tent of a homeless man he's close with.

They also report suspicious activities to Musica and sometime Musica asked for their help. They also get along with people in the neighborhood. Especially Ban who would even stay overnight at their place and often asked to babysit their kids.

Ban and Meliodas still fight often whenever they had free time. After Ban had his new shoes finished, he finally caught up his number of winnings against Meliodas.

Going to middle school wasn't hard for them. Although Chopper and Meliodas had a difficulty in the lesson they managed to get by. Originally only Ban get a recommendation to U.A. high due to his mark, but thanks to Musica and Sengoku's involvement Chopper also got recommendation to U.A. high school while Elizabeth and Meliodas got recommendation to Shiketsu high school.

Ban, Elizabeth, Chopper, and Law also got their medical license after interview with the Minister of Health. They were just asked several question about medical knowledge, then they went to surgery room to do a test for surgery with supervision of a skilled surgeon. Although Elizabeth had a bit difficulty performing surgery, she managed to do it. Chopper and Law taught them beforehand since they were in Shoka Sonjuku. Thanks to Law quirk, their lesson are easily understood by the others. Chopper also has high knowledge thanks to Dr. Kureha.

They were also gotten permission to take provisional hero license exam even though they were still in middle school. The dour of them passed the exam easily and got their provisional hero license. This license grants them permission to act as heroes in emergency situations.

After they enroll middle school from time to time they were asked to do heroes activity. They mostly asked by Silver Rhythms to help but sometimes when there were a disaster or villain activities that causes a lot of victims, the government will call them. Thanks to that the numbers of victims who died from either villain attack or natural disaster greatly reduced. This makes the four of them being acknowledged by the government and they promised to support them to be medical heroes.

While they were called for a mission, Meliodas just housesitting alone. He regretted why he was so stupid and can't become a doctor like them. So he keeps training and improving his abilities while he was alone. But he also got asked by Musica to help whenever the others weren't around so he can get more experience although he wasn't allowed to use his quirks.

It is one month left until U.A. high school recommendation exam. Today is weekend and Ban was about to go home after he stayed over at someone's place. When he suddenly sensed something is wrong. His senses are so strong he can feel anything within 100 meters from him. When a truck came into his range, he feels that something is wrong about that truck. The driver seems to be unconscious. He look around to see if there's a hero or a police officer nearby. He saw a police car near him but because the truck is too fast he shouted at the police instead of walking over.

"Hey officer! That truck driver is unconscious! The truck won't stop!" Ban pointed at the truck in front of him.

The officer stare blankly for a second until she heard Ban again. "I'll slow it down and you need to stop the truck!" Ban gave order to the officer.

There is a girl wearing U.A. school uniform who hears Ban. She run to the street and said "I'll help slow it down!"

The truck was about to pass Ban. Ban then moved behind the truck and use Snatch to slow it down. From others view it looked like Ban holding something attached to the truck and was pulled.

The truck slowed down and the police officer ran toward the truck. The truck slowed down even more when it got close to the girl from U.A. ahead. Seems like the girl using her quirk. The officers able to get in the truck just before it hit the student and the student seeing the officer gets in, she dodged the truck to the side and see Ban getting pulled by the truck with something invisible. She saw several of Ban's finger is broken because of being pulled by the truck.

The truck finally stopped by the officer who stepped on the brake. She took her phone and called ambulance seeing the driver fainted. Ban run toward the driver to check his condition. The officer was about to stop him but Ban insisted to check on the driver.

"I am Kaito Ban. You're a detective right? Then you should know who I am." Ban said quickly to the detective then proceed to check on the driver. "Seems like he just fainted from a heart attack. His condition is good but still needed to go to hospital. You already called ambulance, right?"

"Yeah. They will be here any minute now."

"Okay that's good. Then I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" The U.A. student stopped Ban to leave. "You need to go to the hospital as well. Your fingers is broken… Hey it's already healed!" The girl surprised.

"Yeah it's fine already."

"Wait. I am Detective Hibino Mizuki. I thank you for your help. I've heard of you Kaito. I'll report to the police. You can go home now." Hibino gave a salute to Ban to which Ban and the girl answered back with a salute.