Chapter 23

The times come for the third event. The third even is standing long jump. The students must jump as far as they can from where they standing. Aoyama and Bakugo aced this event thanks to their quirks. Chopper used his Jump Point to get a high score. This is another form that everyone never seen before except for Ban. The girls fond of seeing the cute Chopper so as soon as Chopper turned back to his small form, the girl showers him with praises to make Chopper do the silly dance again with a big smile.

Ban did it without using his quirk again. He has scored high in all events and this makes everyone think that his quirk is strength enhancement. Ochako and Chopper didn't tell anyone about Ban's quirk because they think it's interesting to see everyone reaction when they found out Ban's quirk so they keep it a secret. Ban himself will only tell his quirk after Aizawa allows it later. Of course if Aizawa didn't gave him a chance to tell everyone, Ban will keep it a secret because he wants to surprise everyone later.

The fourth event is sidestepping. Mineta uses his quirk to bounce himself from left to right and gave him a high score. Chopper use his Jump Point form again for this event. This time Ban gets another high score again and everyone already tired from getting shocked too much they already used to it.

The fifth event is throwing. When Ochako had her turn, she used her quirk to make the ball float farther and farther the machine shows an infinity symbol. Chopper used Heavy Point to throw the ball. He still have several other forms that he didn't use in the event so far. It was because the other forms didn't suit the events and Chopper doesn't have the needs to use them.

"Next is Kaito" Aizawa announce the next student to throw.

Ban throw the ball with all his strength without using his quirk again. The device shows that the distance the ball was thrown is 950 Meter. It surprises everyone because even Bakugo with explosion quirk only throw as far as 700 Meter.

"Good. Then the last one for this event. Midoriya."

Midoriya seems nervous walking to the circle. When Midoriya was about to throw the ball Ban sense that Aizawa about to act. He sees Aizawa looking at Midoriya intensely. Midoriya ended up throwing only as far as 46 meter.

"Huh… But I was trying to use it…" Midoriya confused why his quirk didn't work.

"I erased your quirk. That ridiculous entrance exam… completely irrational when you consider someone like you got in."

"Erased? Those goggles… of course! He's the erasure hero, Eraser Head!"

"I saw how you can't control your quirk. You'd just be incapacitated again. Were you hoping someone would step in to help afterwards? Your quirk will make you useless after you use it just once. Without your quirk you already realize from the previous test that you are useless. Just look at him." Aizawa pointed at Ban.

"Oh. Me?" Ban pointed his finger at himself.

"He hasn't even used his quirk and you can see the result. Even without using quirk he's already far from you and the other students. I know he is not a good choice as a comparison, but at least if you want to be a hero you should have built a foundation with your own physical ability long before you enter high school. You act like a person who just got his quirk. With how you got incapacitated with just using your quirk once and your useless ability without it, you cannot become a hero." With Aizawa's last remark, Midoriya feels guilty as if he just got caught doing a crime.

Aizawa turned off his quirk. "You've got your quirk back. Give it another go. Let's get this over with."

"Aizawa-sensei. I think there's no need to use me as comparison. In fact asking me to not use my quirk is kinda pointless seeing there's no event I can use my quirk with." Ban said to Aizawa.

"Doesn't matter. At least now he knows to improve his ability without using his quirk. I know that because just having the quirk to erase quirk is useless unless combined with my own strength."

"So you speak from experience."

"Whatever. Remember to not heal him until all events is over. Even if his whole arm is broken"

"Okay. I'll tell Chopper as well."

Midoriya throws the ball with his quirk. This time he didn't use his full power but concentrated it into his fingertip. He got a high score and just broke his finger.

Bakugo somehow got angry and asked explanation from Midoriya but he was stopped by Aizawa. The tests continue with Midoriya enduring his broken finger.

After all the tests ended, Aizawa told the students that he was lying about expelling someone. He shows everyone ranks from the top Ban ranked highest and at the end Midoriya had the lowest score.

"Ranked the highest even without using your quirk. That is amazing! What is your quirk anyway?" Hagakure asked Ban.

"It's a secret "His quirk is Snatch. Its basic use is for stealing." …aaaand the secret is out." While Ban wanted to keep it a secret a little longer Chopper interrupted and tell his quirk.

"Stealing? Are you sure you're not in the wrong side? Just the quirk itself make everyone think you're a villain." Hagakure keeps asking.

"Yeah, everyone always asked me that." Ban feels dejected.

"Anyway we're done here. Your documents about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom. Give them a look." Aizawa finished his explanation and about to leave but he calls Ban before he's leaving.

"Kaito. Fix Midoriya's finger."

"Already done. He doesn't even realize his finger is already healed." Ban replied.

"Eh. Eeeeeeh! It really is healed!" Midoriya surprised seeing his finger already back to normal. "How?"

"Like Chopper said. My quirk's basic use is for stealing, but I trained it for so long I can do other stuff. You all should learn about your own quirk as well. Maybe someday their usage will increase."

After that they changed back to their uniform and prepare to go home. The first day of school was supposed to only be for entrance ceremony so the school finished early.