Chapter 25

All Might coming to the class to teach them hero basic training.

"It's All Might! Incredible. He's really gonna teach us!" Most student in class feels delighted to see the no.1 hero teaching them.

"Hero Basic training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes! No time for you to dally. Today's activity is battle training!"

"Battle Training!" Bakugo makes a scary face with a smile after hearing today's lesson.

"And for that you need these. In accordance with the quirk registry and the special request forms you filled before being admitted…" All Might presses a button from the remote control in his hand and opened up a hidden compartment filled with briefcase with numbers on it.

"COSTUMES! YEAH!" Everyone feels spirited.

"After you change, come out in to Ground Beta!" All Might leave first to Ground Beta.

Everyone took their own case according to their seat number. Ban is seat number 21 and Chopper number 22. It shouldn't be that way but it seems the school arranged their number for them. The seats in the class are arranged with 4X5 arrangement. But because there is 22 students in class the school add two more seat in the back especially for Ban and Chopper.

Ban and Chopper are already have experience for hero's mission. Thanks to that to make sure the other students get the equal treatment for the hero course, Ban and Chopper were made to sit in the back row to help assist the teacher during hero class if needed. At first the school wanted to separate the two of them into different classes but because of Chopper's written exam that barely passed the passing grade the school felt skeptical about placing Chopper as role model so it became another reason to put the two of them into the same class. Another reason was because most of the students in class A was made of problem students after seeing their entrance exam. Especially Bakugo who got the highest score but seemed to have terrible personality and Midoriya who breaks his own body when he used his quirk. Other problem students are including Todoroki who seems to be refusing to use his fire quirk even though he has both ice and fire, and Mineta who is a pervert.

Back when Nezu visited them, Ban also asked about the costumes. Because he and Chopper already had someone make it, they were asked to send the costumes to the school. Other than costume Ban also had a weapon made for him and Nezu asked for Ban to send the weapon as well.

In the male locker room everyone already showing off their costumes to each other. Chopper wears his pink top hat and another blue cap over his pink top hat. He also wears white and yellow stripped tank top and an orange pair of shorts. Musica Galein was an expert and he can make Chopper's costume to transform according to his own transformation.

Meanwhile Ban wears a dark red long coat with a wide open collar which exposes his chest and a pair of red pants and a dark red shoes. His shoes were specifically made for him so he can use it to run on air when he uses Snatch on his shoes while running so he can make it as if he run on a solid ground. He was also given weapon from Galein. It was a four section-staff instead of three. It's called Courechouse. According to Galein in his letter, this weapon able to give Ban a boost in his mental capabilities and called this ability Super Concentration. Galein has the power to add a special attribute to any weapons and clothes he made. Although he is no longer famous because many heroes prefer to use hot weapons, he still had the skill to be above others weapon maker.

Ban was about to wear his coat but stopped midway. After thinking for a while he gave his coat to Chopper and stay bare-chested.

"Chopper. I want you to give this to Hagakure."


"Because I can see her. And what do you think of the costume that will suit for an invisible girl?"

"SHE'S NAKED!" Mineta who overhears them talking suddenly let lout a loud scream.

"Have her wear this." Chopper took Ban's coat from him.

"I see. What about you?"

"Tell All Might I won't come out until she wears that. I'll go out like this." Ban would go out with just his pants without wearing anything on his upper body. "I should have brought the gym uniform at least."

"What a gentleman. I don't know how you able to see her but at least tell us how she look like." Kaminari approach Ban and asked him.

"Hmm… Well… you should have known that all the other girls in our class are beauties. But Hagakure… I think that she is the most beautiful girl in our class." Ban tells Kaminari with a serious expression.

"OOOOH!" Everyone cheers out loud. Although there were some who seems uninterested, they also curious about Hagakure.

"You guys go first. I'll come out later." Ban then sit on the bench in the locker room.

"By the way Ban. What is that?" Kirishima pointed his hand to a purse tied to Ban's pants.

"It's a weapon."

"You're already strong but you still need weapon?" Kirishima curious because he sees Ban's physical abilities on yesterday's tests.

"This will make me even stronger."

"What kind of weapon is that?"

"It's a secret. You'll know soon but I don't think I will use it on today's lesson so maybe some other days."

"Why are you being so secretive?"

"Because it's fun to see your reaction later." Ban answered Kirishima's question with a smile.