Chapter 37

The bell rang and it's time for lunch break. Ban left to the cafeteria with Chopper. The cafeteria always filled with students because other students from different course also come for lunch. In the cafeteria he ordered a lot of meal again just like yesterday and he sat next with Midoriya, Iida, and Ochako.

"Congrats on being the class president. Midoriya congratulating Ban for being selected.

"Ugh… I want to be the class president." Chopper is sulking because he wasn't selected.

"You are already the class mascot, what's the problem with that."

"Being the class president sound cooler than being the class mascot."

"You're being calm as usual even though you are chosen, why?" Ochako asked.

"Because I already predicted it. But I still want to hear why you two vote for me?" Ban looked at Ochako and Iida while still eating.

"How do you know? Well I picked you because of yesterday's battle trial. What about Iida?"

"I voted for him because of yesterday's matter as well. His leadership is perfect to lead us all." Iida explains why he choose Ban.

They keep talking during lunch and found out that Iida is the brother of hero Ingenium. Iida come from a renowned hero family.

Ban suddenly felt something amiss and looked outside the window. Just as he did so, the alarm rang along with an announcement. "Security level 3 has been broken. All students please evacuate in an orderly fashion."

Ban also felt something suddenly appear inside the school. Ban increase his focus and see where that intruder going. He wants to chase after the intruder but because of the announcement everyone in the cafeteria panicked. They are rushing outside of the building.

Ban cannot exit the cafeteria due to the rush. He also didn't want to use force because he knows he is too strong and would injure other students if he force his way out. While he tried to escape slowly Iida suddenly jump to the exit sign with the help of Uraraka's quirk.

"EVERYTHING'S FINE!" Iida shouted loudly everyone stopped and put their attention to him. "It's just the press! There's nothing to panic about. We're fine. This is U.A. behave in a way befitting this great institution!"

Everyone calmed down. Ban used that chance to sneak out.

He still sense the guy who suddenly appear inside the school building but he didn't go after him because Ban knows that as soon as the intruder got what he want he will leave. So he chased after the guy who destroyed the gate.

Ban leaves the school premise while Aizawa and Present Mic were busy with the reporters. The two of them didn't realize Ban sneaked out. When Ban saw culprit from afar, he stopped and hide because he sensed the guy who teleported appearing. Ban took a picture of the two with his phone while they didn't notice him. He could try to attack them but he is still cautious because he still didn't know the ability of the guy who destroyed the gate. And also if the school didn't caught them in the security camera, there are no evidence that they are the intruder and they will still be considered as civilians, not villains.

After a while, the mist guy opened a warp and the two of them disappear. Ban also left the scene and returned back to the school.

It hasn't been five minutes since he left school and came back. Once he's entered the school he went to the place the mist guy checked. It was the staff room. Ban entered the staff room and try to find out what they were after. But he can't find out what the intruder's after.

"Hey you! What are you doing here?"

Vlad come in and scold Ban. He enters the staff room followed by other teacher who has finally taking care of the reporters.

"Kaito? Why are you here?" Principal Nezu asked.

"I'm here because of the two intruder who were bothering my lunch break." Ban calmly said.

"What!? What did you say?"

All Might who was hiding from Ban afraid to be recognized while he's in his skinny form shocked and shouted out loud. Realizing what he did, he tried to hide again.

"Don't worry I have figured out you're All Might from the first day. While having lunch at the cafeteria I sensed someone breaking the gate." Ban then continued his story from detecting the one who destroyed the gate, to chasing him, and also the other guy who can use warp who went to the staff room.

"The cafeteria was in chaos after the announcement so I failed to catch up with the culprit. I entered the staff room to check what the warp guy was trying to do." Ban explains why he was in the staff room.

"You can sense the intruder here from the cafeteria?!" Midnight surprised hearing Ban's extremely high sense.

"Yes, that's why I figured he is All Might." Ban pointed at All Might. "It was impossible to not notice him, you know? Someone who has a strong aura suddenly turned weak. I'm also a doctor. When I see him at yesterday's lesson I know he is holding back his pain. Oh, and although Chopper doesn't know yet, he will know if he sees you in this form because he has sensitive nose."

"Let's return to the topic. Do you know anything about the intruders?" Nezu asked Ban with serious tone.

"These are their pics." Ban handed Nezu his phone over which shows the two guys. "The mist guy is the one with warp ability. The other guy with the same hair color as mine is the one who destroyed the gate. Their aim is most likely him." Ban pointed at All Might.

"Me?" All Might surprised hearing Ban's deduction.

"The news about you teaching here is already spread wide, but suddenly someone dare to pick a fight knowing you are here. Other than killing you what else is their aim?"

"This… There's no proof about them being the intruder other than Kaito's word. Even if you tell the police or other heroes, they might ignore it and assume you are joking unless you have evidence. Before anyone became villains they are still civilians, so we heroes can only be on standby unless they harm other or we have the evidence. Investigating is the police job, not heroes'. Heroes can only investigate if they have the permission from the police. " Nezu analyze the situation and tell everyone they can't do anything.

"On standby and can't do anything is different. I mean if you found an evidence by chance then you can act. With that said please grant me permission to leave early today and also for tomorrow since it might be too long. I'm thinking of getting the evidence 'by chance'" Ban asked for permission to Aizawa shamelessly.

"What? No! I refuse! Even though you have Provisional Hero License already, you cannot move recklessly." Aizawa rejected Ban's proposal.

"Well if I don't get the permission then it means I'm skipping class. I'll tell you when I found something." Ban dashed to his classroom to get his bag and then leave the school.

"Seriously that guy! Does he think he can do anything just because he got provisional hero license earlier than others?" Aizawa angry at Ban's recklessness.

"Aizawa. For now just allow him to do what he wants. If he found nothing we can punish him and if he did find something we can prevent any tragedies happening.

From what he said, having All Might as teacher might endanger all the students and the staffs here. From now on everyone must stay vigilant and always prepare for the unforeseen situation." Nezu warns the teachers.