Chapter 42

"That's some adventures you went through." While everyone shocked with Ban's experience, Tsukauchi is the first one to speak.

"I got some info from all that. First the League of Villains. Among all of those who came here only Shigaraki and Kurogiri is the member. The rest are just some back alley villains. Most of them didn't know each other until this morning. There could be two more member but they didn't come. One is Shigaraki's master and the other is the one who created Nomu. They could be the same person, but the possibilities of them being different person is high.

The goal of this raid is to kill All Might. But that is just the secondary mission. Their real mission should be a trial run for Nomu and introduce Nomu to the world. There must be other Nomus being created with base strength is just like the Nomu before. Sero, you recorded the fight?"

"Oh right! Here! I recorded all until they disappear." Sero returned Ban's phone back.

"This one has at least two quirks. Shock Absorption and Regeneration. They modified his body to have the strength for enduring multiple quirks." Ban showing the cops the recording of the fights.

"There could be a place somewhere possibly in Tokyo or nearby, where they manufacturing Nomu and store them. Also the relationship between Kurogiri and Shigaraki. Shigaraki seems like a childish man who likes to show off his toys and someone possibly Shigaraki's master put Kurogiri as his loyal servant. Kurogiri might also be one of the modified human because he just follows order without asking. I mean he would throw me to the ocean because Shigaraki asked him." Ban turned angry remembering that time.

"That also your fault for pissing him off." Chopper interrupted Ban's explanation.

"The last information I get creeping me out. You saw the hands that grabs Shigaraki's body right? One of them he put it on his face. Those are all real humans' hands."

Hearing that everyone shows face of disgust.

"The one on his face… Shigaraki called it father." Ban put on a serious expression.

"Wha… that's crazy."

"Detective… If you don't find any Shigaraki Tomura in registry, then try to find any incident where a kid killed his whole family. It could also be when his quirk started manifesting and he can't control it so he accidentally killed his family." Ban gave a suggestion to Tsukauchi.

"Yeah I will. Kaito, I need you to come to the station and repeat what you said. Is that okay?"

"Sure I don't mind. And also stop acting like this is our first meeting. You're being weird here."

"Detective, you know Kaito?"

Principal Nezu curious about their relationship.

"Actually back when I hmpf…hmpf!" Tsukauchi covered Ban's mouth with his hands.

"Ah yeah we met before."

"Oh when Ban got arrested for false charge back then, it was Detective Tsukauchi who bail him out." Chopper innocently explain everything.

"You got arrested before?" Nezu asked Ban.

"It was a warden who abused his power. When someone asked me to stop him from harassing other girls, he cuffed me instead and bring me directly to prison. I stayed there for a week until Detective Tsukauchi found out about it and release me." Ban was released from Tsukauchi who seems down because their secret has been found out.

"It was the biggest mistake for us the police force to choose someone like him to be a warden. It caused a huge scandal in the force but luckily it never shows on media." Tsukauchi apologies for their mistake.

"It's fine. I got to know some interesting people from it after all." Ban smiled at Tsukauchi.

"Sigh… thanks for everyone cooperation. I will leave for now. I have some business with All Might himself." Tsukauchi leaves to the nurse office where All Might is resting.

One of the officer talk to Ban about to bring him to the station but Ban refused.

"I'll go alone later. I need to go home first for a shower and a change of clothes. Chopper! I might be late today please make a lot for dinner. I haven't eaten since morning." Ban then jumped and run on air. "Bye!"

"Wow… he actually flew… no, it's more like stepping on air." Midoriya dropped his jaw.

Later that night Ban was ambushed when he reached home.

"Ban! Was it true what Ochako and Chopper said?" Setsuna who was waiting for Ban after hearing the story from Ochako and Chopper asked Ban.

"What? I don't know? What did they told you?"

"You can fly and defeated many villains in an instant?"

"Oh… so you became my fan after hearing that?"

"It's more like… my decisions to stay here is a correct one. If I'm near you I can learn more tricks from you."

"Can't you be kind to me at least once and say I am amazing?" Ban wished for a praise and compliment from Setsuna.


"Sigh… Ochako, what about your parent? They must be worried sick about you." Ban turned his head to Ochako.

"When I told them the news hasn't been spread yet. They were worried but I told them I'm fine."

"Well anyway congratulation on surviving your first ever villains attack. You can expect more coming if you choose this path."

"At least I'll try to not cry again."