Hidden in Plain Sight

Leora stood outside her new room. The hall held three other bedrooms with a bathroom at the end. There was a bench of shoes in between hers and the neighboring bedroom. Oliver grabbed his oxfords then used the bench to lace them up. "This is where we place our daily shoes." He stated, tightening his laces. 'We?' Leora pondered. "And my room is just across the hall from yours." He smiled looking up. Tying the final knot, he stood. "You'll meet the others after our errands." He assured her. Leora looked at him with a bit of a furrowed brow. "Not to worry it won't take long. Just a bit of shopping and a...spell to cast." murmuring the last remark taking a step towards the stairs.

Leora turned towards him with her arms crossed. "A spell?" She questioned. Chuckling nervously Oliver looked back and met her gaze. Pausing he turned towards her. After staring at her for a few seconds, he unleashed his smile. His hand tucked a strand of hair that laid loose in front of her face.

Leora's eyes widened at the gesture.

"Lady Leo, your looks betray you." Leora's brow began to furrow even more. His smile softened. "We can do something about the hair and the skin. And your lips can stay. But your eyes, nothing can be done." Breaking her expression in an attempt to speak only to be interrupted "My dear, if anyone other than I were to see you now they would know who you are in an instant." Her mouth closing. "Think about it. There's a reason you can only remember bits and pieces." She gasped 'He knew'. "If you can't even know who you are then certainly no one else can." She cut him off this time "That's not fair! You know who I am....at least, why can't I remember?" A smirk revealing a dimple on his left cheek. "Aye, m'lady I do. And only I shall know. I'll be taking your secrets to my grave as promised."

Turning away and signaling her to follow him down the stairs. He opened a closet door to grab his coat and hat. He glanced at Leora noticing her uneasiness. "Oh come now, Lady Leo. We never really forget anything now do we?" Leora looked up at him with a slight smile. Her fingertips brushed against the amulet under her nightgown fabric. Noticing Oliver gave her sly wink. "Now then, how about a shopping trip to cheer you up. On the way we will discuss your position here at the Manor. I'm sure you'll find it quite agreeable." He clicked heels together and headed for the side door. His coat over his arm, he lifted his to head tipping it while holding the door open. A grey overcast had covered the sun since she woke. And there was a fog over the Manor garden. "After you." He nudged his head. Looking down at her feet. "I don't have any shoes." Oliver looking down as well nodding in agreement. "Indeed, well I believe the only solution is to carry you." Making her slightly embarrassed. Leora read his intentions. Nodding her head apprehensively. "Ah, and your hood please madame." He commented before scooping her up in his arms.

Walking out to the garden Leora felt the cold against her cheeks once more. Her arrival was still a haze. She reflected on the encounter with her watcher. She's had vivid dreams before but not like this. She could feel the full force of her power. It was so real. Breaking her train of thought Oliver spoke "Finally a day without rain. Must be a sign." Looking down he raised his eyebrows cheekily. Leora let our slight laugh. Oliver stopped in his tracks "I dare say, a laugh from Lady Leora. And on the first day. Another good sign indeed." Continuing on coming closer upon the stables Oliver spotted a bench he sat her down gently on. "The coach is normally prepared by this hour. But I think its best with just the two of us to take the car instead."

She nodded. Never been in a car she didn't know what to expect. Oliver began walking around the bend "I'll be back for you m'lady." He turned the corner tipping his hat. She sat alone shivering a bit from the cold air. Wrapping herself in the brown wool cloak. Looking around she noticed how smooth and flat the cobblestone was here. "Hm." She let out in thought.

Hearing a noise sounding like crushed rocks. She looked up. Oliver has pulled the car around. Her eyes lit up. He parked the car and honked the horn twice to bring a smile to her face. It looked something like a Model T but with more visible gears and a heater inside. Oliver stepped out opening the passenger door. Walking towards her. "Shall we?" He smiled leaning in to carrying her to passenger seat of the car. Oliver sat himself in the drivers side. He used a wind up key to his left and turned a crank to his right. Releasing the break he commented "And we're off!" Pulling forward the car was a new sensation for Leora.

They passed the garden around the side of the Manor following a path towards west main gate. Though it was overcast she finally got to see the manor for all its grandeur. Massive columns resided as a support structure as well as decorum at the front of the Manor. The steps were rounded off like ripples on water. They descending to the main court yard that was immaculate. The front doors as tall as the columns. Twin squared off wings expanded from on each side of the manor. Leora was awestruck. Though it didn't hold a candle to her own home. Still having trouble recalling. "So, we are going shopping for new dresses. Mostly workwear. But you may have your choice at two and it must be from this particular shop. We don't want it going to your head now do we." He smiled slyly with his eyes on the road. "Also a good pair of shoes or two. Some winter work boots and sturdy slippers I think." Leora turned back from the mansion to look at the path ahead. "I think it would do well for some new ribbon as welcoming gift." Looking over she nodded acknowledging him. "Now as for your position. You're a house maid. And we have many. I hope you'll blend in well." Looking about noticing the glass windows around them. "Won't someone see me. Aren't you worried this contraption will draw some sort of attention." Oliver tsked "Oh goodness no. I would never take such a risk. No, no, my dear. Umberfell is the capital of inventors. You will see many advancements that a simple car cannot be compared to." his eyes rolling a bit. 'Simple' she thought looking around at all the gears. "I see." She replied. "Besides, the windows are tinted." He added. "We can see out. But no one can see in." He smirked.

They approached the west gate that mirrored the height of the Manor doors. Stoping the car in front. They waited a few minutes. "Ah, blasts." Oliver cursed. Rolling down the window he honked the horn. Waving his hand yelling "Oy, open up! I don't have all day." Pausing once more and scoffing impatiently "Did I stutter? Master isn't going wait all day! Get a move on!" In the midst Leora noticed the massive emblem on the gate. It was the letter "S". The gate finally opened. As the car passed through Oliver turned the car left. Lamp posts lit their path and the fog seemed to thicken. After a brief silence is was broken by Leora "Oliver?" She paused. He leaned in a bit with his ear waiting for her to finish "What does the 'S' stand for on the gate? Who is your master? And you mentioned many maids. I only saw fours rooms in our quarters." Oliver nodding his head. "Ah, well firstly. Call me Ollie when casual, would you darling? Secondly the 'S' stands for Sullivan. They are the family I and now you are employed by. Thirdly and most importantly. By many I mean at least 50. And you my dear, are not to associate with them. They are humans not sires. And they are used for a lot than cleaning am I understood?" He said firmly eyeing her. She nodded sort of understanding what he meant. She knew he was a sire so that would mean surely the master of the house was a Pure Blood Vampir. "Good. And lastly. It's the sires quarters. You'll meet Madame Estelle and Sophie soon enough today. Madame Estelle is our head chief. And Sophie is in charge of the maids while I am in charge of them and being the personal errand boy for the masters." Satisfied, Leora nodded. He continued "You'll have a much different schedule anyway. You will only work during the day. This way the masters won't notice you. And in the night you do not leave our quarters even if you are alone." He said firmly. Leora nodded her head once more. Turning and looking out towards the window. The trip took 20 minutes before they arrived into Umberfell.