
"Should a man wait for a lady to ask him for a dance?" Bai Yulin's angelic voice rang near the vicinity of Ji Haishan and his companions.

Ji Haishan had a cold look before he glanced her up. He was trying to decipher her words. Maybe he could find some motive behind this.

He thought it was a pity. She was beautiful, yes. But if she was also the same as other women- then no thanks. She must be the same, approaching him just because of his look or wealth.

But before he could be sure about that, he found nothing but a calm ocean wave in her eyes. Her eyes didn't look like she was greedy of what he had. She also didn't look all that excited. She was just- calm. Her green eyes were like the plethora of aurora in the night sky. Dancing ever so slowly.

Ji Haishan became confused.

"Hm? Just staying quiet?" Bai Yulin was starting to sweat. Didn't it work? She was sure she did her very best to appear polite.

And before she could curse on her own lack of luck, she saw Ji Haishan walking towards her. He just took two long strides to close the distance between them. By the time she breathed her next air, he was already leaning closer to the side of her cheek.

"So you want a dance... let's dance." his whisper came slow in her ear. His voice was so deep and magnetic it stirred her chest for a moment there.

"Y- yes, of course." Bai Yulin smiled as she covered up her nervousness. Even when she was nervous, she could handle it well because she was a professional. Always appearing on the cover magazine as a strong, elegant woman.

She took his extended hand as he guided her to the center. People gawked at the situation unfolding before them. Even Ji Haishan's companions couldn't utter a single word. What happened? Ji Haishan didn't like to dance! That was known throughout the entire world! Every woman who invited him would be turned down mercilessly.

As Bai Yulin glanced over her hand in his hand, she realized he almost let go of her hand briefly before he took it back. He seemed to be uncomfortable. But maybe that was her imagination.

When they settled on the center, Ji Haishan guided Bai Yulin's hand towards his shoulder and his went towards her waist. They danced and Bai Yulin could literally feel his probing gaze on her at every second they danced. Not tolerating it anymore, she asked "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Something was on her face, perhaps?

Shit. She should take care of her image 24/7!

Ji Haishan seemed to wake up from his stares due to her question. He realized he was still studying her. He could see nothing in her eyes that could associate her with the same women he had met before. She was different from all of them.

There were no twinkling stars in her eyes when she looked at him. There were no seductive fluttering of lashes. There were no sexy lip biting of those luscious lips. She didn't have any thoughts on seducing him at all! She didn't do anything but just dance. Her stance was just as graceful and he could tell she was born a dancer.

From the sidelines, powerful and famous figures from the entertainment industry as well as fashion industry all looked at them like they were the center of universe. Two bright stars were shining together and they couldn't help but drop their jaws from the sight.

Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin didn't know what was brewing around them at the moment. They weren't aware of those eyes who saw them and sighed in both envy and wonder.

Ji Haishan was an attractive man, the eldest young master of Ji. When his father passed away, he was left with big responsibility to preserve his father's place, or at least that was what it was implied on the outside.

When his uncles tried to take over the family business from the inside, his grandfather came to the rescue. Ji Haishan was still young when that had happened.

On the other hand, Bai Yulin was also an attractive woman. She was a beauty in everything she did. Her whole face screamed 'gorgeous!' and her entire frame shouted 'sexy!'. Her tall figure made her appear more elegant and intimidating. Like a true goddess of beauty, Aphrodite.

When Ji Haishan didn't answer her earlier question, Bai Yulin started to feel nervous. What was the look on her face right now? Did she accidentally smear her makeup? That was it?

They danced like a pair of swans in the middle of the lake. To others, they both felt out of place due to their godly appearance. Some began to think that Bai Yulin and Ji Haishan suited each other. They looked perfect together. This combination would surely bring out the best genes ever.

Bai Yulin glanced over Ji Haishan's indifferent face. When she thought about it again, she really did choose a good looking man. She was lucky. Her eyes unconsciously peered towards his jaw, the contour of his cheek. Then she gazed up to his perfectly crafted brows, they were thick and simply original. His lashes were long. His nose was molded in perfection. Wow... he was a prize to die for.

'Oh, let's not forget those favorable and kissable thin lips!'

Ji Haishan noticed her staring at him but strangely, he didn't feel repulsed at all. It was because he couldn't sense her intention. She was staring but she didn't look interested. She was simply... evaluating him from head to toe. Platonic.

When the dance was almost close to its end, Ji Haishan didn't waste time as he pulled his hand away from her. He didn't even finish the last part of the dance. At least- that was what he was planning to do. Because he never completed a dance with any woman before.

But boy... Bai Yulin anticipated that from him. She knew how arrogant and wealthy man would behave. Especially someone as cold and distant as this man in front of her. She had been in the industry for some time and her professionalism taught her to always be observant to other people's behavior.

So, in order not to bring embarrassment to herself and her career, Bai Yulin reacted quickly. She grasped his arm and swung her body to his side, spiraling as if they were going for a spin. Ji Haishan instinctively circled his hands around her waist, his eyes widened.

And then loud claps resounded throughout the hall. The music stopped. Bai Yulin's waist was firmly wrapped in a strong yet firm arm of Ji Haishan. Her body bent slightly backwards as her long free hair only inches above the ground.

Ji Haishan's cold aura emanated slowly and gradually. He yanked her back towards him. Their body crashed together. Their face closer to the other.

"You're bold, woman." he said. His voice was deep like a never-ending ocean. Bai Yulin's heart thumped loudly but her face looked calm.

'Looks like I didn't offend him that much?' she said inwardly. Being extra optimistic like she was.