
Ji Haishan proceeded with his documents as he put his glasses back on. He also occasionally sipped on the hot chocolate and he liked it.

He immediately went into 'work mode' and Bai Yulin sitting on the couch was gradually forgotten. Ji Haishan was always so focused whenever he was working.

Bai Yulin saw the way Ji Haishan work and she was mesmerized. Truly, a man was who seriously working was the most attractive. It wasn't just a hearsay, it was real.

She was also surprised that he was wearing glasses. As far as she knew, her body had perfect eyesight. She wasn't short-sighted.

"Young master Ji." she called.

"Don't call me that." he suddenly said. His eyes were still on the paper.

Bai Yulin raised her brows "Why?"

"Didn't you call me with my name in the hospital once? Why change it now?" he said.

"Ah- that.. well, because I'm not used to it.. you know- you're in my body so it sort of- accidentally- well.." Bai Yulin was stuttering.

She couldn't possibly say the real reason she called him young master Ji was because she was so caught up with his mannerisms and persona when he read through the documents. He looked exactly like a wealthy young master and a company CEO that she blurted it out unconsciously.

"Ji Haishan. Call me Ji Haishan." he raised his head and their eyes met.

Bai Yulin could feel her heart skip a beat and she blamed it on Ji Haishan's strange body constitution.

"But just when there are only two of us. In front of others, we need to change roles." he reminded her of their earlier discussion in the living room and Bai Yulin nodded as if she understood.

"Okay. Ji Haishan." she tried saying his name and Ji Haishan's hand which was holding the pen twitched slightly.

It really was a strange feeling.. there was no one who called his full name like that because everyone referred to him as young master Ji.

He also didn't have someone close to him other than his two cousins. The two of them were basically his only friends in this world. And both of them called him Gege.

His grandfather.. well, that old man called him with his name but it was different because he definitely wasn't a friend.

So, when Bai Yulin pronounced his name, he felt slightly happy and a little fulfilled.

Ji Haishan continued with his work again and Bai Yulin was left doing things on her own. She wandered around the study and took out some books. She realized every book in here was all comprised of economics books and business study books. Nothing surprising for a man like Ji Haishan.

Then, she saw a complete row of pretty colorful books at the bottom of the shelf. She wondered why these books were lined up there. They looked as if they were placed in the wrong place.

Bai Yulin slowly crouched down after she turned around and saw that Ji Haishan was too focused to even mind her.

She pulled one book out and flipped it. There was dust flying here and there, indicating that these books were the only ones untouched while others on different rows were often used regularly.

Once the dust cleared up, Bai Yulin's eyes went wide in surprise. This was a recipe book!

She instantly looked for the same ones and sure enough- every single one in this bottom row was a recipe book.

Some of them were thick about one to two inches while most of them were just comprised of two dozens of pages.

Bai Yulin also noticed how these books were limited edition. It was clearly written down on the cover page. Only less than ten was produced by a publication company.

These books she found had a different cover page each and most of them was in Chinese, Western, and Korean cuisine. Bai Yulin later found one book that had a simple flan on its cover page and she traced it slowly and read through it.

At the bottom corner of the book was the author's name; Lu Muxing.

She later noticed more than half of these recipe books were written by this same person. It made her wonder who this Lu Muxing was.

"What are you doing?" Bai Yulin was surprised when she heard Ji Haishan behind her. His tone was somewhat hard and unhappy.

Oh no.. did she touch things that weren't meant to be touched?

Bai Yulin slowly turned around and apologized "I'm sorry, Ji Haishan.. I didn't mean to touch-"

"It's fine." he cut her off with a depressed sigh.

"Get up." he told her and she stood up immediately.

Bai Yulin was crouching for so long that she lost her balance when she was standing up. She was about to fall when Ji Haishan shouted "Watch out!"


The two of them fell on the floor together. Bai Yulin groaned as she felt her sore back making contact with the cold floor. When she finally opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Ji Haishan on top of her (In this case, it looked like 'Bai Yulin' who was on top of 'Ji Haishan').

"Ow.. you dimwit, can't you be careful!" Ji Haishan rubbed his head and he also gradually blinked his eyes.

The first thing he saw was their close proximity. The second was how he was straddling Bai Yulin, and the third was his own red blushing face under him.

Ji Haishan also couldn't help but blush too..

Their faces were literally just centimeters apart. And Ji Haishan could literally feel that he was sitting exactly on his own crotch.

The silence reigned for quite some time- both of them didn't know how to react. And as if on countdown, their switch was turned on after exactly ten seconds.



The two of them screamed simultaneously.

"Get off me!" Bai Yulin used her strong and fit body to push Ji Haishan away from her.

"YOU get away from me!" Ji Haishan slapped Bai Yulin's hard rock hand that was hurting him as he scurried far.

"Huff- huff-" the two of them were breathing hard. They didn't want to look at each other's faces.

'Bai Yulin get a grip!!!' Bai Yulin mentally scolded herself as her heart beat faster and faster. Her face red like tomato.

Ji Haishan on the other hand, wasn't any better. He kept chanting the number of Pi in one breath "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971 6939..."

Author: these two are stupid virgins.. that's why this happened. Sigh..