
When Hughes Wang's figure was no longer seen. Bai Yulin crossed her arms and said childishly "What a pipsqueak. Not my taste at all."

Ji Haishan raised one eyebrow and snorted "Heh, he was totally smitten by YOUR beauty, though. But it was ME who suffered his harassment."

Bai Yulin turned to Ji Haishan and gaped. Why was he blaming her??

"Hey! I'm the woman here. Being beautiful doesn't mean I like such treatments from men!" Bai Yulin stomped on her feet and to outsider, it was a grown-up Ji Haishan making a fuss.

Ji Haishan rolled his eyes and said nothing. Even if he didn't show it, he was actually quite bothered by how beautiful Bai Yulin actually was.

She was simply too gorgeous even without makeup. Whatever clothes she wore would become the next topic of sensation in fashion magazine. Her own personal style was regarded as the most elegant, charismatic, and lovely in the eyes of many fashion designers.

She was basically the nation's most extraordinary woman. She was always in the top three ranking of most beautiful woman in both local and international magazines.

Truly, beauty and perfection were two of the fleeting pleasures human would seek in life. And Bai Yulin simply had them by nature.

Ji Haishan recalled back how he first saw her in that fashion show event. Amidst all of the insignificant pebbles flocking over him, he noticed one sparkling emerald stone with shiny glitter.

Once she took her steps into the main hall, eyes and attention were instantly directed on her. She simply stood there doing nothing but her own being was like a magnet- pulling on other's affection and attraction.

At first, Ji Haishan thought she was simply acting like a typical bitch. Happy with all the attention she received. But he found out he was so wrong when he decided to dance with her.

Bai Yulin was that entity that would never glance your way even if you worship her. This arrogance didn't come from her pride or anything. It came from simply being humble because she knew she didn't deserve such grandeur.

She was that kind of person.

Oblivious to her own charms and power she had over others.

"Come on, let's finish our task." Ji Haishan sighed as he shook his head lightly.

He mentally swore to himself that he would protect Bai Yulin's body that he was now wearing. He realized how destructive she was to others- especially men. So he wanted to make sure he could behave well in her place and avoid future trouble.

Bai Yulin faced Ji Haishan and nodded in grumpiness.

Then she walked towards the treadmill and said "I want to try too."

"Go on." he said as he went around and helped Bai Yulin press on the setting.

Gradually, the treadmill began moving and Bai Yulin turned excited. She looked at Ji Haishan in front of her and smiled.

"Woah! This is great!" she exclaimed. Ji Haishan didn't know what to do when her smile was directed at him.

He saw his own happy face and he realized it was so long ago that he had smiled like that. Perhaps a decade ago when he was 16.

Ji Haishan didn't ponder too long on his own thoughts since he knew it would surely lead him to that piece of terrible memory. So, he decided to also get on another treadmill beside the one Bai Yulin was now using.

When the machine started, he began to jog. But like what happened earlier, he began to slow down after just a few minutes.

He was once again- out of breath.

"Bai.. Bai- Bai Yulin!" he called out to her, seemingly lost his vitality.

Bai Yulin who was running beside him, turned to face him. She saw how Ji Haishan was breathless and she stopped right away.

"What's wrong?" she asked him, worried.

"You- your body.. is.. very weak! Haaaah!" he struggled to form a complete sentence, breathing hard.

"Haah- why.. are you.. so weak?!"

At this moment, Ji Haishan thought he was really doomed. He couldn't survive for mere minutes so he definitely wouldn't for two hours!

Ji Haishan realized how lucky he was to be born as a man. A fit, healthy, and active man. But now those privileges were snatched away from him.

He was nothing but a powerless woman! And no matter how beautiful this body was- he still couldn't use beauty for technical purpose! So useless!

Bai Yulin felt sorry for Ji Haishan because she indeed wasn't that active. She rarely exercise because she didn't like it. She also loved eating junk food and instant noodles. Basically, her entire lifestyle wasn't healthy.

Ji Haishan felt totally exhausted but Bai Yulin was perfectly fine. He didn't know how she lived her life for 23 years! Not healthy at all! She should be like him if she wanted to live past 80!

"If it's like this, Bai Yulin.. you won't live long.. I swear." he huffed another tired breath out of his lung.

"What?! Don't curse me like that!" Bai Yulin frowned.

Ji Haishan recalled the doll's words that this task should be for Bai Yulin so that she wouldn't get sick again.

But it seemed that he was scammed.

This task was not for Bai Yulin but for him who was in HER body! The purpose of this task was so that he could train Bai Yulin's body to be strong!

"Damn it.. why must it be me.." he was too baffled he almost cried.

Seriously, the only one who got the advantage from this body swap was Bai Yulin! He got nothing but just a momentary beauty that would pass when old!

"Then.. what should we do?" Bai Yulin inquired, looking lost. She knew it was her fault for not having a good lifestyle.

All she knew was how to walk down the red carpet and runway.

"Start from the bottom.." Ji Haishan answered. He couldn't possibly force himself if it was like this. So he better started with light exercise.

And thus, Ji Haishan decided to make a specialized fitness plan for himself..