
"Um.. I'm sorry, Ji Haishan." Bai Yulin decided to speak first.

Ji Haishan arched his brow as he took a seat on the chair beside the bed. He made a gesture for her to continue.

"You see.. there's a national registration document that your uncle forced me to sign. And I couldn't stop him. So.."

Ji Haishan looked a little baffled at first and Bai Yulin thought he was angry because she had easily signed the document. But contrary to what she expected, Ji Haishan wasn't even angry.

"A national registration document?" he sounded like he couldn't believe it.

".. yeah."

Ji Haishan then slowly nodded as if he finally realized something and then said "He's totally nuts."

"Who?" Bai Yulin who heard him became confused.

"That man who forced you. He's Ji Ye Qiu, my uncle." Ji Haishan explained.

Then he continued "He thought by changing my name, all of my rights on Ji family properties would lose its effect."

"Yeah! But I did sign-"

Ji Haishan shook his head lightly with a small smile and told Bai Yulin not to worry.

"Do you think such document could be justifiable? First, you were forced to sign, it wasn't up to your choice. And second, you don't know how my signature looks like. You're not me, remember?"

Bai Yulin circled her eyes like a big ball. She didn't think of that! How could she be so stupid??

Bai Yulin just signed on that paper using her own real name!

"Oh no, I signed using my real name! What if others become suspicious?" Bai Yulin faced Ji Haishan, looking anxious.

"Don't worry about that, it's just a small matter. And the fact that Ji Ye Qiu didn't once check on it just tells me how much of an idiot he is." Ji Haishan scoffed as he thought of his uncle.

"He isn't even my blood related uncle. How dare he kidnap me in broad daylight like that.." his eyes were seething in silent anger.

Ji Haishan crossed his arms as if he was pissed. Bai Yulin was suddenly inclined to ask a question.

"Um.. Ji Haishan." she called.

"Yeah?" his eyes turned soft immediately. Even his tone changed back to normal.

"You and your uncle.. aren't in good terms?"

'You and.. your grandfather too..?' she couldn't ask this one out loud.

Ji Haishan pursed his lips and was about to answer but Bai Yulin quickly apologized. She told him it was fine if he didn't tell her. She thought he might be uncomfortable to tell her his family history. She regretted ever asking him.

But Ji Haishan didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He stood up and sat down on the bed beside Bai Yulin again. This time, he was facing her directly.

"It's fine. I can tell you but.. will you wait until we can go home?" his voice was as soft as a feather. As angelic as the real Bai Yulin would sound. She found herself getting lost in his melodic voice.

"Okay.." she nodded obediently.


After Bai Yulin finished a full check-up. There was nothing major in her condition. Just a few scratches on her skin here and there because of her fall from the chair and also due to getting kicked by Ji Ye Qiu.

Her injury was mostly external and there was nothing concerning. Only her head was bandaged. So, the doctor allowed her to go home if there was a supervision from family doctor.

Ji Haishan immediately made a call to the same female physician from before. She answered his call and told him she would come to Secret Sanctuary tomorrow morning for a regular check-up.

It wasn't even one full day, and Bai Yulin was ready to go back home. She didn't want to stay in the hospital longer because she was afraid of burdening Ji Haishan.

Ji Haishan didn't know she was thinking like that but he was actually very worried of her condition. When they were about to walk out of the room, Ji Haishan held Bai Yulin's hand and she stopped.

Turning behind her, she asked "What's wrong?"

Ji Haishan gulped inwardly as he began "Bai Yulin.. I'm very sorry."

"It was my fault that you had to be in my shoes and experience things like that.. please forgive me." he said with sincerity in his tone.

Bai Yulin was surprised and her heartbeat quickened at a pace she wasn't accustomed with.

She had never seen Ji Haishan's face looking like this. Like he was very remorseful and that he was so guilty.

Bai Yulin smiled softly as she said "It's okay. I did great, didn't I?"


"I was able to do my role well. I didn't make mistakes and I'm happy."

But Ji Haishan wasn't happy.

He hated it when Bai Yulin thought of this as just her playing a role and that she needed to not think about her safety.

And before he could rebuke her words, she added "And even if it happens again, I won't be happy to let you be the one to experience such things."

"I.. hate it when I think of you getting hurt.." this last sentence came out as a whisper but Ji Haishan was able to hear it.

His heart was pounding erratically and he didn't get to even give a proper response when Bai Yulin ran out of the room like a flash of lightning. She obviously couldn't face him after saying such embarrassing thing!

Ji Haishan stood there with a stupefied face. His two hands hanging loosely by his side. Then, slowly, he took one hand and covered his own mouth. Like he was shocked but secretly wanted to conceal his smile.

At this moment, Ji Haishan was sure that his and Bai Yulin's relationship wasn't platonic.

He had a chance to appear inside her heart.

Having reassured himself, Ji Haishan ran after Bai Yulin outside. With a bright smile over his face, he went and catched up with her.

"You're late." Bai Yulin commented.

"What? You're the one who left me behind." Ji Haishan chuckled. His mood brightening.

Ji Haishan made an excuse that Bai Yulin was injured so he should help her walk. Thus, he took Bai Yulin's arm in his and they walked side by side together. There was a Maybach waiting for them by the entrance and they were seen getting into the car.

Some people who were around the area stared and had their jaws opened widely when they saw the two of them. The couple definitely caught extra attention when they were together.